Juniata sentinel. (Mifflintown, Pa.) 1846-1873, June 20, 1866, Image 2

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    uniatit jntiuet.
4 union nf lakes, and a union of lands,
A union 710 power thall tever;
A vninn of heart, and a union of hand.
And the American Union forever!
Wednesday Jlornm;, June SOth, !f.G
11. II. tt'ILSOV, Editor nod Publisher
?- the I.aryre! Circulation of any paper pub
Ibhed in this County. It is therefore the
b'rt airertisir.j mrdium. It ig a Taper, truly
loyal, ably conducted, a first class Lncalist.
and well worthy of the patronage of every
loyal citizen in tie County.
U:JI05SZPU3LICA3 state ticket
JOHN J. PATTERSON, of Juniata Co
(Subject to the District Conference.)
HENRY U. WILSON, of Juniata Co.
(Subject to the District Conference)
JOSEPH FOMEROY, of Bea!c twp
LUCIAN WILSON, of Fayette twp.f,
JOHN 31. THOMPSON, of rerrytvil'e.
JACOB WEISER, of Susquehanna twp.
JEREMIAH LYONS, of Mifllintown
THOMAS MORROW, of Tuscarora twp.
pig- Soldiers nf Pennsylvania remember
that Ileistcr Clymer voted against a joint
resolution of our Legislature, asking Con
press to increase the pay of the private sol
diers end non-commissioned officers of the
army. (See page 203 Legislative Kecord
tession letil.) While you were battling for
iLe Union he was exhausting his ingenuity in
devising means to counteract the sueces of
your arms.
The following is ine I mon it-publican
County Committee appointed lor the ensuing
Miffiintown A. IT. Martin, C. McClellnn.
Patterson 1. 8. Cooke, II. M. Grouinger.
Fermanagh C. B. Horning, John kroner.
V.a'ker J. N. Moore, Kurtz Kautluian.
Delaware C. S. Shcliy, Levi . Myers,
layette Sani'l. Leonard, K- Laveny,
Monroe A. H. Landis, Tobias lissom.
rju-ueLaiitiuh 1" Lung, Sol. Upd'. grove.
Greenwood T. II umbel ger. 11. I'. .eiders.
iilfurd Jacob Grouinger. J. S. Uobison.
'j urbvtt L. E Mathers, Noah llertz'.er.
I'errysviile Thorn. Wagcnscller, S. Buck.
I'.er.ie ilea. John I'eaii-, J. i. Doyle.
Spruce Hit! A.. I. Patterson, Sacta Voder.
Tuscarora Thomas Morrow, Vi'iu. Hart.
Lack J. T. Dennis, li. Vi'alis.
Lia.tk Loo; !!. Mclntyre, Saa-'l. Shearer.
Heretofore t!;e L'emoeraiic organs ci
this county have heco sending the wolf
howl of corruption ami venality from the
Susquehanna to the spurs of the Alloge
nics, but the manifest anJ tangible fraud
exhibited ?t their last Convention juts
their former declarations to blush. Nev
er has there occurred within the memory
ct the oldest inhabitant siuee this county
assuaitJ the title of Jutiiuta, a mure cor
rupt au J veual transaction '.Iiau that tthich
took place at the Douiociatic Couvcntiou
on Monday of last week. Men who were
candidates who had served their party
Ion;; and well, who had never faltered,
and who have spent the be;-t years of their
lives, tiien who had '-bora the burden in
the htsit of the day" for the principles
enunciated by Thomas Jefferson and reit
crateJ by Andrew Jackson, yes ujcq who
had battled through every canvass, both
IS'ational and State, since the days of Old
Hickory, were soli by a certain clique as
are sheep in the shatub!c3. For instance,
the o(Bei of Associate Jude, I'roihono
tary, and Com tu.'csi oner were vended by
said clique with the same boldness that
the 6sh women of Phl'jue'phia sell the
contents of their baskets. Mr. William
Adams and Colonel (.'ox were rrsde to J
yield their time honored claim?, srt far as
the usages of party were concerned, to a
certain individual named Samuel Watts,
of Fayette township, a man who as vet
had never wiped the prepiration from his J
hrow in the Den.ooratic h-:rnc-s, but the:
klwighiy dtllar tusi these who wre in-'
struetcd for other men Jauce to his mnic,
so Samuel Watts, by a "presto change"
operation, was nominated for Associate
J udge over men whose claims were strong
er and who in point of ability are much
his superior, as is acknowledged by every
one irrespective of party. As to Pro
thonotary.thc fraud was too appareut even
to admit of an attempted disguise. Mr.
