A. 9 II. II. WIXSOT, TBI COHSTmtlOIC TH OBIOS TBI EKroROMltST 0 THE tAWS. EDITOR AXD PUBLISHER. VOLUME IX, m 0. MIFFLINTO W mAT &NV PENiVA. MAY 16, 166. WHOLE NUMBER 994 TERMS OF PUSLICATION. Trie Jvsiata Sestisii is published every Wednesday morning, on Main street, by H. H. WILSON. The SUBSCRIPTION PKICE or the paper will be TWO DOLLARS per year in advance, ml 92.50 if not paid within the year. fcaRu No paper discontinued until all ar rearages are paid except at the option of the Kditor. Advertising. The rates of ADVERTIS ING are for one square, of eioht lines or less, ne timj, 73 cants ; three, $1 60 ; and 60 CIS. ur each gubsjquent insertion. Administra r'a. Executor's and Auditor's Notices, $2,oo. Professional and Business Cards, not exceed ing 25 lines, aad including oopy of pa-er, $t.oo per year. Merchants advertising (changeable quarterly) $ 15 per year, includ ing paper at their Stores. Notices in reading columns, ten cents per line. Jou Work. Tlia prices of JOB WORK, forthirty Uills, one-eight sheet, $1,23 ; one fourth, 2,00 ; one-half, if?. 00; and addition al nuiubeid, half prici and for Ulauks. ?2,oO per quire. , 11 Vinsintss dnrbs. JEREMlAli ' "' LYONS, gittarnciT-at-;aiut MiHlintown, Juniata County. Pa., Office on Main street Soutb of Iiridge sir et. K. C. STEWKT, ATTORN EY-AT-LAVY, Mjf intuitu, Junitttii Co., t'n., Offers his professional services to the pub lie. Collections and all other business will receive prompt attention. Office Cist door North of Iie'.ford's Store, (upstairs.) PENNSYLVANIA RAILROAD. ON AND after Sunday, Mar. 11th 1866, Passenger Trains will leave Mifflin Station as follows -EASTWARD. Philadelphia Express.. 12.44, P. M. Fast Line 6.31, A. M. Day Express 11.20, A. M. Cincinnati Express 6.50, P. M. Local Accommndat'n 6.50, A. M. WESTWARD. Local Aocomniodatj... 5.55, P- M. Baltimore Express 4.08, A. M. Philadelphia Express.. 5.28, A. M. Fust Line 6.19, P. M. Mail Train 3.58, P. M. Emigrant Train 51.57. A. M. JAMES NORTH, Ag't. X are"ebbinir. The intellect remain clear, addition to the second mixture,, brandy Probst states, produced in bin: a davilisb. . .... v . . 1 lilt. a I Vat a4 the social and moral feelings seen) (a tablespoonful every hall hour, ) Domes ana moaa tnirsty teeimg, ana he deter- ILL1AM M. ALLISON, Attorney at Law, ASI Wiil attend to all business entrusted lo his ire. Office on Main Street, Mitlliutown, Ta. JOHN T. LSAIIM- VIFFLINTOW'N, JUNIATA COl'.NTV, PA. f"KPEP.S his professional services to the V-' puM'e. Prompt atieutioo jriven to the -;., isieWiuM azaiudt tx.e llovdruiuen:. collection ana nri oiht tiuitiui-rs entrusted t his care- Oilice ia the Odd I'elluws' Hall, ISridge Strsct Sept. 2o, 1G5. J. 4. MII.MKK, A T T O 11 X E Y-A T-L A W, .VIEFLlXrOWX, JUXIATA CO., P.K. Office in the Odd Fellows' Hall, Bridge street. COLLECTION'S, AND ALL OTHER llt'S ines connected with the profession promptly attended to. Oct.'lr, "03. Dlt. P. C. RIXOIO, orrallrrnan, Pa., wishes to inform his friends aud pa trons that he has removed to the house on bridge Street opposite Todd & Jordan's Store. Apn!ii-tf -ff TEN DUE AUCTIONEER CRIE R READING RAIL ROAD- SUMMER ARRANGEMENT- ATKIL 3rd, 1060. GRKtT iftl'K l.lE FROM the North aud North-West for J'hilaUet phia, Xetc York, Heading, ottsritle, Tcmtuana, AMand, Lebanon, AltcnlOKn, Easton, Jfe., .ye Trains leave llarrisburg for Sem York, as folluws; At 8.0t, 7,40 and 0,03 a. M.. and 2.0U and 3.20 P. M, tri-inu? at Xeic York at i.40 aud iu.OU A. AI and 8,0 aud iil.35 P. M.. connecting with similar Tiaina on the liinxylvania Hailroad: Sleeping (Tars accom panying the 3,00 and 0,20 P M trails without change. Leave Harrisbtirg for V.eiS'tiy, roltsvillf, lamaqua, .VmrrtviUe, Athiand, I'me