HEADQUARTERS ! si?: MifiliRlcwa Chair Manufactory. CtHARLES W. WE1TZEL would inform the . citizens f Juniata county, that be con tinues the Choir Manufactory at the well known old stand in Water street, where he is at ! ill times prepared to receive orders for Wiu fcor Chairs of every ib-H-ription, including Settees, "Large Rockiiig'Chairs, Swinr Rocking Chairs, Childrens' Cb:iirs. Counting House Stool?. Cain Seat Chairs, Har Room Arm Chairs, and every thing pertiinine to his business, all of which h. im ,!,..T.rf to relt cheaper than er. He 'is now prepared to wholesale work at city pri' aes. Prompt attention will be given to Repa iring All work done cheap and expeditiously. Sawed Poplar Flank and Scantling taken in exchai ce for furniture. Assy-Furniture Roora on Main street; oppo itc the Post OSicf. CHARES WEITZEL. & ptembcr 3, laCJ-tf. mMm IV FALL AND TOTER ARRIVAL OF CHOICE GOODS AT THE STORE OF JOS- M. SELFORP The undersigned would respectfully invite the public to call and examine his stock before purchasing elsewhere. Ho has beKrLt his assortment at such prices that he cannot he undersold by any in tho country. Special at tention paid to purchasing goudain thecityper er,"vr at the shortest notice. Every erf'! will he made by him to five sat isfaction to those who may faior hiui with a call LiCIT.S' DRESS GOODS ! Black and Fancy Silks, Berges Lawns. Morie Antique. Grenadines, Diiesls, l'ure Chilii. Erilliantcs, Gingham I.awns, Uombazinels. All wool d Laities, Cashmcrts. Feplins, Alpacas. &c. A full assortment of White Dress Goods, Mus lins, iSrocha and other Shawls, Bonnets, ISon iiet Rutins, Ribbon". Flowers, c. Also, Col lars, Undersleeves, Handkerchiefs in grett va- unros. A large quantity of Drug?, also on hand. Prescriptions lilled. He has also lau in a large stock of Wool, Cotton and Rag Carpets. Oil Cloths, Muttiags, Sc , at the lowest prices. Country Produce taken in exchange for , coeds, for which the highest market prices ! will be paid by J. M. BELFORD. rcrrrsvillc Marlle Works, frMIE unlersigneJ desires to inform the citi .L lens of Juniata County that he b is taken charge of the works lately owned by Henry Willi in Perrysvilie, where he ui:iy be found ready to execute jobs in his line of business such as Tomh Stones. Monuments, Marble Kiahs, Table Tops, i:c. &c. He believes that a lor.g experience and practical knowledge j Wiil enable Lini to give cuure sausiacuon iu ell who ir.ay patronize him. Give him a cal! as he fells c.nfideiit that for neatness cheap ness and despatch he cannot "r e excelled. CHAS. EMEHSON. Apr. 21th TAILORING ESTABLISHMENT. WM. WIPE, Merchant Tailor, brgs leave to inform his friends and tbe public generally that he has just opened out a large aud fashion able assortment of FALL AND WINTER GOODS, which he is ready to make to order promptly aud on the most rcaonable terms. The public generally will lind it to their interest to call at his room above FASICK'S TIN SHOP, on Bridge, street, Mifilintown. Fa., and inspect my Goods and workmanship before purchas. ing elsewhere. I warrant all clcthns to fit or no sale. SINGER'S SEWIXG KACKIITE. B?AAil persons desirous of purchasing any of Singer's Sewiso Machines will obtain all necessary information on the subject and see them in operation fct my establishment. If favored with their orders I will fit them up a better machine thirty per crnt. cheaper than ever hitherto (lone in this county. No family should be without a machine. j.m 1, 64-tf y-rcrsons can be supplied with Coal, Piaster, Sin &c, at the lowest price, by our agent at ompsontowu, I0L1HU 15ENNER, who is also authorized to purchase Grain and give the highest market Trices. ta? Mr. CL1NE is, also, our authorized agent at Perrysvilie to purchase Grain and acll Coal, Plaster and Sail for us. Give us a call