tEVI EECI1T. FAhCEL ETRATEB. lkf Firm ia Patterson. Gentleman's Furnishing Emporium ! ! " Just or-ened iathe now ilrick Iluiidinp, Main Street, Patterson by Levi Uecht an J Samuel Strayer. a larire and elegant assortment of Keady-Made. Clothing, cousisiir.fr, ia j.art of Occrcoatt, Fi-r-.h Coats, Dress Cue!-, l'a:i 'uloiwx, 1 'esis, Drawers. Co'lurs, Undershirt, Uundforihirfs,-. J'onts if- Shi'ef, And CTcrT;liin? nsu illy found in a Cist diss Ceuiltiiisu's Furm-nii:,; More. fa: c r gvvd;; Also a large and carefully soleeted assnit tiient of Fancy Goods, of nil classes, kinds and qualities, all of which will lie sold Hi the low Cat possible living prices. J.aaiet' Caifort aud S'.oa. They also invites the attention c.f the ladies to his "fine stock of GAITOliS AND SliuLS, which he will sell at prices defj iug competi tion. CAR PL rs, OIL CLOTHS. They have on hand a beautiful assortment of Carpets, Oil Cloths, &o , which are of a good quality, and well wouu the inspection of the buyer. WATCH 5.5 Si JEWCtKY. Gold and .'-V.'nr Y.'aictuf, Clock, Fat- r:;n:t. Final and Fancy rlnjr, Watch Key?. Ladies' and Gents' iSreast Pins, j "oil Pensaud lV.u'iis, ic, whiehat 'his time form the largest and best assortment in the j county. ; Uii-Ail the above trends will he sol 1 cheap- j cr man any other s:oie ia the Cnitcd States. ! Jf you don't believe ir, just jrivc us a call j and be convinced of the truth et'the assertion JilXllT 4: SillAYLll. , j Patterson, Arril 12, ld-j-if. . IV. C.tBLa& ';S CilEAP CL0TU1SG STORE. i. I2i j 4 v ilti it-til tjAviNG rrr.cmsu) from man?- K L bach & Van Oruicr the l::re I'lo'thii.g Kstabiisiicient. situated on il.e rorn.-t o'l liridL'e and V.'ater Hrer-!s. Jlifilintown, l'cna-t-ytva'-ia. we vou'.d reKpectfuiiv ii.i'oiiii the? I'ubiic th..t we Lave ;:,-! received a inrjje an i v. eii selected assort in. -at of ready tirade I loth- ii-c. ues!iihea t,--r to? Ea;i una ?iszte- fratJe :r ;-tteh as Cv-r Coat?. IVcs Ct.i, Bits:nc Co.T.. Ctusmou t'liai?. I'jiutal.icns, Ye-ts. Hats, Hoots arid Shoe M' ev.-rv deseriptiot:, style a;n! quality, for jnalc or fentaie. liOYS' I IF. A DY JIAI'-i: CLOTHING. Aio, Cat pet?. White Shirt?, IWy Ovjr 1'i.oer Slilrts. Ura Ho-i.Ty, tiiov.;--. Linen and I'-iper Culars, Cravats fn 1 Ties. Tri.nks, I'sn lire.las. Travelling ll.'jjs A. so. the'ate.-t s;. les ot Ladies Cloaks, Cir cular? atid l:t:r..-. 1'orsOQs in v.nt of anytliinj i:i onrlir.c will save Uioney ly givinp us a call befoe pur chasing else here', as we aii deleriiiineJ to Sell Chen" for cash. Jj-Iis Llon't forget the corner, ISridgc ncd Y a:cr Sirens. P. V.'. IIAHLrY L Co. Cot. 4C5. MUSICAL IXSTJiDlLN'TS. tj. M. nnnExi: HAS (irnxri) ins mi:- 1J sic Sse-ro, cao J-mr vro-t of V.'. Lewis' b'An .-.0:0. v..---ro j;e treeps oonstaj.MV Mi Laud ST111 N".V. Y .1 S.'NS' and OAK Kili.fc'S i J'iat.o Man-'Sac'titii-jr Cu ii' tuv's I 't.?C8, ' :iA-ON !iM'.lN S CAIiiXLT (M1GASS i,i: 1 (' A" II A it T, :'i.!'T)!!.i,l COS' V.l: I.(;;iI.i;.S: fiuita;?. Yioiiu.:, Fifes. Flute : C.:t..r .vt.l Vi-liu j::;;. Mr' to Golden t.'hain, Golden Show er. Colder. Cei.s.ir, Go'den Trio. &e.. Ate. SiiilLT il'.'-Ii'. I!; is constantly receiv ir? Irein Mit'adelp'.ia all the late-t musir. vliich per-uis at a distancs wishing, caa order, and Lae sen; them by mail, at P :j h I i s Is e rr s V vice a- ?3U Flanos and Organs Y.'anantcd for hvc years. Those wish:.':; to bt:y any of the above ar ticles are invited to c til and rxai.titic mine before pureliasinji i-'-pIkic. Mv prices are the !.! as in New York and i'hi.ndeipiiia Ciei;! srs 'jf Instiuu.ents sent pioniptly up on KppHcntioii with any additionol informa tion uuslrcd. C. M. GUKEXn, Mill Ptrce:, lluntini.-d(!u, l'a. One door we;t of Lewis' Look Store. NEW '"T'KE undersigned would respectfully trtp jl. inform the citizens of Mitilintowu find icinity, tltat be iiaR opened a Jew-e.r ciry Kstaidi-imoiit on Main Street, Miiilin town. in Thompson's ilotel, third door from t he corner, where he wi'd keep constantly on hand and at greatly reduced prices, Gol:I end Silver Watches. And a p-tierrd vai-i.