Juniata sentinel. (Mifflintown, Pa.) 1846-1873, July 11, 1866, Image 3

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Cjie Juniata Scniiiul.
WEDNESDAY iORN!Xfl. Ju'y 11, iS,;g.
Geart Clvtx. The Juniata CaUral Geary
C!uh meets in the Court House on 1st and ;irJ
SAirBDAT evenings of each mouth at o'clock,
Any person wishing to sign the Constitution
au do so bv calling at the Sr..vriNEL Oihce or
. f ,
al uie mccimg ci ;ue liuo
W'r. direct the attention of the public
to the stock of goodtj advertised in an-
other column by Messrs. Frauk, Cook
& Co. They have a large Mock of goods!
and have tha reputation of soiling them
Coxcxr-HUM. If a Lot should ask bis
father if those articles iu the Juniuta j ,l c Go'J'1 1'tmplars. The trains from
R:VUl,!i:n were written for the truth.. a ?a?t and wet brought delegations
ha would be the proper reply? An. 1 1((m' lVrrysvilie. Thomps-.tHowu, .Millers
swer. Sol they are written lor AV.c- iovu l)ui!Cal11,on Lewistown, JIcA'ey
bJU j town, Newton Ilauiiltoit, and other sta-
.e tions alutij; the railroad, and by 10 o'clock
Notice All persous knowing them-1 our miccU frtsetiicd quite a lively ap
clves inJebtcJ to Ut3 for Jiouiity Tax on Learant.e. Aftel fuming iu the Court
duplicate 01 l!5t, are Tuyu -stea to settle
uj. ou or beioie the 1 j;h ol July, a the-e
will be no lunger iuJulgeuce giveu.
C. .McCl.!:ii!;.VN, Culkctor.
VTatim. For the l.i-t few diys our cit
izens have been co."i; die I to put ice
urouud thjir thermometers, for the heat
was so great that the u:e: cury ma above I
the figures, u:.l there was no uliicg b
warm it reullv was.
J. It. Wlitr and .Miss Maggie MeWi!.
iauis, will opeu in this boiou'i in coti
nection a school of all grades to c. n ii.iie
eight weeks commencing July lo;lt ISliii
Ilojdns by this n-ctbod to aeeimtplb.h
more for t'ne J upils, they ask your libera!
Correction. e have Lcen request-
fa i.y a iiumoer oi ;i:e nn uio-is oi .';;u
liutown Lodge, No. 1'Ji, I. O. ot C T,!
to cotrect ao erroneous report in cireuia
tion, aledging t lu.t the in w Lodge is com
o-ed ot "seceders " This is a nii:ake, '
as uunn of the members ever belonged to ;
tiitf order uutil new Lodge was or
hr tmri!
JIarvfst. Aianyt l our lar.ners are
I usilv engaged cuitiug their grain. it
wus thought iorsoiue lime pn-t that the
crops would Lot tiing a b!I yield, but
vre have betn informed that the graiu is
well liilcJ and the yield will be good
The grass crop was short, but what there j
was of it v.-'Sgo. d. aud the jk'i S ia much !
better t'oau was anticipated.
Save Yorrt Monky
T C.
. , 1
liaving coueluiud to eio.-e an bis busiucss
anl will from and after this date, sell
bis entire stock at greatly reduced prees. J
His stock consists ol Dry Goods, (bicens- j
wmo, Hats, Caps, Hoots and fcbots, Shoe- j
findings, Groceries, Notions, Carpet, ke , j
with a large variety of goods usually I
- - -
lej.t in a country store. Persons iu
need ol any article of this d.scription,
viii find it to their advantage to tail and
examine bis tt tk.
A Ciiallemje Trie Tu-earora Base
JJail Club, at Aeadnm a, ehalieng". any
Cub in the Cuutttv or aht g the l.tie of :
the l i tit iviiijia Baiii'i ad Ciiiccrs.
G. V. IHi inner, l'i;idiit.
II. V. Ilartuiaa, 17ce 1'rt si'uitt.
L h. Datusujiii, !' lilIui i.
W . 11. Wilson, 'J'r(i.-iinr.
V. O. addrcMi, Acadciiita, J cuiaia ccacfj,
Here is a Cue chimee f ir the JI.iEin ! 'f po.-sible thn company, regiment, &c. of
or Pattctsou Ciubs to have a httlo luu. 'bis net aspirant lor a "warrior's bon
j ors." After searching the records ol the
Take Notich. "y the comroon school ; Pc-nnsylvauia Volunteer llegiments and
law of this State it is madt the duty . of findtpg uo mention of tJorporal Burch
Directors to "publish an annua! statcmetit , held, we almost made up our mind that
cf the amount, of money received aud ex be belonged to Jed's army, hut in look
j ctiJed, and the amount due from colic.::-! ics over our old files of 1804 we find that
vis, and .setting forth all the f.najeial op j in au engagemeiit that took place in
erations of the district in r.ot less .than ' August of that jear, iu Miihud township,
ten handbills, to be put in the most pub-' 1 portion of the left wing of Lee's army,
lie places iu the district." Iu districts i compose 1 of Copperheads, charged on
containing a newspaper, one or more
publications therein of :be "aiiunai state
lueut" will be suLaeieut compliance with
the law, and will render written or print
ed handbills uunecesVary but they are
iodisj cusablc in all other cases.
