Juniata sentinel. (Mifflintown, Pa.) 1846-1873, October 10, 1866, Image 2

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$tmia1;t Scntiuel.
W. v V " 7 ' . .
PjSJC0,VSro,O,-y v ..
v.ri' - - A- 1
vnton of htkrt, owl a ntu',,n ofluniJe,
A fc-ntott ni potcrr thali m-cr;
A vnton of hfrlstaiul a union of hanff,
Aid the American Union Joreo- r! .
j M I F F L I 5 T 0 W N-
Wednesday Morn int. Ortoiier IO, 18P1.
II. If. WILSOV, Kditnr mill Publisher
ta ihe Larynt Cirrvltitinn of any pni'r iiiiV
lisbe'l in this Count v. It is tliwifure tlit
best aditr titiig mtUm. It i ft l'ai er. truly
loyal, atily condiiote l, a fir.u cuis J.iiciiHhi.
n4 well worthy of the pairunnge of every
loyal citizen in the Couuty.
Pav F.vNt-isco. b'ei t. VP. -A letter
has been received, dated 5?ej't. 21, giv
ing an account of Coronna's rtcctit oj el
ations at Pales Pietos, near Mazatlan.
It says that 750 men, under the command
tered t lie French position from the rear,
ciptuving one piece of artillery and the
imperial magazine. The French, thus cut
olT from 'Ijziti.ui, made two desperate
charges under Captain I'clatak, aiid suc
ceeded in rescuing their cannon. The
Imperial battallion cilled ''Cassadures.''
soon after nrrived and druve off the Lib
eral forces. I'oih sides exhibited the ut
most bravery, and praise is awarded to
Captain I'clatak for his obstinate defence.
An american, named Alonzo Pauley, re
ceived a commission as Captain of the
Imperial Guard, on the fbdd tl battle.
The revolution in Lower California his
terminated peacefully, all parties having
uniied in favor of Governor Pedria, nho
ttarls from San Francisco by the next
steamer. The Uuited States . steamer
?uwance will soon sail for Mazatian to
Jook afier American interests. The
steamer Contiu-utal Lrought :JG 000 iu
treasure Irom Mazatian.
S.v.v Fkaxcisch, S-'pr. L'S. The steam
er Pel Xorte has arrived from Crescent
City with 6,000 in treasure.
A letter to the Imperial consul of Mex
loo here reports that in the State of Guer
rero things remain unchanged. Several
small engagements, wi'lu.ut decided re
sults, lave occurred in Michoacan. Iu
Colima and Jalisco all is quiet. The re
ported capture of G uada'tijara is pro
uoucced false. Corutmu's success, nesi
Mazation, is a:tributed to the treachery of
ex-Liberal officers, who commanded the
outpost at Palo Picto. When it was
known that the" Impe'ial.s would evacuate
hundreds of families 2ea rather that re
main under the Liberal rule.
. Mining shaies flat. Yellow Jacket,
?GS2. Legal tenders dull at 71.
I KO.U H.isiu.oro.v,
. It li reported that all tulisted men of
the general service, cow employed in the
War Depiti tuicot ud ita branches as
clerks, messengers, etc., are to be assigned
to regime rtts of iho regular army. They
will, however, be retained iu their posi
tions, the assignments being made for the
purpose of retaining them ia the service,
as the army bill passed at the late session
of Congress does not provide lor the
maintenance of the general .service branch
of the am y. The change in pay and al
lowacces of men thus assigned will not
le materially aii'ecte J.
- J'uring the temporary absence of .Ma-joi-Geueral
J. X. iehi field, commanding
the department of the Potomac, the com
mand has been traat-.ft md to Ilrevet Prig.
Uetii'H. . Purtnn, Culotitl 5ih L'uittd
Htatus'. Artiiiery.
The Trial of .Icit Uavis t.'onspirnef to
. Atavihaic Juiigo I nderuoo;.
Xi:V VultK, Scot. l!'l The Tribune
llifchuiond special sa;,s: It is generally ;
uudeisnod there that Jeff Davis will col
be tried cither iu October or November,
and ft is positive'y stated that his counsel
will be notified of that fact to-morrow.
The I'nitod States District Court will
probably be held in this city and at Nor
folk in NovcniLcr, and the Circuit Court
may be held bore at the tfame time, but it
is as yet uncertain whether the counsel !
lor Mr. Davis will appear there on not.
It is said that Judge Underwood Li un
decided hbont coining to this city, ts he
is (satisfied that there has been a conspi
racy to assassinate him
, AVcutlell Pl.iuips in the Ar.U-ilavery
Stoml'tr'i, urges the impcaehnicut of Mr.
'vthtiscii cu the ;":h of next Mx'rch
. 4
rSi.-' il.- ---
The Flood in the West Curious Scenes
at tioluinlMi.
