)t uniata Stntiutl. WEDNESDAY MORXIXQ, Jely 25, W.C. TOWN AXI C JUSTRY. Ueabt Clvb. The Junia'.a Cj'.Unl Otart d'tii meets in the Court House on 1st and 3rd Cati-sdat evenings of cicli mouth at o'clock. -ny person wishing to sign llio Constitution &j,Jo so by calling it tlie Skxhkej. OHitc or l the uiectiug of the Club Mu. J. V. Emeby, of our loronli laid upoa our table the other dny a stock of oats containing cue hundred and fifty perfect praius. who can l:eat it ? Repaired. That dilapidated struct, are, called the MiiHto Uridge has ai. Just Undergone some repairs, this doubtless is owiug to the charging of toil by the bridge fathers on Sunday. Melons. Water melous have made their appearance in our nsaikct at the moderate price of seventy fire cents pieee, for other vegetables and further particulars call at J. C. UuiisuH's uevr More. Sale or I'lsor-tnxr. Th.n. 15. Co'cr, ct the borough of Puttursjn, has tiis l'0cJ of his house r.;il I.its ou liii!i;e street, to Amos Suuler fr tlie sum of ?2,23J. V.'c uadc.-statid that Sir. Sny Jer intends crec-ii;: a hotel on tl.es ci;rii:.r ht. CriOLERA. We leara from private ourccs that the cholera is ragiiig to un tlai tiling extent in our E .utcra ci:i.:. One liuudrd aud eighteen death.s occurred in the city of Baltimore iroi'i this uis eae on last Wcdacsdny. It is .?) jr Vailing to tome extent in Pittsburg. - Stealing FiUTr. We hear cumemu C'ueph.ints, both in '.c.v:i aud i;i ti e t u;i l:y, I y our citizens iu rtferei ce to the depredations cf petty thieves and piiforcrs (.ii their fruit. N-jv, undtr the tit ui lbC) the stealir.g c! it nit is a ferimts if fei;sc. rcttdcriu? the oIT uder liable to a fiao of ?jj and thirty days iinnrisoument. PiAI.v The vcgntablvj kingdira in thid locality never ri-j.iicd more jtla-lly than it did in ih? humid showers of Fii day and Saturday las.f. The parched earth drank iu the rain as thankfully as tver Cicoputn embibed her peare's. A fjw days ag) the shriveled cornleaf b'.' tokeuel a failure of that crop, but to day lro.-h ani vig irotu with liie it prou.iscd Hn ubundant yield. Uricic Moulder. Card's Patent F-.iek MouldiT, purchased bv Messrs. Ooshea, McClellan A Co., of tliis place, l.as ai rived, and will be ready for opera ti.'ii immediately. The company have al ready contracted for th-3 moulding of 5J0, COO brick. The perfect and expeditions maiincr in which brick are moulded by this patent gives it priority ever anything cf the kind ever brought to this county. Concert. A Grand National Con cert for the benefit of the ft li '.h r's and Sailor's Na ional Orphaat's llotue F'ln I. will he held under the ait-picus of the Soldier's and 5ai!or'a Uoio:i, it G.'oer's 'j'hoatre, iu the ci'y of Washington, ou 'J iiur."day evening, August 2ad, 1SG0. Three hundrel t!i..UJ.;nd tiek-sH will be fj'J at 1,00, each and ToJo'J piv:;euts .v.-frdes, valued at C1.J,C00 e..ry four 4 th Vets drawiig a pr'i For farther particulars call on A. II. Weidiuac, agent lor the sale of tic!:c.'.s at this phieo. Great Snow Comi.no. I7y reference to our advertising columns it will be seen that Gardner, lletnaiiugs & Oo'a Ameri can Circus combined f r the tvavcling peason of lSud, with Van Amburgh & Co's Mammoth Tdenagerie will visit and exhibit in this ploee ou Saturday, August 4th. The combination of the above nam ed colossal establishments form an era iu the amufement worid hitherto unknown nr.d unequaled. The large eii'tesfrisn troupa of Gardner, Ileaitnings t Co. which has been thj iteipicnt of tuch marked favor everywhere, wit! form a con spicuous part of this great exhibition. The name of Pan Gardner to tlie shov.