Juniata sentinel. (Mifflintown, Pa.) 1846-1873, April 18, 1866, Image 2

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    Initiate Dittiud
X ttnion of lakes, and a union of lands,
A union no power thall sever;
A union of hearts, and a union of hands,
Aid the American L'nion forever!
M I F F L I ' T O W N -Wednesday
.Morning, April 18, 1863
II. WILSOV, Editor aad Publisher
I... .1 - r ... . .. -
,. f ar' remanon ol any paper pub-
t-nt adiertuir.g uicJuim. It is a rper, tnilv
Inynl. ably conducted, a first class Localist.
- . . , . ut.iv v i nvv"iiiai, i
and well worthy of the patronage of very !
1..... -j-
. loyl ciliien in the County
Sol Jiert of Pennsylvania remember
llit Heisler Clytner Toted apaiust a joint
lenoluvion cf our Legislature, asking Con
grcsa to increase the pay of the private sol
diers and n.m -commissioned officers of the
army. (See page 290 Legislative Uecoid
aession While you were battling for
the l'nion he was exhnustinjr his ingenuity in
deriving means to counteract the eucces of
)i,ur aims.
t'nll of the Count t Committee.
The members of the L'nion Kepublican
ouuty toniniittee will meet at the Public
House of S. II. Notcstine, in the borough of
Mifflintown on
MONDAY, APRIL 23rd, 18G6.
t 1 o'clock T. M. A full attendance is earn
estly requested as busincs of importance
will come before the committee.
The following persona compose the County
MiSintowa J. 3. rittcrson, A. II Martin,
l'criuiinugh E'.ias Horning, It. C. (iallahcr.
I'ayctte Michael Hoffman, Cpt. L. Uegan
Nkmw A. G. 8hcllenlwrger, S- Strouser.
Susquehanna Levi Light, Sol. I'p'ieffrMve.
ircenwood S. Shc'.lcnberfer. II II- Miuum.
l'etnTTare J. 1. Thompson, Klihu Benner.
Wnlker J. A. Gnllaher, John Motzer.
Patterson S. H. Urown, George Goshen.
iii'.fi.rd Col. J. K. Robiacn, A. Sliover.
Turbctt Stewart Turbett, L. E. Mathers,
rerrysrille Lt. Saniuel Laird. V . S. Liggett.
Spruce Hill Wui. Evans. Thos. Tatton.
Btalc Dr. J. p. Strrett, R. D"y!e.
TuBcarora James Irwin, Geo. M. Sn.elker.
Lack Mathiai Stump, John Leonard,
lildck Loj Rob't. Molmvre. iSmu'l. Shearer.
J. J. r.VTTEHS0:, Chairman.
As there are many persons iu the county
who are not oubscribers to any newspaper,
wc have concluded to furnish the Sesti
MlLtoaUnew subscribers through the
'oming political campaign at rates that
will be within the reach of every man in
the county. And we trust our friends in
each dibtrkt will go to work in good eyrn
st and cet up clubs. The people should
understand the trrcat riuestions tlu:t will 1
be agitated in the approaching campaign,
and thus be enabled to vote in'clligenity
at the coming electiuu. We will furnish
the b'EMlNLL from the third week in
April until tbe last week in October by
which tiuio all the official returns will be
published,. at tbe following rates :
Siugle copy SO
I'ive copies 3 50
"Ten copits 6 50
I'iftcen copies
J V)
T treaty copies 11 t0 ,
Outgoing Sekators. With the ad
journment of the Legislature on next
Thursday, the terms of 6even Republi
can and four Democratic Senators will
expire. The list is as follows :
1. Jeremiah Nichols, Union, Phila'da,
S. Wilmcr Worthington, Uuion, Ches
ter. 10. H. B. Berdslec, Dem., of Wayne.
15" D. 1. Montgooiery, Dem., of Nor
thumberland. 10. David Fleming, Union, of Pauphiu
37. Benjamin Chapneya, Uuioi,tf Lan
caster. J. M. Dunlap. u
'. Geo. W. ilouicboldce, Union, f
11. Johu Latta, Pem., of Wcstmorl'd.
:.''. Win. Hopkins, Dem., of Wash
ington. US. Thos. Uoge, Uuion, of Venango.
N'; Faith is Clvmeu The Harris
Lurg eorrespondent of the Philadelphia
J'rcss says that there is but little cathu
biastn to be noticed among the Democrats.
