HEADQUARTERS! Miffliatown Chair Manufactory. ( 1HARI-.E3 W. "WEITZEL would inform the V- citircns of Jumnta county, that bo con tinues the Chair Manufactory at the well known old stand in Water street, where he is af all times prepared to receive orders for Windsor inarrs of every description, including settees, Large Rocking Chairs. Sewing Hocking Chairs, Childrcns Chairs, Counting House Slools. Lain Seat Chair, Bar Room ArwChairs.and every thing perlvniug to his business, all of which he is prepared to sell cheaper than ever. He is now prepared to wholesale work at city pri ses. Prompt attention will be given to Repa iring All work done cheap and expeditiously. Sawed Toplar TMank and Scantling taken in exohai pre for furniture. tST-Fi-niiture Rouin on Main street; oppo site the Post Office. CHARES "WEITZEL. 8. ptember 3, 1362-tf. G MS S Ll.- 1 THE ' FALL AND wIXTEtt ARRIVAL OF CHOICE GOODS AT THE STORE OF JOS. M. BELFQ3P The undersigned would respectfully invite the publio to call and examine his stock before purchasing elsewhere. He has bought hia assortment at such prici-s that he earuut be undersold by any in the country, Special at tention paid to purchasing goods in the city per erdor at the shortest nonce. Every effort will be made by him to. give sat isfaction to those who may favor him with a call LIBIM' DRESS GOODS ! B'ack and Fancy Silks, Morie Antique, 1'ure Chilii, Brilliantcs, Bombaiineis, Casliniert. I'eolins. Eergcs I.awns, Grenadines, Ducals, Gingham Lawns, All woold'Laines, Alpacas, &c A full assortment of V. hite uress uoous, .mus !ins. Brocha and other Shawls, Bonnets, Bon Bet Satins, Ribbons. Flowers, &.C. Also, Col lars, Undersleeves, Handkerchiefs in great va sty. ORIGS. A largo quantity of Drug;?, also n hand. Prescriptions tilled. He has also Ian in a large stock of Wool, fttton and Rag Carpets, Oil Cloths, Mattiiigs, ic, at the lowest prices. Country Produce taken in exchange for goods, fur which the highe it market prices will be paid by J. 31. BELFORD. Pcrrysviirc Marble Works, Til E unerif.Tiel desires to inform Ibe citi zens of Juniata C'uunfy that he has taken isharge of the works lately owned by Henry Willi in 1'errysville, where he may be found ready to execute jobs in his line of business (iich as Tcuih Stones. Monuments, Marble r labs, Tuble Tops, &c, &c. He believes that a long experience and practical knowledge will enable h:m to give entire satisfaction to a!! who may patronize hi:n. Give him a call as he fells confident that fir ncntues chcap es and despatch he cannot he excelled. CHAS. EMERSO Apr. 25th TAILORING ESTABLISHMENT. WM. WISE, Merchant Tailor, begs leave to inform his friends and the public generally that he has just opened out a large and fashion able assortment of FALL AND WINTER G00D3, which he is ready to make to order promptly and on the most reasonable terms. The public generally will find it to their interest to call at his room above FASICK'S TIN SHOP, en Bridge street, Mitllinlown. Ta., and inspect my Goods and workmanship before purchas ing elsewhere. I warrant ail clothes to tit or bo sale. SINGER'S SEWING MACHINE. fAll persons de sirous of purchasing any of Kixnr.it's Skwinu Machines will obtain all necessary information on the subject and see them in operation i my establishment. If favored with their orders I will fit them up a better machine thirty percent, theater than ever hitherto done in this county. Jio family should be without a machine. jan 1, G4-tf THE best quality of MS.CKEREL, HER JilXti and SHAD always on hand. And also, a good supply of 1'laster and Calcine SULOITF, FliOW &. PARKER'S. K3rerons can be supplied with Coal, riaster. STh &c, at the low st price, bv our agent at ompsontown, ELIIIU BENNEK, who is also authorized to purchase Grain and give the highest market Prices. EAsT" Mr. CLINK is, also, our authorized agi-ut at 1'errysville to purchase Grain and soil Coal, Piaster and Suit for us. Give us a call and you caanut foil to be pleaed. 