-j going public is a hoit within itself; L.s! wiiicisms, the daring foats of horsen.an-! fhip, and acrobatic sports o! his great c ;ips of performers, ia connect-! :a with Yau atlturg & Co's mammoth caravan of living auimals, the majority of whieii are frith form their native jungle-', and consequently nearly a'i new to t!io civil ii.'d world, will form n:i cxhibt-.ioa sur passing iu gianieur and instructive Div c'ty anything ever yet h.r.vu to the Aaiei leau public. It will a'so be sen that Col. Hall will cuter the dea of wild animals and perform a number of daring frits. The public should not falllo wituoss this prcat exhibition of the powara of man over the will denizens of the forest. The entertainment w'.il bo ha! 1 in a mammoth ; '.v'.iiion cspabV "f h.-i ling tl J?..1 r-crson.'. .AJ.r.l-:oa 50 cents. Cuustkhfeit Ten Dollar Notes. For the benefit of tlie public vre give the following description of the new tea dol- j larVouniei feit note on the National B.anks: I "Figure of Liberty on cn eagle upon right end, Franklin and boy on left. The sig I natures are engraved in the counterfeit, i .nod iu the genuine they are written. The lightning, prasped by tbo hand of Libert?, is barely perceptible in the gen uine, while in the counterfeit it is broadly ik-Sced on & dark, coarse back ground, whreh in the genuino is light. The gen uine is light. The general appearance is fair, but is very coarse on cxaiainaliou. Ou the back of the note the followers of l)e Soto appear as if engaged ia a terrible battle, and appear mixed up, while ia the foreground, that which is designated for a pticsf, bears the exact image of a mon key. These cotes may be altered to re present any National Dank." Loss op iErxA Insurance Co. by Portland Fire, Jcly 4tii The total au-cuut c.'vereJ by -Etna Policies oa pro perty destroyed or damaged is 21)0,851! on which salvage will ie about 5 per cent. Our total loss wiii not be very much from 5200,000, and is being promptly adjusted and paid. This fum is 5 per cent, upou the a-'ot", a figure but slightly exceeding i our Government and Slate taxes paid last i year, or a proportion eqnal toa5J001o5S 1 J";.r a company of 8100,000 assets. I The necessity for insurance and the j value of wealthy, Ftrong corporations, is 1.11.3. I .LtU III. 4." uci;iiii ieuk Iaourauce Cumjianies arc destroyed. Portland has a population ofo-jjOu'O; was uauds-omcly built, tn.islly fine brick or ftona str-ieturis protected and screened with upwards of U0C0 shade trees bound- 1 1 l 1 jc.u ou tiiree Mites ty water tuueeJ, iaer- ally, almost rising from the ocean aud ! with a good .steam fire department :yet it j ha'; C Ui, o-j'OjOO'J cf proper' consumed iu a few hours upon a hoiiiday when its eople are least occupied from the very 'insignificant cause cf a contemptible fire I cracker. Ixemember tho trifling origin of fires that sweep away in a few bouts tha eara ! ii: us of yours. Cnnsidi T your best inter ists and jjiva the ..Etuj ageota call if you need proper lnsiuar.ee security. Policies issued at fair terras. A. II. Wei dm an, Ajatt. The following is a liit of the Graad aud Petit Jurors diawa for September Tcrai, 1SU0 : Grand JttRor.9. T. 15. Coder, Patterson. Smith Galia'.K-r, Spruce II'.ll. J. J. llliine, Favette. lier.j. Stiuimcil, Perrysville. John S. Sheiiy, Monroe. John ii McL'rntu, Miiiord. Jacob Frank, Patterson. Joiiu Orou e, Lick. N. A. Eider, .Mi;iliutown. John I). Milliken, Spruce Hill. S. O. Lvans, Ieiavvaie. Jo:.hua Peaic, jr., Tuscirora. Win. Van Swti iiiLiin, " Wm. P. Gilson, Spruce Hill. John 1'e.d'oaT. Wulker. P-L'ocvilie Mcriz, Monroe. John J.iadsy, Miiiord. Philip fienharg, Perr ysviile. Charles Woitz-jl, Mi.'iiintoivu. James L. Hcrshey, MilfarJ. Alex. Kerr, Walker. l:imou El.