Juniata sentinel. (Mifflintown, Pa.) 1846-1873, August 15, 1866, Image 2

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Vttwn vfl-.ttccs, and a union of lands,
A union wo I'Viccr shall sever;
A union o f heart, ami a union of hands,
Ad the American I'nion forever!
Wednesday Mornms, .ti';u-l 15th, 1SGG.
tl. II. WILSON, Editor and Publisher
tayr THE J V MA TA S.Vn.VY, -,J
has Ihe Largest t'trchuitwn of Any psper pub
lished in t h id Cmintv. It is tuerelore the
i.vf aJeertisi; mrdmm. It U
1'apcr, truly
ljynl, a My conducted, a first ciaf Loeaiist.
tii'i well worthy of the patronage of every
loyal citizen in the County.
tered to enable the brace leiluw to dis
' i
JOHN J. PATTEItSON, of Jin.ata Co.
(iubjeel to il'e District Conference.)
HENRY II. WILSON, of Juniita Co.
(Subject to the Dlsiiict Cain"eiccce )
JOSEPH POMEIIOY, of Beale twp.
LUCIAN WILSON, of Fayette twp.
JOHN 31. 'THOMPSON, of Perrysville.
t i n-tT, ti-iC,mm.ISS!.U ER' ,
J ACQ J Y LULL, of feusuehauna twp. j
District attorney", !
JEREMIAH LYONS, of Miflintown.
THOMAS MOnUOW.of Tnsc rrora twp.
Wsviidiors of Peuuylvauia reuiemher of "n'J policy" and is "receiving a live-; copy (of the report) to the Sentinel
that Hcister Clymer VjteJ against joint 1 lihood" through ths contributions uijwiih instructions to hand us the muh
resolution of our Legislature, asking Con- i maimed soldiers who hold ofliee undL'r A. 1 script c i." This is a lie manufactured
press to incre,ie the pay of the private sol- Johnson, that his Aeeideney confer a bre-! lrom the whole cloth, as Captain Lee iu
diers and .commissioned officers of the I yet oa Li.ae LWU in consider-1 his report says "Col. Mcl'arland and Mr.
rmy. (see paee Legislative Resold . ... .. . , i
.ssionlSM) While you were battling fr ! aUo ol bss I'F1 en!l'-!;,ic:it ,u the j taveny request that you W,), .r
.lie I'uiou he'was exhausting his ingenuity in j "Hread and JJutter llngad. and so that proof to the J'ejrabUct." We offered
devUiug means to counteract the sueees of! he may be known hereafter as JJrcctt ', proof sheets to the venomous Scotchman
Tour atiis.
The following is the l'n mn P.epublican I presumes to tl.ieaten us. that his "height'u ; for his paper," and yet be hadn't the nian
Ceuniy Commatee appointed (or the ensuing I , , . , ,, . , , . ., , j .. ' .. , . , ,, ,
ye,,,-: i and depth, length aua Lreadih uecds no imcss to say this, but permits Sore Heels
.Mifiiirtcwn A. II. Murtin, C. MeClcllan.
Patterson It. Corke, !( j Cioninger.
Fermanagh C. H. Ilor-ori"; J.hn Stoner.
YY'alker J. N. Moore. Kurtz KauUinau.
l-ulaware C. S. 'hel'y. Levi Myers.
Fyeiie Sam l. Leonm-.l. !: Cavcny.
Monue A. II. I. an lis. Tobias Ittsom.
PuMi iehatinah V. Loriir. Sol. I pdeirnve.
(Jnenwood T. I!un:l -.M .--r. II. . Zeiders.
"ii ! jid Jacob Criniiir, J. S. Itobison.
Ttiilett L. K .Matlors, Xoa.li Herlzler.
rerrVstiile T'noia. '.iscnsellcr, S. Luck,
lleale Hon. John ilcali-; J. J". Poyie.
Spruce Hi'.! A.J. Patterson, Sbein Yoder.
Tus?arora Thronm Morrow, Wm. Hart.
Lack J. T. Lentil's, li. Walls,
fciaric Log II. Muluiyrc. t:air'l. Shearer.
We uudcistand that certain persons
who arc over auxious for the election of
ei-Sheiiff Ecyuolds, are circulating a re- j
port that our candidate for Piolhoaatory, '
Capt. John M. Thompson, will be unable j
to discharge the duties of that office, for j
the reason that he has lost his right arm, (
and will therefore be unable to do the j
writing. This is a malicious libel caleu-
laied to injure the chances of a gallant !
soldier, aud concocted for the purpose of
influencing votes for George Kcyuuids.
