Juniata sentinel. (Mifflintown, Pa.) 1846-1873, May 02, 1866, Image 2

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Juniata jicntiuct.
A irnAm of tobt; and a union of land,
A ttnion ho )oiccr shall m ver;
A union of htartt, and a mm Ash of hands.
Aid the American L'uiun forever!
Wednesday .Hif, May 2nd,
II. IX. VILSOV, Editor anil Publisher
lias the I.nrgrtt Circulation of any paper pub
lished in tbis County. It in therefore the
lt$t aih-ertitinj medium. It is pHir. tru!v
loyal. ably conducted, a first class Localist.
and well worthy of the patronage of every
loyal citizen in the County.
Br Soldiers of Pennsylvania remember
that Krister Clymer voted against a joint
resolution of our Legislature, asking Con.
fires 4o increase the pay of the private sol
diers and non-commissioned officers of the
army. (See page 295 Legislative Record
"sion IMil.) While you were battling for
;he I'uion he was exhausting his ingenuity in
-4eriing means to counteract the succes of
yi.ur anus.
As there are many persons in the county !
who are net subscribers to any newspaper,
we have concluded to furnish the Se.nti
m:l toall ucw subscribers through the
-routing political campaign at rates that
will be withiu the reach of every man in
ji county. And we trust our friends in
rath district will go to work in good earn-
"i uii tiuua. tuc people suoum i
understand lh ,mt ..noatin. ,U-, -ill
.... .. . . fTL. I .1 1 .
be agitated in the approaching campaign, j
and thu: be enabled to vote in'elligently i
at tuc coining election. e will furnish
the .kf:stj.Ki 5:om the third week in
April uutil the itt .reek in October by
vihich time all the official returns will be
published, at the following rates:
Siugie copy SO
Tive capias 3 50
'Sen copis-s, 6 50
l-'ii'teen copies... ..9 00
Twen?j copies ...11 50
MiilKntown J. J. Patterson, A. H. Martin.
Fermanagh Elias Horning, K. C. Gallaher.
Fayette .Michael Hoffman, Capt. L. Degan.
Monroe A. G. Shellenherger, S. Strouser.
Susquehanna Levi Light, Sol. Updegrove.
i-recnwood S. Shellenberger. II. li. Minium,
ti.-iawnre J. V. Thompson, Elihu Benuer.
Walker J. A. Gallaher, John Mutter.
I'ntTer? on S. H. Brown, George Goshen.
Mi! ford Col. J. K. llobison, A. Shover .
Turbett Stewart Turbett, L. E. Mathers.
I'errysvil'ie Lt. Saiuid Liirl, P. S. Liggett.
Spruce Hill Wm. Evans, Thos. Pation.
lie tie Dr. J. P. Sterrett, R. Doyle.
Tufcarora James Irvtin. Geo. M. Smelker.
l ack Mathias Stii'r.p. Era Montgomery.
lli.uk Log RuL't. Mriutyre. Sam 1. Shearer
J. J. i'ATr.tioX, ChairmaM.
According to notice the Union County
Committee met oa Monday, the 2Urd ! woulJ h3Tt t, 80 P'T that ,tie
just . at Mr S. R. Notcstiue's Hotel, in ' 'aua woM have tean lo8t- lt bs
MiSititowu. lutely monstrous to talk jof electing such
Oa motion it was reol red that fc Del-1
cgsto Elections be held ou Thursday, May
17th, and that the Convention be helJ on
Siturday, May J3;h, at 1 o'clock in the
Court HoEse. Thut the lc!eg?te flec
tions opm st 2 P. M. and ctc a: i P.
M, except for MJSjctaisa, Patterson,!
Perrysville, Walker, Delaware and Mil
lord townships, where the elections shall
oprti at 4 P. M. and close at 7 P. M.
The members of the County Committee
in the several districts are directed to
open and conduct the Delegate Elections
or appoint substitutes to perform that
All members of the Union Tarly who
wi'l support Maj. Geu. John W. Geary
lor Governor and all the cominees of the
Convention, are invited to participate in
lie Delegate Election. Each district to
ckc:.tjvo Delegates who will assemble on
the following Saturday, in Convention at
MifSintown, to nominate .candidates for
the following offices :
One for Member of Congress.
" " " " Aaembly.
