- t i HEADQUARTERS ! iliffliutcwn Ciiair Mannfactcrr. . CHIAKLES W. VriTZEL would inform tin J cititens of JuDiata county, th.it lie coo t inueotbe Chair Manufactory nttbe well known old etand in Water street, where lie is at ali times prepared to receive order for Windsor Chairs of every description, including Settees, Large Rocking Chair, Sewing Uocfciug Chairs. Chiidrens' Chi'irs, Counting House Stools, Cain Sent Chairs, Br.r Room Arte Chairs, and every thing pcrtiining to his business, all of which Jt is prepared to sell chenper than ever. He is now prepared to wholesale work at city pri ces. Prompt attention wiil he givert to Kepa ii in" All work done cheap and expeditiously. SaVed Poplar Plank and Scantling taken in exchai ee for furniture. f-Kurniture Room on Main street; oppo .!e the Post Office. CHARES WEITZEL. S- rtember 3, 13G2-tf. r ti t I THE FALL AND WINTER ARRIVAL OF CHOICE GOODS AT THE STORE OF Q Pi's RPI FOJ?n. The tindcrfigr.fi would respectfully invite he public to ci'l ard examine his stock before "purtiasl'.'.g elsewhere. He has bougLt his assortment' at euch prices that he eanti ,t be undersold lv any in the country. Special at tention pii.i" to purchasing goods in the city per erdcr at the shortest notice. Every effort will be made by him togivesat itKctii. ii to those who may favor him Willi a call MUILS' UKCSS GOODS ! Black and Fancy gills, Herges I.awns, Morie An'iquo. Grenadines. Dueals, Tine Cblii, Brilliautes, Gingham I.awns, bjiiibj.jineis, , All wool d'Laines, Caslinieris, Peplins, Alpacas, &c. A full assortment of White Dress Goods, Mus lins, Brocha and other Shawls, Bonnets, lin net Sa'ins. Ribbons. Floweis. &e. ANo. Col lars, Undersleeves, Handkerchiefs in great va e'y.. DP.lfiS. A large quantity of Drug;?, also .u luuitl. rrescriilions tilled. He has also 'an in a large stock of Wool, ?.t,n and Rag Carpets. Oil Cloths, Mailings, I c, at the lowest prices. j Con try Pro -luce taken in etcbar.g? for gois. for which the liighe it niurket prices 1 will be paid by j. M. BELI'ORD. Frrrysvillc Marble Works, TMIE undersigned desires to inform tkociti X yens of Juniata County that he has taken rbnrge of the works lately owned by Henry il'i in Perrysviile. where he may be found rra ly to execute jobs in his line of business such as Tomb Stones. Monument. Marble Slai.s, Table Tops, ice. &c. He believes (hat a long experience mid practical knowledge will enable hiui to give entire satisfaction to all who may f atrotiije him. Give hiin a call as he fells confidential f jr neatness cheap ness and despatch he cannot be excelled. CHAS. EMERSON. Apr. 2"th TAILORING ESTARLISUMENT. ! WM. WISE. Merchant T:ii'..,r, begs leave to inform his friends and the public generally that hi has just ot encd out a large and fasiiiou aoVo assortment of FALL AND WINTER GOODS, vbi'.ii be is ready to make to order promptly . and on the tn..st rea'mMe terms. The j f ul .ic generally will tmU 11 lu tueir interest to Call at liis lvom above IASICK'S TIS SHOP, on r.ri lTf frt?t, A!ifl!:ntown, Tn., nnl inspect m G . ai: J wrkman'-liip before fiirrims. in fl-'r.'horo. I warrant all cUlhcs to lit ur tin sale. SIXGEE'S SE7IXG HACHI3TE. A -1 pfrnii9 .Ie.-irus of pui elminrr uny of tii.Nf.KB f ewino M vciiiMis will obtain alJ nrccr-Mii y irifrinai u on the auliject and see iImui in ntn.-raiini i mv et.li!ni(Mit. If tavoi-eil viib th"ir orders 1 will fit thrm up a J .pttr iiacl:inc '.' f rcsnt. dtiper ihunev-er j littberto uoiiv u. t liis county. c U'jily shouM In? without a machiue. jja 1, 04-tf Persons cau be supplied with Coal, Plaster, S l'u &c, at :he lowei price, by our agent (it ompsonliiwn, ELI II L' ItEN.VEK, wlio is a'?o authorized to purchase Grain and give the highest market Prices. . .Mr. CLINE is, also, our authorized aaeut at Perrysviile to purchase Grain and sv.ll Coal, Piuster and Salt for us. Gic us a call and you cannot fail to be pr.ie I. IiaJ- Highest prices paid for Country Pro uii!.e, ar. l takeu iu exchange for goods. MLLOL I T, H10W, & I'AllKEK. Oc'.uber, 