The ".editor of the Columbus (Ohio) j
lonriM stood on the dome of the Capi-1
tor on Wedaesday,
, . . , I
ana .Moan, iroui nisi
ark, surveyed the devastations ct Hho
flood, "j t ' : ; ; : J ,
s- Up srresm andown stream, he aays,.
was traceable the widened current of the
swollen river, hardly detutched from lakes
of still water clustering about farm
houses, and flondin" suburbs.
Old landmarks were "one. the National
roads scciund blotted in part from the!
! : . , 1
- c
iniapot the sucut nan un tneis as revised,
railroads were less than dotted lines, and
fences designated l-v DK-re hair strokes.
The low districts to the west aud to the
s juih were estrtmcly well watered,, and
were principally inhabited by a floating
population.. Cattle aud horses, caught
napping on bih points, were navigating
the inundated country iu a very careless
manner going no way in particular.jif we
except certain spasmodic pluuges down
ward. There wpre prettyeoaes in the dim
distance of women and children being
banded from windows to boats below, of
men wading shoulder deep in the water,
earn ing llule children above their heads,
across lb J Cood, and of auxious faces
tranied in wiudows toward which the wa
ter surged rapidly. : The scene was pecu
liar aud nuvol, and the event is to be re
membered as a landmark in our history
highly painted in water" colors. .
One old lady, wheu the rush of watpr
cmiiiu, -Ujfvl t cuDbiiiur whether elie
had better ;ui!l bcr cabbages, or move
her furniture. She compiomistd the
matter by pulling the cars of htr boy.
who was Jesting, by a deliberate wade,
the depth id water iu the doi-r yard.
They were soon surrounded. The maj.jr
ity of '.he people took the matter coolly,
aud several gcutlemen made it pay to Csh
Irom the upper story windows.
The. Lewisburg Juui hhI has the follow'
On Thursday nmrniog 1-ist about fix
o'clock, Mr. Andrew Meixcll, of Sunbury,
sou of I'eter Meixcll, of this pace, wa
shot under the following circumstances :
lie lelt home before breakfast, on an er
rand, : nl while passing the ItT of a ?'lr.
Irviu, of Sunbury, noiited some apples
lying on the ground, aud jumped over the
fence with the puipoe of getting one or
two to eat ; ho had scarcejy doue so when
he was fired upou ith fatal effect, by a
son of Mr. Irvin's about eighteen years
old. The gun was loaded with small
bird shot, which took effect in the arm and
breast, ptnetrating the lungs. The unfortu
nato mau managed to get over the fence
aud walk a short distance wheu l.eyfelj
aud laid until discovereu by his friends
aud carried home, where lie died at six
o'clock iu the evening. lie was luriej
at the cemetery here on Saturday jr..-t
We forbeaa any fomment on this terrible
occurrence, as the peipetrator is now iu
jail and will answer to t?ie law for the of.
feuse. The bereaved friends have our
w rmest sympathy in this unexpected ca
lamity. Mr. Meixcll was "G jears and
six mouths old aud leaves a wife and
two children.
Extraordinary lie lies of a Prc-Adamite
The following remarkable communica
tion, from a well known gentleman of
Middlctmvn, Conn., appeared lately iu tft
Maine Fariifr : On the east bauk of the
Connecticut are the Portland stone quar-
. ries, which have been worked for a hun
dred and fifty years. At present, in the
three quarries, about one thousand men
arc at work, a?id from thirty to forty ves
sels are employed in carrying the strne to
the great markets. These excavations,
which have now reached a depth of one
hundred and five feat below the surface of
the water in the river, have revealed un
told wander's. The stone is said to be full
of fossil remains in its lowest depths. I
might call it a great charncl house ; but
this is ton gloomy a tern, to apply tor it.
It is rather God's great JJook of lJecordn,
which lias been here carefully preserved
and hermetically scaled up until within
I .1. idnrc fin I Ki lAimf I Oil .3
of ,Ilk j10uk ara ,;)Utlli tlie re(,riis
of past ages. They tell ustif the climate,
of the Mufcons nd of the storms ; of the
birds and animals ; and. more wonderf ul
still, they te.i us ot tne men or tnose
ages, show us their implements, and shad-
ow forth some', hing if lbeir customs.
They also open up their graves and s'jow
to us their modes of burial, the men lying
in ntia tiottitra iinil I hn Wiimon 1 tt rt 4 ii or
i 1 14 j 1 i 1
1 Iioua i.wvti h.,,I nil tlirnfi Trifrpru nmi fi i
thumb aud four toes.