2?" Highest prices paid for Country Pro duce, and taken in exchange for goods. SULO UFF, FBOW, & PARKER. October, 1865. VTE have one' room devoted entirely to V Ger.ts Furnishing Goods and Ready Made Clothiiig, Buch as Conls, Pants, Vests, Over Coa's, Roots & Shoes, Hats & Caps, White Shirts I unnel Shirts, UndersMrts, and Drawers. SULOUFF, FROW 4 TARKER. s ELLING OFF AT COST As the room now occupied by me as s Cloth ing Stor. will ba occupied for other purpo ses the Sprinsr. I now ,,.,. , ,ir. stock of CI.OTDMC, at cost prices, for OVER COATS, DRESS COAT, PANTS, VESTS, UNDER CLOTUINQ, &e. Give me a j all. Tub peculiar taint O! infection which wc call Scitori t. v lurks in the constitutions of multitudes or men. It cither produces or is produced by an en feebled, vitiated state I -:..f .1,.. I,l,w.,l ivlwroin i'- LV' . JLv-that fluid iW teyfcompcton ttsf that fluid becomes in- nt to sustain forces in their lli.fijfeivijror ms action, and ;-sw3i22s?"5'd!aves tlie system tr. "-vrSS--- fall into disorder and decay. The scrofulous contamination is va riously caused by mercurial disease, low living", disordered digestion from unhealthy food, impure air, filth and filthy habits, the depressing vices, and, stave all, by the venereal infection. Whatever be its origin, it is hereditary in the constitution, v!es-cndins "from parents to children unto the third and fourth gr-neration ; " indeed, it seems to be the rod of Him who snys, " I wiii visit the iniquities of the fathers upon their cliildren." The diseases it originates take various names, according to hn cleans it attacks. In the lungs. Scrofula produces tubercles, and finally Consumption; in the glands, swellings which suppurate and be come ulcerous sores; in the stomach and bowels, derangements which produce indi gestion, dyspepsia, and liver complaints ; on the skiti. eruptive and cutaneous affections. These, all having the same oriyin. require the same remedy, viz., purification and invigora tion cf the blood, l'urify the blood, and these dangerous distempers leave you. With feeble, foul, or corrupted blood, you cannot have health; with that "life of the flesh" hCK-ihv, you cannot have scrofulous disease. Ayer's Sarsaparilla M compounded from the most f lTeelu.-il anti dotes that medical science has discovered for this ntilirting distemper, and for the cure of the disorders it entails. That it is far stitio- rior to any other remedy yet deviscil. is known by ail who have given it a trial. That it lines combine virtues truly extraordinary in their etlVct upon this class of complaints, is indisputably proven by the great multitude of publicly known and remarkable cures it has made of the following diseases : Kiliaf'a Evil, cr Glandular Swellings, Tumors, Eruptions, Pimples, Blotches and Sores, Erysipelas, Rose or St. Anthony's Fire, Salt Rheum, Scald Head, Coughs from tuberculous depor-its in tho luiuj3, White Swellings, Debility, Dropsy, Houraigia, Dyspepsia cr Indigestion, Syphilis and Syphilitic Infections, Mercurial Diseases, Fcimle Weaknesses and, indeed, the whole strics ot complaints that arie from impurity of tlie blood. Minute reports of individual caes may be found in Avi.u's American Almanac, which is furnished to the UruggUts fr gratuitous distribution, wherein mav bo learntid the directions for its use, ami some of the remarkable cures which it has made wlit n all other remedies had failed to afford relief. I Those cases are piirrioselv taken from all sections of the country, in order tliat every reader may have nccesa to some one who tan pcak to him o:'ii benefits from personal experience. Scrofula depre.