Juniata sentinel. (Mifflintown, Pa.) 1846-1873, July 11, 1866, Image 2

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    Juniata Sentinel
ifM-. " ' . .
- a--. 7 .. -.
4 nn'ort of d.'-fs, nif t union of lands,
A v.uion no potrer thtil! sever;
A union of hrarfx, an' a union of hanth,
Aid the American L'nivn forever!
U'eJnesdar Jlornins, Jn!y Ht!i.
II. II. WIOSO.Y, E-litar and Publisher
1i in. i. tf'.vrul.ilitin nf anv Tinnur lint.
lisLed in this County. It is limrei.ire thej6'-6- Among the twenty or thir'v 'elo-
tol.,tor(,rt U is a I aper, truly
luyal, ab'y conducted, a first o!ss I.ocalisi.
n.l well worthy of the FR'ronige of every
liyal ciiijeu in the County.
or cuy.nKP.LA.vi) covntt.
JOHN J. PATTEPSOX, of Juniata Co.
(subject to the District Conference.)
HENRY II. WILSON, of Juniata Co.
(Su'njcct to the liistriet Confercuce.)
JOSEPH PO.MEUOY, of Deale twp.
LUC1AX WILSON, of Payette twp
JOHN M. THOMPSON, of Perrysville
JACOB WEISER, of Suuchauna twp.
JEP.EMI.MI LYONS, of .Mifflintown.
THOMAS MORKO'A'.of Tu.-cnrora twp.
tif Soldiers of Penupylvani:. remember
that lleister Clymer voted against a joint
Tjsi.ution of our Legislature, asking Con
gress lo increase the py of the private sol
ciers anJ n'a-con:inissionc'l officers of the
army. (See page 205 Legislative lipoid j
session ) V l:i!e you vere battling for
.lie Union be was exhausting Lis ingenuity iu
devising mean; to counteract the succes of
vour arms.
Ihe loiluKiiie; is the Union !; iiblieau
County Cuianiitiee appointed lor the enduing
Jliintown A. H. Martin, C. McCle!ian.
l'atii-son B. S. Cooke, II. M. Groninger.
Terniauagh C. 11. Horning. John tlouer.
Vi aiker J. N. Moore. Kurtz Knulfuian.
I'eluware C. S. Sbel'.y, Levi y.fis.
l-'aycitc Sam 'I. Leonard. K- c.-neny.
Meiiroc A ii. Landis, T .lilas lles un.
t u qui hnnn.ih L Long, Sol. U degrr.ve.
Greenwood T. Kumhergcr, II. t'. Zeiders.
rltit'ord Jacob (jrouiner, J. s. l-lobison,
Tuitiett L. L. Mathers. Noah llei-ij'.rr.
1'i.ri-ysviile Thorn. vVnTennelirr, si. iiuk.
V.udh Hon. John L'eale, J. 1. l.'oyle.
;tuee A.J. Patterson, shem Voter.
lu;ca!ova Thomas Morrow, Win. Hart.
l....;U J. T. leimis B. Wulis.
lii:iel( L.itr U. Melntyre. Sair'l. Rhenrer.
Ttie fourth iu Philadelphia was cele
iraicd on a grifci scale, it being the day
set apart i'or the presentation ot the S?ate
lings to the Governor. Matiy of them
were but the mere remnants of their for
mer selves, having been torn to shreds
wLlie bravely bora by I'eui!.-; Ivania's sons
amid the rude storms of buttle. The
Jiags wcro presented ty General Mtade,
.md leceived on bcbalt of the .State by
Governor Curiin. The n umber cf stt aug
ers in tl e city was so large that hundreds
were unable to obtain accommoilatioiu.'
Although the long processiou (composed j
Jiriucipally of the baale-scarted deleuders)
of our country) was calculated to arouse
ilie deepest patriotism, yet uo feature ol
Jfhe celtbration was More impressive than
the orphan boys inarching iu the liue of
parade, wearing; the same uniform their
lathers v.-ore iu the day of the natiou's
. travail, and. tiie orplma girls riding in the
ambulances. Among other orphuu school
preseut was the oue drew this county.
'i hey made a liue appearaucu as they pass
ed through this place ou their way to
Philadelphia, uuder the oare of their ;x
celicut corps of teachers aud mauaeis.
The school Lumbers lob. They fell here
on Tuesday aud returned on Thursday
Though a busy titue, wagons were prompt
ly ou baud to eouvey them back toccboul.
