Juniata sentinel. (Mifflintown, Pa.) 1846-1873, October 24, 1866, Image 1

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    flljfuf IJ :': ' jitf t'ff"
Tue J "BT- pn-Jiishcd every
TreJiitS'Lij' uiuruing, on Main utrcci, by
H. H. wiisori.
The SEKfTiill'TloN PRICK of the piper
will be TWO IMLLA'tS per year in advance,
and t.50 if not paid wiihiu the first three
. Xo piper discontinued until all sr
rearirtM. arc paid except at the option of the
E.lit or.
An. urt Tiixr..The rAtes cf ADVERTIS
ING arc lor one . rpure, of Ft"".! . iiiiCs .r Ice1-,
one insertion. 73 cents lliree, id 5o : ml So els
or each ptiosoqti'jnt inserti n. Aduiiuist ra
or's. r.x.-emor 8 nr.'l Auditor's Xotices, i-J.oo.
pr-f... s!ou.l and Ruine. s Curds, not excecd
i: 'J) lines, and including copy of paner.
ts.oo per year. Merchants advertising
.changeable quarterly I J-13 per year, includ
in i paper ut their Stores. Xotices in reading
colt, ten coi:t3 p"r line.
.Ion Woks. The j riet-s of JdlS WORK,
fur tuirtr l;il!f, oi:e-ci;ht fhcet, J?.-.' 3 : one-i'-nnli,
sj,n ; one-hall. St'.o. ; and blitiou
al numbers, halfpriei auJ for Elan s, SJ,oo
per iu ire.
DK. t. C. Kl A Oi .. oi P.ersi.j,
Pa., wishes to inform i:is friends and pa
tron, thai he has removed lo the lioiue en
r.rid; Street opposite Todd Jordan
Jitl.'Eti'own, .Tun'it.i C 't'.iity. Yn., O'llc
on .i:iiu street Souib of l!rid2 cir et.
AN tl
V atirni to nil V.ii-ine cn!"istr I (o ht
caie. on 1 lia Stieet, MiSiutown,
k. c. TLAyAirr,
0:1W bis irotVs-b nr.! s.mvi.ts to the pub-1
C lieei' tts,-,; ,11 other bu:,e.S w-,!li
receive pi ens; t attention. Oil. -? first d
Ivv.-th of f.',f..rd' Store, (upstairs.)
Mli i i.iM'-dV.V, JL'.VIATA COfXTV, I'A.
V ,.:t!,.
r'KlillS his pi u!Vsioii:il sevviees to lite
Pl"ti:; t ilt'i'til! .tl ll'.vo. U t:
prii-eu: ! n uf etatio ii:'.:ii-t t :i e liov tnuetit.
v .ileein.T.b nn 1 ail ot'n-.-i bu--itie-s fiitm-ted
I.:- cire- DiMo in the Vl l Eeliows' llatl.
liridjn- Street
Sept. 2o, 1 1 1 i j.
:endue ciue r
The und.'rsitte 1 offers his ferriee lo the
public i'S Vei; lue t'n.tr au'.l Atietit'iieer. lie
has had a very large experience, and feel
coiilideui that hec'ingivc sutisfiieti' ii to ali
vho may employ hi:n. lie mr.y be addrese'
at Mtiliiutuwn, or found at his home in Fer
managh town-hip. Orders may also be left
at Mr. Will's ilotel.
Jau. 23, lfctil. WILLIAM CiVEX.
jj LSi'ECTKL LL otiershss Ferviees to the
W j.ubiic of Juniata county. Having h id a
1-irf.e experience in the business of Vendue
t.ryii.g, he feels eonli'ieii: that he can render
general satistaction. lie can at ail times be
consulted at h. residence iu Miiliiuto au,
.tlih'. Ui, 103.
frnn undersigned will promptly attend to
A- the collection of claims against either tin''
State or Xaiiuiial (Jovercment, l'eiisions, liiek
1'ay, Eounty, Extra I'ay, and al! other claims
arising uut ot the present or any other war,
'. : t orney-at-La w.