Capt. Thompson will be pleased to furnish :
ttoy persou iu the county, who may desire '
it, a specimen ol his writing, and is ready
r.nd willing at any time to meet the cx -
Sheriff au-I compare jcumatiship with
him. We venture to s-v that there are
few pprsons iu the couity who can write j
a plainer hand than Cjpt. Thompson, and
we are certain that his opponeut, George
lleyuolds, cannot compare with him.
A Sl'GGF.STirr.v. Some of cur Copper
head exchanges in trying to create the
impression that a large crowd is in at
letidatie at the Ivcbel-Copper-Johnson
Convention now - being held iu Philadel
phia, assert that "every house in the city
is filled and there is no room for more."
We would suggest that Moseby, llick
Taylor and otltcr rebel officers should have
brought along the tents they used and
occupied while in arms against their Gov
ernment. They would have reminded
them of their first failure and that there
is a possibility of another iu this their
cff-.vrl to disrupt iL GeTtiutufnt
At last this thinn. "less man then beast,
.. . ...
IS CODbtraiueU to WUte over uis proper
title and the one bv" which he is best
koown throughout the county. In last
week's Reprobate he commences one of
his Billingsgate nrticlcs with Sore Heels
I a title to which he confesses paternity
aud cuds with "Yours any way you want
me, Sore Heels." Now, we suppose this
brave fellow means fight aud perhaps we
ought to get nervous, but we guess we
won't- We will look over his army re
cord aud see if he ever hurt any body or
if any body ever hurthiui. At Autietam
he creaked to the rear and cut off hit
shoulder straps a brave act. Ou the re
connoissancc in the Shenandoah Valley he
played tick, and so too on the forced
march to Snicker's Gap ; lie played sick
and stowed himself away for sale keeping
in a commissary wagon, lost his sword for
fear, as he said, that he might be culled
upon to use it, aud failed to returu to his
company uutil he was ordered to do so bv
Colonel Llder. At Fredericsbtirg to his
great relief his company was ordered on
hospital guard a healthy place no doubt
as ore Heels failed to get sick
his company was doing this kind of duty.
I!ut they were not destined to remain loug
tinguish himself still more. II is com-
ma"J was ordurcd oa a
j i i mm .1 .
I ttuiu some icuci uuuips. incic as uuu-
jger in this kind of aa order, mid it ope
1 rated ou Lieut. Sole Heels like an emetic.
As uis company went out, be became seri
ously ill, but when it returned lie was all
right, and remained so uutil ti e Si.ud.iy
morning of the great buttle of Chauctll-
orsviue. H Lec his reciiiieot was order-
ed to the right to participate in the fight
the I rave Dav's suddenly realized that
there was dauger in getting too near the
front hit heels ant rem so.-e !. Pnnldn'l
uiarcu.anu uiinougn it was cuiyasnorti
iti i
distance to where his regiment became en
gaged, he started to the rear and actually
murchid a distance of more than ttvi
w,'tJi before he thought he was out oi
Jangcr, or rather l-tore his huh j;t bit-!
tcr- Ioor fellow ! Lovr !,e lu,lit UJVe sut'
frired Bat Le immortalized himself.-
lI'3 company dubbed Lim Lieut. Sore
Hk- IJe earned the title aud has woru
I it ever since a nttitig tribute J or his cut-1
j u-ible Sicili es. Wc would suggest, since
he has become such an ardent tiuppnrtcr
Briijiuli(.r Sort Heels. 'Tu conclusion" j
we would say to this cowardly pimp who!
measurement by us, as Lis er.Lre putrid ,
carcass cotild be compressed into a single !
glass of whisky at,d a pair of old shoes, out ,', t ;,,, ., of manuscript, as we
and there wouldn't be enough of the ii'ti'-j were expected to print it iu pamphlet
sauce left et'en for a pair of iiorc ".,-. j anj corc limited to eight pages, we
The above is a part of the history of j had a perfect right to leave out the part
the matt who advertises iu the Juniata ' that was least important, and 33 a Mutter
Republican that he is one of Andy Johu- j of course we selected the few hoes in re
sou's Stale Central Executive Commitlce. ! ference to Eill I'avis' speech, believing
He is the individual who is traveling j that an individual who played the part of
through the different counties id the State J a cowardly miscreant while in the Union
collecting money from the U. S. olliee (
holders for the purpose of keeping the j
"my policy" party machiue in ruuning
order. This is the man cbout whom cer-
taiu pr0Iuiu,;ut gcntleuien iu our county
ars receiving letters asktug wiio lis is V
te honest ?" "would he steal '!" or "is
'e collecting money for his own private
?" VY"U '"ij.e our exchanges will cojy
'h'1 article for the benefit of all who are
concerned. We assure them that he is
'e individual he represents himself to
be he is followiug his legitimate busi
ness beggiug aud iu order that noper-
sou may be imposed upon we will try to
describe him. He is a heavy-set chunky
ort of a fellow, about five feet ten, looks
! as if he drank whisky fretly aud dou"t
! deceive Lis looks, has a sauctaniouious
In'c a useful member to one of his pro
fessiou talks much and tries to make
people believe- be is smart, carries a cane j
and rides on a free pass. Ha uover re - j
fuses to drink when asked aud tncs to
pass himself off for a soldier on all occa
sions, and particularly whoa the soldiers
have a meeting he will be sure to mix in.