S"General Couch has been appointed
Collector of Customs at Huston. This is
pay for the effecting scene in tho Phila
delphia Convention, in which he perform
eliho part of -uwalkiug gsutlemau." -
Aa Ai'rtucd '2hln Cutis Utmn Cod In
,y,,.;ie Jj;m Demi if JIc is Gmltu-.',.
,,,,, ,n 'a,Mr'. a- r..i..
'- J J
AVhutevor version niay be givea to a
circumstance -that occurred in this city
yesterday afternoon, the most thoughtless
must per force admit that the result js
both stracge and startling, and well cal
culated to turn the serious tuau-ta more
profound meditation, and even stay the
reck lets man in his course. A man of
' robust health and in thn nriinn ? lifu i
. , .. . , . '
accused ot a crime under circumstances
of almost positive proofs ' of guilt, aud
while he calls upon God to bear witness
to his iunocence, is struck dead almost
before the appeal has left his lips. In
credible as the circumstauco may appcarj
they are literally true. ' ' '
A little over a year ago there lived in
a small village in Siveeaen a man by the
name of iloseucrist, whose ostensible pur
suit was that of a tailor, but rumor had
it that his principal revenue was derived
from preaching aud stealing, and at last
this impression was so stroualy confirmed
that he suddenly left (hat village to evade
the arm of justice. lie ca:nc to this
countiy about eight months ago. and took
up bis residence iu Chicago, where he
aiMiu worked, r.t his trade. Navinsr
family, he fut::id it liiiEcjit to support
them iu the city, and cons iitif;i!ly sent
them to a farm ahout fauru-eii iuiles from
Chicago. Ha thereupon lok lidgings r.t
a boa i ding-house No. 1 14. Hurnside street,
and for a long time uo suspicions were J
eutertdiie J as to his character. Recently
several valuable nrti'des bnloii:ing to
boarders at the hoitsE were fntind missin,
but no clue as t.) the perpiitrutor could be
detected. Yesterday afternoon another
ihelt: was discovered, aud the proof's of
guilt p iiuled directly to lioseHerist, no
one else having been ucar the abutment
since the time the ariiclcs stolen were last
seeu. On being aceuced, ho stoutly dc
nicd the theft, but, finding tm eredencc
was given to the denial, he suddenly grew
more passionate, and, and liking up his
hand towards heaven, exclaimed that he
hoped his ''tongue would rot in his mouth,
hi) head drop f.om his shoulder", aud
God strike him dead on the spot," if he
was guilty. No sooner had these words
escaped his lips, when he suddenly began
to reel and stagger, and, before support
could be given, hs fell to the floor dead.
The excitement this ereaied among the
hyst!! lers eau better be imagined than
described. Strong men stood paralyzed,
women fainted, and noue were able to
speak for ei.rue minutes. The occurrence
was so horiible, this apparent retribution
si terrible, that men doubted their senses
iJut the dead man remained prostrate oo
the floor a ghastly pro:d of the reality.
The rumor of this strange and stattling
fatality soon spread through the nvigh
beihmJ, aud iu a few miuute3 the house
was filled with horror s'triekou r'ple.
none of whom dou'jtcd thut the baud of
(iod was thus made visible. A physician
was called, who pronounced the cause of
death to be disease of tiie heart, produ
ced by over cxcilement. . The body has
been convoyed to the dead house, where
ao inquest wili be held to-day. Vhicayo
Ox Saturday evening, says the Ro
chestrr Union, a box containing a human
body came to this city by the United
States Express. It arrived fate iu the
evening, and bote an address it being
the name of a lady in this city, but did
uot bear the n.ima of the deceased. The
express agent and did not desire to retain
the body over Sunday, particularly as it
bore evidence of decomposition' and he
therefore sought for the party to whom it
was addressed, and iuquiieo; aiuoug the
undertakers, but could get no informa
tion. The body was placed in the dead
house, and ou Sunday the lady was fuund
She knew nothing 0t a death among her
friends, not having beeu apprised by let
ter or otherwise of such uu occurrence.
She went to the dead house, the box was
opened in her presence, when lo ! a coffin
was revealed, which contained the body
of her mother !
AMetroric Suowkr Kxpkcted.
Many ot our readers well remember the
great meteoric shower of November, IS'J.'j,
which was visible throughout North
America. These meteoric showers are
j said by astronomers to be periodical, re-
j ttjrne at intervals of about S3 years.
j iroe!(g0r Newton, of Y'ale (College, who
has devoted much time to the investi"a-
! tiou ol the subject, states that a similar
'phenomenon will probably occur about
m a. ' i m k .
' 1
i ..I
that it wiil tbeu appear, tbid citciisive
t - j
, ... , , .
preparations are being made by scientific (
wen iu Europe to observe it. Put tbir-
teen appeaiauce-s 01 uieieuric tuowcts arc
recorded since the year 0J3.
fciTPoa't forget the Circus to day.