-ty of CLOCKS. FIXGEU i LiXCS. HIl FAST 1'iNS, LA 1! U1XGS. GOLD ; DENS, and I'KXCU.s. SILVER l'LATED ' ...... u, . . r.; .v i.i.v, ij.i.ii I fitll UeOtO- j'.etc assortment of Fancy Good?. -.Tiie repairing of Cl-e!;s, V.'atehc-s and Jewelry pi-omitly attended to, on short notice and i n very reasonable teiins. Ail work war ranted to pive sati: faction. Hie public are respectfully invited to pive n ct:!!. THOMAS It. McCLELLAN. Anp. CO, 1805. CS-rcoeries I I'rirae If io Coifee. I'repared Coflee, J'ulvei iietl Sugar, Crushed Sugar. X. ). Sugar, S. II. Sugar, N, I). JMaysn,' ft. . Molasses. Lovericg Syrnp, Chocoh.te, Mustard, Lice, f.'arc!), Nti.mcgs, Cloves, t'.:S..-ia,Ginger, Cotn March. Fish, Salt, &c, for sale cheap at thiNr.w Stoiie in Fatterson. Jml-tf J B M T.) ) ) CAKi'ElS ! fJAlii'ETsTi ' A LARGE and pood vnrietv of ALL WOOL, -TJ.it AH and Uk.VF CAIWETS on hand anil for dale cheat!, at SEJLOCFF. i-'KOW & PARKKIt'S A LARGE and well selected stock of GilO j.i CLIIII.S, con ptising Ilaui, Shoulder, La cun, Mess Pork. Fi; ur Spices, &c. tc. at Sl'LOUtT, rr.o,', i rAi-L'EUa ! 1 a R k i i ' umjliui. Illl. II III Illlll ii i,itvx AS OLD EC S3. SET TO 1 J.EW TIN'S ".! tpinj opproiichts Ana and honcut From thrir hultx come out, And Mice and Rait, Li fji!e cf can. Vail; tliip about." "IS years established in N Y. City." 'Only infallible- remedies known." 'free frotn Poisons." -Not dangerous to the Human Femlly." "Jims come out of their holes to die." 'Ct star's" Iiat, Roach, kc, L'.ittr' Is a paste used for Kai, .Vice, Iinaches, Hind and 1'fd .Snj, $c, .yc , eSv., .ye.g uGo star's'' J'-il Hn; Fxtiu-minar, Is a liquid or wash used to destroy and niso as a preventative fur Led -Uvjs. jec " Cottar's" 1 ''! rir Fvird,r for lnsseet is for .1orA..-, 'Joi-jiiitast, Fiens, Ht J-llnt3 tnsectt on Fianis, Fox-Is, Animals, .ye., v. tfTi. '. '. ! Elwabe! ! ' of all w-rthles imitations. S-Ji-.See that "Cu-tai;'s" name is on cr.ch Box, Lotiie and i-'iask. before vu buy Address, 1IEX11Y It. COSTAR, liroadwav, X. Y. Clbi-Sold in Miii'intov.i:, l'a. I860. IXCHF-ASE t.-F LAYS. The Farmrri zrttt i lii.jiiish ) assorts and proves by figures Ihst one pair of LAYS will have a progeny and deseeudatit no .?s ::-an ti". 1 ,('" I in tiiree years. Now. uut,.-s this iinior its? famiiy c-tr be kect tlowu. tliey wou'-d cotistiaic more food than iw oij sut:in -, 'tt ituia.au be'p.gs. JtifSec 'Coalar's'' advei : iscmciit uuove. 180(5. RATS vti V- i 1.'.. V h ievrr cnc s h shooting Piiiuti b:rii is u .-rw! ; tvinu-vor u'l-i in csit'i u.'iiiauu rati is a iiuef iotor Vi'c sli'iiilii l.tiL -"tiiti one to jrivetis the btnri: of their exe! k'Ht-o i;i ii'civi:t;i nut tiie?? j e r . We need &uiueluing Wii'n 'Uy, c:if. nu: ;r.rttS mc tuU Lii.iii-ss. Si.e:t'.f:c At-teru-.tu. ' ?e-i Cc5l:r"h" Aivenisoiaciit above. ism. TAU'S" 11 AT F.XTilKMIXATOn is he most perfect liAT- sitotoe. sale and sure i tie ! ilieatioi: ineetiM; tve bav iver attended. rttpevly pret ar- 1 Kvery Hat that can pet it. pr ' will cat it, .;ad evei v o;.e t ii -it it w.il o e ueril!y at s uae place as distant pp.ihV , irein wia-rc it was t..'eti. Lu: $.',rc, J.'.e.'i . rw ism. I F.lFMtir.S AND HtaSiiKIi K PELS shou';; i recollect that hundreds of dollar's worth o ; Grain, l'rf visions. ,vc. are annually ilestroyeo by Hal". ltc;. Ants. ,,;i:,-r inrvt- an,. ! vermin all of whieh can lie p-ov-nt.-'d by a i few dollars' worth of "t'.istnr's" Fat. li-.aeb. Ant. Kxtereoinator, bo;:r,-!!i aiol ttsed fret iy : Jp--'See ' t'iistui s"' advei tiseveat above. Avrii 4. ibu'j-tiin. J.K. P0L1.MAS. W. II. r.i.LLjiA:. Efini AA'D Ji:WLUY STORK T'.VO Doors North of Ikifoni's Store. illFFLlTOWX, PA. TT"E TTOcLD ULSl'KCTM'I.r.Y CAT.I to our V tiio attcnti, iou of the public tOCk :' DRUGS, MEDICIXr.S, TERFUMERY, FAXCY soaps. : and a l'lr" Thrifty of n.-ttinn.- ; r.s vAtm to oj: UCK CF V.