We don't think he vfoul steal, however, !
we wouldn't advise any person to give him J
au opportunity. It any persou is impos-!
ed upon hereafter it will be their own
fauk. Exchanges please copy.
Two deaths from cholera having oc
curred :n Pittsburg, the papers there are
urging their readers to clean up.
TnE llev. Matthew Davenport, aged
one hundred years, preached a sermon re
cently, at Ok!en. Mississippi- ,
Two or three Kickapoos and old R'lanee i
ami a pimnlc rf ma ;.b . n ..-.:..ir.
1 a swan spriu..
( "rS UI me cnappmg lurtietnbe, me'
1 I- C .1 o
j ....g u me iiui.iug uiuc irtoe, nieiouc
Hai .it itpsL- in th. nffl.. r:.... u i
McWiiliams, commanding company F,
12Gth Itciment P. V. for the nurDOfe j
of considering the propriety of sending
delegates to the great National Conten
tion which is uow being held in Philadel
phia. The meeting after being duly or
gnnizei went into a committee of the
whole on the subject of dc-lega;:
.. Jt, ii.... ....
motion of old Shanee seconded byw'T
Plum it was unanimously agre?d that del-1
egatcs should po, and that everr My
that wanted to go, might go as a delegate, I
including old lltd Jacket lrom Milford
aud J. 15. M. Todd of the Kiukapoos from
Patterson, Gipsie Brown chief of the
Crows was then called on for a speech.
After striking his war club on the floor
three times he arose and addressed the
cotiselas follows Constructive Democrats
we have met in Mass Convention in the
office of Lieut. 11. P. McWilliaais com-
u.audiug company F, 12(ith Keg. P. V. to;
deliberate upon sending delegates to the
great meeting at lliilatlclphia. Fellow
citizens we have dons it, we have passed
a resolution that every body what wants
to go can go aud sit down in the big wig
wam with the great Vallandigham, Alex.
Stephens aod Die Taylor on the 14th of
Augus', 1?0G. Now fellow citizens I
move thar the thauks of this convention
be tendered Lieut. K. P. MoWiiiuuis,
commanding company F, l-(.uh Uegiment
i. V., for tbc unetit' Li oiliCWtVi
caitou, and that we all meet at he Hail
1 rot'l ou Monday niht to take the train
lor Philadelphia, subject however to the
orders of Lieut. K. 1. Mc Williams, com
manding company F, 1-lkh Keirimeuf,
P. V. Young Jim Crow offered the fol
lowing Amendment aud be it resolvca fur-
! tLtr "JLlt we a" st"P at lhe Head On
.U;irLcr NfrPtf to tihiUM rji.i Hii.iu i
- ;
... ,i .
...w u wa uiuiiju iuc (
meeting adjourned si'e die.
This is the heading of a malicious arti-
cle jn they;u' li. prolate of last week.
! T,ie writer end-avors to leave the itupres-
I si,,n th.t wa refused to publish a portion
0f Captain S. A. Lee's able report of the
proceedings incident to the lfying uf the
coruer.stoue ot the Orphans New Ifote,
j at McAiisteiville, and says"Mr. S. A. Lee
l,y direction of Col. McFarlanJ, sent one
who pretend.! to own the Jind,ln-tni, but
he refused them, saying ''it was too loug
;0 ue that paper to gratify bis um,d
vy,,, . In setting up the report we left
army, had no right to have his name ci.n
nected with anything rulating to soldiers
or to thei orphan children. We received
a letter fiom Col. Mclarland from which
we publish the following in reference to
the publication of the proceedings alluded
Capt. II. II. Wn.sox .1y Dear Sir:
I obtained sowc of the pamphlets, and
have u jw received a copy of the paper.
I like the account ct oar tiroceeoinos
very much (this is the first time I saw
them') and think the pamphlet makes a
creditable appearance. I find no fault
with you fot the omissions spoken of, as
the matter maae more pages than I autt
cipiited. Thanking you fur inserting the
report, I remain
Very Truly Yours,
Okd. F. McFarland
Uiot in Men Orleans.
