J VKM'KSUAt MORNl-Si), April 19, Isiiti "rows ano THivruvV" Messrs. Caveny and liear have cstah. ; ()u mo,ioa o Capt n n w;s0D) lifted themselves in the cssrblo business ; 1,e nieetit)g was caIleJ t orJer bj elect. on Bridge street, MiSintcwn, Fa. Per- ; in Col. J. K. Robison, President, Capts. rms wanting anything ia their Hue ofjA it Martin and 0. iMeClellan. Vice husiness, will find tUetu obliging and ; Presidents, and E. W. II. Kreider, Sec Viever gentlemen Claim Agents. Congress on the 5th unanimously adopted a resolution in- tructing the Jadicnrv Committee to re port a bill to protect soldiers and sailors ot "P1- - cwe.ian. Liieut. At. j w. i.: r. v... todV.d. R. Doyle. T. B. Illldobraud and .111 . i iii a i .1 1 I . .1 1 r l n n i. lui in ., . i. i i.i . i 0 j O '-' Soldiers of Ju;iiata county, beware of those that are sending circulars over t'.ie county promising fabulous sums in bon ties and land warrants, for they are a stt of cheats. Lost. Mr. Daniel Panncbaker, of our horough, when out riding on Saturday morning List, a shott distance above tuwn, lost his poefcet took containing about fif teen dollars and some valuable papers After searching diligently tor it, he ;;ave up all hopes of recovering the lost truss tire. It was found and returned to him 1'V a young ijy. The tiiouey, however, had beca extracted before the yuuug lady found it. Poor House Elkctiox. Wrc were iu error last week in stating thai the elec tion relative n a poor house iu this coun ty would be held oa the ist of May. We have since lea rue J that it will take plaoo tin Tuesday the Sth of May. The peo ple of the count- will tc duly notified of tho above election by a proclamation from the Sheriff, and as every voter in the couuty is m ire oi less interested wc presume there will be a general turn out to the polls on that oeeasiga. Mlt LVTEn Currency A great many persons are at a loss to know how to dis pose of the ragged and mutilated currency that accumulates on their hauls. It is the easiest thing ia the world, and with out auy expanse. When you get three dollars worth on hand, put it in small packages, pin a paper band around with your Dame, post office address and the , amount ; th;n put in an envelope and ad i 4.:es it to tiw Treasury of the UuX-d tatcs, Washington, It. U. Ion win get new currency in about oue week trout the ! time you stirt it. charged fruui said serving oa account of - 1 wounds, or phv.sieai disibilicv, contrnc'ed Thk Juniata liroulilLji.a. of last week indulges in the most vL!c&t aie of Mr. '' e widows :nd orj h:'a of such ptrsn. A. B. Halten.an, Post Master, at Cocalo-, ",,d ,IlB'r rr"Pcr'y. f-hall be exempt from ,. , ,1 the pavmrnt .f all bour.-y and per ennira 1'ius. Mr. lialtcmun 6impiy dtscharuca . -. , . , - ' 1 ' - 1 tax levied, for paying bouutus to vi.lun Ins duty ly returning to the puoiishers tcer?i ;n eon,ics ?f t?-;, .', copies of that paper that weic refused by n;onc:i!th. aud such pcr6ns si.an also be the persons to whom they were sent. A I exempt from the payment of militia fines postmaster is requiree by law to return - J ' all utwspapers that are refused else he' A. LS12!II13 C3. becomes responsible to ijie publisher foil YAKNCH ALBRIGHT On the i2d .ult., the price of subscription. 1'or doing ; iu Alexandria, by Fev. Moor, Mr. William this, Mr. Haltcman is abused and vilified i VarllM' of Jllnil" coiuii.y, and Miss Lizzie by such men as Bill' Allison aud B.ll A' A""'!gl" of ,ni;nE'lon """ Pa D.vw Th nnnl., f P. SIEGER MARGARETS Or the Nhinst. kuow Mr. Ilahemao to be sn honest up- right citizen, and this is more lhaa they ; i know about Allison or Davis. Soldiers Take Notice. By a re cent Act of Assembly of the State of Pennsylvania, the time for fiiiug claims against the State for .services retidered in the Pennsylvania Reserve ,'orp has been I ixteuded to March, 18G7. Soldiers who ' , . , . ' , , I served in any of the llcgiuients of thr reserve co rps, aud who