Juniata sentinel. (Mifflintown, Pa.) 1846-1873, June 27, 1866, Image 1

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    ' 'v ;"
tr. ci. tvixsox,
1 A
'1 nr. J cm ata Ssxtisej. is published every
Vc iues duy morning, on Main street
reel, by
K. H. VS'-3CN
T!ie srr.fcr.ii'Tu;."; of iiie vnrpr i
wi'l b TWO DULL A US j"ryear in a dvauce, ,
an I i..".0 if not :v, 1 within the year.
No pij.tr discontinued until " r- j
riri ges are jail cxoenl at the. opi'.uii of lije ,
r Jit nr.
AnvitnTisiKO. The rates of A'.iTEETIS-'
I.Vti are tor one ftp-are. of 510RT lines or loss ;
tie j i m j, I'i cents : tiirec, SI &j ; ar.d 5o clu. .
r e-ioa FaYi.'iiueut iusrtiaii. A dai'mi-i ra
r's. Executor's and Auditor's Notices, 52, .n. '
Proff-si-anal aud iiitdnf-ss Curds, nut exceed- j
ini ii'i lines, and ine! J c-py of jviju-r. !
V.u j j "r year. Mon-it u:!s f: v-rl :t 1
fvVmgeubif. qmrlorly) i 1" jt yvar, i:it ''ni
!:ijt J' or f.t tUcir Siori-n. 2u'.ic's iu rcs'l.r. ;
'il'.iiRi!. ten cm:!.j Tier Uue.
Job Wohk. T!. j ri.os r.f JOB V.OI'. K.
fjr'hlriy V.'.V.p, ci.'.' ti !it !.i'it, $'..'?": onv- i
. . ,
10 : rm"-.i.i.'. u ." : am! a-i'Ul:.iii
f. uu.i.'.crs. Laif rri.'i a: I I" j r l'l-i::ks.
.'SI.; 4. S L JilU-J. j
. . -.
f !,!',!.M1 ;J j
JUlll-li L'lV.'il) ;
T4 11 1 " I
g i to r n fa-at-j. a tu,
;li:!'.mt'.iv;ii. Juniitt.i (' unty. l'n., (!:T:cc'
S!i M ilu s.rcvt Saul.' of li.ijje sir cl. '
K. C. b'j'i'IW UT, j
Cler-! hi? i'ra.s-iui:al icrvi.'cs t .. (i; pi;!-
I: :. CoEfi-lioii-. RI..1 ail u;!.. ;' ''.;-!! ";-s v.
ir.cive ; i-.ui, : st"?!;:;. :i. (;!icc h.v. !oc.r :
N Tihof Uuliv.i'.t's .-! (-.p!aii---.j !
"TiLi.lAM i. ALLI.s'X, .
AltuCiUll It' Lf(W,
.ni j r. t
;jO;;rVJ .'iibrif. ; N'J CllANUK O!-" CAES BETWEEN ESIB &
V.,u atfna ioVn Wla."T cnsm-scl t lit- J NEW VOHK.
five. nJi.-e ..ii M iin Sinvt, Miltiii:f.ii. I n. : E'e.;".iit s'.ee'.i::g virj en all night trains.
.. i Fur i'i! -r:a i'Iuii re'eetin,i Ji';b."er.r liHsi-
5 t i v' f;vi t t v j ;
Mirrt.!NT'!'.VN, J I'M ATA COtNTY, T
' FfKi;S Lis p.'-dc.-'si- aal Fnvr.is to ;
' j -1 1 . T s -. lr -ii i.ik im. -a !i tiii'j
in o: c. ii
i .tin: t tiit UuferiiiiM :.t.
n I ,i-i:
ts r,r- in I ii e lli.I IVI.'utvs' Hall,
i. . tin TAiir.y:,
a T to ii : i: Y-A T- A V..
MK.'-irxTOiv::, .n:i.ir.i '.v.
OEo ia tli OU i'el'ows' lliil, Bri.'i s.ret.
Ci!.?.v:Tl':sS. AMI M.T. (iTi'.E!'. lii'S
hi'- cm-V.'l v,-i.a tlr; v ; .iV -sij.l
T roni;a'.v siten I I t. Oct. I '0.i.
Dn. .. B!l'Sin. cf rnJfrn.