G. W. Jacobs, our present worthy Clerk
of the Court, who was a candidate for a
renouiioatiou for said office, came into
convention as the sequel snows : with
nineteen delegates (which is clear ma
jority) instructed for hiui, but he was wil
fully and deliberately shorn of his strength
by the Philistines, through their pet, Do
lilah George Reynold-, Ex Sheriff, of this
place, who imagines that the tax payers
of Juniata couuty are legally and morally
bound to supply him with office and cou
tracts (of which God knows he has had
his share) whenever the clique say up and
be ready, boys, for Reynolds will march
for the sea. Instructed majority end the
usages ol the party should have giveu
tbi nomination to Mr. Jacobs, but the
money changers willed it differeut, and
the 'Squire notwithstanding his superior
claims aud qualifications was ruled out
While in their nomination for Cou.-uiis-oioner
venality aud conuption was equal
ly apparent, Jonathan McCoy, of this
place, and Charles Zugler, of Walker
township, both men of hoursty and integ
rity of purpose, who for years have la
bored for the success of their par'y and
its principles, were by this eauie '-presto
change" operation made to yield to Pavid
Divcn, of Walker towuship, young niau
of no experience, politically or officially.
We know whereof we assert when we say
that Mr. Adams, Col Cox, G W.Jacobs.
Jonathan McCoy and Charles Zeigler weie
deliberately cheated out of the nomina
tions for the respective offices to which
they were aspiring, by a certain c ique
whose motto is rule or ruin. Their ad
vice to the successful ones after the Con
vention was to go aud see these men whom
they hail cheated so grossly and smooth
the matter over by telling tbcm such is
the fate of politics
Hydrophobia is a compound word, the
first part 11 Jr' means tr, iter, the second.
phobia, means madness; it attacks tlioe
persons that have been bitten by mad
dogs or other tabid animals. It is caused
by the blood absorbing the poisonous virus
that has been left in the wouud by which
it comuitiuicated itself to the whole sys
teni, aud as it generally proves fatal, the
sufferer is said to die one of the most ter
rible of all deaths. Providentially there
is no one laboring under that dreadful
disease in this neighborhood, but we are
sorry to iuform the public that there arc
a couple oth-r kinds of jhoLit or mad
ness raging here, which, if not quite so
latal to life, is far more dangerous to ti c
morals and welfare of the community.
The first is negro phobia or "negro oa the
brain." This contemptible disease has
some peculiarities about it which we must
explain. First, it has been fouud upon
due investigation only to attack that class
of persons who call theiuselvts Demo
crats, when it soon becomes clirrmic, and
it doe3 not necessari'y prove latal uuless
the pers! n afllicted with it happens to
Jiave his heart thoroughly copperised un
der the celebrated process invented by J.
15 , "Sage of Wheatlaud," and jateuted
under the title of '-Kansas Question."