-h, Fi.nnr.uagh. Jl. P. ii.idi.is, (ireeawood. G. . McAPsfer, Fayette. l'ETil" JCU'jt'.sJ. Pe'cr Minglo. Fermanagh. Paul (his, Grecnwoo't. Joseph j'Jisingir, Walker. Dautel Seiber, Fermaiiaiih. David Cunningham, Miiiord. Sarr.ncl Pannebahcr, Tuscarora. Solomon Lauver, Monroe. R. II. Neely. Titsearora. Wm. Leonard, I-'ale. John Giugrich, .Monroe. J. ii. Okcsiu, Perrysville. Audrew 'eiders, (jroenv.ood. Wm Ilarnian, Fayette. David Pnrtner. MiU'i.rd. Jaaob Walls Monroe. Juhu Parnard, Spruce Hill. Ii. L. L'gan. IVrrysvili'J. E ;.v: !!,-,rv, F nri.".P.pagh. Mathius Si'.imp, L-ek. ,Tj-)b 11-h, Sprnee I ill-. Iritis Arl..;.-:ist, Tutliett. D. V. Flickingcr, " Wm Hartmau, Patterson. Wm. Ii. Jtoush, Delaware. Vi'alter App, Su j teltauna. Francis Darkly, Tuscarora. J .s. Jliddauh, Pailfrson. Like Davis Walker. J-ttncs Lou I n, Tuscirora. Abraham Carbaugh, Milford. Lei Trutton, Duhiwai'C. Christ. Shellenbcrger. Monroe. J. A. Dunn, Fayette. Win. Adam, Walker. J. K. McClure, Tu-Carora. J. F. G. Loiisr, Sprues ILil. J. !l. Lin Is, Lack. Jonathan Fray, Delawarn. 1). K. il-rton, Lack. Wm. Mi-Count!!, Monroe. Wui. Cross. Delaware. David Smith, jr. " F.iias Fvnus. Tr.'C irora. J. S. Cox, Greenwood. Simon Shelieubergcr, Greenwood. Sul.imoii Sp-v.-nive, Sua'Vie'nii'.na. Sohmion i,':mlr'maii, .''tilioi'd. ;-ci.eii cert: irt'C. EVERtitoPY fchould attend the show on the 4th, of August next, and cotae prepared to subscribe and pay for the Sentineii. Next week we will publish a full re port of the proceedings incident to the laying of the Corner Stone of the new building for the Soldier's Orphan School at McAlistersville, on the 2Uid, icst. Among the recent changes oa the Pennsylvania Central road is that of (Jul. Retcher, who takes the place of Johu P. Laird, Esq.. as superintendent of motive power and Machinery, with headquarters at AitOjSi. To Sportsmen'. For the information of those who are unaequaiuted with the game law of this State, and wbo BOuie tiuies unknjwingty violate said law, we publish the fallowing extract pasted by the Legislature : Section 2. That froth and after the paanago oi this act, uo person shall shoot, till ur otherwise destroy pheasant be tween the first day of January uu-1 tlie first d.iy of September, or a fijuitrei , between the first day of January i the liiteenlh day ot August, or a: aud tne uy wood - cock between the first day of January! and the fourth uuy ot Ju:y, or any part ridge or rabbit between tlio first clay of Jauu.iry and the first day of Novemier- in the rueseut year, and in each audj every year thereafter, under the p.mahy of fie dollars for each aud every ofen-tj SCVOO On the 17th, inat., in Jaiinsiown, Willy, eon of Iltfcry V. mul Jul: i'. Scyoe, aged 3 moul'us and 10 ilayC JONES AiSheridan Cily, Vcnr.tigo county Pii., on ths ttTlli ull., Mrs. !"iiz :biii Joucs, furaicily a rcsi-Jjut or I'atti-r.-an. B"cl liil year KU'FLLN'TOViN & fATl'EiiS'iN' MiiKE TS FLOL'R, i MARKETINGS. Super, y libl. 512 00 jEufer, prime l lb 21 Kxira, 12 'K.1 'I'-aller, rate li fancy 15 M 'Lard, llye, . Ctrl. 3U0 I'l'Iiavr 1.) liackwbeat, 4 Oti ; ugs, V; aoz 2J Corn Mini, 1 75 : I'OilK, CHAIN, jlkss. V cwt 11 M V.'hiie v.i.e!.... 2 5ll liain, "f! Ii 22 Red Wheat 1 bu 2 25 ;.