Juniata sentinel. (Mifflintown, Pa.) 1846-1873, September 05, 1866, Image 3

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Juniata jStntiuel.
WEDNESDAY MORNING, September o, 1800
GearY Club. The Juniata Ce;tfral Geary
Club meets in the Court House on 1st and 3rd
Satueuat evenings of each month at 80' clock.
Any person wishing to sign the Constitution
can do CO by calling at the SKSiistl Office or
at ihe meeting of the Club
SALE. Mr. John Mwchroao, of this!
boroush. will sell on Thursday oext at
1 o'clock P. M.. a general assortment of
household and kin hen furniture.
PlC XlC. A Social Pie Sic will come
off at the River Rank on the farm of Mr.
John IIoruiu, in Fermanagh township,
on Saturday test. A good time is antic
ipated. Accident. A horse, the property of
Mr. Joseph Beshoar, residing in Mount
Pleasant, about one mile below 0'ir bor
ough, fell into an abandoned well on the
night of the "3th ult. The horse was
valued at about S1S0, aud makes the third
hnsc lust by Mr. Beshuar within the last
Removed. 15. F. Kepner, E., P.
IU. at MifHintown, and ('apt. F. M. Mick:
cy, P. M. at I'attersoii, have both fallen
victims to "My Policy." They were both
gntlemanly, ob'iuin; nui faithful officials
and their removal will he regretted by the
community regardless ol party. But they
refused to bow the knee to Baal aud cou-(-c'ieijt!y
were sacrificed regardless of the
wishes of the peopl.', to make room for
fellows who are willing to fawn before the
hirelings: of an Accidental President who
is making everything yield to a policy j
that will make loyalty odious ani treason
School Directors Take Notice
By the common school law of this State,
it is made the du'y of I'irectors to pub
lish an annual statement of the amount of
tuiney received and expended, and the
amount due from collectors, and setting
forth all the financial operations of the
district, in not less than ten handbill?, to
Le put up in the most public places in the
distiiet, la districts containing contain,
iug a newspaper, one or more publica
tions therein of the Annual Statement
will be sufficient compliance with the law,
and will render written or printed hand
bills unnecessary but they are iudispen
bible in all other cases.
Base Ball. At a game of base ball
played at Lewistown 011 the 30th ultimo,
between the Mechanics of Patterson, and
Logan of LowistowD. ou the ground of
the latter, the game was calle jon the 8th
iuuing by the Umpire. The Mechanics
ppeak in high terms of the treatment they
received at the hands of the Logaus aud
hope that Club will sorn vi.-it Patterson.
so that they may have au opportunity of I
returning the complimcut.
in ' is the score :
The folio
Smith, c,
Sample, p.
North C, s,
M titersbuugli,
Parker, '.'tC
M ton, -lb.
Allisou, rf,
Itorns If.
Selheiiucr, cf,
." Mickey, c,
S l'auiu, p,
7 t.'iatiier, ss,
7 Mcl'aiina, lb,
TlJuhnston. -b.
r, Hollohaiigb, ;ib,
7 North W., If,
" Heacock. ct,
4 Irwin, rf,
lb, 3
4 5t;
11 D)
7 H
Mechanics, '11
Login, 0
Mechanics out on fb 8, fc 2. bases 14
Logan, " " 7, fc 7. bases IK
Umpire F. M. Nickcy, M. I!. 15. C.
Removed from Office. Mr. IS. F.
Kepner, 1'ost-master at this place, will be
removed from flice this week, W. W.
I'avis having been apjioiuted to that jo
ition. The history of this appointment
btaods thus: It. E. l'arker, (IJusty Plum)
wanted the appoiutmeut of Poct-master,
and bciug of rather an unassuming dis
positinn did not like to ask David & Co.
to have him appoiuted. Having a clerk
in his store who has always been known
as a radical of the liist clas, Uusty pur
suaded him to cease his radicalism and
talk a little in favor of "my policy,' and
by so doing he could get the appointment
ot Assistant Post-master from Davis,
move the olhce into his store and they
would keep the thing iu partnership ; he
would increase his wages, and by having
the office there his store would gala cus
tom aud he receive some pecuniary gain
from it, they would send Davis fc (Jo's
letters, franked by Doolittie, Cowan and
others, through the mail, and in the end
they would all gain by the transaction.
The clerk conseuted, and the name of the
present Post-master would be, as the thing
now stands, Dusty -Ben-Da vis. We pre
6'itre persons calling for htters will be
compelled to give the sign of recognition
ot the "Knights of the Golden Circle,"
as Dusty has always been looked upon as
one of the Knights, Davis has or is about!
taking the first degree, and Dca has been j
sworn to supp trt "my policy," and do as
the "Grand Movers" order.
