Juniata sentinel. (Mifflintown, Pa.) 1846-1873, March 07, 1866, Image 1

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    ' I. ,
;l -
VOLUME XIX, m 48."
Tns Jikiata Smtisbi. is published every
XVedacsfiay morning, on mct mrei, oy
The SrBFCRIVTION ritlCE of the paper
will he TWO liiil.lA!n per year in wubt,
d 1 'i.50 if not paid within the year.
No paper discontinued until al! ar
rearages are paid except at the option of the
E'A,(!vEiiTiHXO.--ne rates of ADVERTIS
ING are tnr one square, of kioiit ln.es or less
ne tiraj, 7 5 ee:its : throe, $1 60: and 60 ets.
or each subsequent insertion. A.liuinist ra
or's. Executor s and Auditor's Notices, $,oo.
Professional and Business Cards, not exceed
ing 'Jo lines, and including copy of paper.
fSoo per year. Merchants advertising
(changeable quarterly) $ 13 per year, includ
in; paper at their Stores. Notices in reading
columns, ten cents per line. .nr
Jon Work. The prices of JOB WORK,
forthirty bills, one eight sheet, S-1.2-J : one
foiirih,$:!,oo: one-half, f v.oo; and addition
al number. lu'dpi in .1 id l'r BUuks. ti,oo
per quire,
gnsincss (Cnrbs. .
" " jEkHiAU LYONS,
Mifflintown, Juniata County. Ta., Office
ou Main street Souib of bridge sir et.
MijjVnioicn, Juniata Co., Fa.,
Offers cis jrrcfessional services to the pub
lie. Collections and all other business
receive prompt attention. Office first
f.'oithol L'eil'wd's Store, (upstairs.)
Attorney at Law,
Will attend to H business entrusted to his
care. OtEce oa Miin Street, Mifiiintuwn, Pa.
VIr'f t'iXTOWN", JL'NIAT.Y Cut'STi", PA.
OtTEItS his professional services tu the
public'. Prompt miention given tu the
prosceutiou of claims against the Government,
collections and all other business entvuted to
his care- Office, Main Street, cue, door South
of Snyder's Hot--!.
Sept. -o. lftu.i.
j. 4. Mii.MKrs,
A T T 0 It ' E V-A T-L A W,
(Office Main Street, ia the ror.u formerly
occupied bv Win. M. Allison. Esq.)
iness connected with the profession
promptly attenJe 1 to. Oct. is, 'C',.
DIS. P. V. Rl XDJO, uf I'allcrson.
Pa., wishes to inform his friends and pa
trons that he has removed to the house 011
bridge Street opposite Todd 4 Jordan's Store.
fee undersigned offers bis services to the
public as VeV'ije CryeAud Auctioneer, lie
Ind & very large experience, and feels
confident that he can give satisfaction to a!!
who may employ him. lie may he addr.-ssed
at MiSliutov. il, or fimd ut his home in Fer
Dianugh townsliiVi. Orders may also be left
at Mr. Will' Hotel.
r 1 1 - - i . r v n : w. : re-
Crying, he feels confident that he can render
general satisfaction. He can at nil times be
consulted at his residence in MitHic'.own, Pa.
Aug. 10, lSH-i.
T'HE undersigned will promptly attend to
the collection of claims aaiu-t eiiher the
Stale or National Government, Pensions, Hack
Puy, buuniy. Extra Pay, and all other claims
rising out of the present or any other war,
Attorney -at-Law.
Mifilintown, Juniata Co., Pa. fcbl
Tensions ! Tensions
sons who intend applying for a Pension must
Cf:Il on the Examining Surgeon to know weth
er their Disability is suflicieut to entitle them
to a Pension. Ail disabled Soldiers will call
on the undersigned who has been appointed
Pension Examining Surgeon for Juniata and
adjoin. nc Counties.
P. C. RCNDIO, M. D.,
Patterson, Pa.
bee. 9, 13.-tf.