N. 15. The aforesaid '-Sage1' lias retired
from business and one Iliestcr Clymer
has bought the General Agency fur the
State of Pennsylvania. The other disease
is lVtorsmi phobia. This U nltonetber a
new kind of iintdix'ta. The fir.st stages c(
this disease arc quite langh ihle aud funny
but as it becomes chronic 'it presents some
serious phases for consideration. For as
it is cau:-e 1 by menial and moral deprav
ity, brought on by over doses of whisky,
it is very bard on the mind and character
The sure result of the aforesaid maduess
or Patterson antipathy, is an iucurable
softuing of the brain. Happily for the
community it is not very coutageous, hav
ing been raging for several months, it has
not yet extended to more than half dozen
persons. A couple of ''sore" cases can
be seen in their hospital near the Court
louse. This hospital has hitherto been
kept up by private contributions, but as
these are slow and email, desperate efforts
are being made to obtain Government sup
port. lr. Cowan, Surgeon in-Chief, for
the siek and rceasly Republicans of Penn
sylvania, is earnestly implored to take the
MiQin Hospital under his charge and
I make it a Branch Iulirmary of the great
. Johuson tax-consuming establishment.
g-The llostoti Transcript says : Wade
Hampton's complaint that South Carolina
is not repicscntea in Congress, is equal ia
eGonterv to the appeal of the criminal
who killed his father and mother, and
then asked the court to Lave pity on him
"? h was oi-plnn.
Clymer and the Fourth of July.
The ! lliijtnc cr of last evening, in 9
preleotiouseditoiial announcement, which
remiuds us of a heavy blast on a small
horn, iulorms the awaiting world that the
campaign, on the part of the disaflectea
Pcmocrary, will open ou the iSthof.July
next, with a grand mass meeting in Berks
couuty, that land of darkness, where Cly
mer was born. The terrible peace men
are on the war path.
Why select the 18th of July for inau
guration day ? Why not t'ke tle 4th of
July? Why not be national in ni
things ? Moreover, Clymer's grauafathcr
signed the Peclaratiou of Iudepeudcuce
on the 4th of July, 177G, which was
the nearest rpproach or IJicster to ever
doiug any thing patriotic, aud the day
would be consequently appropriate, and
its selection dramatic. Ah! the recreant
democracy hate no heart to celebrate the
Fourth of July any longer. It is their
day uo more. At Chicago, in that shame
ful white flag aud surrcuder Convention,
tbey formally gave it up. They surren
dered it, along with their honor and his
tory. W hcu they abandoned the Stars
and Stripes, at that very moment under
lire from Richmond to the Mississippi,
they turned their backs on National holi
days aud National memories. They "ab
jured, detibeiatoly, their liud and couulry
and with it all the glorious reeoliectious
of the past, aud all the sacred associations
which centre and cluster around the
grand historic days of XlcvoIu:iouary sto
ry. Cull a aUaiidibain, Uiymcr'e
V out Lees democrat ever agaiu think of
the Fourth of July or Tweuty-secoud of
February without a conscious blush of
giu.ty shame ? They have denied their
couulry. Could Clyuier dare to meet the
shade of Washington, or would his bones.
even rest tasy if laid in the same grave
yard with the body of his patriotic ances
tor? No, it would be s.tcnlige for the
democracy of the modern poisonous aud
serpentine school, to inaugurate their
parricidal campaign ou a day that has
been held sucted in commeuioration of
our patriotic forefathers. It is meet and
right that the hiss of the copperhead j
should uot be heard, aud that the s.iti.e
of its trail should uot be secu on that but. !
lowed and eveuit-il day that day c mse
crated to victory aud patriotic suffering
by Washington aud Grant that day
which recotds the wilting sacrifice of pa
triots, eeu the sacrifice of death IVoiu
l'hiladelohis toVlcksburg
There is another reasou why the bo
gus democracy could uot use that day.
1 he soldiers won it, and on that day they
ofler to their u.other the State a gift
second only to the precious lives of the
chilJieuof the commjuweakh. Ou that
daj, in Philadelphia, iu the old State
llou.-e, where Clymer's grandfather sign
ed the Declaration of ludepeudence, the
soldiers of the Keystone return to the
keening "f 'he commonwealth the hlslo
rie banners which they have borne so
well througn a four years' storm of fire
and death, aud made the most precious
treasure ot Pennsylvania. They give up,
ou that day, the colors for which twenty
two thousand 1'euusylvaiii.tns have dteu.
