Juniata sentinel. (Mifflintown, Pa.) 1846-1873, July 11, 1866, Image 1

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    1 1 E! n
i. 1 ft, fel fe
1. e-.., CI., A
IE. Cf. Wir.SO'Y,
VdLUAiE AX, Nl 11.
Vna Jckiat Ssstinel is pubiishe-l ever;
Wednesday morning, cn Main street, by
H. K. Vl'-SCrt.
IhtMUMliliMUI.i rKlCh or Hie pap"
trill b Til 1UI.LA!.S p-r year m advance,
and S J.oO if nut puiO. witliu the first three
No I'iVT ui?flon.iin:e.l in. til a!! ar-
reitr-. ires are paid except at the option 0! the
i:i;oV-. -
-The rates of AUVKUTIS-
1 .i'.i 1fl f i.r nn i . .. .1 i i- (if hciit ti t.ow nr leu
nie i i. sen ion, 7.j ceuls tlin e. i-l to : ric! eta
r na!,..t,..at in-vii.wi. A.linini-ir.1-
r. iixeoutui-'x r.il Ati liior's Nr,iiros. .Si. ,10.
l'ru:e?-ai'ia;i at.I ltuv.;i'.';i Car-.Ii, ntt
Iii 2j li'ies, hti'i isiclii liii c:jh of j'-tjM-r.
i 3.01) rer vc:ir. Mfrrluuits :uivi-rr!-i:M?
.-li incabU. (.twriei-J.v.i f !" p-r year, im-liul-
lno p:'lcr a! ti'tir Store. Iotii-c in rca'litic
eohtntt:. ten o.iiV pfr line.
J-.)H Wops. The pier? rf Jdi? WOKK.
1 .hi.-, ii, .-. ) ; o:,'-: . .no : nii'i jiioitimi-1
tl t!i'!i::i.'i-3, L:ih' ;.: i
i. ri"'!-
."or JU.-iukd
MifT!:.ntoT!i, .Tun:a':i
n Mi-. in strict Soutii
of r.i.'.i-:
p ir et.
i-:. c. stkv ht,
lio. tolieci'-'iiS r.-i't (ill cUur bu-.nes wili
reor-ire prr.ij : atr.juioJi. ('.!) t; tijt don.p
lJv: fiioi' nciiot'J Store, (rinviiiii ..)
XT t r t t t itr i;nv
Attorney at Lcnv,
: 1
Vi'.l titcti 1 10 till bii?u?sa entric-1 to l:is
are. Oitite on Muin tr:?-i, Mi;;iin:o?n, l'a.
lOl Ji . . I O;
4lrtVllfAV 'i !
i I V' I Ml!' iii ( t t t V f '
iFFEUS Li-i ; 1 ote-sional teiviees lo the
put'lic. liv:l;;;t iitietitl.oi le:i to toe
rosiciii ii-n of c'.iiiiis aiuint tlie IJoveriiuieut.
1 ' ri' i.i 1- r !
j.ir tin vn-c sa i muni mu
J6ri-if.'-i S.rji-t
Sept. o, jSr'5.
zizu.i:i'ixwx, .rcxiAr.i a.,r..
OiTice in the (bid Fellows' Hall, Bridge street.
tjLLKCilOXS, A Mi AIL O Till-II Ill's-
iuess c iuui::ei w;:h
U9 vir.t--Mon
Oct.' , t").
Jiroa'pliy ettiti l.-J to.
X-) l'a., wuhn to :ti!"r:n his frietul hiA pa
ti oc ihit he hsa rer.nive l to the iioue on
Strcvt ejti-0iit Tu id i Jordan's Store.
1 i'j
Tiis un lereipac-1 plfet his fervice to the
Tobiic n Veio:.: Crver fttfi .Au'-rioneer. lie
1. as bud a Tcrv Urgt exp.rrif nee, an 1 feels !
ontKient that he can give satisl'icti-m tc ail 1
Whf mv eioolov Ima. lif tnev be a-lei-eed i
.1 MiiHmio. .'.r fount! at l.i 'b ? in I'.-r- i
u:arinh ;tv tit";., Oidvis in:;-.- aUo le Kit
; Mr. WM'i liou-l.
