Juniata JlcntiueL X5- -r- Kjgi. A union of lakes, and a union of lands. A union to jKKtr shall s'.ver; A union of kearts.ind a union of hands. Aid the American Union forever! M I F F L I T O W X Wednesday .Morning, April 4, ISuG II. II. VIIiS'JX, Editor and Publisher 1 fj- 1UF.J VKIA T A SEXTIXEl tTj the Largit L'fYu.'uiuwi of ai.y paper piib-Ji-!ie J iu tliis County. It is iiirei re llie test aivertuiirt'j T.rJinm. It 13 a l'npr, trulv In va I, ably coiiJuyied. a Crat clas9 Locaiist. iii.l well worthy of tbe patronaje of every l.i vtl citizen in the Count r. XJ-II0I7 REPUBLICAN STATE TICKET I FOR OOVtT.SOR, MAI. GENT. JOHN V. GEARY, OF CUJIEtP.I.ASI COfNTi". rC" Soldiers of Peunsylvania rc-ir.ern'or that Heistor Clymer Tote? fl.in?t a joint reo!uiieri of our Legislature, asking C'cn-tr-ss tj iucreae the ray of the privnie sol- tiiers and nnu-commissionvd officers of the ! army. (?ec pse 03 LfgisUtiv Eecoid ! wion ISiU.) Vhi'.c you were battling for I hc I'nion he wan exhausting his ingenuity in le-rising means to covtteraet the eucccs cf i yi or arm?. VOLVMX TWKXTV. 1 ing his Leiiish purpose, at ti e a: ie time The present number completes volunin injuring his victim to an extent that her Uveiity of the Jl':."IATA Flxtikkl. I recovery is cocidcrcd doubtful. A war T'veuty years since Col. A. K McClure 1 raut was i.s.-ued for the arreat of t!-e of coiiitiicnced its publication. Who can re-; fender, tut he manned to elude the a'ize it ? At that time the party of which i ( Gcers until Wednesday, when Mr. IJern t'..e fclMlMI. Lss always been the fiini. ! ard Campbell, the Chief cf Police, nub unwavering champion was largely io the j bed him, at or near Camp Curtin, while minority. To-day every State jeprescntcd (engaged in assisting the family to move, in the tational Congress has eudorsed its . He was taken bef re Alderman Dower, jriutiples aud party by an overwhelming ! who committed him lor court, p.K-itivtly li.ajority. Twenty yeur? sgo, or at thetimc ; refusing t.j take tail for his appcaracce. Mr. 31cClure coinuicnced the publication jln this the AUlertnan acted wisely, Lr an of the Juniata Sentinel, the so-called Pemccratic party carried Juoiata county l'y a very large majority; at the last elec- tion their majority was very small, and j the virfuc of our children, and still fur now their leaders arc exclaiming that j thcr corrupt the morals of a community 'foir.etbirg must le done 07 c!jo the Ke-1 that has already suffered too greatly at publicans wiil carry the county next full." j the bauds of wil-docrs such as he. Too Already they are trembling in fear of ' much credit caunot be awarded Officer the New Jersey defeat that awaits them j Campbell for the capture of the ciiwiual, on the second Tucrd.iy cf October next, jwho is now iu the county prison to await It :s ouly a short time since we asumcd charge of the Sentinel. Our success thus far has exceeded our expectations. Prom all parts of the county wo receive encouragement. Our subscription li.-t is fcteauily ou the increase, ac J much larger than at the time wc took charge of the j paper. Our friends have oar thanks for their inJu'gccre and their efforts iu our lehalf. Wc espect to J.iiot the Sf.nti N EL through another volutin, and as there is room ou board for more pa.-Senders, wo would suggest to our subscribers toat ! cjci one ue Vn; or her influence to secure 1 another. We have a long campaign 12- fore u.1, grave questions must be decided j at the next election, and if the people ua-j der'aud these questions, we have no fear j as to how they wiil vote. We urge our friends to go to work. See that your j rcigl.bois aw supplied with a copy of the ! SENTINEL, and wc will predict a I'uion IViUi j III v li i.ll. l.uuilij VI- CCWU'l Tusiday if October next. CAMPAIGN PAl'EK. As there are many persons iti the county " M ho era not fiubsenhers to any newspaper, we have coucludeJ to furnish the Senti nel to all uevr subscribers through the coming poiLtical campaign at rates that will he within the reach of every man iu the county. And we trnst our friends in each district will go to work i? g?cj cm est and get up clubs. The peep: aou!