Indeed, they act as if they were well con
vinced that the most mortifying defeat
awaits them in October. One of their
leaders has a standing bet, which be says
will be opeu uutil the day of election,
that Geo. Geary will not be elected by
Ihirt tliousaud Oawrity I ThiB bet will
rive an idea of the sentiment wtish pre-
j 0
Captain II. II. Wilson. Ia the first
issue of the Republican a statement is
published by A. L. Guss and ttoro to,
which oat of justice to myself requires
some notice oo my part, A the crowded
stato of your column lest week prevented
the insertion of niy answer. I hep of you
an opportunity fur a hearing this week,
and ask those who read Mr. Guss' card to
! read my statement and then judge. Par-
; don me it tue cause ot truth requires it
to bo long. In January, 18G1, I pur
chased from A. I j. Guss the halt interest
in the Juniata Sentinel by article dated
January 9th, 1SG1. Possession to date
from January 1st, Consideration 750,00,
which was paid him. We became equal
partnors in profits and losses. I promised
to try to get W. W. Davis appointed one
of the U. S. A.-sessors, and by an arrange
ment made first between Guss and Davis
before I bought, Davis agreed if appoint,
ed, to jny G uss one-third of his salary
and to assist in conducting the turner
This was told to me by them both at the
tin.e of the purchase, and I of course
agreed to It, as it was no matter to
w ? " r' dunes of the .
Assessorshm were faithfn'K-nr!..r.nJ !
- -
a a
was no party to the agreement, only I j
approved of it as I wanted the office to go
fur the benefit of Guss & Davis. I thought
Invis would attend to the duties, iu whi;h
I o mless I was sadly mistaken, and 1
thought the $30,00 a month Guss would
get would help (ius along, as he said the
Ulu Vy: "e "as in rttt
for nearly all its Oligionl Cost, and the
S750.00 he would get from me would pay
i.-l.-J .1:1 Tl
th'it much debt and stop that much in-
! terest. If the fiVcr made no monev. 1 1
would get nothing for my investment, and !
11 u iosc, 1 must pay my nan. Mr. l.ufs
was sure of $30,00 a mouth from the of-
fice held by Davis. Mr. Guss does not
dare to say that cither the firm or myself
were to get any part of that fund. Ii
was for Lim fc'one.
I must rik my money
on the chanco of a profit from the paper.
lie says I agreed to let him have all the !
profits of the ScMtintl too. This is a mis-
take, as the article coutains no such a
clause. It sounds like the chil l who
wanted the "candy and tho penny both."
He got the 5750,00, retained his half :
and as Davis was appointed, Mr. Guss got
the monthly pay for nearly a year. During
this time Mr. G usa was coustautiy com-
plaining of Dis doing nothing iu the
office, and fiually he and Davis disagreed
so n:uch that av!s concluded t.e would
not pay Guss any more. In December. 1
1864, I think it w.is Davis told me he
would not pay Gus any more, and that
be told Guss so. I to!i him ho was hon-
orably and legally bound to do it, atd that
he ought to do it, aud that Guss could
easily prove the bargain by Messrs. Uals-
bach, Stewurt aud myself. 1 insisted up-
ou bim keeping hit. word. He said he '
would not do it and Guss might sue hiiu,
that he had nothing he could get Gus
soou told mo about it, aud said I must
make Davis pay him. I told hiiu 1 could
not, and that he should sue him. He
said I must got Davis removed aud get ,
him the office, which I refused to do. j
Ju-st after the election in 1864 Guss in- (
sisted upon having li. F. Kepuer removed
as Post-Master aud lnmselt appointed.
L'eeause the Post Office and Assessorsbip
were refused bim, he became very much
ofluuded at me. 1 had not the power to
mate removals aud arpoiutmeuts as he
demanded, but was wiiliog to see him
gratified, if he could do it himself, but he
took great offence because I would uot do
it for him. Mr. Davis re.'used to pay
him, and at tho request of Mr. Guss who
made serious charges ugaiust Davis in- j
tegrity in not accouuting for money he
received ou account of the paper wheth-
er true or not I dou't say. The name of.