Grove, Al Irntoun and Yhiladc'phia, at 7.40 A. M. and 2,'KJ and 9.20 P II. stopping at Lebanon and all H'jm Station; the Poop M Train trains no close enunections for Votttvittr nor P.ili'W phia. for Po.rwille. SchuyWcM Unpen uat Aul- bnrn via Schuykt and Susjnekanna Htttlroad leave Iliirri'b'jrg nt 4.13 p M. Returning : Leave .Vf w lori at 9,00 A M, 12.IIH Noon and P M, VkHauV.phia at 8,li(J A M, and 8.3(1 P M ; Po.rtri.'Ze at 8.3D AMU 2,43 P M ; AMar.d 6,00 and 11,13 A M, and 1.U3 P M ; Tam.iria at 9, 15 A. M, and 1,00 P M. Leave PottrvJie for Hiirrislurj. via Fchuyl. kill and Sutijuehanna Kail toad, at 7 00 a.'m. Ueadiny Accommodation Train: Leaves licad inn at G 00 A. M., returning from Vhilatlel pUix at 5 00 P. M. Culun.bia Uailroad Trains leave Readina at fi 10 A M and 0 13 P M for Eplu-ata. L itiz Lancaster, Culumhii. &c. On Sundays: Leave .Vru-Yoik at 8 30 P. !., Vh-lad'tphia 3 13 P. M , YottwHU 8 00 A. M., Tamaqua 7 30 A. M Jlarnsb try J vo .. .11., ana Ke,n:uij ut 1 aj . y for ,i r.'jA'iry, and 10 52 A. M., for Xcr-York. I 'irt rnniVrri I wnWef fully to collapse with the physical of hot water suirounding the patient, cs-.i mined at oace to murder the entire fam- TI1E CHOLERA ANDITS TEEATilL.N f. I kB0W he ig ,0 dic pecial,7 Jhe extremities, sinopism and , ily. , He disposed of the body of the boy as frictiun will often in an hour or two work wonders. described before so often, and then delib- pows. 1 he pat The following letter from Rev. Cyrus but ctfei not 4 anap about it. Ilauilin, D fi., wha has been for many In sime cases, tb.ou.gh rarely, the diarr yoars a resident in Constantinople, as a hea cotujaca fur a day pr two, and the missionary of the American Board to the foolish lanod keens about, then suddenly Christian Mirror, gives the best view of sinks, setiis tor a physician, and before ' The sufferer oraves water, and as sure as next in years to "WiUie,"who: the cholera and its treatment we have he arrives4iea as the tool dies." I he gratifies the craving the were sviop- j that ha wasted him to, help do seen. As the pestilence has already reach ed our shores and will evidently make its COTE3E OF TREATMENT. 1st. For tipping the incipient diurr- way westward, it js well for every onu lo 1 hca. The uixture which I used in IS 13 be forearmed against it. with great sjecess, and again iu 1555, In a communication addressed to (he , has during tb'B cj.idcuic been ucd by Mayor of Burlington, under date of No-! thousands, ani although the attacks bare Tember 2d, Dr. Thayer, Surgeou General 1 been more sutden and violent, it has fully Th'rst. In these and in all advanced erately walked over to the house. Ho cases thirst creates intense suffering. entered, and told "Charlie," the little lo was absent, some work touis return, and he falls a victim to the j in the barn. Ths little fellow followed transient cratification. The only Eafe ! him, and as soon as he got him inside tho of the State, says : 'Cholera, in its westward course, is rapidly approaching this coutiueut, and in a few mouths mure may be sweeping over this country more fatal aud wide spread than ever before." . Peak Sir ; The cholera which has just established id reputation for efficiency way is to have a faithful friend or attco ant who will not heed h.is entreaties. . Toe euSeri&g Bay be, however, safely al leviated and rendered endurable. Fre quent gargliDg the throat and washing out tbe mouth will bring some relief. A and perfect safety. It consists cf equal Sponful of euin arable water, or of cham parts by mea.-ure of 1, Laudanum and ociile tea may frequently bo given to wet Spirits of Camphor. 