-ATCJItS, V.Aii'Il CHAINS, DilflA.sT IMi'S, i: a u a . d f i x ; !: it i x g s. ijr'Jlu i y t i- k) & i! JUsT' WA'iA' iiLS, CLOCKS and all hinds ol T o 7v elry epaired at the shortest notice and oa the most keason-able teums. XSf-OKDERS from PHYSK'IANS prompt ly nt'eudtd to. A liberal discount to i'hy. sicians. Sent. 27, 'C5-tf F.OLLMAX BROTHEUS Ii. T. S.VKlEJi WI7 II rEIS3:R & .13 .4 5 3i LEY, MAS" VFAC'TL' It ERS AN I) WHOLESALE I'EALEI'.S IN T" !5 P, if TZ? .". -'ii RorSli ' liia tl Afreet, t!(a (i. I'Fll'i::!, II. II. AiAKLi.liV i .,.,;;,...,..;,. V .1 cl 7 I.r.dies v.-ishinp to be sttpt lied with una ' and pood shoes will find it to their advantage j to call on II. D. WHEEL!!, at his shop on j Main Street above Cherry, where they can J be supplied with almost every style at moder ate prices. Gentlemen having repairing they J wish durably and neatly executed will be ; promptly attended to hv giving him a call. 'J't i iff' : CAS II. II. IJ. WELLEii. ! MiiilintoMrn, Jv.lv 26th '63. i " CHAIR MANUFACTORY. CfFICK OF THC Jt'XIATA Col'XTV ) Aor ii i i.Tt r.L Society, J Terrysville, Oct. Ill, lisGU. J TVE do herebv certilv that the Conimii'ee Ion Manufactnrrd A.rtjclcs l.as awardec to ' Cuabi.es Vt . Weitzf.l the First Premium fur "ie most substantial, neatest made, and best finished belt of Chairs. G. IV. JACOBS, Tr'af'r. Wiluam Hescw. JVf. jatili BALSAMIC COUGH SYfiUP For Cowjlis, Colds, Crovp, Whoc-piay Cough, Asthma, Lronchitis, Spittitij JiJood, Pain and Weakness of the Ercml, Difficulty of Breathing, &c. This syrup is a purely VigetaHe Compound It is pltasaut to tal e, and never does injury ; but owing to itstqurifyinff qualities, must do good under any circumstances. Its effects is truly wonderful soothing, calming acJ allay ing the most violent Coughs; Purifying, Strengtntning and Invigoratingthewholesys tmi; calming and soothing thsiierves; aiding and facilitating Exrucoratioq, nd healing the i 'JIIIF, UNDEKSIGXED H AVING I'UIt 1)JSL ASE! LUNGS, thus striding at the root 1 chased the stock of goods formerly be of DISEASE, and driving it from thesybtein. longing to Sulouff & Stamhatith, and having No child need die cf Croup, if this Syn-p is properly used an J used in time. -Mothers hav ing erouny chi! lreu should watch the first show of the Disease, aud a'ufcys keep this Remedy at baud. For Coughs after Measles, this Sjrttp is most excellent. Experience has proven that it i-: equalled by no other preparation. Price J') cent s per. Bottle. Prepared by S. A. FOUITS & BEO.. At their holesule Drugand Medicine Depot, No. lltl. Franklin St. Baltimore, -Md. Sold by all Druggists and Store-keepers throughout the United States. POtJTZ'S CELEBRATED gorsf anil Cattl g'cu'fe. These Powders I will strength J hviu.K ' tn if.fStonuu'h atid Intestines, jf j V 1 cieur.se them I jl pS frein offensive i 5 I 'I J.u!r'.e.ac. 1- - ineui iu ai.ett.invsiie. Tin v are a sure preventive rf L ing Fever, and a certain remedy for ail L'-scarcs i'lcident Wiurtlorre, such as Glan ders. Yellow Water, Dis temper, Founder, II eaves, riiatr jrin Coughs, Fe vers, Los3 of Aptetite ati 1 Vital Ener gy, e. in uocr, low--i-irited aninta'.. has the most benefi -ial t-ll'e' t. Toe use of thetn improves the wind, sfrwicfli ens the Apietite, and gies to the Horse Cue, stnooiii a'rtd glossy skin thus intprcv iap tb; appc-arunce, vigor and sphit of this Eobie animal. FOP. IIILCH C0T73. TV - -""s-i-.;: t Tne property this Fowrer pr?'o?"ej in in creasing the quautity of Milk in I'ra;, civea it an importance and value w!:i!i should place it in the bauds of every pers. n keeping a Cow. By actual c-.vrcriment it h is t-n vra that it will increase tie quat-tity ef Slide and Cream twenty per ccni. ar.d nai'se the B'ttter !rni and sweet. In fattening Cattle, it giv s t'neni an apttetite, looscrs their Lido and makes theta thrive mtich litstcr. HOGS. the Swine, such as Coughs, Ulcers tha Lutgs, Liver, Jtre Ite t-i1:- r u bad a paper V ti I paper of these e'rry,:-' L. vders in a bir- fv.