Mr. Davis on March Sth, 1865, was taken
down from the paper, and the paper was oue.half the control, and the only nns
thercafter conducted by Mr. Guss aud . t;lke made was in yielding as often
myself under the name of A. L. Guss &.'. ,u jir. quss as I did for the sake of peace,
Co. This is endorsed on our article j I often recmonstratcd against his constant
Farly iu the summer of 15C5 Guss uedjsbuseof persons and his imprudent course
Davis before 'squire Iluzzard for tho 1 ; conducting the paper, which always
monthly pay, and proved the contract by I displeased him. He ia in his dealiegs
Mr. Balsbach aud niysc'f, and obtained
judgment. Davis appealed to Court, and
there Guss dropped it, as lie fcaid Davis
was wouh Btjlliia,' aud a judgmeut would
Jo him (Gust,) no good.
Now, this statement Mr. Gues cannot
deny, and I submit to the public if there
is any promises in the whole transaction
made by me which I did uot fulfill. I
paid him the $750,00. Davis was ap
pointed tad paid Guss the mouthly pay
for nearly a year, and if Davis violated
his bargain with Guss and refused to pay
him, it was not my fault. I fulfilled my
part of tho bargain, and now get from
Guss and Davis abuse for tbe favor I did
, . i
mem. iir. u-asi enu i rciuainea in part
nership until OoioW 17'h, 1865, when
1 purchased his remuiuin interest. But
Mt until Ho oiierei W aci, so as to en-
one yenr and niae oionths of our partner-
(hio Mr. Gusa cot the whole proceeds of
the office and I pot nothiug! Before 1
bought him out, I asked for a settlement, j
and Guss said Davis had not paid him, I
and it took all the proceeds of the office
to keep his family and that he had no j
money left. I5y our article the half of ;
the profits for that time were mine. He
brought his bonks to my office ar.d fur
pished the fullcjwipg 8;a.ten.cutof the bu
siness fur one year and nine months
Cash receipts for 1SU
" " yearlSG5..
Amount on books..'
.81289,05 j
Expenses for 1864 & 1303..
Nctt profits 2005,53
Each share?. 1032,76
This was his own statement, wiiich I
know did not iucludo fall the actual to
eelpls of the office. It, however, shows
Mr. Guss had received ?2491,48, leaving
a balance of cash in his pocket of $752,-
63 when we 8ettleJ- one-h!f of which
(37G,26) was mine. Does he tell this
in his sworn htHlciueut ? Does he Bay he
paid me the half of the cash and the half
on the books .
He never mentions it.
.... t- ,i-rl l
wl,nMS P e7-ers mmse'1 " ue u"n
...:. : I.: ir:r l.. tt
the whole truth. l?v the .same statement
he acknowledged to have collected S1G2,
36 in advance of the time when he last
sold to me. I bought him out by article
of agreement, ,-,ud the following was our
settlement, as the papers thow :
Tue price Exe;! va $7 j0,00
i,c owt.j nie borrowed money ...SJ2.50
Mimey advanced by me and which
(.'a'-a ;..iJ hi.u as per arnelo tct.
li, 150. ...
la addition I released to hiiu mv inter-1
est in tbe raol;ey ia hig p(3tk(.t aoJ ua he
b,,ks . or in othor w,jrds, I gave Mr.
Gu,s my sh,re of ,)ie profitSi which weri.
61,);;., 7,; anJ ouly cb,,r;,ej hinl for,i,e
uia of mv monoy and the loss in the value
of ,ue material for that lime 607.50. very
liltie nlorc tuan &;Iupi interest. Any
, rson knows the wear and tear of the
niateria! ;n a newspaper office is not less
than 20 per cent, every year, I paid him
w)lat i,e rajj :it fi,.st f," tho offtw, and I
av0 a prflts. In addition 1
ajr!ej ;u tue ar,;0u t0 pive him three
m(,,,tl.s to pay me back the ?1G2,3G cash
then in his pocket, collected in advance
.y hi-n nnJ I claim Le owes me timch
moie than which he has collected in ad
vance. I did this at his urgsnt request,
as llc g:,;d (ie nm!st ;lave tbe gCUO.OO to
iakc up ilis v-.ymcnt on the CWille
property, aud that if I would let him
have this money three months it would
Lup n;u, verj, niue, aaj 0 a reat rJVur.