.Tjvo.fqr Arscciale Judges.
Unc for Pro' honorary.
One for Couuty Commissions.
One foe County Auditor.
.A, H- MaUTIN, Secretary.
ftSrBouscr and Howser, the murderers
of Mrs. Paul ant! "Miss Munday in Cam
bria county, were "Lung on ttc ?0th ult.,
: FAc.'v:.-.
Mr. Clytuer filled a scat ia the Senate
nf tbis Commonwealth throughout the
whole period of the rebellion, lie was
chief of the Democratic leaders in that
body. He had advantages, personal and
acquired, which gave hiui special iuflucnce
o-er such of his colleagues as belonged to
his party. He was both their mentor aud
iVe do no injustieo to Mr. C!ymer in
asserting that from the beginning of the
war to the end of it his sympathies were
strongly enlisted on the side of the rebels.
Had he been under the immediate direc
tioa of Mr. Jefferson Pavis he would hive
pursued substantially the course he mark
ed out fur himself. Whatever obstacles
I "e cou'a "lut 10 ,ne 01 reouerlnS
! fieietit aid to the national authorities in
the prosecution of the war he was sure to
' t 1 1 . ? -t J ,
brinjr forward. Not an important measure
was proposed for arming the S'ate, for
putting volunteers into the field, and fot
repelling actual invasion, that he did not
oppose. In soma instances, to be sure,
he did not resort to a bold and defiant
method. lie was fruitful of specious
amendments, intcuded to emasculate vig
orous measures, to retard action, and frus
trate desirable results. When he had
fought a bill iu this way, with parliamen
tary ambuscades and stratagems, and was
likely to fail, he would ofteu assign the
rejection of his modifications as the reason
for voting in the negative on the final pas
sage. Hut, in these case?, everybody now
sees and feels when reading the official re
cord that at bottom he was just as much
sg&rcst tfre national cause as the rebels
themselves ; and that, in the sphere in
which his lot was cast, he was laboring as
earnestly as they were to destroy the gov
ernment. Scarcely Yailandighan. himself
has a worse record.
Ought such a man to be elected Gov -
crnor of Pencsjlva&ia ? Is he a fit suc
cessor to Governor Curtiu, bo-e hands he
sought to tie, whose plans he endeavored
to thwart, all through those eventful years ?
It seems to us that the homes of Penn
sylvania's dead patriots, fallen in the great
contest, would shake in their honored
grave, at such a disgrace.
This is not a question of ordinary diver-
... r ,. . , - -
S,t,CS f H""! opinion
It is vain to
sPeak of ,hc excellence of Mr. Clymer's
personal deportment j of the amenity of
his manners ; of the compass of his intel
ligence ; of the breadth of his under
standing. All these considerations weigh
lighter than air against his undeniable in
civistn. Who doubts but many of the
rebel leaders possessed all the social vir
tues and graces in as high a degree as he
does ? Who doubts that some of them
surpassed .him in intellectual culture, in
force of reason, and in the charra of ora
tory 7 'ft -matters mot what accomplish
ments aaa may show, if he has pursued
such a course as to justly rapk him with
the enemies of the country. Jf a man is
not thoroughly loyal if iu time of trial
he has been found wanting pre-cainent
natural gifts and acquirements ouly twke
his conduce the more offensive.
If Pennsylvania had followed Mr, Cly
mer's lead; if she had adopted the line
of policy .he mapped out and pertinaciously
recommended,. not enly would her vasti" g-s.au.rc, ana tiau p-sseu
territory been overran, her fields laid
waste, her towns given to the flames, and
her railroads torn cp, hut the govcrnuictit
mnn ,0 tDe -n,el "c7 01 ,llc
I State. There ought to be sae'e a sonti
root among the masses of ihe people
wtmldrrak hi. asnirationa hanele as !
would consign him to private walks for
4ic reaiainder of his dsy. That there is
.such a sentiment auiM Republicans we
ifeei and know. The Democrats talk of
serious division and whole-sale apostacies.
among us. Not a half dozen grains of
fact can be sifted out of whole loads of
tbis chaff. A few men, inspired either
-J greed or unrest, may be willing to re
pudiate or adopt aoy principle, if by so
doing they can obtainfce honors and em
oluments of office; but the influence of
these men begips and ends with them
selves. It is a coMciousness of this that
leads to suggestions of a third .candidate
to help Mr. Clymer's chances. All such
expedients are powerless. The people
have to choose between a gallant soldior,
who freely periled everything for the
cause, and a politician w.ho did all he
could w serve the rebel leaders. Ou that
issue the stragglers from the Republican
ranks wit!, bo too insignificant in numbers
to afford a count.
