Juniata sentinel. (Mifflintown, Pa.) 1846-1873, February 28, 1866, Image 1

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ir. it. wilsoy,
th cosaTitrTioii the csioh d th utroacamisT or th laws.
' '1-
Thb JrSlAT.v Scsrixst, published every
Wedr.esday morning, on Main street, by
The SUE? CKll'TION PK1CK of the paper
will be TWO DOLLARS per year in advance,
and $2.50 if not paid within the year.
fe. No paper discontinue.! until al! ar
rearages are paid except at the option of the
Apvehtisiso. The rates of ADVERTIS
' NO are for one square, of eight lii.es r less,
ne tinu, 75 cents ; three, $ I 60; and 00 cis
or esuib. .sJjucnt insertion. Adniiuist ra
"rV. Eiecul'j acd Auditor's Notice?, $,oo.
lrot.,3Jjral and limine? Card, not exceed
ing 23 lines, n t including copy of paper.
SH.00 "per ?Cr. Merchants advertising
(changeable quarterly) S 15 per year, includ
ing paper at their Store Alices in
columns, ten cents per .inc.
Job Work. The prices of JOB WOHKi J
furtlarty Bills, one eight sheet, ,:.; one-
fourth. l,on : one-half. f2.no; and addition'
al number, half price jn I fjr Clanks. irJ.oo
per quire.
htve Crm scmcut.s.
TO l: CF. fl"TN A I V. X l E X I ! T T It K S
the first day of January, I8ii , to the Zxi da
of January. IKmi.
ISfi-5. JOlIX IS. M. TODD, Treasurer 3
To hn'iance in his hands on Jauu-
' ary 1, 1SU5 $ 8.002 00
To taxes outstandingon Jan. 1, 'Co lii.Sil'.l "Jl
To am't tases levied for 1C5 Ji,517 7t"
To cash ree'd of Collector of Mil-
itiatai CSO 22
To cash ree'd of iSherirt Louden,
jury fees 2'J 00
To cash ree'd of suudry persons
for old fence 170 oi
So cash ree'd J. A. Christy, suf-
rage tax " 0
To cash ree'd A. Partner, ditto 3 2'J
To " J. Mclvinley, dama
ges .'. 10 00
To interest chirked on State tax
of Sprure Mil1, township 21 '
To cash ree'd on sales of unsealed
lands 5 00
.$t;i,-J71 IS
By commissioners and other orders
lifted from the first January to
January ;ird, lfii',.-
By iate lira;, ruc't uf Ju'.y 2'., '05
l'.y ' ' " " Si, i'.'j
By ' ' " Aug. 2. 'o"
By cash paid S. I'iuun, pensioner
2.'VHI titi
l, j'..) 00
20 00
By Trea-urer s per ceniage on
v:;,l,S') 28 3'!S 43
Ly exonerations allowed Collectors 220 8!t
By caiii:uiMons allowed Collcctoi s 4,0-7 ti
hv Tiea r' per centuge mi ifilbij
22 militia taxes received.
Ly am't of outstanding taxes, Jan.
1. lS'M
lly c.-iih paid order of Military
34 00
01 S4
C5 00
l'.y balance in Ticasurcr's hands,
January :l, lc'Ofl 2.209 !.
,.Sia,471 lb
in the hnnds of the. O.'.'Clvrt, on the first u..y
of Jufi'ltif. 18'j'i
YI'.AB. I Clll.t.Kl' foils.
John W. Jacobs
.5 !'. ! I -well
J. lines Kidd
rX aich I'arker
Wm. Itrown
Joshiri Ueale
David Hi lttoa
II F. Smith
I. like Marks
Sninncl Watts
Juliii Anderson
J. A. Christy
Wm. Christy
Peter Hot: ick
Geo, W. I.loyd
Samuel Markley
John MuConnell
Jos. Karstctter
P Itrannisholtz
Spruce Hill
$10 no
2' 01
02 10
1 1".2
1 f;
1 804
1S0 4
1 05
. 43 54
12" 5n
123 80
CM 73
li5 01
222 311
184 93
58 69
30 79
515 18
1,459 31
S:f.l 20
150 08
283 3"
Sus'iuchanua 132
I err sv:ile
111 13
Abraham 1'artut.r Mitford
4 io ;;
747 75
202 27
8 51
541 38
280 03
John Konns
John P. Ke!!y
D. A. Martin
Sam. It. Zeiglcr
Joseph Sell
Spruce Hill
Total 8,291 81
Sincc paid in full.
