Juniata sentinel. (Mifflintown, Pa.) 1846-1873, June 13, 1866, Image 2

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V i ii 4 t f !
v- it' Q
A vn'n of likes, anrl a an inn ofhuvli
A union no putrcr rha!l sn-rr;
A union of hearts, aud a union of hands,
t.1!! 11 J; "rtvwl
M I F F L I N T () W X-
Wa.tnn..!.. . !-t. IDrf!
"C""1- "'1' ' -
IT. H. WW.sjv, ::aitor nn;S I'uhti-iitr
"" ,J - " -
t-j- i .( w.n,i r..-rr-l
lest a,i.-er.,n7 medmm. It is R rp.r, ir.ijy
I..yal. .iMy eunniiete.l. a hi:-t class l.ca!ist.
mi l well won l,y of t lie patronage ;f evory
loyI citiica in the County. '
FOP. Gi) T.iiXOK,
HAS. iltX JOllA U. GE;liiY,
" '
01' Cl'.VrtERLAXD Cdl NTi'.
Tia CONGKn.-'S j
JOrIX J P VTI I'lV-'OX of I miata Co I
Subject to t'ae Di.siriet Conference.) j
II EM UY II. V;iL0, of Juniata Co.
(Sul.jvct to the Diaries C.micicnco.)
COL'.NTl" TiCKIir.
JOSEPH PO.MF.IIOy, of 13,',le twp.
LL'CIA AVILSOX, of Fayette twp.
JOHN -M. TIIO.MPS(.).,of rerryvii!e
JACOU V.j;L::jt. . f Sasouch:
uica twp.
MSTP-irr ATTonNtv, jmeiit; from tl.euee liny proceeded lo the
JERi::.;iAII LYON!::, of .Miiatown.ii.,i;'uinr'!'!,,!aTorJ,!r-
j The roll tf the jary was called, and all
1 LiOsi.xb .mOULO h ,ol Tnscarora twp. ;
i. -v, sjia:rs t'eunsylraiua retneaiber I
tint Iloijior CIvuier ToleJ aiiast a ioint
ri-luiIou of ftur I.e.-ilillll.-. nwtiiii I'un. I
jrrs io ii.crcs-e tbe psy of the private sol- I
aal ron cop.iniiK.iuat J otficrrs of liie ;
lay. (See pa;;e "J'-o Lcishnive Itesoid 1
i.'sicnljOL) bile yoa were hitiiinj for 1
ill 3 I'aion he w is exhaitsiiu
.:is n.gemii.y in .
!.-viicg r.io:::s to ceautcract the succes of
onr ai ii.3.
t?5:?L!SL!CAf; CO'C'itf CGMfiilTTE ;
'i'he l'ollorir.s is tae I'm.-n Kiqu.blicnn
(Vu:.'y C'-'ii-mitiee appuiato i P.r eauing
i :r:
Min'.in'own A. II. Jlartia, C. McC."in.
l-.-.trcron I!. . C..ol,o, Ii. l. Gnoiingi.r.
r't-riiiauah C. I!. Horning, John toi.or.
l'V.iu'.r I. X. M.ioir. Kuriz i. iu:!'man.
I'-.-!aw.-.r? C. S. Shify. LtviMyi.--?.
Fay t-tte Sum'i. Lcoiiui.l. Ii- ta.-onv,
M-.tirue A. H. L.iad'.s, T-.l.-i-ii l.vii:..
'a:;'!::.;i t): K Loag. Sol. L'j .h-LT-ive.
-i-.-nwcl T. P.ui:il.fr. r. II. p. '-.hl.-i-s.
?l;iior.l Jaceb r..uinciT. .'. H. R.ii.isi.n,
1 iirhi-il L. K. Mac lie-s. Xci!j llerliler.
IVrr-v:i!e 15:;a. V'atiw:.r, S. liuelc
l'cale ilon. J . h ii !'.'h-, J. 1'. l'oylf.
Spruce H'.il A.J. rtteren. f!i.iu Voder.
'1 us..-:: ii : a TLo -i:ia Morrow. IViu. i!:til.
1-tck I. T. l)-.-vuis. U. V il-.s.
L-ii.ck i.o 11. .M.'liuyrs. S.ne l. S!. oarer.
Dlt.'mtTl.vric MEXA:i:ri;:. '
A r.i:i-ica', (.apical, ragieal compound
of .-PDii-teeesh ronstructicnists and nirei- i
tilics a kind t f a cross between the so."
Grnmpiix and Gun ilia with a small j The Sheriff then motioned the party
Fj-rinkling of Ivickapoos, aict according i from the ceil, and, preceded by .Messrs
to programme, at the Court House in this : Howell and Peikius, aud followed by
place, on .'l-.uday lust. About 8 o'clock i fathers Gi iinduer aud Carbon, Piobst pro
in the morning the band wagon accompa- i eeuded towards the place of execution,
nyicg t' is colebrateJ r.ieuaiojric, entered He teemed ptifectly resigned and
the town on foor, accompanied bv a num. ! evinced much firmness, wheu au incident
key ia full regalia. They paraded the ! that occurred just ou side the cell doot
principal Ftretls, monkey, boys aud all, (excited au emotion he had not befote ex
juuch to the .-iiuuscment of tiie good peo-j hibited any evidence of.
