Juniata sentinel. (Mifflintown, Pa.) 1846-1873, March 07, 1866, Image 2

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.A esicm of lakes, and a union of lands,
A union no power shall sever;
A union of hearts, and a union of hands,
Aid the American Union forever!
Wednesday .Morning, March , I860
II. II. WILSOV, Editor and Publisher
li Ihe Largest Cirevlation of any paper pub
lished in this County. It is therefore the
beit advertising medium. It is a Paper, truly
loyal, ably conducted, a first class Localist.
and well worthy of the patronage of every
loyal oitiien in the Couutv.
VFTEll the 1st day of March Ig'.Ii, the
Sentinel will be discontinued to all
Subscribers residing outside of the county
unless the Subscription is paid in advance.
Jan. 31-tf.
Jjsst wctk we published an article in
which we informed oar readers of the
proposition of the Democracy to come over
to toe Republican party. proposed
to receive thctu, provided they would com
ply with our conditions, viz : Satisfy us
of their loyalty and good citizenship for
the past four years. The conditions, how
ever, like the oath proscribed by Congress,
and which every rebel must take before
h can be ad nitted to a seat, proved to be
too personal, and consequently they com
menced looking around them for some
mode of ingress. Influenced by the same
pirit that governs their rebel brethren
who are just now knocking so loud at the
Uoora cf Coogresa. and pnying for adniis
ioe without taking the oath, they propo
sed to bold a mettiog at Perrysville (or
the avowed purpose of endorsing Andrew
Johnson, bat a the sequel shows, in imi
tation of their before meutioned brethren,
to make a great flank movement to gain
admission fcto the Republican party with
out complying with the proscribed condi
tions. Well, the flank movement was
made on Friday eveuing last, and like a
iniilar affair in Mifllintown, the manage
ment was entrusted to no half-breeds or
geldings none bnt the true and faithful
followers of James Buchanan ana John
C. Breckinridge could occupy front seats
on this occasion. We received a copy of
the proceedings, from which we will quote
a lew items :
"Retched, That a copy of tlrese reso
lutions be printed in Me county papers."
Ou this short sentence they relied for
the success of their grand movement. If
the organ of the Republican party would
ouly recognize them so far as to j-ublish
thoir resolutions, why then they migit
possibly succeed in getting into that party
without complying with any conditions
whatever. These so-called Democratic
gentlemen in the North, like the other
half of their party down South, are ex
ceedingly sensitive on this question.
Ti.r. . i i, .i n
... , . . .. J .
bellidn to ccne in question. When we
received the resolutions of the grand flauk
movement Democratic meeting held in
Perrysville, We thought of the time that
the Juniata Division of the Rebel Army
went to the polls, and by its usual Demo
cratic majority, declared that a white man
was equ?l to a negro by refusing o allow
the soldiers tho privilege of voting, and
thus placing fhem on an efrttiliy with the
negro. The Republican party is every
where the friend of soldiers ; and every
where the soldiers are identified with that
party. Consequently we will say for the
benefit of this soldier-bating, Buck and
Ureck Democracy that it will be as diffi
cult for you to get into tho Republican
party without washing the stain 6f treason
from your hands, as it will be for your
Southern friends to get into Cougress
without taking the "iron-clad" oath pro
vided by law.
JteS-Tbe repeal of the tax on Real Es-
tate is fairly understood, eo far as the in-J
influence which accinTplftlied it are con
cerned. It was a measure deraaoded by a
Republican Governor and State Treasurer,
and adopted by a Jtepublican majority ia
both Houses of the Legislature, in the
most virulent oppositioa from the Democ
racy. These are historical facts, and it Lt
right flint" dnr Citcmporaries shotiM bring
Juniata Jl
Ob the first pags of the Sentinel,
fbi wppt will ha fiinml a renort of a eon-
versation between President Johnson 8nd
Oovernor Cox, of Ohio. Now, there it
will be seen the President regrets the dif-
ference between hi and Confess, and
hopes they may me on some" common
ground of .eulemeat. He reiterates his
...... , r
, . a. , r- -
determination to adhere to the tuion party
and settle any difference of opinion be -
ir j -, i- ,
twecn himself aud Congress w.tl.iu the
lines of that party. He, to some extent,
explains, or rather attempts to expluin
away bis speech to the crowd of rebels I
before the door of the White llouse un
the 22ud of February. It is a difficult
task, s there can he uo excuse or pallia
tion for that disgraceful exhibition of pas
sion The President of the Uuited States
should not belittle himself by coming
down to .he pit to bandy words and epi
thets with his enemies; neither should he
insult the memory of the half million of
fallen heroes in the war for the Union,
by playing the clown or braggart to the
great dcliftht of the rebels who surround,
ed hitu on that afternoon of 22nd Febru
ary. We place that speech side by side
with his Iuaugural speech nud attiibute
the misfortune in both cases to the same
We sincerely wish the record of those
speeches could be blotted out for the credit
of the Nation and the Union party as well
as the President. But they must stand,
the first to bring lho bluVn of sbatne to
the cheek of every American ; the latter
to al! rebels, like another rock struck by
the modern Moses, from which flows for
them streams of great joy. We speak
thus plaiulyof these two epeeches, as we
think every loyal man aud newspaper lu
the couatry should show their dibappro-
j bation of them. We have a right to taik
thus of Andy Johnson. We defended
him when he was denounced and villified
by his pretended new friends, and voted
lor him when they voted against him.