Jan. Jo, lo''J.
A & 3 Y J & 3' 13
X, LMT.CiTL LEV oilers Lis t .-.tiers to .tie
L public c.l Ju..iata coiiutv. Hv:njr had a
larye rxperier.re in the b'tsine-s of Vendue
Crvin;r, be f?eis e-;ui; i thi.: he e::n r'.'ti-ier
euersl s:;Tis;HeiiLii. lie e :n :.: all iit.ies be
auMilie.l r.t his rtsideuce iii 311iil:oiown, l'a.
Aug. 10,
under.'ijitied will pronipily nt'end to
0.. .1. 0. . .. ,
X v. 1tf.-..r.tv l.Ttra I'n v. mi'l :. 1 1 o tier ebuins I
(, ..w., ... . ; ... Q p. -.. 1
Hi i-ing oul oi tiio prcseiai or any oiuer war.
r.rf.intcwn. .7iiT-.ir.ta Co., l'a
. - . -
IeUJ i
i cnsioiis : i caMviisi
ll rr.nsoNs who have r.rrx tis
XI A I! LE L'CiilN'G rillil
oti who intend applyins for n I'ensi.-n must
tr.it ou the Kxsiniuttis f'urgcon tokr.ow weih-
- r' -.ir Il:-:.l.:li v is H...ftie i.-ot lo entitle them
i-. r...:nn a'u di il.le-1 t'oldi-rs will ca'l 1
cn ihe undrrsipneii who br.s b?n appnin ted i
i'eu-iou E.va i.iii.lag burgeon for J uuiata and i
ijoia.n Counties. j
P. C. RCNIMO, M. P..
l'a.lerson, l'a.
Ve; 9, ll.-tf.
r.tfe.sv'i. ciis).
Bft. S. O. K.EMi'FER. (lute array sur
geon ) having located in l'attersoii le:d
trs Lis proi'e?iiin.tl sei vices t-j the coi.ens el'
ill is piaee and surrottndiitg country.
iir. X. having hid fi;:ht years erperier.ee
iu hospital, general, and araiy prael.ee, feels
prepared to ri-iiue-t a trial fi oiu those who
aijv be 0 uuioriunate us to need uiedicai at -
Ue wi'.; be ionnd at the b
building op- '
posue the "Hemisel Ot riCE," or at his resi
4i;ce iu the borough of Patterson, at all
lioui-s, except when professionally engaged.
July 2, 16 -j.-tf.
LAKtiE stock of Ciucenswsra. Ccl irware
J; fitch as Tubs, limter Howls, Itunkets
Ckitrnc Caslft. ltire PncVet. j.c-. at
:rrtiiT.-i TT" i ",iniij((rtrT"
tt.fttEY a PEflWEL'S.
rj he uutturignt i lias just received a lare
Hack of lirv Uood and Groceries at then-
e!lirc 0d Kail P.ond Street, in Patieison. which
, they are opening to public, at tho following
, iJW j,nci-s :
i Bt !! al
Bitnwss Sheetings. 1
..2ii IWet (Jualiiy -J8 I
.. 1 Ti! "ceonl ij,i i
" j- Third -JO I
1 Film ill 18 !
p,(,:Kil:li I") !
j IkLaine.
r.io (all wdj.
.' f !l-'1"'tf'J
. ..Oo
Sixth .
..1J i
limey ami pluiii lan.m;ls.
lro-ii Jotooo Scarlet. M0to''0
Ot V.lt .M.
j lute b t 1 !
l'lit'l S iioT.'i i
Sliirtmi: 4-"to7- 1
J !'c"t tjunlity..
i bi'onu
HILtTlM. I Utl K. .. .
,. , - lOOTS i MlOES.