and you cannot fail to be pleased. tif Highest prices paid for Country Pro duce, and taken in exchange for goods. SULOUFF, FHOW,& PARKER. October, 1S05. VTTE have one room , devoted entirely to Y Gents Furnishing Good and Ready Made Clothing, euch as Coats. Punts, Vests, fiver Coa's, Boots & Shoes, Hat & Caps, White Shirts FUnncl Shirts, Vnder3hirt3, and Drawers. SCLOUFF, Fl'.OW & PARKER. s ELLING OFFAT CC&T As the room nMr occupied by tne as a Cloth ing Store, will be occupied for other purpo ses the Spring. I now offer my entire stock of CLOTDXG at cost prices, for OVER COATS, DRESS COATS, PANTS, VESTS, UKDKU 6L0IUIXU, &c. Give me a all. Dec. 6. 'C5. F. M. MICKEY", TUE best quality of MXCKEREL, Utlt KISG tuiSISAD always on hand. Aud ; also, a good supply of Plaster and Calciud : Tester, at S?L0LTF, ri;07 1 PAEKEE'S. j Tup. peculiar taint oi iiileetion which we cull Sriiort i.a lurks in the constitutions of multitudes o.' men. It either produces or U produced liy an cn-fc-blcd. vitiated state $ ft If L t v. -Tfci. 175. i j, ... ...ttt..., - ..v.v... 'XL r.tnmetent to sustain a- ntii-j? irrrr Tc.Ttue vital t une vital Torres in ineir iV' V W T'.?r "i wtin, and j-. - ";C-t3: --leavi-s the system tc s 'Cr.?i-"f.ill into disorder and decay. The scrofulous contamination is va riously Paused by mercurial disease, 'lvr living, disorilcrcd digestion from unhealthy food, impure nir, iiltli and lilthy habits, tho lUprcs-inr vices, a'wl. above nil, by tin; Vcnerei.l infection.- Whatever be iu origin, it is hereditary in tho constitution, tlosccndinjr "from parents to children unto tile third r.nJ fourth ireneration ; " indeed, it eemp to tic the rod of Him w !.o say.s, ' i will visit the iniquities of t!;c fathers ujon their fhildfcn." The diseases it originates take vaiiiaH names, acconlyig to the organs it ntlaiks. In th Iun:;s. Scrofula priKluces titliercks, and finally Cor..-uiii'tion ; in the plain!, swellings which (suppurate and be come ulcerous iores; in tin- i-.totnach and bowels, dd'aiigouicnts Tiliich jiroduce iiuli geiiion, lyspep:!a, and liver complaints: on the kin. eruptive and cutar.oous atiections. These, all having the same origin, require the fame remedy, viz., puriiieaiion and invioia tio'i of th'j l ino I. l'uiii'y the biood. ami these dangerous distempers Ieae yon. Willi feil le. foul, cr corrapte.l blood, yea cannot have health; with that "lite of the tlesli" healthy, yon cannot havo scrofulous diavae, Ayor's Sarsaparilla is compounded from the most effectual anti dote that medical science has discovered for this !!!iciing di.-ieniper, and for the cure of the di.-orders it emails. That it i far supe rior ti any other remeily yet devised, is known by all wlia have given it a trial. Tb.it it tloi s cotn'iiue virtues tmly i xtraor linaiy ill their cil'eet upon thi-i il.ws of complaints, i iiitli.-putal.ly pioven bv the '-rct nuiliitiuie .f ptioiicly known and remarkable cures it b.'S made of lla; ioilowioj diseases: Kiur'3 Evil, cr Glandular Swellings, Tumors, F.iTptions, Pimples. Blotches and Soi-es, Erysipelas, Rose or St. Anthony's Fire, Salt .Rheum, Scald Head. Coughs from tuberculous deposits in tho litres. Vhita S'Aellinijs, Debility, Dropsy, Kenralgia, Dyspepsia or Indigestion, Syphilis and Syphilitic Infections, Kercuviai Disease, Ft nnle Wcnltncsae. amh indeed, the whole series of complaints that ;.rise from impurity i f the blood. Min'ite reports of indivi.Iual cases may be found in Avtit's Ajieuhax i.max.xc. which N fiirtoslied to the druggists l'-r gratuitous diril .ltion. wherein mav be learned the diro'"tions for its use. and some of the remarkable curt hich it has made w hen nil other remedies had failed to atbird V' lief-1 Tho-e cr.se' are purpox iy taken from all sections of the country, in order that every reader may