-r- i-V 4 of S -. ill, the to a Powde rel above D:Sfrtsis C;in to ctirt d er etitirely pre vented, liy ustng tb'se JowUers the lico C'lolera can be prevented. Price 25 cl3. per Paper, cr 5 Papers for $1. P'lTtPAItttD Y S. A. F0UT3 & EHO., AT THE WHOLESALE DRUG AND KEDICK" CEPCr, JT-3. 1IG Frasklin St., Ealtimore. Kd. For Scle by Dnigirtsts and ttoriecpert througho'.t the Cuiitd Klatc3. rc;Jiz-s, HizrusE. The Lc. t L.'.iiinrnt j-.r iue'ti ar.u in use. Is a safe and reliable Remedy for tut cure of jlheuuiatisni; Painful NeW"U3 affections, Sprains, Burns, Swelling", and all l)i:e:it'C3 requiring an externa! application on Man. On il .f.-es ii will never fait to care Poll Evil. Fittuia, Old Running Sores, or Sv.t-euey if properly applied. For Sprains, Bruises Serateties, Crcciled Hoofs, Chafes S.-uM'.a o iN.Iar Gall, Cn.s or Wounds, it is an Infallible Remedy. Try it, and bo convinced of its ef ficacy. RHEUMATISM. Persons afilictcd with this Disease, no mat ter of how long standing, can be promptly and effectually cured by the use !' this Mixture There s nothing in the world so sure and i! good io take away bad CORNS and cure Fros Rites, as titis preparation, Try it aud satisfy yourselves. Price-loand 75 cents a Lottie. Prepared by S. A. FOUTZ'S e;:o., At their Wholesale Drug and Medicine Re pot, No. ll'i. Franklin St., I! liliinuro MJ. For s !o by I'ruggists and Store-keepers throughout tlie United States. Tiie above Medicine can be I: n 1 nt manu facturer's Prices of B. F. Kcpncr. Miffiintown; .Johnson ilalloway & Cnwden, l'hilade!ihia -.'. .1. Bonder & Co., Pittsburg, Pa. ; Laugh: liu At Bushllel.!, V;'hcclkg, Y- Aug- I), lfctiii-ly. IKVIJTOKS' C2TIC33. D'El'ISEUILi EVANS, Civil l":;!;ixi:f:ns and Patlxt Solicitoks, jVo. 135 7alnut St., Philad'a. Patents solicited Consultntim.. F-nmn. eerinfr, Lrau-htii!-and Sketches, Models and Machinery of all hinds made ami fkilfiiilv at tended to- Special attention pivento HFjf'CT Ll) CASES and I NTK II FLUKNCE8. Au thentic Copies of all Documents from Patent, Ofliee procured. X. U. Save yousclvos useless trouble and travelling expenses, as there is no actual need of personal interview with us. All business w ith these Offices, can bo transacted iu wri ting. For inn her information direct as above with stamp enclosed, for Circular with refer ences. Jauiicry 17, 1??0-Iy. o?M w eSEA? BBSS AT THE SULOUFF, FrvOV,r AND TARKEK, IS TUB CRYSTAL PALACE BLILU1SG, JjIFFLIXTOWX, FA. W? rs o1 ra -a t rr: 9 added to it quite an assortment iroui the t lul adelphia market, arc now ready to suplly the citizens of Miliiintown aud vicinity with any thing and everything that is usually kept in a country store, and a great many things that have never been kept before. We nre deter mined to neli goods at a itFDLCEL) PRICE and make it un object for the people to buy from us. A large stock of DRY GOOD', con sisting of Ladies Dress Goods, such as FltEXClI MERINOS, SHEPHERD PLAID?, (all wool, FANCY PLAIDS, (all wool) PLAIN WOOL DELAINES DRESS FLANNELS, PLAIN SACK FLANNELS, WHITE FLANNELS, ELl'L' TWILLED FLANNELS, RED FLANNELS, MUSLINS, BREAKFAST SHAWLS, c, S.C. Cau be had at SULOUFF, FP.OW & PARKER'S. Clack Shau ls. Veils, Colars, Cloves, Gauntlets. Second Mourning Iinlmorals, Hoods, Arc, lie. Evcrylh ing desirable iu tin lisc, and a very large slot-!.', At Sulouir, Frou' .V Parker'. FULL nssi.rtiacut of Gentleman's Goods, , consisting ot Ltui melts. Over Yes: Li os. Can be had at silo; FF, FUO'.V h TALK EE'S. TLe Lonj Locksl For Costs at La3 t;i:: w.aiuh vti:i TiiW mticl.ine is the nt" nient to exeeute any kital ii perrect in-trti-s "a ",:-g now d no it is sonple. tind i by mm h in tv in tne won.!, nerteet tn tis meeu.-iuioai c i-trtftfa. The ; :; poi.Nt tlesire 1 : fef : tniy 1 e revers ::l at a:;;, without stopping, vl.'ich is a in fastening lite end -f seaios'. tat auvautage ; I It makes FOUR Di Fi Ell E IT .