A terrible riot, similar to that which
occurred in Memphio, a few weeks since
taok place in New Grlean, on Monday.
The Louisiana State Convention, compos-
ed of well knowu loyalists, was ia ses
sion, when they were set upon by a mob
of re constrccted rebels, and several of
them killed. They next made an indis
criminate assault on every negro thev
tueti killing thirty of them. The pspeis
j0 n0( icpsrt any of the rioters as lein"
killed. The Mayor of the city seems to
have been in league witlv-the murderers.
President Johtrson was telegraphed to
declare martial law, but refused. His
influence, of late, bus all been thrown in
favoryftf rebels end traitors.
A TAKTY ia one day captured seven
hundred aud sixty-nine trout in a Ci'.lifor
i'e.. 5lr?rti sot losjj since.
Milford Township, Aug. 13, 1301
Mr. Lditor uavmir seen a notice in
Mr. Editor Having seen a notice in
- j --
;ton ot liarrisoursr. or a democratic
meeting to be held in the Jackson School j
House, on the eveniug of the 11th :nst.,
w uen auorcsses would be delivered oy dis-,
tinguished speakers from abrot-d, aud !
thinking the meeting would probably be I
without a reporter, I hastened to the scene
of action, and was the first to arrive on
the ground. Soon the people of the vicin
ity commenced to turn out, en Masse.
Tbey came one in a crowd, two in a cro'vd,
and three by themselves ; one came down
fo road, one up the road, r.nd one from
! Tvbett township, otherwise denominated
J tgjpt, when the whole crowd seated them
sel'.s on the fence. Presently we were
all Rat tled by a rumbling noise iu the dis
taneias of the rushing of many waters,
or a artillery running orer the stony
stree'; and it was whispered from mouth
to iiiuth, they come ! they come ! three
hundted thousand strong ! tftill the noise
grew uuder and louder, until a horse and
carriage containing the would be Pro
thonosiry from Mifflin, rolled into the
crow!, when there was such a greeting
aod hind-shaking all around the three as
only the faithful know. Soon the con
versation turned to prospects of election
aud the jeopardized condition of ourcoun-
try. Finally they commenced business
bv resolrint; that it was not necessary to
call the meeting to order as there was not
enough present to make a noise, conse
quently thej would have a secret scssii'-,
and as for going into the school house it
was resolved that having b?ea so long in
datkne-s if they would come tj the light
now it miirht
reveal some ot their evil
,,;J,:, ... i-m- ,
.... , r.,c ,.uteuiiou.;
It was also nsflctil that having been so
l..n.. .Wlr..,! ..f,r,h,., ..fv .
- r - s "
that they would not spe.ik now for spite.
! hA r n-linn tvn tu ,.i ..r . ..... T. ... ! '.. .
, "a.,, "c'g
i . , . .
..i.j..n.u .ij pi.iu m i a coi:;uiuiee 01
the whole three to draft resolutions ol
ntiiyit. iL i ii
WOtch the billowing l3 a copy .
RtnAved, Thai it is the belief of the
Hcnioeratic parry that the war is a failure i
except tiiat part we are carjyiog on down'
at Memphis and New Orleans which is
going on gloriously.
Resolved, That iu IIou. Eiester Cly
mer we recognise a true Pa i riot and a
Soldiers' friend. All hough be did do ali
he could to oVr rivo them of their right
to vote and consequently tried tc degrade
them to the level of Negroos aud also
voted in the ';'tate Senate agaiust raising
tkir pay f.-( m Sl.,00 to -31G.U0 per
mouth, consequently many soilier families
bad to l'O without their bread and meat
nd without necessary clolhin. Then
dear oldiers, you were Lincoln's hirclin.
ar.d cut-throats, now yo-r aro Ihjmocratic
citizens and should vote for Hon. Iliestcr
Clynicr the soldiers friend.
Re.wfcf, That all soldiers that desert
ed the army, and all citizeus that skedad
dled to Canada, hid in the mountains or
resisted the draft iu any way, should vote
with the party that ctniecl tiieui to desert
and protected them against arrest and
finally got a judical decision in their fa
vor. Resolved, That we arc in favor of peace
at ail times except there is a chauce to
kill a few negroes or raise a rioi, after
passing the foregoing resolutions unani
mously, the crowd disjersed to their res.
peetive homes aud the would be Prothou
otar to,k tip his lodging in the country
for the night.
R. M.
A Talk with Solvit rs.