1SG3. "t7E have one room devoted entirely to ' t Oei.ta Furnishinir Goods and Ileaidy Ji ide C'.Gthau:, buch as Vii-t. Pant, Vcts, Ivei Coa's, UitS & Klines, IJits k Caps, V.'hi'e Siiirta Funnel Shirts, t'ndershirts, sod Drawers. SCL0T."ff, FROW & PARKER. gELLlXG OFF AT COST As the room now occupied by me as dott ing Store, will be occupied fur other purpo ses the Spring, I now offer Juy entire Motk of CL0T0T nt coat prices, for nVRR COATS, DRESS COATS, PASTS, VESTS, CXDEil CLOTHING, &c. Giveiuca Dec. 6. "65. F. M. JIICKE'i, THE bert quality of XkCKEZEL, JIER MXG and SI.' AD always on hand. And also, a good cupply of Plaster and f'a!c:a Piaster, at si.i,urr, i-j:jv a pakkki:-?. r . Aver HIE " Ul'd GEfAT lUiMEPT Scrofula and Scrofulous Diseases. Frn I'.mciy JCJts, a w Jl l nuwn vtcrdutirf v Ox 'rf, Maine, T luve nol.l larja qu.tntiih s opvour St:ap-htu-a, Imt in'vrr vt one tnltlo whicli i;dWA uf th4 li.-sirtil eff-.M't and full satiAia'ii(in to those who tuolc it. As t!t otir jxiif try it. they arrrc there h tH'cn ut iwUciue like it bclorc iu uurvuiumiuiity.' Eruptions, Pimples, Blotchen, Pustu!c3, 171 ccra, Sores, and all Diseases of the Skin. From Her. finbt. Stmt ton, Uristot, Kiuthaul. " I only do my tlnty to ym and tin; puhlic, whra 1 ddd imt tostiinony to that you jmiilibli fit' the nio-riidn-il virtues of your Sarsapaiui.la. My daugh ter, a'.tl U-n, hail an afflicting liumnr hi her rain, eyes, and hair for years, which wc were unyhlj to cure until n tried your Sa RSAPAUILLA. feho LjC been well for some mouths."' From Mrs. Jane K. Itiee, a irU Xitmrn and mucH t iterated lady f Dennivrille, i'apc May (y., S.J. 41 My daughter haa ulf'rud for a year pist with a Scrofulous Tupti(n, whieh whs very truuMesnmc. fVothin atTorded any relief until we tried your iAKiAiAi:il.LA, which coon coinplet'ly cured her." Frnm Chrtrt P. Gage, Kstf.t of the whiety-knrnen vrfir, Murray y Co., mnnujacturvrM vj enamciUU ptntert in A'-tsflK T, V. . -l h;id for several yeaM a Tory tronblcsomo humnr in my fat whieli rew roiifttituily worse until it dtsfl'-uml my feature and became au into cralde nfflieiion. I tried nhnuvt every tiling a imau could of botb advi'e and raliine, but without air rlief whatever, until I took your SAitSAfAKii.i, It Immediately made my face worse, ah vou tdd it roiht for a time; btit in a few weeks tha iu F'-iin be,in to fonn under the blotches, and tiuuofl until n y face i as simKitli as auy Imdys an1 I am wlthwiit any symptmns of the diip;i.; that 1 know of. 1 i:ujoy peVieet health, nd without a doubt owe it to your Saksapakilla.' ErysiFolw Ueaeral Debility Purify thd Blcod. Frnm 7r. & M. Savin Flontton St., .Wh Tori: Pit. Aykr. I seldom full to remove ErvptUm and Scrofulous SreM by the poritpveriiisrttseuf your SARAiA!tnt.A,and I have j-.it now cured an attnelc Of M'diytnnt Ftitsipelas with it. No alterative we pr.ws etjuaN the SAiiArAiaij, v vou Icive sup plietl to the profettrion as well .i to tlie piide." From J. F. Johnston, Fq. lt'i'---mav, Ohio. For twelve years, I had the y. llow Krvii"ln3 on my riht arm, duriiitf whih inu 1 tried all Mm celebrated pliysieians 1 eould raeh,aud took hun dreds of dolt.trs worth of uiedk-iueti. The n!'-'rs were no bad that the conls becam : vi"i,!", an 1 Hid doctor Jt-eided that my arm mut be anipntated. 1 bran taking your S vk-pkili.. Tix-k two tot tks, and some of your l'll.t.s. Together they h iv rured me. I am now as wdl and sound n any boIy, Iteiiiij in a public pi act1, my case i ki:own to every b-nly in rh.s community, and excites the wond- of i a!. i Fmm TTon. Flenrjf M-tnro M. P. P.trf Xetrrft.fftt; C K., u leadiny number or the Canadian I'arlia I have tiMd vnnr PAitii:itJ.A in niv f:n:iil for jynornl HeMiitv, and for fmrifuiiur th ' ll with very hctifri-i;d riid. And letl cvulideuco . uuuueudiu it to the aiilictcd." 6t. Anthorys Fire Koae, B:lt Kheum, Scald Head, Sore Eyes. Vom ITarrfy Sicl-U r, Fq.,the nlte editor the. 7 unt.han.uM ; J)t:mrat Ft iiniirttnia, "Our only rhtH, about three yt-;irn of a;re, v.u Bt tucked bv piliiidt'.