pie of onr quiet Lorcngh. 'ext came j The keeper who had had charge of him
tie menitgerie proper, with the celebrated ! s';ui-'e Lls arrest, put out his hand, aud
Yatk of" Tartary f.vm Tnsosrora; the's;lid ' (i Jjd l'.ve ''('"oJ l'3' J" r"
Jlclcinsth of My writ from Lack; the i funded Probst, with a voice choked wi.h
great Kooky Jlountain fc'h.wp Ucm Vfalk- j emotion, and tears came into his eyes.
tr, and the ftr famed Cali.Vnia Viper 1 warch to the scaffold was then resu
Lte of this place, now of Phila. V.ie-a Tlie prisoner woie no clothing ex-
v.cre the principal aaimafs on exbil ttion. j l cmrse muslin .shirt, a pair of eoar.se,
The doois opened at 2 o'ciock and :be j l"'a a"J a uf hrog.-.ns.
menagerie organized by electiu-; Joseph j U j1-" ucuher eoat, vest, hal, uor bus
Ard, of Spraee Hill," PresiJeei. This j Fenders.
man Anl has been the apparent !ria..-iger l:P"n reaching the scaffold, Probst as
of all the Democratic lae'nagerk for u'-eiuJed the steps wi h entire firmness.
last ton years. He was fliuked on t!. Ihtre was no sign of defiance or bravado
light bv peda-o.-r.e Wm. Lou lie U.W bis demeanor, but aa appearance of
Comniissioner, as Vice President, and on lauW'e resigualiou and earnest contiition.
the left by peilaticgue J. li. Wirt, as Sec. j At fateeu minutes before cloven, all
Afitr the organ'izt.'tion bad been efuctcu ! the prelit-iina'ica having been arranged,
the doors were removed from She fevera! j 'dr. Cruuder gave the signal, and, the
cages in the crescent, commencing with Sheriff pulling he cord i-ttached to the
the one marked Congress. As there was j prop, Anton Probst hang daughug be
only one animal in this crib, of course i tsixt heaven and earth,
there was no growling. The name of S. j The condemned mau bad a .a'., of al
ii. CrawrrJ. ef Tesrn towsnhip. wa'iaot throe left. ?i Reffc WHJ I:TOt'-
written below the word (!ot.sre-s. All
eyes were next turned to caue No. 2 mark-
el Assembly ; under thh, the name f
Jerome Iletriek, of Walker, . written,
uo other animals appearing in the eop-e.
Cage Ao. d contained more auitnals; this
was the large cage of the show. It was
",u"lu iu:s,anu 83 llierc
was several animals ia it, there was of
course considerable growling; hut as the
fg drifted away the nar.es of Samuel
Watt, of layette township, and Thomas
l- MillikeQ, of Spruce Hill, were dlseern-
ib'e. (.' Kn 4 morl-oJ !.,.....
- j ,
a n.- -l
0..rriila.bt. upon lei,.
v I Hi j'u i .ill a
g opened ii witt
i leund that the Oianpus had jumped the
Curri'.la's bounty. lTrou this boX Wiiy
' wr'ttt,n 'he name of George Reynolds, td
;this place. Several other raiies were
1 opened, and one maike l Cuuimissionc; -
was fu.:d to con-ain a batch of Ori.iies ;
j but as only one r.ama Ofiu'.d be written,
.1. I 1 I 1 1
i ca.ieu ht a pen una wrote Uavid
, ivon-1 lie next epe was
marke I District Attorney, aud although
,i,:.ra ., ,. .,,.:,..i :
in if, the -.'reut!
lVrrv, who reared prodi-iousiy, but the
i ', , , , . . , ., , ,.!
i F 0('' ,C 01 eJ aUl1 ,,a,l: of j
j J T. L ibn of this j,lace was wriiten !
lle. .bX' C,,;J f Fcrmanh
ip, was lound in a bar. itiarted
i Auditor. 'J his menagerie wiil break up
;aljout ll,c sc'Cu"J Tuesday of October,
i .M.ira annn
the tsrccfiox or pkoijst.
The dread .sentence of the law was ex
--- -
-Hilton i roosi , ai i lnianei. ;
pi.ia, ou rnaay nsorutn me a;u inst.,
I for the murder of th! I'eariug family in !
prii l ist.
At half-past 9 o'clock, the Sheriff, a few it.v voacasafed u oar clims a.:tiu:t u ' he intruded to conform to the j toceed not fr.mi whciica tbs-y bh'w. Toron.;':;- ;;
of h:s special deputies, his jury, his leal j ri-bcltiu Uica h.:J lor its ol.jeet i!ie da- j mus of tiic coiivcn'iou. or vote lor Ciymer. I all h s pa.-t life, h.ii not li e filler, of des
fcdvi?e, and aovcu representatives of the i rae:i..u of our -vai Ilcpuio.c. j j:tr 8llUie equivocation he said f;r -Ciy tiny as steadily i oiij'ed to bim as a .t-i:t:-
! t.u .---.. nf f. -j 1 .. ... ....... . ...... '
... - -j-.iv. -il..-.;( lll.b ly JIIIOII J'll.a:
anan-euieut. at the A-sembly Puildin.
n J
Ld tal-a- a special car, at 'J 45 o'clock. ;
,eu :!ie tenth street rarvvav. tnc entire
parly wai sooti wilhir. the walla of iloya
mensing pi isoc.
A littie aficr 10 o'clock the Sheriff and
his party reached the prison, and the
were admitted into the Dei-tor' s-pan
having answered to their uanies, Charles i
tidpin, Eso.. the Solicitor of the Sheidl.
pin, Esq. the Solicitor of (he Sherd!, j
cded to tcad the Warra- lor the ex-'
,.,. ,i ,. ; , ,
These preliminaries having been dit.