How can soldiers coalesce wi'h men,
who, during the war, threw their influ
ence for the enemy '( called the soldiers
"abolitionists," '-Lincoln hirelings''
"dupes," avtd "mere tools," oigatiized the
Sons of Liberty, to let loose rebel pris
oners to pluuder our country and bum
our homes. Arnold's tteasoa was no
more. I!ut now that the boys have re
turned, these fellows are goiag around
aud pretending to have been the soldier's
friends. Their only object now is iu
fact ttcy proclaim their only object to be,
to arhsuce the interests of the uurepent
ed rebel. If the Union men, North and
Soulh, desire any particular measure
pissed, these hypocritical sycophants raise
the howl, -'fanatics, traitors aud tuemics
of the couutry." Aye, if we dou't take
the advice of rebels, adopt their say so's,
at Philadelphia, aud receive their coun
sels, and let them dictate on what terms
the couutry can bo restored, Presideut
Johuson must, say they, ignore Congress
and, at the point of the bayouet, set up a
Congress of rebels, and their sneaking,
criugiug, cowardly allies, legislate for the
Soldier boys we say to yon think be
fore you act. Don't turn over y3ar gov
ernment into the hands of those men who
starved your comrades at the Auderson-
ville Hell and those who his I ta wi:btoll
supplies from you to compel vou to come:
i ... . i i . "... i. ;
come anu lei treason iriuuipii. i i.e.
wen who wul meet at J lilai!elihia ami
luen who will met at Philadelphia and
, .
- -
ana do cy pocritteaiiv claim inaT. itiev
are detroCra.s and that they did it in the
name narue or Democracy I ! Ilcneelorth
i 1 i ... it Ml !
suen democracy, treason ana Araoiu win ,
be synonomons terms. I
, y '
Unionists iu New Orloans, including ore
from a Federal Major General, say th.it
the newspapers have not told half the
atrocities which were committed during
tne r,ots ln tnat c,,y ln Ule su0ur03 ana
I,u,u ,,,c
item (.uugiijjci.u m ...v. w...... t-..
the citv. The negroes were butchered
mercilessly by the n;ob.
BtaTMailory, of Kentucky, a delegate
to the Philadelphia Convention, iu a re
cent speech at Howling Green, declared ;
himself iu favor of the repudiation of the
national debt. That's nolhing. Every !
Copperhead organ which encourages the '
Piinvntifin llrw Annlv I.-.hitri'il Iti lleTlTO- t
. - j - --r
eiate the national securities, and gl.irits
in casting doubt on tLe ability of the na
tion to pay its debts.
tiTANrru. SCMAC.
The undt'rs'gn-!
shed to )ureliae J tire Sumac in large
or small quantities. Millie! market pricts
paid on delivery at sumac mill, Mi:c:i.inijs
u'ii, Juniata county,
Tort H-iyal. Juniata Co., Pa.
August 15, lSUu-tt'.
lO.lt, ..U IIIjCU l.Kl. Jtie llllii''
KJ silo
iu J begi leuve to in! .1111 te
i that lie keeps coiisianilv on iom l a ling- St.ni;
01 -'"al a" J ,-':li!n'1'- His stUl-k etu'ii-aee-i 11
I part. Stove Coal, SmiiU Coal a;i l i.ni,e-iiui--
; uels Cv:i, at the lowest ca-h rates.
Lumber ot cli km li an 1 quality, su.-h as
Unit P:ne I'tanit, tw., inches. ,U li White
; I'irie liuarils, 1 liiirh, io one ha!f incii. While
I fine worked Flooring, Hemlock P. .mi-.!
men. n hoe
"-'IM 1 - '"n
aoiie, lewang i.a.ti. rustering
I... Krri.iii.- 1 I,
I i,:iih, uiugles, Striping, a.-u atnl H.,ors.
" '"a - j.iui-.
oai ana i.uonier ui-:ivei-i at .'.i:rr u.itiee.
el'-"s l'n '"'.''" '"- itieMvercan he
lurnisiied with LimehiirniTs Coal, Vc, lrom
j ,he coal yard at Tysons Lock.
i aui5 ' lS- titUIWE COSHE.V.
pi'PI.IC FX AM 'NATIONS Examination
X of Ttai hers for the v triors nets of
Juniata county, will take pi ice as lollops :
In the School House nt .Mi'Miatown, ior
Fermanatrh township. Auit-t. 1M lSi'i;
In the School liouse at l'utier;ou
o'i si;i;
For tue borough of Miiair.town, Atu'ust
At Perrysviile, September 7. LJij
In Ihe School House at C'merv:!lr. f r
Walker township, tfepieinher Si, ISS '..