IifSt tt:Ul.ttV o.,f v ... ..-
inito. u
CiiiUlrons ...-ItitoSI i-i
Jlbick ainl ot her
jema lio its t :i on 7 oil
Colors .j 'tol Go
Si liotol! -
Skii-.ts. ISyritps (Wctol 4 )
niltnotaUJ 7.toJ 5Miigar hn.isc 0
H-'-'p o'-1 "'"iSiigarn, brown. l-ioli
licking 25, :i.".ioiUj !,,!(. Ititv'Jti
1'..m Su-rr. fureen C.uVce nti
.leans iiotn iti'i: I 1 ruit-. 1 it-st
7t'lo.?t "S .l..g ...i-l H.ioJM H
5iiueres...t-l iOt, l;rCakfasl L-awls
rt.Atis. 'IVnin $JtOo
All wool lot 08 1 Vioolen HooJs7oiJ O't j
I'ltui l'aslin!r...:i7to.jii 1 s and Caps al aii
lii.t'Acn t'.ti Mi:aLtv. prici-s.
I'.est (Jtmlity Ti' Notions A full as-
,oc-oij sorttnent of l.avlios' &
i'uirl... J.f Gettts" tiioves. Hist
I otirth 2-i'ii-ry, Sc. at all prices.
l ilili I "J , 1 o mil purchasers.
Also, a fiiil asorimetit. of (Jnooiisware
ilar.lwuiv. Tinware. liroot'.'S. I'-riisiHS, llaslc.
eie. UuL-Uets, Tul-s. Tobacco, Segars. &c ic.
u-ita'ty ke; I in a country More I'lf ..-baser
oil! tlo Weil by eiiliin; ni;l cxanietlini; our
jtot k, bet-ire purchasing t l-en here, as our
mot in is to (sell eijeap tor CAiii or Country
Arr. 3 itl-l7. l'atierson, l'a.
irhlladi liihlii Eric
' I iittf Great Line traverses tlir Xortlitfiii ami
oriii-st bounties of Pennsylvania 10
the city of line. o;i bake iiiie.
It Las been least ii and is operated by the
Kric Mail Train
.53 a. M
l.rie Kxne-s Trniu l.jj a. m.
Llntiia Lxpie-s Train 1,1c, v. a.
Kiie Mail Train '.."? a. m.
I.i ie Express i'rair. ;,..ri i-. m.
l-pnira Express Train j v. M.
!'as:-'''!ijier cars rit 1 through on liie Ijrir
Mail and E:pre-s Trains wiihoai cion.e bulb
w,lb be'wcen I'lnia lelplna an.t Erie.
NEiY VoilK CilXNi.CIKlX.
Leave Xew Vork nt ' tZZ A. M.. arrive at Erie
i.'- " A. M.
j Leave Erie at r, M., arrive at New Yo;k
r. h.
Elegant sleeping cars on all night train.
For intone. 1M011 ropeHiiii; passenger bu.-i-ncss
apply at 1 he corner of iloth aud Market
streets, Philadelphia.
Atid for freight business of the Cotnpany's
s- '' K,nPsU,n' Jr-' "'"er of ldth and
l ,l k('1 sue. ..ila.Jtiphia.
J. W. Key Holds, Krie.
11 ni lirowa, .-eiit, t.. n. 1; , i.an miore.
il. II. HuLSTilX.
General Freight Agent, Phil ide'.i-hia.
II. W. U WINN,. 'll.
General Ticket Agent, 1'iiiladelpliia.
A. E. TV I.E.!,
General Siipo; ititeudent, Wiiliaaisport.
Te'o I if 'OtJ-ti'.
SiSiTLtf, PS;CP.SV!Llgi!li3 CCACsKD.
I.eaves Ptrrysviiie Mon.isy. Wednesday r.nl
Friday at ti o'clock, a. ui., and arrives at Con- i
, ., . ., .,. , ' I
cor.l at o clocii, p. ll.
Leaves loncoid Tuesday, Thursday and ;
.Atutu:ty at o o clock, a.m., and arrives at
1 .1 1 m 111c in o o cio.:k, 11. m., lu lime 101
the Uaiiis iroing l-Ust aud West.
. tr... .
Slu-ts will leave Milihu Staiionas follows.