Eiccniiou of Allen TV Won.
: IWrUn I he. following fl oUl Jhe Ciucia
. . CT . j
I tOUOWtOg rrUJluviu.i-
iitl'ia TC 'ili to th-cxectt-
i '. m..r Irred
P. ttatsoc, who. murdered
n P. Wenter in Newport,
ri .rn-inn took olaee on
nati vonwierctai id regacu iu !-..
tiou of Allen
Captain Almon
Kentucky. ; -The execution took place on
Friday tho ' 29th ultimo near Xcwj t-rt,
and it is said some 15,000 persons wit
nessed it : . .
TIic.. doomed man's arms bad been
bound together, and the rope had been
around hi3" tieck dor &6m4 time, j'llis
less were now bound, toie;ber he-was
placed in- a standing position ou the trap,;
still supported on either' side by strong
hands, a white hood wan drawn over Jii
head and faco. He muttered words of
prayer and supplication to God. lie said
"God bless you" to those arouud him.
The rope was fixed to' the hook above,
the lever was pulled out, and a scene of
horror ensued. The trap was sprung
readily : the body fell through with great
force; the knot slipped, and, with a fall
of eight feet, the wretched man's bedy
struck the ground, his head bumping
against the wood work on the ground
all with a ehud that could be heard a
hundred feet off. A thrill of horror
electrified the fifteen thou?and sight seers.
A dull murmur of fright and disgnst
wctit through the length and breadth of
the vast crowd, and they moved forward
slightly,-wiih a motion like that of nn im
mense wave, to sec i what was to follow.
It was at five minutes after two) that the
horrible, event occurred. ' The' -officer.
quickly raised the man, 1V stunned, and
bleeding from hi3 terribly UceiateJ neck
as ha was, carried him nn the steps to the
death hole, again, and gave him some
Without a word of complaint or an
expression of nain; with Ihn old bifk of
meekness and resignation lighting np his
feature, and saying simply, " (JfnlUmm
thu'tkt that occur ajin," he submitted
acain to the preparation for his execution.
Weaker than ever, he was placed on tJie
trap again ; agaiu he was supported on
either side' again tho knot (a secure one
this time,) was put in place; again the
rope was fastened to the hook, and again
the lever was pnlleJ. Tho body fell with
a shock that made the rope and frame
work creak, a distance of six feet, and
was as peneilg as a pendulum. This was
at precisely ten minutes past two o'clock.
The muscular struggles were very slight,
and lasted only throe ruinutcs. The body
was allowed to hang folly half an hour
before it was cut down for burial.
Locusts are stripping the tfecs of their
foilaiie in lllchmohd.
A Montreal publisher has skedaddle 1
It ll 825,000 belonjrin'r to bis neighbors.
, ... , ,
A party of sportsmen killed Cfleca
hundred sora in the swamps neir Peters
burg a few days since.
The total vote for Gen. Eousscau for
Congress in Louisville, was only 0112.
Ther: was no opposition.
The Workingman's Free Library and
Heading Itoom, at Troy, X. Y., is pros
poring, and will bo enlarged.
Tho Sionx and Chcjenncs have attack
ed a wagon train near Fort lteno, on the
plains, and killed ') men.
The Pourbons residing in Venice ape
preparing to depart. , They don't wish to
live under Victor Eu.manuel. '
About midnight on Thursday, consid
erable snow fell at Louisville, aud the
weather was very cold aud wet.
lion. A. J. llogers has been renomi
nated for Congress by the Democrats of
the Fourth District of Now Jersey.
Mr. Daniel Drew ha given ground and
buildings in New York for a inethodist
College a gift valued at 230,000.
Most of the grain in the ruins of Stur
gis elevator at liulf ilo, destroyed by fire
some weeks ago, is sti'l burning.
A man, who claimed to be a Prussian
officer of high rank, committed suicide at
the New York Hotel, iu St. Louis, on the
21st u!f. '
The States which hold their elections
on November sixth aro Illinois, New
I York, Maryland, Michigan, Wisconsin,
Massachusetts, Missouri, Minnesota, Kan
sas, Delaware, Nevada and New Jersey.
A Cauadiua requests ".the gentleman
t - i - i iT rt i . .
who stolo my melons on last Sabbath
night to be generous enough to return
i. e ., i .. ,
me a iew 01 tne seeus, as me melons are
a rare variety."
. .
. lho late lom Sayer S monument W
completed. The champiou's dog krepre -
, ' ,- . .0.1.
seuiod guarding the entrance to the tomb,
(1IU UUUU WU UiUtWIil'JU ill fcll-w Ut'lCdlCU.