All of which is respectfully submitted.
ALliElir Glial'. )
Commissioners Oefick. 1
Mirt LiNiowx January 4, 1806.
cox.uissioxEiisr stateukxts of
the, disbursements of the County Treasurer to
January lit, 180H,or the year 1S05 :
Courts anil Jurors' J'ay.
S. B. Louden, Sheriff noti
' fying jurors, &c $88 00
. L, Anderson, et a . Grand
and Petit Jurors Feb Term 377 80
I. D. Wallis, etal. Grand and
Petit Jurors April Term... 267 53
C. A. Shermer, et aL Grand ft '
Petit Jurors, Sept. Term....3?0 26
Jos. Ard, ct al. Grand and Pe
tit Jurors, Dec. Term 501 94
Alex. Speddy, Court Cryer.... 34 Oi
.Henry Willi, ct al. Tip-staves 43 90-5I7CS 45
Constables' Reports.
John Dearinget al. constable returns 55 C8
1'rothonot.ny, Sheriff, Jc., Fees.
Geo. W. Jacobs, Prolb'o fees. 07 46
S. B. Louden, Sheriff fees...178 49
J. A. Milhken, Disirsct Attor- ,
ney fees 47 00
George Goshen et aL Consta
ble fees 49 30
J. Middagh, et al. Justices
lees 33 78 400 03
Commtnieealtk Witiiys.
Jeffries Ingram et. al. witness
es in sundry cases 1 '0 88
Fumroy& Sherlock, rebuild
ing llryner's bridge 159- 90
SxloafT N R-viauIds, ls!iu"
M::JVn V:-t- . '!'. '"
John Landis et al. repairs to "
sundry bridges 601 "2-6616 68
l'Tinting $ Stationery.
3. E. M. Todd, Militia Record
book 30 CO
A. 0. 15nn?all, Tub. rrintinc'U 00.
Wm. J. Jackman " " 215 j
A. L. tiuss & Co " ISO 83
F. L. Kutter, Hecords, Tran
scripts i Duplicates 131 20 722 38
Bounty Dilt d- Interest.
T. B. I.andis et al. botiuty
claims ft. 2131 00
D. HeflWt al interest .' 147 502278 50
Amanda J. dimmers S others 1595 19
rullic Oifites.
R. I. McWUIiams, recording
Treasurer's bond 5 10
II. P. Mc'.yilliams, Glass and
Stove firajB fur Olnoe' ,. 2, 70
J. A. Clirisiy, Auditirg Tub. . ' '
Account li An
. i R. P. ft cWilliaius, Presses and
seals 71-60 100 2C
General ,j- Spring E'tetivns
G. W. Campbell et al. Judges,
Inspectors and clerks 589 00
G. W. Jacobs rec'g election.
returns Z 00
U. i Warner et al. constables S3 4i
James Jai tin, et al. assessors 6 00 722 40
County frhon.
Levi Ifecht, blankets 14 00 -
S. ). London boarding pria- -
" tners, &c 180 25
J. C. Waits et al. repairs 17 50
S. L'asoio, paint'g ,t popering 75 99
Mrs. JJ. A. Louden, makiig
bed 'iUthirg 0 00 302 74
Ea.tcrn Penitentiary
For maintninance "f convicts.523 81
S. 15. Louden, Shillf coiivey-
inj; prisoners. ..271 00 799 81
S. Beshoar et al. for nnuk, skunk &
wildcat sca'.ps 395 70
John A Rowe et al. Jurors 23 00
E 1 Crawford & Leight, post
mortem examination 10 00 33 00
Assessors and Aetessmcnli.