IV... wi-.he. to iii!::;:! ii i s friends and ; :-
r-.n1 ti'ni lie t--s reni'ivpii lo ti.e I..ie-eon
E.. i i e vireei .-i j'';;!e Toiid Jorl.in .siure.
V. j r I'i-'f
v AroTPixr.wi
Tlie 'in !eri'.ie 1 hi s, .-.i,-i s to the
fii'dic ! V'ii'l-it ''nor ati'l '-o;;. .1. He
l a- ! . id a tei'V l-irft (Xi.'-.iiieaee. .l..l f.'eN
ct.''- lent th.tt l.e cr.neive c-iti-.fajti-'ii tc !
t.iiu .:: .y cuij-'.-y Uii.:. He i-t.-y 1 e ad Ir-cd
sit j;:5:;,i'(iv;i. .1 -found ! is h in Ei r
1:1 j -1 ; -t .vii-li i. U leva u.'y "lso be lefi
r.: Mr! Y.'UI'ii :!..i'e'..
1'-, 1 -1:1. V. I..I.T M rTVUN.
""a'lek. gpeddy,
i U -S- 3 'ii X
.IIT.'.'lEI'l.l.V "tiers his s,-niiviiu i!n
It j uliiic o! J on ia: a couiuv- llai had a
1 ii te e.-vjviieii'-e in th? business of Veudue
t. i.n,-, iic feels c. olid; ii' tlnit lie ran reii!''r
gcutr..l fat'.sf.iction. He cm nt nil limes !e
lonsultcl at his residence ia Miliuuwu, I'a.
Airr. V'., 1- -.
rpiIE undersigned will i-ron-.ply nttend to
J. the coil a.:ioii ol eUiiii- pjaiii-i eillier ilie
iiiate or National Govei an. cm. I'cUiious, Hack
Eav, I'outiiv. Extra Pay, and ail oilier ei-iinis
tn'sing out of the J reseat or ai.y other war,
MLUiut awn, Jan.nt.t Co., l'a-
iVnsioiis ! toiaas !
A A T. L!" ill' It IN. 'I Til:'. I' HE SENT WAU
lite r.N'I l l'I.F, TO A PENSION. All per
t.nsvhoiu'c.r.diip.lrmstf.-.r a Pei.-im,
er lltsir ifiaiju.. is .u..i...... .
to a l ir.sion. AH disal.le l Sal tiers will rail ,
cu the uudersigned who has been npp'iinlf.l I
1'eii.iiii Er..'.ir.iniiig rargena for Juuiala and ,
adj.'ij.r.g Oouiiiies.
r. C. RUNDIO. M. D.,
Pauerson, Pa.
Tec. 0. l.-tf.
S. i. K.EM '.'EE It, i laic army stir-p-eon)
l.AviDgli. 'ttte.l in l'aiteison tend
r hi rrolessional sei vices to the cilucu oi
this place and surrounding country.
tir. Ii. hav'."g had eight years experience
in h is, iial. it-'Ueral, an I army practice, J'cels
Jveparel to rc.ue;l a trial Iroin thise who
kmy he so uufortauate as to need medical at
tvmlar'.'o. lie . il". hs found at the brick building op
j;s'..c lUs "SESTlst,. Oini'ti," or at his resi
.iice in thi hnrnnrh of l'aiferson, at all
UvuTt, except wbnprifsioai!y casatstd.
July 22, ls'-.i.-tf.
I. AMOK t"tk of Qiieetiswnre, td..rware
sac'i us Tn'!. Itr Uouli, Buckets
t . B""".- H"T'? -:c'. ai
I snor t uud-iy. May so, loo", PasM-ngcr
'Trniiii will leuvc Miiilin .lutiou as I'oltovtd :
I.ooal Aecim'iiiniJiit'u... 3.20 P. 31.
J l.iiaJe'j liia Hspress.. 1-'.41 1'. M
l'a.-t Iino G.:i5.A. M.
Ciiii'iniiati J'xtc?s G.20, I. M.
l',y Kxpic-F ll.ol, A M.
Way l'as.-fcuer...' lU,t7, A. M,
Nc York '.sjire.-s 5.51 A. M.