2. Tiuctureof Rhu. the throat. "Lyudenham'e White Deeoc baib. Thirty drops for an adult, on a ! tiou" may also be given both as a bever- lumprf sugar, will often check the di. st parries. But to prevent its return, care -.f. eliouid bo taken to continue tho mcufcicc left ns, after committing fearful ravage. is making its way into Europe, and will j erery four hours in diminishing doses, 23, probably cross the Atlantic before another summer has passed. Having been providentially compelled to have a good degree of practical nc qn.aiotaso with it, and to sec it in a'.l its forms and stages during each of its iuva. sions of Coustautinptile. I wish to make 29, 15, 10, 7, when careful diet wall that tfill be needed. In case the first does not stop tho di arrhea, continue to give increasing doses, barn-door, hg despatched him with the small axe he had secured. He then went back to the house and! told Mrs. Dearing that something was the matter with one cf the cows, and he want ed her to corse to. the barn. She weut, and he fol'owed, aad a soon as she enter ed inside, he struck her in the head ami killed her. He then states that he went back : t . : .-..it .,;. I . . sSc nuu uo uounsuicUl u the bouse anrl rt thc children out ties, frequently.,- It!-a day or-two 4lle ou at a tlte. and taking them insider tho sufleriDg rroin thirst wili cease. Tu j bm, ditched them, enc lv one, with I . . !t hua Vipon intpnsn fori . i t .. wan - 1 ice same use. in cacu in.nt be cut more than twenty four years. Did. Rice water, arrow root, Lyden ham's White Decoction, crust water, chamomilo tea, are the best articles for a 35, 40, 45, CO, nt every movement of the j ny 01 two aftir the a: tick is controlled. bowels. Large dotx-s will produce uo in jury while the diarrNea lasts. When that my friends in Maine some sustentions ' is checked then is the time for action I winch may relieve anitety, or be 01 prac tical use. 1st. On the approach of cholera every family should be prepared to treat it with- have never seen a case of the diarrhea taeu m season which was not thus con trolled, but some cases of the advauccd diarrhea, aud eineciallr of r.il.n.sf rmid t j x i 1 out wailing for a physician. It c!,es its, no attentiou to it whatever. As The undersigned olfurs his services to the iiuhiie as Vendue Over and Anrtiouccr. He Jias hail a very large experience, aim ieeis r.ne j-.xpress 1 run confident that he can give satisfaction to all Fluiiia Express Train A.iuru;i. School o anu jruui ail roinia. at re duced Kates. Jitiggait checked through : 60 pounds al lowed each Passenger. . A. XICOM-S. General Superintendent. Rearing, Pa. Kov 27, '03- ti'. isc5 im. Philadelphia and Erie Rail Road- THIS Great Line traverse? the .Northern aud Northwest counties of Pennsylvania to the city of Krie. 011 Lake Erie. It has been leasuJ nnd is opernted by the rcNsVLVAXiA Kail Uoaii Comtaxv. TIME OF rAS-ESC.F.B TR1NS AT UABRISIICRQ. LEAVE EASTWJiRD. Erie Mail Train Krie Exre Train Elinira Express Train LEAVE WESTWARD. Erie Mail Train 2 A. M. 5 A. M. J r. si. wotk so expeditiously, that while you are waiting for the ductor it i done. 2d. If you are prepared for it, it will not come. I think there is 00 di.-ease which may be avoided with so much cer tainty as the cholera. But providcn'ial citoumstacce, or the thoughtless indiscre tion of some member of the household way fuvite i,o kt'.ck , u llie vlialieu will Dever be refused. It wi.l probably be made in the night, your physician him been called in another direction, and you mu;t treat the Caso yourself or it will prove fal.l. 3d. i itusfs of atturJc. I have person ally investigated at least a hundred eases, and not less than three fourths coul 1 be traced to improper diet, or to intoxicating drinks, or both united. Of the remain der, suppressed