Juniata vV' t. TL f I A Ufion of takes, and a union of lands, A vnlon no poicer shall sever; A union of hearts, and a union of hands, And the American Union forever! M I F F L 1 N T O W N Wednesday Morning, Maj 23rd, !86G II. II. WILSOY, Editor and Publish er f5T" TJT JWIATA SEXTIXET. Si ha:, the Largest Circulation of any paper pub lished ia this County. It ia therefore tie best aicerlismg medium. It Is a Paper, truly loyal, ab'y conducted, a fir.u class Loca'ist. and well worthy of the patronage of every I oval citizen in the Countr. e-awncra oi rcnnsyirania rememoer that Ileister Clymer voted against a joint ! ... , , . it t i , t. i . ... - . . , , . ty. He has ccmpied the Associate a Hon. Joseph 1 omerov, of liea e town vesolution of our Legislature, asking Con- J 1 crew to increase the rav of the private sol- ch'lT for a '" cf years and discharg- ship, and Lucian Wilson, of Fayette town- licrs and non-conimicMoned offiiers of the'ed the duties of the office with ntira sat- ftrrey. (.cc j.ie 295 Legislative Rccoid --fEion ISO! ) While you wire bariiing for ilic l num be was czoaustirg nis ir.g!nuity in devising means to counteract the succes of UNION REPUBLICAN STATE TICKET FOR GOVKKXOR. .. . . ,...t i, . r MAI. UL.. JUiLAi W. UMKl,iarrdbcar;r3Mr ' and WiIson. CF CI MBERLAXD COLSTY. DISTUIcf TICKET. FOR CONGRESS, JOHN J. PATTERSON, of Juniata Co. (iubject to the District Conference.) ron A3SEMDLY, IIENRV II. WILSON, of Juniata Co. ( Subject to the District Conference.) CO I" N T 1'"t I C K E T. Associate judges, JOSEPH POMEROY, of Dealc twp. rt'ClAN WILSON, of Fayette twp ritOTHONOTARV, JOHN M. THOMPSON, of Pcrrysvil'.e 1 CI 1T. U'l'fSrt! nf Stwnn.-lianni fvn ! " "J 1 " M.stp.ICT ATToitNi.v, i JEREMIAH LYONS, of Miffliatown At.DIToK, THOMAS MORROW, oi Tnscaruratyp. j THE TICKUT. Ttc LToiuu County Convention met on h!ituid y hit at this place and placed in uou-ination the ticket we this week ruu up at tho head of our paer. Tie dele-jj-itc elections throughout the county were muikid with a spirit of baruiODy and good fue'ing, and no evidence of scarcely l any di!Tt.reoce of npitiioti as to the caudi-j 1 ' . Uitts hj were to be placed ia nomina tion by the Couve.iti.n. This has not l.'Cen i't6 ease iu 110 tuautjf 101 ca.-' aud is evidence of the excellent spirit pro vailing iu the party. 1 here m a actenni-. uutioD to wave all ui.uor differences an!l aland firm and solid for the good cause! against oPea enemies aou se..,. .-, The pi.oecdii.gs of the Convention irwej . . r . ..i . r,. i lianuou'.ous aua an tuc uomiuatious were, made by acclamation. If ever there were auy differenced iu our party in Juniata, they are forgotten now, and we tiust for cier, aud we assure our friends outside of the county that every Republican will do his duty here next October. We are all fur Geary sad the whole ticket, and will ppo-jtf ail factions and attempts at dis xaetiD j the party to the injury of our own eandidaUis ?nd for the benefit of tbo Loct'foeo ticket. The Convcutioii again presented to the people of the district for the nomination for Congress CoT. John J. Patterson. The paity in Juniata ask bis nomination as a compliment due na active, zealous aud firm Republican, and while we do not wish to disparage the claims of others, we claim that he has not his superior in the district for that hiiib office. His friends know bis woUh and knoT that lie can be trusted, and desire the injury the party suffered in 1S02 by bis defeat, by causes beyond his control, shall be repaired now, and justice be done hint Although de- rtl to n-ronl rxtrnt bv treaeherv in Iiii own party, he has never faltered in his eS'ts to sustain the