have acce ss to some one who can fpeak to him o its benefits from personal e.p rier.ee. Seiolula depro-scs.ihe vital energies, and thus leaves it victims tar more subject to disease and its fatal results than nre healthy constitutions. Hence it tends to shorten, and does grei;t!y shorten, the I'.verage duration of human life. The vast importance of these considerations has led lis to spi nd years in perfecting a remedy which is adequate to its cute. This we now .Iter to the public under the name of Ai m's AiiS.ir.i;;Li.A. altlaugh it i con.pe-cd of ingredients, some of w hich exceed the hot id' Faruiparilla in alterative power. I!y its aid you may protect yourself Vioni the su!h r ing and danger of these disorders, l'uige out the foul corruptions that rot an I fester in the blood. urge out the causes 01' disease, mid vigorous beailh will follow. J'y its pecu liar viitues this remedy stimulates the vital functions, and thus expels liie lii.-tcn pcrs which lurk within the system or burst out en any part of it. We know the public have been deceived ly many compounds of fruwuj.urilfi, that promised much and did nothing; but they will neither be deceived nor disaj pointed in this. It virtues have bee n proven by abun dant trial, and there remains no question of -ts surpassing excellence for the cure of the afllieting diseases it is intended to reach. Although under the same name, it is a very tlitSi. rent medicine from any other w hich has been before the people, and is far more ef fectual than any oilier which has ever b"L available to them. AI'EB'S . CHEnUY PF-CT0T1AL, ilio World's Great Eerncdy for CougUs, Colds, Incipient Con BUinption, and for the relief of Consumptive pn.ticii.t3 in udvancod t-tnges cf tho disease. This has been so long used and so uni versally known, that we need do no more than assure the public tin t its- ipiality is kept up to the li'.-t il ever has been, and that il may be relied on to do all it has ever done, l'repared by )!:. J: ". Av i n & Co., J'racfit-ut aud .milijtirnl f'himhti, I.otveH. Mas. S.-l l hv all dru!rists everv where. raTJL3trXllt'UL370 We have opened the large Room jns.t oppo site our Store in Patterson wh.re we otler or sale at low prices a general assortment of TABLES. CHAIRS. SOFAS, LOCNT.ES. BEDSTEADS, MATTRESSES, TRUNKS, Carpets, STANDS, RACKS, AND Many '-elher articles for house furnishing L'ECHT & STItAYER- SEW GOODS at PRICES AT MRS. f. ILINNEJIAN'S I X P A T T E 11 S O X, 0 "lTIIO has just returned from the City with lV a large assortment of Millinery an 1 Fancy Goods, Consisting iu pnrtof Rennets aud ISonnct Silks, Flowers and Trimmings, Embordcries, Lace Goods, Handkerchiefs, llalmoral Skirts, Hoop Skirls, Gloves, liead Gimps and Ornaments, Notions and small wares, forming the best assortment of TALI. AND WIX'l'EIt tiOOOS la the County. She Solicits a call from the public, being confident that she can suit all. hotice! Persons indebted to the late firm of Sulotig & Stauihaugh, will please call and make ecttknieut with the uudernigned, who will for a short time, give his personal attention to books aud accounts of Ihe late firm, i'e will be found at the ofliee of the late place of b:i$iue?a. JACOB STAMBACOH. (&E?pJ (Sum) PuICi.S HEi-UCSD. , Large .Size, 10 OU, .lletlium, 8 SO THE BEST IS THE CHEAPEST. The Universal Cog Whrtl Clothes Tiinfr Was pronouueed superior to all others it the huuld'S rim is i.ntm. In ltitjU. wooivU lit Itrona Mtslri, (tf.h. est premium) at iha Cireat Fair of T51I1 4.111:1111 A 1AM l't I I E, In tn-w York Citv, in 18i3. It has also re ceived ihe F1KST I'liEMlU.MS at the following State Fairs: New York, IH&l If.i.u ; Vermont 1 Hfi3; Pennsylvania, 1863 lbol ; Michigan, 1HIH; Indiana' lbti;! lfcajJ ; Iiiiuois, lbtl-l; Iowa, lt;3 lbG4; Wisconsin, loii4 Conn; Kivcr Valley Fair, 