have not yet re ceived their pay from the State for the time they served, to the date of muster iuto tbe U. S. service, arc entitled to re ceive pay at the rate of 11,00 per mju;h aud clothing So, 50 per month. All mem bers of Co. A 1st Beg. Pa, Cav. who Lave not been paid should have their a claims filed immediately. Widows of soldiers, or their legal representatives arc entitled to this pay, and can collect it by luukiuj, application. llivir Tl. f.ilnr. f Tnlmr l,.n. I - - - . , , ' K Co, has seriously crippled several lnki in the Xurth-western rart i,F tin. ?tate, aud their notes are refused hy baukers generally. The following is a ( list of bauks eTet,td by the above fail- oil City Bank, Oil City, Vcnengo coun'y. Petroleutn Bank, Titiisville, Vcuango Co. A'enango Coituty Bank, Franklin. Ven'goco Crawford County Bank, Mcadviile, Pa. Lawrence County Bank, New Castle, Pa. Tioga County Bank, Wellsboro, Pa. Of the above, the Oil City, Petroleum, and Vcnaoiro County Eauks are ac;iu!i i? T....i :t t.i-.u....- I uiiuci mi: la-y udi..iuj; jjt ui i ma oiaie, aud their circulation is secured against material and perhaps agaiust a!! loss Holders should not sacrifice them. Tbe Crawford County, Lawrence County and ! Tioga Couuty Hauls are old fctats hanks, and their uote are not secured. They .- may bo redeemed, or a per cetiUge paid ou the uites, bnt there ia no way no'.v of i . . ascertaiuiuo; their Vilue. The notes of all tho above named Banks should be ro- Geary Club. A meeting of the cit- j ienb of Jiifilintown and vicinity was held j ; in the Court House, in this borough, on Saturday evening last for the purpose of !, . r, . . : ' ! Jjriuinz a Gearv Club. retery. On motion of W. W. Pavis, a Com ruittee of five were appointed to prepare a Constitution and By Laws, consisting J. II. Pullman, who were reriuestLd to report on the next niLt of meeting. On motion of Mr. Weid-onii. Pr. lC.T-n nf.-r wa-i nonnested to address the n.cetii.ir. which be did in an abiu manner, plainly hoviug Republicans their duty , U'L'tt-.s them to be active and eneryetic and prepare themselves for the cnnmig campaign, not to be deceived by the cun ning schemes of wily Locof'Cos, ana to stand by General Geary, the country and the flag he so gallantly defended, assur in thoul lint by io doing victory would be ours. Three hearty cheer3 were given fct General Gaary, when the mett'ng ad. j turned to meet on Saturday evening next, at the mhic time and place. AM I'n publicans and the friends of Geqer.il Geary are respectfully invited tp atteud. J. K. ROTHSOX, Pi-ct't. i. W KltClDER, Sic'y. Caution. It is said that bounty and per capita 'axes are ar.il ljjve letu a lectei iu soioj parts of ho couty frm those who have been in the military ser vice of the United States niue mouths, and who have been honorably discharged therefrom. The Legislature passed an act exempting all soldiers of the above discription from the payment of sa:d ta5 which wjs spprocJ by the Governor ou the 30th u!t. The following is ths act referred to : Aa Aft to exempt persons who have been iu t'e military service of the United States, aud ben honorably dis charged tbeiefrnm, from the payment of bounty and per capita tax, Ud ma-! litis finej. Skc. i. Z?s it e.mrtd, f c. That all persons, ivho have been mustered into the military set vice of the United States, and !,i,vc , ,,,er,in a period of not ; lei's man nine tu 'ntns, jn me war to sup prers tlie rctie.Iin, and their property, allj t)6 ,,ersons who have bet n dis by Rev. M L. frhindel, Mr. Jacob iieber and Miss Adda Margirets, both of Juniata county, MERER DA-VIS- On the DVb Inst., by the same, Mr. Lucian Sie'oer of Walker town ship, aud Miss Louisa Davis of McAI:ster3-ville- Tbe happy couple have our thanks fur a one dollar greenback accompanying the abnve tmtif Tlitv K?trp l-iiitiflioil llittii- ins I ti tit... nial bark and e ,,e, inj, haj,py anJ rro,Prous voyage, and firm anchor age T-heu the joiirny is ended, ' , ',. J3ioci- McK I NSTRY On the lVth inst., iii'tt alk" eriownsiiip, Divid McKinstry, ex-Sheriff of value of such ku0y.