SA KILL ElUAYEBJ jev Firm i:i Taltmoa. Gentleman's Furnishing Emporium ! w Just epcncd iuihe r.ewr.riek Building, Main Street. Fattersoa Ij Levi llccht and fciinuel Sti-iyr. large and cicgaut assortniem of Deady-Made. Clothing, consisting ill port of Orcrcoct. Frc;r Coats, Drr (.'ij'.'t', luit'ihion$, IV.-f.?, Drawers. Collar, Luhmhii !s, JFandkt-ri hirfs, Boots & Sitae. And every ihir.g r.siiilly found in a first, class Gentleman s 1 iirntsr.Ki; Store. FAXL'r GOODS A.1.0 n 1are end carefully selected assort ment of r.incv Goods, of all classes, kind anil qualities, ail of which will be sold mt Iho low est pos.sii.le living prices. Laaiet' Gailor aud Shoet. Thcv also invites the ntteniion of the Indies to his "tine stock of GAIT0R3 AND SHOES, which ho will sell at prices defying competi tion. CAR DATS, OIL CLOTHS. TbfT have on hand a beautiful assortment of Cirri m, Oil Cloth", e , which arc of a good iiia!ity, and wcil vrc.nh the inspection of the buyer. WATCHES & JEWELRY. O'tia etiJ S'lrcr Watch's, c'l-iv'.-, Far rivjs, J 'lain and Fancy rinj, AT itch Keys. Indie;-' and (avals' Eieast Tina, Gold Pens'uul Peails, Sc., which at this time form the largest and beat assortment in the county. jc-iiAll the above goods will lie sold cheap er than any other store in the United States. If you don't believe it, just give (is a call and be convinced of the-truth ol the assertion HECHT & STRAY El'.. Patterson, Arril 1-, ix".-t". m- - . B If. W. E3AH&EY& urs CilEAi CLOTHIaG STORE. This way for Bar- Having purchased from mans 1 noh i Van tinner the Iarre Clothing rN'tibi-shtrent, situated on the rnrner ot V.r. ' -e and Water streets, M illiintown, Penn M'.v:i"ia, we wuld respect fully inform the 1 nl. ie that we have just received a large and W i ii s- leetcd a-sorlment of ready made Cloth ing. de-U'tie-i for the i lulor Ti a3e lor ls;r. Such us (ivrr foul-. Tress Coats. Easiness Co.itf ' Common Coats, rantaloor.s, Vests. Hats, j JIo -t. and t-'hoes cf cv;ry deseription, style and quality, fur male or female. r.OYS" HEADY MADE CLOTIIIXG. Also, Cai;els, White flsirts. Fancy Over Sfhirts. ft;. lor Shirts. Drawers, Ilosiory, Cloves, Linen and Taper Colars, Cravats an d Ties, Trunks, I'm brilins1 Travelling l'.igs ie. A so. the! alest styles ot Ladies Cloaks, Cir cuit's nn 1 Furs. lVi'v iis in want of anything in oitrlir.e will . rave ji;..r.ey by giving us a ctiil before pur f!:tsi,r el.-ewticre, us we ure de cimined to tell ebi an for cash. r-; Dun t forget tLe corner, EiiJge and V .iter S:rotts. L. V. IIARLEY & Co. (ct. 4, fi-j. M&KAL IXSTKOEXTS. T. M. OI1EENE HAS OPENED HIS MT' I) .e Store, one do-r v.ct of IV. T.t.-.vis' Er.,.k S:-re, where ! k c s con-tamly on h ! STElXVi'AY S: S"NS' and GAKHIE'S P' iv... Mauuf-'.eturtT'ir Compnnv's PIANf'S, ?.M-'ON A HAMLIN'S CVPINET Olllj VNS an 1 CAfl'l.M.T, NEFMIAM COS' MK 1.' H'l.i .V-S : tiiiiians. Violins, p;ft.3 Flutes; li-'t::rand Vi.tEn S-rings. .Mi ic Hocks (toldrii h:tin, tloMcn Show er, tli.blei: Censor, tlolj'-ti Trio, c, ic. t'iiEKT Ml SIC. He is constantly receiv i;:g t'l-jm Piiilade'j hi.t all (he latc-t music, !ik!i persons at a distance wishing, can o: icr, and Lave svM them by mail, at I u h I i s h c r" Prices- Pianos and Organs Warranted for five , years. ; i 1 liose wisbi.i? to buy any of the above ar-1 tides are invited to oi l", and examine mine i ) ' (' re t iiichasing el-cw jicrc. My prices are j ti... -ice as iu New V. rk and J'iiila lclj.hia Cir. ill us of Inirmnents sent promptly up- i on aj i ae.itiun w i!U any ad luionol iniuriua tion deriied. E M. GREENE, Hill Street. Huntingdon, Pa. One door rt of Lewis' Eor.k Store. ti r r ti 1 IHE undersigned would respectfully J- inform the citizens of MitHintowu and vicinity, that he has opened a Jpff-ti'..''