party, and every biuc? be ha taken the lead in this couuty' iu couteading against the Locofoco ma jority. He has not solicited this nomina tion but accej!3 it with a determination to 4n rnd Te'tui'1" j"J,i'-'; P'n to grof.t vriuiiii:d. as full a determination, if elected, to stand by the true principles of the party regardless of the blao Ji-limcn W of power. j In all the public trusts be has held, be House in this borough on Saturday after-' unanimously adopted : has never betrayed the people or violated , noon last for the purpose of nominating j Resolved, That wa recognize the Ju his pledges, and we know if he gets to a county ticket, when John Motter warf 'niata Sentinel as the true organ of the Cengress he will never prove false or un- j certain. e assure our mends in the , other counties in the district that he is ; the unanimous choica of the party io Ju- ! niata county for Congress, and if nomi-; dated will get the iull party vote. While we wil1 support any man who will be nom-, !....! I. .L - I ... -tn ,vd I uacu 'j vvuit.i-uic, aauru inn v-u. 1'attcrson, we ask our friends in the other . , . . counties to Kive the claims of our nomi-; ncc a favorable considcrnti m. and we trust It ..., i 1 1 . .i , -i it may be agreeable to them to aid us iu placing him io nomination. , I,. , . - , -. vdntiitn lull im.m tha v Mitnf tA tha v i , , ' , . ""Miffl.uiown-t. Jlct ellan, A. IHc.Jman. 11'.. - . - A I I.. -I I -.vaa - v ymt i aui rCIOVl.lI" U3 iu,'imu . vvw, w.muw vii'iin I ' - . m r represent them on the ticket for this impor tant office. We will use all honorable ef forts to (secure the nomination in the dis trict, end if successful and elected, we pledge oursclf to the faithful discharge of our duty to the people aud to the prin ciples of the Great Union Party, tlon. .losepu I omeroy is a candidate fur re-election. lie is well known through- , f - isfactioti to all parties. We predict for him a triumphant re-election. Lucian Wilson, Esq , is tho right mail nominated for the right office. He id a j centleman of strict iutegrity and fine bu-1 sincss quaKfica'.ions, and cmiccntly fitted to fill thfc office of Associate Judje. Tho j Inartv mav ir.-U fi-ol nroud of such staud-i Captain John M. Thompson, a noble and tried soldier, an uncompromising friend of the Union, the nominee for Pro thonotary. was wounded at tho battle of Spottsylvauia on the 11th day of May, ISG-t, and again on September lOtb, at the battle of Winchester, when he lost his right arm and was wounded iu both legs, one of which is disabled for life, Eutct iog tho army as a private soldier, he by his gallantry and devotion to his coun try merited and recieved promotion thro' the successive grades to a Captaincy. We present to tho voters of Juniata couuty a soldier, one maimed for life, worthy of their confidence in every respect, 'snect and ask I i ' that, without regard to party, they show theip love fur the defenders of tho roun- ' F J t"'' ' iviag this maimed, disabled hero their uudivided support. For District Attorney our young friond, j Jeremiah Lyons, wai fortunate enough j Uo receive tho nomination. Mr. Lyons is; Lyons is; i:.n :ll.!.. liirvsr nf jtnhnr habit- mtHiitivp i ttf husiiuc au'd honcst ani obiiBin ia a)1 ; ibis transactions. Tho citizcus tf the ; county see the importiiuee of e'ectiug a i - sober District Attorney, and we predict that ia Mr. Lyous will be found all the prerequisites necessary to fit him for tho various duties of that office. For the office ot Couuty Commissioner we have Mr. Jacob Weiser from the low cr cud of ihc county, an honest farmer . , ... , ,! and a stringent Knpulihcan, and u elected . will attend to tho interests ot the county j , j who placed him in ofiicc ! Tl.,.,. Mnrrnn Esn.. of Kant Water- . . ... am h (hc j ,;5(.alillfla t0 Plako a ROO(i Auditor. j . , evrvbov throu.,uoul j ' J 0 rf wi hjm n-i .