1SG1 ; Champlain Valley Fair, 1804; and at the pricipal County aud lustitute Fairs throughout the land. TESTIMONIALS. "My family would as $0011 give up tin cooking-stove as this Clothed inxcta. It can not be too highly recommended, Xoltn llot'i- ''After a constant nse of Ihe r.NivsnsAL Clotiiks WKixotafor mere than iuur years in my family, 1 am authorized by the poweis that be," to give it the tuosl unqualified praise, and to pronounce it an indispensable part of Ihe machinery for housekeeping." Jtcv. llcn ry ard iitt'ettcr. j "This is the first Wringer I have found that j WO'.o l siaml tiie seivico required of it." J. : l'.-Jliitjijttia, Lovj.'f llotil. "In tne Laundry of mv house there is a ) perpetu.11 l!iiiuksjlting 0 taidya for tbe t I invention of your ciCelleut W ringer." lite, j ! tniitivre. C'w.vor. i I "We think '.he Macnino much more than ; j pays fur itself evtry juer io tke savings ol 1 garmeufs. We think il iinporlai.s ihe ttriuir-' j cr slo.ald l c fitted with COUS." V Jwid. 1 I "I heartily couiuuud it t. to economists of' i time, money aud coiueutmeut.'' Site, lucior I "It saves labor, expediatcs work, makes the ! laundress good natui'd, does uot teitr elf but- ! i tons and is indispensable iu a well regu'aicd j fomily." K. iilorn, Jr., l. SJ. "Every week has given it a strongorhold ' upon the affections ot the inmates of the iaun- j dry. Every member of the household is iu adiriraiion of it." -Vtir l'uik Oluervtr. i Bf-ii. receipt of price frcm any part of the com. ffy wLere we have no canvassers, we send the Wringer free of freight charges. A good canvasser wanted in every township. Send for Illustrated Price t'ii'ciar. R. C. E0VxIKG. 317 (ioaiituy, A. ' The Lonj Looked For Came at last - THE CELEBi: TKI Fkrcucc Sew in j lidhr. . 1 This machine is the most pcrrect instru ment to execute auy kirjd of sewing now deue by machinery in the world, li is simple and perlect iu its mechanical construction. Tb 1 feed may be reversod at any poiM desirni j without stopping, which is a great advamage 1 in fastening the end of seams. j It makes FOl'R DIFFERENT ST1TCIIE., ! J.orh, Krnil, Double Lurk, Jtoublr Knot. each stitch perfect aud alike on both 1 sides of the fabric. j Operators can select any stitch they want and change from oue stitch to another with- ! out stopping the machine. Its siiielits cannot be excelled for firmness, ; clacticity durability aud beamy of finish. . No ditticul'y experienced in sewing across I thick scams. ! Sews light aud heavy fabrios wilh ciual facil- i y. j It will r.rai-J, T'H-K Quill, Cord, Jla, Frll. j Jsihd, Guthrr, aad sew ali kinds ot tt.tch-' ing re'iuned by iaiuiiis and manufacturer. I The woik will feed either to the liht or left without stjppinthe nuichine. The most inexperienced tiud U3 difficulty iu using it. t is thoroughly practical and easily under stood It has no spring to gtt cut of ordir, and will last a litelime. It runs easily, and is almost noisel-ss. It is the most raj id sewer in the world; mak ing fn'f t'itch 10 etich revolution. It uses the snnie size thread on bath sides of the fabric. It oils no dresses, all its'mackiners being on top of the table. Every machine is H nrrvnted io ffire entire tat irjartion, and 10 do nil hat is claimed for it. Miss Carrie E. .S'TAMiiAroit is the agent for this county. l!y calling at her residence 011 Main .Street. MilHintowii, one of these ma chines cau be seen in operation. Septemberll', l(?o-5-ly. i i:w STORE IN TI10MPS0NT0M. 0:0 TUST opened in the New Ptore Room under O the Odd Fellows Halt in Thompsontown, I Juniata count?. Pa. a weU seltcted and cle- gaut assortineut of Dry Goods, consisting in , r'ar' 01 Ln dies' Dress oods, Such'as Detaines, Challies, Lusters, Alpaccas, aii wolol Delaines, Shepcrd Plaid Lawns, and a lull assortment of Ladies White