Hoop fckirts, Hopkiu's 'own make,'
i G28 Arch Street, l'bila.lelphia.aJvertised
, in this issue, give universal satisfaction
Ladies uote the fact.
PpEciAL attention of Merchants and
others it invited to Card, in ih"u issue of
Howell & Bourke, Manufacturers 01" Wall
Papers, etc, etc.
The Annual fair of the Juniata couutj
Acrieultural Society, will bfc held on the
11th and 12th, of October.
Premium List will be published in a few
A Remedy for Cholera. The New
Yoik Sun publishes the following as an
excellent remedy (or cholera, aud a good
thing to "keep ia the house ."
Mix iu a small bottle cojual parts of
the tincture of opium (laudanum ;) tinct
ure of rhubirb; tincture of capsicum,
(red pepper,) double strength ; tincture
of camphor ; spirits sweet nitre ; essence
peppermint double strength. Then shake
all the ingredients together, coik the bot
tle, and have it ready for iustant use. It
will keep for years.
lkse For an adult, from 5 to CO drops,
(according tn constitution aud severity of
symptoms.) every 15 minutes. For thi1
drcu. give proportionally smaller dose
say '1, 4, (3, c or 10 drops, as the case
may seem to require, in a little sweetened
Strange r.rr Tkce TVe hear it
whispered among leading Democrats that
J. T. L. Sahm, their candidate !'r Dis
trict A ttoi ney, has proven faithless to
their ptirty. They say that not a day
passes but that Suhm can be seen sitting I
around on the streets reading the J'ress
a something that uo true J'euiocrat would
sui'ty of. AVe heard Squire Wvke
openly denounce him on Saturday even
ing, he having caught him iu the act.
e understand that thetc is some talk of
calling the Democratic County Committee
together for the put pose of compelling
Sahm to decliue and nominating a candi
date who is true to the party.
l.IT.M;il FRY On the Jioth ult., y Rev.
F.. W. Kirhy, Mr. Nicholas Ititnor of Patter
sou borough, and Miss Ellen Fry of Terry
county. Pa.
APi'l.KlSY Oa the 1st iust., in Patterson
borough, Alfred McNcal, son of 1. C. aud M.
A. Appleby, aged S years and 7 days.
CRAMER On the "7th ult., in Tatterson
borongh, Miltcn D., son of W. D. and E. 1).
Cramer, aged 1-1 months.
WILLIAMS. On the 30th ult., in Spruce
Hill township, John Williams, aged C9 years
and 15 days.
Super, "r ohl.
$12 :)0 Kutter, prime ,- Jh SO
12 0'.' Illutter, rate 1
13 1)0 'Lard, Si)
3 OH Tallow li
. 4 U'l Eggs. f doz 20
1 75 j PORK.
,Hogs. V cwt 11 00
. 2 UO llatn, ft P 25
live, cwt.
Corn .Meal
I.)'iVhite wheat....
Red Wheat bu
50 iSides A Shoulders 2t)
75 ! HEEF,
(15 Fere o,r, j' cwt 10 00
75 lllind qr 12 00
75 I PliLLTkY,
Clover, bus !
Timothy. 3
Flat- 2
Hung arian
Apples, "H bu 4
Ch;ckens, "f.' pair
(Turkeys, 2
j COAL, ton
Trevertoii stove 0
I tio Egg ;
Suuhury st ;T. I".
j Jo Eg3
IChcstuut 5
i Pea, 5
Peaches, " 't
3 00
: Currents,. . . .
I R'ackherries,
I Elderberries,
!Oak, 4 0i)
Hickory, 4 5'J
New Irish, bu 1 25 Timothy,
20 30
.... IS 00
3 00 Jlover,
Apples, bu
While Eesns,...
lieeswax, lb
Soap, dry
Wool, washed...
! Retailed Articles.
I 00 Coal Oil yiral HO
1 00 S:ilt, sack 2 50
1 5o ('round Alum salt 3,00
45 Plaster, "jt ton 10 00
10 N'ails 7 5(.'
.. 20 ;i'ar Iron 05
. 45 , Horse shoes ke; S'J 00
I Spring steel en bauds
Corrected neekly by Suloutf, F'row & Parker.
ATK SALE. The undersigned offers
at private sale his Mill Property, situated iu
McCoysville, Tuscarora township, Juniata
county. The Mill is a large Frame Ruilding,
running two sells ol
P.uirs with Holts Lie- i
t vators. Ate. neocss irv lor doinir
Country or Merchant business. In connec
tion Willi luo -Mill will be sold a pood Hwell-
ing House ami Mahlc, with ail necessary
modern improvements. Terms easy.