IlnMOVAfj. Tiio Locofueo papers tft i
c!i' Zing the so called .tuiutu I'ipuUiain
Me making merry over the riiuoiai of
Levi flyers, Iv-q , I'.istucif.ter at Thomp
son town. dr. Myers was an obliging
faithlul and reliable oiTicer, and the only
reasons given for his removal was that he
Ttf uL-cd to join the bread and butter brig-'
ade, and cudotse "my policy" and to grat.
ify a few copperheads aud one tr two
ttieakiug individuals who have been fol
loiving iu the wake ol the Ilepublicau
party aud ciaiming to belong to tiiat or
ganization fir ihe purpose of betravbig
their friends and to enable theiii 10 ae
Oiuplisb their devilish cheuiin anjfctic-
ewa 1e(t ply laj.aiiiy. t
Prows. On FriJay afternoon last
a colored la-i about toxtcen years of age
I "an,ed Kllward ,Iarris-in I,e cmF!oy of
! Col. Patterson, of our borough, was iu
the liver washing a buggy, and being
! very warm., went to a deep hole at the
third pier of the bridge fur the purpose
j f bathing, beittg uo swimmer, be ven-
; lureJ ,0(J jar 0lU aM(j was drowni;j. Af-
j ., ,. . ,. . ,
tcr considerable search bis body was re
eovercd by Mr. Wm. Bees of Pattcrvnu.
An inquest was held by J Middagh,E.-q ,
and the jury rendered a verdict ot acei
! dental drowning. He was buried in the
Pie.-bjltriau grave yatd on Saturduylast
The Fourth in Miitlin. The great
est t l our .National iiollidays the Fourth
;(t July was celebrated ta our town oy
j Hou-.e yard, the proce-siou procetded to
; ;,ir larl;tr-.s K,-OVe, headed by ths Good
'i'eyijl.ir's Ur.i.-s Uatid of McYeytown,
i!is rear being brought up by the liustj
I!::iid from Xewton llainiltoti. Scarcely
had they reached the grove before the
rain cemtueneed faliiiijt in torrent!!, v!'ti:
j the "eo! J water army" wei u cutupclied to i
Leat a hasty re 'rent, which they did iu a
duniiraiized cotditiou. A.'ier returning
to to&u the weary peile:.rriaiis occupicu
the Court II.u.-e and .M. E Church,
wlicre tl.cy partook of their diuueis. In
the altLriiutui ti.o 'leclaration of Id
pt n Jence was tend and address were dc-
j lircred in the M. K Cburch. Kvcry-
; ihing pat.-ed 2" reaceahly, tjud had it
j tiol beea for the rata, the visitors woi,!d
have ct'i-iyed tiiemst'vos intieh better.
i, . .. . c , . .
but us it was tbev were salishid, botti
i with their eutertaiuuieut and that the
temperance element was last devo'oping
in this emmuui y Iu the evening the
vi.-itors returned to their homes, aud
quiet ooce more spread her ruautle over
our town.
The Fourth in Patterson
! r....
uu-iovtiiig citizens of Patterson not
j wautiug to be tttoua on tins opcjmwi,
gathered a large crow i and rej aired to
' "e grove cast of t ,wu, where a piaifurui
had I ten erccieJ aud Uiaiiy ol lueui tu
J v'ed tiicisoues iu "l.iucl.in the light
lanta-ue toe." The uiu caused them to
return, when the i'aferton House was
opeued for their accommodation. After
spending a short time there the suu made
I its uppear.iuce, when the throng of happy
1. earls unci tiu.r. irt.t rtio ,r.n a ..no
' had a f-ood time i.-.-iiei-al! v
I o n J
Cor.Por.Ab 1,'iitciiFir.l.D uVm Tkk
Jul)UK.Tlie rt.(1 Uauia Ba.l. oa.i
o,tti.ay issued an order lor passa-e to
J !,.,,,,, aud letur for Ct)ior 1Jaa!lM
.. 1 1 . r. 1 r . . 1-
anu v-uior vjuaius oi 1 euus ivauiu
utiteer llegimetits. Owiug to the fact
that Lewis BuiehSel I presented one of
these orders at the Penna II. K. ticket
oSee wild ndKiiHj obttint1 f,r it a Jrt i
rstnrshiU tUl-it to Philadelphia and re
lurn. 5ous,iderabie inquiry has been made
"''J"i' our cittz-us as to the company
and regiment of winch Corporal Buiijlj
field was a member. A the goidieis of
Juntati county, as well as loyal citiz-ns.
ate interested iu the recital of t Le gaiiaut
deeds and heroic actions of the uuh.'e men
v ho represented our county in the war
for the Union, we concluded to ascertain
Locttst Grove School House aud thrust
their votes ititu the ballot box against cue
Ameiidnii ut to the Com titutiou allowing
the soldiers iu the field the right to vote.