pcrspiratiou would com prise a large number. A strong, healthy, temperate laboring man had a severe at- tbis becomes apparent, I have always re sorted to tin. course. Prepare a tea cup of siai eh boiled as lor use in starching liucn, atiJ stir into it a fu'.I teaspootful of laudanum for injection. Give one third at each movemeut of the bowels, Iu one desperate case cbamlcccd an hopeless by t physician, I could not stop the diarhea Md.ik.M.niio iniection. wliuOi run. taiued nearly a tcaspoonful of laudanum. The patient recovtreJ and is ia perfect health. At the same time I use pre pared chjlk io 10 grain doses, with a few drops of laudanum and camphor to each. Hut whatever course is pursued must be followed up, and the diarrhea controlled, or the palieut U lost. 2nd. Mustard poultices. These should be applied to the pit of the stomache, aud kept 00 till the suiraee is well reddened. 3d. The patient, however well he may feel, should rigidly observe perfect rest. who may employ him. He mny he addressed at Mitflintown. or found at his honi in Fer mannzli tnwnfhip. Orders may also he left at Mr. Wili s Hotel. Jan. 23, 1SG4. WILLIAM GIVEN. i. u. ', 30 p. M. ,4J a. u. ALEX. SPEDDY, AS$3983!4i3&&. KIPKCTFl'LLY oflers his services 10 the public of Juniata county. Iliviug had a J.irge experience in the business of Vendue rvinp, he feels connutnt tluf e can remler ceuernl satisfaction cousultcd at his residence iu Mlilliulowu, l'a Aug. l'i, li?03. MILITARY CLAIMS. THE undersigned will promptly attend to the collection of claims against either the Htate or National Government, Pensions, Back Pay, liounty. Extra Pay, and all oiher claims rising out of the present or any other war, collected. JEREMIAH LYONS, Attorncy-at-Law. Mifllintown, Juniata Co., I'a. febl Passenger earn ru i throush on ilm Kri Maii and Express Trains without change both ways be:weeu Philadelphia and Erie. NEW YOKK CONNECTION'. Leave New York at 5,'0 r. M.. arrive at Erie at 3,77 a. 31. Leave Erie at 2,zi r, ., arrive at New York r. m. SO CHANGE OF CAMS BETWEEN" ERIE & NEW YORK. Elegant sleeping cars on all nitrht trains. For information respecting passeneer busi- He c.111 at all times be I nes,i "PP'j at 'he corner of 0ih and -Market streets, Philadelphia. And for freight business of tho Company's 1 airents : ' rr S. 1$. Kingston, Jr., corner of ldlu and Market sireets, Philadelphia. J. W. Itoyuolds, Erie. Win. brown. Agent, N. C. R. R., Tliltimore. H. H. HOLSlOSi, Gcnera,l Freight Agent, Philadelphia. 11. W. G WINNER, General Ticket Agent, Philadelphia. A. L. TYLtR. General Superintendent, Williamsuort, ,k li :: ' . ..1. . 1 . I t I 1 i. .1 1 I . iac 01 me c.-ioicia, anu auer wie uanger j lo lie quietly on the baok is one half the was pawed, I was curious to ascertain the j battle. Iu that position the eacmv fires and Liu- over vou. but the moment rnn iso v. cause. IJe Jiad jjceu cautious dent in his diet. He used nothing iutox icatiug. His residence was in a good lo cality. jiX after some hours of hard la bor and vety profuse perspiration, he had laid down to take his customary noon nap, right against an open window through which a very refreshing breeze was blotv-J ing. Another cause is driukiug largely of cold water when hot and thirsty. Great fatigue, great anxiety, fright, fear, all figure amoug inciting causes. If one can avoid all these he is as eafe from thc cholera as from being swept away by a comet. 4th. Symplums of an attack, are hit. Then the attack comes in the form of diarrhea, these directions wiil enable every one to meet it successfully. 