-i understand the great questions t'.st will Le agitated in the approaching campaign, and thus be enabled tj vote intelligently at the coming election. We will furnish the Sentinel from the third week in April until the last week iu October by wh'ch time j41 tfc official returns will be published, at te fsHoVreg ratc3 : Single copy SO five copies 2 l0 Ten copies..... 0 -50 fifteen copies.. O nn I ,j UU TVnn'y enpie? v!3 00 Thanks. Our thanks are due Hon. J. X. Ilrmrn, cf the Pennsylvania Legis lature, and Hon. Oiiu .Stewart, of the Ca'ifwiiia I.t-g!-iJ:trre. f.T v.-.' naide public ..' nit tn i r-nt-r. COUKECTJ'J.V. Last week' we publi.-dicd a curd in refer- ence to the new paper, purporting to Lave come from. II. T- McAlister, of Fayette township. Mr. McAlister lias since in formed ns that he did Dot write tae card. lie says he remarked in the prasence of and its author. Their high strains of some ncighbors,'that be had not authorised adulation, resounding form one section of Mt. Allison tj use his uame in conhec- the country to the other, filled every val tiou with the ntw paper, and that as he ley, floated above every hill aud uiuuntaio (Mr. 'McAlister) had conversed with a and surged, mighty billow of sound, number of people about the pajer, all of whom had discountenanced it he con-, the tory journals in.taiitly took ip the eluded that he tould do uuthiug for it. ; strjin, the London Times leading off. A person who heard Mr. McAlister make t Every holder of rebel bon Js ; evary tlroe remarks tciok the liLerty of writing builder of rebel privateers; every tloek the card that we published last week, and ade runner; hater of universal liberty afterwards informed Mr. McAlister that oe nau irm.en a lew lines to m luiin. say-; se:t hoarse over the groat statesman that.solicjt subscribers for that paper. I do ing that he (Mr. McAiister) could not do fills the presidential chair id" this republic, uot w'sU to have it understood that I am anything mere lor the sew paper. Mr. j and in honor of his benignant Policy for iD ""J" wa ioter,iiiti4 -n I'er, cor McAlister thus left .!, thn !mn. ' A...: ,i.i. ti.Y, .i.. .... ..- 1 t,,lnk "lat lt u calculated to do any - . sum that the lew lines were .'out to Mr. prise us. Having encouraged the South All isnD. M e received the card, however, ! c:-n leaders to go into the rebellion, by from a pcrs.iu who is well known to Mr. I huge promises of sympathy and as.-istaace McAlister, and who had no authority to wnto e pub!i!-li tlws explanation by recjest ot -lr McAlister. e uo not ces:re to place any person in a lake posi- tioD, atol ciicoiluiiy make the correction. Horrible Outrage, One of the iiavt inhutnau acts ever perpetrated in our midst was. cuisuu.ioat ed la-t Friday, upon the person of a j girl, some sx or t-even ye:i:s of age, aud daughter of Ir. Nockcl, a German phy sician, residing iu the u;'pcr cn-l of the city. The perpetrator of the horrid crime is Joseph M.icherinan, a young; man of rather pouioel sj'peariitee, but whose euiter has beeu anything but cu viable. lt seems that the Mocheriaau family resided in the houste wi;h Mr Xockel. al,J JoM't-h was iu the liai-it of itiursiujr and fouoiitsir the children of the Doctur, until ca tho u.iy above valued, when the villain succeeded iu aecvui; lis'u- individual who would be guilty of the offence named above shou'u not be per milled to t un at largo to endanger eveu his trial. The safety of our people de mands that he be kept there until the next term of court, when he will (if jus tice is douej receive