Persons wishing to see the property will
call at the residence of the suliscriber iu
MeCvosville, Juniata eountv.
June 20 -tf. WM. HACKETT.
"TEW TOBACCO STORE. Just received i
J- ai Ilarnes Cigar and Tobacco Store,
fresh supply of pure Vara Cigars and Tobaccos.
Rest Navy $1,00 per lb.
2nd " (.".'c. "
3rd " 5'ic. " "
Cases Gold JJar 1.40 " "
draiioke 1,-10 " "
Ihe best brands Fine Cut loose and in foil,
and all kinds of Rright Tobacco a: reduc
ad prices. The lovers of good chewiug and
smoking tobacco are respectfully invited to
call and examine uiy stock.
June 2o-i f. A. T. BARNES.
LARGE stock of Queciisware. Ccdarwars
i eueh as Tubs, liuttcr Howls, Rockets
Churns, Raskcis, Horse Rockets. &c, at
Civil War in the United States, by Ben
son J. Lossing.
George W. Childs. Tublisher, C28 & CCO
Chestnut St., Philadelphia, Pa.
Tbi first volinnn of this work is now readu
for delivery; it will hi completed in tUree vol-
umns, ot over wj pages c.icu, printed on
tine calendered pnper. and handsomely illus- j
trated with nearly 20liO tine steel aud wood
Engravings, in i!ie highest styls of the art.
preparation has traveled 2o,U0tl miles.) rep.
resenting liead-ijiiarters of uihcvr ; weapous
and ships of wu; tons, arsenals, medals of
honor, nnd othci; gifts ot gralituJe; costume
of soiiikis, arms and aoooutienietiis ; prisons
and other buildings made memorable by the
war; facsimiles f important tlocKmait and
autograph letters ; maps of battle Si-M,
sieges and plans of foi tresses the whole il-
lUioruting every important event in the
civil war.
The work, when finished, will be the most
correct, reliable, impartial and bandsniiely
golten-up history of the war published The
three volums will be issued at a cost of "?500(M
It has been, wiitten since the conchtsius of
Ihe tear, from loth I'niun and Confederate vfli.
rial tloLUiaenti, aud private jattruats of otjicru of
batli armies, not accessible to, nor used by
previous writers: arranged !n a clear and ton
cise mniitier, with that impartial and Toll
balanced judgment for which the author if so
well known. .Mr Lossing had every facility
offered him by special direction oflhc War mil
Navy Depaatuients, Goveruors of States, ml
"t7 the hue and present President, for vsit
ing comps, forts and fleets, while the war was
in prwjrets, and zitice the catirlusiun.
The work will contain biiya apliical skruhes
iu 1 yc.lopidia form, of all the prominent nc
tors iu the v ar. of both sexes, and iu every
condition in life.
This is a book of facts rather than of opinion,,
aud tully sustains the reputation of the 111
thor. established by his 'Pictorial Field Ilok
of the Revolution." Trice r? '1,110 )ier volumu.
Sold L'xi't.i siVKLV by Siiiiseuii'Tiox.
CAI'T. I. M. TliilMrSOX, Agt.
IIAKllY K. OVES, Ass t. Agent.
Aug. 13, 'titi.
J and Stationary Store, in Perrvtville, Ju
niata county, Penn'a. (I'ot Olt'.ce building.)
The undersigned asks leave to inform ihe
goud people, ol this and neighboring counties
that he has opened a fine stock of .-tationary
Hooks, etc.. nil 1 having bought ih; iu at a
vtiy low wholesale price in Philadelphia, by
adding a small per ccutage, is certain he call
sell c lien per than any other establishment in
the count 3'. Tlie following is a list of Maga
zines and Periodicals, kept, with prices at
tached, any of which will be sent by mail
free of postage to any place upou receipt ol
the annexed price, viz :
Atlantic Monthly J.",c.
Harpers Magazine 4.",c.
Frai.k Leslie's Gazelle of Fashions.... 4-"c
Oodics .Magaziue -)(c.
Ladies Friend .Wc.
Dallous Magazine .'.'ic.
Wavt-rly Magazine (weekly) l ie.
Harpers Pictorial (weekly) ."e.
Frank Leslie's Pictorial, Illustrated,... loc.
Chimney Coi ntr l.'ic.
Albion ."io.
New York Ledger .' 10c
National Police Gazette 0c.
New York Clipper ; Oc.
Saturday Night pi,;.
O'easons Literary Companiviu . llic.
Dcadlcsand Mouioe's Novels, (each)... D'c
Iteadle s Songster Inc.
Martin's Sensible Letter Writer ."iiic.
Fortune Tellers and Dream Rooks of differ
ent kinds, (each) ioc.
Also all kinds of tile. Novels.