A call has been iteaned for a conven
tion to meet at Knoxviile ou May 3d,
joumposed of delegates from counties
in East Tennessee, to rucuioialize:l4'i Leg
islature for h ave to form a new 'State, to
be called tho State of East Tennessee, or
to take Euth steps in reference to the
;- ..I
A supplement was passed bv the Wic'
lature to the Poor House law, authoriziu" murder of the Deering family, at l'hila
a vote to be taken "for" or "against" said delphia, was concluded on Saturday af
law by the voters of the whole county. ; teruuon. The jury, after an absence of
lhis election is to. be held on the 2nd
Tuesday in May. There is one idea con
nected with this supplement which it be
hooves every voter to consider before he
determines to cast his vote against the
measure. Of the sixteen districts in the
county, nine, by their vote last fall, have
accepted the provisions of the original
law. Now, as to these nine districts,' the
pending vote can have no influence what
ever iu relieving them from the obliga
tions of th law of ISlliir nnr tmn if
.i i , . . .... . , , .'.that the Southern journals which refer
thev should all vote aainst it. Andwhv? J
. n. ...j
Simply because the supplement rontains !
no repealing clause. From begiuning to
cod of the supplement there is uot one
word to repeal or annul the provisions of
2ist section, of the act. And why was
this important feature of the supplement
omitted .by those especially interested in
it ? Was it because they knew that the
Legislature has no power to pass ar-post-
facto laws, or to enact lass impairing eon-
tracts ? And was not the Legislature
well aware that contracts had been enter
ed into under the provisions of the act of
1805? Voting therefore on next Tues
day "against" the Poor Houso will by no
means relieve you from the obligations
which you voluntarily incurred by voting
"for" it in last October. The only way
the accepting districts can now get rid of
what they fondly took to their boaomr.
last fall, ia by a resort tu (he Courts. Li
the matter come in projer form before the
county court; let an appeal be taken, if
you please, to the Supreme Court ; aud it
the Courts decide (we say if, for we have
an unshaking belief that no court will so
! ,,u0'llS.) t,,e law 1' 1Sl'5 t0 null and
void, be it so. Meanwlnle, the law of
1885 requires the Directors to go on and
execute its various provisions ; aud they
canuot suspend operations even it they
wished; the law and their oath both for
bid them. Would it not, therefore, be
wiser, would it not be better iu every way,
both in the light of economy to the .tax
payer, and of comfort to the poor, for the
accepting districts to afford no further op-
position 10 ule taw ouen at icasi is me
opinion of a cool looker-on from
Capt. II. II. Wilson Dear S'i I
am informed that the Commissioners of
.i li. n i T
me i iiw iiouse ior tuu.aia county "'e
busily engaged circulating and trying to
make lis people believe that they (the
peopled need not sctc on the question fr
or against a Poor House in this county,
and that if they vote it down it will not
beneGt them, fur the rcuou that the Sup
plementary Act authorizing the vote oa
Tuesday next does not repeal the former
Act. Now, I look upon tuis scheme as
auothcr act of these very law abiding
Commissioners to pull tho wool over the
hone.-t tax-paycis eyes, as was done last
fall in withho'ding the f-heriiTi Procla
mation for an election for a Pour House ;
and again when 700 of our citizens peti-
1. t - 1 1 1
e" a 5" ,US l"c,u ,,,c r
lege of a fair vote upon the rjuestion, two
of these very name Ccmmi.-siouers had
! that bill smothered in the House, and it
would there have slept the sleep of death,
had it not been for committees snt by
the people to Harrisburg, and had it res
urrected. Thus you see these very
1Vr Commissioners have met
,,,e wi" of ,hc I'P'c f e7
comer. ow, a? payers, on lucsuaj
the 28th day of May, JgCG, you have the
opportunity of placing yourt-c ppon the
act of these would-be Poor Commission
ers ; arid I hope you will avail yourselves
of this privilege, and show them that the
people are the sovereign and not one or
. . . m .1
t'.wo individuals, although they may be
ciaa ia official robes. 1)EALE.
rooit HOl'SE.