4th. But whot) the attack is more vio- Chamomile is very valuable iu ivSUiiitg thc tone of the stomache. The T-jphuid feeer. A typhoid state for a few days will follow all severe cases. There is nothing alarming in this. It has very rarely proved fatal. Patience and careful nursiug will briug it all right. The greatest danger is from driuking too freely. When the patient ecmed to be sinking, a little brandy and water or ar- their throats, and placed the bodies in thc coru crib himself, just in thc position they were found. He then covered them up, and iroceeded to wipe out tail evidences of his guilt. He thcu went back to the home and awaited the arrivul of Mr. Dearing not expecting Miss Dolan would aceomnauy hiin. As soon as Mr. Dearing arrived in tho carriage, he ( Deariny ) got out, aud Ffobst told him something was wrong with one of the cows, and asked him to go over to the barn with hiui. Dearipir went aloujr with him, and Miss Dolan wout tutu tho row root ana brandy nave revives mm. hou5Ci p 8tairSj &ai oS heJ bonQdl In this terrible visitation of the cholera, I an j furs we have considered ourselves perfectly armed and equipped, with a band bag soLtainiug mixture No. 1, mixture No. 2 (for vomiting oto.,) a few pounds of pounded tuustafd, a bottlo of brandy, and a pound of chamomile flowers, and a paper of gum arabic. I lay no claim to origiualiij in rccota uicuding this course of trcatmeut. I have adopted it from suggestions of able and experienced physicians. Having been the only dc.otor of many poor fami lies living near me, I have tried various remedies recommended by physicians, but I have found none to be at all com pared with the above. During the re. cent cholera, I cannot find that any treat ment has bfen 00 successful as this. Contagion. The idea of contagion should be abandoned. All the missiou aries who have been most with the malix- D.int coses day after day, are fully con vinced of the non-contagiousness of the cholera. The iucipient attacks, which all have suffered from, arc to be attrib uted to great fatigue, making the consti- lent, and there is romitiog, or vomiiing j tution liable to an attack n . tensions Pensions ! LL TfiUSON.S WHO HAVE LERN MS i ABLE DUllINtl mi; PRESENT WAR ARE EN-IITLE TO 4 PEN? ION. All per- .sons who intend applying for a Pension must Oill on tbe Examining Surgeon to know weth er their Disability is sufhcxnt to entitle them to a Pension. All disabled Soldiers will call on the undersigued who has been apo&iAted Pension Examining 3urgeon for Juni&ia and a.4.join.og Counties. T. C. RUNPIO. M. D., I'atterson, Pa. Pee. 9, J3.-tf. Feb 14, 'bti-tf. n;t:iic.t! ctnu. "PR. 8. KJEMPFER, (late army snr- J eeon) having located in Patterson tend era his professional services to the citizens of Ibis place aud surrounding country. Pr. K. having had eight years experience in hospital, general, and army practice, feels prepared to request a trial from those wbo may be so unfortunate as to need medical at tendance. Uo wil". be found at the brick building op--pasitc the "$k.xtinbl Orrioc." or at hia resi stance iu the borough of Patterson, at all hvurs, except when professionally engaged. July 2Z, lStl5.- t LARGE stock of Queeusware. Cedarware J snch a Tubs, Bmter Bowl., Buckets aVti'irn. Ri''M. Htvr Itucke's. at tT f"'T-T. r;yw PJWUFTfS.