- on hit fureh. "i 1. They r.pidly i-preud iniT'l tie y toriurd a Jonihsome a:td virnl- ti". foiv, wl:i-h covrre-I his fuc. rind aetualiy bliiHl'd bieyw iorvoine d;y A skil'til pliysieirm :ipplied nil rale of hilvtr and oiler rtint-uir.s, uitiiont any apparent ?tfvt. I 'or t"teen riryH we pii;rd' d us liauii, iest ujtli them lie Fiioul J teitropen the feb t'h:i and corrupt uotiml Hlueli covered his wholr faec. Having tried every tnt:i 'l.-e we hid an hope from, we be.m tr v nir vo ir r:s.pAi:ii.i. Kid applying the iuthde of pot.'ifli loljon, an yoi. ciireet. The n;re bean to l:eal whi-n we. had given the lirst bottle, and wan weli win a we hnti litiihed the Kcond. The child V eyeladie, whi -h had run' ut, pnw naui, and 1 is now mm h:iliiiy ami lair an a ivothi r. The wlede Ui.ihhwihooi'pivuiulvu that the child U,u:t lUe." Syphilis ana Mcrcuritd Diser.se. Fwi Jir. Jlireim Stoat. -f St. Loiii.-. MiiavH. I find your Sarnapakij.i.a a mor.; ctlei-tud 1 remedy for the sei-umlarv Hviuptions of Syphilis ! and lornyphiiitic liease tiiau any other we ltJtie!. The jru epiou are iudebted to you lor boiac of the h' t mediciues we have." From A. J. F-r K. ., th e-tint ry ;i--in of j t h'' i.eiji. tatai e ttf M-tSsnchatettt. " Li:.AYi:k. 3ly dear Mr? I have f'und vreir SR-iAi'Ai;u.i.A an exe. ll'iir. remedy for S;rphUi ath of the primary a-jd to-oiuhtry tyjw, an'. I eikv- I rfiai in tome canes that were too o'Uaate to yi- IJ J to otle'r remedies. I do n t know what we can em- j ploy iiiih iiirurt-rtaiuty of accebtt, nlicre apovvwr- 3 Jul alterative i requht J." i Mr. Cha.. S. Fan Li'ir, nfXnn ft,ttnxtri ?:t X.J., ' had dreadful uhirs on hi le;rs, r:Hi-t-il by th' abuse j ot mercury, or mercurial tttsraxe, whn-h rP".v ntre j and more aggravated for years,- in write of evt-ry remedy or treatment th it oui l Im appiinl, n:itd tli j ik rsev'eruig ure of AvkkN Sak pakim.a relievet Iiim. IVw c ist s can le fonn I inor' inveterate and flistreasfng- than tliis, aud took several dozen J bottles to eiirj Lhu 1 Iieucorrhrca, Whites, Femnl'3 Weaknc??, re mmr:d!y produced hy hit rn.d Scrofu'ons I t trrnt:vn, am an vtry oftoirVun'd hy tin; alt' r.tl'vc eiT-rt of thii R KSi'Ai:!i.i.. Shiih rag ir.jnln', Iiuwhvt, in id the .SAiiSAfAlUI-L.., the sfcil:ul application of local i- iucdici. From the vre-A-lwtm nn'l iri-7'?f-er?fa-a'td Pr. Jar nt Morrill, nf f 'itu-tniuiti. "I Pflvr found your S.i:sa!i:i!,i. a m rxw-Ji;i itltrr.iTi in dtt-;iM' of tuiii1'. !!;; of Lrn jul irify, I.otieorrlifi'n, InU'rurd I'lc riitio-i, ;nid (K;d d-tn!iry, nrsin1 from t!n wrufultnis iiiailn-si-, have yi"i lfl to it, 1 tlier arf U-vt that ilo not, w h- ii its t fli-ctij ri'i(.Tly aidrd hy loul tr.tin-nt." A lu y, vmciUing to allow the ptllivatin of her name, irrrtt : " Mv dit!jT:fT m:d mvwll' Invc hfon runsl of a vrv d l.ilil.itnij Iu-orr?nia f lon fctamUu, by two btitiU uf your SAiiSAFAKii.i.A." Eheumatism, Gout, Livor Complaint, Dys pepsia, Ileart Ciaoa.ie, K"oura!gia, wttni raiifi-1 hr Srmfttfft in the tivstiMii, urc rabidly cen d hy ihib Kxt. fc" vbs ai'AIUI.ua. AYER'S -14T'TT4HnnT1 lit T T c 1..V1 HAlillU A I Ui pr.sp.'ss so many nilvaiilnat's over tlio ot'KT purgativi.-s iu tin market, and their superior irtiu s are so universally known, that we ncwl .at do inure thai to a.-uro rt pubiie their quality is maintained equal to the in-st it ever h.f. I.e. n. and that tbey may be depended on t.) do all tii;.t iiirv have ever done. Pr. 'pared by j. C. .Willi, Jl- P., & Co.; i'-cwvil, M iss., and sold by We have opened tlie large Room just oppo site our Store ia Patterson wh.