They give up, ou that day, the torn aud
tatteied banners foiever hallowed iu the
tears aud blood of a cotMuou wealth, and
whicn are gioiious rec id of thu luuur,
devotion, aud manhood of the people.
What part or lot has Clymer in
gland ceremonial, where the heroic chil
dren ot a heroio anc stry gather around
the historic altar of the revolution, to re
uew their faith iu their country, and to
show to the worl 1 aud to posterity that
they are the worthy sons el their tires?
llow would Clymer appear among the
men of the State, and at the shrine of
his fathers? No! it was the part of pru
dure and propriety, as well as the instinct j
of shame, which made liiester Clymer, j
the Hessian of 1S61, avoid the day aud
the memories of 177o. How can Clymer
be thought or spoken ot on our natal
day Clymer who voted against arming
the State, when the echoes of Suujp'er
were ringiug up the Alleghenies Cly
mer, who voted for compromise and sur
render under the very smoke of Gettys
burg ?
Let every soldier, let every man, let ,
every woman thiuk of this. Clymer j
dare not celebrate the 4lh of July. I
Clymer dare Dot open Li3 campaign on
that day, consecrated to the memory of j
the l.erotsm and patriotism of thecouutry.
He shrinks lrom it as the guilty Thane
shrank from the ghost of his murdered
Will you have this mttn for your Gov
ernor this n.an who has proven false to!
his country and to Lis ancestry or will '
you hurl him back ou the clique who;
present him, us a foul insult to the liv!
tug. ud a dishouor to the dead munhoou
of the nation ? i
Detroit, June 17. Gen. Lewis Cass
died in this city at 4 o'clock thu rauro
ing, seed 3 yearn.
It can no longer be asked, why does ! formeily a resident of New Orleans', but
not Congress preseut a plau for the rento- j now en route to Europe, has rf .tently writ
ration of the Union ? Why does Con-1 ten an interesting letter tDa female f.iend
gress stand in the way of the rc-ad mis
sion of Ine revolteo Mates to lull partici
pation in the Government? Congress,
by a majority of more than two-thirds in
each House, has agreed upon a plan.
This is it :
A joint resolution proposing an amend
ment to the Constitution of the Uuifed
States, passed by the Senate and House
of Representatives of the United States
of America, in Congress Assembled,
two thirds of both Houses concurring.
That the followiug article be proposed
to the Legislatures of the several States
as an ameudmcut to the Constitution of
the United Statos, which, wheu ratified
by three-fourtlm ot said Legislatures,
lhall be valid as part of said Constitution :
' Article . Sec. 1. All persons born i
tr naturalized in the United States, and
sibject to the jurisdiction thereof, are cit
iseus of the United States aud of the
State wherein they may reside. No State
sliill make or enforce any laws which
shtil abridge the privileges and immuni
ties of the eitizeus of the United States,
nor ehall any State deprive any person of
life,libertor property without due pro
cess of law, nor deny to any petsou with
in iu jurisdiction the equal protection ot
the IW8.
Sic. 2. Representatives shall be appor
tioned atiionj; thp wveral Stlo uccurUin-
to their respective numbers, counting the
whole number of persons in each State,
excluding Indians not taxed, but whenev
er the right to vote at any election for
(lectors of President and Yiee Pre.-ident
of the United States, Representatives in
Cougress, Executive and Judicial officer,
or the members of the Legislature thereof,
is di eted to any of the male citizens hi ing
tweuty one years of i.e. and cit zens of
the United Sia'ts, or in any way abridged,
except for participation in the rebellion
or other crime, the basis of representation
thereiu shall be reduced iu the proportion
which the number of such male eitizeus
shall bear to the whole number of male
eitizeus twenty-one years of ago in such
Sec. 3. No pet son shall be Senator or
Representative in Congress, or elector of
President or Yice President, or hold any
office, eivil or military, within tho Uoitod
Stales, or under any S'ate, who having
taken an oath as a member of Congress,
or as an officer of the United States, or
as a member of any State Legislature, or
as an Executive or Judicial officer of any
State, to support the Constitution of the
United States, shall have engaged in in
surrection or rebellion against the same,
or given aitl or comfort to the enemies
thereof ; but Congress may, by a vote of
two thirds of each House, remove such
Skc. -1. The validity of the public debt
of the United States, authorized by law.