On Tuesday next the tax payers of Ju
Dtata county will have an opportunity to
vote for or ogahwt a Poor House. At
the election last fall the question was
voted on iu some of the districts, but the
result proved unsatisfactory to many of
the tax-payers, and upon their petition the
(Legislature set aside the election and or
dered a new ono on next Tuesday. It is
the duty of every tax payer Jo go and vote
upon a question so vital to him, aud after
this second opportunity for a fair vote, we
trust ail will be satisfied with the result.
The release of Cleircnt C. Clay from
confinement at Fortress Monroe, would
seem to show that tlje Presidcut does not
believe him iu aoy way couaat'tcd with
the assassination of -Mr. Liucola. We
presume it will pot be long before Jeff
Davis is "recooitrnctcd" and seut home,
;-a warm supporter at the President .and
The trial of Anton Probst, for the
, nt'ee" niiouies iropj tne court rooti, ro
luiueu a variiici 'i uutcrg oj manicr
of ihc first degree."
The location of the Court House in
Snyder county has been a bone of con
tention among the people thereof fur
fl l - n , . y-, . .
many years, and has at length been set
tled by a vote. The election was held on
Tuesdayof last week, and resulted in 3JC
majority iu favor of Middleburg.
It is a singular and giguific-int fact
to the Gubernatorial contest in Pennsyl
vania, speak of Iiiester Clymer as a pe
culiar friend and defender of the South,
ind hope for his election as one of the
results which will eventually tend to a
vindication of Southern rigtit3, namely,
to war on the Union and murder Ihttoii
The Memphis Post says that the Pres
ident and Secretary of a great Johnson
uieetiug recently held at Lagrange, Tenn.,
are the very two men who burned and
hung Andrew Johnson in effi.-y in 1861.
It wonders if some ui the other members
of the meeting were uot subscrilers to
the 10,00') fund to assassinate Andrew
Johnson when he was Governor ot Ten
nessee. Col. Crocket, a Tennessee rebel, rar.de
a speech not lon; since, iu Memphis, iu
which he said "that if the South would
staud as a unit by Andy Johnson, with
the Conservative party iu the North, be
fore five tears would elapse the South
would aain control the Government, and
uuder the Constitution enjoy the rights
they had fought iu vain to securp outside.
He had fought against the GoyciBKjent,
but he stood by Audy Johnson."
In various parts of Pennsylvania the
supporters of President Johnson's policy
are obtaining signatures to a Call for
State Convention to be held in Pittsburg,
for the purpose of nominating a candidate
for Governor. Hut. so far as ascertained j
, . , "
hevnild :v.ior:lllt.s to f.M .r:i !irinointi..nt
- ."I I I T
few have talb-n into the trap. The ob-
ject f ,l.is movement is to defeat
Geary, if possible, and secure the election ;
I of Mr. CJy. nor. This is what is meant
hy fightiug out the ouarrcl inside ti.fi He
publican party.
The Xewburyport IL-rald publishes a
statement of Charles II. (inlden in iail
' J
ieieon a charge of burglary, in which j
e claims to have been vciv inti .. ate '
C ..U U18 o Have been vc y 1L .tldijtt
ith Mrs. Cunningham and her family, j
, i ., , . , ," j
am. a., auoui .,c , ujtcn uiurucr
of Ir. Kurdell, in Loud street,
years ago. He says, among other things,
that Mrs Cunningham o fiered him ?2-3.-000
and her daughter Augusta in mar-
riage if he would murder Dr. Burdell, j
hy whose death Mrs. Cunnicgham would :
a tfrwiiifi ri i . i.i -ii
getS 100.000. He declined the ob, but j
took Augusta to the theatre, returned
with her to IJond street, aud s'ept in the
house that uii:lit, knotting before he went
to bed that the murder had been cum
in it ted. The confession looksscusatioual,
but it may be true.
Mtx rtrnt.scmruts.
1)KUPUdALS. Sealed Proposals will be
received up to the First Monday of June,
lSt'il'i, fr building a School House in Tuibcit
township. Plait and Spiciticaiions cau be
seen at Port Royal. Juniata coun'v. Ta.