DR. S. O. K.EMPFEU, (hue army sv.r
geon) having located in Patterson tend
ers his professional services to the ciiizeus of
this place and surrounding country.
Dr. K. having had eight years experience
in hospital, general, and army practice, feels
prepared to request a trial frcra those who
may be so untcrtcnat as to ncea nieUical at
tendance. He wiK be found at the brick building op
posite the 'Sentinel OrricE." or at his rcsi
d"uce in the borough of Patterson, at all
hom-H, except when professionally engaged.
July --, ltteo. tf.
LARUE stock of Qaecuswarc, Ccd irwaro
Mch as Tubs, Bitter Biwls, buckets
Ba-dce'R. ll..rso E i.:keN. .c-, at
-ivVt'T, .'TuV,, .'.. "U!'-'v',.
b J !i u J iU ifJ a tj ; own mind in reaching some ot nts opin-
1) L'SI'IX'TFI'I.I.V "tiers his services to the ious, and to express them with such niati-V-
j-ub'.ic of Ji.mata county. Having li;il a 1 ., , , . . ,
, 1 ,, . . , :- 1 itet candor acu entire lreedom trom per-
I.iree evi.iM-ienee in Iho business of endue r
Bdtd goctrj.
bright things can never die,
E'en though they fade ;
Beauty and minstrelsjr
Deathless were made.
What though the summer day
Passes at eve away T
Doth not the moon's soft ray
Solace the night 1
bright things can never die,
Saith my philosophy ;
Thicbus, while passing by,
Leaves us the light.
Kind words can tver die,
Cherished and blest;
God knows how deep they lie
Stored iu the breast !
Like childhood's simple rhymes
Said o'er a thousand times,
Ay, in al! years and climes,
Distant and near.
Kind words can sever die,
Saith my philosophy ;
beep in the soul they lie,
God knows how dear!
Childhood can never die ;
Wrecks of the past
Float o'er the memory
E'en to the last.
Many a happy thing,
Many a dasicd spring,
Float, on Time's ceaseless wing,
Far, fur away.
Childhood can never die,
Saith my philosophy ;
Wrecks of our infancy
Live on for aye.
Sweet fancies never d.ie ;
They leave behind
Some fair legvey
Stored in the mind
Some happy thought or dream,
Tare as day's earliest beam
Kissing tlm gen'le stream
In tbe lone glade.
Yea, though these tilings pass by,
Saith my philosophy,
bright things chii never die.
E'en though they fade.
London Anthtnoeum.
Washington, Fob. 20.- The follow
ing important letter was read to night by
Governor Cox, of phio, to the Uuiuu
Representatives iu Congress from that
Washington, Monday, Feb. 20, 'CO.
Gin. George JS. IVriyhl, Chairman. W'
the L'uwn Central Cumnuttec, Columbus,
Mr Peab S:e : On Saturday last I
haJ the honor of aa interview with the
President, which I regarded as of su2i-
cicat interest and importance to make it
proper that I should reduce to writing
my remembrance of his statements, whil.-t
they were fresh in my memory, since he
eme5 to me in a perfectly fieo and unpre
meditated conversation to exhibit with
pecul ar clearness the processes t f his
... .. .
s;nal feeling, that I could not but think
that if he would consent to it good might
be done by making iis. statements public.
Accordingly, X sgaio waited upon him
this morning, to make knowu what I had
done, to ask his vil ification of the truth
of 11.J report, and his consent to make
the same kuown to the country. Al
though he was perfectly unaware of my
purpose to reduce his remarks to writing,
and I myself had no such inteutiou
wheu I first called upon him, he most
frankly gave his consent, and assented to
the accuracy of my report, which is as
follows :
lie said he had no thought which he
was not willing to avow ; that his policy
had simply aimed at the earliest possible
restoration of peace on the basis of loy
alty. No congressional policy had ever
bceu adopted, and therefore, when he
entered upon tiie duties of his office, he
was obliged to adopt one of his oro. He
had in some sense ioheriteJ that of Mr.