-l.eJ3e admits of no ques tbis county, aged C-j years. I tion, ami i.i really wo.rth rutrc th tnatUou- KEV'XER Oa th O.'b inst, in Lack town ship, E'.izabetb, consort of John Kepner, aged 30 years, 3 months and 3 days. 'apcrs iu 'erry county, 'a., and Stephen son county. 111., please copy. MIFFLINTOWN 4 PATTEUSON MARJET3 FLOUR. MARKETINGS. Super, bbl. 50 Butter, prime gUb 30 Extra,- 0 00 iButtcr, Curate 28 ancy. 10 Oil l.ard, 1(1 !Rye, V cwt. 8 00 , Tallow 10 j Buckwheat, 4 00 , Eggs, t dot 18 Corn Meal, 1 75 1 PORK. GR A IN, I Hogs. "f cwt 11 00 25 Ham, V lb 20 20 ISidei & Should-rs 15 CO BEEF, li'.l Kore qr, j? cwt 10 00 ! Whi! wheat. Rd Wheat g bu 2 It ye Barley.... Corn, Buckwheat Oats SEEDS, Clover, jl bus Timet by. Flux 55 Hind qr 75 j POULTRY, 12 00 4j j. u "i,cus, : pair Ducks, 50 40 4 50 3 00 2 25 itlecse, jTurkeys, j COAL, ton 1 00 2 00 Ilungariah, t0 Trcvcnton stove 7 50 DRIED FRUIT, do Egg 7 50 Apples, ji bu 4 00 Sunbury stuve 7 50 Peaches, Ht 50 do Es 7 50 G l!0 4 00 3 tJ 4 00 4 3d 10 30 fljei - r'ie? 10 .Thesliiiit 10 Pea. 8 j Mixed, G WOOD, ('nrrents Blackberries, Elderberries. loTATOIOS. New Ii-igb, j lu !00 Sweet, 3 00 VARIETIES, k Hickory, HAY, I'imolhy, TP!J. V La I Onions, j white Beans.. I P'eeswax, "jt lb i Sor.n, dry jCandlea j Wool, woLcd... 1 oO ;Clover, S 00 1 00 i Retailed Article.. 2 50 !Conl Oil igal ',10 45 Salt.'y sacU 3 00 1 ) ;PI:ietcr, 11 ton 10 00 . . 25 -Nails J (m) SENTINEL . I In advance $2 Vl . l' .'il", I fiiw.t, l.ir!...r, $fiy ilmltscmi'tttS. 1. ANTED. A smart active boy from 15 V to 17. to learn the Chair Painting. and Ornamenting Business. Ou from the country pveferred. Call at ihc Chair Shop, in MifUin- pveferred. :aop, town, npr. 11 tf. C1IAS. W. WE1TZEL DISSOLCTIOS CF PAUTXEKSHIP. The partnership heretofore existing between the undersigned in tbe practice of medicine lias this uav been, dipsolvej by mutual con sent. Tbe books will r-noiin iu the bands of Dr. V. M. CrawforJ for collection. Dr. T. M. Ltigbt's interest in tbe snpie has been placed by liiuisrlf under contrul of Noah A. Llder and 11. I'. McWilliMinx. D. M. :i: wford, T M. I.KIUMT. The pra0!ice will bo continued in tbe same oGicc by Dr. D. M. Crawford. Thankful to bis friends for pat prcl-Tcncc3 i,i hopes to merit their continuance. D. M. CRAWFORD. DR. M. J. DAVIS, Graduate of lie l.nivcr sitv of New York, offers bis professional services to tbe citizens of Ptrrysviile and sur- ui - ' -n cjii an(J miUta ftice. of. t i e .1 1 I. lice at bis rcsiil.-uce. a few doors above tbe Lutheran CJmrel,. Itet'ernccs : Dr. 8. D. ('rawford. M-Ci.ylqv;a. Dr. D M. ('raw for I. MitHiniowii. Dr. P. I., fireenlcaf, Thompuontoirn. April 4, lfti0-3m. 4 usmrss fo'Icijf, HANDEL AND IIAUYN II ALL, Elgltih and Spring Garden S($. lliOMAS MAY 1 E1UCE, A. M., President and '"lonsulting Accountant. Exfraordinary Inducements ! Xictl awl i'i i mirm nt Arrntnji ni Hi of Jnaiiits. ViAhije Term. I'roni April , ;fti(", to October 1, I8(!', AND SUtTES-ntNU YEARS. Life Scbolarsbi(ii, including iiuokkecpinp , liusiness Corresponi,ence, I'onm and t.'m touis. tompiercial Arithmetic. Business Penn nansb:p. Detecting Counterfeit Money; A Commercial Law, Twsnty-Fiv Pallars. Scbolarsbip, iuclodin the s ime Stilijecl as above. Time limited to llire imuitlis, Penmanship. Three Months ,?7 lVniuanship and Aritt.uietic, Three Mos.5DJ The saving of coal an 1 pus in the summer months! an advantage of such importance as enables the luanngi meut of this College to make a considerable ,-.-Juc;ioii iu luu sum ' , . ... Fioni October 1, 1886, tc April 1,1867, mer rates And succeeding years, as before. Life fcholarshins v-'chularships. 3 months Penmanship. 