I Leaves MitK-.n Station on Saturday, at ' a.
ei. and returns on Morday: leaves Tuesday nt
'tin. in. and tcturna on 'i eduusday : leaves
inui-.-.iav al b n. in.
. -1 ... ,
I ciages win leave Allium Mnuon lor Acuie-
win, liaily in Ihe evening, and return in the
u.ui nioe hi i::in- i.o me i.asi .-i.e. n e."o i . iiios.
I llaSaK and packages of all kinds are lak-
cn i:i etargc an. I pro.uptiy Ueiivcre.l at mo.t- j
eraie c lartes. 1 he slaires ou tlie a .ve rou-
its are iu (iOOD OIUiEK "lid under the
charge of compc'i nt and experienced drivers. !
1 lie proprietor hopes, by sinei a:ia person-
attent ion 1 o liusincss to merit a fair share
r public piuron .jre.
X!.-l UilL 2. SALPrcp
lan- ! '. "--
e:.sT.EiLi-.Et: vEtnts.
do. 233 1IJ218. F0Har.i Sf HoiiX,
A. Usui V l.iS.
Veb 21. 18(;i;-iy.J p- -k i kth.
VJ'.olKll. ''-M- Ai.ENCi. u.u-j
p-rieh. banc.ister, Wisconsin, wiil buy I
aud sell KE AL K.-TATE, and pay. Taxes lor
nonresi'iciits, 10 tuose uesirmg to lociie iu the
W est, e m obtaiu cheap Homes and good w-
J" power in prosperous loeaii'ies by consult.
ing linn relerenco givciif required.
inar. j-iy.
0 tol Kuilding,
nsuisnvRG, pa.
t5U.Tcrois moderate as any ITotel in the
VOL CTHOMrSOS, rroprietur.
'rltiT octrn ' '!rcptt,.?'ia iir. wift "bat u the'Viwi
There is beauty in the forept,
Where the trees are jcrein and faifjl
There is beauty in the meadow.
t here the flowers scent the air ;
There is beauty in the sunlight.
Anil the Soft bluo beam Hbore ;
Oh ! the rcorld is full of beauty
V bin the heart is full of loe I A ft
There is beauty in the tountain, ,
liingine piily at the play, "
While rainbow hues art glittering '
On its :i'.very. shinin; tpray.
There is beamy in the streamlet, "
Murmuring softly through the groT;
Oh! the world is full of beauty
When the heart is full of loe !
There is beauty in the moonlight,
When it sle-ps upon the eel.
While the blue, foam-crested billows
llaiice and frolic joyously !
There is beauty in the lighiuiitg glean;
That o'er the black waves rove;
Oh ! the world is full of beamy
When the hea.-t is full of lore !
There is beauty in the brightness
r-L'auiiiig fiom a lovinjr eye,
la the w.irin blush of atl'etioa.
In the tear of sympathy ;
In tlie sweet, low voice whose accents
Ihe spirit's gU.luess prove ;
Oh ! the world is lull of beauty
When the liui-t is full of love !
A lew years siuee, ou a radient pprini'
afternoon, two men, who Ir in their cn
versatioo, appeared lo be foreigners, stop
ped before the gme ol one of the large
woikshnps iu rhiii..Jel.hia for the tu.u
faetuie of loeoiiiotive engines. Kuieriui.
a small office, the eider of the two men
inquire 1 ot the superintendent ia attend
........ if Iia n'l.nl.l in riiiit l.im In in.f....
1 1 LI . L I . .IV . . . L ' . ...... ,w .U-'V
' the works ,
en pas in and look about if v-u
nli.af. " Sltl l!l0 S'l Iii'l'l ti TO oil., n t n.vr t
app.iie'ntly at heinir interrupted iu the pe
nisul of his uewspsper. lie seitined e
two strangers tu ire eioe'y. They were
icspeetably hut plain. y eij.J, and evident
ly uia-ie no pteieuitons to tpjoi! dignity
ol any kind. 9
"la there any one who cm show us over
ihe estaiilishuieu: an J exjdaiu ma'teis to
us '!" a-ked Mr. H'o.f, the tlucr of the
two stiun-erj.