Although no mention is made of the Cor-
poral iu Connection with this A affair, i
j we thiuk if he ever belonged to any army
or car--iedl a flag it must have beeu ou this
occasion. The so'diers of J utiiata Coutity
have a distinct recollection oi the promi.
uent part some persous took to depiive
their wives aud their litths ones ol the
"Belief Fund ' intended for their support
while they were away Gghtiug the battles
of their country. IVrhaps the Brevet
Little Corporal uli its the Judge earned
his new-found honors in l!i:s way. By
way tl explanation, we would say that
the b
brevet rank was contemn since the I
Corp util received the pass on account ol
lie Halite tf the affair.
ts to which
flag th
he "liiLtvot Little Corporal" Carried
, , ...
O occasion ol toe Lite c fejration,
e unable to say. P-.-rbips some one
on th
we are
' may 'Ub" into oar office and iofornTus
... , ,
whicb otic ha was s-rit there to carry.
Although this "soldier's
j Little Corpora! ?!3,-5,
s pans" saved the
an in
' fcuin to a mn of his means. JLi using t
di i iii A,rnnt
enrived some soldier who had earned
this mark of distinction by loss of blood
or limb, of the pleasure of being preset
iu Philadelphia pu the Fourth, at the
grand Hag Presentation. But uo matter,
the soldier loving Democracy willed it so.
Soldiers must stand back now ; they were
in the -trout long enough. Rebels and
rebel sympathizers must be pushed for
ward, and it tuatteis tut what means they
u.-e, even to the stealing of the blooJ-
bottght privileges of some maimed and i
citiipici soldier. How tha soldiers ujust
I...... tl-.xu ut.nil'in.1 ni .imli tit j fellf-.
lute im.-c pin.ini,
would rido into proiu:ueiice aud powi Oi
their hard earued lo-nors.
Someth;.Q NtV. O-ix townsaen
Messrs. 'di;l.'iel.au, (joaheu & Co. lave'f
made arraiigeinculs toproeuro Jard'sPat-.
cut Buck Moulder. With this maciine
they can mould 15,000 brick per da;
The Company h ive opened a yard a siort
distance above tuwu aud are wnuiug pa
tiently for the arrival of t'leir maciiiuc
As brick (not iu the hat) are in greatue-
... ll
maud, we have uo doubt ttey Will "o -
be able to siiroly the wants of all.
JlIFFLLNfOVvN i r.irmi-O.N llARtEfS
?upcr, bl. f 12 jBuUer, prime "fe! lb 2
I PJ J tilt IVI j -U M
i;j ,;;i il.anl,. 1'i
;; oo ''.'alioiv 1')
4 oo 'fcujfj.. Uul
1 75 Volti.,
Hoys. wt 11 00
Kancj .
Uye, cwt
Coin Alual,
iVhili WH"lt..
l .Vbe it 'ji 1
Buukrt heat, ...
2 -r I' -on
l ies jt tibuui iers IS
' i;i-;i.F
' Hint
-, J cwl
10 no
'1 - -v
i'OL Ll'EY,
i.ii-jkcns, r' i:r f
i Mrseys, a 00
t'O.-i!., 3 ton
Clover, "j bus 5 (,
3 ! 0 ,1'reveiiCuii e'ove G (Hi
2 2" ! do i.!'J ,; 0'J
lliiucnriti:i,..v. C' sutiliaiy niove b t'O
ili;lt.l I'llL ! t', j do Egg t'
Apples. .-' bu
0 nil '(, iiesiiiut,
o 00 I i'ra.
10 !.lixed,....
10 I WOOD,
8 't)ak
b liiek-r,-,.
.. J tl
5 75
... 3 00
Cuei r.'s
Xci' liich, bu 1
L iiil'.ii iiy ,
" a 1 M
iweet J U0 Uovei,...
VA ii I ET I ES,
K. i , .
.ta.led Articles.
Arples, jt bu 3 00 iCoal (III "p gal 80
tiiiious 1 00 l.-ialt, ? sack 2 50
bile Beans,... 2 50 llruiaul Alum snlt 3.00
Beeswax, j' lb 45 blaster, "r1 tou 10 OO
Soap, dry 10 Xails 7 5 !
L.-oioies 2! -Bar Iron "5
Wiko, washed. J5 , Horse iboej keg i'.i 00
Bags, 5 i -'j ring steel en hands
Out reeled weekly by Suloulf, Frow .i Parkei.
1'uiLAOiiLruis, July loth. IS'Ilj.
FLOl K 5'mail stiles of sujieiiiue at
Ss(5.7j 'tf bt I , rxnas at S'.l(.c;l.75 ;
N ni i Ii we-t- i u extra fatniiv at 5 10 f)U(
uies. jvye piotir and t oru Aleal are in
active, kii i t.i iccs are nominal.
U'iiLA 1' Sales of 4-0 hush, choice
t.ew (Vlaivare red a- cJ.Sf), aud to arrive.
It is iillV-red at 11
of Pcnnsvi.atiia at S!.201,.. Corn.
s..!es f ildOO bush yeihov at 81 (7i 1 Ol,
and some mixed Ve'ern at W(a'.Yii.
O.tfs sales of Pentis', Ivania at 7d ceuts.
and UVstern b'Mu rents.
BCBN.S ADAMS lu Patterson, at Ihe
Peiiiii'y iv-inia House, by lltv. J.B. Boisgrove
.Mr. D. B. P Burns aud Miss A. E. Adams,
both of Bcale towuship. Juniata county, Pa.