We have coofidi-uce iu his houesty of iu
teution, but very little in his discretion or
amiability We still hope he will do
what ia right, and intend to sustain him
as long as he keeps within the party which
elected him. but when he deserts that
party and patriotic organisation, we will
bid him adieu fjrever. We have stronger
hope of him than we hid some time asru.
as be has announce 1 that be will appoint
only Republicans to olEce. This fell like
a wet blanket on the rebels South, and
the Locofocos North, as like wolves they
bad already scented the carrion, aud were
greedily awaiting tbe order to "go in."
But it seems your Moses says you mus;
stay oat in the col J and drink the cup of
disappointment for a while yet. Already
it has bad a strange effect. Our Looofoco
friends have not so niuuh love for John
son as they had ten days ago. They say
they do not claim him now, bnt still en
dorse his Veto Message. No doubt they
do, but they very much dislike his other
message, saying that he would appoint no
Locofocos or rebels to office. They qui
etly say among themselves with a peculiar
look of chagrin, "sold." Just as we ex-j
pected. All their professions of friend
ship for Johnson were hollow, and itiflu-j
enced by the hope of a split in the Union j
party and tbe prospect that Johnson would
jjivo all the office to them. But the great
Union party will not bo divided or dis
tructed. It will remain firirt, united and
olid as the Roman legions arid march on
to victory, without regard to the'aation of
the President or any who may fall out by
the way. Its principles are pure, and
like "truth, mighty and must nrevai . -
Its object the glory and perpetuity of tbe
Republic. Its principles and objects have
been baptized in the best blood of the
Nation ; and let us again dedicate oar
selves anew to their accomplishment.
John Minor liotts
Has just issue! an address to the people
of Virginia. He says: '-I would forfeit
forty scats in the Senate, aye, the Presi
dency itself, if it were offered to me to
morrow, sooner than see that element of
sceesiflo, Democracy, rased to power
again, except that such a position would
enable mo to crush it the more effectually
than by any other means." After citing
legal authorities to sustain his views of
the illegality of the President's pardons,
Mr. Botts closed his letter as follows :
'Now, I want to be understood, not a par
don' has been granted that I desire to be
revoked. There ia no man that I have
earsd to see pronounced as alien by the
law, provided full justice is done to the
tnion can, of whom there are from thirty
t0 MJ thousand in thjs State, and who
would openly proclaim it it jt were not fjr
the terror of public opinion aqd the fear
of denunciation from the public press;
but if there were but a handful, or a ha
ter's dozen, or if I stood n$on?, I would
demand it for myself. Therefore 1 call
upon every Union man in the Siati and
in the South to stand up for their rights
without fear, and say to all who wiijld
tup iiFKT(,i:nviiiniw. ...
We were called upon and asked to pub-
I- i. .1 " ..'.J: c . l .