3 mouth S10 lVninnnrhip and Ariibuieti?, v mon:lis....i!2 y'.ctal T--rma for Ciuhx. S'-:Ji'rt. hh'1 f-jr tlic S'ttis cf Mtr.izttrjt ami 7 ::jer.. m JD EVEMG !MErCT!0N FOB BOTfl SEXES A.D aLL AUKS, In Bauking, btorekeepiiif(, hookkPepin;, Penniinship, Peu Drawing, Phonography, Arithmetic, M;.nruraliun, A lgt-bra. Geometry, Analytical (ieou,vi;y. '..e Calculus, Naviga tion, furvt-ying. l'ujiieeritig, twanging. Min ing. MecJisiiicvi lratiug, aJvuuiercikt Law, tirrman, Tcl?gr.:p!iinj. and tue English branches, at Ludtrate prices. Endorsed by the public as the must sc ce.stul I!uiness College of tbe country, as is evidenced by th fact, that FOUB HUNDRED AK'D TWO STU , . CENfS have entered in the Fibst Six Months or its Existence. IIKIXCIPJLS OF DEPARTMENTS. THOMAS MAY I'EII'.CE. A.M. GEO. 1$. SNYDER, R. S. PARSES, C. N. E A Hit, Ji.., J. P. REiNKLDS, HENRY KEIM, A. E. ROUKRSON, A. M., C. E. Supported l.y an able Corps of Assistants. Call or send for a Catalogue, Cnllcjo" Cur rency, and Pierce's Practical Educator. orrit f-5:ji iftitTii m? si apr. ll-2m. THOMAS M. PLUtCE. TSJE CIREAT SIX IIKT! TO ANGLERS and tlTHElfj. I'pon the J- receipt of ?,n cents. 1 will semi the ".S crel Art i f Ct'cl.ii; I'ifh ini t.'u Jj,'c and Line". givi,:g full and ample directions how 10 succeed well in catching ill tho different specie's uf Fish that inhabit the waters of the l ulled Mates. Also the 'Celkbbatku In iiias Kisti Ciiabm," or Chinese art of citcb ing Fisb it, great numbers This means of takiug fish, and the manner of doing it. has u.-reui ujoa aiUTa to but few. The s.-u.u nines tue price asKeo. ceno ;;:i cents enclosed in letter aud you will receive tl:c secrets by return mail. E. ERNEST, York Springs, Adams county apr. 11 -St. p,k ' j'O THE SCHOOL DIRECTORS of Juniata jl coiitity : r!.. .i t .. . . . . . vkui ir.-ueu. iu purauan!e 01 ilie 43U sec tion ot tue act oi .lay l,o4, jou are hereby notified to meet in convention at the Court House in hlhlintown, on the 1st Tuesdiy in May 1SU0, being tbe first day of tbe month at i o cock r. ji., and selest vua met. by a nmjuihy ui ail tbe directors present, one per son of Literary and Scientific acoiiirements and of skill and experience in the art of leach ing, n cotiniy Superintendent for the three siieeecuing years; and certify tho result to tbe Slate Superintendent at Iiarrisbiirn. required by ihc 30th uud 40th sections of said act By a lale act of Ihe Legislature the time of holding the convention was chanced from lheFirt.Vinj.ry iu May to ihc First Tuesday. II it 7.1 ii cn m i v v...... npr. ll-3t. of Juniata county. Pa. 'PAVERN LICENSE PETITIONS The i- following r.u:Ued persons have filed their petition, 'for Tavern License in (he office of the Clerk of the Court of Ouart ;r Session, of Juniata county, and tbe sumewiH be present ed to tbo Court forallowauce ou Wednesday A'pi-U 25ih. lisoG: Oi.leon Haldeman, Beale township. Milton Dewecs, Borough of Perrysvillo. E. A. Margriti. Fayetie township. Amts Snyder Borough o Patterson. U. W. JACOBS, ProiU'y. I rothonotnry's OBicc, MiiUintown. April 1, '.CG. Iil. i. 1'. MARS DEN", lloim.rpathio Phy XJ ticiau andSiir-eou. Olhce Thompsou- tOWII. onoositA SI1 n,...'a II 1 1 . coun.y, Pa. Ilefnch. faculty It the Ilomorp-.rhie Mcdii College uf Fenu a ! . ' tr.-.v. t AS OLD SONG. FCT TO i aE TC.NE. "Atsfiinj approathei from thrir hoht cone out, Aud.Vi'X ami K tU, Jn tpitc of eats, OaHii tliip atioi.1." 'IS vears est-iolistied in N Y. City 'Only infallible remedies known.' ' Free from Poisons." 'Not dangerous to the Human Family." "l'.ats come out of their holes to die." "Cottar's" Hut, Kom-h, xU-r Is a paste used for Hul -Vt-.r, Koadus, B'Mh end Htd Aiitr, Ac, A'i i "c- ie- "Hot tar'" Ji"l Bn-i .rtr:iintor,i Ls a liipaid or wash used to destroy and also as a preventative for JJtJ-Hi'y, J-f. "(Wit-'s" 'Electric Pov-th-r or uxrets is for Mft'i.i, .Vi)ijuitofS, Finis, li'd-Ha;!, insertion Vinrils, Fouls, Auimah, Ac, ! 