-'i '.cs i Seouktrs 20 i!ye 70 j ItEMr. itaricy,... H5 j K. re qr, y cwt 10 01 Corn 7J I il in I ir 12 0U iuckwkent, 75 j 1'OL'LTIIY, Oals, 4J lithi.-keiis, 4. pair 50 (HitllS, jTurkevs 2 U0 Clover, !t bus 5 00 j COAL, "j ton i'imo hy. 3 00 rreverton Move G 00 Klax 2 25 do Egg ( ! Huns trinn,. . . . Gj ;Snn'.ury stove 0 O J l'l'tiED fKCIT, I dq Eg2 0 (Id Aprh-i, V bu 5 00 'Chestnut . 5 00 5 75 . 3 ou . 4 CO . 4 50 1Q 30 S uu Peaches, " qt 0 0') ; Pea, Cherr.es, Currents 10 'Mixed 10 ! WOOD, P.lackhrrries, 8 Oik Elderberries, 0 iiii-korv,... purAT(i;;s, j hav Sew IrUb, bu 1 50 Timothy, .-"'vect, 3 00 C Uivc, VAUiETlES, P.ctaiiid Articles. Apples, V bu 3 00 ,C.)al Oil gal 8 ) Onions, 1 00 '.Sal', J suck 2 5' I W hite Doans,.., 2 50 -Ground Alum sail S.i'iO ReescMX, t ib 43 . Plaster, j? tun In 00 Soip, dry 10 'N.iiln 7 50'. Candles 2) i.iv Iccrt I Wcnl, washed 45 ' Horse .shoes kivi f'.i oO Rs, -. 5 f tvel cn han'is Cori-ectcd weekly by Stiloutf, r'ruw & Parker. i'i:iLAaEr;iiA saskets. I'Hii.aDEi.rui , July 21th, 1S'0. FLOUn There is n j impiiry for ship ment, and the sales are Counted to retail 1 its at S7,25(Vf 3 Y-' hbh, for superfine; 8 djJ lor ex.tia.-i ; :)5t,li for Northwctero litra I'.iiiiiy ; Ii(,.12,5J for Feiin:- ! vaaia and O'iio do., and at higher quo tations far fancy brandi, according to fi.ilily. A lot of 100 bid., Bold at 81:3. 'i hurt is nothimr doing in llye Flour or Ccrn Mcil to lis quotations. The Wheat trarket is heavy, and the millers are holding off, demanding a fur ther c )!iee-.sinn of 10p. bush. Sales of 3000 bush., new Soull.ern red at 2,G'J. In white nothing doing. Jtye is steady at SI, with small sales at this figure Corn is dull. Sales of DjOJ bush , yel low at 9-lc, and some mixed at 20?. Oats are unchanged. 15'J0 bush, mixed Western sold at G0(3 52c. ilea 3i! l.'UtS. i'Al I N i ?T n ATO it'S NOTICE. Notice is i- hereby given tiist ieilers of Adiiiiailra tion on the estate of George Weidiann, deo'd-, lite of Fnycite towaship, Juniata county, Pa. have been gramed to the undersigned resid ing in W'aiktr ton r..-hif. Ail persons know ing thcaiaeSvej ia li-bied to said estate will niuka immediate r..iyment, and those having claims will present ttieia duly authenticated for Stflilcincat. P.LKJAMIN WEIO.MAX, AJm'r. June 20-0t. PUES LIBERTY YHITS LEAD, Will du more au 1 better work at a given Cost thauauy other! Try it! Manufactured ouly iy Zsig'lor & Cmith. JFWe."j?e Drwf, Ptunt 1 Class JJcrfcn Su. 137 North flliiiD Street, PilILAD'A ia. 21, 'ii'j-ly. SOIUIEL MORSE HOTEL, Xo.233 iroSTH FOURTH STSSET, PHILADELPHIA. Feb 21, Idd'i-ly. pKoeaiBTon. TTrroTEP.? LAXD AGEXCT. C. Gin- fV cricl, prieli, Lancaster. Wisconsin, wiil buy ieU TiCAL ESXAi il, and piy Taxes for .'ii leuts, to those desirin.? to locale in the noure West, can obtain cheap Homes and good wa ' tcr power in prosperous lo'iaii'ies by cousalt- at at i iier.'.c f--.vciit rcfi-ureu. mar. 2-(: :.-f m mm s tn LIAMMOTH MEITAGEEIE, EGYPTIAN CABAVAIT. C'JMTMtD WITH mmmm 11 ' The Largest Traveling Instiio'ion in A morica. Damiel Gardnth Ma::.5:p COL. HA.TjI3 TR.AIN'ED ANIMALS. Atrican I.inn, Aiitic I i.ir.ru. Pra7'l"ian lizi.T. Stl:ej..l j l.i)jptt African nrd !y Oed ligfi.. ; T.AVT Kt.r.PHAVT. JEN NT INT.. tr ma;Ul it.: t-fi'' iin!, s. a. TAl iit or l!H"i'oii)T.i :i s us i'- .. W. r'i. :hr oniy r.n. in Amirk.. In fl'LK 1H l I'S.K BACiKIAN CA"iivr,. the fr-t cri-rc-! i:.i cd iu irwri'a. I j r"i, A r Kl- A V IMS, I.KAZi'.IA .".ti., mil? ii? Viiirvi! i tiivu v.. i r.r Cn...! i nc. ' lwpaiw; Wai. nt..AL ti. fK'TK :f!MI Lrrl N'i AI-N iir. K. v-'j I J Tll'it lisr. ltittia lr. S.'rrM ('atti (f p lit ! Sr'-tti.H Am !t. fr .m t.