Ii:5intoT-n, Juniata Co., l'a. febl
lVnsi-ans ! iYnsions !
LL ri'.l'.Su.vs V.IIO HAVE EEEX IIS-
iV Ai.i.E iicitixii rtiii rutsL.vr wak
AP.E E.N TITLE '1.0 A PEXSioX. All piT-
eous who intend aj J lyittj ljr a l'ensioti must 1 M.. cjunectin? with similar Tiains on the
cail on the Ex itniutnj; Surgeon to kuow w.tii- i'l'tUffU-auia UnilruaJ; Sleeping Cars aecom
er -heir Ji-.alil.iy is sutlic.eiit lo entitle them j panying ibe 3,00 aud 'j,.) V il trains without
to a Ecn.ieu. AUd cabled Soldiers will call ehaue.
on the undersigned who has been appointed j Leave lltrrithtirg for Wrn.linq, Polttville
Pension bsaiuiutng ursc for Juutata and j
a lioiu.ng Counties. j
V. C. r.EXMO, M. !.,
1 attersou, 1 .
Pee. 0, lS.-tf.
I 1 t'J, 1 1
n D . f . .ft. .. I-.- I
eeoiO having lus'.tted in PtterH.u tei.d
erii bis rot'essioiial .ervices lo the ttiliieus ol
this place and surrouu ling rouuiry.
Iir. K. having had eitht yeirs eipcrienev
tn bospil 1, geueral. aui anny praeuctr. tcels
irrnaiel to request a trial froia tho'C who
mav tie so unt'irtucate as ta need tnedicuil at -Irioiauce.
lie wil. be found a! the brick bnildinf cp-po-tie
the "SkMiMtL (Irricc," or at nis rtsi
uetics in the barou jh of 1'attenum, at all
h .iirs, m rit when professionally cuggd.
Ju'y 'Jl. lflWi.-lf.
1". I).
T O 11 A C C O W A II E II O U S E,
Sept. 12, .Kt-1y.
VLAlKiE slock of (.ueeuawart;, Cedarware
sueh as Tubs, liuitcr liowls, Iluokeia
1 burns, I'.asket s. Horse PoicVet. Jtc-, at
JtEl'i'.'EF, EKOW 4. rAUKEK'S.
after Sunday, May ."!, 18'jC., Pa... n?.r
Trains will leave Miliiin Station as follows:
Loral ..cee!r.:.o(.nt'a... G 5.. P. 31
rki.aMfr.a Express.
l ast Lice
Cincinnati Express
J ity Express
Way Pas.cnger
ii'. ii r. m
0.18, P. M.
.11,31, a.;i.
10.V7, A. M.
New York Express fv.Vl A. M
Pay Express I5,ys. P. M.
P.dtimore Impress S,5:,' A. M.
Philadelphia Express... f.,C!, A. M.
'at Edoc 5,-30, P. M.
Mail Train -1,;.., P. M.
Emigrant Train ,47, A. M.
Ci.H-iucntti I.'sr.rc, kavca East. Tat J.
djtij) at 0,-13 p. j;.
JIlfFLIX, fEfiRmiLLS A.D C0.C'J!iD.
Leaves rerryvi;!e MoU(J.iy, Wednesday an I
al " u 'oi--u, . in., at.d arrives at Con
curd at 4 o clock, p. a.
Leaves L'oc.oid 'Juesdav, Thursday ond
.vnnrday at 5 .clock, a. la., na l srr':ves at
re;r;, sv'ite at ;', o cloci. p. .., ta tiaio for
the iraiiM i"'":r Kst an 1 V.'est. t
wjt! lcaTe Mittttn Station as follows .
Leaves Mfilia Slaiioii on StturJuv, at a.
ni. uud returns on Alui dy: It-are Tuesday at
tia. m. and reiiirtm on U'.i. . !....