1Ie dare not deny it a;j t!iu artit,u an j
onr settlement show this fact, ?nd yet he
SWCars he only got $000,00 for his half
iiafi 1 kt.pt i,ack (as I had a right to do)
tjleiG2 3G he would not hava got S'JOO.OO
blIt 4371. When I leased t ) Captain
Wilson, I paid him this money and waited
on qups. I wanted to help Guss, and let
n;lu ilave tj,e se 0j ,nl3 mouCy jor three
mouths, aud when they cipired ho cooly
refused to pay nie and I sued hiiu, and
,nat ,battcr is now before the court.
j subniit this statement of the whole
transaction to the public, aud challeuire
tr, (jBSS t0 deny it, Yet are these facts
I10t w-l(juy different from his oath ? The
pul,j0 wust judge of the truth of the j
oath ie makes. Do partners in business
ofon deal as liberally in dividiug profits,
a3 did witu Mr. G iss? and why
sb0uld he complaiu ? I never tried to
iDjure him, but was trying to keep him
f,.0U1 injuring himself, and if his oath
does not effect his conseieuce, I must cou-
jrratulnto him. Mr. Guss complains of
my interference in the paper. Well, I
bavc n.,d more experience in newspapors
tnan Mr. Guss, aud as I was an equal
pa, ter, I considered I had a right to :
i n(j lutercoulSe very much like the twelfth
' jryman, who said tho other eleven were
tne contraries! set of fools he ever saw.
. jje woud ofteu insist that, notwithstand
ing lie ouly owued the half, he must con
trol it all, aud as I generally try to nim-
, . ii. I i""v nuo
aire mv own busiuess, wo could not agree. ,. . ,
. . ; , . J past claiinsof Juniata acknowledged while
I reaiet to having private matters brought ;J , , . .
. r i.,:. i...tM. Mr. Guss was working for a uouiinalion
to a statement which compells me to pub
lish an answer I ueed' not swear tu it,
as dur article of agreement and our set
tlement papers and the books of our part
nership will coufirui every statement and
figure I have given. Thje public haye
! b'jtli sides ud must judge whether I took
i .j i u m. n.....
ladvantage as Mr.iiuss wears. 61r. Guss
a Juember of the iSlat Committee, diew
, 8250,00 for this county. 1 never ahked
him tor any of it. Ha offered, through
a certain gentiemau to i tend al to me but
75.0ft, which be slid be ?"! !J keep to
pay (or Lis own valuuhle services . 1 was
CI airiuan of the County Committee aud
entitled to it, but I refused to have ooj.
thing to d.a with it, and Mr. Guss ktpt it
all bat $30,00,80 far as I kuow, and I
challenge him to prove that be did not
keep the baUnce. Let us have proof
not his own sworn statements. Ho U bo
williDg ta swear to. stateiacutj, that per-
haps he is not cxreful enough as to facts.
Ibis tnouey was tor use ol the party, ani
he kept it all but SbO.OO. so lar as I
know. Mr. Guss tried to levy a tootri-
button oi $00,00 in addition off Messrs.
Brown and fiaker, but they were informed (
that he was already too well paid by the '
money from the State Committee. I
think the public see ihat Mr. Guss took
care of himself when it came to money
matters, whether he was dealing with me!
privately or with, the funds of the party :
Iron) tho State Committee. lie had bet- j
tcr have said less about this matter, as it '
requires some explanation. lie swears 1 1
got none of it, and that he did what his '
wisdom directed with it. So I am clear 1
of tha,t. Wonder he diij pot swear I
stole it, as it would perhaps have been as
near the truth as what he does swear.
Guss says I would not let the names of
Crown and Baker Le put up as our nomi
nees Capt. II. II. Wilson, Capt. W. II.
Patterson andC. 1!. Horniug were elected
by the County Conven'ion Representative
Couferees, and instructed by the Conven-' man claims to be a christian and a friend
lion liy unanimous resolution to go for a of the soldier aa l tha poor oiphani.
Mifflin county man, but ta insist upon an j Shame on such villjapy, such half rever
agrcemcnt that Juniata should have nn ; ened hjpocrits ! I wish, however, to say
members in 1806. I went a Coaferea j I do uot mean Mr. Guss or his school as
'iu place of Sir. Horning, who could not j
igo. We read the resolution to the Con-
; ference and asked for some understand
but we were voted diu, aud (old1
tUaf Juoutia muse wan two years, come
ignorant persons may say the Conference
could not make such a bargain. .Nouii I
. . . . '
nations are always the result ot some bar-,
gain in Conference, and most always refer
to the nest nomination. Iu 18G4 wheu
Jlr.Bulsbach was nominated, we pron ued
to let MiffliD county have the member in
JS65. Such bargains re always made in
districts whore the representative are less
thtn the number of counties, like ours,
aud they are geuerally fulfilled. I had
no personal interest in it, and only was j
trying to get an equal right for Juuiata. !
