irvt netiiT. sAKn;i strayer. AV,v Finn in Ffctrrccn. Gentleman's Furnishing Emporium ! ! Just opened in I tie m w Rvick Ruiiding, Main Street, Patterson by Levi llii ht an ! Samuel Mraver. a large nti-I c'o.jani assortment ot Heady-Made Clothing, couiilin in part of Ovrcuot, Fro'.k Coat, Dr-'ss I'tiiilttiiii'iis, Vtttx, JJniiCirt. Ctuiurt. L'u Jcrsh trie, Ho uJiWrrh '"ft, Boots ( .S"W, And every jhing tisti illy found in a fir:t class UeuUeniiU s Furnisning Store. FAX IT UOVDS Al a large nnd carefully sel-ctcl asort ment of Fancy Goods, of nil clashes, kinds and'ieH, all nf which wiil be sold a. luc low est r ossitlt lining prices. Laaits' (jailors a: Shoes. Tliev also invites the attention of the tallies 1o his "tine stock of GAITOHS AND SHOES, which he will sell at prices defying competi tion. cAitrirs, oil cloths. Tiny have on hand a beautiful assortment of Cait.ets, Oil Cloths, &c , which are of a pood pialny, and well worth the iuspectioa of the l'u;. cr. WATCHES & JEWELRY. Oold and Si! err Watches, Cluck. Far rinys, 1'lain and "miry rings. Watch Kevs. Ladies' atid Gents' l'.ieast Tins, ;M Pcus'aud Pencils, &c, wLkli at 'his titae form the largest and best assortment iu the eomity. fcfTA'l the above goods w ill be Sold cheap er Kian any oilier store in the United .Stales. If you don't believe it. just give us a call ui bo convinced of the truth of the a-senion 11LCHT STRAYER. Taiterson. April 1-, ISGo-tf. CHEAP CLOTHING STORE. This v ay for Bar HAVING rt'KCHASKD THOM MANS bach & Van (timer the large Clothing Lstabii-liiDei't. gitua'.ij on the cmer of I'.i i ljre and Wat -r streets. JlitHiutown, l'ciin- vh:i,-ia, we wruld ivspecifuHy ii.foim the 1'itblic that we have just received a large nnd well selected assort mcut of ready made Cljlh desijrtied fr the Vii.ll a it J WIsiJrr Trade lor 1SG5. iMich as Orer Coa's, 1'ress ("oafs. Business Co.itf Cjtii:iiLn Coats, 1'nt.taln.ins, Y.ts. Hats, To.its and JSho.'S of ev:ry description, et; le unu qii i'.iiy, for n.ale or fcaiaie. 150 YS' KEADY MAI'E CLOTHING. . ZIfo, Caipets. V.'bite Shirts, Fancy Over' L U'ler Shirts. Drawers, Ilosi.-ry, Uloe-.. Linen arid Paper Ct-lars, Cravats and Ties, Trunks, Vui bteiias. Travelling llags 'C. A. so, thelatcst styles ot Ladies Cloaks, Cir culars and Furs. 1'ersons in want of anything in our line will ive money by giving us a call' pnr-c'ua'-iiig els. where, as we are de;e:miued to H.-1I clienp for cash. 6;i5 liou't forget the corner, Eridgo and Water sireets. , 1). W. NAP.LEY i Co. i Oct. 4. '15. ; ' jsjf:c stout. : Ml "SIC.L IXfaTUlUEXTS. I. !. C, llPJCXE II AS 01'F.XKD HI y.l'- J fie S:ore, one Jt west of W. L wis' ' Look Sore, where !( L.-.-ps pot:tntlv un I hand STLiXV.'AY .': -NS' and GAK''S I'iaiiO Maii.:faciitrit- ''. ii io.tiv's 1'I AXOS, ;AStlN o: It AM'.IX'S CAjilXKT OlItiAXS n.l CAl'.UAHT. X A M ,v COS' ME- LOl'LOXS: fiuitars. Vi-iins, litis, Flutes; Oaltar .-tti'l Yi.'Iin S:i:rifu. . Mfstc l'.....K 'i Chair.. CoMen Show- ; cr. in.l'i"-!. Ceti"r. G'-l'i'-ii I'l io, ,vc., i tl'KLT MCI'. iie N constantly reeeiv-; jng trum I'hiladeij hi all the latent mii-ir, whii h er.-..n at a distance wiiiing, can vrder, aud have sent them by mail, at . I ii I) I i s Ii c rr s Price ISurianoa aud Organs V.'arranted for hve Tei rs. Those wi.-hi.ijr to buy any of the above ar ticles are itiv::ed to call and examine mine before purchasing elsewhere. My prices are the saiiie as in New York and l'l.itadelpliia Circulars of Instruments sent iriiiiiilv up on npi'lication with any additiuuol ii. forma tion uesireJ. B. M. GRLLNE. ! lull Street. II unt iuclt In, 1'a. : One door west of Lewis' Hook Store. . NEW J mvr. 'P'lIE undersigned would respectfully 5 J- inform the citizens of Mitlliutowu and vicinity, that he has opened a Jew-ji5 ciry Establishment on Main Street. Milll.n town, ir Thompson's Hotel, thild d.