-ses the lital energies, anil thus leaves it victims fat more subject to disease and its "tal results than are healthy constitutions. Hencs it tends to shorten, and decs g rc-.-'tl- shorten, the average duration of human life. The vast iir.portar.ee of these considerations has led us to spend years in perfecting a remedy which is adequate to its euro, This we now tifi'er to the public under tiie name of Avmi' fS A it a. t pa RILL A, although it is composed of ingredients, some of which exceed the beft of IstrsnjtariHa in alterative power. Ey its nid yon may protect yourself trom the M'.lfer ing and danger of these clisorders. 1'urF out tlie foul corruptions that rot and fester in the b!ool, pnrjre' out tlie causes if lisrase, nnd vigorous beaitli will follow. I'.y its pecu liar irtucs this remedy stimulates the vital functions, and thus expels tiie distempers which lurk within the system or burst cut on any part of iT. We know the public have Iron -Kvcived ly tunny compounds of Suia).nrillir. Unit piomi-td much nnd did nothinj;: but they will neither be deceived nor disappointed ill this-. Its virtues have been proven l y nliun dant trial, and there remain no question of ;ts surpassing excellence for the cure of the Bffiictir.tr diseases it is intended to reach. Although under the same name, it is a very different me'Iieine from any other which has been before the people, and is tar more ef fectual than any other which lias ever hvL available to them. AYER'S CHERRY I'KCTORAL. the World's Great Eemcdy for Coughs, Colds, Incipient Con sumption, and for the relief of Consumptive patients in advanced stages of tho disease. This has been so long used and uni versally known, that we need do no more than assure the public that its quality is kept up to the lsst it ever has been, ami that it may be relie.l on to do all it has ever done. 1'icpared by Hit. J. C Avi it & Co.. J'lacticat nnd Annlytieal t hcmisti, Lowell, Mass. PM bv all dnurirists every where. We have opened the large Room just oppo sit our Store ia Patterson where we oiler or sale at low priced s general assortment of TABLES, CnAIRS. SOFAS. LOUNGES. BEDSTEADS, MATTRESSES, TRUNKS, CARPETS, STANDS, RACKS. AND Many other articles for house furnishing HEC11T & STRAYER- iEW GOODS at Mv ITJCES AT MRS. F. IIANXEJIAN'S I X P A T T B II S O X, "TIT 110 has just returned from tbe City with ' V a large assortment of Killinery and Fancy Goods, Consisting in partof louces and Bonnet Silks, Flowers and Trimmings, Eniborderies, Lace floods, llandkerchieia. Lalmoral Skirtb, Hoop Skirts, Gloves, Bead Gimps and Ornamcu'.s, Notions and small wares, forming the best assortment of FALL AND WINTER GOODS Ia tbe County. She solicits a call from the Dublic. beinir cocSdent tliat she can suit ail. E0TICE. TJcrsons indebted to the late firm of Sulonjj a. oiauioaugfi, will please call and make settlement with the undersigned, who will for a short time, give his personal attention to books and aoooume of the late firm He will be foaad a the otfioe of the late place of 1 ir--;:J.vx. cOC -A - ' ' PHICES REDUCED. Largo Mzc, 10 00, JaediUn, fg 50 THE BEST IS THE CHEAPEST. The tnlversal Cog Wheel Clothes Wringer Was pronounced superior to till odiers at tho WOHM'S FAIR I. LO.DO.. In 1S02; received the Bronze Mtdei, (high est premium) at the Ore"it Fair of TUB tMtfiltAA ISSri'ltTE, In new York t'itv, in 1803. It baa also re ceived the FlllST PKEMIUMSat tho following State Fairs: New York, IWl 1803 ; Vermont, 1803; Pennsylvania, 18031801 ; Michigan, 1804; Indiana' 1803 1804 ; Illinois, 1803 1804; Iowa, 18031804; Wisconsin, 18G4; Conn; Kiver Valley Fair. 1804 ; Champhiin Valley Fair, 1804; and at the pricipal County and lustitute rairs throughout tno lanu. TESTIMONIALS. "My family would as soou give up the coek-inif-stove as this Clotues Wuisqeb. It can not be too highly rccuuiuicuded, Svlon lioli ton. 