- - - ----- j , - rf
sive and wcitis some eicnt ions, u uxe
cu;eJ ju iciliaii marble. ; :
. ..n-, . r!
jfil 1 llu Jiuu.su ui ii.u.-iceiiiaitveci ui
tho Oregon ' Legislature has passed the
(institiitiunal Atncudmeut ilatin'' tu re -
I coustrfuciic ti.
; F W'Y FPUS.' , I' .N'tiN KAK-,
. 1 l'ikVn 014 Establishment Xli Manu-;
;M,.rv N" Ti8 A1LCU J1 liLLTnbove 7 1 H , i
jc,,rJv'Y . ' 1
r ' V ' Kavo now in t'-vn, i
; !'- R N lief 7 ow liapj-r'.'
iwrv U K' Al'.li'ilN t-'AK-
t.r.tt unit. Jl.muinc-!
, tare one f ihe,! g- Jonniy. Tlie iMtowini; is li-t of Mag.i
esi an I nn-si b:iu;i- zines aud IVriodicals, kepi, ilh prices nt
fiil stl.'eli jus el' I la.;hd, any of whicU wid ha it by mail
F N (' V 1" 17 Ii S '
iinV and Cliil-
Ve:ir in the
' 'ft v' "
..City. a line
i K.'v-tmi lil ol' tii'lO s
j-.jjn &?&?tTvt Gloves and tl-
I am ttMe',l to
dia-e ' V"" 1,1 T rJ' '!",na,tle f'rl8"s
.nU 1 wl.l iUr.-i'ore siilieif call from nj
fiicndj of juniuta coumy d Tieloiiy.
Itpnismher the we, ftumhrr ana b.ref I !
JOHN KARK1KA. No. f 18 Arji street, above
7th, ..iu! li si Jo, ri.n-idv
fry' I hive 1'fiitnr'r. iar connection
wiHi any oih-f Store in t'hila-ielphia.
Oct- 10-4iii. ': - -i
U, IVnti.Main ' t
street, Alilllniiown. 4 (--
.a.-om.e, first '' ' Vi
door west of B;-h- .-
V. - i '
fords st or a, up
stairs. tiie fio-
seriber annouiif es ''-it, jyi -.'
to the puMic that .!''JTL:f
he has oiened "
li. i.tal Ollioi- as a'.iAve slated, where he will i
be bai-DV to aiienil to ihe t .at.u of all who
may favor him with ilu ir pntrniiaje. TcelJi ', '
mseilt'l upiMi ail i '
n nns. in :i w o inarm kf aii'i s-m
n in-
which for i-f .nty. dip-abtli-y and cle'.ir-liil.-.js
ci.niu.t ba sea-pa-;-!"', .ill work r.
riii.lc l. Mo c Lni'iic ;ii.iiii: lor the iie-cilioH ol
ii-mpurarfr sr!- when prvnoirrr.t sc:1 -ire or
d-.-red. . l'.-ii'iicuhir .mention paid to di-iiuc!
"inns, rn thfl seniMe pyincij.'.e of --no cure,
no p:iy." T.Tih fi! 5 whioli'wlll l.nt lorli'i-
A'.ihough a.yoiii. jo'ac; itiin-'i-, I'.- ' -N .-.it
i--fif-d in rnying ihnt his ko'.U' wili cni
pail1 fivnr;i'jly wiili Any tl:r,t is -t:t u;t "nlhis
oriiny of the 't;oin:iijr ronnlie?. Al! !i;iks
of the c oiuouni'y is n irial, mid if f.il!
faefioTi i-- r.'ii (r:v.'ii. li'i o'l.irL't' wi'.i r:r d '.
t-'f w"'ll Ti-it' "I -Alili-i villo r,:i-t!io lli'. d
wcefc of every Trntili. :'i 1 Tl:o,:i ps r.:. n on
the fourth wee!:, to rfonir, one w-.'-'k. At
.lh r limes eau Ic i'jijzid .' his ofl'c la ,.!'f-nintoirr-.
('. ID. lsi?;.tf.
pi mii m t Kn '!t!-T .Mii.r. 1 rr.r.:o.
elifM mvl do:nt:l(. TVill "-rin I M kind-
of zt:ih r.ipi !'.y. Is .i.l.iptpd io all iiiii'ls of
horsepower. V. i. L BuiKK.t l!':o..
lii!.iei-iphi:i. '.i.
A!ao, MintifrictTiror'- of fiie r.f.foi ImiiroTod
Folder and Strnw Cutters. !lov- '.carers.