the puui:hmcut -due his crime. Mucheruian was at one time connected with the Opeia House in this city, rod oecasiiwially traveled with minstrel com panies. He frequently got into difficulties, owing to his evil doings. The crime with which Miclierniani stands charged is oue calculated to arouse the indignation of the public, and it is probably fortuuatc f or him that he is pro. tetted by the walls of the prism. Had his victim belonged to almost any other family ia our city, her violator would not have been pcrmiltcd to go unpunished until the present. p. g. Since the above was written, 4va have been informed that the little gi-1 v0 was outraged by Mocherman is no! ; expected tn rtcover. Iu the event of her death, he will have added to his list of crimes that of murder. Oar citizens ! can ic-1IC!y realize lIiilt ,liey 1"ve had in ..! - - l 1- I III their Uiit'st a human being who could be guilty of an offence so heuious. The mere recital of tha facts rti'ises parent to shudder. llitrriJjary Ttliyntph. rn-The Pittsburg Gazette Kays : "The ea.-hii.rof the Tradesmen's National Hank. 1 li T - llrn l. rrle r.i.l.tien.. , . , c cm . i tiee hat the notes of th Cjawfori County of Oil City; the Venango Pank, of Fratk I'm, and the Petroleum Hank, of Titus ville, will not hereafter bo redeerred by : 'l'radenien's Hank. This roiuits from't'nc reported failure of Culver, Feou & Co.. of New York." EuThc obtetuies of Hon. Solomon I Foot, late Senator from Vermont, came ! r t- i . .i. .,i.i u j nfr in Washington nn thfi .-0 til n!t.. aud 1 ' "' " . i i i r i , were participated in bv tlie 1 resilient anu . I . - gurnet, ucneral urant, Justices uie;tue geutlcinan was dead, and the art Supreme Court, the Diplomatic Corps, chiefs of executive bureaus, and members of fti? Senate and House of representa tives, inont. The remains ire tr.kcn to Ver- j S WAS EX.'ECTED. j Xo sourer was ihe Preiddf m's new Policy developed aud undeistood than all the rebels it the Southern States and all the copperheads io the . Northern States, burst out into hallelujahs in praise of it across the" Atlantic. I u Great Britain j and impartial justice ; is shoutin hitu- ...... 1 .j .1 tin 1 v. it l 1 . 1 1 13 uifra ui'ii - cm they are now anxious to reinstate them as I t'ullv as nossible in tho control of the re - stored I'uiou. 1 1 It ;s not love of the re-H i j.uUie, but love of the rjbeis, that prompts! tuctn. We s-hould have a pood ileal more, faith in their protestations if they cviuwj sot.ie dispositiuu to d-'n with the Etniati I lyiipiiUM'ia uii iiiu caul'. J'liui:!- pes mvj s-e 10 cnioice uu our proven uit nt. ho imagines tltt, iu c;u-e of a pi'iiuine mid bloody insurrection in Is land, so foruiidablo as seiioubly to slif.ke toe Liiti.h throne, the loader ot-"Iffitisn opinion wouid. in tix mouths id'ur the close of the f.triij;glo, dymaud au act of totai oblivion from tho Crywn, and ad iiiission of au hundred l'eniau chiei'j to ea:s in Parliament 'i Every man knows England does uot mauac her affairs on that principle. So to act wouid he to invite iiesU coiiptiaoiea aud returtug I ei i'r-. Anothor Ucstrnctite I'" ire in the Oil Re gions. The uicst destructive fire known on Oil i 1 Cieik commence J about 8 o'clock A. M., March olr-t. ou the Ilvde &i E"hert farm, 1 o 1 , aiol lasted lor iiiniiv hours. t. oeveuieeii : taiiksi.t oil and e.etfeti t)o;oS IDaOcU lor j sliirmieiit were all destroyed. At one j time the creek was one vast sheet of ilauie. The Cre could be sect, for miles aronnd. Some thirty wells were burned, besides vari'.u? ensine h luses, engines, derricks ! posed to anything of the kind, as its ob and tanks ; also several dwellirsrs. TLeijectis to distract and diiorimniu our most intense cscitemefit prevailed at the time. The loss is about 2.3.000 barrels of oil aud 125,000 iu property. The lire was finallv