- t.. - ,. . .;., 1 J. UU cuillt: LH.L:i. 10 nuuuub ;ivii , the beat that eould bo made and deserves the support of the party, and should re- 1 reive the votes of tho opposition. We j j predict the triiimpliaut election of the whole ticket on the second 1 ucsday ot October. We will have more to siy in rcfereuce to the different candidates here after. The Impending Trial. Jeff Pavii has been indicted for Trea son. There are indications that he will be soon put upon his trial. No man doubts bis guilt. Not only was he oue of the earliest and most persistent plotters of th rebellion, but when the movement was inaugurated he became President of the Confederacy aud commander-in-chief of insurgent armies. Notwithstanding these notorious facts the impression is al most universal that a trial will result in his acquittal, or at least ii the fail-ire of the jury to agree to his condemnation. The llichmond Examiner, in a recent i editorial aniclt?, declared that while li- ogenes earned his lantern to but little purpose in looking for an hones: man, he would absolutely waste his candle in searching for white Union ace in Vir gin1!. This is not otily out-spnken, but is very jar the truth: Hence,' die im probability of obtaining a jury thai" will COIN TV CONTEATIOH. 7 In pursuance of a call the Republican ' County Convention assembled in the Conn I e.ected President and A. U. Weidnim ! ami U. II lechtel Secretaries. The following gentlemen from the different district!! presented their credentials aud were admitted to seats in the Cooven- 'wo : Blnct W Samuel Shearer, FoVt Mclntyre. f-onart. Capt. J. J. r.Uer., i uycaror ii. it. lieclitcl, u. M. Swelker. ncnle J- v- ty'. Daniel Kautfmao. ! Slilford Col. J. K Itobison, J, fironiuger. Pl.rll,e MA. j. Patterson r. T. ; Turbett Noah lierizlcr, W. V. P.. .bison. i Fcraiannngli William Given, J. G. Funk. j,,,,,.. M. Kurtz, J. w. Kurtz. j Mouroe l'eter Karstctlcr, Tobias Iicasom. I Faveite Suiuucl Leonard, J. M. Sharon. b,H-i, r.u.rP,M.l. ' S.igfi iiliAn nil Stilomon L ndprovi 1'.. l.onfr. i Walker J. N. Moore, John M )ter. i erryariue r. m. nagenseuer, j. n. inomp- Bon- A Committee of five consisting of Mcs-rs. A. J. Patterson, Samuel Strayer, J. M. Sharon, II. II. Hechtel and Samuel Lcouard. were appointed a Committee to draft resolutions. IS. S Cooke nominated Col. John J. I'attcrson tor t'ongress. A. J. Patterson nominated II. II. Wil-'tj,iit f .Wn.hl, ... ship, were nuinitiuted for Associate Judge. Captaiu John M. Thompson, of Per ryaville, was notuiuated for Prothonotary. Sohmioii Updcgrove nominated Jteuh Reiser, of Susquehanna township, fur County Commissioner, Jeremiah Lyon., was nominated for Strict Attorney. llJrt-er nominated I nomas Morrotv, Esq . of Tuscarora township, for County Auditor. Thero being no opposition to he gen tlemen placed in nomination, balloting was dispensed with, aud the nominations were made unanimous by acclamation. Ou motiou of II II. liechtel, Col. Pat terson aud Capt. Wilson were instructed to select their own Conferees to represent them in the District Conference. Ou motion the Prcsideut was instructed to appoint the County Committee fur the cnouiug year. A J Patterson, Chairman of the Com mittee on Rcsolutious, reported the fol- 1o"'-k - . Arsoimt I hat we uartilv endore the ... principles enunciated by the late Union State Convention as the creed of the true Union pany of this county, believing the triumph of those principles essential to the saftty and perpetuity of our free in- "rut' oca. Hf'dvtd, trrrrh-til, 1 hat we cordially ratify the noniiuation of Mai. Gen. John W. (jearv for Governor, and pledge our united cf 1,,r t0 secure lus election. Uisgallaulr a3 a soiJier and his ability as an adminis tralive efiictir peculiarly aud eminently fit him for that high position, to which we feci confident he will bo elected by an overwhelming majority. Iltsoh-fd, That the splendid career of Gov. A. G. Curtin has endeared him to the people and given him a place in the j hihe.