." eiry Estnblishmont on Main Street, Miiiiin lown, in Thompson's Hotel, third door from the comer, where he will keep constantly on Land and at greatly reduced prices. Gold and Silver Watches. An l a general varietv r.f CLOCKS. FIXOFR I I NHS, ltREAST PINS, EAR KINGS. r,(,l n PENS, and PENCILS. SILVER PLATK'u V, ARE, SPECTACLES, together with a com plete assortment of Fancy Goods. PUThe repairing of Clucks. Watches and Jeweiiy promptly attended to, on short notice und on very reasonable terms. All work war- rnnte.l to fi iv ati0l"isotion. 'J'tte pubiio r. respectfully invited lo five a call. THOMAS K. JlcCLELLAN. Aug. St, 1SG Grocories ! Prime Kio Coffee, Prepared Caller, Pulver ized Sugar, Crushed Sugar, N. O. Sugar, S. II. Sugar, X, O. Molas.-os, S. II. Molasses, Lovoring Syrup, Chocolate, Mustard, Eicc, S.'arch, Nu.megs, Ciovcs, Cassia, Ginger, Corn Starch, Fish, Salt, He, Sie., for sale cheap at Ih.iNiiW Stuue in Patterson. Jml-tf J R M T VJ: CARPETS ! CARPETS 71 A LARGE and goo 1 varietv of ALL WOOL SYL AG and 11EML' CARi'LTi ou Land nnd for sale cheap, at SULOUFF. I' HOW & PARKER'S A LARGE and well selected stock of GRO CEU1ES, comprising Ham, Shoulder, Ea Con, Mess Pork, Flenr. Spices, fcc. Ha at l"LOl'FF, FLOW 4 I'JUliElid LEVI 1 Villi. NEW JEWELRY S 0 OLD SQM, SET TO A JEW TUNE "As sptinn approach! A nig and tloache From thiir holts come out, And Mire and Hats, In spite of eats. Gaily skip about." "IS years established in N T. City." Only infallible remedies known." Free from Poisons." "Not dangerous to the Human Family." "Rats come out of their holes to die." "Cottar's" Rat, Roach, &c. KxUr' Is a paste used for Hats, Mice, Koache, Flack ami Fed AnU, $c, 5 $C, $c. s "Co star's" HcJlhnj Fslermtnur, Is a liijuid or wash used to destroy and also as a preventative for Bid-lltt'js. Ac- "Costtir's" L''i tric Xowihr Jur Jii.tseet is for Moth, Mosquitoes, Fleas, Ikd-Dug inseclson I'iants, Forts, Aninuils, $c, e. jtlU ! ! 1 liEWABK ! ! t of all worthless imitations. EOi.Seo that "CosTAn's'' name is on each EoxT Entile and Flasa. before vou buy .Address, HEN 11 Y U. COSTA R, 48 Broadway, N. Y. Sv,Sold in Mifllintown, l'a. 1866. INCREASE OF HATS. The Farmer Ga Telle ( English) asserts and proves by figures that one pair of ItA 1 will Have a progeny and descendants no less tliau ti'.l, (",() in tlirei years. Now, unless this immense family- can be kept down, they world consume more food than would sustuiu 0.",tMMl human beinis. t-ee "Cosiar's'" advertiseuient above. 1866. HATS rerun FlEl)?!. Whoever ennaes in shnnting small birds is a cruel man; vhoever aids in exti viuinatins ran is a benefactor. We should like some one to give us the benefit of they- experience in driving out these pests. We need something besides dogs, cats, and traps for thid business. iSctth'ttic Aiuertcxiit, A', y. gf,See "CostarV advertisement above. 1866. mSTAK'S"' EAT EXTERMINATOR is simple, safe and sure the most perfect IIAT- incation meeting we have ever attended i'v.,r e.i ii.i ..i it Mn.,b- j; ea, j,, 4a every one that eals"it will die. generallv at some plase as distant as possible from where it was taken. Lake Sliure, Mich , 3l"ror- mnn FARMERS AND HOI'S EKEErERS should recollect that hundrids of dollar's worth ol Grain, Provisions, e., ore annually destroyer by Eats, Mice, Ants, and other insets and vermin all of which c m be .prevented by a few dollars worm of -,Cos:ar s bat. Itoat !r. Ant, Exterminator, bought and used freely. XJ"Ki'C "Costar advertisement above. April J, ltuU-Cin. , J.B. POI.LMAS. W. n. BOLLMAN riOLI.lI l EROTHEB. AND JEWELRY STOKE MALI' STREKT T'.VO 1'oors North of Belford's Store. 