'After a constant nsc of the Usivejsal Clothks Wkinukb for more thau four yars in my familv, 1 am authorized by the "poneis that be." lo trive it the most unqualified praue, and to pronounce it an iudispensable part of . , , e. , . ine mactiinery lor uouseucviug. t ry Ward Deeeher. "This is the first Wringer I have found that wuulu siaad the service re'inired of it," J. P. Hugtjiixi, Lovrjvy't IJutil. 'In tho Laundry of my house there is a perpetual thanksgiving on Mondays for the invention of your excellent Wringer." liev. TeonJure'L. L'vyler. "We think the Macnine much more than pays for iivelf every yaer in the savings ol guriueuts. We thiuk it importans the Wring er thould be titud with COGS." 0 Jud4. '1 heartily commend it t. to ccoiiumisis of time, money and contentment." A'et. Jjuclor BtWuw. "It saves labor, expediates work, makes the laundress good uatur-d, does not tear otf but tons and is indispensable in a well regulated 1'juiilv." A'. Xivm, Jr., D. D. tvery week has given it a etrongerhold upon tlie all'ections of the inmates of the laun dry. Kvtry member of tbe household is in admiration of it." Xtw York Observer. ffiai.Oii receipt of price frcm any part of the country where we have no canvassers, we send the Wringer free of freight charges. A good canvasser wanted in every townsuip. Send tor Illustrated I'riee I lreuiar. JL. C. BROWNING 317 Ilroiidivay. X.I Ike Long Looked For Come at Last THE CELEBRATED Florence Seeing M nLirc This machine is the most perrect instru main to eiecuto any kind of sewing now done bv machinery in tlie world. It is simple and oertect in its mechanical construction. The feed may be reversod at any poist csired without stopping, which is a great advantage in fastcmnc the end of seams It makes FOUR DIFFERENT STITCHE. Lot':, Knot, Double Lock, Douttr Kuot, each stitch perfect and alike on boih sides of the fabric. Operators can select any stitch they want and etiange irom one siucu to unoiucr wuu out stopping the machine. Its stitches cannot 1 e excelled for firmness rlscticity durability and beamy of finish N'o d:HicuI'y experienced in 6ewine across thick seams. Sews light and heavy fabi ios with equal facil iy. It w ill DrniJ, Tuck, Quill, Cord, Hem, F-U JUivlAittther, and ao all kitds of ttitch- tni rcouncil "v iamu'.es ami manuiacairer. The work wiil feed eiihrr to the right crlcft ithout stopping the machine. The most inexperienced find no difficulty in usinc it. It is thoroughly practical and easily undcr- s'ood It has no tprirjs to get out of order, and will last a lifetime. It runs easily, and is almost noiseless. It is the most rapid sewer in the world; raak- vt'i lice ttitches to each revolution. It uses the same size thread on belli suel of the fabric. It oils no dresses, all its mackicers being on top of the tabic. Every machine is Karrented io give entire tal- "Jttchon, and to do all hat is claimed for it. Miss Cakbie h. St a m BAt'fi II is the agent for this county. By calling at her residence on Main .Slreet. MifHintown, one of these ma chines can be seen in operation. ceptibmuerl, looo-ly. 1' KW STORE in TimirsoNTO wji. JUST opened in the New Ptore Room under the Odd Fellows Hall, in Thompsontown, Juniata county. Pa., a well selicted and ele gant assortment of Dry Goods, consisting in part of Ladies' Dress Goods, Sr.ch'as De'aines, Challies, Xusters. Alpaccas, all wolol Delaines, Sheperd Plaid Lawns, and a full (isyovtmeui of Ladies