-rc we ofler or sale at low prices a general assortment of TADLES. . CHAIRS. SOFAS, LOUNGES. REDSTEAl'S, MATTRESSES, T RUSKS, CARPETS, STANDS, RACKS, AND Many other articles for house furnishing IIIX'HT & STRAY Ell- mT GOODS at KEw PliICES AT MRS. F. HANXEJIAN'S I X P A T T E It S O X, "ITHO has just returned from the City wilh a large assortment of Millinery and Fancy Goods, Coctiating in pai tof Ronncts and Ronnet Silks, Flowers end Triuimiugs, Eniborderies, I.acc Goods, Handkerchiefs. Balmoral Skirls, Hoop Skirls, Gloves, Bead Gimps and Ornaments, Notions and Entail wares, forming the best assortment of FALL ASD WWTER GOODS In the County. Siie Solicits a call from fhe publja, being contideut that she can suit all. HOTICR Persons indebted to the lata firm cf Suloug & Stambaugb, wiil please call aud make settlement wilh the undersigned, who will for a short time, give his personal attention ion time, give ti.s persona, attention iM and accounts of the la., hrm. tound at the olueo of the '.ate placo of to books will be inumcss jACt.iB STAMB ICO!!. as. PL .: (HIGHEST)Mj?sVVjSfr PRICES REDUCED. Large Size, IO 00, .Heilium, ?8 50 THE BKST 13 THE CHEAPEST. The Universal Cog Wheel Clothes Wriuger Was pronounced Euperior to all others at the VVOHLU'S FA IK I. I.O.n.. lu lttti2; received tlie Bronie Medei, (higli- est premium) at the Great Fair of Tilt; A.lILSClt A IWI1IXTE. In new York Citv, in 1S03. It has tiso re ceived the FUiST PKEMIUMS at the following StAte Fairs : Xew York, IbUU 18b:J ; Vermont, 1SC3; Tenasylvania, 18tia 18tU ; Michigsn, 1H64; Indiana' lMti.i 1801 ; Illinois, h';3lSti4; Iowa, ItiOti 1804; Wisconsin, 1804; Conn; luver Valley F'air, 1S04 ; Champlain Valley Fair, lt04; and at the pricipal County and Institute rair throughout the land. TESTI310KIAL8. 'My family would as soon give up the cooking-stove as this Clothes WiiisfiKR. It can not be too highly recommended. Solon Kcbi- 80H. ''After a constant nc of t!-.e I'xiVEnsAi. Clothes Wbin:ku lor niore thnn lour years in ii. y l.unily, I am authorized hy ;nc powers lhat tie." to give it the uioat unqua jtied priiipe, and to pronounce it an iudit-pensible part of the, machinery lor housekeeping." liec. Jcn ry Ward Jlmher. "This is the first AVringer I have found that wnul'i !Hud I he service renired of it." J, P. HtHjyi.is, I.oriJ'iy't llohl. "In the Laundry of my house tlere is a iiei pituai thaiikM,'iving on Mondays for the iiiveinion of vour exce'.leut Wriugei.'' A'rp. "We thiuk the Macnine much more than p'lys for itself every yaer in the iaviugs u.' garineuts. V,'ft think it iuiportans the Wring er fhuuld be tiitud wilUCUliS." O Judd. I heartily Coiumend it t. to eeonouii.-is of time, money aud contentment." lliv. JJuctur it..,.-. "It saves lalior, expediates work, makes (lie laundress gco 1 natup-d, iloes not tear off bul lous and is indispensable in a well regulated foiuily.." It. S. Sivrrs, Jr., D. D. "F.very week has gi ven it a MicngrrLoltl upon the affection" of the inmates of the laun dry. Kvtry member of the household is iu adiciraiioti of it." AY?r York Observer. 8ji t'u receipt of price frcm any part of the cmutry wheie we have no canvassers, e send the Wringer free of freight charges. A good canvasser wanted iu every township. ieud for Illustrated l'rice Circular. K. C BROWSIJIG. 31? Vrodva), -V. V The long Looked For Come at Last the cELEin: vtkd Florence Sewing U(J.'ic. This machine is the mrut perrect instru ment to execute any kind of sewing now done by machinery iu the w.' ill. It is simple an i I'l'i'feel in ils lacclmnioal construct! -n. fllie feed tn-iy be rever.-nd at any poiM desircl withjut stepping, wiiiidi is a great advantage in fastening the end of seams. It makes FOUR D1FFEREST 5T1TC!1E.. I.oik, Kii'd, DuiiUt Lock, li'ju'ilr Km!. each stiicli perfect and alike ou bo'h sides cf the fabric. Operators can select any stitch they want and change from one siituh to another with out stepping the maehiue. Its s:! ekes cannot 1 e excelled for firtnne?, flaetieity durabilitr and beauty of finish. No ditln -ui'y experienced in sewiugt acr-.-s thick Sfauis. ovs liht and heavy fu'orios with equal facil ity. It will Hraid. Twt-. Qui!!, C rd, Iiirid, ; i I f, a id slw al' kii ds ot tt.lrh. iti'l iviiiiied by families a ml luauufaciiirer. The Work v il! f ed eil' or to the right or left without : t ippittr the machine. The wir-t inexperienced tind no diflicully in using it. It is thoroughly practical and easily under- S'OO'I It has no tpTttii's to fjrt out of order, and will last a lifetime. It runs ea silv. aud is almost noisd 'ss. It is the moil njil sewer in the world; "''.