David Haslett, Realc, Asses
sor, 1!S64 30 00
Triennial assessments, Xov-
& Dec. ISO J 578 f3
Kxtra assessment Aug. 05...57 7
d It Louden, notifying Asses
sor of Walker twp , lb'i4... 1 50
W Iicechcr et i., room rent
for triennial appels 21 25 C89 14
Cvrnnitisioners' Ojice d' Court House.
J S Cox Commissioner's pay101 75
J01111 Foil 1 " " K800
John kanawcl " " 191 50
Wm. Logne " " 25 00
John lluzzard. Clerk I'M! 00
x J :.-..-- -K.'.o ih)
I K V.'eiser, clean'g court hou. 39 DO
Wm II Kase insurance " 01J 25
E Horning et al. wood, &c. .... 3 50
II Heck, el al. clan g gutters. 60
J Mid'iagh, swear'g ceinmis-
iouers 2 75
ii!ouu"& Stambaugh coal..- Ji 00
A Sped.ly. freight & crying
talc of old fence 10 75
J II lire! Co., Maitiug 115 13
t j ( ;,, papCr forcourt room 84 GO
G Goshen, et al. scan'oldiii
plastering, &c 31 75
Sandoe & Martin, repairing
chairs , ofi 88
G W i e, et al mason work .to 14 60
C IS & C Hartley work to court
house 510 50
C W Weitiel, Settees 45 HO
A II Martin Fence 2587 59
J Winey repairs to spouting.. 6 45
1 II Paiiuehaker, work to
Court, House - 40 00
D Trout work to Couit i'ard
Fence 10 00
Purccil j-l'laacby. putting up
Court Vard Fence 129 90
I J Caveny paint'g If paperinglOO 001850 86
D IIalet et al exonerations... 76 47
R V M WIlliams, coal 8 00
.1 U M Todd etal merchandise 92 80
J Suloud militia funds overp'd-02 00
S 11 Aouden, Mercantile A pp'r 3 01)
B F Kepuer postage stamps &o 6 45
D Partner, et al, percentage
as Collectors I. ..305 02
J North, keeping prisoner 1 00
J A Christy, procuring records
&c 10 00
G W Jacobs, ti al, draft cf fenoe
.3 3 00 707 83
Total $21t248 93
L. 9. We the Commissioners of Juniata
county,, in compliance with the law, do pub
lish the foregoiug as a full statement of the
Receipts and Expenditures of the County
aforesaid, for the year 1805. Given under our
hands at the CotnmUsioncrs' Office, in Mifllin
towu, this I8ih day of January, 1866.
M ATTHEW CLARK, Commissioners.
A. G. Gbeer, Clerh- feb7-4w
(Late Major in Quarter Mastei Department,
Real Estate Broker & Conveyancer
If t.tTfr irt Pennsylvania, New Jersey, Mary
laud, Delaware and Virginia. Have
Agents in all of the above States.
Catalogues now ready for distribut'on by
sending a stamp. ErS Officers and Soldier's
claims adjusted. Collections raado in all
States. R. K. COKSO.V.
112 South, 4th Street, Philadclpuia,
rox 518, Philadelphia P. O. Ta
Dec. 6, 'fi5.-3m.
I EXECUTOR S XOTICB. The undersigned
-ihave received from the Register of Juniata
County, letters testamentary upon the last will
and eumcut of ROBERT THOMPSOA", late
of Thotripsontawn, dee'd. All persons indebt
ed to said estate, are reqeeMed 1o make pay
ment to the undersigned and all persons hav
ing demands against the same will present
them fur settlement, on or before the loth day
Marca, 1800-
T'HT.ip-'Tl' 1t.Il Nil 1.1.
Select jpotfrn.
She is modest, she is bashful,
Free and easy, but not bold
Like an apple, ripe and mellow,
Not too young and not too old.