Jay Kxpn-s S.-lS. I'. M.
i;.Jiiin..ie Kx rers 3 f!. A. M.
I'hilaVlpliia ISipvoM... 5 Oil. A. M.
Viu-l Line b.o'J. I. M.
3l..i: Traiu 4.-J-S, I'. M.
J'utigraul Traiu 'J. ,;."). A' M.
r:.:i...?..i..i.?. i r.,;,. p.,m t i
' J ' I i I Gw.a Line l.-aveia's I lie XuriWm iin1
,'.nlliwet ',aitiii'S i-f lV-nMyivauia lo
the tifv i.f Krie. on Lake Erie.
It i. ...s Lccn !.;.. au.l is ,.i eii'.!eu bv the
rtu.sxsi tv.M. H.mi, Kao 'o:u.
Eric Mail Tr.iin a. m
Erie Uxire.-.s X.-.iia 7 A. M.
'j p. m.
;iiu i,. I. !!.
1 : -i 'i; . r cars 1 ;i 1 tbr-iuu.-i ou the l.r:o
MaiiaTsl Exjue-. Trains ;!but c!ioi.gti btb
wajs le'trei-u t'hilK'l. !phU J7ric.
Li-:ive New V.ji k at . ' A. !.. arrive Rt ;ie
lit . . . A. .'I.
Leave I.iie nt Y. M., arrive at -c axt
iu.--. i'j"V hi t"e cornel' ol utjin ana .'iarkot
i-i lr-. I'hiia-i .: !.;.
Au-j fvi- !it-.-at liuiuej of this I ompunv s
.. l.. ii!i;-i'.n, .ir., ect
.error of lta and
V.i.liri Mr.-, is. I'hit id -'l.hia..
j. ,v. r.,.Ul.,ir,s Erie.
V. ui Bi'on, Agent, N. C. K. ft., Ea'timnrc.
!t. 11. liUl'STilN,
Cen.-ni! E.-tig
ig.'i:l, e;
II. W . OV.TNSi-.H.
tSeuoral Ticket AguHt, Vhilu lei). Ilia.
Oeiierai .nperimeadenl, V,' iilla:i..-.'lvrt .
Feb 1 1. '00-if.
j Al'KIL 'V.3.'d, IttCO.
!rOt-T z.sm: fpo.u
: V J i.ie Ni.nh and N..: i,:-V'e-l lor I'U.h'i-l-
.y.,i- i'-..--:. . e. , r; ..r,:
j .i-.V'l'.V, j.ibltt:'!. A''-'Wr 'i, .'..,,'(,, ,U-
j 'trains leave U'rr- 'ny t-.r Sar 1'ii.v, as
i :' i'it:; At 0.1 7;1.' and IV-'i M., aiui
','M an ! I', il., ..lrivi:;.' ni .V. ,c Yvrk m
."). I'.' and Ei,M; A. M., and aud l'i,:;" I".
I M.. oiiiieetii!:; wiiii. ,Toih.r Tiains on the
; i" ,1... r' .."' y. ilt -"': fleering Oars nroMi
: 1 lin ing the and V il ivuius i:huui
. change.
I I. ve .';.'-.'''-.- fir R, ..');. '..,'.'.-,., ;,V,
i r. ,..-.-ii. .v.;. .u.:.:,i,.ii, yi;it r,vi- ji'.
' I'.',.'.,.-. at 7,-l: A.M. and
-',". i.nd ' 1' M. yt..j..'.ii3 at .--A and
; a'd V.'.ri : 'n .1 ; lli- !' M Tiai.i 11: -kins
11. . t'. ise cnniiecli.ins far l'.."i 1':!-nor 1'.' il...'. '
'hi:. IVin-i'l . 7v.ii..yl.;,1! .-(..land
',um v. 1 '. il u .v -,;,l JLnlrOi:.-
; leave Il.irna!, .,-,. at 4,1", p l .
Erinritiiij;: L.-ive AV- i ni 0.0) A M,
i i.'iO N.it.il aud r',:tt 1" M, r.(;',i.fr ';.',. at ).!
! A ,M. and tt.ttil 1" it : Vvttr. - - at s.:: i A ii
! I ") I' M : .!"'-. O.il'l and 1 l.l 'i A M, and
, !.' M" Mt T tun at '.',Ei A. il, and J,('0
: and ","'!' M.