- 6'S, HOOP SKIRTS, ..OPKIVS "Own Make," M A.vflACri'RIiK AND SoLU WHOLESALE & RETAIL. NO. Ci8 ARCH Street, P11ILAD A. The most complete assortment of Ladies', Misses' and Children's HOOP SKIRTS, in InisCiiy; gotten up expressly to meet the wants of riusT -class Tkadb ; embracing tbe newest, nnd most desirable Styles ami S17.es of Gore Trails," of every leugth from 2i to 4 yds. round 20 tooC Springs, at 2 lo $0 00. ria n Skirls, all lenglh, from 2 to 3 yards round tne bottom, at Jl 4oo Si 17). cholera is prevalent in a place, almost ev ery one experiences more or less distur bance of digestion It is doubtless iu part imagiuary. Every one notices the slightest variatiou of feeling, aud this gives an importance to mete trifles. There is often a slight nausea, or transient pains, or rumbling sounds, when co attack fol lows. No one is eutirely free from these. But when a diarrhea conimeuces, though p. unless and slight, it is in reality the skirmishing party of the advancing col umn. It will have at first no siugle char aoteristic of the Asiatic cholera, liutdo not be deceived. It is fe cholera never thelcss. Wait a little, give it time to get a hold, say to yourself "I feel perfectly well, it will pass off," aud :n a short time and purjrinsr, perhaps alo cramrw and cholic pains, the following mixture is far more effective and should be resetted to. 'The missionaries, Messrs. Long, Trow bridge and Washburn, have used it in very many cases and with wonderful suc cess. It consists of equal parts of Jauda num, tiocmrf of capsicum, tincture of W bile ! ginger, and tincture of cardamon seeds. flur- linn nf l!ui.n' .. 1 f: 1 i i. r-, - - im .uiiuren 8on.llil3 -n r n - . arc proverbially beyond all competition, for Wl" rePeUt ot J0Ur fully ,n va,n- 1 variety of styles and sizes as well ag for I have er.en many a one commit suicide in nnisuanuaurHDHity; varying from 8 to S3 inches in length, to 45 Springs at 35 cents to 1 1 25. All Skirts of "OCR OWN .MARK " are Warranted lo give Satisfaction- Imi bct sonk as strcn, unlesthey have, "Hopkiu's Hoop Skirl Manufactory. Ho. (528 An-li St ' Stamped on each Tab ! Also, constantly oa hand, oood Skiets, Manufaciured in New York, and the Eastern Mates, wdicn we sell at very low Prices. this way. Sometimes, though rarely, the attack commences with vomitiug. But in what ever way it cotumeuces it is sure to hold on. In a very few hours the patiect may sink into the collapse. The hands aud A j feet become cold aud purplish, the couu- -o 3U 6prines cornea gloomy and apathetic, although a mental restlessness and ragiug thirst tor ment tbn enff:rer while th powera of life Inl of cheaD Skirts !.", .nrm... u-. . n,. I - - I' ' uulfuii: I I ... springs, 5l Oil 25 springs, $1 15 3U sprimrs ,cni'DCe at nervous and anxious, be- $1 'l-t and 40 springs 51 60. Bsr SKirt8, maile to Order and Repaired Jra? Term Cath. One Pr.ica Oati I nnr. -lm. Dose, 30 to 40 drops, or a-half tcaspoon ful in a little water, aud to be increased aeccording to the urgency of ths case. Io case the first dose should be ejected, the second, which should stand ready should be given immediately after tho spasm of vomiting has ce&iwJ. Duu'ok this lute cholera siege no one of us failed of controlling the vomiting aud also thc purging, by at most, the third dose. We have, however, invariably made use of large musiard poultices of strong, pure mustard, applied to the stomach, bowels, calves of the legs, feet, etc., as tbe case seemed to require. Colapse. This is simply a more ad vanced state of the disease. It indicates the gradual failing of all the powers ot life. It is difficult to fiflV wllpn a nnco j .. has become hopeless. At a certain point the body of the patient begin to emit a peculiar odor, which I call the pdor of death, for when that has become decided Yours truly, C. Hamlin. rKOBST MAKES A FULL CONFESSION- rillLAlELfUIA, May 6, Anton Frobst has confessed. Yester day afternoon, in the presence of his spir itual adviser, the pastor of St. Alphoasus Catholic Church, 3Ir. I'erkins, the super intendent cf the prison, asd the medical staff od duty at the prison, Anton Probst made a free, voluntary and open confetg- iuu snch a confession ss stamps him to be thc most blood thirsty wretch known