Id caring for these childuu Penus) Ivauia
lias reared for herself a belter luouutucut
tbau the must enduring marble or brouie
a luouiiuiciit tuilt ia the hearts of her
Otlt "JJKEAU-AM'.-Kt'T rEimRii:-
Tl;c Pennsylvania members of First an ;r 0f "virtuous iadigtmiou" Erid i.s
Aistnnt Postmaster General A. W Kan- territ.iy '-shocked" at our presumption iu
dall's Dread and-Dulter Arm, hail a exposing the venality and" corruption of
unanimous, although not very numerous the last so called Democratic Cuuuty Con
tiiue of it on the ord, of July, at San- j vetition. The writer admits '-the iade
soin Mrcct Hall, Philadelphia. The r-b- cency and iniquity of transactions" in
ject was to elect delegates to tho 14lh of that Convention, and then charges us
August Convention a device by which ; with fabricating what it tidmittto !e true
.such shrewd old Democratic foxes as Seu -
ator Guthrie and Senator Davis, of Ken-
tucky, A. J. GluNsbreuner. S li". Ancoua,
Myers, Strouse and John L. Dawson, of
i lVniifylvania, are to eat the roasted chest-
l nu,s as tliey are picked out of the dun-
geroi.s fire by fuch inoncent Republican
grimalkins as do not ear burning their
finners. The visitors at this pleasant lit -
tie tea party were not many, but they
Were VerV reMICCta!d. . Thorn nn b
doubt about one tliin-j :hey were cither
very pratcfu! lor offices they had f;ot from
a resilient Johnson, or very ready to be
grateful for those be might pive them
If requires some courage to wear the
i Presidential livery in these days but
ioneeon a maa' he is r.iHv f..r
illCs we,e nunjl.ep pf , ,
! ' ""u
j a" ,tle Test Veto looking for place. Sev
eral bad beeu rejected by the Senate, and
! the chairman, a Mr. Tracy, of Bradford,
had been rejected by bis constituents in
an attempt to break up the Republican
party of his dittict. The most dismal
part of the occasion was that, although
the town was lull of strangers, the ball
ia which the meeting was held was empty.
Ol the tens of thousands of soldiers iu
the city, not one could be tempted 1 1
take part io the play; and of the less
than filiy delegates fiuui the whole State,
but two appeared who could claim to have
fought iu liie Union army. When we
consider the rich feast set forth by A. I.,
our people must not be very hungry, or
e!.-c they must be very suspicious prob
ably the latter. The fate id those who
l have embarked iu this fad business has
been so tragical, iu more respects tha-:
oue, that we do not wondet a wide berth
was given to Sausomtreet Hall, on the
3rd of July.
'! be fable of the sick lion may not be
out of place as an illustrative meaiiiui;
Many of the lower atiim-ils exiled to see
bis majesty, but shrewd S:r Rcyuaid
lingered outside and carefully looked in.
Being asked why be did not enter and
pay bis rcsp.'Cts to the suffs-rin; majesty,
be hinted in reply that he was waiting to
see bis friends coming out
file lion
was not indisposed he was only ravenous
The sick lion at Washington wauts help,
badly enough, but woe. unto the Repub
icall ,.t,s W:,..;B ,ile
Contagion ol
his doctrines !
The I'ciegates to the above Convention
from this county were IJill Divis. U.li Al
lisou, Stewart Lukeus and G. W.Sjrou;.e
They all wanted office and each of them
got a few crumbs on this occasion. Al
liroti was one ol the Vice Presidents, Da
vis made a m-ition, and Stroue wis m.ide
a member of the Centra1 Committee,
while Lukens wis made i!oor-le p r ami
accorded the rnvi!ei.'e of looking ui at i
. . I
bis musters occasionally. There fellows I
, ii , f. ,, ... , ,1
a.'l leu the lleputiiican party because tluy !
,, . , , ,
coulan t get to be Delegates lo Couveu ;
,, 1
nous, . ice i rest. tents or ."Nvretary or nei
publican meetings, ecc Well, they hiive ;
, - , . I
all got oKiees t.t last, and as they are the i
, . , " i
only representatives of toe ' Rreud and I
ISutter Arm" in this county, they have
all the ib.ry to themselves.
Gen. Geary in Uelaiion to llouiities.
General Geary has addreeJ a letter to
Hon. Henry Wilson, chairman ol the
Senate Military Committee, in favor ol
the equaiittt.oii ot bounties. He defend.
the measure loth upon the trouud cf
justice and expediency. Oue suggestiou
iie lb us puts :
'If the Government La? Dot thi mon
ey to pay this demand lor bounties to our
soldiers, why Could uot Congress author
ize the Secretary of the Treasury to is.
sue five per cent gold bonds for ail sums
of City dollars and upwards, payable in
t'.iirty years, uiuking them the 'ol,ier's
Bounty Jimith,' but receivable at all
times ia payment for Government lauds
at ji'ir This would euable the soldier at
auy time to exchange bin bonds for pub
lie lauds on aay of the great railtoad lines
leading to tho Pacific or in auy other
place wlnre be might choose to locate.
Ti'is would also cause the bonds at ou-ce
to be in demand. Those who did not j
choose to locale in the Western States, I
could sell thcr bouds at pur to those wiioj
wished to do so. Resides, if the soldiers
should choose to take up lauds for their
bnusa, the country would be certain that
;he great West was being filled up with
a population that ioved il cd had stood
by it ic the hour oi iis greatest need.