1 ! Beware! ! ! of all worthless imitations. jjcsuSee that. '-CosTAa's" nimo is on each Box. ilotlle and Flasa, ht-for'! you buy tauAddrcss, 11LNRY R. Cl.'STAR, 482 lire? h ay, N- Y. .Sold iu Mimintown, Pa. 18(5(; J INCREASE OF RATS The Farmers ui I'tte (English) asserts and proves by figures that one pair of RATS wilt have a prog.ny and descendants no less than 63I,0VJ in throe years. Now, unless this immense family can he kept down, they jvruihl consume more food b in would siisiiin C-j.OOO butmui beings. : e3?"See "Ooatai's" advertiseU'Ct above. I8G0. ' RTS rrrs'ts BIRDS. Whoever engages in sliooting Bmall birds is a cruel man : whoever 'ills in exterminating ran is a benefactor. Ue should like s-j:ne one to give us the bene fit nf their experience in driving out these pests. We need something besides d;s, cats, and mips for this business. Scicnliiic American. .v. y. t'Q.Set "Costar V advertiscmeut above. 1S6(). COSTAR'S" RAT EXTERMINATOR is sin'-:le, safe and sure the most perfect RAT itication meetirg we lav? ever attended. Every Rat that cin pet it, jiropcrly prepan d. will eat it, and every one that eats it will die, gnerally a: some place as distant as possible from where it was lakeu. Lake 'ad.-c, .Vi'c.'t , Mirror. J8G6. F ARMERS AND HOUSEKEEPERS should rcd!ect that hundreds 01 dollar's worth of Grain, Provision'. &c, are annu. illy destroyed by Rajs, iiee. Ants, and other insects and v.ruiiu all of which can be prevented by a few dollars' worth of "Costar's" Rat, Koiicb, Ant, ie. Extci minator. bought anil -jsed freely. "ay-Sec Costar's'' advertiseoieut above. A,-il 1, lWJ-Cin. P ItOC-i.4N ITIory. WHEREAS, THE X lion. James il. Graham, Pr6sideut Judge of the Court of Common Pleas of the 'Jib Ju dical District, comnosed cf t;c counuas of. Ju ui-iia, Ptrry aud Cumberland, and the Hons Joseph Pomeroy aud Lewis Burchrit hi J'tdges of the said Court of CeUiM'jn Pleas of Juitiiria county, have issued their precept to tne di- reeled, tiearing date ihe vth day of leb y. oo, for hclsirg a Coon of Oyer and Tcrmin.T anJ General jail Delivery, and (icner.il Oaar- ter fiessions oi Ilie I eace at .uirnmtowu. on the fourth MONDAY of A i'UlL, JSuii, being the 2oM day of the month. Notice is hereby given, to the Coroner, Justice of the Peace and Constables of the Comity of Juniata, that th-y be then and there iu iheir proper persons, at I o'clock is the afternoon of said day, wiih their records, icipusiiiuus, examination- an 1 other r'.-tnon;-biances, to do those things that to their offices respectively appertain, aud those tint are boenl ly recognizance to prosecute against ihc prisoners tl at are or then may be iu the Jail o.f said county of Juniata, be then and there to prosecute agiiust them as shall be just. By an net of Assembly, pssr-cd the Pth day of May. A. D., HS5I, it is made the daiy 6f the Justices of the Peace, of the several counties of this Commonwealth, to return to Clerk uf the Court of Qii iner Sessions of ihc I'aae, of the respective counties, all the re cognizances entered into !,cf ;rc them by any person or persons charg. d wilb tho commission of auy crim?, except such cases as may be ended hefore a Ja-:i(.e of the Peace. un,l.-r I existing laws, at least ten d:ys betore Ihe commencement of the session of the Cuurt to which they aro made reiurn.ible respectively, aud in all cases where any recognizances are i etitcied into les' Ihiin ten days before Ihe cotu- menceiKent cr ii,e session to v.h:oh they are made returnable, the said Justices arc requir ed toreturn the same in the s imc manner as if said act had not l.eea passed. Da!ed at Mitilinlown, the 20th day of March in the year of our Loid, one thousand eight hun dred and sixty-six, and the SOtlf year of American lependcuce. S. B. LOUDEN, apr. 4,-SL Slier UK JUNIATA UOTFJ. illFFLIXTO If.V, PEXXA. The undersigned would respectfully inform his friends and the public generally that be has taken charge of the above named i'-tei formerly kept by Amos Snyder. This is an old and well-known stand, ad ncne more de sirable for the accommodation of the public. Mis BAR will be stocked with the best oualitv of Liquors, his TABLE' spread with the bc-M the market can alf'ord, and his S fAIILE, which iu sin. nf the most flfs!,til.la . -., . attention oy kij'i uiiia iru.sty oosilers April 4. 