: .... ,
iMirs l.iy at lj a, m.
t-i.ies will leave MiiHin Station fir Acide-
u.,.., ,n ,j,e evviiia, an.l return in the
n.i.MiitijC in time fr the Jiast and West trains.
linire .e and jiackaues of nil kinds are tak
en in ch..i-:-e and promptly delivered at mod
erate cWgv. The wage on the above rau
!s are in GOOD OliDKK nnd under the
ch.irce of competent and experienced drivers.
The proprietor hopes, by strict and person
al att.-i'tion to business to merit a f.iir share
of public pit runs pi.
Jan. 10, oil. -if.
PI, J I.,,1! !i!t mi. .1 T7i.! Pr.-A
ILi",!lUi'il-a I'J iiC It.lil .UCI-.l!.
' i ' i!lS Great Line traverses the Northern and
-- -uOhe-t rent. ties of I'euiisy lvatiia tv
the city of Erie, on Lake Erie.
It h is bean leased and is operated by the
l'L.N.NSVi.VA.MA It At I. ItoAU ClMi.lsy.
TIME Of I'AssltSliLR Tlt.,t.S AT UARBISBma.
Krie Mail Tr. lin ?jt A j,
Erie E.iress Train A. M.
Liiuira Express Train X.i I: M.
!:. !e Mail Traia . .
Krie Exj.ress 'Jr.iir. 4 r. m.
l in.iia 1.x; less Train i. " i-. ,1.
I'.i-seii.'er cars ru i through on tue Krie
Mail and Express Trains without change, both
wajs be'a'cru Philadelphia, and Lrie.
Leave New 1 ork at a. j:.. arrive at Erie
at i : a. x.
Leave Erie nt 4,45 I'. M., arrive at New York
4,1S I". 31.
Elegant s'.eepin c irs on all nielit trains.
For iiitoi ::. i-' i,ju respecting pas-.euer bu.-i-nes
apply at the comer of tJ'Jtli aud .Market
streets. 1'iiilad-dphia.
And for lietjiit buriucss cf the Company's
ai:et,ts :
S. P.. Kinj-ston. Jr., corner of lilh and
Market Kireeis. Philadelphia.
J. W. Iteynolds, line..
Wm. ili'uwn. Agent, N. C. R. R., P.altimorc.
ii. II. IIOLSro.N,
tlenerul Freight Agent, Philadelphia.
Jl. W. h'H IXXtR,
General Ticket Agent, Phiiadelphi.i.
A. L. TV LLP.,
General Superintendent, W illiauisport.
Feb II, UC-if.
June litli, ISCG.
GnniT Ti:rK e.i.c rnon
I e Horth and Xonh-Vrest for Ihilml.-l-p.'iia.
etc Vork, Heading, ''utttriitt, Tumtqun,
Aililaifi, Lthanon, Alt-noun, lSantan, ,c, yc
J'r litis leave liarrubarj fur Xcw l urk, as
follows; At 3.D0, f,10 and H,'!3 M., and
',10 aud vl,l.: I, .ii., arriving at Xtw For at
", 10 and J,U0 A. M., and 3,-W and 10.:!,". V
1 ,.,., ja.i, Mn,--r..-J; .!,. ., ?, , , f,v,r Al.
.r m,-l Vhrla i.iiihtj, at 8,lo A. .M. and
il., and .,10 P .M. s...ppinc at ,...., and '
an .1 ,7 m.w-m ; the .,! p M Traia makinz
' no cni;e connections f ir I'nilsriiW nor Pnl.irf,.-
l-Ait. t or 1 ..ii (:l. .v-AmvU.-U y.ie.n and Aul.
1., .nt .in v iii,!;(!l .,-.. ....,.. .,... n...i,...
leave Jitt r m jurtj at 't,V( r m.
' ' -
Returuin,; t Leave AV- i'-r at 710 V
1,U I trm illl i H.tNt P
I, lv.i L.im at h.t.j
A M. ami ;:,.. 1 M: i ,-. at h.t;.) jj
M. a.id ;;,
-'.4PM; .1 .find t.,Ui and 1 1, 1.. A M, audi
I.I3PM: Tiis4t ;,lj A. ii, and l.oo 1
an ! s, V. P M.