N. U. Any of the Daily Philadelphia pa
pers furnished at 7oc. per month, or tri-wcek-ly
at ode. per mouth, semi-weekly o"ic or
weekly "inc. Per month, also Music. .Maga
zin-s aud other bindings attended to
1'. S. Hack numbers of all Magazines and
Pipers furuish'.-l at short notice. 1 am lieier
ruiincd to supply a great want in this county
by furnishing ihe people i;h reading matter
.it a rc!i-!ialIe jirije.
I respectfully Solicit rmir patronage.
Perrysvillc, aug. 1, iitj.
LVrS'foUK. The undersigned have open
1 d a New Sti.re in the Odd Fellows' Hull,
Itridgr s:reat. where ibev ari prepared to fur
nish tl;e public with good aud cheap goods,
coitsi.-tit.g in pm of Uiiiti; j-:lk and lioiub.i
zim s. black Wool L'e Lainc i and 1 wid.',
I'rcuch Aipaas. Suow Flake Mouair, ljuc Lie
do re, taiuy i o.u Ue L.nos and lancy Mi
rl-ikem i.t coljrs, lriutcd Cambrics nuu
French Silk J'iai i I'opiins and Poplinctts.
" " Strircd 1 laill Pougue Crape.
" Figured and Plain Percales.
Pacific and Foulard's I bathes.
W'hiic tioods such as Irish Linens. Swiss
Cambrics, Jacouetts, Rriliiauts, Naiiou&s aua
Liack Thibet and lie Lain Shawls.
F lench Plaid Grandions "
" American I loths and Cassiineres.
."Ii'l'llrsex I !, l-mlies " great vatiely,
AVI.ite and colored Flannels,
Cottonades. Checks, Siiatobrios & Tickings,
l'deauhed and brown Sheetings 1, 1, 2.1,
Gloves, Ilosery, Collars, Trimmings, Rib
bons, with a great variety of the best styles
ia the above line, selected with great care.
Hats and Caps for men aud boys in great
variety; black, color, fur, wool and straw
goods. Having purchased the above of the
manufacturers we are prepared to sell cbeap
cj than any other house in the county.
One of Ihe finest assortments of Oil Clo.hs
and in great variety, as well as Ccdarw-irc
at lowest prices. Close cash buyers Would do
well to examine our slock before purchasing
elsewhere. TILTON iiSVLNSClIAIHi.
June 13, l"i;o-ly.
f KIT It AN. 3 TAKE NOTICE. Hy Act ol
the General Assembly of Pennsylvania,
all Veteran Volunteers who have been retu-
1:lrly re-eniisted and re-inuslered into the
1. . C .1.. l--.l 1... ,I
teiiee oi lue Liuivii oiin-.-s, u.'iweeu we
lli day cr June, ami April 1st. l.sr.t
and received no local bounty are now entitled
to a bounty ot Three Hundred Dollars from
tho township, borough or county where
heir credit was given. Any person having
a claim of the abuvc kind, can have it prompt
ly collected by calling on or addressing, Jer
emiah Lyons, AKoruey-'at Law, Mililititown
Jtuii.ua county. Pa. Stalo in addressing t,y
letter number of Regiment and Company to
which you belonged and date of re-enlistment.
Attorney -at-Law,
Mil!!in'.oiv!i, Pa.
The undersigned would respectfully inform
his friends aud the public generally that he
has taken charge of the above named Hotel,
formerly kept hy Amos Snyder. This is au
old and well-known stand, and none more de
sirable for the accommodation of the public.
His 11 A It will be stocked wild Ihe best (pialiiy
of Li.piors, his TAHLE spread with the best
the market can attord, and his STABLE, which
otie of Ihe most desir,.!, .. town will bo '
,, , , , . , . , , I
alteudi I by good and trusty hollers.
April 4, oo.tr. S. K. NO'I LSTINE.
HAVING purchased the Tin and Sheet Iron
Store, located on Bridge Street, Mifllin
town, I would respectfully inform the public
that I intend to keep constantly on hand a
general assortment of
1 in nnd Japan ware, the largest and best in
the county, and as to quality aud workman
ship cannot be surpassed.
Job am Sheeting wort, will be promptly at
tended to either in town or country. Draas
! Copper and Enameled Ft each Preserving Ket-
tins, l)i.per. Jirass, Copper, French Tinneu.
i JXinulIed Hollow Ware, Watlle irons Coat
I sl.nvt.lia l,iit I'hiik t.nlli roTiiimin nod Patent.
n.,l nf ..pinna tiiimi a :in. t n 1 w ;1 f Q .in h;ilul nnd
for sale
Persons in want of anything in the above
line aro rei;neslei to give me a call before
purchasing elsewhere, as I feels confident
that lean suit them either as regaids the
article or the price.
gtg-Old copper, Cras and Pewter bought
ami the highest price paid in cash or poods
June -27, Oi. N. K. LITTLU ltLD.
tory. We the uxdersigued beg leave to
inform ourcustomets and friends in this and
adjoining counties, th;it wc have enlarged our
shop, and by the addition of Fleam Power,
ate prepared to do work at the shortest possi
ble notice.