WAKE- MARSHALL On the 21s.t ult..
by Uev. Solomon Sieber, Mr. John G. W'urd
and Miss Elizabeth F, Marshall, both of Perr j
,, ' I
cuuuij , 1 a.
YOEUY KL'UTZ-On the Oth ult., )y
Ilev. A. H. ilahn, Mr. ilenry Yaedy of Sbiui-
okim, a: d Aliss Josephine Kuits, lormeily of
this county
BVZZ KL HAIXES On the 2r.th tit.,
by Lev. W. Y. Brown. Air. Liavid Buztard
and Aliss Xaney Jane Haiuei., bath ot' Jani
ala ccttnty Pa.
same day by the baiue. Mr. Job Hockeuhirry
of Perry county, and Miss Elizabeth Ziuiner
man, of Juniata county. Pa.
iXvx MasxiKm nt.5.
iwe-i. iu extra la.iiuy at dii'.H'lii ij.j ,. M., ami liry at 1 30 . AI . to
12; Peini-y I vania and Olito do. at i 1 1 ,.)( llams'yrj, aud 10 52 A. M.. for Ata--J".-.y
CiA 1 otl, and fancy brands at higher fig jaad l.-o p m. lor Philadelphia.
I O THE AFFLICTED. It is a settled laet"cres cl"ar.-d, the halal.ee well timbered, l.av
i that a great proportion of ihe dis-ases j 'hereon creeled a iwo s.ot v l.. ; Frame
which "tiesu i heir W arise fruit an tiimire 1 "0". Bru, V.agm Slwl aud Cora
condition 01' the blooa and iho most 1.4 lain i c'rlu i?lunt' -1" '-: House, with all o'her nc
remedy lor these diseases is 7,o. y' i;,,,,,, cessary uut-buiuiiiigs ; n good spr ng ol never
i-ur.ii,r. This oienamtioii is reliable fot lae .allr' water near tue door. Apple ftnd i'each
sate and spce lj ture of liiaaiiin.alory Itheu-
uiatiMii,Cliioi.icScrUiUla. Second , rv Syphilis,
Cancers, Tumois. fleers on iheheail or body. I
tluiiiors 1
ot the skin and ail eruptions on the
face; also all tever Mtres. bei sonis, aii-l every
species id Cuii.nious Disease. It wtll also
core all diseases eoiioajti to a diTiiiigemeni ol
the liver aui rapidly rejtore the pitieuttu
lo.illh. Prepared by Dr. J. M. Limtsey. for
ihe s.,lc Proprietors. Hazard i Smith, Xo.
Io7 Arch street, Phil adelphia- Sold retail by
all liioi-ciass Druggists. may 'J, VO-lim.
jii i l-1. IX TO VX, I'EXX
Tlie un lei jigntd wotud re.-peciiuiiy inform I
Li lr. emts aud the putiiic guieiitliy tuat he
has taken charge of the uiioe iiamvd Hole.',
1 fiiriiieri v ke.t li v Amos Sn .iici'. This is an
old aud eii-l:uo'.vu stand, und uoufl more do-
'ra'le lor ihe acoououodaiiou of the public.
1 is 14 IL will l sinrko.l w .in H.: nualiiv 1
t t ; rs Ins TAiH.K sun u;l wo h iho best ;
j 'he uii.i ket cauutiord, mid htsS TABLE, which
'is one of the Close desirable in town, will be
j allcm,,i UJr ,.(1!, uuj ,,.sty iiostiers.
j Apr.l 4, 't'O tf. S. it. NCl'liSTISC. j
Q-r-E "'E'r.T? Ix T1IE ??
8 A D b L B U from January IS, IKG-i,
; JAMES II. SIMONS would respectfully an-
nouneo to liia old customers and the public
frMiirvT-ii u lii.it J. i. , l .... . .
I -'--M-'L'L.I.O, n.vr..M-.o, I. III. L.Ali,
-. I 1 . I -. I !' i. . I i i . - r i . ...........
V Hll'S ami all other articles ustial-
1 tf kenr t n a i fir.f f. it c ri . . i - i
J --i "tjij L.u irtvi. wtuco ne
mi , , ,, . , . .
will sell at the fullowihg rediKPt-J prices
l.est Silver l'laled llamss 00
Second best do OU
third do ii
Common I'lateJ do
Sccuu-1 do do
Common i'lain do
Uest fpaaUh Sal Ilea
Second do Uo
C nimon (Juiited Seat do with Ilra
Cumtaun io without buru
Viagou Sudilles
1'ive ineli Ureocb-Bands Side
i two UoTiit:!
Four inoli do
Uack-bituils 8 inches 3 20, 6 iCwhes
il 4(1, 5 incbe 1 7-j.
Double st-t of Yankee Harr.fs which
include bridles, hauies, collars, liaeo.