Liecjln, with trhich Le thought he agreed,
aud that was substantially the one which
he had carried out. Congress had no
just ground of complaint that he had
done so, for they had not seen fit to de
clare their views or adopt any measures
embodying what could be called a policy
of restoration.
lie was Satisfied that no long continu
ance of military government could be
tolerated; that the whole country would
pr,.,..Tly dc'in'id the rcs'.oiatiou of a
truly civil government, and not to give -it ht wofid permit them to reorganise their
to the lately rebellious States would be jfwtiveriiinents, elect legislatures, &.C.,
ao admission of the failure of the Ad- jaoiLr as Executive acts could do to,
ministration and of tbe party who had . would restore them to their position in
carried through the war to prove tbeni-' the Uaion of States,
aelves equal to the exigency, now that the I Tbey bd so far accepted his conditions
vork of dettruction was over, and that f ' that he did not regard the experiment as
rebuilding had begun. Military govern- J a failure, but as a success. lie had ac
ment alono would Dot pacify the Soutl. I cordingly reorganized the Fost-offico Be.
41 the end ot a long period of bucq j partment everywhere among them, had
government we would be no nearer, anl j reopened trade and removed restrictions
probably not so near the end, than now,! thereon through the Treasury Pepart
aud wauld have the same work to do. J ment, and in like manner in all the exe-
Uence, there is a real uecessity of j cutive departments, recognized thaui as
adoptiug a policy which should restore
the civil government fully just as soon
as the rebellion should be thoroughly
euded, aud thee eouditions accepted by
the South, which were to bo regarded as
absolutely nccesary to the peace of the
One central idea had contrqllpd him in
the whole matter ; and this was, that the
proper system of pacification should be
one which tended everywhere to stimu
late the loyalty of the people of the
South themselves, and make it the spring
of loyal conduct by proper legislation,
rather than to impose upon them laws
and conditions by direct external force.
Thus, ir. the case of the fteedmau's bu
reau ; he was uot against tbe idea of the
freeutnen's bureau, in toto, for he had
used it, aud was still uticg it. It might
coutinue for a period of more than a
year yet.
lie had contemplated that, cither by
proclamation of his owu or by some ac
tion of Congress as a condition of peace,
the technical end of the rebellion would
probably be declared at some period per
haps uot very remote : aud as he under
stood the present law the bureau might
coutinue a year from that lime. Mean
while he could say to the South : l,It
d-jpeadi upon yourselves to say whether
the bureau shall be discontinued at an
earlier day, for I will put an end to it
iust as scon as y.m, by proper aetiou f"
the protection cT thu IVeediueu, make it
Thus, said he, the hope of getting rid
of the institution stin ulatcs them to do
shat is right, whilst they are uot. dis
couraged by the idea that there is no
hope of an end to what they regard as a
sort of military goveinmt. If ou the other
hand, the bureau were to be uia-Je a per-
maneut thing by legislation, which on its j
face appeals to be part of the fixed law ulj
the laud, all the objections he had urncd
in his message applied in full force to it.
and instead of eucourav'iug the South to
loyalty, you tend to drive them to des- j but he bu-1 uot thought it yet time to fix
peiatiou aud make their hatred of the j uis 0wu ideas of. the precise mode of at
Government inveterate. I coniplisbing this end, because we had a
The same principal of stimulating loy- j oiargiu of time lasting till after the next
altv was shown in the inanne r in which ' session of Congress, during which the
he he'd martial law over them. When
ever they should show so peaceful and
hw-abidiug a condition of their commu
nity that martial law was not uccded, it
shuuld be removed. Their owu eouduct
would thus determine the matter, and
the desire and interest of all the best pco-
pie be increased to put dowu disturbau-
ccs and outbreaks, to protect Union men
and obey the laws, because by so doiug
they would hasten the withdrawal of the j
direct interference of the military arm in
their affairs.