-T ITCHES, ; . e, liiu-t, Jjo'ii.l y.ot.l eieh stii.'i loufect au 1 i.Ies of the fabric. Operators can select anv stitc , J't,',',ir Kn; a'..!:a ou bo h . they want and ; c'aauge from one stuch to anoi tier v itn- i out stepping the rn.ioiiitie. i ' Its stitelies cannot !: cxce'icd for f.i nines?, : (bicticity duraliiiity and bemty of tinisti. t No uitiicu'i'y experienced in seuing across thick seams. ! Sews light and heavy fibrins with equal facil- I i:r. ! It will I!r.:U, Tu.-V, Cm?!, C:rd, Jin, FH, 1 J!in-I. fisher, and s.".r a'.i hind ot .v.,' A - ; ini required by families and manufacturer, : The work will feed either to the light or left without stopping th" taaehiue, The must inexperienced find nj difiicult v na 1 utiug it. " thoroughly practical and unLtsiiysin i ptiiod i It Las no tprinps io j:t out of or!rr, and will 1 last it lifetime. j It rut'S caily, at.d is tilmot nniscl-s. It is the most rapid sewer in tha world; ntc,'- .' t.o jive i.';';c.'.;. .' fuh r.r,ii:tiji. It uses lite same sue thiead on belli sides of j the fabric, It oils no dresses, ifi'iits mackincrs being on I ton cf the table. Every machine is tcrnzteJ h fire entire sti- j iff ac; ion, and to do r.il 'ha: is ciaified fur it. j M i.-s Cakkic L'. iVtambaiuiu is the agent' for ti.is county. By calling at Ler resilience i on .nam . .reef. .Mttnititown, one oj these ma cliiiteo can be seen in operation. September!-, Ic'j.j-1 y. The advertiser, having health in a few weeb.s I Leca restored to v a very simple remetiy, atiCr having su-.tered lor several years with a severe iitn- affculiau, nnd tha: I tlrrnd iliscasc, (.'iiiistKutttion is anxious to j make known to his lellow-suffeiers cue means ! of cure. j To all who desire ii, he will seel n copv of the prescript ii;:i us. i (free of charge,) with tiie directions for preparing and using the same, which thoy will find a si rs cms for CijSsitJti'Tius, Astiiwa, Bhoxchits, Cuciins. Cot.is and all Iht-ont aud Lung Ah'ectiors. The only object of th-i advertiser ! in sending the rrc.-et'ipti m is to benefit the i ahiicte 1, and spread inioi niatior. which he eoncoives to be invaluable, tr.d he hopes ! every sttii'erer will try iiis lemedy, as it will cost t.ii !n minim;.;, au;t may throve a ulcssnif;. Parties wisiiin the prescription, ruUE, by return mail, will please a blress Kuv LDlVAil!) A. IVILSON. Y.'illiamsburg, Kings Co. New Yoik feb. 28,-iy. i -n a -in VUJJ i-il-J. JS3 FLOL'it ami drain, cf hitel purchased at Jlaiket r..tcs, or rec-ivod on storape and shipped nt the usual iViejdit rates. Uav- ing boats of our own. with tai.-iui captians i aud hands, we will ship freight of any kiud to j and 1 rota rhitaacipuia or any potut along canal auLOiTF ,rnov.r & tazkei tne fi m: LiiiEH i x liiiii isZi&ss The Whitest, the most durable and the most economical. Try it! Manu factured only by ZEIGLEIl & sunn, Wholesale Cru. Paint oi Glass Pcacrs j Xo. lb'7 Xvrth iniHD St., VillLXD'A. 1 Jan. 21, 'CO-ly. A TE T:orLT)3 fir.-AT RESECT FO Scrofula and Srcfloua Diseases. fvrt Eniery Edes, n t--?,7-.: ? iuenhant of Ox- WT have soli lr.rj;o rju;iruii'js of your f AR.AT'A rilt.a, but uovcr y?t oa boi;!1 vlii:-i f:i!?tl f t?i3 ifL'ireU eTn-t tutl fifitiiUciion totiiec wJ:o tooit !r. As fi-.st our Tv-onlr try if, tin y nn:e thcr It:t ben no laeuitiaa like is bcibru ia our cuiumauity.' Eruptions, Pimples, Blotches, Pustules, Ui cera, Sore3, and oli Diseases of the Skin. from Her. Itobt. ;rfitt)ay AYiVo, ICnnhnt .'. " I 0'.y ti' my duty t yu .in ! T!i-. pul!k wIkti 1 auti i.iv ti'.