; I.L'ave '((( r.'':r for Unrrirhurj. via Sr'myf-i-.tV
at.,! .'... -r.i hi l(,til It'-ml. at 7 hi a. m.
! ifiimti;! Airorrnno'l.;twri 'I rtitu: L'-aves fiitifi
:::y at t is A. M . returning from Ylnl:b.tl-
r;i at -j O'l 1'. il.
' ';: '. . U'liiroait Train" leave lim-Hn? at
i C Ld A il and fi li 1" il far Efhrnta,' i.itiz
.'.o ii'-'r. Vvlum'iirt. Kf.
; tin SY.-ilavs: Leave X"r-Yrc at 8 o-
' r. il., V If--ul A b a.m :) 15 P. il.. Vl'r:! V
X IM A. il.. TiM""'i-i 7 '' A. M.. fl-irrMitry
'. ' A. M., mid itn lin:i at 1 ."ol . il , tor
: I.trr:,i,rj, and lo 62 A. M., fir .Vtx-J'wi,
and l."J") p. in. lor Philadelphia.
(i.i'iit!tUn, ,VU ..'''. .Sitfso.i, Schorl and
r.jic:irr!,.n Tr'.t.'o to aud from all points, at re
duced Kates.
r.nrf'tgc checked through : 60 pounds al
lowed each I'usseugor.
; a. s:ccm,
1t'!irnl S'ljirrinttudtnX.
Ilii.MiiNri. Ta. Nov 117, Oo-tf.
,T'p.,; c,rp -r-y -r rvr
y.iiTux, PEanrsiiLis Asa cosciibd.
Leaves P-rrrysville .Monday, Wednesday and
Friday at 0 o'clock, a. ni., and ariives ul Con
cord at 4 o'clock, p. ji.
Leaves Coneoid Tuesday, Thursday and
Saturday at 5 o'clock, a.m., and nrrivesui
Perrysvdlc at !! o'clock, p. m., in liuie lor
the trains going East and West.
Mngcs will leave ililiiin .Station as follows.
Leaves Mifflin Mtanon on Saturday, at 'i a.
m. and returns on Moi'day: leaves Tuesday at
tj a. ui. aud returns un We luesday ; Icarus
Thursday at o a, ui.
Stages will leave Mifflin Station for Aoado
tuia. daily in the evening, and return in the
n.orninjt in time for the East and West trains.
Baggage and packages of all kind are tak
en in marge ami promptly delivered at mod
erate c'nirges. Too stages on the above rou
t's nre in OO'li) OllOEK nd under the
charge of couipe'cnt and experienced drivers.
The proprietor hopes, by Hirictand person
al ait.-nii.'.i to tnisiuess to uiorit a lair share
of public jiairon-iiris-
3xn -14. i.'; . .
Agnin I hear that creaking step!
He's vATipiug 4t the ilnor!
Tvri vrll 1 know the bujing sound
Thai ushers in a bore. 0 ,,
1 do not tremble when 1 meet
The stoutctt uf my fue3.
But Heaven defen l me froia Ihe friend
Who conies but never goes !
lie talk? alimit his fragile health,
And te!! me of the pnius
lie sutlers from a score of ills
Vf which he ne'er rnii!-iins ;
And liow he struleil once with death
To keen the fiend ul buy ;
tu themes like lhu;u away he gjes
But never goes away !
Whene'er he comes thnt dreadful mnn-
Dii-Luiee il as 1 umy,
1 know thai, like hu nuiumn rain,
lle'il lail throughout 1 lie day.
Ill Vain 1 speak of urgent tusks
In vain 1 scowl uuJ pout ;
A from is no extinguisher
It does not pnt him out !
1 mean to take the knacker oflf,
Eur erarv ui' in the du'r.
Or hint to Jnhti tint T am g itic
To stay u ni'intli or more.
1 J.. not tr 'iiil;!c when 1 meet
The litoittest uf uiy fo.is.
But li. aveii defend me lien l!te friend
Who never, never toes !