White and Fancy Goods, and a large assojtment of STFLE D2.Y G00E3, Donstan'ly on hand and for sale cheap fur Cash, by. R. II. WEIGIIT. Also, GENTLEMAN'S CLOTHrGO EMPO RIUM in the same building. An elegant as sortment of realy made Clothinng for Men rnd Boys, consisting i part of Finrvy Frock Coats, Dress Coats, Pants, Vesis( Drawers, Collars, Undershirts, Haudkerchiefs, Hals & Caps, Boots & Shoes, And everything usually found in a first class Genderaau's Furnishinli Store. Fancy Goods of all kinds. Ladies' Gaiters and Dalmornl Fiuo Shoes, for Misses and Chil dren, Carpels aud Oil Cloth, &c. Also, a good stock ot C'roccrlo, Queensware, Hardware an4 Cutlery, Drugs, Oils, Paints, and all such articles as are usually found in a country store. Bi The highest prices paid for country produce, fis Goods sold at small proHts, lor Cash. Call and examine my Stock and nt for yourself, as 1 am always ready to wait on cue turners, just noove the Square at Wrights t heap Lasli ctore ar.il Cl'jthiTic Eoirioi iutn I SHREIPtSES'S BALSAMIC I'OL'GIl SYRUP For Couylts, Cold, Crovp, Whoopimj Cough, Asthma, Lronchitis, Spitting Blood, Pain und Weakness of the Breast, J Difficulty of Breathing, dc. This syrup ia a purely Vcgttable Compound It is pleasant to tare, and never does injur j but owing to itstqurifyinff qualities, must do good under any circumstances, itseltect is truly wonderful soothing, calming aed allay ing the most violent Coughs ; Purifying, Strengtnening and Invigorating the whole sys tem; calming aud soothing the nerves; aiding, and facilitating Expecoration, and healing the DISEASED LUNGS, thus striking at the root of DISEASE, and driving it from the system. cm our- No child need die of Croup, if this Syrup is properly used and used io time. Mothers hav L ' l,;i.r..,. Mlimtbl wnlidi the first log uwu7 show of the Disease, and always keep this Remedy at band. For Coughs after Measles, this Syrup is most excellent. Experience has proven that it is eoualled by no other preparation. Price 5" cents per bt'H: .... Prepared by S. A. FOUTZ'S & BRO., At their Wholesale Drug and Medicine Depot, No. 110, Franklin St. Baltimore, Md. Sold by all Druggists and Store-keepcrg throughout the United States. POUTZ'S CELEBRATED anil (Cattl gmtte. These Powderi will strength en the Stomach and Intestines, cleanse them from oCensive matter, and bring them to a healthy state. Thev are a tore preventive of Lung Fever, anil a certain remedy for all Diseases incident to tlie Horse, sucn as u lan ders, Yellovr Water, Dhv tern per, Founder, Heaves, Mavorine, Coughs, Fe vers, Ixjss of Appetite and Vital Ener KT, c. 3S In poor, low-spirited animals, it has the most benefinal effect. The use of them improves the wind, strength ens the Appetite, and gives to the Horse fine, smooth aad glossy skin thua improv ing the appearance, vigor and cpirit of this aoble aniinal. FOB MILCH COWS. Tne property this PowrVr possesses in in ereaaluK tho quantity of Milk in Cows, gives it an importance and value mhieh should place it in the hands of every person keeping a Cow. By actnal experiment it hns proum that it will increase tb quantity cf Jlilk and Cream twenty per ceni ani aiaV the Eittcr firm and sweet. In fatiening t'attle. it gives thera an appetite, loosens their hid and makes them thrive much taster. HOGS. In all Diseases f the Swine, such as Coughs, Ulcers in the Lnngs, Liver, Ac. By putting from half a paper to a paper of these fowders in a D rel nf Swill tHo above Diseases can be cured or entirely pre vented. By U3ing tbrso Towdcrs the flog tuoiera can oe prevenui. Prioe 25 cts, per Papar, or 5 Fapersfor$l. PRKPARKD BT a-A. FOUTZ & BEO., AT T ITT IB WHOLESALE DRUG AND MEDICINE DEPOT, JTo. 116 Franklin St., Baltimore. Md. For