The soldier-emigiaut would leei, tiiat
.bis butuestead was the reward ot patriot'
bis posterity alter Liui' would ,
is:;i, anC
The Krjiltr in its iast issue assumes
j "lor political capital," and then demands
our authority, and adds, '-not a shadow f
J proof can b.j adduced to sustain the
charges." Vv hen iniquity, venality and
'corruption is admitted, the proof is ui,'
neco-saiy, but to satisfy the minds of the'
hcwst Litisse of the so called Democratic
'party who mean t) be houest if the'.r
1 Uaiicrs would let them, as well as the
: writer in the Re.iisCer. who evidently was
' nut f:ir lfT irLn til., oun., it... ihur.ilili
were Uetp Uoujrlit ana sold. c gitiipiy
refer thi'ta to feme of tho hane.it Dctuc
i cnils 'n l''e boioiiL'h of Patterson
who hare not vet been corrupted
I ..) ,., .i, . ..i i ... ..,.
ii.ii.li Liiijuc nnu ainaja luiiuui (.los'Lcui I
Conventions ask them if a u.a-
iori.-v of the ho,.sl Democrats of that
Lurouh were not tiecoived ia the noiui-
nation fur Prothonotarv. Jve a litlle
(art her. Go up to the great Democratic
snon-hold of Tusoarora, and ask thoi
honest masses who they preferred for Pro
thouotary, then ask tlieni too if the great
Bohetticih of the same township knows
bow it cnine that the wishes of the people
were disregarded. Ask them how it came
that the CitiJidate for I'rothoUotary was
tiominated ou the second ballot. lid the P,,M' was lutuuced. I "is elup tied
B..b.-u.cth do it or was it a mist.-.ko ? Itfu,,h fT neirly au hour in a tirade ol
wont do for tho Re.Uhr man to chan-e ! almS,! "f ever'tl"uK that fcavored ol Re
us with publishing a ' fabricated libel lor
political capital." The hotiett meu ot the
Democratic party know fu we that a
little cliijuo of dtshotiest leaders succeed,
cd by corrupt means iu cheating G. W.
Jacobs out of the nomination, aud forciu
es-lsherill Reynolds on their party as a
candidate for Prothonotary.
Tin: Tun; u::.otKr,
The Dinmerot iu au arttc e in its last
issue is trying to cover tip the fraud und ;
corruplmu practiced ou tne himeat masses
... ....
ol the IJemocra-ic party tu tlaur Cotivt - n -
... .
lion, by a lew designing politicians. It i , ., . .. . ,,
, ,. , , i e.-t while iu tlie army. 1 his 2rand rally ol
savs - Lie object Was to put iu the field a) .. -",
, . " ; the liemncraey Cticiy broke up by all the
fi-Li' i..i,i;i.iii.l lit in. .11 n.,ii.Uilniii ff.i fi 1 1 ! J J I J
the ofiices with credit tu tbemsulves aud '
the party, and give safi-lactioii to 'he bu- !
sinc-s couiiuiiiiity
,, , .
1 he cloven foot wi.l
show itself. Nut sat i. Ged with cbcatiui;
Mr. Jacobs out of a re-nomination, they
niii-r add insult to injury by publishing
a malicious insinuation that be is incom
petent and that he t as not given satisfac
tion to the business community. And
this too after lioiuiuatitii; a man like Geo.
Reynolds a man who is utterly incom-
.ii'tptit to fi!l llio iinition for u-bii'b tbo
. , . . . .
' '
a U'ltnioatioii
Jr. .Jacobs thus Jar bas
made a eouipetetit ollicer, and to publish
insinuations, such as the above, is to say
the least, unkind ajuuncalled for.
Senator Lane's Suicide.
The New Yoik l'dlmie gives the fol
iowitf cau.e for the suicide of Senator
.,,. .
v . i ri n
Jim Lane died of Andy John.on. He'
, ... , . . . .
vreit from ii-lin'.:f' ii to Kansas, pit-1
. , . ; . , ,. I
i,re-s"d with the delusion that bis supivrt 1
, . , ;
oi the l'resiJeut was so accepiavio io me
people of that State, that he could carry I
' ' . ... . -,i . !
it for Johnson s policy by O.IK'O majority
Uis fiist appearance upon the ttrjets of f
1 1 1
of Iawreuce shocked him with a sense
of his terrible "rror. In the town where
he hud once walked a monarch, uo maa
spoke to him. Old friends passed hitu
w ithout recognition on the sidewalk. On
horseback, in the principal ittree', l e rode
unreeoguized and rejected. He went to
bis house and sent lor many of his old
frieuds to come and see him. They re.
turned answer that thsy wished to have
, n i ... 1
nomtcrcours.; With him. lwo days al-
ter his arrival Representative Clark came
Iroin Washington. What a cotitrtttft od ,
what a lesson? A vast crowd met aud 1
welcomed him with music and flags. A
public meeting applauded his vote", bou
oted him for bis fidtlity aud pledged to
him the love aud support of Kansas.
il utu':iiatd, smitten with remorse, and
utterly desnerate. Lane terminated at
once his life aud bis Career iu JoirtMou j
Terrible Cwnac;ration.
A fire occurred m 1'oi iiaiid, .Maine, on
Wednesday and Thursday of bst. week,
dcsti-ovin-r nearly tlie indie ci'y. All!
the principal bu-iues HoiiSufe', city tiud i
t . . . . ...t, , .. f
cuuuty bui.uings, bunks, newspaper of-
J D ' r !
fiiwjt. ehuiehes. aud tuauv t.tivato UlVei-
liu'-n Were burued. The peuple Lave to '
be sticlwred iu teuts aud many of them
leu by charity from abroad Two thou
tau 1 bou.-ea v.ere destroyed, aud 12,0UU
men, women :uid cbiidreu left bomeless.
The loss is estimated at over teD million
dollars. The great fear is that the itisu-
compauies will nut Le able t meet
J-or At SralUtl.
', coM-iirriit-iiiox.