, l . ui ... ,i 1..,,
lone in ancient times, when it was ueciUea
I l v Soiomuii, is n;w on trial before the
j Superior Court iu this ci'y
The ciicu'u
j stance are the. e : A lady, Mrs. Do Shon,
juowMrs Mary Jane Hand, residing in
I Ihi.-t, n, had a boy by her first bus! and
i lie boy Had several singular marks on
his person. iVlien the ciiild was Cvuaud
aha! vear p!J. it tiled sudiciiiv while
' its niotli'.r was is'ccji. i h s'iii;;i!ur aj.
I pi .nance of the buy led her ta have an
I autup-y made, and she afterward prose
: pitted the attiudiuir l lisieiau and ai.inlh
Lfare had fori, Uh.-.l ihe inedieiiies.
I'! io u- ,c V,,r o.nin.u.d ' tl.U
Mm1, fume two or three vcars
iiiiin tvf! nr tl!i-ip vr ns ,! it.
; .Mr.'. Kami observed a r'dld in 1! 'sion
' w'uleh resembled hers so closely that the
; toihiived it for some time, but finally lost
sijsht of it and its attend nits. Two years
i or mere eiap-ed be.'ora she heaid ol it
; aain, and then fjutid out that it was in
j the Asylum fi-r the f- if and liaui'o in
that city, hiviig a charily pupil from the
State of .Mussuchu-ctts'. A picture oi
her hu.-b:itid. wimm site claims was the
father of this child, was sho u to him.
' when he iiistautlv exjinitiied as well as!
he euuld, and ia ihe
r '
presence ol several
Ti...,'- I ..t,..r 1,.. ltv.w ;..
; Hostou " A canfal cxaniinaiiou has been
made uf the boy by a physician who at
, tended him duritg a thf'O uiot;ths' siek-
ness, and he says that "tjod 'might have
made two persons so near, alike, but that
thi was the Ci'et iustauce of the Lim
, that hud come to his kuowledgc " The
minks upon ti e boy uow here correspond
i e nattily lo fliosc ii pun the one he attended,
an I w!m was afilietod with a serious rup
tttie, which the boy at the Asylum has
also. Mrs. llaud's testimony occupied
j the court during ihe entire day yesterday,
land her counsel, Mr. Katun, has coasiu
jerablo more testimony to iutruduee, winch
'he thiuks cannot fail to convince any rea
sonable person that the child of Mrs. Hand
was lakeo away while its mother slept,
and another one substituted.
On the other baud, the "putative moth
er, Mrs. Phillips, Studies, Wilder ami
I Frot she having boon married several
limes claims to be able to substantiate
. her claim to the boy, w ho she says is heis
1 by Mr. frost. He was admitted to the
' Asylum some four years ago, under the
name uf Edward 1 rost, aud is uo thir-
teen years of age, and is, as we have said
' before, a charity pupil of Massachusetts ;
but during this time his mother or the
who claims to be ouch has paid little or
- no uttentiou to him.
I The case is one of the strongest on re
cord, aud will reijuiie the judgment of
' Solomon to decide. It will probably last
i f or several days, aud uiueh mterest is
manifested in the result. Hertford I ust.
ludulge iu humor as much es jou
rVtc 'if ?fkf EC! IM-'r-JCr
riifi f5C prrtlCTTJrTRE" TtWCBMCAW
, The New York ILrnll, of a late dale,
in rcforring S the eoustitutiooal atueud
incut which tcrday rccetveil Ftith a
overwiiulruiujivote in the House ot Eep
rescntalires. j:hus fairly uuJ ably fcets
i'urtli the realoljocts and jut provisions
of that ojcasji'c :
This Contsional proposition for the
atueuduienti lie .Cuustitution, uiean
tiuie, as utoiiieJ by the Senate, is an in
j;:iiously qmtrived party platfjrm for
the comiu fiil tlctliot.s. It proposes tn
make it pal tot' tho Ftiprcnie law of the
land that wlitcs and blacks bora or natu
ralized it tie United States in vrhiL-h
they i;iay iide, aud shall have equality
utiikr the iaw ; that representation, in
Congress shili he regulated by the re
strietioGa 0 the several States iu the mat.
ter uf votiuirj that a large schedule of
men, whu as lo'.iucr otScial under the
Government ol the United States, Lave
Vi U guilty of violating their oaths by
! ioiuii;-; in rebellion, shall hereafter be
t '
excluded from all federal ollice.-, unless
ah-olved by a two-thirds vote of eacli
IIjusb of Cou cress; that the national j
debt aud the bounties aud pensions ui
I'uim soldiers shail bo held sacred aud
that ail rebel debts aud claims for losses
of s aves by the late war shail bo utterly
repudiated. Il is farther propjs-d ia
.supplemental bill that the now excluded
States r.-siieiVuive'v. on aceeMinj aud rat-
!i .
i! viui; the coudiiious laid down, shall not
. on v be re admitted inti Cunsress, but
i - j - -
shall have a credit cf ten years in reft-r
ence to their quota of the national debt.