Sale by Drugeists ami Storekeepers throughoit the United States. rourz's MixruRE. Tlie lest Liitimcut for Man and Beast now in use. Is a safe nnd reliable Remedy for thfc cure of Rheumatism, Painful Nervous affections. Sprains, Hums, Swellings, and all Diseases requiring an external application on Man. On Horses it will never fail to cure Poll Evil. Fistula, Old Running Sort or Sweeney if properly applied. For Sprains, Bruises Scratches, Crucked Hoofs. Chafes Saddle o Colar Oall, Cn;s or Wounds, it is an Infallible Remedy. Try it, and be convinced of its ef ficacy. F.HEUMATISM. Tersons afflicted with this Disease, no mat ter of bow long standing, can be promptly and effectually cured by the use of this Mixture There 8 nothing m the world so sure and il gocd lo take away tad CORNS and cure Fros Bites, as this preparation. Try it and satisfy yourselves. Trice aoand 75 cents a Bottle. Prepared by S. A. FOUTZ'S & BRO., At their Wholesale Drug and Medicine De pot, No. llii, Franklin St., Rillimore Md. tor sale by DrujiBidhs and Store-keepers throughout the United States. The above Medicine can be had at manu facturer's Prices of B. F. Kepncr. Mitllinlown: Johnson Ilulloway & Cowdcn, Philadelphia -J. J. Bender .t Co.. Piitsbiirs. Pa. : Lanzh: lin & Biishficld, Wheeling, Va- Aug- 3, 18d3-ly. PENNSYLVANIA HOUSE. At ailroad lepoi, Patterson, Pa S. R. NOSTINE, PROPRIETOR. TIIE above named having taken charge of this large and convenient hotel where he is prepared to entertain travelers, sojourners or regular boarders. Persons wishing to take the trains east or west will find this the most convnient stopping place as they will be waked up at any hour desired- The location is most favorable ami the accommodations'We of the best kind. The stabling is excellent and hostlers attentive. The Table asd. Bar will also'oe well provided. Bf.By strict attention to fcueuiess and a desire to please, he hopes to merit publio pat ronage, and render tho sojourn of hia guests both coiuJir'adle and rlca9ant. D- W. IIAHliEV & C O'S CHEAP CLOTHING STOKE. This way for liar- il a aa u A VINO PURCHASED FROM MANS- bach & Van Ormer the large Clothing Establishment, situated on the corner of Bridgemtnd Water streets. MifHintown, Penn sylvania, we would respectfully inform the Public that we have just received a large and well selected assortment of ready made Cloth ing, .designed for the Fall aud Winter Trade for 1SG5. Such aa Over Coats, Dress Coats, Business Coatr Common Coats. Fanialoona, Vent. Hats, Pools and Shoes of evsry description, style and quality, for male or female. COYS' BEApT MADE CLOTHING. Also, Caipets, White Shirts, Fancy Over Shirts, Under Shirts. Drawers, Hosiery, Gloves. Linen and Paper Colars, CravaU and Ties, Truuks. Um brellas, Travelling Bags id. A.89, tbelatest styles ot Ladies C.'oa'ts, Cir culars and r era. Persons in wantof anything in ourline wiii: ve money by giving us a call beflre pur- chasing elsewhere, as we are determined to' sc! cheap for cash. . wn't forget the corner, Bridge and Water Streets. D. W. FIAKLEV & Co. Oct. 4, '65. JEWELHYJTORL PHE undersigned would rrsprct fully inform tho citizens of Mitllinlown G7. and viciniiy, that he has opened a Jew-s&.jiS ,dry Estanlishment on Main Sirt, Mililin :own, in Thompson's Hotel, third door from i he corner, where be wiil keep constantly on hand and at greatly reduced prices. Gold and Silver Watches, And n general variety- ol CLOCKS, FINGER KINGS, liliEAST PINS, EA It RINGS. GOLD PENS, and PENCILS. SILVER PLATED WAKE, SPECTACLES, tng.-ther with a com plete assortment of Fancy Goods. EM)uThe repairinAof Clocks, Watches and Jewelry prompily aOended to, on short notice md on very reasonable terms. All work war ranted lo give satisfaction. The public are respectfully invited to cive a rail. THOMAS . McCLElXAX. Aug. 30. 