I was not a candidate myself, and I do
not want to be. I know the disadvantage
of not having a member from this county, '
and 1 think the people found it out ibis
winter. After consultation with someof my
friends aad with full accord ot Mr Guss,
we concluded to wait iu the hope of get-
ting the pledge required by the County ,
Convention. Mr Guss was as anxious as
any of us, and did not object as he no
swears. I will explain why. lie had
not theu determined to au into the school !
business, and intended to run for Legisla-
ture Ure this year. He wanted the j
pledge made so he could be sure of
himself this year. . He wanted the Con
vention last summer to nomiuate him and
got very angry when it was not doue.
We heard nothing from Drown and
Baker and on Saturday before we went
to Snyder couuty Court, I told Guss to
put up the names, and he did sett them
up, aud told me he would leave copy
euougli tu get out the pper with the
ticket up whil- we were gone. He left
early on Mouday morning and on Mon-
day evening I went to the i ffice and in -
quired it lie lelt the copy, and was told anc ju an a.ljiooiut; sort of corn-crib was
he did not, When I met Guss in guy-1 foUUJ the body of Mrs. Dcering, surrouud
der county, I asked why he did not leave j cd by four pf her children, ail so terribly
eopy and orders to get out the paper with ; mutilated that ideetiticaiiou was al::iost
the ticket up. And he said he would impossible ; the ages of the chiiureu
not let the ticket be published until l;o
was paid. The names of Drown and JJa
ker were set up, and had Mr. Guss at
tended to his paper before he left, it
n-..n!i1 linrA nnnnnrorl Vlth till tTplrpt lin
" "i t ' -r
usual. I: was his own fault and
tended too, as the hands in the office
, 1
know. This was before either Mr. Brown j dent they had not received attention for
or Baker came here. During our ab- j SCTer(lj dayS. Four horses were also
scnceall week in Snyder county, 51 r. i taken from the stables almost in a fam
IJakcrcaaie hcie and saw their ticket J ishod condition for want of food and wa
was sett up and knew why the paper was . t(jr au oing t0 provt. tLat sevcra daJS
not issued, aud went away satisfied. Af- j ijave eiapsed f, 0O tbe time the murder
ter our return Mr. Browu cmhc down and , was conjmittcd UBtil the discovery of tue
found it as I eay. Then Mr. Gus paid 1 sanie yejlter Jav Of,crnoon.
he would not support Browu one Baker j A gen,ieuian caBied Antoioe Ganther
uniasshe was paid, and what promise j wll0 las tcen jaboriug for Mr. Dceriog
Mr. Browu made I don't know but he ' i:i surposed to be the murderer.
demauuea oi me to oe paia ot winch l
.aIi.i1 fv nnlir mnliv wia t . . gaa Ia
.i Kr.L.I1 and fur ill (ho mnnuv
this year Haot.u flaa lor all tne money
he could get off Brown and linker. We
never intended to oppose the election of
Brown and Baker, but hoped to get jus -
I tice for our county, and we put uy their
nam3 frrcly for publication before either
came here, and through Mr. Guss nog-
: lect the i.-sue of the paper was delayed a
week. These are the faeu as are well
j.nowa. In view of tho importance of
fc . a roflulber from tU;s C0Ullty hext
T llVk ;t
rrt'-T: ' " - U"J J '
was right t,.i act as we did to getour ri'-fst
admitted by MiEio, and Huatingdon
The conversation as related by liim aa
bavins paed between as is not correot,
and the facta as civeu by him could ea.si'y
be proved to, be gross errors. His lyhole.
statement is malicious and untrue. As
Mr. u uss thiuks lie baa no ciiauee lor
Legislature and did not inaki any money !
out oi irown v waiter ue mus; cnrg; me ,
Tr'tn dereliction to party. v en i nave
proven my devotion to tue parly and dis-
regard the opiuion of any man who charges
me with want of it. I will yield to no '
one on that score, and hurl back with j
scorn and contempt the charge when it
comes from a. luau like Gu--s, who a few
years ago was not for us but against us.