- t f the Liter 'irr. J Ihi! r.r-t -T-r3 hii.it-il in A.nri.-. AiVcan I't'N, Atn- Eatw. Ai.i-rifni VOh.w lc r. 1 .-..ulli Ar.iciifan i.. !.-hr...,., ..i, I TCPtt.il i'opknt.ina. llo'dTl rrirr.-.t P- vt"-. Silver I ii-ml. S(.ait'..ii Tf1. MfTi!(cr. Aff, t'-livnfir.'-. t,r R-i.U-er. i;u;'f.. t':.. I'lIlO' Villi Mrwu .n-n I .-if. hr.rkf v -intsm rr.-iiiit i s th- hpautitiii 1 iru err fcxr.il :ic.a l.n 11 .y -M-rf ..a. i.. .... . ili ... i;.n r..lr...i:. II ... I' ; ....' 1 ... !. l. A... '..I ... 1 Kucllu. jam H.-M, Kin t ni.-l i-n 'l'rr. i". IV ! -i Yellow I "n..t.-d l.:r., k.it.)o5. an-i a li.i.i of r.iinor Auiinal. CDLOSiSL ML5, T."T1 intrr e Oe IVl-fori-iin? Vipt1! int. JVNY LINil. . . ... . AnJp.r- a Rivl Qrnc2fn5 Exhibition tif il.c pox?-r ef ?.."aa v.T :he Darir. The Large and Tcpular Equstriin Gr fttnizat'on cf 1 LJ'4;?':iej nul the least pjrt of i'.'.is r!i5;.il Cornbiintim. Cbscre tho ?7amcs of t3 Pcrforasra MJS3 ELIZA GAKDN&R, MADAMS CAMILLA, Ths I'ar :;un F'qitfV.iienne. K!!c. TtlFPTHCRP RICHARD Hf,TiK!03, Th Nor.pafil riiyt:'.rian, aTI nlyrirmi of thm CtP.EAT blondik. FRANK CAR PEWTER 5it Wiz.irl llorrr.en. D,y GARDNER, t T. People's I'tti-sra CKARLCS r-.iONriO". f ii V. t O. 0:;;.. .t.:i. CECSC Ciivn; i-.a ' CHARLES KINO, K TI- A.:r.n ;.Ui:;-d .'-- '.re l".f.:e3. ... vOoi.i it SAiwrw.w, Vh- !.-nr.i ttrt. u it. Master EDvVIN GARDNER, Th.i I nf V.'. ii 'tr. The DAZZ.1LL Rf!0THE33, The SailifrJ end tlra --uai liyfi-.r-asa ALSO Mesprs. COOPi:H.,TATLO'REA7EIH BOUNO, SVETtirEL, etc-, etc- Th 6tt'd of Kcrc3 cn8 fonts : iv it x PARTI CUL A 71 . T'i Eli T IO.M Is -,i !.o f. V.'Lict wilteirter t own o:i --J- cf jiniti"", t.--a.:. 1.) -: , Anif -1 1- tin f s.t.r; - iu t M" :!--r-i ai .1 It. il.igai.lly ilvi-ir.it. d I'itii, V-.:r. '"sir.r.j:-, Lc , 1 .1 r i. i GQTt.r.-roVS FAT? Arm rarociiiiiiiTi r.nrii: - y.-t i 'rn cive" 1 y a:-.y trv7fl:n: taitai-hiiH n: in Airtrt.-a. PifTtr'-fr: im-.-ri'ii val t.c lavn ur.ilpra Cap' of w:'m .:,:.).'M,."i;: s ,-t ;u.rs ? i. tic wi'.! .- ASTEH.KCOI-T AND 2VXt:70. liie iltiiiasirrit I. I ' b 3 c ir.-jf. tn- dor wi.i c-i-.n at 1 tt!'i C1-2.P 1-7.. the CIKCL' I'KhFiiii..! AN'n ii.t criinmance nnUi it eua i . :i.4r-li.-. r. si.. I-. .iie tr,o .a-na-. r :li i WILL EXniCIT AT Ivlifflintown, Saturday Aug. 4th. ITU Hv Mm r': 'v. Ono Price of Admission to both Shows Adnlts 0 ctS., Children under 10, 25 Cts. At Mi"':rrtcwn, I-IcnJay, Autrust 6th. I. It. Bl'CKLT. KEAT REDUCTION -IN THE PRICES OF SADDLERY l'riin January 18, IS'Jo, JAMES H. SIMONS would respectfully an nounce to his old customers and the public "--fit eeuerallv that he has a lanre stock of L 'ZlA SADDLES, HARNESS, COLLARS, VHli'S and all othir m-ticles usual ly kept in a SADDLER SHOP, which Lc will 6fll at the following reduced priocs: Test Silver 1'lated Kaxness ! 00 Second best ia ? 00 Third do da CO 00 Common Plated d 2- Ch Second do do CO Conuoon 1'Inin do 1 00 test Spanish Saddles 1 0!) Second do do 00 Common Quilted Seat do with Ilora 13 00 Common do without norn IS 00 V.'agon Saddles 9 00 Five inch ltreech-P.ar.ds & Side Leathers for two liorsea 40 00 Four inch do 8S VO itnek-biinds 8 inches 3 20, 6 inches 2 -!0, 5 inches 1 75. poub'.o set of Yankee Harness which includes bridles, bames, collars, linC3, but chains, &c. 46 CO Pair of Yankee Bridles C 00 Five-ring Halters . 