-or from the corner, where he will keep constantly on Land aud at greatly reduced prices. Gold an! Silver Yatchcs, And a general of CLOCKS. FIXCF.U LIXG. l.iiEAST 11XS, EAII LINOS. ii(l.). I'LNS. and l'E.NCII.S. I'LATED : YY A 1! E, SPECTACLES, together w ith a com- j plete assortu.ent of Fancy (ioods. 1 Cg!aTk re'airing of I 'locks, Wafclies nnd i Jewelry prorep.tly attended to, o:( siiort nolice ! and 011 -cry reasonable terms. Ali work w ar- j ranted to give satisfaction. T!ie public are ' respectlully mvne.i to give n call. THUMAS It. McCLELLAX. Aug. 3(1. 1SO0. G-roceries 2 Prime Itio Coffee, Prepared Coffee. I'nlvei- lid Migir, . rustii-i .'..igar, . it. Fit S. II. Sugar. X, (I. Molasses, S. II. Molasses, Lovering Syn.p, f'h.icolalc. Mustard, Itice. is.arch, Xu.niegs, Ch'Ves, Cassia, Ginger, Cot n Starch, Fish, Salt, c. &c, for sale cheap at hiXicw Stoke in Patterson. J inl-tf J CM fill CAlimS ! CAliJ'L'LS! ! ! A T.ARC.E and good variety of A 1. 1. WOOL, ! ui It A1 atii JihMH CAUrtTi ou hand and for sale che;tp. at j bUIAM I- K. r iiU .Y K I'AKKEIl'S , I A Ed E and well selected ttock of GKd XI. CLEIES. eomprioing Haji. Shoulder, La Mess l'otk. linir Spices, Sc.. Ac. ai L"LUt 11. I i'dV, i, p.ii:i;i:il S mjmi AS OLD SOXC. SET TO 1 .L"V TlH "As spiinfl approaches Arils and lioachts From llirir holes tons out, And Mice and Hals, in spilt of tills, ilaiiif stcip about" ret 75 '-rvX. "iS years established in X Y. City." 'Only infallible remedies known." Free from Poisons." 'Not dangerous to the Human Family." 'Rats come out of their holes to die." "Costm's" Hut. Hooch. &c. Ejt'-r Is a paste used for UuU, Mitt, AWJu, IHtici and Jiid Ants, .yc, ty , .ye., ijc "Co st urn" l)il Jiiiy J-Jjtiriiiiinir, Is a liquid or wash used to destroy and also as a prevent!! ive for Jjid-Iljs. $r " Cos'tir's" IJi i ti ic Potrihr for Jnsnct is for Moths, Mosquitoes, Ficas, l!cd-llujs insects on I'ianls, Fotcls, Annuals. (t c, .yc. 13w ! '. ! Llwaui;! ! ! of all worthless imitations. R5uSee that "Costar's" name is on each Box, Lottie and lliss.. before you buy 82A,Address, HENRY 1'.., 4H2 Broadway, N. Y. SGi.Sjld iu Milliintown, l'a. 8(5(5. INfTIEASE OF UATS Tlie Farms Gt- z-tte ( Knjr!irli) as(r;s ami proves by fipure- that one nir of UATS will Ivis u inij;riiy atii Jt;c itti;iuls no los iliTin '-r 1 . 'i. in tiim vt'iti !. Nw. tmleis tliis inimftse fumily can I"? V ol Jitwu. they woul'l consume nijitf fooii thiin w,iulJ siiMii humnn hoiiis. JtifiSee "I'ojtiir s" o'Weriiftt-uient ubuve. R TS vcrtun TURDS. Whoever cnnr in slumting pintill binls is a cruel nsnii ; whoever ftiils in exterminating rats i a benei'iieior. AVe hoilil like some one to pive us the tt-nttit nf their erpeiieree in dt ivi:; out tlie We nee-1 !ouieiliii. l)ti'li s 1 .-. i(s, nini trp' for ihia busiuehS. Scantific .!;.trt j.v. A. 1. C.See '-Coslar's advertisement above. 18(5(5. "COSTAR'S" KAT 1" aTI'.UMIN ATOP, i simple, sale and Mii'e tiie ms; oi-rt'-ct II T-iticati-in ineelin we hve ever aitended. Lvery Kat that can get it. properly prep-ired will eat it. And every one that ems it ... pnerally at some pUcc as dit:iut a po.-'sib'.r irom where it was taken. Lake Sl.ore, Midi . 'lur"r- JSG6. FARMERS AM) IK'l'SrKF.F.ITP.S siiou1! recollect that hiindrwls of dollar's wonli e (.rain. Provision. &c., are annually di-siroyeo by Hats, Mice, Ants, and other in-rcis nr.'! -nnin all of which can be prevented bv few dollars' worth of "Costai's" I'.at. lloaeh. Ant. &c. Lxterioinaior. bought ami 'jed f-eely -if S'e "I'oiirV adveitisement ahuve. April 1, l'jO-oui. J.U. E0I.LMAS. W. II. KOLLMAN iioi.L'.s 4. KrtoTii 2.::s, DilUU A.ND JEWELRY &T0t T'.YO loor Xort'.i of Ueiuud's Store. :.IIFFLITOWX, PA. AY "E wori.ii LL.-Pi'ci'n'i.r.Y CAL1 to ou the uiieutiou of the pubiio S ort d DRUGS, 3ii:dicixi:s, PKHFUilKRV, FAXCV SOAl'S, and a I.'.t gt vnirty of notions : as al.-oto or. STOCK F WATCHES. OLiOO SSL S3 V.ATCll CHAINS, LKKA.