-t rank of American Statesmen and ! patriots, and that be will carry into re thfl ,ovc of ey).ry without repaid to party. !m:!cr,l. That the Course of Hon. G. p MiCTf our melIlber of CongrcfSi mcels our approbation and entitles him to our confidence and respect. . . .. Jletch'ul, That we unanimously and cheerfully recommend to the other coun ties in the district for the nomination of Congress Col. John J. Patterson, believ ing be will make a faithful and true ren- resentative of the people in such a time of peril to the country, and we solicit most earnestly the co operation of the other counties in securing his nomina tion. llctolced, That the unanimous nomina tion of Captain H, II. Wilson for Assem bly is a just, compliment to a gallant sol dier and a faithful and active friend of tho causo of the party, and we insist upon the claim of Juniata county being recog uized by the district conference by his , nomination. Tun i'ill rv.iT-A nv.i.. 1 " - -!... I and cordiallv 6-ipported the choice of J Huntingdon and Mifiiin counties, and we demand as a l iht now that our claim to a Representative be conceded. AVWtW, That the connty ticket pre sented by this Convention is composed ot good and true men and is entitled to the support of the people without regard to party, and we sincerely trust it may triumphantly elected. i ra JleH'h ed, That we urge upon Congress tire immediate passage of an act equali zing the bounties to all honorably dis charged soldiers, aDd wa request our mem ber to givo it his earnest support. On tuotirm of A. II. Weidman the re port was received and the Committee dis-ch.irgc-l. The naofotimw were a?ain read consee- otively and adopted. The following resolution was read and Republican party of Juuiata county. On motion the Convention adjourned. JOHN MOTZER, Prest. II. II. Bechtel, A Touching Picture, .Senator Nye, of Nevada, in his great speech last, week, drew the following touching picture: Three weeks ago I went over to Ar ington Heights. J counted there a great iiany graves, and they told me there were fourteen thousand dead eo'diers reposing of Arlington r n " Early in May, 18G1 , I stood upon those heights, ,D(1 tkrcffM DOt , rave there The . . i i 1 ii i r-TT nntn vnltiT nvnaa an mn i n . I nI-wv iuijuhj uuiuki miuu, are so many here now ? I found a quick a.,.j rpa(v ; n rpinrrpni tn th ,erribic revolution of the last four years. Thr. Ii mincrh-d thn r. maiiis c,f rubcl " j aoj th6 remains 0f Union men. I noticed not, unfrcquently as I passed aloDg, the iCSCriptiou "unknown" on the headboard . of the Uuion soldier. Sir, in behalf of unknowu soldier I ronuiro prudence at the hands of this Congress. There 1 zot the inspiration, if I may use the ex ircssion, of extreme caution. I stand here the advocate of that unknowu sol dier, and in his name aud by his memory I demand of the Congress of the L'nilcd States that they shall tread cautiously iu this great work of bindiug up the wounds of the country. In the name of all the dead I demand it, la the name oi mourning millions I require at the hands ol everybody who is engaged in this work to see to it that it is done