1T .1'.. , I . 1. L .1
" - Y'"V "".- l""
coluniDS of your paper, tu say a woiil
aloat that grand rally 0f the Deiuoeracy
ef Beale township (.as llie Ucmoirat stylfa
it) held at Johnstowa sumo two Weeksj
K.J Well, according to programme a
' i . 1
portion of the lett wing of Lee s army
did meet in the School House hero on !
Ssturday evenu, June i-rd.aud organ-
ized by electi.!- II. Heed, I'res.deut, and
J , .
G W. Beale, Secretary. Ihere prt,ab ,
was forty persons pre-ent ail tjld, aud one
bull ol these were ilepuuiicans. A large
meeting the Democrat calls it. W by,
Jumau, you u;u.-t have bad something
. . . . j a: .1..
.ie nrain auu sueu n.iunn .ninuu
4 darkly, if you call that a large u;et
meetici was first a ddfs-ed by a
iati named iMatlhews, iroui Lewibtown.
Ikbtlieve bespoke iu your town some time
MW JWhat lie Mid iind done here finds
fitter part m wnat you said an !
.?.iOrtt ot him then.
lie labored hard
uie fctna nt an mnaence w prove
'''""'-'b mer was the true fnend ot the
I soidier and of
the UuioD. If .Mr. Mat -
".. ...
my one to believe this he
iden his brain with lugic
j thevs wants any
will have to load
and laets instead of whisky, for Ilic.'tcr
Ciynior's record gives the lie to the now
professed friendship. His whole speech
was but an apology tor treason and trait
ors. After this distinguished individual
got through snorting oil his miserable
.rhetoric, a Col. Reynolds, of Philadtl-
j I-ob,icao'8m- lle w to a,i "I'pearaiicc
latoriug under the same influence that so
materially affected the logic ot the first
speaker. The Democrat says that be be
came so eloquent that several Repub'ican
soldiers were coustraiued to cry out ven
geance at the leaders of their party. Now
j we assure the readers of the S". ntinel that
this only bad its dugiu in the warped bal
lance oi Mr. Jack man's brain. No, Mr
Editor, the soldiers of Beule township
are not coiug to Mipi"rt the man who
; , . , , .
: voted agaiusi them having
! . , , .
I vote, anu who opposed tin
the right to
lifi.it iiin.l rtipir 01'i.rv Inliir.
priucipals repairing to the tavern to man
utacturc more Democratic thunder for
iuiuci p.'nions oi i.ee s army out ot tneir
' . .. - . ,
...l ... . !. ....
usuai luuucucing material.
A Soldi i.r from Beale.
Johnstown, July 0, I aO-J
The .National Convention ol the Itcjcct
t idol the .Niilloo.
certain apo.Maio iiepuoncans, uniting
not only that they have no support iu
CoDgress, but that thej have been repu
diated bv their constituents bare i.n!
. . .. ... ...
a call lor a aiiotiul Convcntiou. II
desperate purpose is to yet, if pos.-ibic. a
; , . . , . , .
pojMiiar laiiorseiiiuni oi w uat tias oeen re
ieeted br the neotdt?. n;itnelv rd tbut
of cr(chets .. ;
j Ci)is..tutio!(a, hllf.u km,Wft M
! Policy." Ail the euuuitig foxes that ha c
1 .t ibeir tails are on tl.is document,
!,... !i,iv Kri.Kniri" ('..w.-m V...,;.j, i
.,. , , , . .
iiiton ; and their desire 'bat tho whi:iu
, ,. ,
race of foxes should follow their example
. , . , '
is JJioet plaiutivtly expressed. Rut we
,. , , . ,. , , ,
think there is litllo likelihood that a P"t
'if ,i. .1 1 1 1 us i .u n-b.ico lllllU ll ! .11 ri lit .....
.... , , , .
sis's in the betrayal of their constituent
and the abandonment of their poht.ca!
iann!: !. ilia rian il.i .l.iir-n mnrn I..i r,..
gtuiiis a smail trading faction, ready to ;
scli ott to the Democrats the moment the,
lat'er consent t pay a sumeietit.y high
mice. Great rallies are not formed no-
... I
UO. II1U itilJ Ol Ujl-'illillOl lilflll j ilui.ti ii
and syciphauts of a person ; and a Na
tional Convention formed under such
auspices will be little more than a caucus
ol extdiilt'd politicians and disaflccted ,
applicant, lor office Tr.tutrript. j
, iiii.ii.il. ii. i a, i i. :
. . i
u .-Aulill !.;.. ;!!.;.
,'OT "au.f Stationary Store I
1 Con-tniily on hand all tho latest News-
papers. Periodicals, Sc., with a large stock !
of Suati.ottary. Fancy Goods. Yaukt-e Notions, j
.to , la the lost Ohiea building. Porrysviile,
July 21, jti-tf. JOHN M. TilOMPSOjf,
V." IsStl.ll.S! liSSJSrti.J.M:
I"" t.. (I MllVTez' Cnrr,,liti tl.rt rro.itauf
stii'iilator.n iht world, will
re? W hiskers
or Mustactes ; on the suioo. best face
orehiti; never kuowo to fail ; sum tale for trial
en tree io any one desirous of testing its
merits. Address, I!ekvi:s ,4 Co-. 78 Nassau
Si., N. Y. lu'-y 11, 1-Sdii-oiu.