P"-c tSu! Sheriff sent word to the at
leudicir e.cr'-ymeu tnat he was iu atieim-
at:ee for the purpose of perl'ormino ti
duty , m..I Wuu'.U aw iit thuir pleasure au.i
., - f ,1... rislll!r within
ihe limits of his iutructious from the
Gov erucr.
The response was that they were q-iire
ready, and the Siieriff, accompanied by
31 r. Peikius, the Siiperiuten.lc.t. ol the
I risen, and a representative of the press,
proceeded to the cell.
Probst was alone niih his clerical ad
visers, and lie had evidently been eajjacd
iu earnest devotiou. lie had a criciiix in
bis hand.!.
The Sheriff addressing the culj.rit said
. . !
, in suoslaaee, Anton, I a'n here tor trie I
purpose of perfoi iiiHiu; the unpleasant duty j
: of executing tiie puiiishiiient vvl.it h the i
law has imp. sed for (he offense i f which j
I von have been convicted. Your excellent j
rel-giou.s advisers ialoru me that you are
quite ready." j
'J o this Probst replied briefly, ''That is :
lily broken on the instant. There was a;
convulsive twitching of the hands and
legs for a miuute or two, aud theu ail was
over. The murder of eight innocent
tals h;-d been avenged &ad the law bad j
betu justiGed.
After hanging until the death of the
cotiiumiicu ui:ni wart Cieany a-ur':ucuf
tho body was rut down aud lauded over
to the medical faculty. '
1 'iiOS A V i'l r iSlibitt;.
we publish the proceeding of;
I ..:. .r tt. K..i.i;..rj' o.rt i
, w . . " - ;
w..tl ;.. l'--il.tii-. m 1
i.jt i i'f io v. uu i;ii i iuii ui;su iu i ii.j.jui
i the o'.h of Juue :
Ci'ptain Norris, of l'hiladelphia, spoke,
1 and l hanked Ailehany lor the reception
' of the 1'iiiiadeiphia delegates, aud com.
' !imcnted bcr ou her lar"e Kuiou aiaiuri-
tics. This cjoteutiou was to fl.-iaaud :
; justice for tho S'.'ldiers, and that tho hero j
1 III .
, 01 Ls -liout .Uounlaiu saou:a ua our uox l
; Oovei nor. i lie Voice cotues Horn every ;
; scliiier'n j:rave. ha faithful
On uio'.ieii the orgauiz.tiou was entitled1
General l-.s-her, lrom the CJiumUiee,
, , ... , , ,
reported too torn.' ia,; lesoiiiuous wlncli
Wt:,e uuaainiously adopted amid grcatj
''UlVRf:AS Wc ,l,e representatives of
8,,.'ic..V u,,.j kU.jra- Jf Peai.,ylvaau
j a.s.-en.bled in couveuimn, in ohedienee to.
a call recotrmzed an.l foruia.iy ueied upon,
throu-hout :..e CommouweUu, liaviu in
, . j
n n.cii.Lii-aiiUi t::e si.nerins anU triaia eu-j
Idur.d iu the t.ucce-.--:u!.s!ra--.ea-aiuMa
.. . .
; i.'aiiiic -ret .K'-in, aini oei: Uttetmr.ieC
: ' i ....... j
i IU puoV'.IUie uc (jltai jiiiuti.i.-;woiiiu- t
K.j I y our arms, una k.hciiu'-u oy i.-io
o.ooa u wu .....u. ..
I'llhl. J.O.H UK louiu m i.i VUlllitfl-
i tent lluier ol tue I niver.-o our ttuce.i:
land lu-aikit thanks lor the clowning vie,
' ' ".'Ii . ilia. nil. .tii-n.. . iii-iatiiii; I
1... ...i.- 1 i-n:. i..itr :iti1 t.HOI.IO l..r .Iim
- , , . , i ..." . ,. ,, ..
runs ol o'jr uia 1 1 i .. t iitioc. lor llitiir
,a,ttstal .,rpiut.s,cuiiii:i!.is our wauu-
u.,t ur.it sio I
'J.'iiid 1'hat co itrary to public policy,
and Mijvcr.-UJ of the jilfcal p-r.neiji.tS
won I v our patriotic blood to peint any
men to iiold oiii-es of honor or piv.il u i-
;er the Uvt.erui Uovciitiiit-ut, who, ly
oid or Ui e'.i, oinuuiTj.-M-ii lue i.uioii .
a. n.ies, oi c.i-i od.uiu ou lue cau.-e ur j
which they louiit. j
Fourth 'lUat til a soldiers cf Penn-yl-;
vania .sl.oula orauize in their raseciive ;
counties, to take ce that the ir.uuipli
ol the army be not I
-.1 the army be not fruitless, and the le- j
"" uf ,ur H'sl 4'0(u'ax"? re;"-'H uu
.;.i..ir;i i,y coiicevsiona oi ui.j
..nil.., in i.m. in oor rrii '.'it to liu ue- : r
,t.a,e,4 or by yieia navautagra. irly 1
Wou ; aud we propose the toi;ow.ug p. at-;
loin, as !' ba.-l.s ol olainZaiWii :
J'tfU. Tiiai siieti Iii-a u.e.it liou.d be
aceoio.d to the det'eaied toe as l.ie u.o.sl
i-.iil.ail ie magnanimity r. (pines j hut wuli
out. valuing a pru.eiple compromising
iie rights, or i.Love ail, oeeiiius an ally. !