in such a way as to Tender a recurrence of this terri ble rebellion impossible. Stain not agaiu the lair fields of this country with loyal blood; tear no more he catombs of loyal bones ; but stand here in this breach made by theru as the Romans stood, firm and determined, that what you dT shall be well done, and that it shall not require doing again. If all these recollections are uot enough, ia the name of the mar- tyred Lrncolu I demand prudence at the ; bands of the American Government. If! that is not enough, I demand it in the name of the mangled living. My friend from Wisconsin will pardun me, having great faith, as he says, in the final result, if I call h!s attention to an other view. Sir, bcyoud tho grave we shall meet an army of three huudred thousand dead, who will never again an swer to roll call au eaith, but iu the day of judgment they will be there. In their 1 name and by their memory, by the i.n- mortal death they died and lives they lived, I demand tho Congress and every department of this Government shall tread cautiously in this great work of re construction. Sir, my mind is made up. j Encounter whatever opposition it may, froiu whatever source, I will be prudent. I!y all the sacred recollections of the past, I. demand caution. Ry all that is garnered up in the rich treasure-house of the future, I dem and caution. Ir. the name of liberty aud freedom itself and iis perpetuation, I demand caution at every step you take. Kush not madly 00 to any policy. See where your s'.rengh lies, and follow that. See where the right lies, no matter whose policy it may be, and follow it, thouph th heavens fall, Sir, I entertain no fears for the future of this country. I: is written by the finger of Omnipotence himself that this nation is to be the freest, noblest, hap picst nation of the earth. Through whatever tribulations we may have to go, I see through the mists aud the fogs of tho present its coming glory in the fu - ture n. i , i ls contincut is destined and dedicated as the abode of a happy and free people. If our sufferings have not been sufficient to bring us to the true consideration of what is demanded at our .,',. , bauds, it may be that we shall be called upon to wade through still deeuer afflic- ' ! r .t."- 1 tions; but, sir, the spirit o this people will rise with the demand. Ii will carry on to perfection the great work c immenced 1 k. ,-. r-ithnra born nt niablntr thl th : ; . .. , ... , " . ., abode of the free aud the home of the oppressed of every race and clime. Ap plause in the galleries. BSyThe body of Hon. Preston King, late Collector of the port of New York, . VfliO CJmraiircu suici jo oy jumping to the river at that city, on the 13th of No- i . i . i 1,1. vember last, was recovered on the 14th in;,t. just six nionlns alter tne suieiuo. It was picked up at tho Atlantic dock, Brooklyn, j"The Grant House atFrauklin, Pa. was burnsl on Saturday at a loss of SCO, MO. Ouc wouiau is known to bavo lost her Hfc and it feared two others bavc Lc.iJj. JOIIX U. WRIGHT, ESQ. We notice by the Snyder cosnty, pa pers that John H. Wright, Esq., of Mid dleburg, has been recommended fur As sembly e are pleased to see that thft Uepuu,lieB or Bnyaer, tre iinely to lilt o-i.. w i t upon the right man. We lave been per- : son ally acquaiuteu with Mr. Wright since ,it , i . , " j our bovhuod and know him to Im nmn I of irreproachable character and a deter mined advocate of Republican, principles. He eolisted as a jrivate iu the Union Army iu 1SG2 and faithfully discharged his duty as a soldier. If the Union men of Snyder connty, nominate and elect him, we can safely say, they will have a Representative of whom tbey may well be proud. 