, 'V meet.ng tela
' " t,,e Court UoUse' ,n Miffl.t,Df on
uesda evcn,0?' Fcbry 27th. We
:,nfornicd lho gentleman who offered ns
, the P.cgs for publication that we
i Pub wh tbe .ol""n" 'hat were
1 pn-eu ai uie meeting on i uesuav ni"ht.
i ; . , , , , J n '
, V , 08 P
ceediugs as he presented them to n as
. v . .
jiu:j weic mcurrea in many particulars
i and reflected unfavorably on the meeting
j held the night before. This he informed
I us would uot suit them, as the resoWions
amounted to about tbe same as thufe that
had been passed at the Republican Mass
Meeting on Monday nighf, and ihn he
would not furnish us with a copy of the
resolutions unlets we would publish all
the rigmarole attached to them. We
have no objection to the resolutions and
would -have cheerfully given them Space
in the columns of the ScvriNEti, but we
can never allow the use of its columns or
its influeuce for the purpose of creting
defection in the Republicai party. Con
sequently we refused to publish the pro
ceedings unless we were permitted to
write a plain, truthful ai.t unvarnished
report of the aieetiug. This, of course,
wouldn't suit a few individuals who were
never known to give their undivided sup:
port to the Republican ticket; hence, as
we know it would conduce wore to their
own individual interest by aiisrepresent-
ii.g us and trying to advance the cause ot
Locofocoism, we concludtd h give our
readers our reasons for refusing to pub
lish the proceedings as presented to us.
We publish a Republican Journt! and
wish the success of that party and the
triumph of its principle; and will not lend
ourself to the use of any set cf men who
may have persoual aims to accomplish or
any fancied personal animosities to grati
fy. We will determinedly oppose any
scheme intended to distract the party and
thereby assist tho Locofocos to acquire
power. The meeting on Tuesday even
ing was gotton up by a few discontented !
and factious disorganizcrs who hang about
tho skirt of the Union Party and who
were urged on by the Locofocos wLo are
anxious to see the Republican party de
vided. We are already in a large mi
nority in this county, and if we take
their advice we will soon be- in a still
larger minority. These very men said
they would not say what side they would
take until they would sec what cjur.-e
certain other mcu woukl take. Tho Re
publican meeting on Monday evening was
called to advance tbe interests and pro
mote the harmony of our purty, which it
did, and has the approval of ail the good
men in the patty, but it did not suit the
Locofocos and their tools in our party and
henoe the necessity for the meeting on
Tuesday evening.
Mr. Williamson in h'a speech disap
pointed the malcontents, snd advised a
prudent course and deplored divisions in
our party. Mr. JL'avis, who has no no-
sition or character to loose, was zealous
in doing the bidding of his Looofoco
masters to get up a divisioc. They in
veigliied some few good men by false rep
resentations to act with them and used
t ie names of some others without their
consent ia order to give their meeting
some respectability. The Locofoco pa
pers have severely criticized tho Republi
can meeting on Monday evening and en
tirely approved of the action of the few
nore-hcaj8 who met on Tuesday evening.
This is enough to satisfy every true Re
, ,. i . . . 1,-. , i
publican of its paternity and objects, and .
will so b8 viewed by the party in the
A Proud RtrOitD. It is a proud re
cord for our brave volunteers' that of the
two hundred and sixtceri Slate flags given
to them as they marched to meet the
rebels, but four were lost, and they were
lost in battle. One man still living, car
ried one of these flags over three thou
sand miles on foot. As soou as all the
regiments shall have returned, the flags
will be returned to the State by their re
spective defenders with appropriate cere
monies. Most of them are tatterod to
ribbons, and some ot them have but a few
fragments left. They have been riddled
in battle and worn iu tbe service until
mMnv thpm nonld nut ha recognized as
- ,, , , , ,!
flas : but they will be treasured as sacred !
monuments of the unrivalled heroism of
the defenders of the Republic.
Trial ol Another of the Audcrscnville
Ra'v'ABSAIi, Ga., March 3.
W. Duncan, an officer cf the Commis
sary Department at Andersonvillc, ras
arrainged before the Military Commission
yesterday on a charge of muro'er, rob
bery and cruel treatment ot Luion pns-
oners, xue prisoner mauu au umuavii
concerning nis witnesses, wno win be
scot for. The trial will probably com
mence in a week or ten days.
Several of thi former prisoners at An
dersonvilia, witnesses b Wire's trial,
DrcLre 1 avor o
iS Kebel War VeM
We have frequently charged that the
Democratic party was in favor of paying,
the rebel w debt. In this way the lead-
era calcnlafa to reach the repudiation of
the Federal war debt. Now to show that
we have not been mistaken in our charges,
says the Telegraph, we refer to the fact
that only a few days since a leading Cop
perhead representative, in Congress, boldly
declared that the assumption of the rebel
war debt, by the Federal Government,
was an act of justice which could not go
unperformed without incurring the re
proaches and meriting the scornful stigmas
of every honest man in the world. An
drew J. Rogers, the copperhead represen
tative from the 4th New Jersey District,
:s the man who advocates tbe payment of
the rebel debt. He is one of the leaders
af the Democratic factiou in Congress.