.S'. -U 'i lii't such anu so many uaiau-'
tee.i s had be utiUaii'icd li'oiu 'i.e .'jo,'h
.ni l ii. cor; oi ated in the naUunui C-jiuil-
toiioo :;ie to ccs.'.:: V to Wticul .Le i
euiieove of the rebel. i -u ; to sec ;ii e jus- j
itce m.J freed o:i io aii men, oi au w..;-sts,
con -in. ous and c dors, an.t guaid lue uu-1
tioual ius ii Iroji Vlo auou.
.V. n;fi. 'i lint the rebels cuht tut to
ne i ieei'ii'.Jted into power h-iore sucii
i;ii.uaiiie'-s have b-eu ooiaiued, uiid tlial
accordingly Conie.-s. to v.nieii n-.ti.fuuy
pertain aii tile.-tiona oi I'eeou.siriie.uni, is
to ii. I'oi-.liaii v sii- a.ueu lo taen ueaiaaa
. . '
iot sucn i-uaiauiees.
V.fA. 'iuai with the beginning oi
the war this nation look a ttw ilepanurc
ami liieucc-fo'lh her Cuusiiiuiiou la to lie
iui"r1 '' Hberty, jui.ee and
secuniy, aceorUiULr lo liiO sji.nt ot lis
1 ion;. ii.ii. ( and luiiuoitai L'ectraliou ol
iujependeuee. under tlie reaeiiins of Us
uuiors and coiupatriols. 'J oo lon at
. t. j it l.....n l.it..i-t rl!i.,l in tliu la.
tcicot Slavery and ea.;e. ! leaders. Thus were Ciesar and Hannibal
A (. lnat .Uiiior Cen. John . . ; , , .
Gearv having given just ev.ueneo of his ; il,m 'ar,a a"d A ashing.,, and a host
uevouou to too I'utou durtug me great j uf decidcJ leader of their respec-
rehclliou by volunteering iu lis u'eleoce, j iive times aud nations,
aud serving faitiiiuiiy during tins war, And what is true of and tion'an comciu
wi.eii many like li.estcr Clywer, u; is ais0 true 0, measures and priuci-
now Claims to be cpiiiiy paino.'ic, Were i , . ,
, ; . . . ., , . pies. 1 hey too have their ' oaders bo'Ii
fcudering aid anu coiuloit to ttis rebels, 1 ' J "J "
and he now being before the j eopie ol i wouii-be, or artilieial, and will be, or nat
i'cunsy lvata as a caudidate f the ofliee ur:d leaders : the former are merely the
of Governor, we, his tedow-soid.ers, l:i uia l votaries of a u.i.-uided Ambition
that lime ot triHl, pledge lo him our ; auJ ralt., baililu tie uf bml e pro'
hearty support, auU ask the a i.e lor huu1 ..... ,
, . . , . . . . ., duced by tno.se contests that are eternal v
irom all tho-e who acknowledge the uebt; J . J
of trantude due from the country to its i
Tenth. That the soldi.
vania recognize no wanner . r truer Irie.id
thau Governor Andrew Greg Cuiiiu.
w , .,....-.... i . i . , ,10 ;
our ho:e, and lus merii our glorv. Tlie.UUJ U0'V to "le cueuiy, ia the most con-
unswerving love of l lie soldiers fi iead 1
wi:f be reciprocated by their uuiaiienug ;
uevouon. i
ij cuvti'it. i lint we .ippe.ii liopeiuiiv
to Cong.en.i for speedy Ueeislou on tlie
iinostioi. of e .uaiizatiou of bouuued ...
Tirrlfth. Thut believing treason u a j
crime, ami inui tra .ors so,. ne pou-
ished, we demand ihat the leading trut-i
ii. . i i i
ors s lou d Le convicted and exeeuied I
au txample to Oaitors for all time to come.
a iiirUint'.i i'hat th:s eouvcniiou is
ablf.to eS:ess its sentiments upon tbe If.ieuds? Of mcli a class are those three 1
wnole mailer of the issues and ca;ididatcsioujjoe.leaders of which pso-p'o')-
in a few words, of the is-ues and candt-1 . , ' . ' " !
.1.... in o li,.o -w.r.lj , -t,i,.i. .., .... ! tm'Cracy Joels HO proud, viz ; Aecideutal '
swer for
our banner inscriptions the eom.l
.a.gn. God graut G-ca-y vtciory I f
mg capiji
Fourlreuth. That the legislation where-
uy C-ou-rtss attempted lo defend and
our a.iies. tne loyal moo of the
Z 'rl
tret.jw j,roL'ered a3 t!ic ,jrlce t aid and
proLVreo. as tiie price
awarded as the due of l.ivaliv. deserves
our niiquullified approval. j
" . .
dustry by a hi-h protecitve tana. I
Vl 31US: of Al!echany, offered a;
rcsnlution, as follows :
Rt-wlctl, That the loyal majority iu '
, " r .. L..".. ; ' ...Tr.....i !
i . .. i ii . t. . .
auu i out me oaiiiin coiMiia i.iau uu pin I
,l ; l.. .-.k . !. 1 J..-
uiitan.il u iu in; I ilia i wi in mi. 1111. ..,0-
tiny that surely awaits the unfidterta !
and persijtent adiieKucu to the eauco of j
equal ireeaoui. !
Captain Fuller, of Tayette, moved j
amend by approvn!? of the amendments ;
troroMeJ Ly tlic Seitntc, am! s:t lie L';i
er"u- . !