This is, we say, a strong platform upon
which to go before the pcojdc of the
.Northern States. There is nothing here
obnoxious to public opinion ia ,!'e w
of neitro vulfrage, while the aitcruntivt
uaci'stc-.! will be aattstactory to the Norih.
l,..,.,. !
1 I.erp are no V EirlCallve ri-uanii'3 neic i
.... .tpst r, h.ds andirait.,!.. but conditional i
excla -ions, v hith cannot be resisted suc
etssfudy before the people who pit down
the rebellion. The same miiy be said id
,h0 I'r
sitioni touching thi
and the
oeot, the debts of the reoei.ioa
I....- ...;il...r,u ,.r . Lr-,lu, sJ..tL.tri, . ,ves
' .. 111- -...,.!
t I pen mis piaiiorm me Xtcpuuucau pi"y i
adhering to this Congress can curry our
a; .piuacbiug Nortlnin Slate elections as
iliey d.d last year, it rhcra be no other
sharply aclined issue brought iu seasuii
before the people. The l'.cpubiicau sup
porters of 1'iesidcnt Johnson, us against
Co:igres, Can make no tight against this
platform, lor it is the President's own
jioiiey. It is a compromise plationu
a.-ainst which Johnson Uepubiicaus cau-
. 1 , I.rt'.ir..
I ttlft ta'
I 1
.i!:hoii;;h the
h the hatred of the '
lailtet s a
faiust Jonnsju may coutiutie as
on tho-eve ot the late Connect
intense a
ieul election.
We ask nothing fairer than thi? cxj.o--ition
of tho principle contained in the
Constitutional amendment just adopted
by Congress. If the malignnut enemies
of progress iu this country, if journals
such as the new York lbi-nll, which is
tho retrognia-.d organ ot the class who or--auized
treason for the perpetuation of
slavery, can be thus frank in doing jus
tice to the Republican party, wa have
uothing to fear lrom fair and patriotic
people. Ou the issues as they are stated
by the New York An ('., the Republi
can par'y of Pennsylvania will go into
the election of October next.
There ie ou miiv exhibition at the As
sembly lluildinjts one of the greatest nat
ural curiosities iu the world This strange
Ircakvl nalure is the blcudiug together
of two colored girls in a manner more
thorough than the liuking of the Siamese
twins lu tho ease of the hilter a liga
ment about two inches aud a half in di
ameter binds the twain together at the re
gion ot the stomach, and this ligament
being the only point of connection be
tween the two brothers, the individuality
of each is distinct, czeept ia respect to
this link. Tho Caro.iua twins, as this j
latter wouder is styled, arc placed togeth
er back to back, and instead of a mere
ligament the bodies are actually blended
iuto one frotn the bottom of the truuk to
a short distance above the lower ribs.
Throughout the point of coutact there is
bat a single ipic-I C'iUaia. A fir (he
oivtiect ihg point "ttie Bprnn-v, -,-r,l
(forming two dlstioct Luaaq Iting, with I
jscjicratc s'omaeUi, tra Itcarts, wo head,
me regular auowance ut aiu.s, cvc. w
low tho poiut of contact there are the
proper ?-jtply of legs for two persons ;
butiu each of tho nerves of sensation
... . . - , , tr
which centre iu tne spianl column allcct
, , ... - , , -
both i;ii !s in precisely the same degree,
, ., , . . , , . l
while there is ludependent ac; 102 ajove
e , -
the point of contact. To explain oar
. , , , .1 . -r
meaning better, we would say that if
.1 1 11 . .1 f - T- !