3IIFFL1T0W:;, PA. AY "E WOULD RESPECTFULLY CALL to our the atteniion of the rubliu Stock of DliUiJS, MKDICINE,. ' PKitrUMEHY, FANCY SOArS, and large Tir; f y uf not inn.-! ; i nlso to our tSTOCK T.'aTCIIKS, WATCH CHAINS, DREAST-PINS, i:ar and finger rings, t3 WATCHES, CLOCKS and all kinds of epnired at the shortest notice and on the MOST KEASONaLLE TERMS. efORDERS from PHYSICIANS prompt ly attended to. A liberal discount to Phy. simians, Sept. 27, '63-tf ROLLM.VN BROTHERS II. F. SAIGEK WITH PCIPER & IHARZiLEY, MANUFACTURERS aso WHOLESALE DEALERS BOOTS k SHOES No. 31 Nortii Tltlrd street, IMiiJi M. G. PEIPER, H. H. MARKLKY si)"" Fui ticular ultentian paid lo order. "VvJS WOTiOE! T.aHr vifliinj to be supplied viih nea AIKl fTOod shoes will find it to tiioir nvHnttga to c.ili ou II. 1. KLLLlt, t his fhop on M:iiri Street above Micrry, where they can be supplied with almost every eiylcftt moder ate priceff. ttvatlcnien having rcpairinjr they lvisii durably cd neatly executed will be promptly nitendud to by giving him a call- Trrm: CASH. II. I). WKLLEU. Mitilintowu, July 2Cth '00. CUAltt MiNUFACTOfiY. Or FICE OF TIIK J CKIATA Cofstt ) rerrysviile. Out. l'i, 18b3. j WE do hereby certify that the Cotnmir'ce on Manufactured Articles has awardec to Chaui.ks . Weitzkl the First. Premium for the must substantial, neatest made, and best finished sett of Chairs. ti. W. JACOBS, 7Wr. Vi jxliam Uesch. Scc'y. jaald AX BALSAMIC COUGH SYRUP Fur Covijlis, Colds, Croup, VIIOrpwij CotiijK, Asthma, Lronchllh, Spilling Wood, Pain and Weakncs of the Eixast, Difficulty of Breathing, Ac. This syrup is a purely Vegetable Compound It is pleasant to take, and never does injury; but owing to itstnurify tuff qualities, must do good under any circumstances. Its effects is truly wonderful .soothing, calming acd allay ing the most violent Coughs ; Purifying, Sirengtnening and luvigoratinglhe wholesys tein; calming and soothing the nerves; aiding and facilitating Expecoration, r.nd healing the DISEASED LUNGS, thus striking at toe root of DISEASE, and driving it from the sj Mem. C1ROIH.' No child need die of .Croup, if this Synp is properly used and used in time. Mothers lav ing croupv children should watch the first show of the Disease, and always keep th'tt Remedy at hand. j For Conghs after Measles, this Syrup 's most excellent. Experience has proven tbt it is equalled by no other preparation. Price 50 cents per. Dottle. , Prepared by S. A. KOL'TZ'S & DEO., it their W holesale Drug and Medicine Depot, Nj. IDS, Franklin St. Baltimore, Md. Sold by al Druggists and Store-keepers throughout tl United Slates. POUTZ'S CELEBRATED gorw m Cattle These Fowden will strength en theb'toniach and Iuteslinra, cleanse them from offensive matter, and bring them to a healthy state. Thev are a sure preventive of Lung Fever, and a rortnin remedy for all Diseases incident to the Horse, ucn as u lan ders. Yellow Water, Dis temper, Founder, II e a v e 8, EUavdring, Coughs, Fe vers, Loss of Appetite and Vital Encr (tv, Ac. In poor, low -spirited animals, it has the most beneficial effect. The use of them improves the wind, street gfh rns the Appetite, nnd pites to the l'nrse a 6ne, smooth and glossy ekin thus improv ing the appearance, vigor and spirit of this obie animal. FOB IIILCH cows, 1 hr, .i..