1805. CHAIR MANUFACTORY. Oirtci! or ins Jcxi t. Coi-xtt IBS JCXI T. Cot'XTT ) tcriTCRi. Socir.Tv, ville. Oct. Hi. 18!io. J Agric Terrvsv n r. do hereby certify that the Committee n Manufactured Arlicls has awarded to Charles W. Weitzel the First Tremium for he most substantial, neatest made, and best inished sett of Chairs. G. W. JACOBS, Trea'r. William Hencii. Scc'y. jan 13 N O T I C EI Ladies wishing to be supplied wilh nea and good sboes will find it .j iheir advantage io call on 11. D. WELLES, at bis shcif. on Main Street above Cherry, where they cau be supplied with almost every s'vleat moder ale prices. Gentlemen having repairing ihrv wish durably and neatly executed wiil he promptly attended to by giving him a call. Terns: CASH. H. D. WELLER. Milliintown, July 2i!lh "65. II. F. S VK.LK WITH rEipi:sj & ISA siiiff.Ev, MA A" 17 FACT V II E !l J ASD WHOLESALE DEALERS IN BOOTS A SHOES o. 31 ortli Third Slrt-t t, Pisila M. G. PEIPER, II. n. MARKLEY ftay P articular attention paid to orders, -sfa J.II. KOLLMV.V. w. h. roi.lm vx ItOLLM 4. RROTII I-fftS, DBUU AND JEWELUY STOBE mai. stki:s-:t TWO Doors North of Belford s Store. MIFFLIXTOWX, VA. j j ! ALL j WOULD RESPECTFULLY C us uncmiou oi ue DULlio ta our Stock of DRUGS, MEDICIXES, PERFUMERY, FANCY SOArS, and a large variety of notions ; as also to oar STOCK OF. WATCHES, CXjOCKS WATCH CHAINS, BREAST-PINS, EAR AND FIXGEK 1UNGS, SPECTACLES &C. WATCHES, CLOCKS and all kinds of 3" ewelry epaired at the shortest notici nnd on the MOST REASONABLE TERMS. 9 JPi?- ORDERS from PHYSICIANS prompt ly attended lo. A liberal discount to Thy. sicians. Sept. 27, 'C5-tf RO LLMAN BROTHERS I'nrca Rio Coffee, Prepared Coffee, Pujver ired frugar, Crushed S igar, Jf. O. Sugat, a. ll. sugar, a, u. Alolasses, S. H. Molasses, covering oyrup, voocoia?, Mustard, Rice, 1 S.'arch. Xu-mevs. Cli.voa rnaain r.;. n I Starch, Fish, Salt, &c, ie., for'sale'chcari at tbNsw Stoks in Patterson. Janl-tf J B M T13J . A FULL assortment of TRUNKS and TRAV Ji LYING BAGS. Also, XOTlOXS such as Hose, Gloves, Buck Gloves and Mils, (very best quality.) Kid Gloves for ledies and.genu wf.oished Kid. at SULOny, FB0W- i PARKER'S f M5JSSC STORE. MUSICAL INSTRUMENTS. IB . M. GREENE HAS OPENED liiS ML- sic Store, one door west oi W. Lewis Hook Store, where he keeps constantly on hand STF.IN WAY & SONS' and GAEHLE'i Piano Manufacturing Coinp.mv's PIANOS, MASON Jk HAMLIN S CABINET ORGANS and CARHART, KEEDHAM k CO S' ME I.0DEONS: Guitars, Viulins, Fifes, Flutes Guitar and Violin Slri;ga. J Mi'sm Books Goldaa Chain, Golden Show er. Colder. Censor, Golden Trio, 4c. ic. SHEET MUSIC. He is constantly receiv ing frcm Philadelphia all the latest mnsie, which persons at a distance wishing, cu order, and have sent theja by mail, at Publisher's Prices Pianos and Organs Warranted for five yenm. Those wishiag to buy any of the above ar ticles are invited to call and examine mine before purchasing elsewhere. My prices are the same as in rew crlc and Philadelphia Circulars of Instruments sent promptly up on application with any additionol informa tion desired. B. M. GREENE, . Hill Street. Huntingdon, Pa. One door west cf Lewia' Bk Stare, UjyFLIX0 I -L BliOFi HAVING purchased the Tin and Sheet Iron Store, located on Bridge Stieet, MifHin town, 1 would respectfully inform the public that I intend to keep constantly on hand a general assortment of COOK & PAPjLOo stoves' 1 in and Japan ware, the largest and best in the county, and as to quality and workman ship cannot be surpassed. SI'OUTIXQ, ItOOFIXG, Job and Sheeting work, will be promptly at tended to either in town or country. Brass Copper and Enamoied