1 50 Three-ring do 1 2-" Check Discs S-4 ineh 2 7o do do 1 inch 3 25 Elind Eridles 8 Ci) Kidin,f Bridles from $2 50, 8 CO 4 00 Cuod Draft Collars SCO Harness do 2 CG V.'agou Whips i',00, 1,75, 1.50, 1,25 Po'""7 do flora 75 cents to 2 00 liueey Lines. Cat 2,00, round 3 00 Plow Lines 3-4 inch 1,00, 1 inch 1,15 1 1-4 inch 1,25. He would also invite the public to eiamine his stock before purchasing elsewhere, as he feels confiilcr.t he can soli cheaper than any other establishment ia the ennui;.'. Ilia n:oito is quick sutes mid s-uiall prolits. Give Li:u a inll und save money. E.'4 IttU'AlltlNii neatly executed and all work RananteJ. JAMES H. SIMONS. Eriuje J5i., MiCintown I'a. Oct. ll-ly. TillS WAV F03 BAMAKS ! KEW GOOtiS AT The undersigned ias just, received a large gteck of Dry Goods and (jroceries at then rtore on Rail Road Street, in Patterson, which I her are opening to the public, at the following j low prices .- ! P-aryT?. , Bbow Sheetixss. P.cst OvuiV:ty at 2o Best Quality ...2? .-.25 ...20 ..13 ...15 ...13 Second .isjsecon-i ! Third Third. DeLaixiis. . fourth r , ti full wrmill i-a -i in" j p.' , Q) Sixth . -'b , , ... Ptivvrn j aiicy anu t iam i rt ;,i,iQ-.cartct -in: toCO White tlOfoU OlXf.IIA5I3. r1. I "-..r.-. I Pc-jt Quality. j -'oeclid i Shirting 45to75 I Smr.TiMG Checks. All wont Sock?.. J!!o.i Boots i SuoE. V.rn.1 lln-.tifv '' 'Ladies ,$2 to3 25 ""'.; Misses 5l 20!o2 25 jChildrens ...4ri!..$l 25 n...nt. i!ia : t rii Seeoi-d... Third Mehinos. Black and ot her , 2 2 2- i,otS1 C( Grocchics. t-iriTS. ISyrups 'e.tol 40 Palmornl...;2 7':toi 50 ;Suar house- 05 lioop a:l "-iVf- Sugars, brorn. 12tol. lickings 25, S5to50 i. v.'hite l!:o20 Pasts Stci'f. IGreen CoBee "0 Jeans from 3-:toG5 Ladiefi" Coats In test Satinet 70to?l 25 !.-ylc3 ...51200to20 01 Cass:nicre3...Si 25to30! urcakfast Sha-ls TtAns. from C2lo" All wool 4'teSOj iVooleu Hnods7:to2 50 Pbid Cash.!er...S7to5(ij Hats and Cups ai all Bt.tAcntp MrsLix. (prices. Best finality 35! Notions A full as- Sccci.d CO,sortnient of Ladies' i Third 23 Cents' Cloves, Ilos- Fourth 20 iery, &c. at c'.l priecs. j rilih 12, to eu:t purchasers. Also, a full assortment of Qnccnswarc Hardware, Tinware, Brooias, Brushes, Busk, ets, Buckets, Tubs, Tobacco, Scgais, &e., .'i.e., u nia'.ly kept in a ccuntry store. Purchasers vt ill do well by colling and cxumcaiag our Mock, before purchasing elsewhere, as our motto ii i ec!1 cheap for CASH cr Country Produce. BUCKET & PrXXELL. Afr. 23 'Co-ly. Patttrsot, Pa. A. UVJiiJ.l Vli, Teeth inserted upon an entirely new style of base, which is a combination of CioM a.;d Lnjriibh Kubber, (vulcanite) Also American ltubber, (vulcanite.) which for beauty, dura bility, cleanliness, and the restoration of the r.atsriil color of the face, cannot be sur passed. Liiher of the above basis I WARRANT FOU TEN YEAR3. Ta.ll t'ppcr or lower S-pIk Iissoi led c: as . COVer St. Temporary sets inserted Gratis. Special attention will be made to diseased gums, and a cure warranted or no charge made. Teeth filled to last for life. Bjj, Triumph, in dentistry ! TLLTII EXTRACTED WITHOUT PA IN by a new process, without the use cf elher, chloroform or nitrous oxide, and no danger. Having been in business for upwards often ycar3, five of tvhic'i has been spent in Jlitflin town, and being in possession of the l-'t-st improved Ins!ru:.ie:ts am! Mttrliintry I warrant euliro satisfaction, or the money will be re funded. Uiiiee on Bridge Street, opposite the Court House Square. O. L. PERU, j nov. 20. 