-T-iiXS, e a n a x u r i x c i: !i i: i x g ?: V3J r. : IP' ft n tiiT WATCHES, CLOCKS and ail kinds of epaired at the shortest notice and on the MOST IIKASOXaI'.LK TF.l'.M.S. j CCy-OUfrEKS from VHYsICIAXS prompt ! ly nt'enued to. A liberal discount to I'hy. : si-tians. : Sept. 27, 'Cj-tf LOLLM AX r.KOTIIEr.S ii. r. SAK.EH j with j ri:ir:;K & .T3AKM ley, MlXlTACTlitEUS AND lYIIOLESALE LEALEP.S BOOTS k SMOSS o. :tl Aorlli Tl:ird Mm t, I'iiilu M. (j. l'EU'EIt, II. II. M A UK LEY' ' ti!- I'articHlar a'ttntion paid to orders. f lJ O T I C E I Ladies wishing to be supplied with nca and good shoes will find it to their advantage , 10 call on II- 1'. KELLER, at bis shop on i Mail. Street above Cherry, where they can I be supplied with almost every style at moder- ate prices, (jeutlcmcii having repairing they i wish durably aud neatly executed will be ! promptly attended to by givinz him a call. I'Mj; i.iMt. 11. u. itr.i.L,r.H. Milliintown, July 2olh 'Co. CHAM AlAiNUFACTUUr. OniCE OF TIIK Jf.NI.ATA CofXTT II K Jf.NI.ATA CofXTT I l'I.Tf Itl. SoctKTV, V lie, Oct. Hi, ISC.:!. J Aunict rcrrysvilh WF. do hereby ceit ify that the Commit 'ee ion M.iniitai tuii d Articles has awardec to CitAKLKs W. YVkitzel the First Premium for the n.ost substantial, neatest made, and best finished sett of Chairs. C. Vi'. JACOl'f. Tnat'r. William HtM'll. ., janld BALSAMIC COUGH SYBUP Fur Coiiijlm, CoUs, Croup, Wlionpmj Covijli, Axlhmn, hrinu:hiti, Spitlimj Ulooil, l'u in ami Wiaknczj of the liremt, Dijjiculti of Brcathiiiij, ifr. This syrup is a purely Yeifttable Compound It is pleasant to tape, nnd never does injury; but owing to itstqurify inff qualities, mut do good under any circumstances. Its effect' is truly wonderful soothing, calming acd allay ing the most violent Coughs ; Purifying, Strengtnetiing and Invigoratingthewholesys teni : calming and soothingthe nerves; aiding and facilitalini; Espccoration, and healinitjuc DISEASED LUNUS, thus striking at the loot of DISEASE, and driving it from the system. t'KOl'I'. No child nerd die of Croup, if this Syrup is properly used ami used in time. Mothers hav ing croupy chi'dren should watch the first show of the Disease, and always keep tnis Iten.edy at hau l. For Coughs after Measles, this Syrup is most excellent. Experience has proven that it is equalled by no other preparation. Price Ail cent per. liottle. Prepared by S. A. "-'Ol'TZ'S & LT.O., At their Wholesale Drug and Medicine Depot, Xo. llii. Franklin St. Baltimore, Md. Sold by all Druggists and Store-keepers throughout the United States. POUTZ'S CELEBRATED gtef and Cattle gcufe. , These Powders will strenpth- I en ihe.Stomarh and Intestines, I c!i.9e them from offensive- natter, and bring them to ! a healthy 5'Jtte. They are a lure preventive of Lung Fever, and a eertsio remedy for all Diseases, iieident Jo the Il.-c, uch as G!an- -u d.-rs, Y'ellovy -s'Aw Water, Dts temper, Founder, "II e a v o s, Slavering, Coughs, Fl yers. Loss of 4 ...,,..;. 1 Vital Luer- '2sivSAi gy, Ac. ' - " - - " : In noor, low spirited animals, it has ths most henefb'i-t! etlert. Tiie use of them improves the wind, strrgfh ens the Appetite, and giies to the Lors a fine, smoiitti and glossv tkin thus improv ing the appearance, vigor and spirit of this mobie anim.'.l. fob milch cows. Tee property this PoweVr possese in in creasing the quantitr of Milk in Cows, R'.vci it an importance and value which should place it in the hands of every frsi-n keci'c a Cow. Ry actual c rriment it has proven that it will increase the quantity of Milk end Cre.itn twenty per cent, ani ma''" the L'ltter iiva and sweet. In fatii-niiip Cattle, it gives them an appetite, loosens their Lido aad nukes iheoi thrive much tester. n o o s . In all Diseases fcf the Swine, such as Coughs, Ulcers in the Ltmjs, Liver, sc. By pnttin;; from half a paper to a paper of these Powders in a bap- rei of Swill, the .