I.e., .e -.'?'.': fir irr.r'.vrr, via Ssi i,
H" a-.d S.1-I- !!. a .':.! at 7 oo a m i
.''..' 7 .1 V I...'l:iy; Tl.i,n: Ll 4Vcs VfU.-
at ii 00 A. .M., r.turaia IV ma l'i,la,ul
f.l.,,z nt 5 D'i P. Jl.
t . (..,'. 1 y ii.Vu ; Trains leave Rr,liny ai
tl i t A M aul r, I j P M fjr Li.hnta, Liui
l.anc-tnt'r. f. '..'!'.(, .t'i. A;e.
u Sundays: Leave Ve-Fori at 8 00 !
P. M . !.:. '..'. s a.m tl 13 I. XI., IViWiV j
03 A. M., and It r U j at 1 30 V. JE, for
IJitrru'tnrj, and 10 i2 A. M., for Atv-l'arj.,
and 4, 113 p in. for Philadelphia.
C"itimu!'itf'i, .Vii Jvl, iSttiKti, School and
Hrrurthm tickt'.i to and from all points, at re
duced Rates.
Ujitynj' cheched through : 80 pounds al
lowed each I'as-tager.
ll(n-ral SaptrinteudtnX.
Eeaiuxo, Pa. ov .'7, '03-if. ,
Vi'iir loxt ns coue r
TTby don't he come? he promised me
lie surely would be here,
And Pa and Ma arc at tea
For ouce the coast is clear.
I wonder what he wants to sty ?
When last his leave he took
lie asked me twice at home to sta-
, I wonder how I lout:
Oh, why! Em almost out of breath !
Suppose he astis? what then?
I'll certainly be coarcd to death,
Em so afrai.1 of men !
1 think !'!! hMe him though, nt last
Eut first Ell answer no
E or many a girl by hurrying fast,
Ouistiips htr tardy baau:.
Oh, here ha coxes his ttcp I hear,
.And now he'il fo.u begin !
I would not for tho world appear
Iu hasln ta let L:m in '.
Wax Dfv't, Aw't (; v.n's Office, )
W AMI'.NCIllN, Si'pt. 10. j"
rules and r.Fr.-. r.ATior.'s Full the pav-
ME.vr of uo'J.nties, u.Mnut THE ACi
to i:c;iia!.i.i: i;ot'.TiKs, ai'I'Bovei
1. All ap-plifutions shall be C!?d within
the period of sim tiiouths from the 1st day
of October, lsCll, and before any pay
ments are wade thai! be t!x'sikd by re
gimeuts, ba:ta!iuas, or other wpaiate or
ganization, and no appiijatioa filed after
that period shall be .-ettied until tho for
mer shall have bc.n paid.
'2. So .ipplitati tti t-!i.Il be e:ttcrti,incii
u.iless aecoittatjii'd by the Oi iiual uis
eharu'C of the iMicr, and the alii Javit re.
iuirca cy tbe iKii see-tiou or ttie act, uoi
is be entitled to receive from the Uuitea
tt;ites, under tiny luvv or regulation:) prior
to the act of Julj' .'Sili, liuo, mot . than
5100 bounty lur any aud a!! iiiihtary er-j
vice reudcred lv Liei durinr tho late re I
Lel'ion, over and above the amount there
in claimed.
3. All applications for the additional
bounty, authorized by this act, from eur
viiiug soldiers, tdia'.i be in the firm here
iuafter prescribed, and the evidence of
identity shall be the same as is now re-
norm 1 ni, u ti. l.-...-. t .. 1........ I
1 ' , , "
. ..I i.i ..1...11 1 1 . .i. t .
'irvuLituu eoiuieia siiaii i.u iu tue lortn
now required by the Treasury Depart
ineut. 4. As soon as the ex .ruination of the
claims of any re:::ueut cr other inde
pendent orgauiiaiiou shall Lave Leeo
properly acted upon, the Paymaster Gen
eral shall take the necessary steps lor their
prompt payment.