-'iS . Tne property thiw Pt.wfir powM In in creasing the quantity of Jliik in Cows, ghi it an impirtanco and value which should place it iu the hands of every person keepinj a Cow. Br actual experiment it has proven that it will increase ti e quantity of Milk end Cream twenty per cent. ar. 3:ka the Emitter rm and sweet. In fat.cning Cattle, it gives them an appetite, loosens their Lide and makes them thrive much faster. QOOS. In all Diseases ef the Swine, such as Coughs, Ulcers in the Lungs, Liver, &c. By pnttin from half a paper to a paper of these Powders in a bir- rol nf St!l 1. Ml -rr. tOr above Diseases can Ve cured or entirely pre vented. Hy using these Powders t:;e Hog Cholera can be prevented. Price 25 ct3. psr Taper, or 5 Papers for$l. PREPAUKB HT S. A. F0TJT3 & EEC, at Tnrni WHOLESALE DRUG AND MEDICIN: DEPOT, ITo. 116 Franklin St., Ealtinore, Kd. For Sale by Druggists and Storekeejiert throughsrit the United States. FOTJTZ'S MIXTUHE. The lest Linimrvt for Man and Beast now iu use. Is a safe and reliable Remedy for the cure of Rheumatism, Painful Nervous affections. Sprains, Burns, Swellings, aud all Diseases requiring nn external application ou Man. On Horses it will never fail to cure Poll Evil. Fistula, Old Running Sores, or Sweeney if properly applied. For Sprains, Cruises Scratches, Crocked Hoofs, Chafes Saddle o Colar Gall, Cn.s or Wounds, it is an Infallible Remedy. Try it, and be-oonvinced of its ef ficacy. RHEUMATISM. rer.on afflicted with this Disease, no mat ter of how bmg standing, canbepromptlyand ffeef "ly cured bv the use of this Mixture lift nothing in the world so sure and il CH. .1 Intake away bad COKNSandcure Frosj Uitr. a this preparation, j Try it and satisfy yourselves. Price 35 and 75 cents a Dottle. Prepared by S. A. FOUTZ'S & BRO., At their Wholesale Drug nnd Medicine De pot, No. ID!, Franklin St., Daltittiore Md. For sale by Druggists and Store-keepers throughout the United Slates. The above Medicine can be had af manu facturer's Prices of 1!. F. Kepner. Milllintown; Johnson llalloway & Cowden, Philadelphia -J. J. Bender & Co., Pi.tuburg, Pit. ; Langh; liu. & Dushneid, Wheeling, Va -' - Aug- 3, lSti.j-ly. IIIVSUTORS' CITIOES. i) ' E P I N E U I L & E V A N S , Civil Exgixkebs a.m Patent Solicitous tio. 4S5 Walnut St, Philad'a. Patents solicited Consultations on Engin eering, Draughting and Sketches, Models and Machinery of all kinds make and skilfully nt tended to- Special attention given to REJECT ED CASES and INTERFERENCES. Au thentic Copies of ull Documents from Patent O'.iice procured. ' N. 15. Save youselves useless trouble and travelling expenses, as there is no actual need of personal interview with us. All business with these Offices, can be transacted in wri ting. For furl her information direct as above with stamp enclosed, for Circular with refer ences. January 17, 1S6G-Jr. IfIL iSii Ti 0 S S AT THE ; OF SULOUFF, FROW AND PARKER, IS IUB CBTSTAL PALACE BCILDISO, 31IFFLINTOWN, VA. 'M1B UNDERSIGNED HAVING PUR JL chased the stock of goods formerly be longing to Sulouff & Stanibaiiph, nnd having added to it quite an assortment from the Phil adelphia market, are now ready to siiplly the citizens of Mifllintown aud vicinity with nny :binr and evervthing that is usually kept in a country store, and a great many things that have never been kept bifore. Wo are deter mined to sell goods at a REDUCED PRICK and make it on object for the people to buy from us. A large stock of DRY GOODS, con sisting of Ladies Dress Goods, such as FRENCH MERINOS, SHEPHERD PLAIDS, (all wool, FANCY PLAIDS, (all wool) PLAIN WOOL DELAINES DRESS FLANNELS, TLAIN SACK FLANNELS, WHITE FLANNELS, BLUE TWILLED FLANNELS, EED FLANNELS, MUSLINS, BREAKFAST SHAWLS, &c, &e. Can be had at SULOUFF, FROW & PARKER'S. MOURNING DRZSS COGDSl Black Shawls. Veils, Colars, j Gloves, (ianntlcts, 1 Second Mourning