A movement such as he has made, is nev
er attempted without the sanction of the
party represented, and it isf therefore, fair
to infer that Mr. Roars' course was die.
UUed by the action of a Dcmocratio cau
cus. What more oan the people want to
convinoe them that the Democratic lead
ers are iu favor of repudiating the Na
tional debt ? Let United States security
holders take warning. The safety of the
Government depends upon its integrity.
That integrity cannot be maintained if it
repudiates its debts.
f eniaiusm.
Wasiuxctox, March 3.
Capt. John McCafferty, late a state
prisoner in Ireland and tho special envoy
of James Stephens, has caused quito a
commotion among the Feniaus cif this
city. He spoke last night to an inimeme
mass meeting called to express their in
dignation at the suspension: of the writ of
habeas corpus iu Ireland. Fifteen bun
dred dollars worth of bonds of the Irish
Republic wero sold at the meeting.
Cheers for James Stephens and Prenident
-Johnson were enthusiastically given.
The Captain imparted information to a
secret meeting of Feuians whi'ih he said
could not be communicated in pub'ic.
To day be ban a long and interesting in
terview with the Presideut oftbc United
Cheeks foii Jeff Davis. The Phil
adrlphia Press says that if any one que
tintis the foil'jwing-it will be fortiGed by
abundant testimony. It is needless to
add thut the Wm. B- Reed herein men
tioned heartily endorses the President as
he does Jeff Davis :
Astounding At the annual supper
of the Petinsy'vania Democratic Club,
held iu Chestnut street, below Twelfth,
on Thursday evening (2l2d of February,)
Mr. Wm. j?. Reed was called upon for a
speech, but stated that instead thereof he
would proposo a sentiment, and accord
ingly gave : "To our illustrious statesman,
now incarcerated in Fortress Monroe.''
This was followed by a piopositian from
a bioker in Third street for three cheers
for Jefferson Davis. The cheers were
given by some present, although Mr. Jo.
ivenaan aim otiicrs .ouuiy protested
against the whole thing. Ihcre was then
a gcueral row, which has resulted in
seme members seuding in their resigna
t'oas. Significant. Tlic Savannah R?jnth
lican, in noting the departure of the UOth
New York volunteers, says :
The regiment, although small nindo a
fine appearance as they -marched down
liay street, iieaded by thair drum corps,
the national colors floating iu tho cheer
ful sunlight. Thus day by day the last
vestige of military cower is being with
drawn from our State, but it will do doubt
uu a ivfip tunc uciutu cmiiiii . iiinw
. , w.i(ulrawaI - .,;, ,
k .. i...... .;... ....p.,.- . oi,..ii
our. borders. Oii'e thiwj js cerium, it
truidd not be promoire of the safety und
icelfare of Unionist to do so.
What is a Democrat ? Webster, ia
his LTnabridged Dictionary, gives the fol
lowing definitions, viz :
Democracy Government by the peo
ple; a form of Government, in which the
supreme poser is lodged in the 'hands of
of the people collectively, or in which the
people exercise the powers of legislation,
such as the government of Athens.
Democrat One who adheres to a gov
ernment by the people, or favors the ex
tension of the right of suffrage to all
classes of men.
On February 17, tho Government of
Euglaiid bro'.igbt in a bill in the llouse
of Commons, to suspend the Habeas Cor-
pus Act in Ireland. The House gave to
. ... .....
tion by a vote of 36-1 to C. The Hoie
of Lords passed the bill withodt opposi
tion, and the Royal assent was at once
given to it. It seems that the circulation
of the report of a gteamcr having left
New Votk as a Fenian privateer greatly
added to the alarm. The Government
bad discovered aud seized, in Publin,
large quantities of ammunition, and more
than one hundred persons were arrested
on one Jjr,
On Ferj. 55, the Government introduc
ed bill into the House of Commons
ratifying the abolition ot tho legislature
of Jamaica, anu proposing a govci nmuui.
for that Lldudtimilitr to t'ac ouc iu Triu-!