-i.inioiiy tt tli.it vou inlii; U ot' tl'O n:c-ilL-:u:.t vii ttu-s oi'yoar S.K ;.i:;i.i.a. 3:v t'a:iul tcT, -vf fc':itiiu(i ua a!tiii'tii:L,r I.i:nt(r ia Ivr eyvy nvA h:ur fcT y :;rs. wliii-It wi were- irtrtMi. to care until we tticJ your riAt.Ai.i;ii,L.i. Zm Ia- Ikvu well tor mime aioutiij.3 from Mr. Jane K. Itcc a we" l'nown and mi.v.V e-ttppMrillntttfof ienni?.rtlU'H (.Ve Moy .V. ,T. My diiutiTor h:is BiiiRred fur a ye:ir p:ist with 4 protuioiis tTiintion. which wa vM-y trouhicsonie. KuiliiiiLr rfforilt'rt auy nlH-f until we triml your t A UaA; Alii I-LA, W illCii StW.l C'JUlpk tcly Clirt-fl luT." from Ch'trtt'tt P. Gtrr;, i'. of tha iriefe.'r l-notnn GtiiBy Mnrnnf if Co., m tnufaciurtrs tfcutiutJiltd pnjters in Xwhttft A'. If. -1 hud for hcverul year a vc-ry trot;M(Fomo humor in my face, whi' h rr.".T - ist;mt!y worno until it disiihjured my fwitun-s and beiMut! an i::fx' cnthlc alMictioii. I tiifl almfit cvry thn ;s tr.rfl couM of twlh alvi. an 1 mcUici'i:', b.tt without a'lf rii'-l" whatever, until I too!; your Saii-iai'-Mitm.. It im:n--i1iatf?Iy mule my face worse, as you t'.M i it mi-'ht tor 11 time; but in .1 f"W v".'!;a tin m skin uvtfftii to form wider tha blotohc ', air! tiiiutd until icy face H a smooth a. anyiiody J and I am with'jtt any HVTnptoiu. of the itisi-.tsu fi.it I know of. I ' riioy p'-rlivt health, and without a doubt owe It to your j.u;sapauilla Erysipelas - General Debility Purify tho BIoocL From Tr. 2t.nt. Sifrhi, l-m.'ton .S., Xrw Vor Dm. Ayi:i:. I a.-ido'ii liai to rciioc lCrUitl :i ani .rrtifnl"ic3 Sor . by t!:e ptTH.-veriniti-c y ;tr eAK-Ai'.uiH.l.A, ami I have ju-t now iir-'il a;-. I; of Mrfiyuant A7..iyWti. wiili it. No i.i:ntie wo possens eqiudH the 'AiAPAili;.!. v you have p:.. piitd to tla ororc-S'.,iou us well .ts to the people.1 From J. K. Johnston, A.-.'7., Fr..Njmi;', htt. For twelve years, I had ilteyelij.v Lrv -i'v on my ri.'lit ann, dij.n;i whi-.-h tii.ie I T:-i -d c-"le!jr:tt'i pliysteiaus 1 eoul 1 n'nr'i.aiiil i'; hi -i-rirodfi of d"H :rs wortii of . 1 i wi-rj so bad that the coi-.U l.ica:ic vi-iT i a 1 ? tin doctors derided that my arm 1 1-- tuip i.hJj-I. I ban tnhin your fS.i:-JM'AiiH-i.. T.t k t.vn hoc tltd, and boiiio ot" your 1'ii.i.s. 'i'ojr; t;i-r they !i ;v r!:r-d nie. I n:n nmv as v-il and s.iUii i as a:y bo :;. V -in.; in a pu'-iic phitv, my e:.-e i- known to rn ry body ia this community, iind excites tli wou.Lr of vll." from FTon. U"nry Monro, M. P. P., of ,w.w",4, ( (J'., a leatiiny mttuber of the Catuu-iaii I'urlia- 1 havo n d your S ns w T!it.!, in nv f-.mil for p;n'r:d ift-l-i'iitify and ir j i'f- l!' wi'h very beiii-fi-ial rt;.i?s, ti:: I i'cl toaAiduiieo cuUiUiLUuiai; it to the allul-jd." Et. Anthony's Fire, Hose, Salt Khoxr:, EaJd Head, Eioro X";es. frcm T2mtj hblhr, 's'., ci.f fffUrr tf the 'i iinkhtntt.n. l: lU'ium .'f, i.ii.:-itnn;n. "Our only child, about tl:.-e yeaii nt ar. w::a aUa;-!c' I bv pi'njHe.j 011 A for !n 'i i : y v i;i ily ;rt ad Uittiftbvy ionncd a loatli-.ine a::d virulv.r, fore, v. hi--h cVi-red Lis f.:c . i.v. I ;i-::;:i)!y b.iiid 1 liiH n-fs lor some d.iy. A 8l:a:;! j-hy.-I'-itui ajf.died uarate o!' filv-r atnl oth.r rt-tee wi;h:':t -ny irt nt t'li.vt. lor l.ite.n :;ru ue a,.i.i 'd It.tati-J, ! -t vifh tm:u be s!:ou:d tear u)h : the i rin" and corrny-t wouod wl ich rover -d hi' whole f.a-e. llawnfz t:ied cverv tl.i:- t-j.-c we had am h'-.;,e inmi, we laaa 'iv'iti o r S 1'aki;.i.v ti'i 1 :Lpjihi;icf t!te iodide o: potc-'i bttioTi. its you t'iret-t. 'J he M-re U';.r.i 1 0 h-'al '(,.. ;! ivc itn I iriveu taeiirft be;t!fT asid .v -t will v.'k-:i w- ;a.i i.ia.iiej tii.- hee-md. '( iu cldld V cyei.iht w i.i-i; ;.' i cat. n-w aLpiii. and he i . m.v h ::::." fair ui.y ;tie r. 'ihe winio utwihbcrii'joa irsjuicKtl tliiit toe ei)ii l mast di." Syphilis aaa LlDrcrial Dli.sr.30. .;. Or. lliraui Si ., ef M. J..m:. ML; -art. I Ii'l l Vf.'ir hAUSAl'Altil.I.A a Il.;r'. rear"iy !ur the Ftvondary s i-it-lo?;!.- of Syihuis icid for yj'Iilitli- disease I't.r.: a:.; i.. r we p-s-v s. 'J he proi-;-jitu f.re indebted to oa t-jr i:uu: oi ru be.-t met'.iciii: we Iiuu." f.r.n J. .. It ' h.4 1 '. .P., 771 r.p. rr.it f7.f; 7 -'..n f J (!; irr, .l,-.'-.., -!u ;.s r r -. t'.iiziii ntit:ii.r of r.V J..'i' I -Im-xtx ' M::.i.:nrii.i' tf . i;. A::i:. 'iv dear Mr: i we found vo'.r h 7 , S.:.srA!:ii.LA nu txc-ilent rem n:i nf ine primary an 1 KC-oi''f(s'f t'p". nai Ji.d in roniL' r ises ihi-l were tiM c.!t. I... ..e t.j yi. 1 i io othvr veiuedted. I i! J u.d k:o;v . U ti e;;.t '-..a pl tv v. ah niyre oeri' I:tiy buui'M1, w-no a ii-jv.tr-lul dteraiive i n Uirc.i." .V; Hri. S. Yon I h-tr, rf Xcn r.rf-'rrt--t y.J.9 y - dre.ii tii nit-M n on hi b .ilJvd !y t if .,';n-.