Ai (,'huaeli ihll. tor turbvtl township, Sep-
temher 1(1 1HW
iu .Vpruce Hill School Ilouse, for Spruce j
Hill township, Si-ptember 11, hsi'.ii.
In I.ick School House for Lack township, I
September 11, ISait;.
At Mi:Cullouch's Mills for Tusc arora town- !
I ship, llllen.!)e L!, ISi-io.
At Jtituistown for Ueaie township, Septem
ber 1 !, I
At Locust Oreve far Mi'.fi.nl loitnhip, Sep
leml'er, 10, lS'iti.
At .MeAlistersvi'.le, for Fayette township,
Scpiemb-T, IS, lsi.ti. ,
Ai Kicl.lie'.ii fur Monroe township St piem- j
oer i.i. isoo.
At Ktioitse9 for Sustpaehanna township,
September 'J'l, l"i,:l.
At Thomas I ox for Greenwood township
Sepi ember. 'Ji. lht'.o.
At ThompsoiiuiAii for L'elaware township
Sopiead.er I, lt ;t;.
Fx imiuation viill commeni-e precisely a:
7 o'clock A. M. Applicants will please re
present at the commence went. No o;i will
be admitted ifto 1 he class nn're than ivvrniv
uiinutis alter '.I o'clock. Appiicauts are rc
ipiltst d to come prepared with pen, ink an I
o certificate nvor.iging more lhan three
will be granted, iinlcsa at the reoiiest of the
Hoard of loitetors; lo r a certificate unless
represented by ail the brauches rt-'i'i:i I l,
O. W. Lf.OVl),
County Superii.teiid-ut.
on J. Lossing.
George VV. Cliills.
PuMisher, O'JS & Gil
Chestnut St., Philadelphia, Pa.
Th'i first Toluuin of this w n's is map rrnh
fur livery; it will b complel ed iu thrtr vol-
minis, of ever 0 )1 pages each, printed on
hoe calendered paper, and handsomelv ill 11
t.iucu nuu I'.e.i. 1 v .0,,, mm sieei ana wool
. y , . . ,
1. no-raviiiTs. in On. tiit'lo.-l civ . ..I in. .....
r m 1 ' 1 ;.'.-
o t-parai .011 i.aa 11 av cictl -",uoo miles.) rep
rescnting be:i'l-iiartcrs of oliiocrs : we-ipons
. . . 1 . 1. 1 .1.. . .11
' , , '., r' . ' " "
honor and other gilts ot gratitude: eos,,aes
ot soldiers arms and accoutrements ; pri.ons
and other buildings made memorable by the
war; J:c.m,U, of important document; find
autograph letter ; maps of battle helds,
sieges and plans of foilressc-s-the whole li-
tusimnng every nnpertaut event in the late
civil war.
The Work, when finished, will bo the most
correct, reliable, imfniriittl and ban Nomely :
gotten-up history ot the war published' 1'tie
tnrec voluuis wi.i be issued at u cosi of i 1.1100
It bas been, written since Ihe n rfc.o'..u "f i l.-irly re-enlisted and re-mustered into th
the ar, from both L'nmn and CVi f ;iee,i V "'"- si-rvice ot the I'nil.d Maris, beiwesn tha
ciidJniuments, and prieme .i-urnuU cf (vn of o-.j, ,lay of June, Inland April 1st, to;4
both armies, not accessible to, nor used by nnj ri.c,lved no local bounty nee now emitted
previous writers; arranged n a clear and eon-, ,0 a bounty ot Three Hundred Hollars from
cise manner, with that impartial and well- J the twnship, borough or county her
balanced judgment for which Ihe author is so heir credit wn gicn. Any person having
well known. Mr Lossing hail every facility i a cIllini ()1 l!ie ah,ve kind, can have it prompt
otl'ered him by '? 4ireetion ol the War and i lv cnwtei bv c.liing on or addressing. Jer
Xavy llepaalmeuls. tiovern ors of State-, and e'mm, Lyons.' Attoruev-at -Law, Milllmiown,
by the late and present Presid. nt, for visit- ; j,mi,lla c.jnty. Pa. Stale in ad.lressin by '
ing comps, forts and fleets, while the war was ; ietter number of Kegiment and Company to
in proffresa, and since the ee.nci itsiun.
The work will contain biographical sketches
in Cyclopedia form, of all th; prominent ac
tors in the war, of both sixes, and in every
condition in lite.
This is a book of facts rather than ot opinions, "I ACTIOS The pnhlic are her. by raution
and fully nustains the reputation of the an- i ed against purchasing or negotiating
tkor. isiablisued by his "Pictorial Field Hook
of the Revolution." Price j",0'l per To'.UEia.