--JsiSB above Diseases ma tc cured or entirely pre vented. Bv usins tbese I'owderi the llog Choler.i can be proven ted. Price 25 eta. per Paper, or 5 Papers for $1. rEr.PAR.m r.T S. A. FOUTS & EnO., at Ttirra WHrLESALE CFUG fif.O VrD!CI!,r DEPOT. Xo. 118 Franilin St., Baltimore. Ki For Sale by Imipe'sts and iitorikecjeit throughcU the United blates. rcurz's lzixiuee. The Lest Ltitimviit fur Man and Zlcal now in use. Is a safe and reliable Remedy for tht cure of Rheumatism. Painful Nenous nffeclions. Sprains. Ltirns, Swellings, and all lliseases re(iiii iiij! an external application on Man. tin Horses it will never fail to cure Poll Evil, Fistula, Old II uniting Sores, or Sweeney if prp--rly applied. For Sprains. Itruises Scratches, Crcc;:ed Hoofs. Chafes Saddle o Col ir Gall, Cu.s or Wounds, it is an Infallible Remedy. Try it, and be convinced of its ef ficacy. RHEUMATISM. Tersons alTiicted with this Disease, no mat ter of how long standing, can lie p.rompilyand eiloctuaP.y cured by tiie.usc of this Mixture There 6 nothing in the world so sure and il goi d to take away tad CORNS nud cure Fros Rites, as this prep iral ion. Try it ami satisfy yourselves. Trice Soand 75 cents a Lottie. Prepared by S. A. FOUTZ'S & RRO., AI their Wholesale Li ujr and Medicine De pot, Xo. lib. Franklin St., llaltimore Md. For sale by Druggists and Store-keepers throughout the United Stales. The above Medicine can be had nl manu facturer's Prices of II. F. Kepner. Mifiliinowti; Johnson llailoway & Cowden, Philadelphia -J. J. Lender Co., l'iitahorg. Pa. ; Lbugh; lin Sc Riishtield, Wheeling, Va Aug- 3, lbb5-ly. 1511 . .-JtAJ.'jS KivsuTOits' crncss. ii ' K I' I N K U I L & K V A .V S , Civil Engineers and Tatknt Solicitors, Wo. 435 Walnut St, Philad'a. - I'atenls solicited Consultations on En"in cenng, Lraiighling and Skelchts, Mo.lelsand Machinery of all kinds M vhKund skilruily at tended to Special attention triven lo REJECT ED CASES and INTERFERENCES.' An iln'iilic Conies of all Docuuietita from Patent, Oilice procured. K. 11. Save youselves useless (rouble and (ravcliiiig espenses, as there is no actual need of personal inierue.v with us. All biuiness with these Oihces, can bij transacted in wri ting. For furl her information direct as above with stamp enclosed, for Circular wiiU rs-fcr-enee. Janue.ty 17, 1560-ly. AT THE OF SULOUFF, FEOW AXD PARKEll, IS THE CBTSTAL PALACE Dt lLDINO, JIIFFI.IXTOWX, PA. Bargains 2 rjlHE UXOEESIOXED IIAVIXG ri'K 1. chased the stock of goods formerly be longing to Su'.uulf & Siambaiigh, and having aided to it quite an assortment from the riiil a!phi.i market, are now ready to suplly the citizens of Milliintown nud vicinity v-ith any thug and everything that is usually kept in a mur.try store, nnd a great many things that hae never been kept bjfore. We are deter mined to sell goods at a ItEDL'CEl) PlilCE anl make it an object for the people to buy froji us. A large stock of DP.Y HOODS, cou si.sing of Ladies Dress Goods, such as FLENCH ME KINGS, 111EPIIERD PLAIDS, (all wool, j FANCY PLAIDS, (all wool) ! PLAIN WOOL DELAINES j DKESS FLANNELS, i FLAIX SACK FLANNELS, YYHITE FLANNELS, : BLUE TWILLED FLANNELS, i IlEU FLANNELS, MUSLINS, MEAKFAST SHAWLS, &c, &c. Ciu be had at SILOUFF, FRGW & PARKF.R'S. MOURNING DRESS COCDS: mack Shnu ls, Veils, Colars, (ilovcs, ;auutlcts. Second .Honrning Balmorals, Hoods, Ac, Ac. Everything Uesirtible in this line, and a very large stock, At Sulonlf, Trow A I'arkcr's. FULL nssorttueut ol Gentleman's Goods, ; .'X consisting of Vloth, Cass frier cs, tSattiicits. Ocer Coatings, Ves'injs Can be had at fl'LOUFF, FLOW & PARKER'S. The Lonj Looksl For Cjnis at Las TIIK CKLEUK VTKD Florence Sewing Mai-Iu'nc. This machine is the mot perrect instru ment to exeeuic any kind of sewing tw done by machinery in the world. It is simidc ami iierleet in us mechanical con!ructi-n. The teed may be reversed at any j oiM desired without slopping, which is a great advantage in fastening the. rnd