CiiniHTorHKtt Won: it, Secy.
may 2,-tf.
"VEW STORE. The undersigned has open- i
1' ed a Store in Sherilf Wilsou's store room
on Bridge street, MirHiiitown. and offers at I
private sale to the citizens of thu
ho surround-
ing country, a large and varied assortment
of the very best CLOTHINO. BLANKETS,
&c, such as Over Co its and Dress Corns, Ar
tillery Jackets or Roundabouts, N. Y Slate
Jackets or Rottlabouts, Knit Shirts, Horse
Blankets, Grey and White Blankets, Linen
and Cotien Pillow Cases, Wash Basins, Linen
and Col ion Sheets, Knives and Forks, Spoons,
Tinware. Hatchets, Picks, Saddles, Halters,
Shelter Tents. Linen Towels, aud a Urge as
sv'fn;ct of other articles not necessary to
Oar" Call aad examine the goods and hear
my prices,
may 2,-tf. D. RiWARl).
M. TODD has just received a large 1
P and tine assortment of goods from the
East, which be is prepared to sell at the fol
lowing reduced prices :
Prints, from 12 to 20
Gingbaius fret! -H to 31
De Lames .v -i tout
Browu Mitsiin. 13 to i'S
Best, one yard wide 25
Hlf ached muslin 1.3 to 40
Ticking 81 to 50
yrups per ut. 2o to 35
Sugar house molasses ' 15
Brown sugar per lb. 12 to lti
Vi'ii-te do " 18
Best Rio Ce.". 3:t
Good " 3K
Coal Oil .-. per gal. SO
Maekerl per bbl. $18 to 22
Herring $8 00 to Sll U0
And a large assortment of Boots and
Shoos, cheap.
Also a large lot of Carpeting 45 to $1 00
Very best, all Wool, 1 yd wide.. $1 24 to 1 81
I am paying 35 cents for Butter, and lb
cents for Kggs.
J. B. M. TODD,
DISSOM'TIOX The partnership hereto
fore exist:!!; letecn John K. Wi'i'iams
and .lames B. Thompson, t loach Makers, lo
ing business under the name and style of
Williams and Thompson, is this day diasolved
hy mutual cou;ent. The hooka und papers
are left in the hands of James 1). Thompson
fur settlement.
The business hereafter wi'.l he carried on
by John M. and Jiiaics D. Thompson.
May 2-Gt.
"jV'KW SHOE STORE. The nnderaipmvl
IN haa reinured his Boot and Shoe S-'tore to
the roi.m forme. y occupied oy Mrs. Marinh
Sees. oi bridge street, l-aw-rson where e
invites the public generally to call and exam
inc. bis tiue large aswrlment or gsgl
Koots. Shpcs.finitors. Slippers. &c.,,a)flS
for Ladies. Gentlemen, Uoys and Children,
manufactured out of the best material by
good workmen, and will be acid at prices to
suit erervhody.
Being a practical hoot and shce maker, he
is prepared to make to order a. I kimls ot
work in that line of business.
Determined to sell at tho lowest possible
prices, ami ilesirout of cstaDlishmg a busi
ness which will be plutUahle to boih buyer
and seller, he asks the public to call and ses
his atuck before purchasing elsewhere.
Jfejy Repairing promptly attended to.
G. W. ANblihSOX.
cay 2,-tf.
'pOMB fTU-NE r-Cavcny and Bear, man- !
L ufactmers of Tumb Stones, &c, on j
rt.;,lirU sir....t Mitn;.in ah -orl.- toit on
in tho mast Uisteiut aud substantial manner. 1- ',e j'f'fc'es of the aforesaM districts
Give them a call. shall respectively take charge of the certifi-
apr. 20-lf. " c:',e "f ?eturn of the election of their tres
' peotive districts, and produce them at a m?et-
AtOTIt'C The utidercigned having pur- jng 0f the judges from each district, at the
1 chased from J. V. Beecher, the following Court House in the borough of Mittiiutuwn,
described personal property, which he has on the First Friday after the day of the clec
left in the possessiou of the said J. V. Beeeher ! tion, boing the 11th ilay of May, A. D.. IS'iS.