. v.-.-i.Ij .-rt
4 00
- . Pair of Yankee Bridles
Kive-ring Halters
1 -j0
1 nr.'w-riii uu
Check lin. a S t inch 2 75
do lo 1 iucll 25
Biind Bridles :) Oil
Kidm- l!rilie? from S2 60, 3 00 -i oo
Good t'liil'l Collars 8 00
Harnc do 2 00
Wagon Whips 2.10. 1,73. I, an, 1,25
liiigcy dofioin 75 cents to 2 Oo
lSiiCgy Lines, tl-.it 2,Ui, rcntuj a lit'
riow Lines 3-4 inch 1,00, 1 inch 1,15
1 1-4 inch 1.25.
He would also invite the public to examine
his sioCk before p-irclisi-in,; elsewhere, ns he
. I . . 1 . ..! ..1 . l. . - .
i let-is c'jHiiueni lie c iu uin-n(jcr mail niy
! oiher esialilishmcut in the c.unty. His motto
is quick; sales and small profits. Give him a
call and save monev.
(t, KEl'A llilX U neatly executed and all
worik Wuiranted
Bridge St., Mi!i!into(in Pa.
Oct. 11-ly.
Jii'ie l.tii, ISSG.
ntlElT TK!"SS. i-SXn FItO.1I
thn Xorih mid North-Vet lor I'lut tdtl
Ji.i'.-.', I.eUiwii, Allritou-a, .'i.',V-i, ,t.
I . . .. .
,'', LtUxituu, Ailr't'ot.ciu y. i-lo:i. A.. le
1 irauis leave Jiarruari lor tuf j
foiKs; At 3,'Hl, e.l" aud '.i.'.'o .a. M., and
-ji:l.luX .'',15 P. M
at A'cic Yor
15.10 and It'.'HJ A. M., and 3,40 and lo,;j: p.
M., oimectin, with similar liains uu the
t'iKHigtwuia h . i Sleeping Cars aeoai-
'iiy:nij ;U; 3,00 and V'.ilO 1' -U trains wiluout
Leave IarriJrj for t""f"ij. r.-t!?,!',
Tsiwiira. Mtitci A lii'.iiti J. 1 'inf Crc.it. At-
iovh ind lVo7'Wo;f. at S.10 .1- M. and
2. lo fiid 4,10 P M, sloi.:'i;ig :.t Ld,if.n? a'l
all H oy 2: i.''"'-'.' tie 4;lo 1 .M Trai.i n:ak:i.,r
.... 4 00 I no close umneci.'wus for Po.'edle nor I'ltiUidi-U
4 50 l.a pw pt) ,0.,..e .W-yW-.1l;.:r...!,.nd -l-d-imrn
via ScngkiW urt'.' isjuei.vma UJloJ-
il';,ve U-tridiirg at 3.2o ; m.
l;,.tliri,i.r Leave' Xrip Vft. & tit 1 .00 A M .
I S - . .
,.. ,, v,.,,n ...,,1 K,M. 1. t Vh.i.,if,'l.f:a ai
A M. and 3.30 l M : lVf.-i';te at A AI
tl-j P M ; .4wir.rf O.0J and 11, to A .!. a'i'l
1,05 PM: Ta.-uya at y, l" A. JI, aud 1,00
and S,5 5 r -AI.
Leave I'olUvillr for jrr';ivry, via ';
kili aad SanjH'hiiia llail Hunt!, a". 7 ihi a. y..
ni'imj AccoiiimoUditwi I rain: Leaves H,td
ing ai C 00 A. J!., returning from PA.-.': .t.'
fhta at 5 (.0 P. Al.
C.-i lumhia H'tilrO'id Trains leave Rradifij at
(j 45 A Ai and 0 15 P 51 far Eptirau, itnz
Lancaster, Ci-lumrua. c.
On Sundays : Leave Atv- I'oi- at 8 t'O
P. AI.. VhdaJrli-lua Ham 315 P AI . lV.nr
b tto A. M., lamu'iua 7 :$! A. AI., U.triin-'.ara
Commutation. MUaae. .S',f.-, Schorl ar.K
recursion Tickdt to and tioiu all points, ut re-
Uueed Bates.
Im.i.ihn t-iiunV. ,1 ti,r.,....t, . o .....in.ls ni- !
wed each Passenger. I
f' & ('i is. i
0 f iter a ; .s.-r rmUtiJi ..l.
Reading, Pa. Nov 27, 'ti-J-tf.
JI5. .!. TODD has just iccive 1 a large
aud tine assorlno:iil of guuds tr.ta u.e
East, whii.ii be is prepared to sell at the fol
lowing reduced prida :
Prints, from ,
12 to 20
2Sio 31
115 to 3 1
13 to IS
, -"
13 to 40
Ginghams from
Lie lvalues
ltrow.: Atusiiu
bet, one y ird wide....
Bieai'Led musiiu
."sugar tiuuse molasses..
Bruna su;-tr
til to 50 I
, per qt. 25 to 35 j
..per lb. 12 to lb j
" H !
w h"e d"
Best l'.io Coitee
Coal Oil per;-al. S !
.is.ek,!il per bbl.SlW "to 22
Herring S3 00 to i ll t'O
Aud a large assortment of Boots aul
tiios, cueap.
Also a large lot of Can ttinir 45 to Si 00
Very best, ail Wool, 1 W w.da.. SI 21 to 1 31 '
I am payiug 35 ceiiiu for Butter, and 10
Ceuts lor Eggs.