ext'ngui.shed. S-The Ne.v York L' .vhr, which wss the first Peuiucratic journal to accept the Em.'tticipaiicti Policy, now advises the ac ecptance of universal suffrage. I' sas it takes this step upon cousultation with some of the wisest and most experienced members of its party. Its id.... is that if the experiment shall Le made, the quos !ion will bo taken out of the domain of controversy into that of demonstration. If ul Jer tiie experiment the blacks f.iil to sustain a proper puvitinu, the right of voting will be 'taken from them by com mon seutC, aud au end put to disputation over thesa. If they demonstrate capa city, everybody ought, to be satisfied Highly seusiblo. A THICK. We hear complaints made by sotac peo pie that newspapers arc scut to their ad dres for which they never subscribed, but that they iunoceutly took them from the Post Office two or three times and shortly were uotilied that they were liable I fur a year's subscription. This is the law, aim we warn every persou agaiust it. Tho trick has often been played by un principled publishers. No one t-hould take a uewspapi r from the Post Office unless he has .subscribed for it. as he thereby becomes liable for a year' sub scription at full rates. (ff A German lus reeeutiy invented a very cheap and easily made barometer, 'iake a common glass wid-o'-mouthed pickle bottle and fill it to withiu three indies of the mouth with wator. Then tako a common sweet oil flask, clcause it thoroughly aud plj.ige the neck iulo the I dcklt hot tie aS far IIS jt Will CO- Tllisl competes t ha barotneteri .ind in fine ' -"-" .,,.. , , 1 wiat iet the water wil roe 111 the neck 1 wicdy weather. Hefore a heavy gail of wind the water has been seen to leave the Ak altogether, ;it least cibt Iioum l lore th '-ale wis at its heiuht. tiS A Massachusetts vidow, v. to lias I beeu fjve times a wile, recently arrand with a rich ociogcuuration that she vould take him for her hixth hu'band if he would unite his will in her favor in ad viiuce. Thev went to 2ewburviort aud . - - 1 iu ,1 .!...:. i. .. l i- miuiiscii ujy 11111 a iumjci nn U1ES- r -i . i... 1 . . .... og m win , ueioie ue uay came lul widnw was neither his wife nor htir ESS' The Petersburg Espres says: The bones of many sobliets, not u f-w 0f them Confederates, lie bleacliirt? on ttic lines southwest of the city. CARDS." Mexico, March 19, 1SGC. This will certify that my name hag been placed cn the handbills ot Air.- W, M. Allison & Co. without authority. ' J. J APPLEBAUGH. McAlistervii.le, March 24, 'CO. Mr. H. II. Wilson Please, insert tho following card in your columns in nest week's issue. This will certify (hat my name has been put on the hand bills of W. M. Allison & Co. without my knowl edge o- consent. I believe the pronussd paper to be au injury to the parly. llespcctfully, S. JI. SHELLY. East Salem. Mr-;h 23, 180(1. II. II. Wilson Duir Sir: I see my name on tsie Prospectus of the Juni ata hiiivhliinn as one of the Aents til i i . . i -,, , tendency to distract the party and pro mote the interest ot the Democracy. 1'i'Uis trulv. 0. G. "SMELLY , n. t at 1. oi -i ) 1 Alf.nr. hoi .'SMir, i'i.in'ii -1. ii'j. Ed. Sentinel Yoa will confer alavor kUU UIU IIV UOIIMIlll IIIU 11'IIOW 1UI . j v. ..i.i.. u: in : . m name has been used by . M. Allison & Co. for thejiurpose rd Mipportin and sus taining a new p:ier in ti:is county, to be called the Jitniiit-i i';i;AV ii. This cara is to show that I denounce the entire linn and will have nothing to do with the :( w paper, bclieviac; that it would, ir encour aged by tho people, re.iult in the ciitiro disiupliou of our party in the county. Yours truly, II. W. JAMl'OX. Capt. IT. U Wilson ZW Sir .- I see my name puhli.