linliiioruls, Hoods, Ac, Ac. Everything desirable in this line, and n veiy iarge stock, At Sulouff, Trow & Varkrr's. VFULL assortment of Geutlcniau's Guods, c..ut.istiug of Chun, Cufsi.'ueres, iiatitictts. Oci Coating, , Vcs'inys. Can be had at j SULOUFF, FROW & rARKEll'S. j The L?nj Looks! For Caai5 at Las ' THE CE LEU RATED j Florence Sewing Machine. This machine is the most perrect instru ment to roioiilo any kind of Suw-ir, now ilonr by Machinery in the world. It is simple nnd perfect in its mechanical construction. The feed ni-iy be rcversod at any poixt desired without stopping, which is a great advantage in facetting the end of teams. D n.ikes FOUR DIFFERENT 5TITCI1E.', Lock, Knot, Douhle Loch, liniihlr Kno ; etch stitch perfect and alike on boih sides of the fabric. Operators can select any stitch they want and change from one stitch to another with out stopping the machine. Its stitches cannot be excelled for flutiness. l:teiici:y durability and beauty of finish. No uittieul'y experienced iu sewing acro.-s thick seams. .ews lilit and heavy fabrios with equal facil ity. It will L'rnid, T'iek, Qu:H, Cord, .-nt, Frit, Hin t. G-ii'lier, and sew all kind nt stitch- ivy required by futilities und manufacturer. The ork will feed either to the Tight or left without stopping the machine. Tlic whs! inexperienced find no difficulty na using it. thoroughly practical and unjasilys in S'OO'l It bv.s no springs lo yl out of order, and will last a lifetime. It runs easily, and is almost noisel-ss. It is the most rapid sewer in the world; mai- nj five sfitche lo ench revolution. It uses the same size thread on both sides of e fabric. It oils no dresses, all its mackiocrs being on top of the table. Every tunchiuc is warranted io give entire at isfacion, and to do all (ha; is claimed for it. Miss Cakfie E. i'TAMBAriin is the agent for this county. Dv calling at her residence on Main S'tieet, Mitliintown, one of these ma chines can be seen in operation. Scptcuiberlll, ISU5-ly. TO CO,!i;3IFTirE The advertiser, having been restored to health iu a few weeks by a very simple remedy, after having siva'cred for several years with a severe lung alfeclion, and that I dread disease. Consumption is anxious to make known to his fvllow-sulTerers the means of cure. To all who desire it, he will send a copy of the prescription used (free of cha.-ge,) with the directions for preparing and using the same, which they will find a sure ci-he for Consumption, Astuma, Biioncuits, Coughs, Colus. and all Throat and Lung Affcciions. The only object of the advertiser in sending t lie prescription is to benefit the afUicted, and spread infoi mation which he conceives to be invaluable, and he hopes every sufferer will try his remedy, is it will cost them nothing, and may prove a blessiug. Parties wishing the prescription, tt:tt, by return mail, will please address Uev EDWARD A. WILSON, Williamsburg, Kings Co. Se York feb. 28,-ly. LOL'R and Grain, of all kiuds, purchased at Market rates, or received on storage and shipped at the usual frieght rates. Hav ing biats of our own. with careful captians and hands, we will sJiip freight of any kind to and from Philadelphia or any point along the canal SULOUFF ,FKOW & FARKEll. a'i iJC LIULIli i WHITE LEAH The Whitest, the most durable and the most economical. Try it ! Manu factured only by " ZEIGLER & SMITH, Wholesale Drug, Faint & Glass Dealers A'o. 137 Xorth TIIIRP St., MILXD'A. Jan. 24, 'C'i-ly. The peculiar tulr.t 01 infection which we call Sc 1:011 1. 1 lurks in the constitutions of liii'.Uitnd.'s o.'men. It either produces or is produced by nn en- -lW blcd. vitiated state rein in ain icir and CrcVi.