3tf"The contract for the diction of the : linhility to losses. Tor which ase.?ments m"isi Soldiers National Monument, on the I ,:3 bli'J; iU e .voided, and its risks pror-o.-- ' i tionalely diminished. Gettysburg battle field, ha? been awarded i Tbtn unusual mind er of f.rts uvr.rvd to James G Katterson, of Hartford. Cot.u , I duri"K ,hc ,wn e sit!! 'cc- .. . ,. , .Jcurnng. is apparent to tbmot casual ob-err- lor the sain of ? 17,500. His mam shaft j er of ;!1.,,;ng erents. The cause, f,f tb. will be built of white Grauite, and tho ! fi,8 nre not known ; but they are facts which ,, .,, , , , , ,. , I arrest pub ic attention. .Statuary will be made of Italian weather j Tlic ,SC!(of tb;H Company, it i, bdio-cd. Marble. The Statuary will be modeled compared with other BiiMlaru.utnaI or stock in Rome by the most celebrated American VZZ artists. The time given for the comple following:: e a t i i i . lo.'a f- A. T. Black, of Bedford countr S-'ST 1 tion of the work is July 1st, ISt'iS. It is , , e. . - , c'vi t , , J ' John Shank, cf 1 erry. S 0O ; Samuel tlkcson also understood that llie celebrated Amer j of Juniata county, $17"iO : A.J. Fnrms-in. ieau artist, Rogers, will model some of the ' i, J '" t""","v-.S m : ,uii"er & i.en . . , , , ,. I and others of Mifflin county, (sieam w,rk-l statuary. It is thought that this monu about Ji'Soft; Km. Penlc's estate, (steam mcnt when finished will aurpas in arcl:i- K,"'i) of Perry, SIHOS.TS: John U Crce ml . otueis of .nndistitirg. Perry coimtv. about, tectural beauty any Other niouumcct ia , 5.31.0 ; John Marshall, of Greenwood. lVrrv ,no world. Uies'cr Clvmer. accordinc to the Road . . i nig Journal is studying practical navij;a- .! tion preparatory to taking command ofj the Copperhead flotilla that will set out, after the October election, to the bead 1 ' ! 1 waters of Stt Rica: On Tuesday of last week, he, in company with some forty ladies and gentlemcu, embarked at Col umbia, Pa., ou a ro ft, and passed down lhe Su.-qtiehanua as far as Port I'ep -it wheie they took the boat for Ilavre de Grace, and the cars for Philadelphia. They will fiud going up stream more diffi- cult, but Mr. Clymer will uo doubt cqal to the 'emergency." be tssyThe es-rebel General Hays, of Louisiana, and J. R. Lafitte, ex rebel apeni in Europe, have lieen pardoned. So general and marked have become the pardons by the President of late, that no body will be much surpii.-ed it a gin eral pardon, except in a very few cases, is shortly' proclaimed and the rebels, in all their pomp and dufiaoee, with tho blood of our sous, fathers, brothers, &u., still red upon their hands, will be secu strutting upon our streets. . uiuiiii agui ovcui.cn ui oe - Orleans on Sundav. Mav 13. btccn Tom Kios and Bill Fariell. Kis;hty-three rounds were fought in one hour and fousht j u mil)U! anJ f,ie the Lackers of the person last narx.eu acknowledged their man whipped. Operations of the l'rccdtncn's liurcau in Tcx-is have been extensive, and are productive of very great and good results. The freed people are wholly self-supporting. I5A bill has passed the lower House of Congress authorizing the coinage of a new five cent piece, composed of copper aud nicle not quite the siza of old cop per com. tXiT Mr. C. V. Culver, of the firm oi Culver, Pcnn & Co., has been arrested at j l:en0 fur conspiracy to defraud. He was j held t rail jn the sum of SC.P.OQO. Wtx dint.scnifnts. LM1MSTR.TiRS' NOTICE .Notice is ' il herehy given that letters of administra tion on the estate of ISAAC KAL'KK.MAN, deed., late of Walker township, Juniata county, have been granted lo the undersign ed, residing in Mexico. All persons knowing tnemseives inuetiied to saul estate .will make ! immediate payment, and those having claims I nil) .Muni 1 1 ...... .,.!.. .nl:n.. in 1 f . iMscufc iui-ui uuiy Huiueuitciieu lor sel ,i ', ' KURTZ KACFF.MAN", Admr. may, 23 -Ct. A DMINISTRATORS' NOTICE Sotico is -ii hereby given that, letters of .vlij.inistrn i 'ion n the estate of HENitV R. NAIL, dee d i i:u0 of l'crrysville. Juniata county, l'a.. bare been granted to the undersigned, residing in I I'erry.svilic. All pers ons knowing themselves j iuilvhted to said e.