Let Mr. Guss attend bis school. There
are reports of one of these Orphan Sohools
which state that the Principal says h. will
make 55000 a year by employiug in-j
competent cheep teachers, keepiug the
poor children on molasses and bread. It
is said the orphans are suflTciinjj from
starvation qua that a quack doctor em
ployed at the school goes ground every
night with a mixture in a bucket and
makes every poor little orphau take a la-
di-.lful to keep them alive. Oue little a blow with the axe, and their threats cut
fellow writing theie facts to his mother j afteryard- Further, he aid the aceom
was so cruelly beaten by the principal as 1 plice got all the money, amounting to
1 .1 ..... .1.... c-fin . e .1 1 i
to occasion several days sickness, yet that
referred to. I regret I have occupied
so m ioli of your space, but desire the
truth to be known.
Juris J, l .TTCSSos.
UtLflll V.
IX nilLA-
A Family of Eight Persons Butchered,
T,e most horrible murder, or series of
tjmrdprs thai pver occurred iu. l'liiladel
phia, or, it would not be going too far to
ussett, that ever took place in the L'uitd
.States, was brought to light oq Weines-
Jay afternoon last. An entire family (ex.
eeptiug an abseut son) hays been literally
Mr. Chrietopher Deering resided with
UIS family in Jones' lane, about one-halt
mie rutu the old poiut Iinuse road, and
wittnu five huudred vai'i- of the site of
ti,e wej; remembered Poiut lloiire, about
three mil s below the Navy Yard, on what
;s termed the 'Neck." Mr. Deeriu)'s
faniy cnisted of tiiu.self, wile and five
children, a relation named Kiiz-tbeth Do
lan, and a boy who has renided with the
family for several years, and kuowu to the 1
neighborhood by the name of Corneliu.
Yesterday afternoon the fearful discov-
ery was made that the entire family, with
the exception of the eldest child, a boy
named William, ten years of age, who
happened to be paying a visit to a rela -
tive, named Duffy, iu West Philadelphia,
were brutally (uur.tcreJ, aud their bodies
thrown together iu tbe barn, a sh rt dis
tance from thii dwelling liou.ie. In each
instance the heads were knocked iu aud
the throats cut, iu some cases to such an
' eItent that ihey wec neaily decapitated.
' There lliey lay a uuugled um of human.
, ;t,.( piipd ou3 on top of ihe other. The
j father of the family and Mrs. Dojan were
1 iouua lying side by side iu the barn, ter -
1 ribly dkfigured, ai.i covered with hay,
, ra0!;ing from eight years to an iuuoeeui
babe of fourtecu months.
Id the stables, near the barn where the
bodies were found, three or four
head 0f
. 1 . . I
I came weiu iouuu iu quue 111 cwaciaieu
; condition.
W hen taken out they drank
. watcr t0 gucn aa extent that it was evi-
Stipl Latku A th.ill of austere
I , t
, t.iensurA riaea over nie entire conitnunit"
! I"t!,surn rjru OTCr foure toiuiuuniiy
ve.Iordav luoruiii" wheu it was made
jcotcr.irfy iujruinc, wncu u was mauc
; knwn Uon :ho 0Unct:u boards of the
' i . j i .1
uew.-pajers that a man, captured by thrue
j ,egular policemen, had been identified as
j Antony Probst, alias Ganther, the man
1 employed by 3Ir. Deeritg, and supposed
(0 be the murderer of the entire family.
'pbc policemen iu qnestion-WDlserved hiiu
wa:king along Market street, neart to'
Nineteenth street, going toward the bridge.
They concidently suspected him as a char -
actor sythiug but resectable '1 bey ob
of Lig hau bj
... ,
- - -
alure wen or wart, patters that wer'
parts of the description jrircn of the do-
I tested object of ao much diiignt search.
The policemen followed Lim for a few
paces, when 1 Doisey quickeuing his pace
uutil he passed tho skulking Probst,
turned and confronted him :
J "You are a German, aro you not?'
the officer ask.ee!, rather more with a
view ta forcing him to speak than for the
value ot wnat ne might say
''iSo, I am a Frenchman,'' was the
reply of the man, who shriokingly halted,
in stigh broken English as no Frenchman.
ever uses, and the full forte of which
the intelligent policeman immediately
understood. He and his comrades nt
once took the prisoner to the station house.
The patrolmen hjjp beeu directed to re
coucniue, if &ot to challenge every por-
. sun iu the streets whose appearance was
j at all snpiciou., and this was the result
of the scrutiny.