including debts incurred for the payment
of pcnsiuus and bounties for services in
suppressing insurrection or rebellion, thall
flot be questioned, hut either the United
States nor any Sfa e shall assume or pay
any debt incurred in aid of insurrection
or rebellion agaiusf the United States, or
any clsim for loss or emancipation of any
slave, but all such debts, obligations aud
claims shall be held ellegal and void.
This proj used amendment does not go
to the President for his approval, but oii
reclly to the States for their ratification
or rejection. Olficially, the President has
nothiig to do with the matter, except ul
timately to make proclamation of the rc
suit, which ever way the States may de
cide. Yet incidentally, his influence up
on tho fate of the measure must be very
consilerable. If it was known at the
South that the Executive was fully in ac
cord with Congress, the eleven revolted
Sta'es would hasten their assent. Ast'ie
case stands, the hope is conGleutly enter
tailed that the requisite number of States
wLl ratify tho ameudmcut by the middle
of next winter.
It is stated that the Fenian troubles on
he Canadian borders will cost the Cana
dian government about two millions of
dollars. Considering the expense to which
the Canadians allowed the rebels to cause
us iu guarding the same frontier during
the late civil war, no one will decrn the
infliction upon Canada a severe one. But
it seems to be forgotten that these Feuians
involve our own government in very seri
ous expenses, siuco we arc obliged to send
troops to preserve order and maintain our
neutrality laws, just as the Canadians are
obliged to repel the invaders ; aud, in
deed, our preparations seem to be much
the most complete aud effectual. Hence
this Icnian pastime is a ?cry expensive
afiair to all parlies, and must interfere
with the economical measures of tho Na
tional Govsrajtcat aatcriaHy,
in Yv'ashiugton city, detailing an account
of an interview she hr.d at Havana with
Robert Toombs, ex-United States Senator
from Georgia. Mr. Toombs still avows
his intention of yet calling the roll of his
former slaves at tlio foot of Bunker Hill,
and defiantly asserts that the invincible
giant of secession is not dead, but only
taking a quiet snooze iu order to invigo
rate himself tor another and, as Mr. T.
hopes, a more successful attempt to over
throw the Government of the United
Gettino Tiitm Pay. For many
years, the Irishmen of the country have
been supporting the "Democratic" party.
The party now supports Audrew John
son, aud Andrew Johnson make haste to
jJaVe every Irishmen arrested who ai-
tempts to make Lis Way into Canada.
Johnsou aids England to the extent of
his ability, and ho seems to have a pin
chant forgiving aid and comfort to those
who are the real enemies of our country.
He strained the neutrality laws to make
out a case against the Feuians. They
were weak, the British Government
be-reby given that let!
NOTICE. Notice is
hereby given that letters of Adiui'iilrn-
lion on the estate of George Weidiu.-m. dc-o'd-,
late of fayeue lowoehip, Juuiata county. Fa.
have beeu granted to the undersigned resid
ing in Walker township. All persona know
ing themselves indebted to gmd estate will
maks immediate payment, and those having
claims will prcseui thein duly authenticated
for settlement.
June 20-6t.
l al
at Earnes' Cigar and Tobacco Store, a
fresh supply of pure Vara Cigars and Tobaccos.
Jiest Navy $l,t0 per lb
2nd " 11 ie. "
ord " o'c. " "
Cases Gold Bar l.-b) " "
Oraooke I, -10 " "
The best brands Fine Cm loose and in foil,
and all kinds of Bright Tobacco at reduc-
ed orices. The lovers of cood chewinz and
smoking tobacco are repectiu'-Iy iiivitea to
call and examine my stock.