-he in a prospectus of a new paper to be called tho Juiiiuf,i ! Repuhliutn and to he published by Win. ' M. Allison & Co. I simply desno to :.y to you aud to the public that I did not authorize Mr. Allirjii or any one eKe to use my name in connection with said pro spectus, aud that I have no interest pecu niary or otherwise iu the public ariou of the proposed paper, and do not desire my name u-ed in connection wiih it. as I he. lieve ti e j.rojec' is calculated to uiiiruct the party. Yo i's :e., JOSEPH rOMEIICY. Plfafa nt View, ..March 2.11, ISiI J. Cut. II H. Wilson l)-r A7.-? ' t . . 1 utioii; usfn 1 11 e-Hiiii-e ;ori wiiu a prospectus lor a tie paper to be MartcJ in M iflintown. under the eoutnd of Win Alluon Ac Co. 1'len-e notify the PuWic rt1 rur va,u!'!e ra''cr tl,:,t y name has Leeo used without my i uo e i-e or coosenr. aud tliat 1 am on- - j -1 . . party in the county, and I cannot allow -Vr. A.lison A. Co , to use my uamo for any such pnrpo.-c, aud take this opportu nity to inform Mr. Allison & Co., that I will hold them "responsible for any im proper tl:a thev ninlie i f nmm l-o-a. a(ta, 'Yours truly. J. Ii. OKESOX. A C.tltlt. We the undersigned whose names are signed to the Prospectus, of a uew paper to be published in MifHintowa by W. M. Ali son & Co., and to be caiiod the Juiii it.'ii ijjil,fi-aii, do hereby declare titat we never authorized Mr. Allison or any out else to sign our names to said prospec tus aul we repudiate all connection with tliis ellort to start another paper, believing it will have a tendency to distract the ;arty, and that it has beeu gotten up to serve personal euds.and gratily periotiai an;m.isiues at tne cost d the harmfiuy I and success of the party in the county. We discountenance the whole scheme. I and wiil use our influence airaiust it, and ' uroe every member of the party to de nounce it. No one but an enemy of the party and Locofocos will give encourage tnent to such a scheme. When there is so important an electinn before ns we j should cultivate harntnnv in out own rjinLs aid keep down tiie spirit of faction. We I dl2!od cf Messrs. U M. Allis.i A- ! fI; withdrawal of our names from their 1 Frwpectus. i. Cw. Funk, Fetniannagh township. J. W. Plickioger. Turbctt " Patterson Alexander " " Jacob Groiiiiiger, Milford " Simuel Lconari, Eayetts " J S. Shelly, Monroe ,: Jdui M. Tto:u,:iSv,u, Pcrr3'sviIlo. J.pI. Wharlon, '-' William Hartman, Patterson. XEWS ITEMS. EsT Snow to the depth of four inches; fell it Chicago ou Tuesday night of last ! wcec j fey Among the novelties iu ladies'1, fj.-hions aie ltttt.e bells, to be worn upon ... ..- e .( i.-1 1 . ' wrists ot ?t lute kid gloves, aud eveu upn the edge tii' he Pamela bonnets. lafir The New York DnUj Xcirs now looks upon the acsassinatiou of President Lincoln as an interposition of Piuvideuce for the salvation, of tho South. rir" A inuii lias been recently irrestod cerned in tho ttiurdcr of no less than sis I teen women, eight in France, live in Al j geria and th'oe iu Italy. j j($r GeueraJ Sheridan, after his recent Texan tour, stated hisojiuion, tucciuciiy i aud forcibly, as follows :- -It" I owned and Texas, I would rent Texas and live at the other pluee." j toT Ke' Henry Ward Ueechcr was ; once pn.-:tor oi a congregation iu Indian apolis which was too poor to paint the church edifice, and the young tniuislcr did the job vriiL Lb o?;a bauds. r 10 Ii a ina liAPn ' noi.tttiitfail lln. M'i-Aiiticiii S-t..t t.rrxfin .. ', , ,. , ' . lor buig.ary, confessed that he aecweotn..y ki'led a vouns colored girl, 5oT the mur - Uer of whom another has been wntenced to tlje peuitentiary . far life. It is to licved that his story is true. jKJ The President has had nnder con-: sidetio'a for some time the 5s?uin!f of peace proclamation, proclaiming the re bellion formally at an cn;5. and the Union restored. It is expected that it will be pubiinhed to the cointrj at an early date. tif At a dancinz match in Chicago . , 1-.1-I1 i - recently, a buxom Duch girl danced