Solo E.ei.tr.iVELV bt St osi'biption.
it IRRY C. fVl'.S. AWt ',.,
-r "'
A I'i'.ilNISTllATi'.l.'C'S
XA Urehy civ in that
tten of A iw.iuiiint-
til,n 0 ,iie v-:;i:o
. .Man. iret liar Iv,
deed , let-
dee d ., int.- v, y, ..oni t w- -bo., .luaima Co.,
d taw
Pa h-ive bfj r-r.iod to i he no, lei ; .-I ,-.
pmin i.-i aii)re?-.ni t vriti:i. .ill jipi wui
knowing thi-nisnT-t lul.tjii-.l to s.ii'i e-i,t.o
! rnr,";' 'l
i cated fur settlement.
A. P.OBISO.V, Adm'x.
Aug. 15, lsot-t;;.
anil Mnliu:inry btore. iu I'en v.si:ie. Ju-
matn coufiy, I'tan a. (Tost OtHje i;uiiii.ns )
I tin utle:.neJ .ki leave t inform tin
f.0'"1 .P1"' f lhl a"'' zhy h,s ,
j that i.e tins o I'lie'l a rite stpfk ot Mm.iinv
! I!ook. etc., a::J liatir.g bue-i.t
I Te,7 1"w waole-ule price in 1-uil.idrll.i:,. hy
cl.et.per tU,in any otbei eBt lMU;,!...,t in
"r;Ilt.s u..l Periodicals, kenl in n-iee t-
i liifi.en, any ot wutcrt will De sen! Iiy mail
free of post:tt t. any place upon receipt of
tne annexe! jiriee, tu:
Aii.-.ntie Monthly 4,c
Harpers ):ai:r.c
Frank Leslie's Gazette of l ahious. ... 4",c.
(Jodie Jliijfazine Ji).j
Ladies Friend
liaTous Maazii.e
Waverly ?.tag:t;ne , weekly )
Harpers Pictoria! I weekly)
K rn 11k Leslie's Piciorial, Illustrated,...
Clii.ioiey Corner
New York .?t-r
Natiotial Police Gazette
New York Clipper
t itur l::y NiL'll
(iU-a-'oiis Literary t.'''ia'-iiiien
' .;.
Lea-i.e.-'aiiti .Mtoo'oe s Jtotels, each
lV'.i'ile's Colics; tr
Martin's ciisihic Letter W riter
Foi'Uiue TLiieis and I'lcini lJoks of liitlVr-
eat k'lnl-', (nich) 4. u.
Also all ki.-.is of J".e, N j. v'--.
N'. I. Any of the Daily FLiladeTphia pa
pers I'tirtiiilicJ et T-'ic. rvr rrr ?i l h . cr tri-wcek-iy
at uOc. per month. s-ri;i-ttvek:y vr
'eekly -' c. f er i:i"iifh. also .Jiirie. Mna-ziue-an
l ot her b'ti.linrrs aiieii'led !.
P. IS Uaek num'ier-t of a. I M.ijr nine a l
J Papers l'urni.-heI nt short notiec. 1 nm deier-
! rtaiue'l to supply a great want in this c iuaty
j ny furnisLin the people iih reuuing matter
! ai a ri-a-jonah-e t ir'e.
1 repi:c;iuily sohen vmr patronacr-.
i " JnllN .M. TliO.Mr.O.V.
i PerrysviKe, aoc. 1. '';.
! .UPIIAN' Colli f
ILI liy th lie i.f
! V. ,,,1
Order of the Orpl.anV " Mt ot Juni
ata eorinly, the following vularttiie ileal Estate
.-atmo iv, Auttust Uoth. l-i.-a u ie; of l.a-.'i'
ill 1... .T.. ... ...!. . .. ... -.
, u u lie in Tuearora towa-ii , p. lui.ia a .- u i
i ... .. ..... . 1
i it, eoiiiaininii .-ere-". aiiioii-m ' oi'.-i .,f
J;,e,.lt Itrnl.-shaiiir'i anJoih.i havi
lag tL.'i.
creeled n good Irame House, Uai.k I'ani
ttprinjt Hw.se. Smoke iloii-e. ui.d olhor oi:t-
i b' ii.,,,,, W1,h a tceli ,.f w .iW at tae ,C
j There is a good Or.:h-.'. of am tes. peacje.
; ciit-rr;-'. Jcc. Aboii: '. a;r .ire clean- i
' uA unde'' v,d eui.ivaii..-. ihe tatanre n.il
: ":"hl:ri"3- Hie tarai is w-ttered with prin.
i nnJ ' C.avenietil to coat ..-lies, schools, sioret.