J. Fit A N E.
P. DimillMAM.
.Vx And that can be done to m flection by -'
buying you- go..dj of the ue-.v firm in Fatter- :
sea. luuir siock consists in part of L'ry
, ,, 1oi.. , .. ., , 7. 7
. iiiods. Huts and Cans, raucv Goods. I :in';,.,i
..iions. n laiitc aud suuerior stoe!; of li.iots '
a'"' "x't- t'rocci .es. Sail, Fisb. Cheese, .tc.,
: irieu nun i-nmicu iiuhs in ieai .u ly,
Hardware, yueeusare. Weodenware. Our -
stock wan purchased iu eastern cities at re-
.locod i.rices. and we are confident we can
ni.iV., ii to the interest of ur customers anil
the geoda-buyinjr public to give us the ti.st
call before making their purchases
X. U. Wo haej the larc-st slock, greatest
variety and best styles in the county.
Highest market price paid for country pro-
Fit AMi, cuoi-: & CO.
octii n:N..-vi.v,'.'"fA !fAn-r.oAi;
uu.p-.ny is Li-ve' to :
Sioci-holdeis of the Coippar.y that
li.if IliiT.i: !1
twKiu and e'eeiioa f..r IT.-.h-at and l-.-;v
(IJ) Ihreotors, will tw lieia i Nu.O-jit -urth
"ril" .ei lfiu'lf C;,
p.... on jj.ii unlay. Juiy H.li, lMti.;, Letwceo
the hurs of 12 M. urn! ;i 1. M. of lU.-it ilny.
ui.ui.'jt . KJiiiU, tecy.
J"1y '
n'f f ITVI VkJ 1 r O 1 ii'pi)0 V;
I'riALlAo LM t 1 1 Li'.OUA,
RtnvB & OLIopAl:Grrs Mark,t C,r
ftrriv,s ; ,.RhPr.on eTrry W e.lnexi .v rv.n- i
. , i n.. i ,ii i f i
...g ? lfr.-gnt. Tm-y bave ail ofj
. i.ii o i .i . , . i
AULIS of every Uesoripi ion that are lo lie!
had in tkt mrke. As Uie, carry large qua,.- ;
titxs thev can afford lo sell t mll Proi. :
.MercbaoM will fiud It to their adrau.ase to
, icivu'tuin 11 iiw'J 1" 11111 .11 . ..Ill . i. .J
ship yoiiua in .heir cur as thv will lake
every care of them m l carry them a 1 w as
any LtUer parti.-. Their car leaves tm- the-
pity etory Monday marinngat ball past ix.
.-5i l'erso:i3 widhiii.' aavtln m their lm-j
- r 3
will li-itvc theii oi'iler previous to that time
wuii one of tl.c parties, or at
f iLe parties, or at .lie re.idence
oi Mr l'.o .."B. c:i li;:' rimer of I'alU Sileet,
opnjoitc the ?. K. K. V'.iit.'.Oiife.
.i une
j ,
J AVINCJ ptirciiased the Tin and ?heot Iron
AjL Stoic, locitei on Ihidjre rtteet, MilMin -
town, 1 would respectfully inform the public
: 1 ",nl o keep cvuatautty ou band
i general asionuent of
i i V Vh i& ri iJ-Vri ) I V V icJ
! 1 Japan ware, the largest ami l.f-?t in j
no eiiiiitijr, ni.il n 10 iuaii.jr auu 'ii ttuiaii- j
ship cannot be surpassed. j
Job and Sheeting work, will bo promptly-nt-j
' S Ce
lemlel to either iu to.rn or country. ! 1
Copper iml l".ii.-.t.iv!e(i Fieneh Vreservii.- Ket- E-1il TIIS r. rsritscn tn
tits, liinners. iirass. Copper. t'i-itcU Tinnen. f 1 STftlti:. Ti.e UToier? , iu-ii have oppn,
l-ti.-iiuelied Hollow Ware, WaiHe Irons l onl i X cd s A'ew Store in the (AU Fellows' Hail,
Shovels, Fruit Cuns, boih eononnti a:ul I'litent. . 1! ridge s r"tt, w'aei e tin y m! k j ii pare I to lur-
anl of various measure.', always on hum! and; uifU pubiie with f I 1 1 . 1 tiie.:p jroo.N,
torsiile j ."!iist:iii: in p u t of Biaek Silk and i'-omba-
l'ersons in want of anything in thp aboTe : nines, l.t.iek Wool De Lat::e v mid 1 hie,
I ue nre requestel to give n.u a call l.ef-ii-e I French Alpacus. .Snow Hate .Mohair, Ju -.e
porch.uing elsewhere, as 1 feels confidi-M j M'ire. F.riuy U ool 1,'e Laina na 1 f:ii:.-v Snow
that lean suit liiem cither as regauls the; H-Weiu u!l cj'.ois, l'liuted Cai.ibi.'vj mid
article or Ihe ric3. Loi.-us.
fixi""iJ copper. l'.r.is and Tewter bought i i'' nob Silk Pltild Poplin and I'i nliiwtts.
ti'l the hifihes: price paid in cash or .j.io t, ' " Su it ed i'i iili l'c i..-!ii: Cmje.
June 27, "OS. N. L. LIT I'LL Fir. Lit. I " 'ij;tiro 1 and l;.i lcrcai...