(J d" m- rcay, or mcrrttrinl .mv: v.-hi h -r w mors ii:;d r;orc a.mvate l for ye; r. ia f; iitj i evn rt-medvor tn-iiunent- ili.it e.vld be ie.pii-'', nutd i:i " i ,-r.w"Ti:i-C use of AYi-.ii's s.i:s.vi-AS;ii.l. r.-hever him. 1 w eases can be beiml niire i.iveiei'at : nu 1 f:i-rrr":j'; ti..n thU, ad it tojk s-jve.-i uozt-a b t(K-.s i er.re him Leuccrrlioei, VTUites, reir.!o 7?ikness. urn v.HT::iiy protliT.'cd ty inb vi : .s'cr,y' ut f 7 ci r.';, ant er. vi-rv ofi":i earfl by l.i. alv-r:.c niece I'ft.iis viAi'Ahii.l.A. f"'n,' i-asi r-'ic-ir-1, 1j .v. '-ver. in k. 1 of tin S miapauilla, tito tiiiiiui r.i'.i-:.;;i-tn of 'oe.d remedies. Iron the -n i.ri md ri(7-?-f-rr''sZrti!cfl 7?r. ,hu:h M,., -:i,f -..,; "I hive b-uni ymr i.sai' xih!.A fi1. r?:r-IIi-nt s'f'T.t.i in dNe ises of f.'niah . .inny imm-s M It rt'idnri'v. l.t;forrho-:i, Interird I ic"::tion. avi d '-bilfiv. ar!tii',r from the scr.'tiiina di t';;e-i-, h iveyi -i i ."i to it. ais-i t!-t :e nr- -w ;h.it. t nut, w ben its ef.eit is prop.-riy ai -led l.e;il tr.-;,;iiit e.t." A hi UKiriiitiiy to iu'- " t!i- pitKlication tf her 31 v di dder twi I tnv -eif h:i'-i been rvre t of a very .fi ' ihLitim.- tit-orrli of ur.- se.aui.ii, Ly tw butL.-j of yo:ir .S j .iA i.l....'1 Elicunntism, GDtit, Liver 'Cpl t?-? D pppsia, n-art Disease, ICou-?uIi;ia, when o'n'M hv Srrofuo. ia tiie sysicia, ii4u rapiuij cured by this Sahsai"Ai:ilua. AYER'b CATHARTIC PILLS pis -oss so many advantages over ti.e oJst-r jiiir;rntives in the market, and li.etr Mipericr virtues are so univer-aliv knowii.Tliatw e need Ant ih r.tore than to as.-nru tiie public their Quality is maintained equal t'.i tiie Itest it ever has been, ami that they may be tie'tcnw d on to ih all that ihev have ever done. IVcpitfed by j. C. AYLI1, M- X'., i Co.. V.cwell, Mass.. and s'.l 1 i.y 2? UL2T3T-LIL""LJi.Zr Yv'e Iitve opened the larjre Loom 1st r.r.rio- 1 ' " site our More in Patterson v-here we otier er sale at iu prices a jreueiai assort lucut of TALLES. CUAIP.S. SOFAS, LOVNCES. LKLsTEAL'S, MATTF. ESSES, TLrN'KS, CAP.PLTS, STANDS, RACKS, AND Many oilier articles f ir bouse furnishing II EC ii I & SJilAYEIl- GOODS Ct KS7 frJCES AT 3113. F. IIAXXEJIAS'S IX r a T T E 11 S 0 X, 0- ATr'l na3 j'ls returned from the City with l V a large assortment of Hillincry and Fancy Gootln, Consisting in partof Lonnets and Ibmnet Silks, Mowers and Trimming', Ln.b rtb ries, Lae.e Goods, Handkerchiefs. IS iLnoral Skirts, Hoop Skirts, Cloves, Head Oimps and Ornaments, Notions and small wares, forming the Lest assortment of TALL. AXI VtiTIXR GOODS la the County. She solicits a call from tha public, Leir. j confident that she cau suit all. mEE best onality cf .VA C'KEUKL. Ill' P. L JtlXO and SUA O aitiHj s on hand. And also, a pood supply oi' VWsicr cud Caicir.e piaster at. SULOUFF. FIIOYV t PA1IKF.1U3. HEADQUARTERS iliffliatoirn CLalr Masafaclcrr ! tUAKLES W. Y."EITZEL would inform lha j citizens of Juniata county, that be cou ; tinucs tiie Chair Manufactory at the well k.-o w i j old stand in Water street, where he is -u nit I times prepared 10 receive orders for Windsor Chairs of every description, including Setiees, Large Locking Chairs, Sewing Hocking Chairs, : Childrens Clt lirs. Count ing House SiooN. Caia ! Seat- Chairs. Bar Boom ArinCbairs. and every ' thingpert'lining to his business, all of whie'i : he is prepared to sell cheaper than ever. lie is now prepared to wholesale woik at city pri- ces. Prompt attention will be giseu to Kepa j irirg All work done cheap and c.iped'.t iously. Sawed Poplar Plank and Scantling taken ia 1 excliHi ge for furniture. j Furniture Kooui cn Main street; oppo- site the Post Office. eiiAiins TVEITZEL. S ptember 3, lad2-tf. "O AD SEE the FALL u a.. L 1( Mii.ll I.i.llliJ OF T - AT 2 STDllZ 0 OS. f. a m The nnerfined wouIJ respect fa! :y i:vi:9 tbe public to call uiid eiainiae his sioci; b.rbna puroliAsiug t'lt ffLfa-c. He has bought i.n as?.