nine bours consecutively, wnen her. partner acknowledged himself fairly Leaten and very tired. The darel hn took nix glasses of lager aod quietly went into breakfast. p.y the raising of the sunken ships in the harbor of Sebastapol, l'us sia, thirty six tons of copper, ninety tons of iron, twelve- hundred cannon, four thousand bails, twelve thousand cast-irou ballast pi:;8, one hundred chain Cables, and a large quantity of miscellaneous stores were tecovered. t"3f A t:cw member of the En'Nli I Mouse of Ontu rntms, who had n slow and j hesitating vojco, recently undertook to j debate the cattle r.t.fguc bill, and tston-'l L-hed the Hotic by sa-ing : "I've had the rinderpest.'' After the hurst of lauahrer xvnteh followed, the member was permuted to continue, '-on my fru-ni," which considerably changed the aspect cf iifiair'?. Js Married at Teck's Land, Fairli'M county. Conn., by Rev. John Peek. Mr. Jare l Peek and Miss.uli;i Peek, daught er of WiHiajt Peck, F-q. Kind Hi-avun permit nu eorai io vex, N'r U"t.i;i,!i:s more limn ufuul : And lJco3 ihe nuptial eou:ii with Pccki loiouti to rttakc a bushel. ac'rfft Sfnifutsi. pvit. O. F. M.VItSDKS, H imo-p.ihio Phy. X-J diuiun and suron. l)ii:.-o Th'jnirtt'ii-1 town, opposne Mieuacrs lljtel. JiimaM eiooiiy. i'a. K'ferertiii i!k fncuPy ni i::e lloti.ii jKulilo Medical Ct-Ucgj of l'ea'a. inn'. 4,-"t. "v-iicr. A'l persons i!n'hii-i to !;. II. i. V. ri'it uf Trii,i;ioyMtuovn. JnniV:i :ona fy. I'll., ivi'l p1.1;1. e c-on-j foruiird ;ia i iio.kf s.-o'tcment 011 nr h-for? ilo 1 . 11 h day (.f Ap.il I'o 'i. ard prevent their ni.ne-i f oni jpt e ir ing iu aa .e tin-iueitt in tLe co u uns cf t!.:s p ip.'r with t-ie auijluit ol iLeir k-.ct u:.t uitaCood- upr. -1,-21. K. II V.IUGUT. ! r.iii ti.p ! rp.IN" V.-ARK. riMCAP FOR. JL l-ge flock of Wf!!-i!:o 'tin V.'-.re-in l'.itid. Jivr tl;" S'ritte. toilst;lI!tlv J.i-;; on etotrusand di'ihT- :ire i-rife-i to give usaeiil beiure purchasing f-isL- her.;. ilil.oV & SMITH. 7i3 Vnrk.-t Si., between 7ij 1 w. April -I, 'Ou-Iui l'hiU-.-i'dli. (It. M. J DAYH. Oir.d;:te of the I'n-vrr-X.J ity of Jew Yqrk, otters bin frofi-sniinitt services to itie ett ia;n of rcriysviile and fur lonnding cimntiy. tins had over five years eipcrt 'iica in civiland military prartici. if-fL-t-athid rosidi ece. a tew doors ubuve tiie Lntoci an L'lier. h. I'.cf.-i tup - : I'r. S. 1!. Crwf-.ird. Motoiytown. lr. I M. Crawfurd, Miliiiaiown. I'r. I'. L. tiieeu'.eaf, TLooituOlltown. . ipril 1, lHotUSm. iJUUUit ?.LF.. Will be 3 -Mat ths l',i:tc -s-n II iite, in lite b'roior,i of I'aitersun, JiillLiIii county, . -on '1 L' c.sDA V, I f : li dny of April, lsti'i. the f-i!owin;r propiTty to wil : A lot of li iL-tcuds and Ited iin, U'nsiistands. Clovirs, Chin. iw. ne, Viilaiiiile i'ur! -r Fttriii't:'!-, Sofni. Socii.b!-!.. - I- irg-j !irror-i. .Vi.ns, be. sid- ' a variety of other fco'.iichoM aul fcar r.ioia uvniture. aic 10 eoininpT'.ce at It) o'clock A. M. of said J-iv wLeii tcviiis will bii made knot'.u. Apri! !. Is'i'i-J; J CMAT.V IIo!'K! J MltFUXTOViX. rrxxj. The mi fersigncd woi.ld lespectiniiy inlorni his frieu Is and the puliii .: (tcriural'y that he iu taken charge of the above natto-l Mote1, foi'uiiirly kept liy Amos ifuyder. This is an old nnd wt-li-kiiovu stainl, and n-ne more dc sirr.l.l" for the accommodation f the p'iMic. His It It will be sloclied wiia the h.'st ipetlity of- l.i'piors, hi TAJli.I-t sj-read irttS fto? brt-i llienmrkeucanatr-ird, and his i-' TA itl.K, which is one of the most des-irahV in town, ivili be attended bv good and trustv h- S'ler. April 4, "Oii if. S. ft. .Ntll KSTlNE. p it oca. t .! atios . w 11 1: iti: as. tii k JL llou. Jauiea II. Ijrahiim, I'residen: JaJjjj of the fourt cf Comnioa pleas of the '.iIi Ju dical I'istriet, composed cf the count iei o! Jiini'ita. Terry and -Ciinilierlnr.il, and ti e II -us joscpli t'otneroy di-l Lewis Jj.n-chfii Id .1 f tlo- aid t'liui t of ("omunm Picas of Jar eou!i"wiiave issued their .eirpreetpi to' me di . le'.hli day of Feb v.' tio. of Oyer and penit.r reeled, bearing date the lor liolcmir a l.nnrt. or t i-cr and tieneral .lad lleliv o r. and General Oinr. A criminal who Ii is jus; ler Se.isijnso; the P.