'C5-ly. Haiuft JJrntitf. T O THE Ai'FLICTED. It is a settled fact that a jrveat proportion of the diseas es which "Uosa is heir to'' ari.ie from an impure con I'nioa of the blood and the must cer:ain remedy for these diseases is Lir.tknj't t'cuti VurUicr. This preparation is reliable fcr the safe and rpeedy cure of luilanimatory llheu matisai. Chronic Scrufula, Secondary Syphilis, Cr.ncers, Tumors, Ulcers on the head or body. Humors of the skin and all eruptions on the face ; also all f-;vcr sores, bed sores, and every species of Cutanrou3 Disease. It will also cure all diseases common to a derangement of eke liver and rapidly reatore the patient to hpalth. Prepared by Dr. J. Id. Lir.dsey, for the side Proprietors. Hazard &. Smith, So. 107 Arch street, Philadelphia- Sold retail by all iirst-class Druggists. may 9,'0j-im. " SALT ' SALT.'! SALT! H Superior quality, cither by single sack oi i. quantity. We will furnba .Merchants w::h salt at Philadelphia prices, with the ad Ttn'o "i expenses of freight. bl'L'Ju'FF FIIOW & PAEKEB. G1 A T". A V ill i BZH?A.l. GAUD. K M KEVB, Snrgeon Dentist, TAKES this method of informing his Mentis in Juniata comity, tiai oiia? tc the tea sonably good success he has met with, durin; the few months he has been practising his pro fession in said county, he feels warranted in making stated visits to Miiltintowa and Me Aliitersville. The first Monday of ea-'-i airmh Mr. Keever may be fonnd at the Juniafa Hii tel. Mirlin. te remain two tLj ti.. .i... . Moeday, at McAlistcrsville, to renmin during j the week. Teeth inserted on VLLCANlTiL ui.a.if a oii.vx.tt. yttXU F1LLLD and extracted ia the most approved manner, and with the lec.t t possible pain. SS Strict attention riin in gums, &c. All work warruated. t-3Term rcasouable. January 21 lfi,v.,. V" ALL'ABLE REAL ESTATE AT PHI. vatk Salb. The Heirs of Henry Gu dec d , offer for sale, in Milford township, Ju. niuia county, Pa., a valuable tract of Lan I aujoiniiig lauds of A. (iuS3, Sr., A. Tartne and others, containing 70 Acres, about 5 acres cleared, the balance well timbered hir ing thereon erected a two story Loir fr-ar- house, Bank Barn, Wajton Shed and Corn Crib, Sloue Spring House, with all other ne. tessary out-buildings ; a good epr ng of never failics water near the door. Apple and Teach orchard, end a choice variety of Cherries. The above property is under good cultivation, convenient mills, schools and places orwor ship. If the above property is not sold be fore the first day or September, 1SC0, it will be offered at Public Sale on the preraie3 at 2 o'clvck on said day. for ftirthl-r i.if . irca, tioncr.llnn A . C CSS, J ti. Junc27-tds. Near Marvsville Mi"I CIIOLCRA. Dos't be startled! The Chol era can be prevented nnd cured bv v--n" Dr. J. M. Lindey"s Cholera and iv'-artWu Medicine. This preparation ha? been befoi-a the pub.;c for fifteen year, and has been used with entire success. Tb jusands of Cer tificates could be furnished, but a trial of the meoicine will be more sat it factory thin volume of Certificate? and will convince tbo most sceptical of its wonderful curative prop erties. It is not a cure-all. but is ue-i -.c i to rclievenll who may be attacked t y Ch.-'in- . .'holer Mcrbuj, Pjarrho-a, Dysentery. CholiV: ct Cranij.j and Puins in the Stouia-k. ;::e Don't be wiihcut a bottle at l,nsJ. Sotd re tail by alt first class Dr.igsL-ls and V. bnicsit,. by the Proprietors Hazard & Smith No nf Arch Street, PM'a ielhia. E:rv, l'.m. DliSOLLl lO.V ul-- PA IIT-S E Ri'lIT vTTh j partnership heretofore existing i.tv.e:;'. the unicr.