Major S. henck. of Linear, ask.-d
iolt'any f-ritlo in the Pennsylvania
j;(!n iU
ra M Washington ! lie vrus iu Sjvor
! of titand.nir bv the popular br.iiich (.!'
.,,,,, .M I -ho w..r,. .I.,l...
son's m.ir.uu.eat of jus.ice.
Never mind ln.w umny monuments ol
mercy he miitht make, let us stand by
Com-rcss anu make t:v:.-on ..di.nis Con-
Fared with the word, of Andrew Jo!.
those of Jud.ts fink into iusi-Lia-
GeLcrjl Fi.shcr said that tho members
,. : it .. ;:
..'i nil. 'oiii'inu t iiii.ii.iiu: aiii. nil i.'oi
. ,
d, and he wouol jus as leave .nuorse
I ...- r l tl'i . . .' . . :
v-owau as .lo.iiisou. j ne rs, ,i; ions j re i
.... i i .i . .i i . r . i . :
aeniea oy incul .13 llH'JUt fUUtlcilv j
a delegate Iro.w lioiks, wh secretary '
I .- I, I i I, .-
'nt n Vriio.-:ir w. . !:.r. l ii l.o.-i Ii.i" iiro..
, , " 1
-n, whea Cel.. Lolas asked lorn it !
mer. Otn. t .il.is a.nu tue pieseucu ol
such a delegate Wiii aa iuault to l.imcll I
. acd his coturadra. !
C'iip'aia C. Tamer, of Fiiilalelphia, '
n.mt ltoafto one lepid soldiers be i prayer of every .niL-l:e:irt.:i Amt-i ic:"-i.
appointed to escort him out, and one led j lint wo said these heroj leader of tbr
to be one of the i.tj, as his iudii;uaiija i people and their pttaeipies were ti: jjreat
was intense. jest abused and ino.-t pci-sceute d -i u:
i he Copperhead .:e!ei:i!e qir.wly retired !
at the SU:;);e4:in f the chairman. j
On uio.ioa ol Cantab Fuller, the rc."i
lution was voted down, and Colonel
U:.yi e's p w-d by an almost utianiuijus
vote, amid immense anplause.
Gfu. Thomas L K.-io offered anl had
r...-..--pd a i olution st;iriic rh-it tV. iii
tiwctioo betwerit r-tnk an.l file and
oiKeers and their famliiirs i now uncalled
for, uin jhouid aot be continued on the !
pci.siou rolls, and tbI ; ni.-.ions shoiil i be j
e:i ta iai'd, not by rtductii.n of pitianee. i
but by elevatin-all to the pr .pcrttandaid. i
lle.soiitli ms to send the r i;. ...
Ci:n.'r.!s, and the Pieidcur, and Gtus.
t.-.;nt a:n: Geary, and to Governor C'ui tin,
'.as pi-.ssed.
C'-pta a Fenn offered a resolution which
was p:.y.-ed, J rot.-siino rj;aiiist the rcltase
v Jt.g Davis from execution.
General Fisher was authorized to nr
voun a oti.re vetiirai L ommiitee. Uener i 1
..!'.. .1 l.i -
Oneu to be chairmau.
The contention adjourned nine Jir
abort midnight, tviiTi loud cheers for
Geary. Thus ended this iiumcnse cou
I''rth-- JniiviUi S" 'itul.
The Teoplc's Lender?.
Lv. ry ae and every clime, every land
and every nation, every Community , evei v
society, and every well or-amz.-d f.mily.
has I ad, does have, and will have, their
... I I I 1 I . t I 1 l . - t-
country to its ;"""., P'-- me runa war ot ideas. b, ave dej.uilcrs hy ; orders, when he I of nil kind': constm.ilv on band. A he runs
, ! tLjt '' !!lC War bctW,Xl tM!j i,uJ L,J i relused to sustain the laws lo liii up our ! w"?'",,i Tu?'
ers of Pennsyl-lpnneioles; iu such cases those won , ,, , -' , j Lilian and at.-rson. customer cm. beP.me
..,, .1... i . ': armies and declared that the conscription iiiaiv sr.j-t. iff at their Joors. Ity Rinet at
er er truer liieiid .... .....i,. hft :,... .,i,.,...i I . ... 1 ' J ...: .... i - .:..
place e graud -war ol ideas.
but Viou.j.tie leaiiers, either abandoned
., e . i i. . .
''e held altogether, or else surreudersoul
temptible aud subtiiu manner possible;
covering their foul acts with the u-arb of
secrecy, to ward off an over-novveriuj
shame; and coward like professing one !
e.u.essin- one
tu.ug, tuiiib acuog aiiotncr, seemniir the
ug, while acting another, geemiu? the
ist friendly to those they intend iidurin- !
j j i.j.ii.i. q ,
t; not having the b.avcry or manli-j
most friend
UC!.S t0 aaoo.JUCQ their wiotf:j j ;
.. , .. . " '
until tuey aro lar across tho lino of il .