5. A register shall be Lept iu the Pay
master General's ollice, and also in the of
fice of the Second Auditor, of all claims
presented under tho law, ia which the
claimants will be classified by regiments,
etc. If the claims be allowed, the amount
of bounty paid to each will be noted, and
if rt j.'Cted, the cause of rejection will be
distinctly staled.
C. Iu the applications for bounty 33 re
quired by tiie iid of these rules the affida
vit shall stale each and every period of
service reudered by the clainittnt, and also
that he never served otherwise than as
therein stated.
7. Organizations irregularly in the ser
vice of the United States, or called out
for special purposes, as State Militia,
jme Guards, &o , snd not included iu
, .. . . . 1 . ,
l!ie ?elltr;i1 bounty law, are not luclujcu
within the liieaiiin: of the act
b. Soldiers enlisted for ''three years or
during the war," who were discharged by
leasoti of the termination of the war,
'shall be considered as having served cat
l,i. ,.r ,!.,.;, r,i;At 1 ,,.
' ,.
entitled to bounty unuer tills at.
9 -pp.,, tl,;urify of heirM, elaimsnts for
, . . ,
bounty under this act. must be proven to
have c,i.-ted at the date of its passage.
Parents shall receive jointly the bounty
to which they may ba entitled as Loirtt,
unless the father has abandoned the aup
port of his family, in which case it shall
iQ puIJ to the mother. Non-residence in
the L'uited States shall not be a bar to
the claims cf heirs, who would otherwise
legally iuherit.
The provisions of the Act exclude from
its benefits tho following classes ;
1. These who after serving the full pe
riod of their enlistment were honorably
discharged at its expiration.
13B J.XI'O.tCE-t-t-tT 01 TUB IAWS.
f 2. Those dic-liar'cJ duiiu culiotuicDt I
.L.'7 T of favor or j utiisLuieut.
o. Tfcoc fllscliarjed on account 01 cis-
jLility coat-ae'.cd in ths service, but cot
occasioned by wounds received "ia tLe
i.oe of duty," tvlia sball not Lave prcvi
ously served two cr th-ea yjttra respect
ively at tLo time of dLseliurg?.
4. Thcto dijuhargo,:! on aecjunt of dia
biiity cxL-tiatj at the tiuis cf thcii cn-
5. Ileirt cf those who Lave died siurte
their diccharo, of tfuuuds or disease act
coutracted in the service, nud ia ihe liae
of duty.
C. Ttic surviving soldiers and Iieirs of
diseasel foidiers who, under previous !as.
hare received or are cc titled to receive a
bounty uf mere thau 5100 frjm the ULitcd
St-tci. tH
7. TLa surviving seldi'-rs, as w'l as the
beirs of diseased soldiew, when such sol
diers Iiave bartered, sold, assitraed, loaned,
transferred, exchanged or given array ;
their una! Uis;iaije papeis, or any inter
est ia th? bountv provided by this cr aiy
ttie"et oVt'uc 2St'd of July, 1?CP.,
creates no rijiht of inheritance beyjnd
those vcitel by the !aw coder which ih.-re
h:irs received, rere cn:i:!. d to receive
j ' c criric.il bounty, and debars ceit.tiu
c!jssc, brotiisvs aud tlsters cf ltclrs thai
we.e entitled I) re
e, the ori -inal
1 bounty from any ti.;i:i for tho adiitiena!
bouuly provided Ly this act.
l'.espeetfuliy rof-.rrod to tho Attorney
jcaaraJ, for his 0iu!03 on the point
whether the rules and regulations as with
in au.eudcd are in conformity with law.
Secretary of War.
September 14, IS JO.
I Lave CMatiiiued these amcndel re'U
lutioiii, atid 5:j of opioiju that thty ate
iu C'Jufora.:!y with la?r.
ilEN".;V STAXnEIiy;,
Attorocy General.
The ftirepolng rule, and r?c-ti!atiort3 are
puUii.;i..l for the nf irniutiGn aal sruid-
at.cj of ail foticcrued.