- Hi' live t'ift 'iij itt t'ich revolution. , It uses the s.-.aie size thread ou both sidas of the fabric It oils no dresses, all itsniackiner3 being on top cf the table. Ever; machine is worrrntrd io jire enure, sat iror.'iitn. and to do nil ha: is claimed for it. Miss Caubik E." tSTAMiiAruH is the a.Tent for this county. Iiy calling at her residence on Main .Street. M itilinlown, one of these ma chines can be seen in operation. SeptcmbcrlJ, lSO-j-Iy. I l.W STOJtK IN Til 0MPS0NT0 VN. 0:t) JUST opened in the New Piore Room under the Odd Fellows Hall, in Thonipsontown, Juniata county, J'a., a well seltcle I and ele gant assortmeut of Dry Goods, consisting in part of Ladies' Drrss (Joocls, Suh"as I'cbiines, Challies, Lusters, Alpaccas, ail wolol Delaines, Sheperd Plaid Lawns, and a full assortment nf Ladies White aud Fancy Goods, and a large assortment of SiPLEDHY GOOES, Donstantly on hund and for salo cheap for Cash, by. II. II. WRIGHT. Also, GENTLEMAN'S CLOTIIrGO EMPO RIUM in the same building. An elegant s sortment of ready made Clothinng for Men rnd Roys, consisting in part of Fancy Frock i Coals, Drcts Coals, Pants, Vests, Drawers, I Collars, Undershirts, Handkerchiefs, J Ilals & Cnp, Roofs & Shoes, I And everything usually fouari in a first class I Geuilemau'a Fiimishinji Store. Fancy Uords of iJt kinds. Ladies' Gaiters and lialiuorti Fine Shoes, lor Misses and Chil dren, Carpets and Oil Cloth, &c. Also, a good stock ot C'roccriea, Queemavare, Hardware an! Cudcry, Drugs, Oils, Taints, aud all such articleSJsare usually Toundin country store. B.teJ 'ihe highest prices paid for country produce. JirGouds old at eniall rrotui!, lor Cash. Call and examine J2J block and co for .3ejf tt3 t am always ready to wait on cus 'jlist rtw6 tbe Si,uare at Wright's I c 'sh Store and Clothin-Emporium ; 0I,w". r"' SHREINER'S BALSAMIC COKJII SYRUP For Coughs, C'vIiLs, Croup, Whofping Covgli, Asthma, J,rotiriitts, Sjn'tfi'ng Iilooil, rain oiid Wtakne' nf the Ereast, Affinity of Brcnthiug, c. This syrup is a, purely Ycgr.lvhle Compound It is pleasant, to tuhe, and never does injury; hut owing to itstqurifyintf qualities. mut do good under any circumstances. Its effect is truly wonderful sooihing, calming acd allay ing the most violent Coughs; Purifying, Strengtnening and Invignratingthe whole sys tem ; calming aud soothing the nerves; aid:ng and facilitating Kzpecoration, andbcaling the DISEASED LUNGS, thus striking at the root of DISEASE, and driving it from the system. CIIO VP. No child need die of Croup, if this Syrup is properly used and used in time. Mothers hav ing croupy children should watch the first show of the Disease, and always keep this Reiiedy at hand. For Coughs after Measles, this Syrup is most excellent. Experience has proven that it is equalled by no other preparation. Trice 50 cents per Bottle. Prepared hy S. A. FOUTZ'S & BH0., At their Wholesale Drug and Medicine Depot, T.o. 110, Franklin St. Ball imore, Md. Sold by all Drnggisn and Store-keepers throughout the United 8tates. CELEBRATED These Powderi will strength en thefe'tomach and Intestines, cleanse tbem from offensive matter, and bring them to a healthy state. Thcv are a law preventive of Lung Fcrer, and a certain remedy for all Diseases incident to the Horse, ucn as ij lan ders. Yellow Water, Dis temper, Founder, Heaves, Slaverinir, Coughs, Fe vers, Loss of Appetite and Vital Ener er, Ac. In poor, low-spirited animal it has the most benefii'ial etTect. The use of them improves the wind, strength ens the Appetite, and gies to the Horse a fine, smooth and glossy skin thus improv ing the appearance, vigor and ipirit of this motile auim.tl. fob aiiLcn co-ws. Tne propertr this Powd. r rn?eses in in creasing the quantity r.f .Milk in Cows, givti it an imjHirtauco and value which should place it in the hands of every pcrsrn keeping a Cow. By actual experiment it bus proven that it will increase the quantity of Mi k r.td Cream twenty per cent a.