Yvc are constantly r:nmfa--turinjr nnd nuike
to order, every description of Cori'-bos, Car
riais, lluggies, Sulkies, V':igons, c., alio
Family aud Yoak cutter slir'pUs. We are al?o
prepared to manufacture Koad Wagons from
one to four horse.
ll.-iving been working at the- business for a
nuiLber of years ourselves, and employing
none but ihe best of workmen. We Kntter
ourselves that our work cannot be surj nss'!
for neatness an 1 durability : in this or ad
joining counties.
i e always keep on band from twenty to
thirty set, of best second growth, Jersey
Hickory Spokes, in order to make durable
wi!fi -And will warrant our work for u:;y
reasonable time.
Sleighs and lluggies re painted with ner.t
noss aud dispatch. Ali oilier repairing l.cavy
r light w ill receive, rtriet attention. l.'onu
a:i'l examine our stock nnd worn, la-tore pur
chasing elsewhere. Hon't forget the naine.
Corner of the Pike & Cedar Spring road.
June J7-tf.
i XKW I'LUI ISE 102 THE II.l.M)Uii(i;rr;fj
4-'ii;!it BloaC2ins( Cerrun.'
4Vi;ht ISlfMnsiui; C'rreus.9
"3iij:!it !1ooiumiz 4'rreaH.a"
.ij;tit tSIooiuin; Orenn."
".Kitit liloainiit-t Cirn."
A niot etcnaini'e. il liotite. and Frnsrnr rrrfitr.
list! l. 'l from tlie rare and beautilul lluwer from
whicli it takos its aatne.
Vuuuracturril outy ty
lc:.4I-0f SOV, Xrw Vork.
Br.WAltE OF C01'XTE1!FE1T.S.
July in, 'Ciii-ly.
VEW A It RANG EM KNT. The undersigned
i.1 finding it impossible with one Market
Car, lo supply their cii-tomers.bave purchase 1
another, and are now prepared to Itirni.-h
marketing regular',)- twice a week after the
1st of August. Iltip Car will arrive in Pat
terson every Wednesday evening, ihe other
will arrive every Fiiday cvenin. We wi-di
it distinctly understood we will dr nothing
but a strictly cash business in future. Per
sons ordering goods regularly every week
arc evpeele 1 to pay promptly each trip.
One car will leave Patterson for Philadelphia
rvery Monday morning, the other will leave
5very WcJncsdav morning.
july 25-tf. " HOLLOltAUGlI & ROWE.
Cl'U.V MILLS. The undersigned bcgs
leave to inform his friends and the jo.bhc
that he is still in charge of the above name I
popular mid. where he is prepared lo accom
modate the citizens of Mit:!in, Patterson and
vicinity, with the Choice.-I llraiids of Flour.
A large supply of Rraii, Chop-Suilf. and Feed
of all kinds constantly un h ind. A- he runs
, i a mill wagon every Tuesday and Friday to
.Mitlnti and Patterson, customers can he punc
tually supplied at their riujrs. Ry strict at
tention to business he hopes to receive a lib
eral share of public patronase Terms Cash,
may !, '(iO-it SOLOMON KA IFF .MAN.
A IVTION NOTICE. T h e undersigned
would respectfully inform i.n r -ham an 1
all oilier persons-, thai he h is oi.e'r.-d an Ana.
lion Room on Main Street, Mililititown. Pa.,
where he will receive on consignment i.ll
kinds of goods, and sell then. at Public Auction
on reasoimbie per ccnuze. Merchants and
others having goods thy wish to di. pose ol
would do well to ir.insler them to the auction
room. Sale every Saturday evening,
may . W,-f. j A. 11. WRIDMAN.
Will do more and better work at a given Cost
than any other! Try it .' Manufactured only
Zeiglcr & Smith.
h'lwJr Dl U'J, t-nut (' Ulius lh i.il, rs
No. 1:
North THIRD Street, PillLAD'A
'00-1 v.
'in. 21,
wishic I'
SI M AC. The undersiirne 1
lo purchase pure Suieae in lartre
or small .ii!iitiiiies. Highest, market prices
paid on delivery at suimiu mill, Meehauics
burg, Juniata county, Pa.
I'ort Royal, Juniata Co., Pa.