Tda Democracy
m mb w m . - - - - -
The nobility of Ilolstein had declared
in favor of annexation ti Prujsia.
It is stated that the Reconstruction Cotr-
mittce wilf Report in favor of the admission
ef UK loyal Tenncesee dclcgntei on Mondar
Tho steamer Asia, froj. Liverpool Feb.
14. via Queenstown Feb. 18, arrived at
Halifax yesterday, bringing four days'
later news.
Gen. Grant has been presented with
105,000 by the leading citizen of New
Yort city, as a testimonial of the appre
ciation in which his eminent services are
Imperialist accounts from Mexico claim,
a number of new victories over the Re
publican, and express the hope that tho
rebeh will soon either have to lay down
their arms or be exterminated..
Gold opened yesterday at 13-"J, sold down
to 135, and closed at 13o. Tie market for
Governments was firm under the favorable
statement of She Treasury, all the is3ues are
in request in small amounts.
About 40 members of the Irion and Steel
Association called on Speaker Colfax jester
day, an'd presented an aidres. in bebalf
' . i
their interest. In reply, Mr. Colfax xprcssed
bim3elf in favor of an increased duty on for
eign iron and a! eel.
On Saturday the ice gave wsv in the
orol- at Oil IVttv l'a swp.pninr' nwav
y. j, j J
Unless, engine mime, r..u ,o,
onoges, en, 1 no naict iu uiu kiw.-i
part of the town was from G to 10 fcot
deep. A frteamer wis torn loose fitmi its
moorings and broken to pieces. The ile
structinn of property was very great
One man was drnwrn-d.
Ux ilm-tiscmruts.
AJOTirE There will be an election held
i on Moudity. tiis 2bih inst., at ihe store of
Samuel Buck, in ihe burough of Perrvsril'e.
between Ihe hours of 1 and i o'rbick, P. M .
lo elect (ithccrs to tnmaire the aff iirs of the
Perrysville lirid je Company for the ensuing
year. By order of tbe Presidnt.
SA.ML EL liL'CK, Tre is'r.
March 7. 1-StM 3t.
lo 'fitrarlri Pr-rrt":!
i will be received until ihe I ilh
APRIL next. f..r building a I'i'.ICK CliL I.t'It
in F.apt Waterford. The contractor! to fur
nish all ihe Material Plan and SpwSea
lions can be seen at the store of A. .1. Fur
eusnn. Fast Wa'erford, UcijUrci-'ji o!Tice M!tT
lintown, and at lbs store of Samuel IUuk,
A. J. FFRGl'SOV. )
mar. 7-tJ.
This school will open nain. in IVrry
ville, on tho first Mon-iar In Ar.r:lt IW'W't, to
continue ai least one quarter wf 11 weeks
perhaps two quarters.
TUJ13 OF TflTlOS :
First Clas, per Quarter ?'.tl '
Second do do 7,'to
The First Ci'om embraces ibse a'uijiuR
only Ihe branches usually lanpdit in the publ
schools ; the Second Clas. those studying any
other branches- Persons entering the Second
Class can study what branches ihey f.lse.
The books ued will bo the same ns nt the last
s s-ion. Boanlinjj cr,n be hnd w;th privato
families, and on reasonable terms..
The School will be tinder the control of the
undersigned, assisted by able Tcaclicrs from a
n. B ZIMMEP.MAX.Co. Sup t.
Perrysville, March 7, 186Yi.l!t.
nonP SKIRT!', j.'S,
.OPKI'S ''Owti Malic,'
NO. G23 ARC II Street, PHILAD'A.
The most complete assnrlnent of I.sdies',
Misses' and Children's HOOP SKIRTS, in
Ibis City: cotten up expressly lo nu-et the
wants of first-class Trade ; embracine Ihe
newest, and most desirable Stylesnml Siies ot'j
-Gore Trails," of every length from i lo I
f yds. round 2'ltoo.; Springs, at 2 lo $ O.l.
Pla ii Skirts, all lengths, from to 3 yards
round tbe bottom, al SI 40 to $ 1,. t
0:r line cf MisW and Children's SMUTS
arc proverbially beyond all competiiion, for
Taricijr f trl.-s and siies as well as f..r
, j-.f, .'" o-,
mutter in it-iiiu, ' , ti xu ciiiiks :tl OJ CUIUS
to$-' 2". All Skirls of -OCR OWN MAKE."
are W ARitaxTF i lo give Satisfaction: bi'
Btv none a? sren. unlestb ey have, -Hopkin s
Hoop Skirt Manufactory, io. t!J8 Arch St."