of seams. It n.akes FOUR DIFFLRKST .'TITCIIK. Luck, Krtof, l)oMc l.orle, lyoiihlr L'no!, each stitch perfect aud alike on both. sides of the fabric. Operators caii select any stitch they want anil change from one stiich to another with out stopping the machine. Its stitches cannot be excelled for fiimncss, ilacticily durability an ! beauty of finish. No ditlieul'y e.xperiei.ced iu sewing across I hick seams. Sews light and heavy fabrios with cpual facil ity. It. will J?r.r., Turk. Quilt, Crd, Hem, Fell, IJiii-t, tiaiiier, and sew all kind ot li(e. iuq re-iiifcd by families and manufacturer. The woik will Iced eiiher to the right or left without stopping tho machine. T!ie most inexperienced litid nj difiiculty na using it. th irouglily practical and uadasilys ia stood It. has no rpriras to pet out of order, and w ill last a litetitne. It runs ea -ilv. aiel is almost noisel 'ss. it is tho most rapid sewsT iu the world; mif- ie free sfitcttes io each resolution. It uses I he sivme size thread ou both sides of the fabric. It oils no dresses, all its tnackiners being on top of the table. Ever? machine is icarronted io tjive entire sat hae, inn, and to do ?.il hat is claimed for it. Miss Cakime K. Stavhiu'uii is the nirnit for this county, l'.y calling at her residence on Main .Street. Milliintown, one of these ma chines can he seen in operation. SepttmberlJ, 130-3-ly. TO COITSI'MPTIVKM.. The advertiser, baring been restored to health in a few weeks Vy a very simple rtuiedy, after having suffered for several ynrs with a severe lung alfection, nnd that dread disease, Consumption is anxious to nmke known to his lellow-suffercrs the means of cure. To all who desire it, he will send a copy of the prescription used (free of charge.) with the dirootions for preparing and using lie same, which they will findasi KE i i rk fur CoN.siMt'TI'iN. Asthma, Eko.sciiits, Cordis, Col. Ps and all Throat ami Lung Affections. The only object of the advertiser i sending the prescription is to benefit the alliictrd, nnd spread infoi matiuii which he conceives to bo invaluable, and he hopes every sufferer will try his remedy, as it will co-d them nothing, and may prove a blessing. Parlies wishing the prescription, ikee, by return mail, will please ad. lress Rev EDWARD A. WILSON. Williamsburg, Kings Co. i'ew Yolk feb. 28,-1 y. FLOCK ami Grain, of nil kinds, purchased at Market rales, or received ou storage and shipped at the usual frieght rates. Ilav III!! boats of our own. with careful enpt inns and hands, we will ship freight of any kind to and from Philadelphia or any point along the canal sri.oi'FF .mow &. pakker. 11 UK LIUL1MY MJlilli: I.IMO The Whitest, the most durable and the most economical. Try it ' Manu factured only by ZEIGLEIi & SMITH, Wholesale Drus, Faint & (jlas Dealers A-9. 137 .Xorth 1I1IRI) St., rillLXP'A. Jan. 24, '6'3-Jjr. A . TOB WORLD'S cheat rhxcdt rty Ecrofola and Scrofulous Diseases. Trom Lmery Etles, a KeH-knntcn vurcltant of Ox ford, Maine. "I have olil large quantities of your Sarsapa Rtt.LA, but never yet one bottle whi.:h faibl of the desire.1 eiTect and full satisfaction to ilioic who took It. As fast as oar people try it, they airrcc there lt:ia been no meuiviue like it betbre iu our voininuuity." Eruptions, rimples, Blotoher, Pustules, Ul cers, Sores, and all Diseases of the Skin. From f'T. V.obt. Stratti.ii, ilri.if'tf, Huirlitud. " 1 only io my out to you aatl the piihlie, wlten I ndil my testimony to that you puMi.di of the me dicinal virtues of your Sai:sp.i:ii.i.a. JIv daugh ter, a;el ten, hail ail aflli'-ting humor In her ears, eys, and hair for years, w!m-h we were unable to cure until ne triisl your S l llSAf AKILL.V. tihe ha Vvu well for some mouths." from Mrs.Jmit K. I:ir?,a kWMtwtj and mwra- eitrrinedl'i'lffor Iemtirirtc, f'fe M'if A. -I. " 51y droihtiT has sutf.