- ! V ieitie an i Fottbird's Clt.vlie
" 1 IFFLIN COACH !i WAGtX M VNl'F.VO- i While (. Is su h n Ir-i-U l.-nn. Sw:
i i lory. We the undersigned b.-f li-:ive to , Cambrics. Jacouetts, Biilii v,i:lro .kj .m i
inform our custom?! and friends in this and ' Criu..!inc.
adjuiuing eoiinties. that we have rnhi'-ffed utir j il'aeU Thibet nnd l:, Llin 6ha U.
jln.p, mid by the ud.lilion f Steam I'ovt. ' French i'l iid I i . 1 1 ,t
me prepared to dj work at tho shortest posi-1 Avi-rk-m ( an,j Cssstin r.
ble nonce. Mi. l ib-sex i. La lie-l" f,:-,-,,! t iri. t v.
Vie are constantly manufacturing sn-4 m:i!;e ; Vihite an i e.ilore.l Fir-nt-e',
to order. rery description of Co .cites. Car- j C.itlon-.des. I 'h- eks, Shantbrirs k Ti. !. iri"
riaires, lluircjie?, Suitius, Wagons, ,Vc. niso ; locachc.. uiid iii-oiva S!:,-iiit.r!s li '
F'ami'.y and Voik culler sleighs. We aro llo j AOTi(..1
priynrcd to manufacture Koad Wagotu 1V.hu j Cove". Ilosery. Collar--, Triii.mings. r.ib
otie to four iiorse. b;ui, with h eroat. V tii,.fy of the l.e.-r :vi--s
Having ben working at the ba-in" 'or a I the above ii:i... Ff.,..-t'-. with n-'a. c 'it
I nuu.brr of 3'ears ourslves. nWd etupio-ioj
j none but the best of workman. W .!lr
oiitsi lves that our work cann..t be hi. p:c I
j for neatness and durability ; iu 1 1. is- or ad -
jotning counties.
We always keep on hard from twen'y t.i
thiity fief, of best seoond lit-i.v.ih, .l-.-rsev
Hickory Spokes, in order to make .Itu-aMe
wheels And will warrant our woi k tor any
reasonable time.
Sleighs and Bougies re-pain!e l vi'h n"it
ness slid dispatch. All ether repairing hav
or lift'al w ill reeeiv? striet iitie.otoo. ('.no.
cimsini: .-isvwher-. I
tl't toriji-t tt-e naine.
Ht.lFFLKl lN'lKlt ,!v Ci;l.-.Vi:!..,
Corner of tho I'ike C'd ir Spring ro i.
June -7-tf.
7-UM AT l'KIVATK SALK. Th nnder
s:i;ti."t oilers at private sale bis f:.rtn sit
uated iu I'el.iware towitshi-.. .luni.ita C"iintv.
I'a.. about three miles easi of Th-itnpsotif mvn.
cout:tinihg lico tiere-.. aboin i;;i..! j,,-. es ot v. hieji
are tlearid and in a good soite ot cul: ivai i..n
the remainder tell te' with c-iioic i:i-ib, i.
having t l.cre. oi erected a larsre Stone .M.ii;-n.n.
Tentinl House, larire Bank Haiti, and o'!;i-r
nee: ssaiy uut-liiiiUlii.gs, with a never f.i.liny
spring of water cotiveiiient to the L-a.ise.
The iai.d is reli waiered. 'it -. nb.ive laa.i
ivil! bo suld in whole or in parcels to suit pur
chasers. Tersons desiring to purciia se. the
j ropei'ty can do so by r. illia on
Jou.N r.'xiiu.Mrso.v.
April " j. lSri.tl-lf.
i?ALU.i!LH .VILL rilOl lillTV AT
V VA'IK SAL!. Tiie nude. -i'i..' olie:.
"t. rriv-ite sale his Mill 1'ropei-t;,-. sttia"el in
Me; 'i. vviile, T-ser ri;r:i tov;-.i.-!:;j.. .ii;..i-tt-i
county. Tlie Mil! is a l.'rge I i-'. ::-e LLiidiu.;.
roitfiili two sella i.f liui rs. vvi' !i tJ;i!tp, Lle
virors, S:c , necessary far doiair n I-ive
I'.aiTnev or Me-ehaiit blls.Ui'SS. jo e.iiiure-
ti,m ;.h the Mill wiii be sai l a eo'i 1 .v,d!-
'. ''""se a,,a 'abie with nil necessary
modern impnuemeuti. litnts e.i.-v.
ivrsous wisl.intr to Fee tie
perty will :
r id at the res
euoe of l.'ie subscriber
Vei'vo-JYillc, Jaiuaia eouiii
June il ;1.
Kj build
LLTTINC.. A lettin; for the
J bui din? el a III uric 1 res ! v.-tenali t hurrli
,, E..SI vMt'irt'...-.l, Jun'-ita .ounty. will ta.
i laee. JULY 1 iih, at VI o'eloeii .f., i f said
da.e. I'l-oposals received from ihe preset
" " duto Sieei!:eati"tts ti r sr.id
building cat. U see;, at .i.e ......wi.. places:
Krsister's ohiee. Mitliintown. Same.,1 B-.n-U s
store, rei i vsviile, A. J r urcusoti s, hast
Waierford. All pmpossls must he sealed
I d.rccted to A. J. r'urnsen, Last Water-t
f r
A. J FrP.'lt'SON,
1. S. CdYLl,
June 20-td.