-.- 'haves the t.y:-tcm t; fail into di.-mdi r and decay. The scrofulous contamination i va rionsPV' caused by mercurial dicc-ne, low living, ilisordcrcd tligestioti from unliwaltliy food, impure uir, tilth and filthy babils, the tlcpres.sing vices, and. above ull, by the venereal infection. Whatever be its origin, it is hereditary in the constitution, desccndinir "from parents to children unto the third iind fourth generation;" itidi-i-d, it seems to be the rod of Him who cays, ' I wiil visit the iniquities of the fathers upon their children." The diseases it originates tak various names, according to the organs it attacks. In the luns. Scrofula produces tubercles, nnd finally Consumption; in the glands, swellings which suppurate and be come ulcerous sore-s ; in the ftoniach and Lowel.s, derangements which proih-re itidi poition, cly.-pepski, nnd liver complaint ; on the skin, eruptive :nd cutaneous nlk-etions. These, nil having the s.'ime origin, require lire, same remedy, viz., purification and invigora tton of the blood. Purify the blood, ait ! these dangerous tlistcnqK-is leave you. Willi feeble, foul, or corrupted blood, you cannot Lave health; with that '-life of the llcsli" healthy, you cannot have scrofulous diM-sse. Ayor's Sarsapariilei is compounded from the nio.-t effectual anti dotes that medical science has discovered for this nfllicting distemper, and for the cere of the disorders it entails. That it is far supe rior to nny other remedy yet devised, is known l-y nil who have given it a trial. That it does combine virtues truly extraordinary in their effect upon thus e!n.-.s of compla'tds, is indisputably proven by the great imtltiti'i!" f publicly known and ronmrknble cotes il I as made of the follow ing ili-c.ises: KiutJ 1 Evil, cr Spellings, Tunijis, Eruptions, Pimphs, Blotches and Sore?, Erysipelas, ILose cr St. Aat'aoay's l ire. Salt Rhcurfl, Scald Head. Cor.rh3 from tuberculous deposits in the lanjs, Viiita Swellings, Debility, Drcp:7. IJeurr.lgia, Dysprpsia cr Indigestion, STpliilis arid SypblLtio Infections, STercarial tiss5e?, I V".l VeokHeJie"', and. indi i d, the w iiole ferii-j of con:pl-;i.its lu..t ari.-e. from iirpurity r.f the blood. Minute rt-pofts of in dividual ta-es may bv found in's A)ii.i:n.i.v At Masai-, which is f.iriti.-hcd to the ill uggi-ts l r gratuitous distriuution. ivluicin 1 1 : . v lo 1 nriteil the directions for its Use", nnd some of the rcnintkable cures which it has nu.iL w he n ull other re 'medics trail tiiihtl to atlord r. lit f. I TI.e.-e ca-es are piuj tiscly bikcii fruia nil sections of the couutty. in oiili r c cry reader may have access to .-.n.:e (.'lii-wl.o can speak to him o 'its I vi-.cfits ftoiii pi rsonul e.fjeiierie. Scrofula deprives tl e energies, m.d thus leaves it- vii tiius tin more mbject to ilisiase- nnd its fatal results titan are l.eitl'.l.y coi..-t'.Hitions. ib-nce it tends to si -oiten, nnd does greatly shorten, the .".vertigo duration of huimin tile. The vast intportt.pcc of the se consiilemtions has led us to tpend years in perti cling a n n i .!y which is utletjnate to its cure. . This we in. ctlcr to the put lie under the iti'tne of Avi n's ! i Its vrvitiLi A, n!th c: h it is con iio id i f ingredients, seine of which orco d the 1 est flt Nim pm iV.'a in alterative pi .v. or. l'y its i.ittyou may pr. tu t yi tir-eif t.oni the siillt r inc and di nger i f these ili. oi.lers. l'urgc t:t tl:e fi.-ul c rrt.p-!i.,t:s li:.;t rot an 1 lV.-tei in the 1 loci!. 1 utgc c.i t the caii-cs of ui.-cisi-itnd vijiorous Li-iUth will ( iii.w. l'y ils n-cu-L;:r viiiucs n ntedy sltt'.aihae s il c v itiil furctiolts. and ti ns cs els i'.ie tli.