Stamped on each Tab !
Also, constantly on hind, conn Skirts.
Manulactiired in New York, and the Eastern
Siat. 8, which wesell at very low Prices. A
lot of cheap Skirts 15 springs, 8" cents : '2
spring", $1 W) 2-5 springs, $1 lo S) springs
ii 2i and 40 springs SI SO.'
J.!iySliirts, made lo Order . and Repaired.
Ttrs C'uA. Osf. Price Oni.t !
mar. 7-lm.
1 Sort.
Mani'facturkrs or
tTlhdow Sliadf 8,
N. B. Always in Store, a large Slock of
feh. 28-flra.
Cchr, Etoob ttHUIIoto llhxt,
,, 1 , a
DIOOIIIS, MiltS, JjniSllt'S, tOtlOa LapS,
n.w, TwinH Wiek &C
v- ,,,'m, m',! vVwt'l'r
345 IsORlli ltllKL. Silttl'.I,
u-u 01 imifi i
"""''" ''
AlirtO. A good Blacksmith can ica-onable.
V find constant employment aud libcial. January 24, I'OG-tf.
wages at liechtel's Tanuery, near McCul- ' ;
lottih's Mills, ia Tttscarora Valley, address A LAF.t.t and wed selecie l stock of ;RO
6 11. II. FlEl'HTEL. EhlES, comrritine Ham. Sbo'ilder. B-
McCullouijVs Mills.
JaUi,.i--'t-,7- P.
A Work of ibsorbisg lalfKst nnJ Permanent
la Ine.
Editor of kU if Srrrice"Magazinp."
1 Vol. 8"., 5u0 pages T.histTnteA. S3 CO.
" Calf Skin,. 5 5U.
This h a book of wlsich every American
Citizen will desire t powess a cpv. Th
bistoiy of t'oi grrat Imder of tbe "Annie
of the Union," has become Ihe property of
tbe nation he has done so much to Te, and
is imperisbably incorporated in its annuls.
It ia prepared in the most thorough manner,
and bus been priLied on fine p.-.per, aad
handsomely honud, and illustrated with nu
merous portraits on steel, and by mops and
plans of all Ihe principal battles recorded.
The free access enjoyed by the author to
tbe private records of the several Command
ing (jensiitla. enables bim to present the
Campaigns, and prepares such a work as no
one else could possibly do.
It will be sold exclusively by subscription,
and canooi be bad except ibrougli our duly
air ems. Hence tnoso desiring a copy lur
ric. suoum Bu..str,e prt.mp.v
when the opportunity is presented- It will
! t b tM ony bv tuo ,eDt-
W. J. IK 11. L AM) Sl CO., Publishers.
I':tt.-burg. iV.
E. L. JAMISOV Agent wr Juniata county.
i ja
mar. 7.- :i.
j s A L ,; ,t y ,rmn jnil,irr j,,;,:.
JAMES II. SIMONS wouid re-pic'fully n-
nouncc to his old cu.-tomers an 1 ihe public
genertillw tlinr he bss a l ire stock of
i WHIPS mid all otli-r rii..l-s usual
ly kept in a . A IJ f.Kt ';'. which h
I will sell at ihe following reduced .riec,
' i Best Silver Plaled Harness t 0.
I Second bc.-t do g2 ml
i Third do do So 0
Common Plated do 2-" (
Second do do 2:1 s
t'ommnn Pbiin d Itl tit.
Pest Spanish Saddles 21 '
Secon 1 do do 22 0:1
Common Quilted Seal do wilh Hern Hon
Common do without uoi 1 " l
Wapon Saddles '.' I. I
Five inch llreech-Bands & Side
Leathers lor two Horsi t" tfi
Four is;h do :i- tl
Bak-bainls S inches :1 2l, Cink'.ies
2 4'1, u inches 1 7 j.
L'iuble set of Yankee Harness which
indo les bi idits, bamcs, collars, lines.
I !! Ch illis.