TOBACCO STOKE. Just received
l at Barnes' Cigar and Tobacco Siore, a
nesu supp.y oi pure u.-iiijiusaaa looaeeos.
Hest Xavy fcl.H') per lb
2nd iii'c. ' '
Srd " ' 'c- " "
Cases Cold Lar l.-IJ " "
Oranoke l.W " "
The best brands Fine Cut ! ioe and in foil,
and all kinds of Bridal Tobacco at l.-iluc-
s.l prw
Tho lovers of good chewing und
etuokin ' tobacuo are re-pecii'u'.iy invited to ;
call and e.amic
stock. j
d-tf. A. T r.AI'.NES. I
1IP.A MILLS. Thn undiTsi. tie 1 !
O leave to inform his liiends and the pubhc j
lil:lt lie lo sua in lunar ui l on uoo e ii;,m i ;
fispuhir mill, wuere he is prepared to n-iconi
inioiaie the citizens ef Miliiin. I'lttiersati and
vi. - imtv. with thn Choicest l.rm.ds rf Flour. I
A snnoivof l:ran. Cboo-SiulV. itnd Feed '.
of all kinds constanily on hand. As he rims i
n mill wap-on evoty Tuesday and f'riitay to
MirTlin and Patterson, custoiners can b.i ; uuc-1
tii.i'.ly supplied at their doors. Fy strict tit-
tentiot, to business he hopes to receive i lih-i
cral tlitire of public patronatre Terms Cash
Or T;!'.
'rpirK S,idarJ lii-tn-
3 tin ' " j v- . ; .1 VI t .1 I I i it ,j ;1 , jii
i Til? '-'i.li'JST Vlll'ri l!i i'llr iV.lP I I'lv. ...
r .-t i
, .lliv u.j,r,.--:K,i b army ctScurs and the ...-ew
, lbe- .xmhor says :
! s in iM-4 volnma to recrj whst th
An"i' d"1 ' cui:.p,.igs
two scon: haliles-
-I shall hate to cekbratn the -l-.erTing
lovniiy of tl.is urn.y. tli-! .0:1 tiu.o wluu taS
Wml t military cnues.-n ftiled. u-i.l it. i:n-
of ror,,,,,, to . d...v f i; i.ro,l.
,l 8u! '",! " 1
ercu rxpeiii'nec, ill a taic mur r.:Hi":e iuf u-r.:.t
mia!,l,.;iti..yi riflt )in,,
l.iit l" oi t;il to last u wi. iii'i.c-ir I Ml. an; i
. ., , .... , '
huttv " "' .vr a"- tl'r",ic1'
h 'l'r, iho Army .t t:.e T.r,, ,.,
1 .,B ,.r M,. u''-.,ut S -J
II . 111 i
i . .-. ,, . , ?
: ,, ' -.,. ..r.- w... r, no o:..er :.--
I ,I,!,rl, ;hs ar,uf ot.lh l'' i vV ; f. r it
I W''U'T.TVV " 7r f the lt
I , , Illi'r' 'l
I MPIll'H f. ll..l.,i.,o !' m, . ....I c .
r -' .-v.j... -... ,ii. i-,i i.uri- iii-ii
J """ ' '" " '' ..a.e..e-..i, ki
ou.nm-siui iiiiUv'ilJ eii..''....?::-. e: -l i:::!. I'i -.t,
in tue great armitrH cf U:su.iy t'.e l,n,i.ta.ii!!vr
was cv-.Tythiii. This rim.l r.i'..si!ir.i.;:s h-.-t
no Mpftieiti.-i i'or the A nay i.r ilie l'..to.no.
im olio must iioiik seen. t it never h i'! i
irrivit mi 1 irni.n,..:!.. !...,! , . .1: . . .
- r " '. . ti 'iit-iiiii-i e eniHl'iaiM-
j V'S it was that it, n:iglit l.cni.). that nherev-
. ii won it owed not to i.eiiics, hut botn-Ll
) with its l.lueii." "
i Tais is the only ICtorr of tVe -r- m.J
i Army," and no one rbo I.ert. a p-irt ia
jits c-.r..i;.:ts, or is iuirre.-e.l in its '-ai'l
! aehi.-t.emei.ts, slmuld be ni.h.iut it. e
Tins work presents a ran: chauco to luaka
Ap.r.ls wanted. Pen ! f.-r circil-irs r.nd soo
our icruis. A !. Ii "-.;,
.N.VTiuNAi, runLii'vr; r;v.
oD7 Mine: tA., riii!nd.j.b!'i. I'a.
June 2 i, Im
'- lU'i mil r.-ifi f.'n.maa l i.-.-.s in r.':it
; variety ; black, col'.r. far, w.mf and straw
.'.Is. li-iviu? purc!i:i. i' ti.i above of lim
i ntanufacturers wc are prepared to sell chcap-
i ej man ary n:i ei t-.o:-e m ue coiiniy.
' t'ne ol ii.p f:!-i fn-i.;.:! nf i;;; C'o.'n
r: I in pre .1 v.iriV.-. a f'I Ceiirwnra
' ; !owei prices. Cu.-i ea-li luivrrs woitld t.