and Faucy Goods, and a large assortment of S1PLE DBY Q 00E3, Donstantly on hand aud fur sale cheap for Cash, by. K. II. WRIGHT. Al?o, OEi'TLEMAN SCLOTIIrGf EMPO RIUM in the same building. An elegant t-"- eortment of ready made Clothinug for Men md Boys, consisting in part of Fancy Frock i Coals, Dress Coats, Pants, estst Drawers, Collars, Undershirts, Handkerchiefs, Hat &, Caps, Roots & Shoe, And everything usually found in a first class Gentleman's Furnishinti Store. Fancy Goods of all kinds. Ladies' Gaiters and Balmoral Fine Shoes, for Misses and Chil- drcn. Carpets aud Oil Cloth, &.C. Also, a good stock et . Crocertes, Queeuivarc, Hardware au4 Cutlery, Drugs, Otis, Paints, ! and all such articles as are usually found in a j country store. Bfi-The highest prices paid for country prouuee. J-afGoods sold at small profits, 1 lor Cash. Call and examine my Stock and see fift yourself, ns I am always ready to wait ou cus J atsire t0 please, he hopes to merit public pat-l-jaiers, just above the Square at VrigUta roHage", and Kinder tho sojourn of his guests Cheap Cash Store and Outluns Emporium , both comfortudle and vleasaut. SHREISMER'S BALSAMIC COL'GII SYRUP J For L'owjhn, Colds, Croup, Whooping , Oowjh, Astlma, Lronchitis, Sjitlt'ng j Mood, Pain and Weakness of the Breast, D'JRvulty of Breathing, d-c. This syrup is a purely Vegetable Compound I It is pleasant to tare, aud never does injury ; 1 but owing to itstqurifyinff qualities, must do 6U nuer any circumstances. ItseUcct is truly wonderful soothing, calming acd allay ing the most violent Coughs; Purifying, Streugtnening and Invigorating the whole sys- caiming and soothme the nerves: aiding and facilitating Exriecoration. andhealini! the DISE ASED LUNGS, thus striking at the root of DISEASE, and driving it from the system. C'KOl'I. No Child Croup, it ihU Bjxpp IB properly used and used in time. Mothers hav ing oroupy children should watch, the first show of tbe Disease, and always keep this Hen-cdy at hand. For Coughs after Measles, this Syrup is most escetVnt. Experience has proven that it is eiUallel by no other preparation. Trice 50 cnts per liottle. Prepared bj S. A. Ktl'TZ'S & BRO., At their Wholesale Drug and Jledicine Depot, No. lid. Franklin St. Baltimore, Sid. Sold by all Druggists ajid Store-keepers throughout the United Slates. POUTZ'S CELEBRATED gors awl (tzttU goute. These Towderi will strength en the&tomach and IuUstines, cleaase them from offensive matter, and bring them to a healthy Btate. Thcv are a Bure preventive of Lung Fever, and a certain remedy tir all Diseases incident to the Horse, sucn as u lan ders. Vellow Water, Dis temper, 1 t Founder, II eaves, Slavering, Coughs, Fe ver:, Loss of Apjietite and Vital Ener gy, c. in Door, low-spiriiea aniuuus, it nas tne most benefiVial effect. The nse of them improves the wind, strength ens the.Appetitv ar.d gives to the Horse a Bne, smooth anil glossy tkin thus improv ing the ap;iearunce, vigor and spirit of this oble animal. FOB MILCH COWS. Tne property this Powder posscFses in in creasing the quantity of Milk in Cows, givea it an importance aud value which should place it in the bands of every person keeping, a Cow. By actual experiment it has proven that it will increase tie quantity of Sliik and Cream twenty per cem ar.d niaV the P'lttcr firm and sweet. In fattening Cattle, it gives them an appetite, loosens their hide and makes them thrive much taster. n o g s.. Tn all Diseases ef the Swine, such as Conghs, Ulcers in the Lungs, Liver, Ac. By putting from half a paper to a paper of these Powders in a bar- 1 rel of Swill? the 77sS!SaSM&5 above Diseases can be cured or entirely pre vented. By using these Pow ders the Ilog Cholera can be preven ttd. Price Z5 ct3. per Paper, or 5 Papers for $1. PREPARE I BY S. A FOUTZ & BRO., AT THEIB WHOLESALE DRUG AND MEDICINE DEPOT, No. 116 Franklin St., Baltimore. KrL For Sale by Druggists and Storekeeper! throughout the United States. FOTJrZ'S KIXTURE. The lest Liniment for Jinn and Beast vote iu use. Is a safe nd reliable Remedy for (lit cure of Rheumatism, Painful Nervous affections. Sprains, Hums. Swellings, and all Lii.