-aee" Miiliin'owa, 011 j i'c- c',n "O'ain clieup li-:a- s and p.o l wa the fourth MOXDAVnf Al'Rtf- l.Soti. beii... I !(,r power in pros-pernus loeaii'ies by consuil- the li-id dav of the month. Noiiee is hereby given, to tlio Coroaer. Justiee of the I'caec r.u 1 Constables of toe l.'ounty cf Jiininta, that t'ify be then aad there in tlieir proper persons, at 1 o'clock in iinptisiiioiis, exauiiciitious and other r-tnem-btiiiice?, to do those thing's that to their oiiieoa 1 f in 1 1 1 1 i 1 11 r oeri 11 III . u u noise i .1 ii i . i v . j . .. w against the pi ir..'ors ti nt are or then uiiy be in the Jail of paid ciuiitj' of Juniata, bclheli and there to prosecute ag iiu.it thciu u3 eiiail be jus;. liy au act u Assenioiy. pnssea tie em uny oi .nay. .1 i'., i.s.ji, ii is m.iue ine uioy ot Ihe Justices of the i'e.ice, of the aereral c-nmics of this Commonwealth, to re'erii t i Clerk of Ihe Court of Quart pr Sessions of ih-j ISA ACS, M. lb. (Jtniiiit and Aurist. i ti.rtiiorl 1'earc. of the respective counties, U tho io-'iO l.eyden. ilulian 1.) No. 51! FINE Street, cognizances entered into before ibcni by any J Plill.AlA. Tct'iinonisls, frii the moft person or persons charged wiih tlie eoaiinissi-.n re'.iablu soure.s in the I'ity and Cour.ity can of H-ny ti ime, except such cas"S as may be ; be seen at hi.s olhcc. The medical faculty ended beloro J. Ju-iiq3 o; the Pence, under j ale inviicJ to accompany their patients, as existing laws, at least ten days before the . he h is uo secrets in his practice. ART1 co niir.oiceuient of the nessinn of the Ceort to ' HOIAl. EV ES, inserted wttUoitt PMX. X which they are made ieiurutil.ie respectively. ' ctiiu'ge fur exaiiiinaiio'ii. mar 1'1-Iy.' aud in ad cases where anv i cognizances are , entered into less than ten days before-the corn- ' JP 'atra'lrs-.ll-.tiiH nienc ...cut of the session to which ihey are -- - Scaled i ropusaiS will he received .y the made returnable, tiie iaiu Justices live reron'r- : boad of School liireetors of Vi alter town e I to remrn the same in the snuie uiaunei- .s ,"-"ip. f.ir tht iuiid;n;' of n Rrick School if said act had not been pa-se 1. Iat,I ". ' Mexico, tMvH ft., 11 ft. hih, in M'.tTiintown. the -tlth day of M.trjh. in the! tho clear. Finn and speciticaiiou can be vear of our Loid. one thousand eight bun fecn House ot Samuel I'uiin in Mexico lired .ind sixtv-sis, and the Z'Mh year of . P '''' f'ur.lay, April 7th 'J o'clock 1. M, American Independence. at which lime ihe cor.traci wiil be iel. s. u. lu';di:x. , John tiixGuicu, rr't. iirr. i,.'it. ?::7 I :tJ.s, S.t';-. ar. :!-:: J SEMINARY, ot JL Academis,. Juniata count?, Penna. The Summer Session cpins on Slx 2l 13W. , young ladies trinX this ISSTfTCTE wilt j cn& . tileasaol Lorn-;, and tlin besi onnortu- jnities for a thorough education. Particular advantages in MUSH,' aud PAI SUM. Prof. C?irl F Kolb--. contiuues to tvaeh MUSIC and the LAJHIUAC.KS. TtnuH low. For furthur particulars address. Mis A. L. ELLIOTT, or Mks. FANXV PATTEKSON'. Academia, Juniata Cijiinty April i,-it. l't-nu'a. rpAVKPS. LICENSE PETITtDN'S. The JL foilov. iag naaifld perEons hn tiled iheir ..,;,;....o r... T.,.o.n i ,j ;.. .i.- ..re... .. ; 1 i' " -.... .v. lineup i 'i me vmi-i: ui ( lU(J c:.rk cf tlieCourt of Q:lar, Jr sessions of iJuniatn county, and the ,iiiie i.'l be present- ed to t'.m Court for ailownncc ou Vi'euues'i.iy, April -j jiii. lsi'.o : Hiilcon HaUeuian, KeMe township. Jiilreu Hewces. Borough of Perrysviilc. E. A. Marritj. P.iyette township. Auiots Snyocr, Eoroosh of Patterson. Is. wr JACOBS, l'roth'y. ri'-.tuunotary's Oliiec, MiUlinloTin.April-i, 'of., j AS OLD 0G. SIT TOFaEw"tKeT Ants c.i ftou'chcs frcfi fh;if holt.", row? ou And ,- and h nr.itt of fvrT, t- Ji'v i.v' about.' "IS years f .