-1, H.pi rs which link will in tiie ty:-tiu or Lurst out on any part cf it. We l.tum-the uMle h.ive loin deceived by utility coirpi.iii-.ds of Smitporiii'i, that proti'i-'.d n-uch nr.d did nothing: but they wilt neither be dec ciM'd r.or .It-. 'p Pointed in this. Its virtues have been prove n by al un i!:it;t trial, and there reittains no ipu'stioii if Its surp:ir ing exceilence for the Hire of llie itfliiclifg diseases it L intended to reach. Although under the tame name, it is a i, ry liidoTcut nie-lis iue fri tn m y other which has bel li before the people, and is far inure i f fictual than any other w hie !i lui ever hsL iivuiliiLlo to ti.em. ciiepjiy pwrron.vL, iho World's t3s-cnt Pecraertv foi Contrha, Colds, Incipient Con fcvilr.ption, and for tiie relief of Corts"-uaptivt'Faticnt3 in advanced etages of th-j tiiseaio. This ban bx-en so lurr ii.ed and so uni rerMilly known, that v.e need do no more Ibnn assure the public that its ijiiality is ki-j.t up to the b.tst it iverbas been, and that it uiay be relied on to do till it has ever done. .Prepared by ln. .1. C. Avi r & Co., Practical aiul Analytical Cittmists, I owe-!!. Mass. Sold by all druggists every where. "g B "?"3,"B "f We have opened the large Room just oppo site our Store in Patterson where we oner or sale at low prices a general assortment of TAELES. CHAIRS. SOFAS, LOUNGES, EEDSTEADS, MATTRESSES, TRUNKS, CARPETS, STANDS, RACKS, AND Many othernrticlcs for house furnishing IIECHT & STRAYER- iW GOODS at NIW PRICES AT M3. F- IIAXSEHAN'S IX P ATTE 11 S O X," -0- TTTHO has just returned from the City with V a large assortment of Killinery ami Fancy Goods, Consisting in part Bonnets nnd Rennet Silks, 5-'.3wers and Trimmii-gs, Emhorder;es, Lace Goods, Handkerchiefs. I! vl moral Skirts, Hoop Skirts, Gloves, Dead Gimps and Ornaments, Noiious and small wares, forming the Lest assortment of FALL ANI WINTER GOODS la the County. She solicits a call from the public, being confident that she can suit all. TIIE best quality of M.KCKFREL, UF.R MSG aud 7.l D alwavs on hand. And also, a good supply of Plaster nnd Calcine Plaster at SULOUFF, FROW k PARKER'S. fi."i 1T."V " 'C . ti - of the blood, whe Vjbi-, it ;-"..c"0inpli'nt to snt fr ri--J li fwrSsTj tne Tttal litre mtl 4" ' "t- 'v ;',rtir,Ti or nt.i at tio.i. HEADQUARTERS ! T ' '-- .-; -- --; d 13 ; JUiffiintown Chair -JIasn fact err. C1IIAKLES W. WEITZEL would inform the J citizens of Juniata county, that he con tinues the Chair Manufactorvat the well known j old stand in Water street, where he is at ail ' times prepared to receive orders for Windsor t Chairs of every description, including Settees ! Large Rocking Chairs, Sewin-r Rocking Chairs, j Childrens' Chairs. Counting House Sio.ds, Cain Seat Chairs, l!ar Room l every ! thing pertaining to hiss business, all of whicl j ho is prepared to sell cheaper than ever. He i is now prepared to wholesale work Ml city pri ; cest. Prompt attention will be given to Ker-a : iving All workdone cheap and expedif ioii-lv. Sawed Poplar Plank and Scantling taken in exchai ire for furniture. JCr-yFt-rniture Room on Main street; oppo site the Post Office. CHARES 1YEITZEL. S- ptember 3, Mltf-tf. GO AND SEE THE FALL Ai"D WLXTIR ARRIVAL OF CHOICE GOODS AT THE STORE OF JOS. M. EELFORD. j The undersigned would respeciftdly invitQ ; t'ie public to call and examine his slock befer.3 ' purciiasing el.sewhere. He has bought his 1 assortment at such prices that be ruaimf be ! undersold by any iu the country. Spec; . I nt j trillion paid lopiivchasing goodsiu ihe city per ' orderath shortest notice. Every criortwill be made by him to gives:it isiactiou