"Vou uiti-.t pick your own way, gentle
mcu," replied the :;uperiutetuie!it, "we
are too bu-y Jo attend every pirty that
clues along. I'll thank yutt Dot to in
ieiiupt the wotkuiuu by a.-ktig oucs
tious." It was not so much the matter as the
uiaoaet of the reply, that was oilinsive tu j
Air. Wolf and ins companion, it was
"poketi with a ctitniu olli.-ial assiiiiiption
of superiority, mingled with contempt fjr
I the visitors, inciieating a haughty atidsel
fish temper ou l!..; part of the i-peaker.
"I tli.uk wc will not trouble you." saw
.Mr. Wolt, Lowing, aud taking liij com
pauiou't. arm, they pasi-ed nut.
'Jf there is atsvthiM I di-d.kp.it is in-
civility, " said Mr, ulf, when ticy were
., , A . ..t 1 . . . l i i
iti the slteet. "IdiU.it blame the man
for uot w irhiug to show US over his csfa'o-
lisbment ; he is no doubt tiuui'jed aud in
terrupted by tn:tuy heedicss vsitois, but
he uiigift have seut us away letter con
tent with a gracious rel u.-ai, tlau with an
ungtaeious consent. "
"IVrhaps," said the other stranger, "we
shall have better luck here" and tney
, , . , i . .
sro!'I,tJ before auother WOl kdiop oKsim-
ilar kind. 1 licy were received by a brisk
i:,,i ,,, i .,,i i..,i, .,. ,,!,.
ll.llU 1IK. II, li.V lien-, tli.ia j' . i ..J , M UO
in icp'y t'i their rrtinests to htsbown ovct
.... e.,auli .,. answered :
"O yes ! come with me, gentlemen.
This way." So saying he hurried tbem
along the are:i strewn with iron, brass,
broken and rusty heels of iron, fragments
cf oi l boilers aud cylinders, into the prin
cipal workshop.
Here, without stopping to explain any
oue thing, i.e. led the strangers along,
with bis evident intention of iremng rid
7 .
"I them as eoon as possible. Oil tncy
passed wiiere the workmen were rivitin
tho external casing of a boiler, the clerk
looked at bis watch, tapped his f)Ot against
an iron tube, and showed other signs of
impatience, whereupon Mr. Wolf remark
ed :
"Wo will not detain you any longer,
sir," and witb bis friend took leave.
'Tbi Mas is an iaiprovcmant on tbe
1 1
; 9 f
ity he lias is on the surl'uce ; it des uot
couio f'rotu 1L0 heart. We csuat louii
The bti'.mgera walked cn for nearly a
half uiile ia iler:ce, wheo one of tliem
muted to an huinbie t'u. witli a pictuic
o'iotnotive ettgiue with a train ol
uderoeath. It over tonoed a ttrull
'tl' not. i;niri lh.,n trnr J-i
J' v,,, cottiuiuuicatiii'; witb a vartl aud
wot k'stiop.
''tit.k," sjiJ iLe ol'fcrver, liere 13 a
niurhiuLsr whose name is not on our list,
l'rubabijr i' was thought too .iuail a c
coin lor our purpose," batJ bis Coujpau-
''.Nevertheless kt us try," Suid Mr
They entered, and found at 'lie desk a
tmddie ayed man, whose tiomewhat vritnj
itspect aud aprou aruuud Lis waist, show
ed liiat he divided his labors between tbe
woi ksiiup and Coumin 1 00111.
'"tte uat: to looli sit your torksif jou
have uo ol.j-ttioii." said .Mr. Wolf.