, IMIUI ncil' fcW IU1RU uuiJ
tor were to touch Mulic upon t;io toe, i
,, . ,. , , , , I
i-tiua would inimeuiately turn her i
, . .1.1 i '
d in response to lha touch; vrhne
. .
ntx a! 1 , !i ti twin t f no t
! CI.ri
ninfiiri nnnn thp arm. or a touch unon '
' . c ., , , , ,i ri ib!e fatality, uuiii tho actiou cf tba hear
any pu t of the body above the point ol "
. .. , . ' leeomes abnormal until the brain fce-
coutuct would only be fIt by the person i ....
touched. comes destroyed in its functions until
Except at the part of the Loay rrhers j the nervous system is wrecked aud wretch
t!ie twins are blended into one, and where j C'l, until renscn is dethroned, and the
one set of functioua serve tho rurposes of : poor wreck of what was onc9 a maa
both, there are but few points of differ
once betweeu these strautre children end
ordinary lmiuanity. Most curious among
the exceptions is the fact that while the
heart of one of the girls is in its proper
jilace, that orran is upon the right side of
the other. Their puises never beat in
Cjnil,10nj there bein a complete ahcra-
luU in t)l0 EcatiD;;:J aIi L,.th worliut:
willi the regularity of a pendtilam. The
g-.rU aie bright aud inteiiiyeut for their
eunditiou in life. They iu, play, dauce.
read, write and converse, and do all with
spi L'hiiiutss aud good humor. They chat
with each other almost iuec;auJy when
not otherwise occupied, and the two talk
with different persons upon dihiaeul aa'o-i
jects at the same momeut. They seem
perfectly cheerful iu their strangely blend
ed condition, declare that they kuow no
iucouveuience resuitinr; from it, and pro
test that they would be unhappy if they
were separated, were such a thing possi
ble. The twins are about fourteen years old.
They were born if slave patents, in Co-
iambus eouutv. North Carolina. Thtir
I'ber and mother were healthy, well-in
f ruied persons, and the mother gave birth
to sixteen children, besides the strange
pair rrhuui we have attempted to describe.
All their brothers and sisters were prop-'see
eily foinn'd boys ncd girls. North Curo-.
liua, which was the birth-phee of these
twins, feems lo enjoy a sort of monopoly
of s'.p.'h strange natural productions. It
wii! be reaii'tubcred that the Siamese
twins have made their home in that State.
U'e scarcely know which to coneidtir the
greater curiosities cf the strange par
telte, Ch'niig and Eng, Millie and Chris
tina. Kccu iuij Hulk tin.
Post master Kelly, of New York City,
received a fetv days ago, by mail, from
V.....I. I. it fw, ntr A!il '-a r rnr. i.
'"..-. ,'' ' .
I ccv, oy ilfs. Iiitl, m circular or liana
hill form, accompanied ty the following
note :
Sir, please sond this to some Printer in
T-;... t-; 111 - - .
vour city Aiiu.ci, uii i ivum; jnni j
his in the most couspicious place yon J
can and God will bless you for if. Sir
don't (hire tn hide the Vision as the Riood I
of soul will he required at yot:r hand.
The document inclosed wns as fo.bwi :
'I prophecy, by the true spirit cf the
crctlartint:, eternal aud all-wise Cod, to
every kindred, tribe and tongue, that in
18'V., February 9tb, at nitie o'clock in
the morning, will be the ushering in of
the millennial morn. Saturday or seventh
day is our Sabbath. The dragon isbonnd
"To the Churches : Rnptism should be
aaniinistered with the commuuicanfs on
their knees, by dipping forward in the
water, that wo may be united. Hasten
it! hasten it I to the ends of the earth."
A Steam Coacu rott Commu.v Roads.
The French Minister of Public Works
has awarded a gold medal to Albaret &
Co., of LiancourS, for a steam coach to
run ou ordinary roads. This coach lately
de.iceuded a hill from Laon to the rail
way terminus at the rate of five miles on
hour, and afterwards ascended the same
hi'l in eight minutes with so much succe3
that it is no, ascertained the engiua can
draw a weight of tbirty-nine tons on so
ordinary road at the rate cf from threj to j
four miles an hour.