J. C. M. TODD,
may 2,-tf.
f VAift Salh. The Heirs of iletny Guss,
dee'd , oiler tor sale, iu Miiford to'tvusiup, .1 u
niaia county, l'a., a valu ible It act ol Land
adjoining lauds of A. Guss, Sr., A. l'aiito-r
ati'l others, cotlistuil: 70 Arvts. r.botiC 5o
jorchard, and a caoico vati'ty oi Cii. tnes.
' 1 '"i'' j " S ouuh.i.iuu,
convenient 10 milts, schools and places oi wor-
:"P- above propel ty is not sei.t be-
fore the fi.st d.iy ot SiptemhC'.-, lS'l'j. il will
lie oil .-red at Putino Sale 011 tiie premises nt
2 o'clock ou said day. l or liu ther iiiforuia
lion call ou A.GL'SS. Jit.
Juuc 27-tds. NcarAiarj iViile .Mil!.
Jit uuueisigned has received a lot uf Iluu
deii's First I'reinittm llorso I'it.'i Furkj one
of tiie realist machines c. tr inrenicd far
utiloadieg ii:.y. A';, forks are warranted per-
lect or Ihe money refunded. A boy 12 years
oi agj Can work iheai on a wagon With ease,
Call at my stvi e, in Patterson, and exa.ioue
theai il will cost you nothing f ir calling.
J.I!. .VI. TOl-D.
Air. Emanuel .Mover, of .Millard ton.-;iio.
savs : 1 ittirRnsml & itiwi.l.ou l!iu-s. ,,,. i,
Fol k last sni-iiio- f.-oin .1 It M. Tnd.i. n.l by
fouad it to be the lightest and uioit perftLt
loik 1 ever used. A boy 12 years of ng caa
use it and I unload;.! iwo tous of Lay tro:u a ,
wagoa iu 7 uLtutvj G-:, the wsuii
AS O SHI S3P T t N3T mi
Anla and Utirhe$
from 1h:ir ,...' enme cut,
And Mice awl Jiats,
In pitc of cat,
Oatii uOvut,"
"18 years esiuhlislic-.t iu X Y. t'ily."
'Duly infallible reipedits known.''
4Free froiu foii-on.'
"Xot (laiicrous to the Human Family."
"Hats come out oi" their holts to die."
"Costitr's" lint, Knnrh. Kslrr't
Is a paste used for lliin, Mier, Roache,
Black and Ltd Ants, ,$c, , .'jr.. A'C
"Co s t ii r'x" Jin! Bug Kj lmiiiiiftr,
Is a liquid or wanii use ! to destroy aud
niso as a preventaiive for lied '-liny. $c-
" Costa if " Ehrt,ic i,tr,Jir fur lusted
is fo" Joli.i, HjtqititM-s, r'fius, licd-Diiffi
intfcts on I'ijufs, i'ourU, Animal, ,yc,
fen ! ! ! Kcwaee : ! ! of all woriiitess
E.t-ea that 'CostarV name is on each
Box. Bolile and Flask, 'hefuri you buy
CQ.Addres, 11 EX li V K. t't)STA 11,
4S- Broadway, X. V.
taSuld iu Mii'Iinlown, l'a.
-The Farvirr' Oa-
zrtt( (English) as.-ns and proves by figures
thal one n-iir id' HATS will have a nrogenv
and iles. e:n!. Hits no k t than tol.O.Yl in three
j years. Now. unless this immense family can
j be kept down, ihey 'would ensume more food
j than woubl sustain t;.",MMI linnniu beinj.
fra"dce '-Costar's" advertisement above.
' I860..
I R VT3 versa BillliS. Whoever engages in
2.-, on! AWK
40 rr gr'tr!: y!$T2
siiooiing stoail birds is a cruel man; whoever Cholera Morbus, Biarrlor 1, I -y i:t.iy. CboH.j
aids in pxtrrwitinting ruts is a benefactor. I or Cramps and Pains in ths Stomach. &c.
We should like some one lo give us the benefit j Hon't be witoout a bottle at LatH1. Sold re
! of their exj.fi ieiiro in driving out iiicse pests, i tail by all first class Ur.iggUts and Wholes a'fl
We need i-oLO'thino besidis
, eats, and
. ' -i-- "",
B(2See "Guslar's" ad;-?i
'.lit ajvc
s'niple. sate and sure the most perfect ilAT
itiu:.tion meetii.g we have ever attended.
; E,-ei'7 Hat- that can 2el it. iroier!v metsar.-d.
j will eat it, and every one that eats it wit! di,
; generally at soiue place as distant as possible
; 'i om where 11 was Ickou. LaUt bhjrt, jlicii ,
!. i .. . ... . , r ,L.M-.r'. I. r
I l .'. LUI IU4' Ullil'.'-"- ..... . n.iiiii
, T : .:. ... .... .n.,..ii.. .i.. .1
'u -. ;i . rn v ismiis, ,e. 1 " ti
' flv yice .nts, and other insects and
! T.-imtn a'l rf whirh can be Invented bv a
ew dollars' worth of 'Costar's" l;'.;t. Koaeti,
Ant, Esteruiinali r. b night ana ued tVeely.
js.y'ee (!-. soir's' ad'.ertitjcoveut above.