' It wili jjivo we jre-U pleasure toslior,
yoa aii thai is to he socu," sail the u,e
eitauie. with a pleased aJaenty. riugin;; a
bell, telling the t.oy who cuiered to take
charge id the office.
lie then l.-d the way, aud cxpluiticl to
llic Mrangcr the whole pruce-s oi c 11
siructmo; a locomotive engine. He.-hoiv-ed
thetu how the arious parts of the uia
eluuery were mattulaeiuied, ntid p:itieiiii
ausweicd ail their question.. Ue toi-.i
them of an improved u ode of tubing huii
ers, by wh.oh the power oi geucratiti
sieatu was iucreti.sed, aud thuWL-d win.
abut care he provided fut teeuusy IVuin
1 wo hours passed lapidly aw.ty. The
I "'rj' "ere delighted with the iulelii
,;euc-e riisplayjd by the meehauic, ana
with Lis lratik, attea'-ive aud ucuplek.u
"Here, is a'maa who loves bib profes
sion so well, that he t.kes pleasure in ex
plaining its mysteries to a!i who can un
derstand them," said .Mr. Wolf.
"I a-n afiaid wc luve t;ivcti yon a deal
of trouule," fcaid the other stranger.
"Indeed, gentlemen, I have enjoyed j
your visit, "said the mechanic, "and s!...it
be glad to see you again." !
"I'erhapi y n ot ty," sai-J Mr. Widf, I
and ihe slran-eis departed.
Five mouths aliei na.-J., as the tue-
ehaiiic, wLo.-e means were quite limited.
Sat iu h.s office uicditatiiig how hard i;
w is to get bustuess by the side of stu-ii
large establishments as were his competi
tors, the two .-trangers ei.teic.l. lie gave
them a heaity welcome, banded chins
and ali .sat down.
"We come." said Mr. Wolf, "with a
proposition to you from the Kinperor cl
itussia to visit St. lVteisbiirg."
"From the Kuiporor 1 Impossible !"
'Hero are your credentials."
"Hut, gentlemen," said the now agita
ted uieehau'.c, "what does this uieau '.'
How have 1 earned such an honor f"
'.Simply by your straightfoi ward cour
tesy ami frankuess, combined with r.i
lessioual intelligence," said Mr. Wolf.
"IJecause we were strangers you did not
thiuk it uccessaiy to treat us with cold
ness oi distrust. ' You saw wc were reall
interested iu acquainting ourselves with
your works, and you did uot a.-k us, be
fore extending to us your civilities, what
letters of introduction we brought. You
measured us by the spirit we showed, and :
not by the dignities we mi-ht have ex
hibited." The mechanic viiiited St. Petersburg,
and soon afterwards removed his whole
establishment there, lio had imperial
oiders for m tinny locomotive engines as
he could construct. He has lately re
turned to bis own country, aud is sliil re
ceiving large returns from bis ilu.-siau
woikshop. Aud ail his prosperity grew
out of Lis uu-eiEsii civility to two s rau
gers, one of whom was the secret Ageul
of the Czar of llussia.
Valuable R-kcui'x. House flics may
be efijc'tuaily destroyed without the use ol
poison. Take half a spoonful of black
pepper in powder, one teaspoon f el ol
brown sugar, and one teaspoouiul of cream,
mix them well together, and place them
in the room on a plate where th fiies are
troublesome, and they will soon disappear.
S&'Oao rarely repents of having kept
siletip liTit nfrcn rtf hiri.!- Br"v':o
V.'lFE ATTEMPTS rinn:Rr.f:R!irniirS-
In this city, rnmy years sr, yon could
have rcen ovr a bumble ens story tone
ment the tiiin ct a boot enu shoe. Walk
ing into the bouse you beheld . bale,
hearty German at bis bench, stitching f.r
pegging away for dear life; while bis
-ttiek, brb-k little wife busied herself
with domestic dutie, and their little
children played with scraps of batber.
and pruf'.iei soreetimes in Ger'.i:an and
sometime. in Euirlisb. Late at night and
early in the moiniug the rap of the ham
mer was heard. The father's li'e seemed
only an alternation of toi! and repose
his ouiy recreation i-ileutly drinking his
leer befoic eating, or quietly smoking
iiis pipe after mea's.
TLu smoothly time glided nn, adding
a few gray hairs to the heads of the pa
rents, aud sofily shading the locks of
their children. The war broke out.