during his pleasure, hereby notifies all per- th.-n and there to do and perform tho duties
soua nut to interfere yjth the same: li.j lirel by law of s.v.d jn lge.
tne Span of Mules, Two Corn, One Calf, j o Agreeably to the provisions of the filst
One Farm or Boad Wagon, One Two-Horse j section of the "act relating to the elections
Sleigh, One Spring Wagou, Fourteen lle.ul of 0I this Coinmouwealth," every general aad
Shoep and Lambs, Ouc Ox Cart, Two Blows, special election shall be opened between tho
One Spike Harrow, Five Shoats Straw in ; hours of EIGHT and TEX o'clock iu the
the Barn, Two Cultivators, Four Sett qf Mar- , forenoon, iad couliuuc without iiiternption
ness together with the Hay inthe It.trn. Cratn or adjournment until SEVEX o'clock iu thb
iu the Ground on the pluce.nuw occupietl by ereuing. vhen the polls shall he closed.
!hc said Beecher. 5. Given under my hand, at my office, in
npr 25-3t. JOHS EMEllY. j the borough of Mililintown, this l'Jth day of
. .... . . . . .. , T i April, iu the vear of our Lord one thousand
ABM AT Pun ATE SALE.-The under- hunJr, ,., sixlv.,;,.
signed oSers at private sale his t.ijiu stl- SVMUEL B. LOUDEN, Sifri
uated iu Delaware township, Juninta county, ; '",-',t
l'a., about three miles rhi of Thotnpsontow n, ! "
cuntainirg acres, about 00 acres of which
are clcarid and iu a good state of cultivation,
the remainder well ae. with choice timber.
having thereon erected a large Stone Mansion,
Tenant House, large Bank Barn, and other
Utieiry ot-bui! lings, with a never-failing
spring of water convenient to the house.
The iand is well watered. The above laud
will be sold in whole or in parcels to suit pur -
chasers, l'er-ons desiring to purchase the
property can do so by calling on
April 25, ISO'j-tf.
nl.tlt,) t.tnia s.vj.h.i.j- virtue t
uitiL-13 ui i lie in VUUI. t.1 .rtiiu;ii:t
county, there will be exposed at public sale
on SATUKDAY. MAY. l'.ttli. lb'.'i. on the
premises in Delaware township, Juniata conn
morning in lime for the Ea.-t and We.-I train-.
The following valualilo Ilea! Estate, to wit : : Jiaggag mid -.ackages of all kinds are tnk
No. 1. A tract of land cetit.iiniii" 7'i Acrea -n ;. a.i ..it.. .l..',,-...o.i ,...!
! CO Perches, all in a good state of culti-
vaiien. Having i hereon ereneu a g.ot iitti .ir. If3 are ; GtOD ORDER -nd nnd-r to.
an i,a large FRAME BANK BAUX. t4 charge or compe'ent and experienced drivers,
feet a good W AGON SUED nn j ClUti , The proprietor hopes, by strict and persun
Ciiili, WASH HOLSE. SI'ItlN'l.- IIOUSE and nI atienlion to business to merit a fair sl,ar
an niner necessary otitnuiMings. t iiere i.s a
H'iiiu iiiiiriiiu.iG .tiiij niii.i on
the Farm and two Streams of water passing '
through it, and also the undivided one. half
of ' "ets of wood land containing v" -
T" i ,T f "-'t ""
Acre, nni Mb IVrche, well set w,th goo4
J J id t "' J'"'cr. '
Real Esjate late of Christian Gingrich, dee d
A40 ,le o!her trsct , ,e rreinises. situated
a aforesaid, containing i t Acres an I 17
1 erches. ail of ilujh is cleared and under
exeeilent cultivation and under goa 1 fence,
with tha undivided one half ot Iwj tracts of
wood land, above described
I i ...ilv.,!. 1! A -.-. ..! ! l !
Acres aud l:)ti Perches, being tV; Real E-tate
,l"e of l'8" Shelley dee d., and two other
tracts of laud situated iu saiJ Town-hip, one
en,a-it; 2 Acre, and tlo Inch's the
'her 0 Acres and 'Jl Perciies. about 1 1 Acres
well timbered- The last tract, of 5 Aire, i.i
all elared. Ihe ssne being tl. Ileal lM!c
late of Catharine Shelley, dee d. The above
described tracts of. land all lie adjoining
each other, except ihe Wood Land, an 1 f.um
one large tract of ONE Hl'NlMlEl) and SIX
TY ONE ACKES. and all are convenient to
the buiiJings and well situated fur one large
farm- This property is on the Main Road,
21 miles from I'iiompsontown, and 3 miles
from McAlistersrille. convenient to will,
shops, stores, achool houses, chu-ehe". Ac.