'Oo-tl'. S. K. A-yTEs" SvTINE. PUBLIC SALE IV ill besoldat the Patter J. son House, ir. the borough of Pattersoo. Juniata county, pa., on TUtSDA Y, 17tb dav ..r Inpl .v:.:.: 1 1. -..it :.r. . . v, ,uc xuiiuiviiig properly to wit : A lot of Bedsteads and Bedding, Washslands Chsirs, Cbinaware, Valuable Parlor Furniture' Solas, Sociables, 2 Large Mirrors, Stoves, be.' sides a variety of other household and bar. room furniture. iie to commence at 10 0 clock A. M c,r said day when terms wilt be made known. April 4, lSJtS-2t - STTUSTERN LAND AGENCY. C. Gin I V grich, Lanoastcr. Wisconsin, will buy and sell KbAL hs l a I r., auu pay Taxes for it nonresidents, to those desiring to locate in the West, can obtain cheap Homes and good wa ter power iu prosperous localities by consult ing him rcfcrcncs ;ivej if required. ' EJi ?! -tv. Ci EE AT REDUCTION IN THE PRICES OF I SADDLERY from January 18, ISoG, JAMES II. SIMONS would ronec! fully an nounce to his old customers and the public general v t.:iV be has a lar'e stock of SADDLES; 'IIAKI'EBS, COLLARS, WHIPS and all ether articles usual ly kept in a SAOULKti SHOP, which he will sell at the following red j,zcd prices: Best Silver Plated Harness $:M CO Second best do Third . do do Common Plated do Second do do Common Plain do Best Spauish Saddles Second do do 3J 00 ,"l) 00 2 M 03 00 19 00 21 00 22 00 Ccmmon Quilled Seat do with. Horn lii tto Common do without norn 18 00 Wagon Saddles 9 00 Five inch Breech-Bands & Sida Leathers for two Horses 40 00 Four inch do oi 00 Back-bands 8 inches 3 20, 6 inches 2 40, 5 inches 1 75. Double set of Yankee Harness which includes bridles, bames, collars, lines, bat chains. JLe. do 00 Pair of Yankee Bridles t 00 i ive-rijg iiulif.- Three ring do C'hecl: 'ics 3-4 inch do do 1 inch T.lind Bridies Biding Bridles from 52 50, 3 00 Good Drr.fi Collars Harness do Wogon Whips 2,00, 1,73, 1,30, 1,25 Bugrry oo from 73 cents to Bul'l'V Liau, ilat 2,00, round t-'D 4 Co 3 00 2 00 2 00 a 00 Plow Lines 3 1 inch i,00, 1 inch 1,13 1 1-1 inch 1.2-". He would also invite the public to examine hi-i tock before purchasing elsewhere, as he feels confid'-Ht he can st-U cheaper than any J;her establishment in tbe county. His motto is .(uick sales and small profits. Give Lima eaU snd save money. 1K$..1!PAIR1N3 neatly executed and all work warranted. JAMES H. SIMON'S, Bridge Mifflintown Pa. Oct. 11-ly. 62 HOOP SKIRTS, 62?, a-CE2iJ.VS "Own SJuUe," MANlFACTtUED ASU Sol.D IViiLESALE & RETAIL, NO. GJS AllCU Street, PIIILAD'A. The most complete nssortmeut of Ladies', Vissrs' and trhildreu'a HOOP SKIRTS, in Itnis City: gotien 110 exprss!y to meet the vr , NTs of i iust-i lass Tbake; embracing the newest, and most desirable Styles and Sizes of .i:nr Trails, of everv length train t to 4 v-,!s. ronn 1 2!J to oO St rings, at 2 to Si 0-1. Pla n Ski.;?, t'.t lengths, from 21 to 3 yards round toe bottom, r.t l 40 to .. Our lit-c tf Misse' i.ud Children's SKIRTS an Droverbially beyond all competition, for vtrietw of stvics t.1.1 siiii as veil as for finish and durability ; varying from 8 to 3 inches in ienirth. ti to 45 Springs at 35 cent to ?2 25. All Skirts of -OUR O'.'N AKL nre ARa:lNTEl 10 eive naiisitocuou : ui cry soxe as si ci:. uulcsthey have, "Hopkin s Hoop Skirt Manufactory, o. t28 Arch St. Stamped on each Tab ' Also, constant'? on hand, oooo Skibts, Manuf:icturpd in New York, and the Ha stern Stales, w hich we sell at very low Prices. A it-t of cheap Skirts 15 springs. 85 cents ; 2o prints. Si o0 25 springs, $1 16 30 springs I 25 and 40 springs 5 1 30. U- Skirts, made to Order and Repaired. 3..dT 7V.-.. CjuK. Ost Pbi'.-e Outy: rr.