; well to examine nr sloci: hef-ra r. irelo.sour
j elseher;
TIt.TiN x Est'K.NSCU.VUi:.
! June I.!. IS I
-i::rr, hall i;.)r;a.. The
1 y.jr'io.' w "ii 1 ri-srectt:i!'-;r:f
lir;o: r-
'tra his
: fi tends u: i tb pebiic generally th at he h n
j tak'-'i -i arge of the :;l-..ve n itn,. l llot. l, f,r.
! m?'!.v k.-pt by A. B. Ha! l.-iinn, situated i:i
I F-.y.-tt" i.iwi:!iip. Juiiii'i c-utn'y. i' i., nbnut
f-ior ii iles east of McAiist-isville. wh-r4 ha
j wid i- prei ired to are,....!:!. .date ail v. h i tony
favor h::ti With tlteis p u: v:i:i::e. His B.i K
wiil be 'in! led villi hp best ijnality ;f
li'l'frs. Iu TA i:.K sr.r-a ! wi.J, the be-: Iho
n:.nket can afford, and his STABLE citcnde'l
by lrn.-ty hosiier.--.
mar s
ri '.
Vi.-tTt! A To".S n-ill-- K. 1j
SX Jieri by pin a that icttn-s of Adini'iitr-.-tiotl
o"i ihe stale of tie.'f..... V,'ei.iiu:iit. dec
late ef Fayette l"n: irp. Juniaia county. I'.-..
Lav.- b.-en gi-.-int..J t.. t'i3 ii:..(....i;n-.l rt..:d
it.g in W.'.!ier .!W!!-b:p. A.I p.-raom kti" -'titi:
ti.i:ii;-.'!es iieK-i.iir 1 lo said .s'.e.te vriil
j i.ril.e ii!iiue-li:.te pa men:, and those having
I eiiiima wi'.l pef seiit theai d'y authenticate 1
' iuV settlement.
ll:;jam!N wi::diax. .-lov,-.
Ji.r.e J.i-f:.
MiW t -. . i ; n FAtTCHY The .in.Ier.i-u-i't
c ! i-i'.;e It-is r.-eib ! "!' ii.foi edr; the cit-it-'Rs
t f .ii.i.i'iia eii:it;.-. th it ta"r ii.i.-e cj.eri
fl iti a Mi'.V CttH'ii i'Ai il.'ilV. on .Vain
S.reet, Aliili.ui 'v. n, r,a;idaio prepared to
inaitut'autiiie all kinds of Carr'a-es. Sulkies,
Wagons. ,e., and ta do ri paii injr of tii!? same,
V.'e bav enitiioviMi ihe Le-t worhn,, n and
paiuteis tu du our voik.
1 lease give us
June li ISoo.
1Y1L50N' ; CO.
rttMrNi:s.-5, r.
If irn.te.1 with
& C.YiABI'H,
the ni mast
fr.eee.-s, by .i.
is-AAt'-t 1)
it::-.i:si .:na .lut-t.-i. iiur.,.etiy
oi l.. .Jeii, liolintiu.) No. Si'J I'lMi Stit';l,
Til It..vL' A. Ti s: luonials, l;'e"i t!:e m
relh.l.it: sources in tho City and Couuny t.m
be s-en al his ..r.i'.. The m.'.!icl fatuity
eieinvit-d to aecorepany their pa:iciits. ft
he has no secrets in his practice. AllTI-
I' ii I A l. L' Y Ii inserted without ris
eh-ire fer esantinaiion.
in ir "Jl-ly.J
: xiaL ittif opened a Marble Vard on Ilri lge
street, Miliiintowtt, I would respectfully nn
; roue. e to the public that I am prepaied to
furnish Head S.i.tits Monuments. Tombs, Ta
ble T.fs. .Mantles, of chaste aud beauii
ul desions, ot li e lowest f sit.!e rates, and
in a workman-like manner that ernnot be sur-pi-sel
in the interior of Tcnt-.svlvania. Call
and examine specimens.
may lsO'i-ii.J S. II. CAYF.N'Y.
J-J SUV of '
Graduate ot the Ci..ver-
w Yiok, offers his I'rof.-ssion.'.l
services to Ihe citizens of 1 crryvilie and sur-
rounding .coutiiry. lias 1. ad over hvc years
expetieuce in civiland military practice.
hee at his reJ: .ince. a lew uoors above tho
Liiihei-ati Ci.ur. ii. Ko.Vrences :
I r. S. 1'.. Crawford. .VcCoytuvn.
Dr. if. M. Crawford, Mitiiititown.
L'r. V. L. Creenleal',
.a 111 a, i. i.u .in.
The unuersifiiird residius in
- icriiiaiiahtowns.il
tai.es this Lieiho I o
lolaruiine: certr.tn pers ins. known r.y litirt
" hercafttr if found Iresps'sititr -n bis
rr perty, cufing fmber !;-j
'ur7 w II be dea t witii nenn-ii- to law. A!
1' 1S'"-' Rre pvob'liiicl bunting en n on hi
1 '!' a: ' 1'1'"'e !obe ii.g lh; notice w:d b
iealt win in a suran.ttr;- m-.tno-r.
June U-.-f't. SA".ri"L
the ititmeuse l m.
; sr;.n.,;r.N ;;.vi : i .,i.:m.