-u:e will make immediate ; payment, and ibot.s having claims will pre- J i i .i..i ...!.. i ....i . , Jons u vlsuacJI, jrfr. in iucui uuiy may, ir.,-r,t. HOUSE AND T.OT FOR SALE. The un drigned offers it! private aiile A lot of Ground situate in Mili'ord township, Juniata county, l'a.. about eight miles from Patterson, in L ekintr Creek Valley, containing two acres, having th.-reon erected a goal Double House, ! Barn, and Spring House. The ground is in a good stale of cultivation, and is well watered. Anv person desiring any information in ro- : gard to the property can obtain it by calling ; at Mr. anyder a Hotel in Patterson, JOHN Wills 1STI.ER. iindersiirned would respectfully iefuria merchants and all otiier icrsons, that he has opened an Auc tion Room on Main Street, Mitiiinto-wn, l'a., where he will receive on consignment all kinds of goods, and mdl themat Public Auction on reasonable per cent a 50. Merchants and others having g-jods th-.y wish to dispone of would do well to transfer them to the auction mom. Sale every Sjt-jrday eTctiing. Ui" T I"1';-1' 1 tr ,V'.,t;rAy. PU3LIO KOTICS. OrricE or rv.r. I'kmry cucntt .t. F. Is Co. Y Ne'K Bluotu6tld, Perry Co., Vk. I April 24, J TVTOTirE IS nBUKBY GITKN that tile pany has laid an asoeseDient of FIVE " h'-s"""" noiea m torce on the In day of March lb8 &nd that ColWtors Tiu collect Paid a,Se,,et w hieh the 1 Ith one 'hat has been laid by this Company since its oresnii-i'iun on the 8th of July i ? - . u i ju.v, .iu a ; penoti oi twenty -lureo yeara, The principal loses hy fire, which hir been paid during the- last eight yeaia, and which are to be paid now, have been occasion ed by the burning or property haTiiiR steam works connected with them. Itr resolution of thii Company on the th day of Pppteinhfr pfil, no Bteaia works were to be thtreafter m-oieu. nn.l lue renewal of their policU wns pwiliTelr forbidden. The Tolirifu i. positively forbidden. The colicipa in. jSHrini; steam works, have nearly all exp'red u.i.jr ci'mi u, imce ,.re uenerea io re still in existence which will soon e-cpire ; and taking the past losses as an index to the fu ture, about ihree-fourthn nf rnmi..v. j county, ahimt 10, besijes other Iomcs of ' saialler anuunts. i h! ol Jcr ' ,I,e r,0,rJ. J0ti A. n.K;a, Sn'-j. May 10, '0C. l Itt)Tff, I're.-t. r.PHANS' COCRT SALE.. My tirtre ,.f Court of .tu- 1 V 7 an llrilrft t ! I trnfiMi.' niata count v. the ft.UowinT vitn ti.T r.. ! tate wi!l be exposed to sale on tlie pri-roisi-:-. i ? SA1URDAV, June 9ib. IS;. A rs , i I.nnd situate in Tusefirora township, Ju county, contemns 100 AtJKKi, ailj.iiiiu; !and nf Jacob Proleslaugh and oiiiei, 1...V ing thereon erected a g..od FRAME HOCSli. Rank Rarr,, Spring llouie. Smoke Mmtv u ! oilier om-builuings, with a well of win r at j rar,, reilfh(!3 chelr5 4p- AboiUlp,,y; j acres nre cleared and under pood cu!tir:itir.a .1... A T! : . - . 1 ii .i 1 r iae imhii ce we.1 unineren. -jtie farm n watered with springs, and is cmveninenr ti churches, schools, stores, lie. and is :ito:;t two miles sn 1 a half from Cist VYatitford, n I one milo from McCulloch's Mill. TEHMS: So much of the purchas? money as may be neoosn v to p ie the expense- of j stile to be paid on confirm ition ; one-third nf 1 rha hnl:i,i.i. i.n tl.A let ..f ... 