-earjes requiring an external application on Man. (in Horses it will never fail to cure Poll Fvil. Fistula, Old Running Sores, or Sweeney if properly applied. For Sprains, I'.ruiscs Scratches, Crocked Hoofs, Chafes Saddle o Colar Gall, Cms or Wouuds, it is an Infallible Remedy. Try it, and be convinced of its ef ficacy. "RHEUMATISM. . To,artna nr?11.tA.l wtth tlita Ttlcnnan n r. rtnt , - i, i.. i: " ., ,.,',, 1,. .i , : ... ,. r;;... T,,ere g ioth5ng n' ,bo worM sQ portl to Ink it r.wuu hai fOItNS nti.I cnri. Frns Rites, as this preparation, Try it and satisfy yourselves. Price Goand 73 cents a Bottle. Prepared by S. A. FOUTZ'S & CRO., At their Wiolesale Driig and Medicine De pot, No. 1 10, Franklin St., Baltimore Md. For Sale by Druggists and Store-keepers throughout the United States. The above Medicine can be had at manu facturers Prices of It. F. Kepner, Mitllintown; Johnson llalloway & Cowden, Philadelphia -J. J. itender & Co., Pittsburg, Pa. ; Laugh; lin & Biishfield, Wheeling, Va- Aug- 3, IHOj-lv. rmsyLVAMi house. At i aiSroad Depot, I'aMrrson, Pa S. R. NOSTINE, PROPRIETOR. THE above named having taken charge of this larga aad convenient hotel where he is prepared to entertain travelers, sojourncrsl or regiuar boarders. Persons wishing to take the trains east or west will iini this the most convenient stopping place as they will be waked up at any hour desired- The leca'io ismost favorable and the accommodations'lire of the best kind. The stabling is excellent and hostlers attentive. The Table and liar will alsobe well provided. BftLBv strict nttoitl inn tft iincinnca eml WW i m u - Ik II I. Vf. UAItLKY & (O'S CHEAP CLOTHLXG STOKE. ' This way for Bar - gams:: BAYJNG PURCHASED FROM MANS bach & Van Ormcr tho large Clothing Establishment, situated on the corner of Bridge and Water streets, Mifilintown, Penn sylvania, we would respectfully inforui the Public that we have just received a large aud well selected assortineut of ready made Cloth ing, designed for the Fall aud Winter Trade lor 1SG5. Such as Over Coals, Dress Coats, Business Coatr Common Coats, Pantaloons, Vests, Hats, lluota and 8bo of eVry description, style and quality, for male or female. BOYS' READY MADE CLOTHING. Also, Caipets, While Shirts, Fancy Over Shirts, Under Shins. Orawers," Hosiery, Gloves, Liuen and Paper Colurs, Cravats and Ties. Trunks, I'm brelln.i. Travelling Bugs &c. A.so, thelatest styles ol Ladies Cloaks, Cir culars and Furs. . Persons in want of anything in ourline will save money by giving us a call before pur chasing elsewhere, as we are determined to sell cheap for cash. fcg Don't forget the corner, Bridge and Water Streets. D. W'. UAKLEV & Co. Oct. 4,'lij. NEW IrlfiTri IlV AT ft Sill Jhllr.lj I I I U -0- I ''HF. undersigned would respectfully js? inform the citizens of . lilllintowii ? ' and vicinity, that he has opened a Jew-ii.-XJ elry Esiablishment on Main Street. Mi'Ilm lowu, iu Thompson's Hotel, third door from the corner, where he will keep coustaut'.y on hand aud at greatly reduced prices. Geld and Silver Watches, And a general vari -tv ol CLOCKS, FIVGER. KINGS, BREAST PINS, EAR RINGS, (iul.li I'KNS; nnd PENCILS. SILVER PLATED VI VILE, SPECTACLES, t. g.-iher with a o.m- pb tp assorlment of Fancy Good. B$Q.The repairing of Clucks, Watches an 1 Jeneuy pronipiiy itiien lcd to, on short notice .I . . 