Ajiru 4, ibOU-Gui.
Teeth jnseriea u "c an entirely new s.ylc
of base, wl.ioh is a combtiiaiion ot Gold and
Lugusli Btib'o;.-, ( utcainte i .-tiso American
!'. nbber. t vule.iiiu a. ) wl. teh tor Dean; 7, itora-
hiliiy. cle iniiaess. and tl:o restoration of ilia
natural cou.r oi tiie lace, c.inuui tu ui-
ssc.L Either of the above hauls
I WAP.il N'T l'0!l TEN YLAIlf.
Tull I'rr or B oner . Is I.-ivortcd
iss iatv Sil'i HO I'tr Mt
Tuiiitritrij m ts iiist rtcJ Grutii.
Special Mtetttion will be made to diseased
giim:, and a eioe v;ai'i'!;r!ed or no charge
inade. Tc:h ' It Ust for t.ft.
E2. Triumph ia dentistry !
ty a new pr.-cesi. without the use of ether,
Cii'toroiorui or niirous oxide, and no d.niger.
Having been in business fo1 upwards of ten
years, five of which has been spent in Mitliia
town, and bein in possession of the fiu'txt
otij.-'o-i, J :ir, rv mtnts and .)lne,'i!,'i I w iri-.;ut
entire satisfaction, or the money will be re
fi'iidcd. Oitice on Bridge Street, opivsitc the
Court House Square.
G. t. DFKV,
nov. 2?. fi."-l7. Jtr.iiJ.nt brutal.
LA22 ! C -
I aftct ll!day, May 20. Ic" li, Passcngtr
Trains will leave Miiilin Statiuu as follows :
Locr.1 Accr.trni idal'ii... 7.C.") P. 31
Philadelphia Express.. IS A I P. M
Fast Line 0.4 I, A. 31.
Cincinnati Express G.2lJ, P. M.
Day Kxrre-s 11,81, A.M.
Way Pal-engcr 10,07, A. M,
Na Yi.rk Kxprcss 5,54 A. 31.
Day E.Tpreis.... 3 oS, P. M.
Baltimore Express 3.o! A. M.
Pbiht lel' bia Expieis... 5.0P, A. M.
Fast Line 5.'"0, P. M.
?dati Train 4.8, P. M.
Emigrant Train 0 47. A. M.
D M I N 1ST X A TO ii S' NOTICE. Notice is
jfi herciiy given that letters of fli!i-.iini:ra-tion
ou ihe estaie of ISAAC KALIFMAX,
deed., late of Walker township, Juniata
county, have been granted to the undersign
ed, residing in Mexico. All persons knowing
themselves, indebted 10 said estate will ni-;,ke
immediate payment, agd tlioso hating claims
will piescut tucin duly authenticated for set
tlement. KCBTZ KAUFFJIAN, AJi.tr.
may, 23 -Ot.
W ill do more and better work at a given Cost
tb.ui any other ' ity it ! Alanufactured culv
ZeigTer & Smith.
li'iWi'.w.'e Drwj. I'mni '.; f-'oss lhahrs
Xo. 137 North Till 1X1) Street, P tllLAD'A
rla. zi, 'C6-ly.
i" ,VS
Tha advertiser, havin-i been restored t4
h t:llh in a few weeks ty a Ti-ry si:nnl
remedy, after having sutlVred for several
years wiih a eevere hinj atreniiuii, nnd that
dresd d'?eae. Cnnoumntior is anxious to
t m uba L-.i.wn I.. K:a lot InUt . 411 tF.r-r. ttio ninilfU
of cure.
To all wli.-. ''sire it, he will send ft copy
ff the prescription used (free of clurire,
with the directions for preparing and using
the same, which they will find s scbe citrb
for CoxstH-fTioN. Asthma. Bkonciiits.
' Col-ens. Coi.ds and all Tliront and Lung
Affections Tlie only object of the advertiser
in sending the prescription is to benefit tha
i nflicled, and spread infoi tnation which ha
' conceives to be invaluable, Rl.d ho hopes
every sufferer will try a:s remedy, as it will
cot irtoia nothing, and may prove a -blessing.
ranies wishing the presc ription, rnKR, by
return iual. wili pieane. ad iress .
Vi'iiliaiajb'.u-g, Kings Co. 'cw York
feb. 2? -i.v.
NF.'.V STORE. The nroloMigBP-l him open
ed a Store in -S'leriif Wilson's st.ire room
on Dri.i ;e street, MitSintoarn. aud o.Ters at
j r'.vate sale to the citizens of iho sui-iMund-ing
country, a large and varied BHorimpn
of the very best CEOTiriNCs BLANKETS,
&e., siirh as Over Coats a- 1 Press Cots, Ar
lillery )a-wk''!i or Uourd -botiis. N. Y State
lackets or Honnluboct-. Knit Shirts, Horse
Blankets, Grey ami White Bh.nkels, t.'iueu
and Cotteu Pillow Case-", Wash Basins. Linen
and Cotton Sheets, Knives and Forks, Spoons,
Tinware. Hatchets. I'ieks. Saddles, Lalicrs,
Shelter Tents. Linen Towels, and lare as
sortment of other art idea not necessary to)
-3- C ill and cxanine the g'W Is ar.l heat
my priees.
iuay2,-tf. J. D. RYXAilD.