11 ..- balance in one wi . wiih intvesi. 'trotn 1st ! of April, lSLiT, to he secured by judgment Sal ; to commence at 1 o'clock r. M., when attendance will be given by HVlill ;. IHT.HF.H. Trustee nf b.rfj,- , li -m lnnv. tl'-la. N F.W SHOE STORK. The un dersiene.l: the room formerly occupied ry Mrs. M.ria;i Rccs. on Rridge street. Patterson. V:er h 1 ,UP n,3 fllie ia,.se as'ortiaont of ! Boots, hhoes.flaitora. Slippers, I iur iun.-. ifciuienieo, i.oys ntia i Mi.iren. manufactured out of the best material hv good workmen, and will be sold at friers suit evciyboiiy. Rcir.g a practical boot, find ihoe tinker, h. is prepared to uittke to order all kinds of work in that line ul' business. Deleraiincd to sell at the lowest jioniU,? prices, and desiroui of eiint.!is,ing n biiii ness which wiU be plontable to bath buyer and seller, he asks the public to rs.lan l .' his stock before purchasing elsewhr-rc. jT Repairiog promptly attended t,i. G. W. iM.tii.sy:;. may 2, tf. BU1-.AD. CAKi:.-;. .to -Having cmplete.l my new i'.p.kerv iliide sir.-et. I res pect fully invite the public who have na y.t used any of my bread to try it. 97. 1 I tivl cot'Gdei-.t ihey will be vonvincetl that it v. i 1 1 he to their i.iterist to buy lrom me. Hotel nnd bo!irdi:ir-hou.ie4 r.-iug lirie qiMntitif of bread, cakes, c , will be liberally d.-iilt with. Particular attention will begiren to ifttin up goo t eake. and I f.-el assured that tb. .(uility of ilicm are fir superior lo t(ioi made .if any other establishment All wli. mny favor me with their orders may relv on having thetn promptly filled. I'.a!N. l'ie-nics. School. Sin . will be supplied on liberal tern-.?. Wnnn f ea Cake every afternoon at Fie o clock. may l,-2t. W. II. MAXWEIX. V; F.W STORK. The undersigned has open-i-l ed a S;rc iu Sheriif Wilsini's stre rooia on rri.lge street. MitHintown, an I offers at invate salo to the citiient of the surround ing countrv. a targe and varied assortment of the very best ri.0THI.VO. BLANKETS, .tc. , 9iich as Over Coats ad Dress Cots, Ar tillery Jackets or Roundabouts. N. Y Slate Jackets or Roundabouts, Knit Shirts, llorso RUnket9. tlrey and While Rlankets, Linen and ("iilten Pillow Cases, Wash liasins. Linen and Cotton Sheets, Knives and Forks, Spoons, Tinware. Hatchets. Picks. Saddles, Halters. Shelter Tents. Linen Towels, and a large as sortment of other articles not necessary to iiieution. Call and examine the g.vids and hear my prices, may L'.-tf. J. D. KYNAKlb CHOLERA. Don't be slarllcd.' The Chol era can be prevented and cured by u.iiiit Dr. J. SI. Lin '.iey"s Cholera arl Diari lnr.k Medicine. This preparation f-it heen before the public for fifteen years, and has been used willi entire success. Thousands of Cer tificates could le furnished, but. a trial of the medicine wil be more, satisfactory than volume cf C-ii1eates and will convince tho most eptieal of its wonderful curative rroie. crtws. It is not a cure-all. but is designed to reiieveall who may be attacked by Cholera. ClHiVra Morhua. Dianrhien. Dysentery. Cholic or Cramps and Pii is tha titomnck. Ac. Don't be without a bottle al hand. Sold re lall by all first clajs Dr.iggists and Wholesale '. by the i'roprbi.'oM llas.ird s Smith No. 107 A?ch Street, Philadelphia. may. '' tim. )ROPfli!AL.S. Sealeil Proposals will he received up to the Fir-t Monday of J'ine, 1 866. for Studding a School House in Turb:t4 township. I'len aud S-'picittcatious tau seen at Port torsi. Juniata conntv. Pa. JAMES P. JrttlNSoN Ir. t. t. I I- r r .'-I 1?11 if) hi? r.-.Tvr