J "uo 01 u-
imncation, aud sale in the heart ol the!
tain p cl thuir new-made proselyting
President .Jontisou, Secretary Seward, '
cu-J Senator Ccwau. j
let us take a tla.-ifo
at tho
,T:;i pc or na
natural h-adcis tf tho uat
or n,.luVtV,L V;hat
they ? They are
of Nature and iteveh
are thev, ad
,,.1,..,.. ,!...
atioa liaa raised up
to can v out His irrand dcie-iis vv
are sometime made manifest, and always
inur-rc do oucca; iiiey arc iiiut-v y.-v
all the tanot, and tbr.ata
perseeation f, ot a:i iriorat ao-J pie-
j ;ii;cetl rabtlo ; led oa an ure!l to csa-
'",f il,t,r t,,r lw'U l'Jaal ui -tc" u -
tellii'oct Ceads sinetimps in the forai of'
'eii'.it'.nien ivioii-if." nn.ir t!i4 nrinTi - jui -
- - j .- - --
iiig ciuuomen ol a Ousetvutire, f-r rath -
or ftrvo-;'live.
N:(UI.a, ,caJofS arft ,jJ00 w?i0 ,.,.ikc
,;,ut auJ nut IM;.!lt ln,;t0 ; M1J :!ie
e8li,ljishuicut ,- )(,a pi.incipleS their am
0! pi lDCIp
and cljoct. And the tliroo n.j.st proini-
of that
i .... :
j '.'."v..i-
e'i .'tatiaii i'ticoin, seem: a L iia: :v- i-.uiii- ,
nor, aid third, Thaddeus Stevi-ns; j -1: t
the threa "bet.aba.-e i'' men iu the land. !
Lincoln has gone to his rc .vm d (at;d ;;!-
iht.TL'h it i'i:y be was huisied iikiv, 1 y
the wie'eue-l asss.-iu, but t;i. very toou I
j -c :l ) i1 r-'"-
i ''''''"' '"""'''
J 1.1 1 . T I O . I
i. i-uiii'icr vet lives ; an ( 1 i ; m-mi
nt-.-l. .-he.id.ed principles via tilled,
uhilu bis cowardly a.ssailant with t.ianv
"f like i.k, sleep the i-h-ep of de:.th, Le- '
thoii w ,.... h.vfl ,,,! ..:! 1
',. i i i .
j hi.e tn tl.trd and UA named, i na-:-
.i..i.m ........ ... !..... t . '. M ..I
..w-.-, , .... i i-.i i.-,
.t .. ... .... i. ; .;!!...... . . r ......,.:.. .
03 ' i ffiauas i.k soliiu j :i.i.i
h ak, the A'uuriom monarch of ti e ioro-1
learicss and itisinov: hie bo!d:v uc.'um:
it r I . i n
:i . n 'm m t...n J ... .
' J
wuhM.vo'tu- ail political st.-rras, c :.ir.-;
cal leaner, as u..es the m ijnetie tcedo:
point tj the Poiar iilar, as its lm-li-rious
;;.iide. Mav hi - d.ivs be man v. and his
vvoi'xs rroccc-J !'r
A to l. Uur. is ti
pub.ie a.tu of the nation. And whv aic
they thus treated Let the .oet aasncr.
lor he doca it weil :
'-The man is t'aoiiht a knave cr foo!,
Or bigot pli.iii:. crime.
Who, fjr for the ad arceini nt of his Liad.
Is wiser than Lis tiaie.
'II::?. -h-:l! the seam an-l wraib of nirn
Pcr-r.e with lieadty :itdi ;
Aa-d ninnc-, rnvy. oiie and lies
Shall ilesc crate his na::ie."
Ho faithfully too are tr.e wil'trii-t
linioiis of a time-serving IVtuocnc'.-.
ni'h viper like t o: ;-"i ..- ai.d j o mo-i
-lis pens, comply iii2 with the i cio- s .1
ll.eir jf.ii Mutitrs, I'l b Ivin, I .ro-iiin
at.. vilifying that noble i.i led ia-:! .t.
Mij. Gen. Jihn Vf. Geary, the fi:tu: -
Governor of Peni: ylvaui i. And shall
not the ' Vhire Star,'' th" (Jeai v end it in.
f . ' 1
li.-e hih iu the j;:i!axy of fame, semit:-; j
v jevvei M't iu the Kevstum: of liie
-.1.' I- !.... 1.'. 1.
rcl-ei.:i .v. : ii. a . i t.
iL:i:p irHUKroi::-: xiss: i:-:t:'i
Keep it before the people that i!e
j Ciymer was iu league with Pcn. V.
.i !
James Gordon J.Vtinett am! August P. '.- :
wont, vvl.cn u was propor'td t ' the Uii.i-b
M;oi.-;er to have Mnglaiid icterposy v.ir! !
her armies and navies to sejure the i'.i-.'e- 1
pen ieiieo of the tjouihern Couftd.-rucy.
ivecp it helore tie people that iii -ter
C.u,vr nted (
eor.-e W. Woodwavd to
make that speech iii which ho plea led
that the Si)u:hcr:i t'tateo might be aliuiveu
to go m peace. i
Keep it before the people that Ilieftcr
1 I '
C'ytuer ptivately assniied Andrew Join -
sou as a dr.ii.ken d-magoe, and pi.'..
' - ' 1
liciy charged him wiilt Having been
'bribed wiih oSeo" to join "t'ie crti.-aues
of Lincoln's hirelings ' ou the State ol j
Keen it before the people that IIieter
Pi ,. . , .
tlytucr justified Lees invasion ol JVui.
fyivauia, the robbery of our follow cili -
i i ii- .i . r
zens by his soldiers, the mimicr of our
laws were unconstitutional.
Keep it beioie the people that Iliester
Ciymer vo'ed againtt a resolution iu tbe
State St-uate offering the thanks of the
people of the State of Pennsylvania to
.Major General 1.1 cade, his oilleers and
men, tor the Victory at IjefysDoig.