Ftench Preserving Ket tles, Dippers, Brass, Copper, French ' Tinneu. Enamelled Hollow Ware, Waffle Irons Coal Shovels, Fruit Cans, both comment ad Patent, and of various mtasurej, always ou hand and for sale Persons in want of anything In the above line are requested to give me a call before purchasing elsewhere, as I feels confident that I can suit tbcu either as regaids the article or the prije. jx. g'ir Old copner. Bras and' Pewter bought snd the highesi Slice paid in cash or goods JACOB G. W INEV. Cct. 13, lf.5. ly . LjiVl ItrCHT. S.VKl'EL STHATIK. i New Firm in Patterson. j Gentleman's Furnishing Emporium '. ! i Just opened in the new Brick Building. Main ' Street. Patterson by Levi Hccht and S m.url I Strayer, a large and elei(ant as-onuienl uf j Ready-Mude Clothing, consisting in fart of ! Overcoat, Frock Coatx, j Dress Coats, Pantaloons, Vests, Drairers, Collars, I Undershirts, Hajdkerchirt's, Boots liC ,Sh ;.', And every ihing nsn Jly found in a first c.iusa Gentleman's Furnisnirig Stor-s. FA M l' GOODS Also a large and carefully s- Iccted assort ment of Fancy Goods, of all c'.asse, kinds and qualities, all of which will be sold al the low- I est possible living prices. j Ladies' Gaitorn and Shoe$. They also invites the attention of the ladies to his line stock of GAITOKS ANI) SHOES, which he wiil sell at prices defvins competi tion. CARPETS, OIL CLOTHS. They have on hand a beautiful assortment of Carpets, Oil Cloths, ic , which are of a good quality, and well worth the inspection of the buyer. B atches & jiwcLrT. Cold and Sirer Watchrt, Clock f. Far rin-ts. Plain and Ftincv rino. j Watch Keys, Ladies" an 1 Gents' llret Pins. ; Gobi Pens and Penoils, Sc., which at this time i form tho largest and best assortment in the count. i Sfai.AU the shave goods will be sold cheap ! er ilian any otb?r store in tlie United States. I If you don't believe it, just give us a call , and bo convinced of the truth of the assertion- HECIIT A STRAYER. I Patterson, April 12, 18t."-tf. ; Ptnnsj.Yar.ia Paint k Color Works. Liberty While LfadJ .Liberty White Lead! try it: ti:v it: Warhaxteo to cover more surface, for iims vei.jht, than any other. liny the best it is Ms cheapest ! Try It .' Try II .' I.iherty Ler is tchiter l ban anv other. Liberty Lead trrr teller than any other, Liberty Lea,l u-ears lonyrr than any other Libeny Lead i more economical than any other. Liberty '.til is more free from impurities and is it arrauicti lo ao more and better jjuri, at a.m-n cost, than any other. BUT the 11ES T, it is the CHEAPEST. Manufactured and warranted by zci&Lcit &. s.m rii, Wholesale. Drug, Paint A Glass Dealer SO. I.TT Ncrth Third Street, Philapkli-u l. iiov. 8, b'o. -1m, FLOUR and Grain, of ail kiuds, purchase at Market rales, or received on siorago and shipped at the usual friegbt rates. Hav ing boats of our own. with careful captians anil hands, we will ship freight of aa? kind to and from Philadelphia or any point along tha canal BULOUFF ,FROV k PARKER. CALL AND .EXAMINE our Stock of Rcadv Made Clothintr be ore you Purchase Elsewhere, yoa will find on hand a good assortment for JJen and Boys ware, whuui will be sold choap for cash Ctloap country produce. MICKEV PENXELL, Patterson, Pa. ran i-;i SAL T I SA L r( : ! SA LT ! ! I A Superior i;tii;y, either bv single sack er - -fX quantity. We will furnish Merehanie with salt it Philadelphia rrices. with avn on of expenses of freight. cULOLFl' FllOW A: PiKkTI' " 1 .-vlirvl,l run. inn; iv m,U tKAIJ The Whitest, the most durable and the most economical. Try it ! Manu factured only by ZEIGLER & SMITH. V bolero Drug, I'aiuf & Gls Dealers, Xo. 137 Xorth THIRD St-, PHIL D' 1 0 oneness JACOB STAMBAUan. i TlioRipi.ontofn, Pa j Pltertoa iuac , tf