-labiishj I in X V. City.; Only iuf.tKibie remedies kunna." 'I'ree from Poisons.' 'Not danjrerus to tile li'iiiii a Family." "Kills c.iaie out of their holes in die.'' "OW.fvV Hat, Roach, Si.:, KxU , ',-, Is a paste ua- d for Halt, .'or, o.oc'f.r, i'.'.ai umi H'J Ant, , -., "Co slur'" r.'d Ijiiij Exlciliiintiti.r, Is a liijuij or ash used to oesoroy. aal oh 0 as a preventative fir Jlfi-li t. . 'l Cis!nr'.s" lliitrii: Poi-;hr f.r Auifj is foi- Xth. X'oi:ti:c,s, I tt.li-, B-i-'C:-.-, it:3C'3Qll I'l'littr, J'j.t !.., A:il..'-:l'. J ;., to- - tiwAsu: ; : t,s u wouiiivss iiii:t:ii!o!i4. ;.. 3 1l.1t nT.nV snsia is on tah Box. lioMl." an i I ! i-.i-l'-r v. a ba--tuAWrc33, li EN I! Y ItfosTAit. s I'.roii livav. N. V. 8Sk,SoU in-V.i.T.:ii!cwi!, Va. 18G(). irrucAPE or r.ATts yi. r. t;,. zct'i- . !"n;i!:.sii) aspvts aii'l piovi's by ti-'n ' iliat one fiir cf K.'.T.'s will have a to-iTj-and deseen dun: no li-n than ij'A. 0--1 in three yeirs. Now, iiTi'ess liiis immct'se faii.ily can be ki p' down, they would consume nine food than would sosiain t;",.( on honiati beiims. tiiSfSeS 'Ce-it.irV a Ivciri. tiuciil above. li VTs) eer.'ut riliD.-t. Whoever enjaes iti sh lilting (luiaii 1. irds is a cruel limn: hiM-er nitls "in extern. inating r.'(s a beiitliittor. We t-hou'd like ir.ma one to give us the benetit of their experience in drWinf; out the-ip pe.at. "e need siroettiinsr besides djrs. eats, nnd trars tor this business. iW .ii: t ." ' .-r--ii, x.'y. K-5j.?ee -Cost",r'" a.lvertisen:e:it above. 1 Of-'.fT J uOt. "OOSTArt S ' K.T KXTKK'ff.V TO?. U simple, srife an I sure llie r..-. ' pe: i'e-i It VT itieaiioii locf-iii.f: we havft ever nrtended. Every Kat tliat can ;el i., iu-jiiitIv prepared. will eat it, .m l jretier;:!iy at so iry one lint e-it.H H w. place us dis: i'it as in dm ssihle u.-h.. from wherj it vi ttikeu. .. '.- Si.., Mlrr.jr. . 18(H). FARMERS A X I) HOt'SKK IT. VI'. IV.'. -should TColleef that !mii 1: ed-i of dollar's worth i f liia n. Pr"vi-;i .ns. ie., arc aniiually d.-siiiiyeil by Pat. Mice, A:ils. niel i-:i,ei- injects and Vi rmie si! of v'.ieh em be preientej by few dollars' worth of d.'ostar's" lt.it. Hoacii, Ant. i'. Esteriuiii -if or, bought an'l -aed freely. fv-s;ee ('ns'ni'V adveriiseineat above. April I, I Si',0 -Cn!. jute hai.i. hotel. Tin niotcr- friends nnd Ihe public geiieratty that he has taken charge of tiie ii'iuve uatned Hotel, for- ' inerly kept by A. B. Ilaidetnii, situated iu J Fayette township, Je.tiinta county, Vn., i bout j f..oir miles east of MeA'.islersviile. wiiere I.C ivili be prej-ared to acoi:ii;'ji)aift ail who ma ! favor him with 'l oir pali ouasre. His UA K. j will hi utoekcl V. ili; the best fiuality of j li piors. hi TAlll-E spread with tiie best tin I market can ntVud. and his STABLE ".Hemic I by trusty host!e;s, war. '2X, Xi-?.n. LEWIS AMY. MiVE.S'iT.ltX LAND A.U.WY.- tiin ' F"1-1'- l.niter. 'A'isconsin. will bn ' an'1 c,,i' 1!KAL ,;s'''AT!'-nn'' Taxes fu iu- ur Ponresi-ents, to t!,,.se m-s.ri locate iu the ing him referenee girciif icipiire l. mnr. L'I-I v. V1 ! I t'nntraflois Proposals i will be received until ihe loth DA V OF APKIL nexi.f -i bniioins a BRICK Clit'RL'ir in East Waicrford. The contracrcr.s to fur-ni-!i ail the Material- I'lan and ii)ecif;ca- tions can bs seen at th.e store of A. J. P i ,. . ... . , , ... .... ! sruson, East Via'erford, Register s office Miff. nr- j tint O'.vn , and at the j pc,.rvsv;p,e " " ' store of Samuel Buck, a. j. FErorsox, MAT HEW CI. A UK DAV1U S. COVLE. i mnr --t(j DEAENl.'Sft, lii.lNt'NES.S & CA1AKRII, t rented with tha mniost eucoess, bv J. r I'loi.ll.USH II.)l:Ui V ....... -