-reii for a past witti a scrofulous eruption, whe h was v. iy tronhh-MKm;. Kotliing n!TrU"l any relief until we tri-'l your SAUSArAiuiXA, whi.ii 60oii comiil' tely cure.! her." fr.m Charles P. Cnqe, ., or the vi lr'y iwiim tia;it, Miirr")i if Co., m luafacturiTJ of tii.tiaeUcd palters in Xaehna, X. II. ' I had for several years a ver7 trouWesorne humnr in my fare, which grew eoust.uitly worse until it dlsti.'iired my featim-s aad beraiiic an ioUl cral.le at. i. tion. 1 tried nlnvist every thim? a mot coubl of oolii ailvi.vaii-1 im-.liciu", hat an r. lier whatever, until I took your Sakkaparilla. It ie.aieibi.tely ni iue my f.i.w worse, as yon MM it m.u'lit lor a time; b it in a few weeks the lie., skill began to form under the Motelvss, and n-tiaui-l until ny tiMV is as smooth as any loly'3 aad 1 am Willi ...t any svmpt.'inH of tile ilisensi; tleit I know of. I "nioy pe:fe.-t ln-alth, and without a doubt owe it to your Sabsai'" Erysipelas1 - General Debility Purify the Blcod. From Dr. X it. Smcin, Ihmiton St., Xrw Torf:. " lilt. Avi:n. 1 wldoia tail to remove I'.riijtt ions and .SVr.fl' MS Sim hy the jierseveri':irileol' yoar SRsrAiiil.l.A.and I have jut noiv ean-d an att.-it of Miliumint Em i,u Us with it. Xo alt. r itive we poss. ' e.ii:il the r.AKSAI'Ar.ll.l. V yon have sup plied to the profession as weli to the pcoide." F.-OM J. E. Johnston, Ftf., Wnlemnn, ,hin. For twdve years. I had the yellow Krv.-in--l'iS on my right arm, ihirimr which lone I tried all tho celebrated plivsicians I mul l tonrh, and took hun dreds of ilolitrs worth of rat licine. TIk- iil.t'rs were so bad that tie; cords biv.oae vi.ibie, and the rio.-trrs deei !si that my arm must be nTiiout-ired. f began ta'iiing your S utVwwuti.i.A. 'I'.K.k two lot tles, and some or your I'li.l s. Togl-ther they h.i cured uie. I am now as well nnd souu i a any Isi-lf. lleing in a public plai-e, my rise is kuowu to e.ery lenlj-iu this couuuauity, iiud excites the woader of From lion, tl nrt X'onro, it. P. P., rf Xeirrns'lt, C. I!'., a leading mimOer of the Cuntuhan Purlin went. I have iiM-d vour S mis '.p.vr.ii.n hi rav fnmil for general ilelaiitu. and lor foiril'tiiuft Of witirverv la'iieii results, rod ieel voutiJcncu i ouuuiKudiu it to the unified. ' 6t- Acthony's Fire, Rose, Salt Hheuia, ScJd Head, Sore Eyes. From Harr. i) Heller, liqthe able. eiVtnr of the 'J ttii.-ltt'tn"ek ' m-n-rat, l,:ittjlr;iiia. "Our only ehll 1, a'o:t three y.ais ot in?', was sttn kill bv pimples oil Ins loreliea-l. Tl'ey liipi.lly iread until tl.-.-y lormed a loathsome ni.d virul. iii sore, which covered Iiis fire, an 1 l.ihi'te-l bis eves ior some days. A s!:il ul physic in apple,! tniraie of silver and other nieooies, without eiy apparent ellect. l or li.tccn i:! s ve guarded i.ij bauds, lest Willi tlieui be should tearoiKli the let t.-rin" uud corrupt wound whieli covered his v. hoi? fie" Ha. iii!; tried every thing else we hid an li'.js.' from, v.e Iwg.'in Li.ia your S i:s.e.i:u.i.. and npplving the ioditie ot potash lotion, as you direct. '1 lie sore tcg:m to heal when we had ul.eil the lirst bottle, and was well when ive bad thii-hi-J the m-innd. '1 he child's eyelashes, w hieh baci coius rut, grew again, antl be i uo.v us healthy m:d bur as auv othcr.Vl'he wl"do ueiiioorhooJ pietiid-.d Uut the child mutt ui.." Syphiiia una Mercurial Disease. frain le. Hiram .'tori, of St. l.oai, i-iiemri. "I i.n-l your SAUSAl'AKIl l-V a more effect ed retrcdv lor the Fecju.larv syinptorus of .se,..o' nud iorsyphiblic dist-asi thaa'any otlu r we jiosm-s. The pro:essioo are intlei'Led W you lr iouie oi the best medicines e have." From A. J. Fre-n h. J." .)., 7 eminent p'::i'ieia,i of I n.rr i.-e, .If.v., c promintnt utiiilcr of the l.eiji. littart of M isMi'iiaitits. "li:. Avi:u. .'.'ly dear 2 i r - I have found your Sm.sai'aiiii.i.a an exc-Uent remedy for .s. ';.. iih of the primary and seeomlarit I : ai: . .ce iled l.l M.aie cases that were too oi...Hii.t.- to yi. 1.1 lo oilier remedies. 