Keep li In Ioro I lie people thai iltc-ter
Ciymer voted against a resolutP.n t.f.'ereu
. j -
lue i"attt eu. Urant
lor tlie capture of Viek.-bur-.
rsl li . t . i -i !:.,
li. t Fiiltisl
V.!i,--f, Co--vn......
iLll"'lilLJ "l Uu '"la ". .t I,
ji-J U'FLIMUWN, wiil prouq.tiy a.ietiU to
ii- li busiaess enti-usreii lo nisi arc O'hee
' r o ' t-,T '
Jtaw 1 iiiv-ii.
An.l now J-
! f t.W.'TMV" The v.i-A-
I", il: :'d .f
V.' V.
l.iVI!-:.ip. i li.'.
in T rri-ti--i .-.oaa n j.ir.;r".
k .:'. . i I y hi:.:,
; asi.ig .n i.U
!a '!; riits, it:!. .
io P. ht. .Ml
i r v :i -r.o on hi
' l:c:v:.fitr if i..t.!!-l li-
tv, cmntigl'Mo'ir .1
v. lii 1)3 dea'L wiil. ii-e-
i pea-cans are pri.hiiiiHu I m
' 'irR1- rta;l moao uisuu: y i.ijt i . i neiiee v.i.i no
.it .1.1 o'lll 1.1 II Stllli.imi l ' r i;t.t:i:ii.
June IM-Or.
v T It ' I" H' V IT1-" VLS ! :lt IVI Ii-t
j t.,i,,n!j. f .r tin- jrai li"'-, -s'i! i.-:-iitn f , t
f "''i tn-J al'icr -hs l-.ib ;t:-.i.. I Wi l
(t!! .:-.t:.. A-s.,,.::i. u M.'i.aicw.:.
u -a-!.!-. .lime K;iU.
i - I -i. i-j.-t ...... i i M. . ;,.;., -..t
i' ,; ."'.' " ""
1 i-'i'.l'II lill1 rjriltli! -r (;;", I. 1 1 1 ll
1 la.nsf r.-.jK-e' jus wi.U-U d.oii.i. ;j r;-j'i-..j,
'' H"J t;,:,:' lliJ'''' ,vor s"" ii:c P''"""-' "'' !'"'"--
; - PANIilL. k!'... u' 'J, A'i.-sir.
Mia.Uetov.-a, Lujaiu e.,uty,
l- 1"-.
i:. i rr.roN r. t-1 rj.f.ca'.nr.
V i:V STO;:r. Tl.emi.:-l-;;tn-l !i-i -.-
J. eil a .X.-w ,ci.;re in tt.s I'M IV;'.. -... i;.i!:.
15ri.l::c s rc-.t. '..Ii.-re th-.y ar i-r-;ri.-.l i j i.r.--r.i!.
1 ::c j-r'iii': .TiiJi "i.--l nr.'i cLfnn y'.'t:.,
c.-i.si-::: in far: i f i.l.i.k -:!:c ri!:. Ijh.i,'.,.
z:..cs. !iitk V...-, tie L-.ii.fi I Bh-1 !' iv::.-.
i i-- ;:"'t .,.';', I-Mo-.v I i i!: L)j
r. (.. I r--.. j. inl i'c !.a-r!s r.r.-l I'.ti. y .s;ihit
I iti :.il colors, rriatv I C la.brics an.l
" i-v:.!:b Sr.i I'-.iVi !'r,;.';-? 3.1 :.;-':r.!:.
" ' fttiipc-l l'l-i;:l t'oM j uo Cit;;c.
" figured and I'iai.i
V i'-:!i.. .-!..! fott'-ird's r.i.r::.-...
.hi'elio...!s S't.-b as l.i.-it Liv.-".s, ?wi.s4
C't i.i'o i v, J jc ji.'.':: s, Ui-, I.l:-".;!; au i
l.l o-k ibi! ?t np.d P. Lain ?.tv-!j.
l'reae'i liai G.-ai: Iit'In
" An.i ri.-:ii 1-ili.s and ('.'..-i;:T:.-t-?.
Mi'M!rsr J. La-lies" gr.:at T..nety,
V.'l.iic ami oo!i i-.i Hiiim.-'.s.
"ti .-:(. t'lic-e::-.. . :.-.i'j!.i-ie i Tict'nj,
Uivubc-l urA i-r-u;i r;i.:.i.t:u- I, 1-1. -1,
i-y. .":'.i..ri, i'rlr.iiiiirt);.. I'.i'i-
v:t:i n rj'
.t v.ri.-ry ii ? tue h-.'.-t stylos
, :; -i :c : -..'.ill ..'.-.-i' Csr.
!' :u. n .'-.. ! ; i - s in cret
ci-'..ir. ii. r. -.tl rii. l ;hwr
i'i e-i:;.:'.
s...t:-a-ii s iT "s'.t i ! .:: si
.-. ii - -,.-:l ai IV-! -..
.'a 1-iiy.-!-.4 v -n.!-l do
-k 1-f-r.- porolfin
:s .v i:--; ;.v-:i;:i.ui::.
tin- !i.i--i i
-T-at v vl :
!-s- -. icr- n
i .iiii';" i nr
ire. Tl !. I -;
1::, i:;'' i !y.
JI . I', .11 1
- I' -i.-j ; : .1 ; r.r..
i:-;rai..l I'ni.i
l.-l to fui-i
.1. !
1' '.
l.r It.
c- .- -Oi. e iiii; -i v o :i:..