Pair i f Y.-mkee liiidlca
Five-rin Halters
Three-ring du
Check lines 3-4 inrh
io DO
f. oil
1 .-,
1 2.1
2 ; -
do do 1 inch 3 J",
Blind Bridles 3 till
P.idinR Bridles frnm $ O'l. 3 00 4 (hi
lioou Draft Cullnrs :; mi
lUrnc-s du 2 OU
Wagon Whips J.iiO, 1,7' l.i'i
Buxy d.i fiom 73 ct:nis i 2 OH
l'.U;gy Lines. 8:i4 2.0t, round 3 00
Plow' tines 3-4 inch 1,00, 1 inji 1,1
1 1-4 inch l.iii.
He would also invite the p'ihlic to eiaminn
his slock before p-irchainj risewherc, as ho
leels conli'leat he can sU clicaner than &nr
; oilier e-tabli-Luii-nt in the Cnnmy. ilismolt i
is quick sales and smai! praiils. dive Lima
cail and save money.
Sta, KEHAIIllNG neatly executed and all
work warranted.
Bridge St., Miftiiulonn Pa.
Oct. Il-Iy.
OttriJ C'OI'IIT SALE.-By vir
tue of an ordi-r of the Orphans" Court,
the folUwing valuable Heal Estate will b.
exposed to public sale on ihe premises i'.i
Favetle township. Juniita county. Pa., on
WEDNESDAY. MAKCil 14ih, IMVC, about
one mid a half miles from OakUnJ Mills
and lho same distance from McAlistei svil le,
A Lot of jroumlailjoining lands of W m. H ar
ioso, jr., Amin-wSenor and oibers, containing,
SEVEN ACRESinorc or less, having thereon
erected a good I.oO HOL'SE and BARN with
running warerncir the door, a tiun.bcr of
Fruit Trees of all kinds.
ALSO Another xndivided rne-lia'.f Lot.
containing ONE ACRE and SIXTY-THREE
! lKIl( : !! ES n li.iiiiin lon,U nf 7
Thomas Dttun.
vid C'.hT-i- and niburs all ciea
Jor rnml eiiliivaii.m
eared and un-
j TCK.VS: The one-half on the First Pay
j 0f April lf., when possession will be fivcn ;
j ,ilc .rmainJcr with interest on Ihe First day
j f September lSHtl, when deed will be given
s-Sale to commence at 1 o'ekk. P. M., of
saj,i j.iy WU8n ailel ln..c win b , :fe!l h .
I'iiivate Sale. The iindl-rsignrd offers
at private sale ids followius' Ileal Estale. to
wit; tmct of I.anJ Ijctoii'ging to S. I'. Blair.
Esq., situated in H'alker township, Juniata
county, Pa.. a'!'.;iniqj binds of Mse.i Kyle.
John Wribi, Js,.i Tyson and orhers, con.
t.iinir SEVENTY -ACRES, wore or less.
Rbout oj acres of which are cleared, in a coo I
1 state of cultivation and under good fence.
The ballance, about lo :ircs, is well covered
with ttie very choicest timber. The iinprove
tuents area good LOO LV,i:MM; I'OCSE.
an excellent new FaNK P.A RN with all the
necessary iit-hiiiMinirs, and an excellent Or
chard of GRAFTED FlillT. The above
farnj i.s beauiifully located about hslf wsy be
tween MiSiiutowii and Mexico, (the Turn li.o
loading from the above named places pa.vis
through it.) ami wiib a very little imprive
inent can be made one of ihe pleasanlest homes
in tbe county. For particulars inquire of
Joseph Tyson, E.-q., or
Jan. 17, 'ii''.-2in.' Mexico, Pa.
R M KEEVER, Surcou Dealist,
rp.VKES this method of informing his friends
L in Juniata county, that owing to the lea
sonably good success he ha3 met with, during
the few months he h 13 been p.-aotisi.l his pro
fession in said county, he feels warranted in
I making stated visits to MitUinlowu and Mc-
Alislersvillo The first Monday of each month
I Mr. Kcrver may be found at the Juniata Ho-
!.! . . . 1. . .!.-.
iei, .iiiiuiu, ib renviin iwo weeas. 1110 iniri
Monday, at McAlislersville, lo remain during
ihe week. Teeth inserted on VULCANITE,
extracted in the most approved manner, and
with the least possible pain,
E?s- Strict attention civen to diseased
Ill ,,.,!, .....l T .
' r-n. ?!?-. Pork, FH'jr .-piers, n
' jVL'jVir i7.V"' w Li-iI. i-
,r;thh.-A m, '.Stand frnn in, W.' V
air 4 ly arrives.