August 15, ISiiij-if,
The public are heroby caulion-
W ed aitatust mireiiasinn
lir lip-nil ill t imr n
lumisaiy note given ny u,3 , favor of Ahl
and Woodburn, of Newville, Cumbei lati i
county. The note is dated, April 3rd, It-tit'.,
and is drawn foi fifty dollars. ( .S.IO.no) paya
ble!, the Hunk ot iloty, Parker. & Co.
au-. 4-i;t. "j. HARUELL.
HOTEL, ucar the Cani
lol buildings.
UMilSUiriiG, r.t.
6aTcrms as moderate as any Hotel in she
G.THOMP.SOX, Proprietor.
Wlhfcs 1V53asUf:C4S!!
Ur. L. O. Mo.ntk.' Corrolia, the "reatet
stimulator iu the world, will force W hiskers
or Mustaehes to grow on the smoothest face
orchiu; never known to fail ; sample for trial
sent free to any one desirous of testing its
merits. Addicts, Relvks & Co-, 73 Nassau
July 11, lSiii;.;;,,,.
A Fyu- assortment of TRUNKS ami Tlt.VV -J.X.
FLYING RAGS. Also, yuTWXS such
as Hose. filiirn lti...'. :(..... 1 n:...
uui ,...i:... , ... .u Cr ,
i """.'o tv-ni U.ovcii lor UUies uud seuls
untin si ,1 if ;,i ...
."SADDLERY from January 18. RstJC,
JAMES H. SIMONS would respectfully an
nounce to his old customers and the public
generally that he has large stock of
WHIPS and all other articles usual
ly kept iu a ZAUVLKR SIIOI', which he
will sell at ihe folluwing reduced prices:
Rest Silver Plated Harness $31 00
Second best do 32 00
Third do do 30 DO
Common Plated do 2. (it)
Second do do 23 00
Common Plain do J'J in)
liest Spanish Saddles 2100
Second da do 12 00
Ct mnion Quilled Sat do with Horn IS 00
Common do without horn Hi Oo
Wagon Saddles 9 00
Five inch Rrcech-Cands S Side
Leathers for two Horses 40 00
Four iuea do J5 ojj
Rack-bands S inches 3 20, Ginefces
2 10, 5 Indies 1 75.
Double set of Yankee Harness which
includes bridles, bauies, coilars, lines.
tint, chains. &c.
45 (Ml
Pair of Yankee Rridlcs
t; HO
F ive ring Halters
Three ring do
Check lines 3-4 inrh
do do 1 inch
Rlind Bridles
Riding Bridles from $2 00, S CO
Good Draft Collars
Harness do
W agon Whips ,00, 1,75, l,f,0, 1,25
Pug-'y do from 75 cents to
Buggy Lines, flat 2, no, round
Flow Lines 3-4 inch l,W, 1 inch 1,15
3 00
4 00
3 1 10
2 Ot.'
2 Oo
3 00
1 1-4 lucli l.l-.
He would also invite the public to examine
his stuck before purchasing elsewhere, as he
feels cotitidenl he can sell cheaper than any
other establishment iu the county. His inito
is ijuick sales and small prolils. Give him a
call and save money.
U"i. REPAIRING neatly executed and all
woik warranted.
Bridge St., Mitliinto-Tu Pa.
Oct. 11-ly.
L I- i J 11 9 Si
The undersigned lias just received a large
sirtek of Diy Goods and Groceries at their
store ou Rail Road Street, in Battel son. which
they are opening te the public, at the following
low prices :
Prints. Bkuwx Sheetings.
Rest Quality at 2o;Best Quality 2
Second -15 -cou-l .25
Third 12 .T'ir.l 20
DkL.mnss. ilounh 1M
Plain (all wooi)....CO F,,ll 1"
Figured " .... Slx'1-- 1J
Fancy and plain F I. ' x.nei.s.
fru'ii 25to35 et sntotH)
Best Quality
Siiiktiso Checks.
Best Quality
v line 30ton .)
s'ilad 35io75
- Shirtin? 45to75
'j Ali wool S.icks..4fio75
Bonis & SllilKS.
'. Ladies i2 to3 25
.' Misses til 2tto2 25
" ('hildrens ...dittos I 25
jOenis Boots S3 50 7 50
Black and other
Colors 50tol
ioys si 25to2 25
Svrurs "JOctol 40
Balmoral.. 2 7itol 50 Sugar house 05
iloo- a.l yriers Sugars, brown. 12lol0
Tickings 25, 35lo50; White lHto20
Pasts Stiff. IGreen Coffee 30
Jeans froni....G0to05: Ladies' Coats latest
Satinet 70luSl 2'i'jityles ...S120(!to2l 00
Cais:.meres...$l 25to30 breakfast Shawls
Pla iis
..S'2t 3
All wool 45toSO Woolen Hoods75to2 50
Piad Cashmcr...37to50i lLitsand Caps at all
Bi.e.u-ukii Mistis. prices.