1 do not kuoiv what we eau em pl iy with mure oi success, w here a powur lui alterative U mi'iired." Xr. Clias. I'hii l.ietr. ot Xem lirnnfirl-l; X.J., bid drradiill tllo-rs ou his f"g, -ausisl by the abilso or l.ierci.i V, or mereueiiit irinc, w lib a gi 'ir more aud r.iore'nggraviit.-l for in spue ol every relmsiv or treatnn lit licit could ! nntil t!i persevering use ol .wi-.t: s. :mi-.hi!u.i " '. biiii. l ew eases cm I found more in. derate :ia 1 ibsiressi'ig tiia.wthis, aud It took tcveral doz.a bottles to cure him Leacorr'aooa, 'Whites, Fe-nala "Weclmss, sr.; pen.. rally pnnbici d bv intenel S-rafilons II rernHoo. nai are tv oil n cured by th nlt rnlivo elicit of this At:svi-A!:lt.l.. Soa.e east s mjiure. bo.v -ver. in k. ! of th S . us Al'Ai:n.LA, the siii.ul rppliati n of local remedies. From the wrJ-Tn w end trt-l hi e-le hrr.teel Fir, Joroh Mio-riV, of ( ineintniti. "I have found your Si:sriitiLL an sltcntive in diseases of ft males. Many eisca of Irregtil iritv, l.eiicirrbic:!, lot; re d I I. ration, and locaf .Icbtlitv, ar'sing from the scrotiilous duilhesi, have vielded to it, and Iheie nr.- tew that do not: iiea'its eifc-t is properly aided by local treatment." A la 'y, unirilliiig to nlioir th' puUieation vf her nam.; trei'en .- " My dansrlittr and m.-scl: bare b.w cired rf a verv debilitating l.eueorrhiei of Ion-; stailUinr, 1-y Iwr Itotta-s of your Saus rAiui.LA." Eheumatism, Gout, Liver Cnmplaint, Dys pepsia, Heart Disease, Keuralsia, wben caused be Srrofnl i in tho wsteru, are rapidly cured by this E.T. AVER'S CATTTA11TIC TILLS possess so many advantages over t-u- other purgatives m tho market, and tb-ir superior virtues are so universally know n, that we need ot do more than to assure the public their quality is maintained I'lpial tn the best it ever has la'oii. and that they may be d. pendtd on to do nil that tiiev have ever done. Prepared by .L C. AVER, M- V., 4 Co. Low ell, Jl.ass., and sold by Furniture We have implied the larire Room iust ornn- sitoonr Store in Patterson where we ottrr or sale at low prices a gtnerai assortment of TABLE?. CHAIRS. SOFA?. LOCXGES l.r i.'cTij i lr.i)Sl fcAL'S, MATTRESSES, TRUNKS, CARPETS, STANDS. RACKS. AND Many other articles for house furnishing 11ECI1T & STRAY ER ATE GOODS st KEW TRICES AT MRS. F. HANSEJIAN'S IX 1 A T T E 11 O N, -0- THO has just returned from the City with a large assortment of Millinery and Fancy Goods, Consisting in part of P.onnets and Ronnct Silks, Flowers anJ Trimmings, Emborderies, Lace Goods, Handkerchiefs. Rilmoral Skirts, Hoop Skirts, Gloves, Read Gimps and Ornaments. Notions and small wares, forming the best assortment of FALL AXD V1TER (iOOUS la the County. She solicits a call from ths public, being confident that she can suit all. rpiIE best quality of .VXCKFItFL, IIER K 11JXG and SUA always on hand. And . ornamenting Business. One from the couniry also, a good supply of Plaster nd Calcine preferred. Call at the Chair Shop, in Jliffliu Plasterat town. Stl'J.Ol'FF, FliO iV A I'AEKEK'S. ay-rll-tt CKA3. wnizrL HEADQUARTERS 31iffllntOT tx Chair Jhsufaclo rj. IITARLES W. WEITZEL would inform the citizens of Juniata county, that he eon- t tinues the t hair .isnutactory at the well known ) old stand in Water street, where he is at all ! times prepared to receive orders for W indsor t hairs of every description, including Settees, Lnrge Rocking Chairs, Sewinjj Rocking Chairs, Cbildrens' Chairs. Counting House Stools. Cain Seat Chairs, liar Rnoni ArmChairs. and every thingpertiinihg to his business, all of which he is prepared to sell cheaper than ever. He is now prepared to wholesale work at city pri ces. Prompt attention will be given to.Repa i dug All work done cheap nnd expeditiously. Sawed Poplar Plank and Scantling iaken in' exebat ge for furniture. BFLriiitiire Room on Main street; oppo site the Post Oliice. 