..,. uiuiu w luo imrcu ise money i,av4 an acconl.) will he allowed a credit on
as is nece-snry to pay expenses to be paid on the books, to ilie amount of T. M. LeigUt's
confirmation of saie by th! Court, one-half interest in the same.
of the ballanceonthc tirst day of April, ISoT, ar,r. 13-31. D. M. CRAWFORD.
when deed will be delivered am.' possession j
piri-a. One sirth on the fiist day of April , llMIiTE HALL HOTEL. The under
1m!8, one sixth on ihe ti'st day of Afiil iy ;'.il il signed would respectfully inform his
with interest from the first day if April 1S:'7 friends and the public generally that he h n
and the purchaser to Day the iuterest of one- taken ci:arge of the above named Hotel, for-
sixth annually to William Beuner during his
jjife, and at his death to pay the pnuciple to j
Uemy Benner, a ninor, who has for his
guardian, Christian Musser. I
The undersigned would respectfully inform '
his friends aud the public generallv that he 1
has taken charge of the above named Hole' i
formerly kept by Amos Snvdcr. This is an I
old and well-known stand, and none more do-'
sirable for the accommodation of the public. I
His BAR will be stocked witn tho best qualify j
of liquors, LU vfABLE spread'witb iLe best
tuc market cauatTurd, ami bis STABLE, which
is one of the most desirable in tnvn, wijl.be
attanded bv pnnil aii.l irnstv Imailmu
April 4, 'Gli-tf.l S. R. XOl'ESTINE
DR- M. J. DAVIS, Graduate of the Univer
sity of New York, offers his professional
services to the citizens of Perrysville and sur
rounding country. Has had over five yaiua
experience iu civil and military practice. Jf.
fice at his residence, a few doors abor.s
Lutheran Church. References:
1r. S. B. Crawford. McCoytown.
Dr. I. M. Crawford, Mililintown.
Dr. P. L. Greenleaf, Thompsontuwn.
April 4, 180ti-3m.
vV grieh, Lancaster, Wisconsin, will buy
nnd sell REAL ESTATji, and pay Taxes for
nonresidents, to those desiring to locate in the
West, can obtain cheap Homes and good wa
ter power in prosperous localises by consult
ing him re'Vy-ence givci if required,
mar. 2ITly.
ANTED. A smart active boy from 15
447. to leant the Chair Painting, and
Ornamenting Business. One from the c mntry
preferred. Call at the Chair Shop, in Mililin
town. onr. 11 -if. C IJ .VS. V WFITX'y,
Poor House IJrrtloii Procliitna
liOM. Whereas, in and by a supple
ment act of the General Assembly, of the
Couiiuouwealth of Pennsylvania, relating to
an act entitled -jn act to provide for the erec
tion of a Poor House, in the townships of
Miliord, Tdibett, tr'prnce Hill, Tuscnrcra,
Luck and Eeale, and the boroughs of I'errys
ville and I'attersoi-, iu the county of Juuitta,
passed the Kith day of April. A.' D , 1 it
is made the duty of the Sheriff of said county
to give public noti&e in Hires newspapers of
Juuiatu countv: t)it an Kleeiion ha!l Is
A. 1., laGG. in the several election di?tricti
j iu'aaid county of Juniata to accept or reject
the provisions of s ad aci in the manner pr j-
viuea in tue J wemy-tirat .section or snid act .
I, Samuel I! Louden, High Sheriff of the
County of Juniata, do hereby make known
and give this public notice to the electors of
ilie County of Junintn, thai on i lie SKOONU
TUESDAY IN MAY. D.. IStifi, (beiug tho
Xih of the month.) an election will be held at
the several election districts established In
law in 9aid county, at which lime they will
T()te by wrjtten or printed tickets for a Poor
House or against a Poor House.