in the annals of history. He killed all the members of tho Dearing family. Trobst, after thc lapse of a few min utes, proceeded to make the fallowing statement by way of a CONFESSION. Mr. Dearing did not even take off bis gloves before going to the barn, but pro. ccoded there at once, followed by Probst, who had the axe concealed ready for use. As soon as 3Ir. fearing entered the barn-door, Probst states that he struck him in the Lead, and felled him t the earth, and then chopped at his neck with, the edge of the ase. Miss Dolan was thf aext and lait vic tim, f h proofc&ded to the barn after etming down stairs not finding any of the family in the Louse, and Probst, who was in waiting, treated her as he had done the rest of the family. After laying out the bodies and cover ing them up with hay, the murderer weut into the house and commenced searching tor valuables, but he states he got no money, but expected to secure a consid erable amcuut. lie stales that Miss Polan's pocket-book had very little in it, and he said nothiug whatever of the two S50 compound iu. terest notes, and the $20 bill of the same character. He remained about the house for some time, picked up the articles found iu thc black valise, find left about dark. His further movements were pretty much as brought out on the trial, aud which are patent to thc niiaJs of the whole cumin u. nity. Probst states that he would have con fessed to all tbe murders before, but Le feared if be did so he would be font to pieces by the mob. During the trial, and even at the time of his capture, he states that Le had a disposition to make a confession, but the yells of the crowd when he first saw them fiightencd him iuto the belief that if the; knew tha full extent of his crime all the police in Philadelphia could not save him from their clutches. Probst also states that he did not lite to go to the court room-during the trial, Hi stated that he had no accomnlice. and conceived the horrible crime unaided , 33 be jells of the crowd when he made aud alone. The theory of the murder as uls appearance on the street made a deep nroduced on the trial, and theoue sosren- auJ terril,!e i"'P oa hua, aul Le t fciatly ac.cepted by the public, is entirely true io its main parts. He states that he conceived the murder on Friday, and that night slept with the boy whom he intend ed to make his rs victim, aamely, Cor nelius Carey. much preferred the solitude cf hij celj. During the afternoon he will be visited by some of the authorities, and it is ex pected that a min'ite confession in detail will be extracted from him. He knows that be wili never again be brought face to face with any number of IIjb knew that Carey was working near the Lav-rick, and he proceeded there with i his fellow creatures, uutir'the day of hw aad unmistakable, I have never known the large axe, but bis heart failed him execution, and therefore will give to the tne patient to recover. I have repeated- three times before he could induce him-authoiities all the information they de fy worked upon such cases for hours with sell to strike the unsuspecting boy the ' sire in relation to the murder, no permaueut result. Hut the blue color, 'fatal b.bw- At last he mustered sufficient! Although no one had counted, for the cold extremities, the deeply sunk eye, 1 courage and went at his fiendish work ' long time, that he was solitary and alono the vanishing pulse are no signs that the killing Carey just iu the manner be fre- ia bis devilish work, it is a source case is hopeless. Scores of suoh cases in quent'y described. of infinite satisfaction to know, from the recent opidemio hiTa recojereJ. Ia! TLo rfbt of tLo Hoji of tjtie Lis own Ujw, that la bid no awinplie.