Threshing Mac'i:n'-. Cross (?ut Cir.-olur fniv
Mills, t'oru Chillers, srpt "1- 1t-
eivats :Ai.i:. l lie iiiii,erie-nei o:;e;3ai
ptira'.e sab; his I'arm siiu.i'e iti Walker
township, Juiiiru.i ci-iiatr. nhou i.-iti; mill
from SleXtco, ei.jiliiiniriw ol aerei. more or
less, iu ood state of eul; ivat ion, hff vii-.;- rlo rv
on ereen d a Hrjre Frame Weather-bearded
House, Hank Ibtrn. and other tie.iary oirt
huildinss. The properly ii loeied in a tr ocd
cotmrnnitty, conveuient to cburehes. sek-wls,
and sloreS-
Als'?. a trnc. tii land silr.al in litinV town
shijs cont lining lci acri s, more or h '. hav
ing thereon a good House, llaiu Hua clher
Also, a tract noj"i;.:.rg the above, eoit.iiii
ing 5 1 acres, mora or Ivn; witU go l lluuse
and Stable thern.n.' " " '
For funhcr pf.ilictilars eal! nn or address.
' ;i:iu;F. s.M t;:i:.
Mexico, Juniata couniy, IV
sept 20. Is -,; Jie.
jfpnE ( of , CoiiT011
JL :'o:-'" on ihe i iiee of m o Is eun I'O seen
t-v callirtr at ibt store of J. li. it. TUL-'U iu
t-r c
Patters. m. '
Urowti fc'iieetinj:?
A pleton A, do
Pi nits
...ii tc
to Jii
Ail Wool lie I.aines
Ticking- -
liaggin-; v
bro-.vu Snir ir
White do
t.ovrlnj; Syrup, ;cr i',uart
ti :n ! do do
'.-'.! OlT, do .;
call, j . r siclc i-.
A r.d aSs'.T'AeM of oilier get
pri. e--.
The. followint' price.-; -r.l! I c pild
ketin,;: Luuer Uu cents : K---:-l
J. ii. M T
nie.y 2,-tf. l'a'tei-
..tli lo (,.",
..1 to 1".
lo .'l.'"1
Is at low
f-r intkr-
'.2S ii uo!' sxnn?
T.Ti'td'KlX'S -OWN M AKK,"
X I Sivi.r.s Are in every respect first class;
and rmtiracc a complete as-ioi tuient for I.adie-;,
Miirn and I'iiil-lieii, i,t ihe Meeii Sriyies,
every letifth and size of waist.
Our Skirts, wherever known, are siore ltni--rcra!ly
popular than any others be!. .re the
public. They retain their shape better, are
lighter, more elastit-j Tnore din-able, and re.i,l
cheaper than any ether Hoop Skirt in tho
market. The springs and fasten inijs are war
ranted perfect. Fvery lady should iry them 1
They are now being extensively Rol l by nn-r-chants,
throughout the country, and at win le
sale and retail nt Manit.'aetiiry and Sale
liuom, Nro. tVlH Arch stree', below 7tii. phi IV
Ask for Hopkin s "Oxn Make," buy no
CactioS. N'one genuine mile's Stamped
on each. Kid 1'ad "Ilopkin's Hoop Skirl
.Mannractory, N'o. t'-8 Arch Stref t. Phila'd."
1 erms "Set (,'ash. One Trice (July.
!ept 5, lKtl't- lri!
VliMtMSttt AToK's Sii.r.- The undersigned.
Administrator ei the e?'afe of Henry
'.' i .j -ii fc '',.''",""
county, deo d, will expose to public sale, on
.he premises, on Satmday November 1. next,
n wit : n tfnet of lnnti, situ un in the nKovn
nnmfj fTiwriwhip, ndjoinincf l.-indn r-f 1 Nt v i !
Moist. (J.?nrre J.icohs. Samitol Either. K 1'.
! H"' A. i.Mor n other?, com Amine
! Ninctv-two acres, more r le?a, in a C'toJ stfiti?
of cnltiTarion.' bavirtirtbere ereete'd lurge
I two-story Prick l!ni-c. Targe Rank Bam and
i all the necessar7 nm-ltuiid;n?s. Tliere Is an
fxcr-,Wnt ynn ,pple crch,rr.i-on thi tract, i
'The properiv is located in a good neighbor-
! hood, convenient mills and markets, which :
: inakcs it .1 very desir-ih'e aud p't-i'int rei-!