Don't le startled ! Tiie Chol
era can be prevented ar.d cured t;v using
I?r. J. M. I.iti.licy's Cholera and Inari h.ea
NU'dieine. This preparation lias boen befora
tiie public for fi.'teen years, r.nd has been
iisetl with en:ire euccess. Thousanils of Cer
tificates Ci'uld be f'trnished, but a trial of
the medicine will be mom viti.facfory Ihia
volume of Certificates an-1 1 iil conviiv'3 the
most. gceplie:;l of its woinlr'-f-l c-ii-itive prop
erties. It is not a cure all. "lot :j ilesigne-l
to relieveall who may be aCarK' d bv Cl"ii'ra,
I t ihe Proprietors Haz ird -stit b Xo. 107
Arch Street, I'hiladelphis. nnv, S-t-ui.
iJ pari::er.-liip tercifo.-i existirg bewent
ti.e ua.ier.-igTH d in Ihe pract ice ot pudicino
lias this day been dissolve 1 by mutual con
sont. The b ol-:i will ritia1!! iu liie Lands of
lr. L. AI. Crawford for col'ictioa. lr. T.
M. Lsiglit's interest in the same hts been
placed by himseif under cotit'-.d of Xouh A.
Elder and It. P. AicW iiiiaias.
T AI. I.ElOilT.
TLe practice will he continued in the ?nnu
ofii-.-eby Dr. I). M. Crawford. Tliauki'ui to
his friends for past pret renccs he hop3 to
merit their contiuuauce.
r. ai. cr.AWFt.r.D
Dracm Aials, Urasfci-.-:, t'slloa Lap?,
Buckets, Tiviaes, Vi'iek, &c,
S13 NOliTII Till BD tTUtiKr,
Feb 21, ICOC-ly.
A Gentleman who suffered for years from
Nervous Debility. Preaiature IVe.iy mid all
the e.iV-cis of voutliful iudisereii i;., v.'il! fi-r
the sake of c-uC'ering humanity, pet:-! frre to
all who nee i it, tue reeipe an I u:r-:i!-its ; r
. in ".king the simpt.
te remedy by which he was
cureO, s.uttt.fer wuhiiu to prttil by the a 1-
veriiser's experience, can do so by address
ing JOHN Tt, OGT-EN.
No. 13 Chambers Si., New York,
feh. 2,-ly.
VX! E hae on hand a good moiloy ui' Harl-
r wire. c-.r.t-iaOig a lull assortment of
TO'lL '. snch t' Anvils, Bellows, vc., Shoy
iioikcr Tools. Sr.wj, Axes, Auger-. Iron, Steeh
Nails, Horse .Shoe, and Horse Shoe Nai's by
i!:.1 kee and pound- Hopes of ai! sizes from 2
inches down 10 J inch by the pound. liuggy
and IViiii Springs, tirind Stoucs, and Grind
Stone Fietiires. nt
UCTtON OTH'E. The imbi sigt-ed
wou!'i respectfully inf. :-:u i.n-rchaats and
all ether person3, that he has otip.s i an Auc
tion Room on Main Street, Mitliintown, Pa.,
w:ii-re he will receivo on e ittsi'-nrm nt alt
kinds of goods, and si.'.! then. at Put-iitf Auction
en reastinnble per centag-?. AE'rch'inrs and
utiles h.iving goiois l::ty ui.vli t-i ij:r se of
would do well io Ir.'tti.-ier thcta to the :.itct:0il
room. Pale every Saturday evtiiiag.
n.av 0. 1! tM-r. A. "it. W ElDMAN.
our Stock of Heady M 1 leClothing h.-fore
yon Pnrcbase Elsewhere, you will find ou
hand a gaod assortment tor .Meu and Boys
ware, which wiil be sold cheap for cuh of
country pro Aui-e.
Jan 1-tf l'.Jtersun, Ta.
This Hotel is plt.iiar.ily f'.ual.d en t he
Pout h side of Market Street. . I -w do -rs aliove
Sixth street, its central loiiiltty makes it par
ticula.ly desirable 10 persons visiting the city
ou business or Pleasure.
T II. B SANDER:3, I'ro'p
preferred by all practical Paint-rs! Try
it! and y-.u Kui h..ve no oibi-r. Maa
iti':.t:i;iretl only bv
Wholesale Daro, Paint & G lass Dlalseb,
Xo. 137 X:ih TliElD Street, rH'.L.VD
Jan. 24, tiC-ly.
B. F. FillES.
AUorary-al-La a:i-;l Coitvcranccr,
IFFL1N TOW N, wiil promptly attend to
L all business eutrusteii l i bisenre Ollice
room adjoining the Internal Revenue Ofuce,
on Alaiu street, opposite ihe Court House.
June 13, 4Si;0-tt.
FELL assortment cf TRUNKS nn lTP.AV
il ELV I Sli BAGS. Also, XO Ij flXS such
as Hose, tiluves. UuCi Gloves and Alits. (very
best quality.) Jiid Gluves for hidies and, gem
im!ilii:ht-i kid. at