-rtmeni at ri;h p.'lce.s tht'.t he cj-tnA be UTiaeroU l y any in the country. y.vt-i:'l it te'itiou p;iiJ t.p;iiv!i:isii! pj'juain lueehy: er or let at the Ehurifii notice. iivery efiort v.'ia h. nii.ue; by him to f.:ve . ;.t isiaetloa to thobe hu c.ny ta or iihu ha a c.i.l ""Ue-k anl Facy 5ilky r?rj? Lisnj, Morie A'.'jone, ( ;"er;:"oiinisf ij.:'.-n.! l'ui-e CiiUii, iSi ii'.iantes, 1-It. liviiiV.ailt.eio. .. Ca3:-iert P?p!!u9, A! A lull assoi tii;ent of VI-Jte litis, ilrociia in A 01 -i v 'm, A.! v. ..: 1 L ..it.es A! -::r;?. v ;re- i.i.o Miis iv. Ls to-.tr:.-, U-n- net Miimn, h!!.-.:iff. ri lar; Umieralctves, Ilaiiuktichicis iu irreal v- tfy. A large fua:.ti;y cf Druj?, zho on nana. Jtcktk.iuis hi Oti. V. o..!, lit !;ft? ftl.-o V.i. .n a tar;? I e.S. V.l Co l.i! !.!. v r at iorVe:-: pi iees. ff t.;T. Ji ' tie biIic-i J. 31. Country iVoil1. pnod". for which will be paid by ex"! ru ai t f--.r pricea Pcrrvsviiic to ifiiorm te cm t!j:t be bas taken il'.V'.td by IleiiTT ? of J ufti:; t C.-ai!y v oi t!ie wonts I iiei . AVii't in IVrryvi!i. v. hvre lit pi.ty b. f'itiil rea iy to eNteate j -tb in bis v, of hi:-iii'.:s s.ie!i its Tohih tfo:;os. Atoriiirrici::, Marb!; lah.-. Table T"p-. e. ,1e He belirvp that a l 'l:,-: e:;f '-ripi.ee and prurrieai kriowied; v ill eiiabie hun to cr've entire salisi.ietion to all wlio n.ny pilroaize hiiti. Give him a call a- he fell.- eonb.ie'it tbnt lor ui atn. e heap nets ana ile.-paloh Ul r-iiino! r e i'sr-iicl. Apr. 2":b JL -it LAS i.1 ;t o L : i i-.N i I V.'M. AVI?". Merchaitt T..il..r, ''-?s lei.v; ' to intoiui iiis iVt-nds atel the ptibiio irenerai'y ; that he Las jt. opened out a larfc'e aaid f.iohioa. , able assort i :.-tit ,( FALL LZB 7I3TEr. CODES, ' wh'udi he i. rea iy to n: ike to nr-ur y'lomptly ; nr.ti on t-:e lKOr-t r-'-touaoie ter:i!-. The f.hltc enprally will fad it to tatlr iutc-real to j tail at bis rooEi abva j F A S I C K S TIN S II 0 P, ; on r.i id-re r-trecf, Miifintcvn. P-i., .".".id li-spect l nr tlooi.s mill trorkiiaaiisi.ir bel'oin; purcjaa ! ing elsewhere. 1 v.urrani all cletiies to lit. ur '. no tJ.le. s srv7it:a HAcmifz. s-ins desirous o! rut-cbaLinz n:i. m-A-i i ! ot fciN.'ir.s s : 1 necess -ry iul Kiti ri; rnta'i Mi't:iNi:s will obtain all in on the subj.'-: and see .i t.-.y e. '.sin: ijat. If tl-.rs I wiil tit then up a them ; favore eratnn i h riie-ir v. l eiier n'.aciiir.e ;.;.- wr rn'. r if. ..- ti:.:n ever ' li'therto dne ir. tbiscouaty. No family should v , : 1 1 ....... w.l. ' .. i' ii ..- i.e- nii.i.n ii .iiu.i.e j..:i i, yen r; -y Persons can be supplied with Coat, I'Ifi-ter, Sib -:c, at the I weut price, by our svnt at o'l'p'ontowp,' El-IilC IsM.NXER, ho i a'-" su'ii-iriicd to purchase Crain au I ir? ti.e i.i-!:est mi-.k- t t rices. t-sT" 'r- Cl.INi'i is. also, our authnrizel aeut at Perrysiile to purchase Ciraiu aud sell Cm!, Plaster and Salt ft-r its. (live us a call and you caauot fail to bi plenret. Sfjf Ivfthest prices paid f'-r Country I'io dtt'.e, an-1 taken in exchange for coe'ls. SULOITF, FKOV., et IARKER. Cctcber, Ictio. have one room devotod entirety to fjoods and Le.idy Cents I urnishiir: Made Chithiug, such as Coat.'. Pants, Yes's, Cvcr Co.i's, jlats K Flannel Shirts, r.'T.ts Shoes. Tups, iVuite Shirts I'lid-jrshirt", and Lrawei- -. SCL'U FF, I HOW & rALK?lR. Hi a 'si I. Zj. Ilvcrv our.': la dv and rrcntleinan in thi Cnited States can heir sotnet'-ini very much to their advantage by return mail rce of fliare.).v aibiressin the utidnrsitrned. Those bavin;' fears of heip huniblltrtred wil oblige by not noticing this card. Ail others wiii please addre-s their obeilicnt sc-rvanu THUS. F. CH A I'M AX. feb. 2f,-ly. Ml L-roa ! .vay, Xew York. WASTED.-A cr-url rtiv V V t-i 17. to haru the Ch ti b y frJti I j PaintittS. r.n I ,i the country ' u.'nitner.iin;; Bs:n:-'. 0-,e preferred. Call it the :.'hair Si: , Mifflin- i tovn. ., , I a;.r 11-tf. V.- t-it-ll.L ) J Ar