Y7 order of the rr:er. farv of Vi"
1. 1). TOU Nrii.NI',
A.-isi-tant Adjutant 'Jeittral.
Heretofore in its vii-ittttion- cron the
W!0T,!c C-f the I'ilitiid States. f.i r-loiloi-i
I .
has ra-ed the wor.t uunutr the hottest
eat Iter, and disapptaied as the fcasoo
advance,; sad !ho opinion btis become
general that with the coming of loo au
tumn winds nil danger from the disca'o is
removed. It is therefore a matter cf
w.'ndei that the disettfc has been it.vtea,
ittgiu violence since the Cist tf October
ia a number of places in which it had
rayed during the dog-days and then al
most disappeared. Its ineteuse in C! i
eag3 has been frightful, while iu Ciacin.
ttaii it Las al. o iucrea.-cd from three or
four deaths to as high as twenty-four qjj
bcio.e yestet J.iy. It. the same time it
has appeared iu various pl.uvs, particular
ly in New England, since the cool weather
set in, tiliere it has not been dunu. the
summer. These facts should net be with-1
,1, .tr 1'.. ...... 1 . 1 11I 'he United States, by tho people tlieieof. ::s a
ou. their iLhuence. and no pains should' , ,
, , , ' , ' ,, , t d.iv 01 thanl..;iviiig nnd pra.se to r.hi.i'iilv
be spa, ed to ward off the fell destroyer!, wlil remcmh'anee that !a 111,
oy proper sautuiry measures. temple doili every m-u speak of Ills honor."
Too much reliance must act be placed I .-ecotiiintn.l ul.-o, that on the same-solemn
upoa the fronts of wiutcr, but ail possible oc ctidon they ilo humbly and devoutly im-diii.-eace
should be u.-td iu keeping the : P:,'!C 10 or!"t t0 n-1,ioD''1 -"""-'i!s,
.itv"..:... It I, w..H r .!... .i.J'1 to our whole people, that D.vbe v. isjoni
J ...- -. '- nt(TTU IIIUL IIR,
worst seasons of cholera in l.assia have
been in the dti of winter, aul it is not
: i-ii. .1. ... .i - . 1
iiicicaioij inai u:c immunity we .lave
Lithei to enjoyed from it iu winter is due
to other causes than the coll. At any
rate it is the part of vision, to use all
practicable sanitary precautions against it.
15. Osgood, Esq , our City Auditor, a few
days since returned Irotu IJrandon, V er-
moat, where he examined tLj fainmn t,.u
well, so called, about which there lias been i
so much discussion among the favans. I
Tie. well Uof .hi, nrdinnrwt-n, ..i f.,.. !
four feet in depth. At the depth of thirty
J --n.v, uua iuiijc
nine lect ice is formed on tite rides cf the
well, and from that down. Tho water is
of the usual temperature of ice water,
and no matter h.0.7 the thermoinetsr stands
on the surface of the earth, even if it in
dicates one hundred in tho shade, this
never varies, and the ice is always there.
In the winter the coating is thicker. No
other well iu the vicinity has this feature,
and the cause is not easily explained.
Laxnuce American.
wm-wui 111 mnu
Of 1 at.
Theie was au old decan
ter, and its mouth was
gaping wide ; the
rosy wine had
ebbed away
and left
its crys
tal side;
and the wind
went humming,
hum ruing,
up and
down the
wind it blew
and through the
re-d like
hollow neck
tho wildest notes it
blew. I placed it iu tho
window, where the bla.t was
blowing free, and fancied that its
pule Hiouth sang the fpueerest strains
to tue. "They tell me puny conquer
ors '. the I !f.;:MO has shun Uis ten, ncil War
Lis htaiica ihousaud of the very bfei
of men; but 1" 'twas thus the boit'a
soake '-but I have conquered mora
than si! your famous conquerors, so
feaied aud famed cf yore. Then
com:., ye youths and muidocs all,
come drink from out my cup,
the beverage that dulls tho
brain, and buras the spirits
up ; that puts to shame our
conqueror, thct slay their
scores beiow ; for this has
deluged millions with tho
lava tide of woe Tho'
in the path of battle,
darke-t streams of
blood iny roiJ : yet
while I kilted the
body, 1 have damn'J
the very soul. Tho
cholera, the pU
gue, the sword,
such ruin never
wrought as I, ia
mirth or malice, on
tho iucocent have Iro't
Aud still 1 breathe upon
them, ar..l they thrii.k b'.fore
my breath and year by year my thou
?anisi tread tl.o dusty way of death."
r,ot..eii'i iu rtv
Bay ofTt-Rnkiiing Appolutetl.