1 J"ce. I
Tkkms or S.HE :-One fourth of the pur-1
1 ehMe roone ,a ,, !4i,! n tliecnfirmatlon of'
,,lV v-mi 4.. va'-io.n . .
ui- ... t . J,.. -
I LI ." p ri I, I fiji?.
and the leino'filrig mic-fourtli
ou ue iaiu.iv oi .pni, leic, wmt imere-i
, . - ., , , r
?J r" 7 WTuAv- f
i-i t .:.: " ' '
; -i ,
! LAU'tE stock of Q
' ln'a!!' -Tubs.- U''
eoowiref Cdririrs
Ker Bowls, Buckets
Canm. Haw lliiekets. . at
j bCl'FF; t'li'y'T 4 If Ad! titles
1 V aii'l i-::ui"i;:try S:if , in I't-rry-vi',:!-. Ju
niata ctiitij, l' I'll a. (I'uM Ollls,- I'.'.i'-jiii' i
The undersigned asks l-ve tn ii.:.rin too
good i',"Vl''''' l','t'"'1 BeienWiitjr a.mi-Un
,,!lt l,e fc..s opened a-nne slock of .-nu y
Cooks. t.. anJ Vg bo,i.B!.t il.e... at ,
T,-iy low wbo'.ilB price .n 1 bili.Ji ii.Ina, l.y
aUi,g .mrfll P.r cu.?;fe is eer.w, he cm.
si ll theater tiialinny oilier eiiaMisiiiMent
lrrc ot puslj; io any ua.ee uiuu
Ibe annexed nriee. viz'
Atlantic Ventbly
Il:irnrs Mass:u-U
Krank Legit's tiaxetfe of Fashions....
' Oodits Mnpnrine
l.auies Friend
I.allous Ma.i.'izine
V. iiverly .Ug::ine week'ly )
Harpers Pictorial (weekly).
Frank Le.-'ie's riclorial, Illuat raled,.
tdiininej Comer
Albion - '
New Vovk l.edjrr....
.. lfr?;
.. I V;.
.. Va.
.. I't.
.. !-".e.
,. lfc.
... 1t:
... loe.
... l"e.
. H..t.
aiional Police O'KCite
New York Clipper
fa'Trday Nii':t ,
(;or Lii'rary Coiap-inioB- li.-'.
rc:idh:saiid Monroe's Novels, (e.vdij... l"e.
Beadle's Songster.-. T'c.
Martin's Seii-.ihle l.eiirr Writer .'v'e.
l-'oniir.c Tellers an-1 lircam Dooks of dilW-
ent kimis, (r:n-h 4'V.
A!o all kinds of i'e. Novels
N. 15. Any of th Daily. Philailelpliia pi
pers furm.siivd at ""ic. pi-r nionih. or tri-week-ly
at 5''c. per ninniii. semi-weekly .; .c r
fteekly 'c. per iminlu. aNo Mu-'.e. Jing-t-ines
and other bir.iinjr ntter,de-l to.
V. S. Hack numbers "f ail .Magiiine- I
Papers furni-hed at short nnii.-e. I arc. (u-irr-
roiined to si:p:'v a Tre.-H wi'il in th. eronly
i h, ,:,:,: , ,,,.1,. 5,i, nadine matter
I ' " .'
ai a reasonable
I res l.tet tally solie.t vonr p itrofa je.
- - - jr,nN- M.'Tiinjirsnv.
PerrvriUe, anp. J. ''i.
H.VY!-'j p;u-el
.Soirc. loctitc
e'l.ued lh Tin aini Sheet froa
cd ou liri'liie Stieei, .Miltiiu-
lown. 1 woii'-l re-peei fully iril'.it in the put'lic
ihaL I intend to keep tousiai.tly ou uand a,
general nbi?oriroent of
1 i;i Stid Jap iu wore. Li e Ir.rest and lvst it
r!i CK'irily, and a to rju ilily an i wurkinan-
.-iiip eaimtii be surpa-e-i.
8 IV i'Tiyo, TlOOFI.XG,
J..l and Flie-t'ni; ork, w;;I be promptly at
tended to ii her in town or e on. try. brass
'.;p-ir ao-1 ll'iatuvb'd Freneii Pu--e: v i;t-r Kel
,!es. llippers. 1'ra-'. bpp?-r. Fri tie'i Ttnt'e j.
MitiiTiiel'ii'.i Hollow Ware, Watlte irons Coal
Shovels, Fruit r.-in-", lioili common an 1 J'nt'-ni,
and of various incisure?, always on hand and
tor .-ale
I'ersor." iti want ef unythir.; in th above
I'lie a1' reoneied to friv,- me a call ln-for-s
piirchjsing el.-ewhrrc, aa I feels confident
1 h ii Iran suit llim cither as regards the
article or the price.
1 11 ti tooper, Cri, and Pewter bought
hiii ihu hiuluis-, jricc pa:d in ca-ii ur r i
jun9 :;,". . n. i;. 1 1 rii iii'itt.u.
IITI.IN' '-0.ri! & WAiiON M WPFAC
inform our customels.ao 1 friends in i!:'-' and
a-ljoioitt cooniies, ihai we have enl.irtrt i yer
!iot). an 1 hy li e ndditiut of Steam i'ower,
aia i re.trci to work at the sboriettj pos:i-
i hie notice.