June 2'J-tf. J. T BAHNES.
V VATE ri.XLE. The undersigned offers
at private sale his Mill Property, sim ile I in
Met lysvi'.le, Tuscarora township, Juninta
county, lite Jull is a large trauie ruiiding,
runniug two setts of Ilutrs, with U.iltf, Ele
vators, &c., necessarv for deinst a large
Couuiry or Mcciiant business. in connec
tion -with the Mill will be aol.l a ffm Dwell
ing House and Stable, with all uecessarj
m-nlern improvements. Terms iy.
Persons wishing to ere the priperty will
call at the residence of the subscriber in
Mcl'vosville, Juniata eoun'y.
Jui.e 2d-if. W.M. HACKETT.
"IliURCII LETTING. A luting for the
building of a lirick Presbyterian ('Lurch
at East Vvaterford, Juniata count v. will take
place, JL'LY HtU. at 12 o'clock M., of said i
uate. Proposals received from the present
up to the above dato. Specifications l..r said
building can be seen at the following places :
ilegisler's otiice. .Mirliintown. Samuel husk's
store, 1 errysvttle, A. J rurgosnus, hast '
ami directed to A. J. Furgusoii, East Water
lord. A. .1. FCRti I'SON, )
1). S. COVI.E, I Com.
June20-td. M. CLAUK. j
THF. Standard History of the Grand Army.
The greatest Work on the War. t'niver
s:!'y endorsed by army uiliitcvs and the pre?.
The Author say :
-I design in ibis volume to r-erd what the
Army dt.l and suffered iu ten campaigns aad
two : -.-ore battles-
"I sii..ll have.t.i celebrate the uns-.veri iitii
iy ol Hits army, that oft times wheu lue
bond of military com-' -: ;a titli"!, hui it, i-u-shnki-n
of fortune, to a duty s-.l.'-it'ij-osed.
"I nh:iil h.ve to toi'o'V it througn a eheck-
crc.i er-periicMii a iaiecoi.in.ii.g-.eao. gi-.at :
n.!si...4oes. pirn. w...i-u'. f..-ai fors; .
but from fir.st le last u wnl appear th it, amid !
many buffets of fertuue, through inter and j
r.-ut-h wealhcr,' ihc Armv of the Potomac i
never gave up, but made a good light, and
finally r.iached ti.e ::oal, j
'Ol this ur.ior. tiiuie will bo no othet hero
than the army of the Potomac i soil' : for it
would seem that iu this war of tho People it !
was decreed there should arise no imperial ;
presence to become the cen'ral figure and
cynosure of men's eyes. Napsleon, iu an ,
outburst of haughty eloquence, exclaims that j
in the jiieat armies of history the Commander
was everything. This proud apostheosis h.'.s j
no application for the Army of the Polooiao
And one inusi think seeing it never had a '
great, aud generally had mediocre cou.ni ind
t rs it was that it might be said, that wherev
er il won it owed not lo gcuitts, but bought i
with its blood." j
Ttu u tin. nntv TTtctfM-.- nf the .'f,"H, 1 1
Army," and uo one who has borne a part in I WnotFst.E Drco, Paint & Glass IVa..,
its conflicts, or is intere.tud in its grand 1 No. PI" North TUIRD Street, PHIL AD
achieuenients, should be without il. Jan. 2 1, G6-1 y.
This work presents a rare chance to make .
money. j QTATL'S UNION HOTEL, PuiLAi.ELrai.i.