AimigLly Cioi, our heavenly Father, has
!h.cu pit-used to vouchsafe to us, as a people,
another year of that ualiontil lil'e which is an
iudispct sable condition of peace, security and
progress. That year lia.-, moreover, been
crowned with many peculiar L!e. ings. The
civil oar that so reci ntly closed among us
tut ; not Itttu an) wlu ie renpeucL Emeign
i:...rveiUion has ceas.-J to ex'-ite alarm or
nppnlii r. ,i.m. intrusive pe.tii-Uee Ens U-tu
a:-. til y m"ti:r:.ie 1. IXituc.-tte tranttii!ity
litis improve.!. :ent';mcnts of conetlltttion
li '.vt? 1 irvc'.y prevailed, and the affection!, of
1.. id n.i'rioiUm have been wijelv re
ceived. Our licids have yielded quite abuu
dantlv. Otir mining industry has been rich
ly rewarded, and we have been allowed to
extend cur iiiuivud system far into the iu
teiior i.ec.-.--s if th-- ror.n'.ry ; whilo cur com
merce has resumed its customary activity in
f.irii'.-n ?:'...
Tht-se great national blessings dematid a
uatiotial aekcowicdgnicut.
X'.uv. Ihcrefurc, I, Audiew Johnson, I'rcoi
f dent of the I ntted ic'ttites, do hereby recom
mend thtit'I'hur'u.iy, tho COtU dny of Xovem
her ne-t, be set nptirt aul be observed every
nliere iu the several Statics and Tcrrit-irits o"
v.hkli alone cau lead any nation into the
ways of nil good.
It. otTcrlug thf?o national thtink-ghirj3,
prtitie ar..I stippEoati.-it-.i, we hare the Utvine
asKiirnr.cc that "the ford rcn.tur.etli a King
forever ; them tiilt nro weak shall be guided
in j nVtiieut, atid sui h ns aie gentle shall lie ,
learn His way. 1 he Ior J call t 0 to llis
people the olessiiig of peace."
1 1 witness whereof, I have hereunto set
fiy litind, attd cnttsed the seal of the Untied
Sta't-s to be ntlixed.
Done at the city of Wrisliinstoa, this, the
AiU l f Octolier. in the t.-ur of our Lord one
'hou-tund l''i.l!t hun.lred and si.ty-.-v, r.n.1 of j
tl.lu 1,1 :'V cf the United States the
"uetj -i.rsi.
EyvV'c efCn1- , , , I pensei secured an old stable to form a nur
V. II. Sewapt. Sccrctarv of Ptfi'e. t-"-' ....
!? A Canadian paper makes the fol
lowing appea' : "To those indebted to us
we make our appeal for assistance. Job'o
turkey was a millionaire compared with
our present depressed treasury. To-day,
if the price of salt was two cents a Larrul
fall, we could not buy enough to picklo a i
N'otLIjg ever can j-3ify ingratitude.
The last statement of the publia deL5
is probably the mo-t tiatifyiug of the
many that nave appeared from time to
time sines the debt assumed it3 gigantio
proportions. Iu the month of Septem
ber, tho net liqujdatlon amounted to
822,C4J,2:i, rl since August 1st, 1S35,
the sum oi t?lc':,91C,SS4, being an aver
age over thirteen millions per month
since that date. The process cf liquida
tion as thus ezcrur.'.ifit.i! is a steady and a
sure thing, and Lids fair under prudent
management, to continue ia that ratio
until the entire Luithcn of the national
indebtedness is revioved, A inaia feat
ure of the last statement ij the conver
tion of seen-t! ir.ies in'o five-twenty
bonds, a fact which goes to chow the de
tcrmluatiea of the Secretary of the Treas
ury to consolidate the debt as far as poa
sib'e into a uniform shape, aud rid the
department of the apprehended etnbar
assmeat to meet the national creditors
whnsa boiids full due ia a t-hort time.