-igr.ed in the practice of medicine has this (lay been dissolved l y nuitual con sent. The boks will r.--n.n!n in the Lands .f Dr. D. f. Cnifor J for cuilection. Dr. T. JL Ltig'.it's iiilercst in the same !t 1 ;ej placed by hiaisclf under control cf ?w.ih A! Jilder and It. P. Jlc'-Viiliarri. D. JI. CltAr'Or.D, T JI. I.LIGI1T. Ths practice will lie continued in tho snme office by Dr. D. M. Cr.ittford. Thankful tt hi3 friends for past prelrcnccs he hopes to merit their continuance. D. JI. CRAW FOR I" GRAYBJLL & GO. WHOLESALE I'EALKHS IS OIL CLOTH, WINDOW SHADES, Brooms, Ma! .s, Dm slics, Colion Up, Eucketsi Twicss, Wick, &c, 313 Oiiin THIRD STilEKl', rHILADELPIHA. Feb 21, 1800-1 v. A Gentleman who suffered for years from Nervous Debility, Premature Deear and ait the effects of youthful indiscretion,' will for the sake of entering humanity, send free to all who need it, the recipe and direeiinns for making the simple remedy by which he was cured. Sufferers wishing to profit bv the ad vertiser's experience, can do so by" address ing JOHN" 15. or.tT:T. No. 13 Chambers St., New York. feb. 2s,-ly. VT'L have on hand a good niiality of HarJ- ...: ou-risin;r a mu assortment At CAmiwrm ivoi.s & blacksmith TOOLS, such as Aavil;, itcllows. S c., Shy maker Tools, Saws, Axes, Augers. !:.'., .Stet r Nails, lim-se Slioe, and Ilnrsv f-hoe Nails bv ihe keg nnd pound, P.'s of nil siz.-s from 2 inrhes down to inch liy the j .111:1 1. l.npcr hmI Wagon Springs. Griiid Stoics, and Ci'iu'l Stone I'icinm. at st'Loun-. rr.oTv" & r.vr;KEr. A CCTIOX NOTICE. T h e un-lrsi"::-! -fX wouM re'pcctfully infurm laerei.-iuts' I all other persons, that he has ..t.?,:. i an ,.i , ,;c. tion Itooui on JInin Sheet, Miil:;u!u,ri,. "i'a , where ho will receive on crn-Vnni-iii ail kinds of goods, and sell themat Pulilic Auction on reasonable per centage. J!rel anis an I others having goods thfy wish t dispi.se of would do wnil to transfer thoi;i to tho acctiuu room. Sale every Saturday evening, may 0. 180'J-tf.J A. II. WEIDJIAX. G ACTION. The undersigned residing in Fermacah tow nship, takes this method u informing certain persons, known by 1 im that hereafitr if found trespassing on his Iironcrtv. cuiiiuc thnher ili T:,.;"li(if r ii'i c-.. they will be dealt with ncenrdiii to law. A':! persons are prohibited burning ' paxe on hit farm, and thoso disobeying this inji.ee will ba dealt with in a sumu.ariiy nnniii-r. June 23-Ut. SAJICEL SIEDEE. CALL AND EXAMINE our Stock of P.ep.'lv 'I.t'c rini!.:, ,.. you Purchase Elsewhere, von wui v.nd on hand a ocl assortment for Jlen end P us ware, which wiil be sold cheap for cah oc country prciiuc?. MICKEY & PKXNrT.f,, Jan 1-tf Patfc-rsun, V. gTATES UNION IIOIEI, PiuiAni:r.riiti. This flotel is pleasantly Filualed on tiia Snuili (ri le of Jlarket Hreet, a few doors k'oov Sis'h street, its central lucality makes it put-, i'cnlaily desirable to persons veiling the cily on business or Pleasure. T. II. B SANDEUS, prfiV. l'UIZE LIBERTY ViJUTL LEA , preferred by all practical rstKers ! Try it ! and you will have no other. Man ufactured onlv hv ZEiGLEK & SMITH, T80LESALE DbUG, PaI.NT O '.A-.4 fTALEns No. 137 North TIIIP.D Street, PHIL Vt Jan.2t, G0-ly. A FULL apsortment cf TEUNIIS nnd TRW. ELViXG BAGS. Also, A OTOXS such as Hose, Olove, Duck Gloves and Jlifs, (verv best quality.) Kid Gloves for ladies and.gtnu HEaaiihed Kid. at eULUUfF, FK0W it ATtKEH 5