Agents wanicd. Send for circulars aud see ' O
our terms. Address, j This Hotel is pleasantly situated on the
NVTIONAL PCCLIfsIING CO-, j South side of Market Street, a few doors above
y(7 Minor M.t Philadelphia, Pa. j s;js,u ireei, its central locality makes it par
June 20, lSWi-lm tipulaily desirable lo
N OTICE OF APPEALS I Ith, Col. List., j
of Pennsylvania. Notice is hereby giv- i
en that the lisis, valuations and emtmei ations :
made by ihe Assistant Assessors of Juuiata
county, fei the .ear lfiob, will be open toi
inspection on and after the lotii inst., 1 Wiil
he in attendance, ami deteimiue appeals at
the Assistant Assessors otti:e, iu Mitdinicwn,
on Monday, June lSih.
Ail appeals must be made in writing, and
must specify the particular cause, tn-tuer or
thiug respecting which decieion is reiitiested,
and shall moreover slate the ground in princi
ple of inequality or error cauiplained of.
DAN ILL h,Lij.G, Assessor,
v-rn, Dauphiu coin.'.',
jVT K W is i'Oll K. The lindet signed have open,
i ed a New Ste.-e in the Odd F. ilows' Hall,
Dridge streat, where they ar prepared to fur
nish the public with good and cheap good",
consisting in part of liiaek SiU and Bombi
zine. black Wool De Laine J and wide,
French Alpacas. Snow Flake Mohair, Que De
More. Fancy Wool De Laius and fancy Snow
Flake iu all colors, l'riutcd Cambrics aud
French Silk Plaid Poplins and Poplinatts.
" " Striped 1'laill l'onsus Crape.
" Figured and Plain Percales.
Paeifio and Foulard's Challics.
White 03R1 such as Irish Linens, Swiss
Cambrics, Jaconetts, lirilliauii, Nmsooks sua
lilack Thibet and De Lain Shawls. m
Freuch Plaid Grandiens "
' Amecican Cloth and C-iimere.
Mirtdlraex It. Ladies' " great variety.
White and colored Flannel.
Cottonades, Checks, Shainbrics & Tiekin-,
Bleached aud brown Siieetiugs 1, II, 2J,
sorio.vs ' '
Cloves, Hosery, Collars, Trimmings, RiS-
j bons, with a great variety of h best style
i.i ll-.o above line, sclecteu w::i great care.
Hats and Caps for men aud boys in great
variety; black, color, fur, wool and straw
goods. Having purchased the above of tho
manufacturers we are prepared lo sell cheap
en than any other bouse iu the county.
One of the finest assortments of Oil Cloth
and in great variety, as well as Ccdarware
at lowest prices. Ciose easU Unyeia would do
well to isiniine our slock hifo.-e purchap:u
elsewhere. Tll.TON' & 1I6PEXSCIIADE.
June 10, 180ti ly.
'PTE.tL.D FLAG. An illustrated Cnioi
-L Campaign Paper. Devjled to Union,
Freedom and Justic?.
The Publishers of the Frtini'iu Fcpotifory
will reitme tho publication of rtu-ir most suc
cv?sul campaiga ptiper cf ISo-, THE OLD
FLAG, on the 4. A rf Ju'-y r.sxt, and pubii: h it
weekly thereafter until the lull returns of the
Election can be given to its readers, at the
following low rates cash tvvurtjii;' in ad
rj j..-r :
.single copies i0
lo copies to one audited.. I 5i
20 " " " 8 0'
ao " " io oo
50 " " " 15 00
It will contain twenty columns of reading
mailer, and taeh number will It illi sTuated.
The first issue wiil contain a correct portrait
of Maj. Oex. Geabi, Uniou c.mAidv-e, for
tsj Union men everywhere are roq-iestel
to nia in making up clubs lor the OLD FLAG.
Address il'CLl'iU: SiONKil.
juce 6-4t. Cuambersbui Pa.
- sigued ofier.T at private sale his firm sit
uated iu Dihivkare towinliip, Juniata county.
Pa., about tiirc miles east of Thoinpontown,
containing -J8- acres, s?)Dut JoO acres of which
are cleared and iu a good 3tate of cultivation.
J 'he remainder wt-il set. with choice ittaher,
' having thcreoa erected a larc sooue Mansion.