-i aiak the R'lttir firm and sweet. Ia fattening Cattle, it gives thera an appetite, loosens their hide and makes them thrive much taster. n o a s . In all Diseases of the Swine, such as Coughs, Ulcers in the Lungs, Liver, 4c. By putting from half a pajier to a paper of these Powders in A bar- rTJ- rd of Swill, the -7rf3A--SiS above Diseases can be cured er entirely pre vented. By using these Powdirs the IIo( Cholera cau be prcvea ted. Fries 25 eta. par Paper, or 5 Faper3 for $1. pnEPARrn nr S. A. FOUTZ & BF.O., at Tntm WHOLESALE DRUG AND MEOICIKE DEPCT, JTo. 116 Franklin St., Baltimore. Md. For Sale by Drugcists and Storekeeper! throughcr.t the United Statu. FOUTZ'S MIXTURE. T7ie lest Lihimntt fur .Vmi awl Dutit iiuic in uac. Is a safe and relia'.lo itenicdy for ti.t cure of ll'ieuiiiaiisiii, Painful Nervous affections. Sprains, L'urns, Swelling's, ami all Pi-eases re.uiringau external application on Man. On Horses it will never fail to cure Poll Evil, Fistula, Old Running Sores, or Sweeney if properly applict. For Sprains, I'.ritises Scratches, Crocked Roofs, Chafes Saddle o t'olar Gal'., Cnm or Wouu.ls, it is an Infallible I'.eiuedy. Try it, and Be convinced of its ef Ecacv. RIIEUJIATISM. Tersons afflicted with this Disease, no mat ter of how long standing, canbe promptly and effectually cured by the use nf this Mixture There 6 nothing in the world so sure and il gocd to take away tad CORNS and cure Pros Rites as this preparation. Try it and satisfy yourselves. Trice 33 and 75 cents a Bottie. Prepared by S. A. FOUTZ S & EEC, At their Wholesale Drug and Medicine De pot, So. Il'i, f ranklin St., Ralliiin.re Ml. For sale by Druggists and Store-keepers throughout the I nited Slafs. The above Medicine cart be had it! manu facturer's Prices of 1!. F. Kepner. Milliintown; Johnson llalloway & Cowden, Philadelphia -.1, J. Render .V. Co., Pilislmrg, Pa. ; Laugh; lin .t Riishfiebl, Wheeling, Va-" Aug- ii, lSUO-ly. rOXSYLVAMA HOUSE. At J ailroail IK'pol, I'tifrrrsun, Pa S. R. NOPTINE, PROPRiETOfl. THE above natned having laken charge of this large and convenient hotel where he is prepared t entertain travelers, sojourners or regular bos.dors. Persons wishing to tniie the trains east or west will tin J this the mosi convenient stopping place as they will be j trakd up at any hour desired- The locatio- J is most favorable and the accommodations .re of the best kind. The siahling is excellent .,,! ,tlivn T'... 'I' ,l.!.. nn.l nr will alsobe we'd provided. By strict attention to business and a -f desire to please, he hopes to merit public pat- roaagc, and render tho sojourn both comfortadle and rleasact; iio sojourn Of his guests 3 j Pattcrtjoa June S; tf , O, XV. IS.iltLCY & CO-S ciiEAr.doTinMi stoke. TJiis way for Slar- gains I! T.I AVISO PURCHASED FROM MASS Li bach i: Van Ormcr the largo Coining Establishment, situated on the corner ol ISridgc and Water streets. Milfliuiown, Penn sylvania, we would respecttully inform the Public that we have just received a large aud well selected assortment of ready made Cloth ing, designed for the rail and Tt intrr Trade lor 1SC5. Such as Over Coats, Dress Coats, Business Coatt Common Coats, Pantaloons, Vests, Hats, Roots and Shoes of evjry deser'piion, style and quality, for male or female. BOYS' READY MADE CLOTHING, i Also, Caipets, nite Shirts, Fancy Over Shirts, Under Shirts. Orawers, Hosiery, Gloves. Linen and Paper Colnrs, Cravats and Ties. Trnuks, Um brellas, Travelling Rags is. A. so, tbelatest styles ot Ladies Cloaks, Cir culars and Furs. Persons in want of anything in onr line will save money by giving us a call before pur chasing elsewhere, as We are determined to sell cheap for cash. JfaS" Don't forget the corner, Bridge and Wiiter Sireets. D. W. UAP.LEY & Co. Oct. 4, '63. - NEW JEWELRY STORE.! 0 i PIIE undersigned would rcspeatfully ,"P I I inform the ciiizeus cf Mitijintowu V ' and vicinity, that he has opened a Jew-ai.