&aT Young Beeswax, on being asked
whether he was going to keep Lent, re
rstto.l ;ih crreat sinmlicitv that nobody
had borrowed him yet, w iir aa he wu
ar nil the finer pusccptil'ilitlsn of
. dries no 'lie currents r,f svnt.
j patny ana Hcction, and makes (he heart
j a fterile wa-te susceptible of those ba
I a'1(1 bject emauations that necessarily
i "pnR l'r d"?rared and corruPtod
'ona. 1'ARkEP.. ;
1 , .
1 he above should bo enough to alarm
1 .
' an7 man w" perceives the dreaufil in-
1 n . .
Ihiienca gaining preond neon him. It
1 cor
whwpcrs and waras a maa ha org-
! - ..,,.,. . - ... 1. ..
, . . . .
'.uense, and knows the toutroihnfr power'
- f
& tl! fat:l1 drat'iiht, yet, vith all this, he
, . , .
goes ou and on, irapeiied by some lrresist-
ink? into tho most utter hEl-ilocsness and
aud disgrace. It is nothing? -what! to
destroy a splendid constitution forever
to rjuench everything lustrous within
to blush or extinguish the beauty of th
unfolding spirit to be pointed at as a
;ga, to be hissed at by the josdj ta b
pitied by the good wirh a heavy sigh
and to be shunned by society ts a dan
ger and a nuisance ?
To havs no eys for scenery co ear
fir music no heart for love no joy for
virtue, aud alas '. no hope is it nothing ?
When refinement is progressing when
sc'ieucc and art aro marching on in th
golden liht of civiiiiAtion when young
growing up wts patriots, orator
d authors when the country beckona
her sons to bt "omnipotent to cave," Ler
in the niid-t of disasters and calamities
when the roll of fame is spread out be
fore us inviting us tj a place in its illu
minating scroll when the old and tried
ot office are leaviug their solemn charge
to their young successors when the hura
of industry and enterprise is heard around
us. is it nothing to be a "druukard ?".
iucapaLle to Lc a emission of usefulness
to mankind ?
Is it nothicfr to be loved with a pure
: aud reasonable love ? Is it nothing to
ons's children in rtijrs ; to see one's
home desolate ; to see nature through o
log of fi.th, is it nothing? Is it nothing
to teach the yoang ; to lose the friends;
the ca.-ly and best friends of our yeucger
years, l.y our folly ; fair compnsionship ;
load communings? Is it nothing to war
against nature ; to he!f ihe helpless; to
p.aut a smilij on the face of grief; chuse
the tears .uui sorrow; to encourage those
who aspire ; to have a voice in the coun
cils of municipalities, or states, or nalions ?
Whatever of tie above nre uefu', the
drunkard is cot fit to practice; whatever
ctiu be lost he loses. Tha man or youth
on M;e brim of drunken life is good for
nothing, excrpt a horrible example.
lie is on a fatal whirlpool; tho cuter
ilog of the voiles aud without strong
I b.'tiud.
'Like some strccg swimmer in hi
pny," he is forever uumbered with the
lost. Flu etiiJoi.'ca! Junrunl.
Yoa may recall one Pe Lave, a tight
rope jieiformer, v.ho a loni; time ago
astouished tie natives of Kuches.'er by
his feats above ths Ccue.-iee Palis. lie
has just returned here from mtuij yeara
spent in S.-uth America and Mexico, and
is going lo give.lhe public a nc.v sensa
tion, lie proposes to cioss the Falls of
Niagara on a small wire, as '-the Ameri
can Eagle." To explaiu, he is now Lav
ing a large leather Uiade bete in ihe city,
which is to be "stuck full" of feathers
and otherwise manipulated no as to re
semble a live one of monstrous propor
tions. This is to fit closely about his
body, and on walking the wire he will
balance himself by flapping the artificial
wings. At tho same time a tope is ta
suspeuded by him LelovT the wire, to
which hia son, a boy eightycara eld, will
cling and go through with various athictie
pe.tbrLiance3 as the father advances
across the Falhi. De -Lave likewise pro-
,t . I T.' . 1 1
pOECS to Wa.it Cu a wire over mt i aiis,
carrying both his wil3 aoi sen on his
back. This j rymises to ba the great
sensation of thts seasoa. Da Lave haa
bsea performing at the Citf of Mexico,
where he occasioned a considerable furora
lie brings with him. a medal received
fron tit Hcifttor Ilaxiniiliin-