I, alio, hereby make known, and give no
tice, that the Inspectors and Judges shall
meet at the respective places appointed for
holding general elections in the district to
which thev belong, before 9 o'clock in the
morning of the SECOND TUESD VY IX MAY
and each of vaid Inspectors shalt appoint one
clerk who shall be a eua.itied voter of such
: unmet.
' pi TTT p t iTp
' l . y jAVjl llj Lil.i I j
Leaves 1'errys.viile Monday. Wednesday ami
Friday at o'clock, a. ui., and arrives at Con
cord at 4 o'clock, p. an.
j Leaves lonooid Tuesday, Thursday and
Saturday at . 3 o'clock, a.m., and arrives at
j l'errysvillc at 3 o'clock, p. in., in time tor
'ie 'rains going East and Wet.
S'ages will leave Mitilin Station as follows.
; m. ami returns on Morday: leaves Tuesdav at
l.c.ves it mm n nnim on ."sniiirofiv mi n
j; a m ati.l i4titrn
Thursday at fi a, m.
1 S.aees' will lenve 1
iaes will nave
Milllin Station for Acide
mia, uailv in the evening, and return in th
er.,!e charges. The stages on the above ron-
iwiblic patron-ie
Jan. n, 'ti'i.-tf.
1 Wer-ipned has reeeived . lot of Itun-
lIrU , flrst p,,, h., ritcll KotkjOI1
f ,be greatest machines ever invented tor
unloading hay. Al". forks are warranted pre
lect or the money refunded. A boy 1 year
of age can work litem on a vagiu .uh ase.
Call at my store, iu Pa'ter-oii. and examine
them it will cost you nothing for calling.
J i; t toijiv
I Mr. Emanuel Mover, of M.iiord l.,wns!,in
isays: 1 purch.i-ed a KunJells Horse 'itch
i Fork last spring irom J. 15. M. T"Jd, and
found it to bo the lighte-t and most perfect
fork I ever used. A boy 12 years of a-e cm
ne it and I unloaded iw.i tons oi hay t'roiu a
wagon in 7 uiimite? time, bv the wutth
of the late Medical Eirin ef f. M. tTraw-
for I ar.d f. M. Leiht, are iu b.y htuds fw'
collei'tiiiu. All persous indebte 1 to the simt
arc requested to call and sefle their ac.'ounts
wiluont delay, on the Weduesday and Satur
day afternoons of eich weok after the tirst of
May, IS'i'j. aud those having claims against
said firm to present them duly authenticate 1
for settlement.
tt. ,.,e having in lividua! accounts agiin-it.
T. M. i.eizlit. (against whom the firm luay
mer'.y kept by-A. B. Haldeman. situated in
layette township. Juniata county. Pa., about
four miles east of MeAhstersville, where he
will be prepared to accommodate all who may
favor hint with their patronage. His BAH
will be stocked with the best quality of
lir.iicra, his TABLE spread wi;h the best the
market can afford, and his STABLE attended
hy trusty hostlers.
mar. 23, 6ti-3a. LEWIS AMY".
treated with the utmost success, by J.
ISAACS, M. D., Oculist and Aurisi. (formerly
of EeyJeu. Holland.) No. ill) PINE Street,
i iul.vu a. testimonials, from the most
reliable sources iu the City and Country can
he seen s.t hia office. The medical faculty
are invited to accompany their patients, as
he has no secrets iu his practice. AUTf-
FICIAL EYES, inserted without taix. No
charge for examination. mar 21-ly. J
i:jais2s or lotxu.
A Gentleman who sutfered for rmmrm e-"
Nervous Debility, Prematuro Decay and all
the effects of youthful indiscretion, will for
the sake of suffering humanity, scud free t'
all who need it, Ihe recipe and directions fur
making the simple remedy by which as
cured. Sufferers winhing to profit by the ad
vertiser's experience, cau do so by address
ing ,T0ff;.- 1, OGDEX.
So. 13 Chambers St., New York,
fc'n. 28,-ly.
Every young lady avd gentleman in lh
United Slates can he:;r sotnetbing very much
to i(i''.i.r advantage by return mail (free of
;harge.)by adorefing the nndersigned.
Those having fears of being hiimhii?ged wi!
oblige by not noticing this card. All i.theta
will pleahe address their obedient servant.
f1. jv.l W.! P.-.,r.l otr V. t-