H.Ai;. ... i -:'i .
v- f, k'y ! io-i . -. ii-.i.i
Ilo-n ..a . ii n ... i n
Iu'.!nvo,2 Ics i...ec-
.-i.): V ;::. s
I enj i.-s I'j .'ii e ajilii-
;i. Ti
.... ' F
:. it
h" ii.li . ; ii ns of ilie
iis a 1-. i's. :.r ir.
h inr-t? ... V'.y iii a -
. t . .
K, 11:1
11 li
r a. :-.:..-. i-f ren'iiii
l e-oi- .in trr.'
i Jii i v. iii e- !
)t M u. 'ii:.. ti t-.viiV.
i.ii u c:o 1 1 el p'.rt rlt
l'ui'.-:l eali-liihktc i.ii
fj . 1 1
I lll'l ill .
n-v. CT--rvv. '..ere a
! 1 CT
r. ri i
rvjnssri: I
e Ot.'.i 11. . I.
; : 1 ON hi.,
isi-iiiir, i a.
t io.ll.t.
r.r.MAVA':;i roMMo:;
iid lAteiidiiuivs t'..r
-;;.',.. .: I;l'C x.tiWn on l.ie doilur of Vuiu
i.i il ii V. '.-i-i ii' s
.iis ari'o.iit of t!x dttptic its S12,-.i.' it
.in. ! :i:e.i,v r.i......is ;-.V..f-.j
:.. 1. eiieelei. eeii iulneut e.'.'i- J
i'l Hi, -
N'rt amciiii of lax rr,-J.
li '- P3
;-s. !''
i'ailaaee on hand froo. last rear
i.-:rrs-f iTrrc.
id " t?.v!iers .V'o per m. escli " m. f- tT-i.iiO
1 '. :'.j :; ! ". i,0 )
, I :i.-s.-i:ir.t
f-.r !
In nd
o.-ih !i-.- ;! noiii:- f' i.t)
and rL'nii!--iii;i':5 ti71.il
.'cri-tuiy fur sere'e 6,1 0
' In
T.-ial lis
le-. oa aa
'.. (in SieV
S. (;Li-i, i'rea't.
! KVuT.i' i i'iN' IN i iTriilNG 1'AY Ti.e
J V .iii-:ersi'i;i"l has ri'd-iYrd n lo f of Itloi-d.-ii's
i .r-t i'i-.-::itr.':i iioise i itch forks on.t
of I::,. 'r.-. :'i.-: niaeii im-s ever i:'.v.oiirl f,,p
on! 'aiiir-; Lay. Aii l'..-!,s u.-e fttrraiO-.-d p"r-
i, -I n r t'-.e ipoiif-y rid'undi-I. A b.-v 1- years
a!' :!;. i-i.i w ok '!::: -oi a w:f..n with ease.
Caii at my srori'. i:i Pa 1 1 n. and enaaiiue
ii. ein it wiil ci.-si you noltiin for cilanc.
I , , v,,'' , '. .
i V.r. I.m.-'i.iiel Jioypr. of Vnlrnrd li.wnsaip.
: -ays : 1 piirciiased a Ilmid-iN 11 rso 'itOi
' ,st n'Hs from .1. b. M. i'...l i. ar t
! .eiiii I it !o hi- tee lijiiti-.! and most pcian-t
! ,: I; I evrr nse -I. A 1. 1 years of iii'. en
is.- it :m 1 I unloads I fv.o lens i
;oii iu 7 niiuutes lime, by the v.atcu
! prnA MILLS. The undersigned bocr.
' lvavc '!'',! :'' '!'s friends and ihc public
I that !i is siiil in charee ef the nl.nvp nair.et
; ., mil!, where lie is prepau-d ta acexu-
I .""date li'.e ciiizens of .Mililin. t'liiierson and
' vieiuifv, witii ihc Jh. deest lirandj of fl"iir.
j A ,., t., , r ,.. ri.op-t5.iiir. .ml Fee.1
leu'ii'Ti to busn-.i -s he In pes to r. eeivp a lib.
era! t!': nf public patroiiaiit. Term Cnsb.
may 0, 0ti-tl j SOLOMi)N KALI FM AN.
T7I!1TE HALL HOTEL. The un.'er-
? signed -voitM re-'peclinlly itiferia his
I'ri.-niiS an-i the pu'-l'.' ir.'iiera'iy that be 1: is
lc'rtr fce,.tl,v A. lb' Ilahb r..'-.... sua, oV,l ' ;n
I :.;. ei'e twi.-!ii... Jnninta County, pa., K!jnt
! '' roues esu u s.cAi.surRvii.e, where ho
j wiU .fr?:'-! acc..:.iI....d..te all who ...ay
r.iv-.r hira Willi I lien- pal rum. ii. ills ISA 11
,,d ,,,,,.,, ,,. ,.;.( ;.y :,f
Hi-ti-ics. Ins 1A:...J. sore:.-1 woh i.o- be-1 In..
arkef can ntlor 1. and his i i'AIibK uilead-'-t
j hv iru.-r v liosi'ers.
iar. -s, v; ;-;tn.. LEWIS
STATES L'NloX IMTLl, ruitAUELrui.t.
1 '
. T!::s Hotel is pea-tT.tly en
Sou I. f '..ie of V v W t ;-treei, a few iloor3 ab
I MXih sire-e. its c-;tr.-.l b-.eaiitv ii-ak-s it i
" , ' J,crs'JU' V1j""'s ,h c"
T. H. & CAyrr?S, rr---.