I We are constantly ttnti'lf.icftirlTie and mn'-a
J t. order; every descriptieu ef t'oches, Car
i i-iaees, Dutrzies, Sulkies. Wrip-ii-. e., al-
Family und Yoak cutter sleii-1:--. W are ihn
prepared to itianufaeluve 1! oal Wagons from
one lo four l.or-e.
Having been working at the Tnt-iniss for a
nna.brr i.'f years our-telves. and eti:) loyiiii
non doit ihe bet of workmen. We ll.tler
ourselvm that our work cannot be surpassed
for neat tie-s an 1 durability ; in. ibis ur ad-j-itii:ig
We always keep en hand from twenty to
1111-13- sol, of best second prowih, Jei-s.y
Hickory Spokes, in order to make ilur.-.Vl
wheels And will warrant our work IV r a-iy
reasonable lime.
Sleighs and I;ngieJ re .palmed with new
ness and d'upifch. .111 other repairing h-avy
or liIit wili receive Htricl r.!eti: ion. t'oiii-'
and atiiioe our stock and wor lo-fir" pur-eh.i-iiijr
cUeu here. l'u't f ir-jet ti e name,
Corner of I ho l'ike .V Cedar Spring road.
June -t(.
.'. mi' K. r. s. etM'K. h. m tuin is.
a:ll)M:i' SAViiU IS MONMY K.vn.NrS).
A-ol I hit can be done to pirfeetion Iiy
inlying ymir goods of Ihe ii'f.-w tirtii in l'alter
se'i. llieir si'x k con-is." iu purt of I'ry
line. Is. Hats and Taps. Fancy tionds, Yanke
Notions, a hii-jie and superior stock of looii
and Shoes. Groceries. S.iil, Fish. lhee.-e. e.,
Dried 9::- t'aniici Fruits in great variety.
Hardware. Ci'uecnswarc, Woodcuware. Our
stock win p.nrrhased in eastern cities at re
duced prices, and we life confident we can
make it lo the interest of etr customers and
the poods-buying public to fiVr us the first,
call liefnre making their purchase.
N. 11. We, has; the large?!, slock, greatest
variety an 1 best styles in ihe rotmty.
Highest market price paid f. r country pro
duce. FUANK, CUOK. i; Co.
I'alternn. .Tnlv -I. Ist.l.tf.
V .W A I. It AM! EM 11NT. The iiiidera:v'ue.l
i finding it impossible wiih one Market
Car. tooiipply i lii it- cu.-louiers.have purchased
anotlier. uud are now prepared to fitrii.-h.
mnrketiiiij regularly uvtee a week afii r the
lot of August. One Car wiil arrive iu Tat
lerson every Wednesday evening, the oil er
will arrive every Friday evening! We wi-U
i: distinctly understood we will do nothin -
! hut a s'rielly cash business in future. Pit.
sins ordering (,oods regularly every week
areexpeeiid lo pay promptly oaeli trip..
tine car will leave l aitersou i.ir i ui.adc.phia
every .vionaay nioraing, tho otber will Icavj
e Wednesday morning,
jtl, o,,- lil..LU,uA!:(j U & nowE
V' VATE SALE. The undersigned oiler
at private sale his Mill Property, situated in
Met'oysville, 1 uscarora township, Juniata
county. The Mill is a large Frame P.nilding,
running iw sells of Kurt's, with lloli', r le
vators, ic, neeess.'iry for doing a largo
Country or Merchant huMiiess. . In connee-
with the Mill will be sold a good Lwell-
''"' d Stable, with all uccmsary
"'"dcru improvements. Terms easy.
I'ersons wishing to see ttie property will
. ' T'",.e"' f ,rhe . bc"her in
'"" Juam.a eo.m y --
"llu - '-"- . W M. HA. kETT.
- IIUI lK j(J H3I -Tht- I11il.'r'rrn.l
! 1 1111 'l'3 i ' a Dn.iLro.,'zne'l
nwlitur appointed to audit the. aceiiunt.
iinunl Uuiin, adminis'r.ilor of the e-taie
,.,-u. n...... 1 r. ...... .... :. 1 -.
.,i, ...i v 1 iiinit 1 'iwil.il I,', uee ' 1
'" I"' -lU.ib.Hiou tflaUrce iudaid.
:!'"':, ""'''-"t will meet ail panics imei-e.-ie I
tor ihe purpose ef hia r.ppointmont on S-.iur-
Ui4i'. Oeloli.-r l-iib, lVi at Oakland Miiis.
; JuuiaUfouaty. Pi.
- ll-U.-iA. AiJ Yiiif- i-i.lim-
j fco;.t. I?,-It. .. V ,., : . .