-.r. 7 l:n. NEW ST AGE LINE KIFFLIX, rEMPSViLlC i.D COMO. Leaves Perry sville Monday, Wednesday and riday at 0 o'clock, a. m., aud arrives at Con cord at 4 o'clock, p. 31. Leave? toncnid luesuay, lanrsuay and j ."aturd.iy et o o clock, a.m., ana arrives at I Perrysvillo at 3 o'clock, r. cv. in time for I the trains coins L'aU sd West. Stages will leave .Mimin Slaii-5.3 follows. Leaves Milllin Station on Saturday, at 'i a. m. and relurcs on Morday: leaves Tuesday at tt a. in. and returns on Wednesday ; leaves Thursday at C a, m. Singes will leave MirtUn Station for A-ide-ciia, daily in the evening, and retnrn in the .orning in time for the East and West trair.3. Baggage and packages of nil kiud, are tak en iu charge and promptly delivered at mod erate charges. The stages on the above rou tes are in GOOi ORDER nd under the charge of compe'ent and experienced drivers. The proprietor hopes, by strict and person al attentiou to business to merit a fair share of public patronage-. LEMUEL R. BEALE, Troi:. Jan. 1 'tti.-tf. U,MIITE 1 signed HAi.1. HOTEL. The jmder- wculd respectfully inform bis friends and thejmblic generally that he has taken charge of the above named Hotel, for merly kept by A. B. Haldeman, situated in Fayette township, Juniata county, Pa., about four miles east of McAlistersville, where be will he prew ired to accommodate all who may favor him with their patronage. His BAR will be stocked with the best quality ot liquors, his TABLE spread with the best the market can afford, aud his STABLE attended by trusty hostlers, mar. 2S. "tiii-Sin. I.EWIa AMY. E A FN ESS, BLINDNESS CATARRH, treated with the utmost success, by J. ISAACS, M. I) , Ocuite and Au.'is', (formerly of Leyden, Ilolb-.nd.) ' No. Syj'PlNE Street, PIIILAD'A. Testimonials, from the most reliable sources in the City and Country can be seen at his office. The medical facully are invited to accompany their patients, as he has no ecrbt8 in his practice. ARTI FICIAL EYES, inserted without pais. No charge fur examination. mar 21-ly.l KdtSCOK OF YOl Til- A Gentleman -sho suffered for years from Nervous Debility, Premature Decay and all the effects of youthful indiscretion, will for 'he sake of sutiering humanity, send !.;e to all who need it, the recipe and directions for making Ihc simple remedy by which he was cured. Sufferers wishinr to prcCt Jt'y Vie ad- vertiser's exnerience. can do so' by address- JOIIN I!. OGDEN. No. 13 Chambers St., New York feb. 28,-ly. 'pCSOAKORA FEMALE SEMINARY, at -- Acadetnia. Juniata eountv, Penn'a. The Summer Session opens on Ma 'id 18fl' Young tadies entering this INSTITUTE will find a pleasant home, and the best opportu nities for a thorough educaiiou. Particular advantage, in MUSIC and PAINTING. Prof. .Carl F. Kolb. continues to teach MUSIC and the LANGUAGES. Terms low. For furthur particulars address. Miss A. L. ELLIOTT, or 1 Mas. FANNY PATTtRSON, Academia, Juniata county ' ASrl 4-"- ' ' Penn a. TAHPEIS I CiRPl Ti ! I A-R5.E i,,1 8ood variety ALL WOOL, RAG and UK MP CAR Per and fDr sale cheap, at TIIIS TO7 FOR BARGAINS ! SKW Q00DS AT I 'tne uu.tersigued has jusl received a larga ' stsck of Dry Goods aud Croci ies at ibor 1 storo on Rail Road Street, in Patterson, which they are opening lo the public, at the following ow piires : Prints. Best Quality al . Second Third Bpown Pur..Ti.o. ...23'Bet Q-ialiiy ii I Second .., ....SU .12j-TLird "IFo'o.a DkL.1SE3. Pln'n (alL wool;.... -0;Pil'b 7o''lh - .l.V .1) figured " Fancy and from plain I rLASSEls. 5tu 10 1 Scarlet 4-to7' ' IVV;,ii l.,l..7il (.ISOUA519. !.,, ' I-.-pT- Second :. 23,h'-t,n-."-"-"?:;to,V' Siiirtino CuEOits. r .111 WOUl .-.OCKS..- J'.O.'.J Best Quality 33i ltot.-rs '& jor.s. ;I..idie ....J'Jtoi' 2i Second .3o' . I. Misses il 2oio2 25 Third Meaisos. Children ... I-Uojl 2 Black and other ' " If' Colors 30to$l So ¬ ;do9 ?i -oi'i- j (iUutfcBILa. , . '."T--. .yrps.-:Vl 2vto! 4- iialoia!..;2 - to t -0 -.-r hou r,- 1Iu"P -' Suga.- U-wu. lUioiri TiCAings 2-j, oitoCjl !,;,,. s, Pa.t3 dicrr. !Crcen Coffee o Jeans from lotoTOl Ladies' Coats latest .,:... riu. .41 :-.' tyles ...l-Ui:to--J U.J Cassimeres....'