The father was seizid with earnest desire
to serve the country of bis adoption, and
thottgh nearly fifty years of ace, he vol
unteered. Tearing himself fr.-ui the em
brace of bis wile ar;l .ir.!'.t.::.;i:g the
arms of bis children from about his nook,
lie joined his rogitnfnt and left Nashville
to return na mere until t'to c! sc of the
star, Vt'hen peace was rtstoied he bast -
encd to the city, rushes to his home
a a-, the destroyer hud teen there ! The
wife who clung to him so fondly and
wii&s3 heart beat a though it would
break at bis departure, bad learned to
tove another, and even then, in the very
hoih-t with thoe dear cbi' Iien wasliviuo
in open and notorious lewdness with Lcr
To a lawyer he related the story of
his wriins?. A Li'.l "I divorco was fi.ed
'iei'oiv the trial his wife seemed penitent,
dismissed her lover, aud promised Velor
waiion and f uture fidelity. Confiding in
her siuc; rity, lorgiving her teeausa o!
her penitence, and blessing Ler iu the
n.. Hie of their childtcn, with smites auti
tears he drew her to bis bosom and told
her how r.j iced be was that their Laj-
ptne.-s sLotud never ..uin It cistuibeJ.
The family was reunited, the wicked
destroyer cf their peace departed, iud
ihe future seemed bright before ti.em.
i he w iie had cce boarder iu the bouse
to whom t:be showed many attention,
winch eventually led her husband to be
neve that she had only exchanged lovers.
Ou a particular occasion Lo noticed Ler
observing him very closely, an i w.uKia
a short distance from toe house, ho saw
that she came out in the yard, and looked
to sec if lie was gone. Ho then weut cii i
and concealed himself. When she re
tained to the hou.-e be immediately came
back, pulled off his boots, walked solily
into the house, and, seeing no one below,
ascended the stairs, where be, unperceiv
e l, discovered the guilty pair iu bed.
Wi'.hou' the least noi::e be desejtnLd the
st'iiis, put on '.is boots, aud walked heav
ily cn tiie floor. Ilis wife ran down, ana
iiifiiiired it l.c wmtcd dinner. He re
plied that he had no de.-ne to eat, but
supposed that her fatigue would give her
in appetite. She demanded a a cxplana
lion, aud related what lie had seen. She
drew a pisttd, toid hiai be lied, and if he
uid not at ouec. retract his statement, she
would shoot him. Making no reply, he
walked out cf the 'door, and she leveling
r pistol at him. fired. The bail missed
its aim, and he left the premises. Iu
about half an hour he returned. She,
with a gun cocked, and in her baud-,
met him at the door, and told him that if
t. ... i . .1 . i. . ... i 1 : i
ui' uia not u, eu leiraci wtiac no nan saiu. ;
she wou'd instantly kill him. Witluui j
reply, be endeavored to wrest the guu
tt'unj her. A struggle ensued, the guu
was accidental discharged, and she ieii to
the floor, pierced through the breast with
the ball, and iuiuie'Jtalcly expired. An
officer hearing the report rushed to the
House, found the gun empty, Ler deii!i
and bleeding, and Kmest JJrocker, Ler
liiis'iaud alone preseut. He inquired bow
it happened, aud jiroeker, iu lirukeu Eu-
jlisu, eudeavoted to toil him. The ofli-
cer could ouiy understand that lie said he
' . - ...-v... . kl'UIIU ILL. . I VI Jdl.,'1
where be was taken sick, and lor a long
time it was mougnt ne would aie. lie
recovered, and now awaits bis trial at the i
next term of the criminal court, when,
as no one saw the killing, ho will doubt
'r. be soavi-jteiof zuraer tbu first
i depwe, the penalty of which is death.
Thns Ernest UrocW, now orcr fifty
' r ,., ; .'..;.. ,J , ,t...u
jiai.- 1 I' K I . . . 1 . 1. L. c. I ruiiUI uoum
fur the crimos of others, and those cliil.
dteu wlitim he so kindly loved sre to be
deprived of their only surviving and in
nocent parent. Wo viitcd Lira ia jail,'
and he related to the facts above: writ
ten. yashctllx Union ami American.