Rest Quality 35 Notions A full as-
Secoiid 30 sortment of Ladies'
Third 25 Gents' Gloves, Hos-
Fourlu 21 iery. &c. at all priee
Filth 12 to suit purchasers.
Also, a full assortment of Qtieonsware-
Hardivare, Tinware, Brooms. Rritsiies, Basi
els. Buckets, Tubs, Ti.lmcco, Segars. &c, c
usually kepi in a country store. Purchasers
will do welt by calling and cxameiiing our
slock, before 1 urchasinz elsewhere, as our
motto is lo sell cheap for CASH or Country
Apr. 23 'o'C-ly. Patterson, Pa.
0- c w
Teeth inserted upon an entirely new style
of base, which is a combination of OoM and
English Rubber, (vulcanite) Also American
Rubber, t vuleanite. ) which for beauty, dura
bility, cleanliness, and the resforation of the
natural color of the face, cannot be sur
passed. Either of the above basis
Full l'i;cr or Lower Sot Inserted
p.s Low as !I. OO l'cr Set.
Trvij'orciiy sets inserted Graft'.
Special attention will be made to diseased
gums, and a cure warranted or no charge
made. Teeth tilled to lust for life.
Ciii. Triumph ia dentistry !
by a new process, without the 1150 cf ether.
chloi oform or nitrous oxide, and no danger.
Having been inbi:sine-s for upwards often
years, five of which has been spent in Mifflin
town, nud being in possession of the latest
hn'rurctl litrtriwirnts. ami Mjchiitrrif I warrant
entire satisfaction, or the money will be re
fun le 1. Oiliee on Bridge Street, opposite the
Court House S ptaie.
G. L. I'ERR,
noy. 20. '05-ly. Rrsidettt Itentitt.
rpo THE AFFLICTED It is a settled fact
-L lhat a great proportion of the diseases
which 'tiesh is heir to ' arise from an impure
condition of ihe blood and the most certain j
remedy for these diseases is Liiithey s Llwi
I'ttritier. This preparation is reliable fur Ihe
safe and speedy cure of Intl itiiiuatory Rheu
matism, Chronic Scrufulu, Secondary Syphilis,
Cancers, Tumors, Ulcers on thehead or body.
Humors of the skin and all eruptions on the
face : also nil fever sores, bed sores, and every
species of Cutanrous Disease. It wiil alio
cure all diseases caniiuou to a derangement of
the liver and rapidly reitore the pnietit to
health. Prepared by Dr. J. M. Lindsey.'for
the sole Proprietors. Hazard oi Smith, No.
M7 Arch street, Philadelphia' Sold retail by
may J, oo-om.
SALT! SALT.'.' SALT!.'.'
A Superior sialily, either by single sack 01
quantity. We will furaisii Merchants
with salt at "phibvlelphia prices, with the ad
aace of O' enses of freight.
si'Loui'F n;ov & i'ahkek.
11 M KEEYEK, Sur-rcon Dentist,
riAKFiS this method of informing his friends
JL in Juniata county, that owing to the lea-.
sonably good success he has met with, during"
j the few months he has been pactising his pro.
I fession in said county, Le feels warranted in
; making stilted visits to Miffliutown nnd Me.
I AUstersville. The first Monday of each monih
I Mr. Keever may be foBd at the Juniata Ho
tel, Mifflin, te rcniiia to redts. The third
, Monday, at McAHsteif viile, to remain during
: the week. Tenth inserted on VULCANITE',
; extracted in the most approved manner, ntut
I with the least possible puin.
1 Ct SiLriet attention yiiren to 4iseMl'.
gums, ic. All Work warranted. B!. Terms
I icasonable.
January 21, loOG- tf.
C1IMLEKA. Don't be startled!' The Chol
' era ean be prevented nnti cttred by using
Dr. J. M. Lindsey's Cholera ami Diiirrhv
Medicine. This preparation hi been before
the public for fifteen years, ami has been
used with entire success. Titous.vids of Cer
tificates could be furnished, oiM trial of
the medicine will be more S'ltUfaelnry than
volume of Certificate? and will convince the
most sceptical of its woiobrful frative prop
erties. It is nut a cure-all. but is designed
to relitveall who may be attacked by Cholera.
Cholera Morbus, Diarrheal Dysentery, Cholio
or Cramps find Tains in tbe Strintieki Ko.