?! 25to3U; Breakfast Shawls Plaus. !fr'ia C-U.". "-00I. ......... 45toSO Woolen rioLis73to2 3: Plad Cashmer...:!7to50' Hats and Cars ut ajl Bleach "!u Mcslin. prices. Best Qualify 5iV Notions A full aa- Secoiid - l'I sortnieiit r f L-.Jiei' Third 35 lients' G!ov?. Ho- Fourth So u-ry, xc. at t-".i j-ncti. Filth 25 to suit purchasers. Also, a full assortment of Qii".-r.oTire. Hardware. Tinware. Broo:;.f. I'.ri-.sl.es, li.i,. ets. Buckets, Tubs, Tobacco, Si ir-;, ;,c . usually kei t iu a cot'.ntry si ore. lii-h.iser wiil do well by calling and exan.ening oar slock, before purchasing else a In re, as our i".c:'o ia to sell cheap f u- CASH or Country Pi'odiue. JiiCKEY i VFa:-nLL. Nov. 21.T5.-ly. Pullers Pa. The alvrtiser. having been restored health in a few weks by a v-ry cimpb; reme '.y, aflcr having suil.-red for seieial yc-;:rs wiili a sevei e lung aiFecti"n, and th.it drea-1 disease, Cosump.ion .i an:-.ns to make kuot'n t; Lis f;t:ow-su3'erers the means of cure. To a!! vrho ilesive it, he w-,;i seti l a cop v of the prescription used 1 free tf ci:.irg-., 1 w'uh the d:r v:tioiH for pi-epariug and using the s-ir.ie. which tot-y will Hoi a srt:u i-rin-tor Consi 31PTION. Asthma, f!uo:'-fiiri. Cnruiis. CoLPS ana ad Xiiro;.t aiid 1.1 A"'.-ciions The only object of 'he adveriiscr iu sending the prescription is to benefit the afflicted, and spread in I'm malion which he conceives 10 bo invalu if;!e. and be ln-os every sutlcrer will try his remedy, 'is ir will cost then' nolhin", aud n::iy prove a Parties 4ithiu ihe prtsvription, FcrE, by return iaail, will p!f;i:' :i-Idress Rev EDWARD A. WILSON. Wi'lia'nsbui jr. Kius Co. New fi-h. 2-S-lv. 3 EnNSYLYAN IA RAI LRf lii. -OX AND I af: Trains will leave MitHin Station as follow 4 EASTWARD. Philadelphia Express.. 12.-!!, P. 31. Fast Line.. ;.::., Day Express IT ''.'. Cincinnati Kxpress i.f0. 3f. 31. Local Accimuiodat n 0 -", WESTWARD. Local Ace.immodat'n... Jlaltir"0" Ps press 1.0- A. Philadelphia Express., ft?', V. h. Fast Line U:l, i. A. Mail Train 3.5, P. M. Eiuiirraut Train !'..7. A. 31. JAMES NORTH, Ag 1. 1XW5. PHILADELPHIA. LSoU. WALL PAPERS. IIO'VELL & BOLKKE, MAsrr.xi-Tvsrss cr PAPER IIANGIX'-S; and Window StindcH. CORNER FOPRTII ,k 31APKlt,T St.., " PHILADELPHIA. N. K. Always in Store, a large Stock nf LINEN A OIL SHADES. feb. 2f-,1m. VEW GOODS FOR SPKINO SALES.- 1 Evre & Laudcll, Fourth and Ar;U v't: Philadelphia, arc opening ter Spring Sale. Fashionable New Si!!:a. Novelties in Ci&ss Goods. New Styles Spring Shaw.;. New Travelling Dress Goods. Fine Stock of New Gooii. Magnificent Foulards. Splendid Black Silks, Sc. E. & L. have their usual assortment of Sta ple Goo'-'s. Also, Cloths, Cassimercs, Ycsf ings, inc. P. S. Our prices are uot r..-r..ncd to meet the view of Buyers. M.ircb -1, lSG'i-tJt. STR.t W Ip7l8 4'T TK1E Every your.j Ja'V and gei:!euian in the United States can hear something very much to their a-'vautage by return mail (free of charge. ) bj addre.-sing tha undersigned. Those havi ig fears of being humbii'.-ed b-il oblige by not noticing this card. Ail others will plc-'sc address their obedient servant. T!!uS. Y. CHAPMAN. feb.2S,-ly. bZl Broadw iy. New York. I'DITOUS ilu'fli.-:. The un.lersigned Xi Amiitor appointed to aiti'it the account, j " " 111 Jr:- r.xecn-or ot the last will and testament ot Adam Wilt sr., dee d, a;.d "P01- distribution of balanc in hands ofae- oountnut, will meet all parties interested, for the purpose of his nnpointrTrit on Thursday, April 12;h 1SH), at li ; Puotld House of Thom as Cox, ia Oretnwilod township, Juuiat county. Pa. nir. 14-5t. JOHN T. L. SAIIM, JuJHor. 5- Alien STREET, M3 nilLADELPniA. WATCHES, Tine Gold JEWELRY, Solid WLVER WARE And Superior SILVER PiAIT.D WARE, at j ttot'CEO Prices ! roar, l.-ilt. EST4BMSMKO rfi VEwUS. SORREL HORSE HOTEL, No.233 JTJRTH F0TJRT5I STEEET, PHILADELPHIA. I it-; -. i: t i r i. 1 rob ii. ie"" i f