In precisely hc same way and under
the inSi c ice of the same idea, he had
acted in regard to civil affairs generally
in that section, regarding it as necessary
and proper to ijiposc upon the rebellious
States conditions which would guarantee
the Safety of the country; aud regarding
the then existiug affairs of the local gov
ernments as having disqualified them
selves by their treason, for coutiuuance in
power, he deposed them aud established
provisional governments. Then he asked
hiui.-elf what conditions ought to be de
manded cf theuiand how tbeir disposition
to accept them in god faith might be
The conditions, viz : the amendment
of State constitutions excluding slavery,
the acceptance of the same amendmeut
of the United States Constitution, tbe ! and perfeet understanding with them,
repudiation of the rebel debt and admis- This sentiment and purpose he regarded
sion of the lrccdmen to various rights, as entirely consistent with determined op
Ac., everybody is familiar with. To j position to the obstructive policy of those
stimulate tbeui to accept these conditions J extremists, who, as he believed, would
being such as using his best judgment, j keep the country in chaos till the abso-
snd in the absence of any congressionrl j
plan, he thought the nearest right of any
he could frame, he engaged that on their
acceptance, with evidence of good faiUi
. States in the Jnion, only keeping euotigh
of a military hold to protect the freed
men, as he hac before stated, and to in
duce them to do something more thor
ough iu that lirection. Now but one
'hirig rcmainel in which those States did
nut exercise the full rights of States, 1 nd
that is representation ia Congress. In
this he had advised that the same prin
ciple of btuiulating loyalty be applied as
in tbe othfr respects which he had named.
lie would admit ouly such rcpretenta
tivUws were in fact. loyal men, giving
satisfactory evidence of this. Whenever
a State or district sent a loyal man,
properly elected and qualified, he would
think it riyht to admit him ths same as
from any other State, and he would ad
mit none but such loyal men, so that
otner States or districts might be thus in
duced to elect and send similar men.
When they had all doue this their repre
sentation would be full, and the work
would be done.
Such was his plan. He did not ask to
be the judge of the elections and qualifi
cations of members of Congress, or of
their loyalty. Congress was its own judge,
and he had no dream of interfering with
its constitutional rights ; but he felt like
urging upon them, and upon the country,
that this mode of finishing the work, vas
the ouly feasible one which had been pre
sented, and that it was impossible to ignore
the fact that l!is ' States were exercisin
their rights aud enjoying their privileges
within the Union were, iu short, restored
ia all other" respects, and that it is too
late to question the fundamental right of
I then remarked to him that I had
heard it suixircstcfl that legislation could
! properly Le made by Congress, purely
1 civil ia iu character, providing for the
protection of the frcsdrien by United
States courts of inferior jurisdiction, in
all cases where the States did not do so
themselves. He replied that such nn idea
would run exactly parallel to his plan.
pre.-eut freedman's bureau could coutinue
ia operation ; and, if before that time the
Southern States should recognize the ne
cessity of passing propsr laws themselves,
and providing a proper system of protcc-,
tiun fur tbe freedaten, nothing further on
our part would be necessary. If'they did
U0! do what they ought, there would then
,n time enough to elaborate a plan,
He theu referred briefly to the fact,
that men who have bceu ujsloyal were re
'juicing ovel h(3 veto message, saying, that
if these men, in good faith, adopted the
views of the policy he had himself held
and acted upou, aud which he had so freely
elaborated in his annual message and ex.
plaiued to me, the country surely could
have no cause for sorrow in that. If dis
loyal men and rebels everywhere, North
and South, bhould cordially give iu their
adherence to the conditions of restoration
he had uniformly insisted upon, he thought
that was precisely the kind of pacification
loyal men everywhere should rejoice iu.
The cora t!iy were committed to such a
coarse the better he would like it, for if
they were nit sincere, they would at least
duuiuish their power of dangerous oppo
sition in future. His whole heart was
with the body of true men who had car
ried the country through the war, and he
earnestly desired to maintain a cordial
l'ite ruin might come upon us.