A teacher in oue of the primary
schools at Brotd.Gtld, Iowa, the ether day,
found cirong Lis list of juvcniir.s one
who was constantly eugaged iu sumo
mischief, and al ILe ramo time was giv
en to swearing. Having uttered an oatb,
in violition ol the teacher's ru!e., be or
dered the aforesaid juvenile to take hi
j.dace in the comer of the old rietetj
school boue, r.nd, placins a pair of olu
fashioued irou tongs in bis baud, order
ed him to watch a hole in lbs 2..cr until
be should cateb a niouso, euppobing this
would l e a great puuishment. The lit
tle urchin gazed steadily i.t the aperture,
while the teacher, with bi. face turned
Irota biui, was engaged with tba other
scholars. At last he benrd the toug3 go
Limy .' He turned bis eyes uieily upon
the youth, who, wiih a conutenauc
br iming rrith excitement. yciieJ, ' Tenci
tr, IK jA the il : little c:ss !" au.I
! true enough, be bad Mister Mouse laii
j by the bead.
T30 good to be lost.
About thirty-five years a so, there re
sided in the town cT Hebron 8 cerlain
Ir. T. who became very much enamorat
ed of a beautiful yomg l.i ly in the sauia
town. Iu due course of time they wer
engaged to he uiartied. Tbd Doctor wa
a strong and decided I'resby ter:an, aal
hi? lady luve as strong and decided a
Baptist. They were bitting together oc
evening talking of t'.ieii oppreairhiug nup
tials, when the di.e'.ur remarked :
"I am thinking, my dear, of two
events which I t.ha!l nuuibor among tb
happiest of iny life."
'And pray what may they be, doctor
'One is the hourwh?n I shall Call you
my wifo for th first time."
"And the other, it you pleri'e ?"
"Is when we siiuii prcecat our rt
horn to baptism."
f'Wbat, sprinkling?"
'Yes, my dear, sprinkling."
"Never ihail a child of mina b
Every child of taine shall Ls sjiriuklod."
"They, shall be, hey V
"Yes, my love."
"Weil, sir, 1 can tell yen, tr.ca, that
your babies won't be my bubiej. So
good night, sir."
The lady lett the room, and the doctor
left the house. The sequel to this trrta
story was that the doctor never married,
and the lady is an old maid
The following anecdote of I're-ilent
Lincoln is told iu a letter from l'atiama,
j which appears in the A'lth': unnm. Tha
writer is referring to the war between
Chili and Fpe.in. I asked tha Chilian
Admiral (who is an Eti-lishnrjn, and came
out witb me) why the Chilians did not
get the greatest of American Republics
to help tbern. He thought it was no uss
trying, because a couple years ego he was
pot to Wasbiu'-ton to L-et the t-ermission
j , CriV.rn,np.,. 'rr tLc rulcha,e and ex
port of two vessels, at that time contra
band cf war. President Lincoln received
him with bis usual affability ; aud vvh'iio
Seward was reading the Chilian State pa
. . i t : i.. i . a .i,..;r..l T
rt-r, A&raiiaji aiul-oiu cm . -
must teil veu a httle story.
V. hen a
young man I was very anxious to read a
hook which b.-tenged to a neighbor tf
mine. "Neighbor," I asked, "could yoa
lend me ibis book V "Certainly," he ra-
plied, "you can cotuo bere and read it
I hur As the book wa
i rather a bulky cne, I thought this W3
! . d J ay 0f lending it to me ;
raliier aa odd way
but I let that pass. A short time after
wards bo came to me. "Lincoln," said
l, i'Mn vou lend me your bcliows 1"
LCerfalDp I replied, "bere they are.
j yoa can con.c here and blow away as much
as you like." And this is exactly we
case now. Admiral ; you can eo.ie bere
and blow away as much as you like, but
we cannot let you take tbo bij.s away.
r3f Cententraaat tappices.