I During the examination by the Mayor
' the prisoner stated that ho had jiurdere J
tho boy, but that he bad an accomplice,
whom he described, who kiilej all the
rest. He stated that they had made
their plans beforehand, aud it was ar
ranged that each one should be killed Ly
wiin mi- c&c'piioij 01 tnree uotiars,
Hoth of them went to tha house and ate
some bread aud butter after committing
the crime. According to his statement
they did not leave tho place until evening,
though the murders were committed early
in the day. The mother and childreu
were murdered outside of tho house, and
theu dta'jrged inty the barn. Mr. Deer
iug aud his neice wre killed immediately
on their arrival which was between one
acd two o'clock. All were dispatched ia
the same way, by striking them with the
axe on the back of the bead.
It is believed by the authorities that
wi;l)io a few days the murderer will
make a full cop fusion. When searched
at the station there was nothing of valtio
upon hin. No mojiey was found upon
bim. What were the avails tif the rob
bery sre not kuoc.
The authorities are of the opinion that
the man is a notorious falsifier, and be
yond his statement that ho killed the boy
Cornelius, they believe nothing that he
-said. The entire eight murders were
evidently the w.rk of the one hand.
The same axe severed the throats of all.
Will Congress Act ?
Congress has acted twice, during the
present session, en matter? tf vitnl ccn-
' sequence to a proper rca.Tiutiicut of the
j l'n;n- Ttl cich C:ise ''3 ai ,;"" W3' c-'"1
an,i deliberate. Iu both instances great,
' ff"r,s were mai!e ,0 act in lisrniimy with
1 the President. lie was consulted. Th
i n""1 were so iramea as to meet nil
' approval. Further modifications would
cnecriuiiy nave ncen maue 10 secure im
cooperation. He gave -insurances that he
was satisfied. Yet, ns ?pn-j as Those bills
were passed, he applied the veto to theci.
With what grio enn the jtistiiiera or
i ap'jlgi3 ef the President insist thuf.
I 'ngress shall take pr.imp action on utl.ee
J matters ? The President, by his acts,
j 1,33 peod himself in such a position,
,Il lt neither Congress nor the people eau
' wrd. Of what avail is it for
1 Congress to adopt measures to suit the
declared purples of the Kxecutive, so
l.nu' a.', his liabit is to say what he does
not menu 1
T i:oia ni- in i'itciiixo hay
V iinilcrsigncd 1ms receiveil lot of Run-
tlell's First Premium Horso Pilch Forks nn
of the preitest machines ever inventv l for
j iinloniliiig liiy. Ati fork are warranted per-
I - . - . .
; r can work them on a wa-on with eise.
at .r"'? ia '"'ersnn. an 1 evsroue
I iiviii tt nut vi'i jmi uuuiiiii; mr rrtiiin".
J. P.. M. Tt)DI.
Mr. Emanuel Jforer. rf MiJforJ fownsiiip,
savs : I purchased a Ituniit-ll.s Horse Pit::
Fork last spring from J. i. M. T.M. nh.l
found it to be the lijrhtesf ami most perfect
fork I ever useJ. A h"y 12 years of aj;e eun
use it an 1 I imloailc.i two loin of liiy tioni
wngon iu 7 minutes time, ly the waivh
i &f li.e late Meilical Firm of D. SI. 1'raw
fr d anil T. JI. Lcight. are in ro; Immls for
collection. All persons indebted to tho same
ere requested to call and settle their accounts
vithnitt delay, on the Wednesday and Matur
il iy afterr.ouus of each week alier the first of
My. Itoii, and thone hftvuifr cIaiiii nninAt
raid tirm to preterit them duly authenticated
for seoierccm.
Those haTing Individ'!.! I accounts against
T. M. Leii;ht, (:i;ihist whom Ihe firm may
Lave an aecont. 1 will be allowed a credit oil
' io Vjoks. to the amount Ot 1. Jl. lClJfllt A
inU.regt ; ,i,c same.
opr. lS-ii. D. SI. CKASVFOKD.
! - - . Z
jGKAf l3lt.l OL aJj
I v 1,OI-fcsAL tu ix
((yr, (IlXiOGy Vi CdllliOiU C(lUUf,
BroOIUS.iiklS, BlUsiltS, CliUOll Laps,
, Eackets, Twines. Wick, &C,
j 3.15 NOF.T11 THIRD STUillir
1 : .. 1. ... . v . 4 1 ,. . 1
T-ii' nmonj 1
trf Pmocr-v thrre;iVon-. t -?"S u" f1'" -- '