I ic Sl'' " "f'0'" !1'' and a ha..' from
, Ea-t Watertord, aad ouo mile from JloCul.
! 1. ch's Mills.
TrnMs: So tnneli of the reircln miwn
j t as will re-i'lired to pay ti.e ne-.-sivv ex
' : peases oi t'ic sale to Vie ii 1 on c.m.i m ni !t
ot s-,le aii-1 tiie rern mi Iir of f:e third trhen
i P 'sses-ion is iv-n : ti. b V. nice iu two eo.ial
j l'-'.v,:'''nls Willi tuteresi to be secured by ap-
' -r r"v'"' h"n'K
i Ec"ale to enmn -nce at 1 o'clock P. M
Len attendance will t. -iven v
ii 'oil (;. Htfs;irs.
7V-ftri re Ji;
e-J'S li'Ai t.
All"il-t . lll'i-ts.
j f V t'l t;T AXT Ti) SmI.hiLKS. The 11. uniy
i 1- ii:.! has at list pas .,.it. ,.r
; I promised many soUiier wiio tailed on n-.o
j i" regard to ti.eir rlairus to notity them as
j soon :3 the Itili p i-s?d. I cm do'ihis l-.t
j thr-.iiga ihe c.-tnoy ; ;;h-,-s. The inirriet
I n r.t loo numerous to ausvrer by letter, and I
j have lakta this me'ho.l to nosaer a-i Sclera
! received. Ife liiil provides I n-.t ail woo en
i listed al'i'-r April I'.liu. and hn-.r Juno
I L'-.th. i:i'.:. tor thre years and serti.l cut
! their time are entitled to-JlO-J additional hniui
i ty Those who were -iitcbarge-l for woiinJi
or iiijuri. s recited in line of duty j- ni
The same boun'y to be paid to the widow,
child n, father, moilier. in the order named
of those who wire kilic 1 died in the ser-
; vice. Send me at once ye.iii- di-chargc j,v
p-rs and I will reluru you li.e proper blank
you :itd. You will not n i-d l. come to Mif
ilia ta pero. V.mIohs. ftjti ar.i ino'iicrs
have no discharge f aj.,-i-s wi.l ti,je UTl,
i and cause of death, number of rigiiuut and
Inter of company, i-.m,. of captain. Stale
your name and post olU..e address pi.tiu'y ia
i all letters written to tne.
j Alt'y at La and (,iiui Agent,
t August S, lhi.'j-lf
Coi.lei rou's Ot t it k. I".
Int. PnvKME, )
.MlULI.NH R.i. July "). lsit,d
TaX' on the Annual List, K't.t;. (lniomes,
Cairiagos, Aic.l are now due and tiny able at
he following nines and places : Juu'ia'laeuuu
ty. Johu McLaughlin. R-puiy. will collect at
I'omerov's Store, in Leaie township, on 1 ues-
! " ,7, " , " A . "l '
stines Hotel, in MitllinloAn. on Thtirsdav.
, . .... i . 1: i . . . -. - 11 . - ,
Aii-rii.t -d ; at h. .Margiits Hote., 111 Me VI
I - s- - .. . r ' -.i-.
1 isterville. on 1 rul-.y. ..oj;isi ;ih; at
.ngiisi z nh ; at tne
louse 01 -A. n. latum, on .iiomiay. August
liTtli : at Siiermer s Unlet Thoi:ipsontowu,
lues lay. Auttust s li ; at Morrow 3 Ilo'e!. in
: Last aierlotd. on n eilhi sdav. Amrn.-t 'h.
j a1 wao n.U.cl , "
a .u, n.ieewill be i.Jui-,;, for whiel,
; Uw ' tWm a 1(.e ,womv cen, ,.,
, ftfcr ,,,., j-lr ce,s ,H1. niil(.;nn,, Icn
! cpnt . pt.n:lltv. , , colleeied by distraint
j Taxcs,Iuusibe paid in (iorernment funis
I Collector l'liU UiVtrict', "Petin'a.
"' i the (jetieral A-sembly of Pennsv ivania.
' ,,1 1- ...r.. Voiuoteei s wim have l,--!.
which you belonged aud dale of re-ei:listment.
J. l.l (.s.
Attorney -at-Law,
M'.lHintown. Ps.
Protrri-ary note given by me in favor or Aul
: "" Woodbnrn, of Sewille. Cnmbcrlan i
(county. The note is dated, April 3rd.
jaad is drawn foi fifty dollnrs. (.-s iti.iH.; paya.
I'.e at the Bank of I'urkor. it Co.
: au; t-Cr J. F. li All ELL.