1.1.. . tn . ...v. .... . c.... ,.,.,. c ieimri. .ill work war- initivu i.t gitc siitisiiiiciit.Ti. iiie puoiic are . respeciniuy inviict to give a call. liiOMAS K. McCLELLAN. Aug. 30, i8-j.". CliAlil MANUFACTORY". OfFlCK OF TIIE .IfNIATA Cot'STT "N 1 ATA Cot'STT ) ' i:l Sel-IKTV, V let. in, lSt.li. j Ac ici 11 r 1 Perry .-vil;e. Oc t. do hereby cei'ilv that the Coiiiinittee n Mauufiictured Articles has awarded 10 'Jiiap.lks H . Wkitzkl the First Premium for he most substantial, neatest made, and best iuished 6ett of Chairs. . G. W. JACOrtS, Trets'r. William Hksch. Secy. jan 13 KOTJOt! Ladies wishing to be surrlied with nea and good shoes will find it 10 their advantage 'o call on II. D, WEL1.ER, at his shi.p oil be supplied wilh almost every si vie at moder- ,1 tut rei tiiHivt. t 1 crrv mam. i ... An : prices, tienileinen having r. pairing they wish durably and neatly executed will be promptly attended to by giving him a call. Terms: CASH. H. b. WELLEtt. Mitiliiitown, July 2t'ilh '03. 11. r, siu.tu WITH TEIPKi; Ac 13 AlfiK LEY, M V V ACT U REUS AN O WHOLESALE DEALERS BOOTS A SMOES Ao. 31 Vorlli Ihird Street, I'liiia M. G. PEIPER. II. II ,1 v I: K 1 .!'V ttiy" I'articular attention paid to ordert. "a - J.u. bollman. w. it iioiimiv i:Li.tii iirotis tas, Willi AM JEIYELKY STOKE ! TWO D tors Nori h of lie Uortl b Sk MIFFLIXTOU'X, l'A r-r. WOULD respectfully V the attention, of the public CALL to our Stock of DUUGS, MEDICINES, PEllFlttlEUY, FANCY SOAPS,; nnd a large variety of notions ; as also to our j STOCK OF WATCHES, -A -3- -k 7l 7T-r- ft S SJ? S JKA. WATCH CHAINS, DEE AST-PINS, LAK AND rlliKK 1MXGS, pB.ni.,.., w Aft h)rhb iHbLhb tfS- WATCHES, CLOCKS and all kinds of O 0"7Veil''V y epaired at the shortest notice aud 011 the MOST REASONABLE TEUMS. tsT-OKDEFtS from PHYSICIANS prompt ly ai'ended to. A liberal discount to Phy. sicians. Sept. 27, 'Go-tf EOLLMAN BROTHERS 9 Prim. Kin i'...r. t,-.,....i 1...1 ized Sugar, Crushed Sugar, N. O. Suga, S. II. Sugar, K, O. Molasses, S. li. .Molasses, j Lovering Syrnp, ( hocolate, Mustard, R ice, I S.arch, Nu.megs, Cloves, Cassia, Ginger, Coin Starch, Fish, Sail, Sc., Ac, for sale cheap at (bsNsw Stoub in Patterson. j an i -u J li H I M l A FULL assortment of TRUNKS nnd TRAA - t elyinu b.h;s. Also, yorsoxs such i as Hose. C.loyes. Buck Gloves and Mil., (very best qualitv.) kid Gloves lor ladies and.genkd imfinithed Kid. at. 131 It! KTOKE. MUSICAL INSTRUMENTS. T. M. GREEN1 'toV" GREENE HA8 OPENED HIS MC- one door west of W. Lewis' here he keeps constantly on baud STEINWAY & SONS' and G.VEHLE S Piano Manufacturing Companv PIANOS. MASON & HAMLIN'S CABINET ORGANS andCARHAUT, NEEDHA.M & COS' MB LODEONS : Guitars, Violins, Fifes, Flutes; Guitar and Violin Strings. Mcsic Books Golden Chain, Golden Show er, Golden Censor, Golden Trio, &c, ito. SHEET MUSlC.-r-Ua is constantly reced ing from Philadelphia all the latest musi:, which persons at a distance 'wishing, can order, and have sent them by mail, at - Publisher's Prices Bfflu Pianos and Organs Warranted for five years. . Those wishiag to buy any of the above ar ticles are invited to call and examine miue before purchasing elsewhere. My prices are the same as in New York and Philadelphia Circulars of Instruments sent promptly up on applical ion with any additionol informa tion desired. B. M. GREENS. Hill Street, Huntingdon, Pa. Ono door west of Lewis' Book Store! 