Don't be without a hotileat ntvn-d. f ld re
tail by nit Itrst class Dnig-tists and Wholesale
by the Proprietors Haaard 4 Smith No. 107
Arch Street, !'hl.!elphi. nay,
J signed cti'ers at private sale his f irm sit
uated in Delaware township. Jnniata cotnt;.
Pa., about three miles cast of Thompson!) m,
containing 25 acres, about 2oO acres of wKicU
are clean d and in a good state of cult i vat iot'-.
the remainder well se. with choice timbei,
having thereon erected a large Sione Mnnsmn.
Tenant House, large Bank Barn, arid other
necessary out-buil lings, with a never-failing
spriug of water convenient to the house.
T he in nd is well watered. The above land
will be sold in whole or in parcels to suit pur
chasers. Persons desti int to purchit.se the
property can do so by rilling 011
April 25. l.V.''.-tf.
FRANK. 11. S. C(ioK. H. IMjt ftliMAX.
And lhat can be done to I'rrf'cction by
bnying your good:; of the njpw firt.i in Paiier
eu. Their nock consists in part of Dry
Goods, Hats and Caps, Fancy Gul-v Yankee.
Notions, a large and superior stock cf Boots
and Shoes, Groceries, Sail. Fish, Cheese. c.
Dried and ('aimed Fruits, in great variety,.
Hardware, ijucenswar. Wooden are. Outr
stock wan purchased in eastern cities at re
duced prices, and we are coutident we can
make it to the interest of our customers anil
tho geods-bttying public lo give us the first
call 1. "fore making their purchases.
N. B. We hae 2 the largest stock, greatest
variety and best styles in the county.
Highest market price paid for country pro
duce, frank, Cook & co.
Patterson, July 4. lMiO.tf.
(!Trb;utjlcob $ (k'liltouj cltarf,
Brooms, Mats, Brushes, Collou Lap?,
Buckets, Twines, Wick, &c,
Feb 21, l;0-ly.
i:ks.o:s or yoitis.
A Gentleman who suffered for years from
Nervous Debility, Premature Decay and ait
jiueei;een 01 oiii.niii ui'l iscrei ion. Will tor
me sa..eoi sniiering tiumnnity. send free to
all who need it, thejrecipe and directions for
making the simple remedy by which he was
cured. Sufferers wishing to profit hy the ad
vertiser's experience, can do so by address-
No. 13 Chambers St.. New Yoik.
feb. 2S,-ly.
1 V hereby giv?n that letters of Administra
tion on the e-ia;e of Mrs. Marc-.ret Hardv.
dec d.. late of Miiford township. Juniata Co
Pa., have been granted lo the undov-igiicd re
siding in aforesaid township. All persons
knowing lliemselves indebte.l to "aid estate
will make i rniediaia payment, an I thoi-e hav
ing el aims will pie-ieul ihciu duly authontl
cated for settlement.
Aug. 15, Isiiti-lit.
UTK have en hand a good quality of Hard
ware. Comrising 11 full asorfmenl of
c.ii!ri:x n:i: itmi.s hlai ksuivii
TOOLS, such r.s Anvils. Bellows, vc, Shoy
maker Tools, Saws, Axes, Auger", Iron, Steeh
Nails. Horse Shoes, and Horse Shoe Naih: by
the keg and p iuu i. Ropes of all sues from 2
inches down to J iuch by the pound. Buggy
and Wagon Springs. Griud Stones, aud Grind
Stone Ficlutes. at
Ct A U T 1 0 N. W hereas, my Pocket Book
' containing nine dollars uud eighty cents
in money, one promisary note of eiiity-three
dollars and sixty-si.v cents on J. K. Sausman.
also an exemption note of one hundred and
twelve doll irs on J. T. I'iium, was stolen. -
I take this method of cautioning Ihe public
against bartering for said notes. Any infor
mation will be liberally rewarded.
I'LRE LI I! I'll Tl' U1UTL L 11 A ,
preferred by all practical Painters! Try
it ! aud you will have uo ether. Man
ufactured on'v bv
WiiDt.r.SAi.! Dittit, Paint & Glass Dkalef.,
No. North THIRD Street, PHI LAD
Jan. 2 1, Gt ly.
This Hotel ii pleasantly situated on lbs
South side of M nkct Slieet, a few doors above.
Sitt'h street, its central locality makes it par
ticularly desitt.blc to persons visiting the city
ou business or Pleasure.
i V grieh, Lancaster. Wisconsin, will buy
and sell REAL ESTATE, and pay Taxes for
nonresidents, to those desiring u locate in the
West, can obtain cheap Homes and good wa
ter power in prosperous localities by consult
i:i" him reference giveiif required,
mar. 21 -It.
L'vFvuLTsUKS ;- Klt.
,. iTVIM-:ii.
Feb 21,