-iS : elry Establishment on Main S:reet, MiSUn-, town, in Thompson's Hotel, third d.or from : i he curner, where he will keep constantly ou ; hand and al greatly rciluced prices, GolJ and Silver Watches, j An I a general variety of CLOCKS. FINflER RISCS, BIJEAST PIN'S. E A I'. RIN'OS. iil.l PENS, and PENCILS. SILVER PLATED1 WAKE, SPECTACLES, log.ther with a com- ' plele assortment of Faney Gco-N. ' Tlie repairing of Clin k'., Vn-;;e? and : Jewelry prnmpily aiiende.l to, on short notice .ii,. . ii itij rea.in io.e lerms, Alt wo K war runted to pive satisfaciica. T!;e public ar respect fully invited to jive a call. THOMAS R. .McCLELLAS. Aug. .10, iSi;."). ailll ll A1A Mi FACTO KV. OlFICE OF THE Jl-NMTA CofXTT ) Al.llH'I l.Tl'ni. S.O II.TT, Perrysviile, (l.-t. Hi, lr,:j. ) WE do hereby certify liiat tiie Commi'.iee n Manufactured Articles has awarded to C.iari.ks W. Weitki. the First Premium f.T he most subsi'intii,, neate.U made, ua. best rinished sell of Chairs. G. W. JACOBS, Trt,ur. Vii.ii.im IIench. Src'y. j.4U 1:1 U OTIC El Ladies wishing to be supplied with nea and gooil shues will find it to their a lv.iii!as,-e io call on 11. D. WELLEK, at his sh-p on Main Street above Cherry, wheie t'uey can be supplied with almost every siyle'ii moder ate prices. Geiiileuien having repniiii.g fiiey wih durably and neatly executed wiil be promptly attended to bv giving him n call. Terms: CASH. " l. b. WELLER. Mi.Hiutown, July ly.th "fio. II. r. s.n;ti with ri:ipi-:i: & iiaj:kllv, MASt'FACTt UKKS AXI WHOLESALE DEALERS IN BOOTS SHOES No. :tl .Xoi lli l liirtl SJr-t , IMiiJu M. G. PEIPER, H. H. AlAKKLKY Sif I'urticulir attention raid to or.r.-j. -7.il J. II. BULLMAS. II. EOI.LMAN nOLLH l RROTII KRS Dftl'G AM) JVLl.Y 8T0BK ill A I. V SiTKUIiT T'.VO Doors Sorth of E.li'oiil's Store. LIITLIXTOWX, l'A. rE WOULD RESPECTFULLY the atleutiou of ihe public CALL to our Stock of DRUGS, 3IEDICIXES, PERFUIERY, FAXCY SOArs, and a large variety of notions : as also to our STOCK OF WATCHES, CSiOC SSL WATCH CHAIN'S, DUEAST-PINS, K A R AND FINGER RINGS. SPECTACLES &C. T WATCHES, CLOCKS and all kinds of epaired at the shortest notice and on the MOST REASONABLE TERMS. Erif ORDERS from PHYSICI ANS prompt ly attended to. A liberal discount to l'hy. I Sept. 27, 'Go-tf ROLLMAT BROTHERS' arch. Nu.tnetrsj Cloves, Cassia, Ginger, Corn S.'as b, Fish, Salt, &c, &c, for sale cheap at fli.Ew ?T'J!tK in Patterson. J ml-tf J B l V ) ) FULL Rssortment of TRUNKS and TRAV ELVING BAGS. Also, XU TJOXS such as Hose. Gloves, liucts l loves ana uns, tvery nesi qiiaiuy,; ivei uioves iur iiwios iuu,j;i-iiij nnSiiijhed Kid, nt tl'LOUff, mow & rAJ.ETE'S j o.iiii . -1 1 j 1 . . ij a . . . t?1 j!TIrrf-f3k"!J"i ffi 7 A Superior quality, either by sinele sack ci TT-Vlr T, ,m ! JA. q.antitv. We will f.-.rnisU Merehann I nine Rio Coffee, 1 repared l oSec Pulver- wilU salt nt Philadelphia prices, with the ad tied Sugar, (rushed Sugar, N. O. PcsMr. avn 0B , eIpen,es of Irtight. S. II. Sugar, S, O. Molasses, S. II. Molasses, spi iir-pp P'PfiW piplTP Lovering Syrup, Chocolate, Mustard, Rice -URUUtt ti.UU i 1 AKlvLU. nixie MTOKK. MUSICAL IXSTRT)JENTS. B. M. G REESE HAS OPENED HIS MU sic Store, one door west cf TV. Lewis' bock Si ore, where he keeps constantly on bar I STKI.NW AY PONS' and GAEHi.K'.H Piano .Manufacturing Company's FIASCO MASON i: HAMLIN'S CABINET ORti'ws snd CAR1IART, SEEDHAM k CO 'T ME I.ODEOSS: Guitars, Violins, Fifes, Flutea ; Guitar and Viu'in Strings. Mt sic Books Golden Chain, Golden Show er, Gulden Censor. Golden Trio, &c, ke. SliEET MUSIC. He is constantly receiv ing from Philadelphia all the latest musie, which persons at a distance wishing, can order, and have sent them by mail, at P ublisher-tf Price ESi- Pianos and Organs Warranted for five years. Those wishijg to buy any of the Above ar tieics .v-e invtied to call and examine mino before purchasing eNewhere. My priees are the same as in Sew York and Philadelphia Circulars of Instruments sent promptly up on application with any additior.ol informa tion desiied. B. M. CHEESE, Hill Street, Huntingdon, P. One door west of