More than eighty -six inilliom of the sev
en thirty loau (originally 580,000,000,
now reduced to ? 743.fOtj,00"j have thus
been funded. The notes proviJed for
were nearly all of the first series, matur
ing in Angast cf the coming year.
Ilettec, it seems that over a fourth of the
uotes of this series I'origtnally antounting
to 8joO,Ov.k.OO) have been prt maturely
funded, lessening, to this estent, the im
pending calls oa the department lor cash
or bonds, according to the reversed rights
of noteholders. The bulk of the series
will dout)t'e--s be as satisfactorily arrang
ed for, ahead of maturity. Half of tho
temporary loan has been cancelled during
the month. It was as much as 81",5oij,
000 on the 1st u'.t., it is now down to
?!'2..j0r!,0i.'i. These arc important guius
for the Treasury.
uiAiiGi. of a 1.1. vine.
A cerrorpon l.-nt of the t'hicago 7V...rs
relates the followirtg incident, which oc
curred at Ccntralia. Illinois;
"At 4 o'el.'ck .Li' mor-tins a yard mas
ter iu the employ of the Illinois Central
I'ai'road at this j.'aee ww a man on aa
engine that had sfcarn up standing on the
track rrady to go out. The yard master
accosted him and told bini to get off the
engine. The man replied by knocking
eiowa tne yard matter, runntcg the en
cine out on the rtiain track ttnd sterling
northward al a teriiiic rate of speed. A
I.rakemau and firen.an were lying asleep
on the engine when it started. They
awoLe to fir.d them.-t 'ves ? ing away with
all the speed of the wi.id, acid a stranger
t th engine.
-Oa cxamintiti'in tbr-y fout l hiru to ba
a ut unkeu stone i::a...n 0!' this p'aec nsm
id I'iipatiiek, who bad beca raving with
Ir-iritini tm.iats recently. The two nien
wero at first appalled wi;h terror. They
appealed to the una to slop, but he heed
ed them not. and drov; the crgtnc fa-ter
aul la.-ter. Ife s.-unded the whistle at
Central City ; the first station north, t u:
did not f r c mcnieiit decrease the !rigbt
i'ul velocity of the etginc. At the junc
iou ju t above Central Cify the whistlo
sl.riek .d agttin, end the cngice sped like
a caur.oa bail toward Saadovat. The sit.
uatioa was u rn beeeming feartuily peril
ous, vben tie Lrak'fman seized a p:ei-c tf
coal and hurled it at ths d-. sperate man
iac. He thca left the engine and turned
upon the brakemiu and Creittfn. One tf
then; firuek hitu with a sledge hatuuier,
aud after a slru'-c'e be was secured.
The engine was rpeedily reversed and
Lro'Jgbt ba.tk to this city."
A II'-M'-RED E.tiilFS l.N A STAtiLE.
An English paper niys : "An old stable
with one hundred btt'.o babies Destliug in
the hnrs-troitgh, L, something of a nov
elty but the spectacle is daily te be seen
in the locality of Union street, 3orough
road, London. Tho work has been some-
.what recently un.icrtaKcn cy too ivcv.
Isery.and fitted it up for taking care of
tho babes of woaitn obliged to go to char
or work away from home. The hay crib
remain, and serve as ciadlea."
Si"- A colored muu Las been ja.lcd at
nr.n-f.lJ for kidnaopiii" Lis wife's
criiliJ. She claimed it as the product of
a previous alliance. The magistrate tho t
the mother ou-ht to know -,i.u
wLttli, Uhd WHICH naj wuai, autt w,-.
tided tcvxdluJf.