Tenant Hons.?, large Pank liarn, as t f'thei"
nccessaty nut-buildings, with a ite7er-failng
spring of water convenient to the house.
Toe iacd is well w-.tered. The above land
will be soi l in whole or in parcels to suit pur
chasers. Persons des'fing to purchase tlia
properly tan do so bv calling nn
April 2."., lsnn-tf.
V undersigned has rereived b-t of Han
dell's First Premium Horse Pitch Forks on
of the greatest machines ever invented for
unloading hay. All forks are warranted per
fect or tue money refunded. A boy 12 years
of !!; can work tbcm i-u a wagon with ease.
Cull at uiv vtore. iu Patterson, and examine
' them it will cost you nothing for calling.
I J. I. M. TuDi.
; Mr. Fir.anud M-yer, of Milford township,
j says : I purchased a liuud'lls Horse 'itch
: Fork last spring from J. P. M. Tod.l, and
found -.t to hi the lightest ami most perfect
Iwk 1 ever use.l. A hoy I-years ol age can
use it and I unloaded two lous of hay from a
wagon iu 7 ntiuutcs time, by the watch
MILL?. The undersign?'! bees
V leave to inform his friends aud the publto
that he is still in charge of the above namel
popular mill, where he is prepared lo accom
modate il.e citizens rf Miiilin. Patterson and
vicinity, with fhe Choicest brands of Flour.
A Ia!;te supply of Clan, Chop-Stu!f. and Feed
of nil kinds constantly en baud. As he ruin
a miii wagm every Tuesday and Friday to
Mitia and Pattt-rson, customers can be punc
tually sitpplkd at their doors. Py strict at
tention to business he hopes to r--eive a lib
eral share of pt'.bli? itatrona-je Tenns Cash,
may 'li'j-tij Soi.UMO.N K A IF I" MAN.
1UTE 11 ALL HOTEL. Tho n-ider-si'-ned
woull resiH-ctt'iilly iufouii his
friends and the public generally that he has
taken cliiirge of the aboe named Hotel, for
titerlv kept by A. 1!. Ilaioaman, situated iu
! ,,;, mlj..., c;ls( !.vltf trsviUc. where ha
vi'l ! I nwii :i. Jt:ni4t;i irounl V. fi nh-itit
5 will h? piepTi'ed to sccoiiituo.bite ull who may
j favor him with their patron-go. Ilis LAll
witi r- st'-' i-i wttn ine cost qualify ot
j-.Ul-F. spread with the bc-t the
,.;..( t;lI1 a!for. aud ius STABLE attended
i... ,P..., l..wilt.rs
IIiar o ", 'b(;.;-m
ACTION. The undersigned residing in
Vy IVrmanah fownstiio, takes this method uf
informing certain persons, known by him,
that h'.reaf'.ir if found trespassing on his
property, cutling t'lnbir displacing rails, &c.
iuey will be dealt w.th acenrdiug to law. All
persons are prohibited hunting game on his
farm, and those disobeying this notice will bo
dealt with in a suiutuuri'.y manner,
June 2-'l r.t. SAMUEL SIEUEll.
preferred by all practical Painters ! Try
it 1 and you will have no other. Man
ufactured only by
! on busiuoss or Pleasure.
T. 15. B SANDF.nS. Pro.
Aitorapy-fii-Law nntl ConvcyEsccr,
V 1KFLINTO.YN, will proti.ptlv attend to
ItJ. all business eairuf-eil lo I, is care OlSca
room adjoining the internal Revenue Oilicc,
cn Main street, opposite the Court House.
June 13, 4c-;'j-i.
FULL a ssort tnent of TUUNKS and TKAV
Ix. E LYING I! GS. Abo. SOl'f'tXS JirH
jas Hose, Gloves, iurk Gioves aud Jlits. (veiy
j best quality,) Kid Gloves Tor laiiei and.jtnts
cuu-iiiliod Kid. at