Such, my dear sir, ts the conversational
statement of the President on this impor
tant matter; acl if yea could mct his
straightforward, honest look, and hear the
hearty tones of bis voioe, as I did, I am
well assured that yon would believe, witli
me, that, although he may not receive
rersonal attacks with the ' equanimity and
forbearance Mr. Lincoln used to show,
there is no need to fear that Andrew John
sou is not hearty and sincere in his adhe
sion to the principles upon which he was
elected. Very truly, yours,
J. D. Cox.
A correspondent writing from Charles
ton harbor to the Providence Journal,
gives an animated description, as follows :
In the centre, ia mid-channel, like a
grim sentinel, stands Fort Sumter, bowed,
broken and desolate. A Ehapcless pile of
cann anu sana a..u unci, u ucurs uU .i,-,
. , , i , 1 . i- : . 1 - i:i. 1
ncss to its former self. V, here the OTj1tainws cff ly a straa0
cross of the confederacy and the palmetto ( uian remarkabl ,oDg
fl,g of South Carolina and the diwwioa j flowin j. Ile wa3, of course, a little
flag of General K.pley were sc . proudly ;
flviti" in April and July of only i ,. , . , - , , . T 1
1 - . - ,' - J ; dijturbed itnd wnd that I was quite alarm-
one aiuiu uauuei, uuu iuat iuu ivu nuuw
and blue, now waves.
Scarred and cracked, its walls seem
ready to fall. The face toward Cum
ming's Point is crushed and broken into
a steep hill of mingled sand and brick, j
and shot and shell. The face toward Fort j
Moultrie and the channel is covered and
protected by a solid work of interwoven
palmetto logs. Vet the structure of the
fort is scarred and cracked and broken
above and around, and behind these addi
tional defanccs. The casemates, closed
and covered by an immense framework of
heavy beams, and this again thick with
earth, cau le entered only by winding
passages, damp and dripping with mois
ture. The casements case entered, it
would hardly seem possible that any human
being could have lived any length of time
within them. The guns were slimy and
mouldy, and the carriages were sweating
with an oily moisture. Climbing out of
the stone port-hole and through the more
widely expanded ones in the palmetto logs
you could look dowu around the base of
the fort, wher.3 the ceaseless tide had
woven over each of the stones mautie like I
thick, green wet floss, and see fragments
of shell and broken bolts. You could
look to tz right and see where the wall
had crumbled and fallen into the sea.
l'oc could look above and see the logs
, , , , ., , . . ,, ,
rent and gashed, aud the brick wall with
, . , , 1
irreat soars and rasged cracks and wide
, , .
seams, as though a little more of the storm
ot iron shot would have beat it down be
neath the sex You could look to the left
and see the closed ports, the rough repair
ing, the broken parapet.
Ia the interior the stindy earth was sup
ported in its irregularity by numberless
fasciuM gabions, and dotted here and
there by dark holes which admitted us
iuto the dark caverns. What had been
the parade was now green and slimy with
the stagnant moisture over which were
sc:,ttered pieces of an exploded gun, straps
of iron hoops, a few decayed barrel staves,
iron and leaded shot scattered from scrap
nel, and bits of soiled clothing and broken
bayonets. From the tall flag staff in the
centre a small Union banner was waving.
Aud this was all that remained of Fort
Surcter! Over theso and behind here
were the guus which a hao'dful of men
wece made to withstand, but which woke
a nation to the duty of complete and en
tire j reparation.
J-The following startling threat was
made use of the other day by an excited
pugilist : "I'll twist you round your own
neck, and ram you down your own throat,
until there is nothing left of you but the
extreme ends of your shirt collcr sticking
out of your eyes."
fcgrSpeaker Colfax bet a box of cigars
with a brother Congressman that the Pres
ident would approve the Freedman's bill.