to those who may favor him v. a cad I.ltill.S' UltKSS COUSS ! I Elack and Fancy Silks, P-rges Lawn.. J Morie Antique. firen.i lines. l-iiculs, ! Pure Ch ilii, fii ill'antes, Gingham Lawn". i Ijoiiiba-inels, Ail woi.i .i LaiLes, i Caslnnert , Peplins, Alpacas, io. A fud assortment of White Dress G, .!. Mtis- lilts, lirocha and other Shawls, leonic-ts, 1'. .u ! net Suiitis, Dit.boTis. Flowers, .c. Als.i, t'..l- lais, Umicrsleeves, Handketchiefs in great va- i e'y. i?:iif;s. A l:irge quantity of Driiirs, also on liaiul. I'rcscrtptions f.llod. He has also !ah n a lai jk slock of Wool, ' Cotton and Rag Carpels, Oil Cloths, .Mattings, ic, at the lowest prices. Country Produce taken in exchange for ! goods, for which the Lithe-it market ! Will be paid liy j. .M. i;hLnr.ii. rerrysvi!!e Marble Works. TIIK un lerii;iicJ lrsirsto hit' i"i r"..f,iii zeiiH of Juniitfi I'uumv t ! n t ?.o !i f xkvn e!::irp if tlie wirk- Li'fly ottt:e-l Lv Henry U ii'i in IVrrv-sviiiP, w ln-ic Li iv Lo fnittrl reu'ty to est cuv j -h In liti. of htiirus ; Mich T'.itiL f nines. .M)inuiifiits Murhle I Slat'is T:i-'e T.j, ao. e. He I c'ivv. I h a Li:jr cxperu ;''e and irttwlcii:a ; will cnaLie Lnn to frlvc eniirt :itisi'.ict;in tr all who may patronize biro, (jive him a call J as he fells cijiiiMeU that l'r nrntm ''Ueap j ni'ss uiitl 'iesputch Lc catinnt r ? cxoelliM. ! ' til AS. K.MtKSUN Apr. --"tU TAIL0R1NM rSTARMSllMEM. WM. WISE. Merchant Tailor, begs ler.v.; lo into'. m his friends and the public gen 'ta.iy that he lias just opened out a lare end fashion able assortment of FALL AUD WINTER GOOrS, i which he is ready to make to er.b-r promptly and ou the most reasonable t. in s. I h-? J public generally will f nd it to their interest to j call al his room above j F ASICK'S TIN SHOP, j on TSrtdse street, Mitliintown. Pa., and inspect j my Goods and workmanship before ptircleis. j ing elsewhere. 1 warrant nil clethes to fit or no tale. IKGE3"S SEWIKG MACHINE. ISJA11 persons tlefirmtf of f-iac'iain any of Jmmier's Skv.inu Machines willoLtain ail ! necefary itifornta'i y. on the snLjott a:ii S'je favored wilh their orders I will lit them up a- i i i if m in i' ".-i.niiiii r c in v;?i(tin.iiinifiji, ii neuer mactitne iturn prc?n. citeayer man ever hitherto done in this county. No family shoiil 1 be without a machine. jan 1, til-tf Persons can be supplied with Con!, Plaster, Slh &c., al the lowest price, by our agent at otnpsontown, ELI UL" DENNER, who is als authorized to purchase Grain and give the highest market Prices. Jfe-Mr. CLINK is, also, our authorized agent at Perrysville to purchase Grain and sell Coal. Plaster and Salt for us. Give us a call aud you cautiot fail to be pleased. Highest prices paid for Country Pro duce, end taken in exchange for goods. SULOUFF, FltOW, k PARKER. October, ISb-t. E have one room devoted entirely to Get.ts Furnishing Goods and KeadT Made Clothing, such as Coats, Pants, Vests, Over Coa's, Doota & Shoes, lbeis & Caps, White Shirts Fiauucl Shirts, Undershirts, and Drawers. SULOUFF, FROW &, PARKER. i vmmacjb;, HUT tisib: i Every young lady and gentleman in the ',, United States can hear something; very niucU to their advantage by return mail (free of charge. ) by addrewng the undersigned. . 1 Those havi.ig fears of being humbugged wil oblige by not noticing this card. Ail others I will please address their obedient servant. ! TIloS. F. CHAPMAN, j feb. 2S,-ly. fc-U Broad tsay, New York. j , ANTED. A smart active boy from 1 " I to 17. to learn the Chair Painting, and ornamenting Dssiness. One from the country preferred. Call at the Chair Shop, in Mifflm- Itown. apr II -tf. (H AS. W. WriTWX