'HARES WEITZEL. S. ptcmber 3, l!!b-tf. CilO AM SEE THE FALL AND WLNTIR ARRIVAL OF CHOICE GOODS AT THE STORE OF j JOS. M. BELFORD. i The undersigned would respectfully invite , the p tblic to call ami examine his stock heloru j pin chasing elsewhere. He Iris hought his I assortment at such prices that he cannot be I mi lersold by any in the country. Special at ; tetitii n paid topurehasing goodsin the city per ! order at the shortest notice. I Every eriortwili be made by him to give sat isl'actieu to those who may favor luui w ith a call l.ltill.S' DltESS 4MOOD.S ! I'.lnck and Fancy Silks, Moric Aii'i..ue, LVrges Lnwn, Grenadines. Locals Pure Chtiii, Rrillinntes, iiombaziuels. Cashmeres, Peplins, (Jtr.gham Lawns, Ali wool d l.aines, Alpaeas, e. : A full assortiueni of lute Dress (ioods, Mus- lins, Lroeha ar.d other Shawls, lionnets, Ron ' net Satins. Ribbons, Fioers. sc. Also, Col lars, l iidersleeves, Hainlkerchiels in great ta : ety. ! j A larne quantity of Drug.?, also ion liaiul. I'rtxrijttions lilictl. ' lie has also Iai. in a lare sioek of Wool, J Cotton and Rag Carpets, Oil Cloths, Mattiugs, i ic., at the lowest pi kes. j Country Produce taken in exchange for ' goods, for which the highest market prices I will be paid by J. -M. I5LL.1UUP. Pcirysviilc Marble Works, THE undersigned desires to inform tieciti ' l reus ef Juniata County that he has taken J charge of jhe works lately owned by Henry i Willi in l'errysvilie. where he may be found ! ready to execute jobs in his line of business ! such as Tomb Stones. Monuments. Marble ! Slabs, Table Tops, c. c. He believes that a long experience and practical knowledge j will enable to give entire satisfaction to . ai! who nicv patronize him. (live hitn a caii as he tells eoiitnleiit that fr neatness cheap ness and despatch he cannot 1 e excelled. C1I.U4. LMLRcON Apr. 25th tailori:ulstai;lisiije.t. VVM. WISE. Merchant Tailor, begs leave to inform h's friends and the public generally l! at he has just opened out a large and faauiou ui le assortment of FAIL AND WINTER CCOES, which he is rca ly to make to order promptly and on the most reasonable terms. The public generally will find it to their interest u call at his room above FASICK'S TIN Sill) P. I j,,,,, ,trept Mi.Hintown. Pa., and inspect , - workman-bin before roirehas- in ji elt-ewhere. I warrant all cluthes to fit. 6r ito sale. SIKOEE"S SEWING MACHINE. t?X.--'d persons desirous of purchasing any of SiMir.a's Sewing Machines will obtain all necessary inforinatiii on the subject ar.d see thcni in operation t.. my establishment. If favored with their orders I will fit them up a better machine thirti percent, cheaper than ever hitherto done in th senility. o tamily should I le Rbout a macl jan 1, Cl-tf Pel sons can be supplied with Coal. Plaster, S.b, &c, at ihe lowest price, by our agent at ouipsontown, ELIIlb' RE.NNEK, wlm la .TsO ii t i TM.l Ii, mirsliau. f.r.iin nit.t t Eive ,1,e '''g1'0"' niarket Prices. jjjp- xir. (,'LIXE is, also, our anthorizel 1 - ' - I - agent at Perrysville to purchase Grain aud sell Coal, Plaster and Salt for us. (jive us a call and you cannot fail to be pleased. ?ir Highest prices paid for Country Pro duce, and taken in exchange for goods. Sl'LOl'FF, ITIOW, & PAKKEK. October, lt'Oo. I have one room devoted entirely to i (ler.ts Furnishing Goods aud Heady j Made Clothing, such as I Coats, rants, Vests, Over Coa's, Roots & Shoes, I Hats & Caps, W hite Shirts ! Flannel Shirts, Undershirts, and Ilrawers. j SULOUFF, f::ow & PARKER. ; vnc . .i: bt tisi e. Every young lady and gentleman in the , tn,',u "ar very mucr. ,httir ''g return ifree of i h? llres""'? .,Le , ""dersigrcd.- i u'ise uavi.ig lears oi ueuijr uuiiiouv;geu Wll oblige by not noticing this card. Ail others will please address tbeir obedient servant. THUS. F. CHAPMAN, feb. 2f.-ly. B31 Rroaday, New York. W AN I LL). A smart active boy from 15 to IT. to learn the Chair Painting, and i ...... i CH )