3UFFLINT0WNTLI10Pr HAVING purchased the Tin a Store, located on Bridg? S and Sheet Iron town, I would respectfully i.ifurm lUe public j that I intend to keep contaully on hand a I general assortment of !.cook a parl8b stoves1 J Z in and Japan ware, the largest and best in lUe county, and as to quality and workman- i s"''P c""ot be surpassed W0UT1SG, K00FIXG, Job and Sheeting work, will be promptly at tended 10 cither iu town cr country. L'rM , Copper and Enameled French Preserving Ket tles, Dippers, Brass, ('upper, jpVencli Tinne.i. Enanielled Holluw Ware, Watlle Irons Coal Shovels, Fruit Cans', both common and Patent, an 1 of various measure, always on hand and fur sale j Persons in want of anything in the above j l;ne are re.!iestei to give me a call before : purchasii g ei-ewhere, us 1 feels confident that lean suit tbeui either as regaids the article or the price. trj- Old copper. Bras and Pewter bought and the highest price paid in cash or g.,ds j " JACOB G. WINEV. , Oc. 1, lf-OV ly . '- ' -.r.vi lltCHT. S.Kl EL STilAiKB, Viiv ITipm in P'iHiii...,fi . I 111" X 11111 111 l.UHl.'lI". ; Gentieman's Furnishing Euiporiuui ' ! ! .ust orenel mthe new Brick Building, Main. , Street, P.- iterson by-Levi iietht and Samuel : Miav, r. a large and elegint sortiuer.t of : Ready-Made Clothing, consisting in part cf1 j Overrents, Frorlc ('oat, j Dress Coats, Pantaloon, j 1 earn, Drairrr, Colit rf, j L'mhfstiiis, llattdlcerihieff, Boot A Shoe,' And everything usu il?y found in a tirst class Gentleman s Furnisning Store. , I'AXCV GOODS ' Also a large and carefully selected assort ment of Fancy Goods, of all classes, kinds and qualities, a'.l of which will he sold at the low- . cat possible living prices. j LailitS Giiitort au-l Sboes. 1 They also invites the attention of the ladies to his hue siock of G AlTOllS AND SHOES. which he will sell at prices dct'einz comneli- lion. I CA RPL rs, OIL CL O T11S. ' The v have on hand a heautiful assortment of t nrpeis. Oil Cloths, xe , which are of a good iia.iiy, aud well worth the inspection of the buyer. lTATC IIES & JEYTELrY. 6uiJ and $'!rer Wttrhr, Clocks, ,ir rings, 'loin and Stury rinfe. Watch Keys, Ladies' and Gents'' Breast Pins, Gold Pens aud Pencils. which at this time form the largest aud best assortiueui iu tho co'inty. BJ-&.A11 the nbove goods will be soi l cheap er 1 11:111 any other store ia the Unilcd States. If you dnn't.believe it, just give us a call and be convinced of the truth of ihe at-ser'ioa HECHT & STKAYER. Patterson. April V2, Uoo-lf. Pinnsuvnnia Paint k Color Works. Libtrty V!ii".c Lead! try rr: Liberty White Lead! try it: Wabkamko to cover more surface, for sum ' ir,ijhr, than any other. Buy the ttsl it is the I efftp,:t .' S'.; St .' Try It .' ; Liberty Le.ie u whiter than any other, j Liberty Lead t.-ivrj l.tt.r than any other. 1 Liberty Lead iceuri longer than any other, i Liberty Lead in more eeoiiomirul than any other. : Liberty Lead is more free from impurities and is Warranted ro do more and he'ter aiork, at a yiren coit, than any other. Buy the IlKS T, it is the CIIU.VrEST. Manufactured and warranted by ZI'.BKEEJ &. SMITH, Wliohmi!,- Dnvj, Paint f- Clans PmJrrst AO. 137 North Third Street, PuiLAitixrHiA. Nov. t, 0C. - Im, noun & grain. T7LC K and Grain, of all kimls, purchased at Market rales, or received on storage : f ,l,e frg,!t ' - ' ln'r ','':'", ' 0,,r with f arcful captinns' and hands, wo will ship freight of any kind to' : and from Philadelphia or any point along the ; can.,! 1 bl.'LOl'FF ,1'ROW & PARKER. ! -I ALL AND EXAMINE . j ...ir si,,-!. . Ready Made Clothing hefor ; you Purchase Elsewhere, you will find on I hand a good assortment for Men and BoyJ ' wn.. .:v.l. ..:ti 1... .,11 ..c .uit.11 it iti io duiia cueup lor ensn oc country produce. MICKEY 4 PEN-SELL, Jan 1-tf Patterson, Pa. salt: salt:: salt: : : k Niin.tr;,,. m milt,. .1,1,.. K. :..!- ...I. -t .t.. .....'v. .. e win mruisu .tiercnanis with salt at Philadelphia prices, with the ad- avu on ot expenses of freight. bl'LOl'FF FKOW & PARKER. i : . , I' 3 HI' l.II'I ItlV nillTE I.E4I xhe W hitest, the most durable and the most economical. Try it ! factured only by Mann- ZEIGLER & 82IITIF , Wholesale Prog, Paint & Glass ljealew . . " x.i.aitaa, ZorthUlIRD FIfU.D'A. .wl--mtww.. i pattetou June s. tt j STLOU.FF. FROW K TAT.KF.r.'S .Ian. -t. 'P 1v.