Lewis' Rook Store. JilFttLVLOTN TIN SHOP. ITAVISG purchased the Tin and Sheet Iron JL Store, located on Bridge Sneet, MitEin town, 1 would respectfully inform the public that I intend to keep constantly on hand a general assorimeat of COOK & PABLQB STOVES' 1 in and Japan ware, the largest and best in til's county, and as to quality and workman ship cannot be surpassed. Sl'OUTlNG, ROOFING, Jib and Sheeting work, will be promptly at- teii Jea to eitlier in town or country. Brass Copper and Enameled French Preserving Ket tles. Dipper. Brass, Copper, French Tinneu. Enamelled Hollow Ware, Waflle Irons Coal Slmve'.s, Fruit Cans, both common and Patent, and of various measures, always on hand and for sale- , Persons in want of anything in the above l'u 'e requested to give ine a call before p..irch.is:r.g elsewhere, as 1 feels continent thit lean suit them either as jeffaids the article rr the price. ',;" OU copper. Bras ami Pewter bought and the iiighea: price p.vd in cash or c r.ds JACOB G. WINEY. Oct. is, 1?C3. ly. LLVI II10I1T. SlXt'tl. SrUAYFIt. I A'nv Finn in Puitcrson. ; Gentleman's Funiihin Emporium ! ! . .!iit opened in the new Brick Building. Main Street, Paiterson by Levi Ilecht and Sau.u.l Stray er. a large and elegani assortment of Ready-M.ide Clothiug, consisting in pall of 1 Oc runts, frurk Cunts, j l)ics Coals, I'uiittijuitus, I Yrxtf, Prmccrs, Collars. j I nli rshii 'x, llnmlLcn lii, is. 1 liuvts if Short) And evprvihing usu illy f.utnd in a ;irf class (ii nf leniau"? turniiiing Si..i'r. FA.XCY GOODS Aln a lnv;o and carefully selected assorl ni' ot of Faney Gor.iis, of all elates, kinds and ; iii!i!:t;es. all of which will be sold a. the lw 1 e.t possible living prices. ! l.iiitiii Gjitart iiud Shoe. I 1 Tl.ey invites the attenti.u, of the Indie to his f'.ne toek of GAITOllS AND SHOES, vthii u he wi.l sell at prices defying competi tion. CARPETS, OIL CLOTHS. They have on hand a beautiful assortment of Carpets. Oil Cloths. Xc , whieh are of a good ' quality, aud well worth the in.-pection of the j buyer. j WATCHES & jr.TVLLrV. 1 GolJ and Silrtr Wtitch". j ,Ciuei. Ear rir.'t, I J'.'ain and Ear:: rini. j Watch Keys. Ladies' and G lira' lirea-t Tins, j G..I I lV;isand Pencil. hy 'iat this time ; form the largest a.l lct assortment in the ! CjHiiiy. ! ftrtAII the above goo Ix will be sold cheap ' cr than any other store ill the United Slates, j If you don't believe it, jut give us a call anil be convinced of the truth ot he assertion j H ECHT & STRAYER. Patterson, April 12, 18t,.'i-tf. I Prnnsjivania Pain! k Color U'ork7. Liliirty While Ltatl! Li'jrrly Wliifr Ltuil! Tiiv it: 1 ;t v rr: 1 n akkanteii to cnror ui'T:; surface, fur tanie. ' i-.'-y.W. than nny other. Roy the but it is the ! rh-p-.-t ! Try It! Trti If. ' Liberty l.e.ie 15 uhiler than nny otiier. j Liberty Lea. I .:cem iicttir t'.;.u any oilier. j Liberty Lead ntart timaer than any oilier ; Libeny Lead i'.t more economical than any other. : Liberie Le id is mor free from impurities and ij ! Warranted r more and brttcr jior!., at a yi'.'i cot, than any other. 1 the KENT, it is the CHEAPEST. .Manufactured and warranted by zi:ih: & .smith, TUifi.W,.. llrurj. P.n'ut d- Glass D.ahrx !V'il. 1ST North Third Street, Piiiladklfuia. Sov. S, -Im, FLOUR and Grain, of all kinds, purchased at .Market rales, or received to storage aud shipped at the usual frieght raixf. Hav ' iug boms of our own. with careful captions and hands, we will ship freight of any kind to and from Philadelphia or any point along the canal fcTLOt-FF .FROVV A PARKER. 1 ALL AND EXAMINE our Stock of Ready MadeClothine before you Purchase Elsewhere, you will tin I on i hand a good assoitment f r Jlen and Rov ware, which wiil be Sold cheap for Cnh 1 couutry produce. MICU.CY PENNELL, Ian I-tf Patterson, Pi. n 11: j.iei ri ii:nt: i.uiu The Whitest, the most durable and the most economical. Try it .' Manu factured only by ZF.IGLEB & SMITH. V.'holcsalc Drug;, 1'aint & Glass Dealers, .Va. 157 Sorth THIRD St., riflL.KP A. jau. 21, T3-1y. cirv c-irT'f c t t i r t r