He lost, aud sent the box to the Uougress
mau, labelled, "From a victim of misplaced
BST" A physician has discovered that
night-mare, in nine cases out of ten, is
produced by owing a bill for a newspaper,
and that the best cure is to pay up.
jjs-A Western exchango sas, A
young lady of this city, a short iime ago,
hunt; herself to a limb of the law."
D&- Ladies look most killing ihon
tbey are ready for sleis""ing-
We looked towards the joung lady for
a concluding tale of the train 'and that
Schtheiezade of our copartment, without
the least pretense of incapacity er hoarse
ness, communicated at once the following
adventure :
"Although," she conrmenced, "I am
often compelled to travel without a com
panion" (the commercial traveler sighed,)
"yet have I such a dislike to the company
of babies and sick folks that I never make
a journey in a ladies' carriage. Only once,
however, have I suflered aDy inconveni
ence through my unprotected condition,
an 1 that exception occurred very lately,
and upon this very line. After I had
taken my seat one morning at Haddington,
earria-e. 1 was ioincd iust as
eJ for fear of his not being iu his right
mind, nor did his subsequent conduct
at all rea?sure me. Our train was an
express, atd he inquired eagerly at once
which was the firrt ctstioa whereat wo
were advertised to step. I consulted my
Uradshaw, and furnished him with the re
quired information. It was Reading.
The yonng mau looked at his watch.
"Madam," said he, "I have but halfaa
hour between me and, it may be, rain.
Excuse, therefore, my abruptness. You
have, I perceive, a pair ef scissors in your
work-bag. Oblige pie if yon please, by
cutting off my bait."
"Sir," said I, "it ia impossible."
"Madam," he urged, and a lock of se
vere determination crossed his features,
"I am a desperaie man. Beware how you
refuse me what I ask. Cut my hair off
short, close to the roots immediately ;
and here is a newspaper to bold the am
brosial curb)."
I thought be was mad, of course; and
believing thu it would be dangerous to
thwart him, I cut off all his hair to the
last lock.
"Xow, madam," said he, unlocking a
small portmanteau, "you will further
oblige mo by locking out of the window,
as I am about to change clothes."
Of course I looked out of the window
! for soni6 time, and when be observed,
i ,,-..' '
I "Madctii, I need no longer put you to any
. . ,, . .
inconveuicnce, I did not recognize the
. , ,
young man iu the leact.
Instead of his former rather gay cos
tume, he was attired in black, and wore a
gray wig and silver spectacles ; he looked
like a respectable divine of the Church of
I England, of about sixty-four years of age
to complete that character, he held a vol
ume of sermons in his hand, which they
appeared so to absorb him might have
bceu his own.
"I do not wish to threaten you, young
lady," he resumed, "and I thiuk besides,
that I can trust your kiud face. Will
you promise me not to reveal this meta
morphosis till your journey's end V
"I will, most certainly," said I.
At Heading the guard and a person ia
c'.ain clothes looked into our or.
"You lave the ticket, my love," said
the yo'uug man, blandly, and looking at
me as though he were my father.
"Never mind, sir ; we doa't want them,"
said the official, as he withdrew with hid
"I shall 20V7 leave you madam'" ob
served cy fellow traveler,' as soon as the
coat t was clear ; "by your kind and cour
ageous conduct you have saved my lite,
aud, perhaps, your owu."
In another minute ho was gone, ami
the train was in motion. Not till the
next morning did I lcaru from the Times
newspaper that the gentleman on whom I
had operated as .hair-cutter had committed
a forgery to an enormous amount in Lon
don a few hours before I met him, and
that he had been tracked iuto the express
train at Haddington; but that, although
the telegraph had been put in motion and
described him accurately, at Heading,
when the train was searched, ha was no
where to be found.
fcirA follow out West being asked
whether the liquor he was drinking was a
good article, replied : "Wal, 1 don't know,
guess S3. There is only one queer thing
about it whenever I wipe my mouth,
I burn a hole in mj shirt,"