Half inviting; half repulsive;
Now advancing, now to sby,
There is mischief in her dimple,
There is danger in her eye.
She bas studied human nature,
She is schooled in all her arts,
She has taken her diploma,
Is the mistress of all hearts,
She can tell the very momeut
When to sigh and when to smile,
Oh ! a paid is sometimes charming,
But a wi'doty 11 the while.
Are you sad ? How erv serious
Will her handsome face becorce.
Arc you angry? She is wretched,
Lonely, friendless, fearful, dumb.
Are you mirthful ? How her laughter,
Silver-sounding, will ring uut.
She can lure, and catch and play yon,
As the angler does the trout.
All old bachelors of forty,
Who have grown so bold and wise,
Ye Adonises of twenty, '
With your love-looks in your eyes,
You may practice all the lessons
Taught by Cupid since the fall ;
But I know a little widow
Who could win and fool you all !
In a small room on the third floor of a
bulling in Washington, D. C, I ii: me
down to write this letter. No :uTrroT3
flash back light or beauty from these
wills ; no Vaudykes, Itaph.tls or Ileubens
create envy in the bosom of the passer
by. Its plain, cheap carpet, its chairs, its
taLles for use, not ornament wear no
gorgeous coverings, but bear the burdens
of days of toil and nights of watching
and weariness, in the form of ledgers, and
boxes filled with documents, that hare
been the coinage, every one cf them, of
aching hearts.
i'onder, in the corner, is a cabinet. A
few plain board shelves are set agaiust the
wall, containin; the most unique, priceless
treasures in the world. No costly gems
glitter there ; no exquisite shells from the
depths of the sea entrance with their splen
dor of color and form ; nr birds with
gaudy plumage rcuiuj uw1 of nature's
magiiificen;;e in some far-off L-le of the
ocean. Aay, none pi tuat: U. pen ol
mine, write quietly ! O, eyes, put back
your tears I Lease throbbing heart, your
painful pulsatiuus, while I tell the story
as best I can. "
Come nearer ; let us look at thee things.
The bits of tin, perforated with holes,
were once bottoms and sides of canteens,
or oyster cans, grown old and rusty with
use, gathered uf by weary hands, and
pierced by nails to make sieves through
which to pass the meal made of corn,
ground cob and all," which formed the
rations of our soldier prisoners at Ander
souvitie. These rusty oyster cans, with a bail of
old wire rudely adjusted, were the kettks
in which they gathered the bones, and re-
boilcd them to make soup. These pad
dles, soiled and grim at tho handles and
scoured nt the base with constant use
stirred the coarse meal and water together
into mnsh for starving men. Those splits
of wood, woven together like . chuir-bot-
totus, were the plates they used.
See you these little wooden troughs
whittled with a jack-knife, rough, tiny,
some oot holding a half-pint ? They held
the meagre meal when cooked. These
are the spoou3 of wood that conveyed the
loathsome food to their famished lips.
Those cows' horns, wrought into drinking
cups; these little tubs of chips of wood,
hooped about with towstriugs, served the
same purpose. One oyster can, for which
no bail could be fouud, has a strip of tin
cut from the top with short, narrow bits
for hinges, and thus, as a kettle fot cook
ing, was made to do its noble service.
These bits of board I Some careless,
untaught eye might take them for kindling-wood.
As I write, I ask myself, is
the thoory that spirits of the dead liDger
around the scenes of joy or sorrow that
tncy anew in mis mc,iivui ...
so, how many thousands are looking down
this night at tho thoughts I am tracing
with my pen ! Thoso ' bits of hcantling,
hrtkc't, uur-l-.ned, five inches wide, and
two or three feet lone;, are fragments of
jlthe "dead-line" at Anderson ville. lie
I who, starved, maddened, reckless, prefer-
red death to continual torture, had but to
pisp this brittle boundary to be ushered
itstantlv into the presence of Him who'
I las said, "Vengeance is mine, I will re-
; Turn this way. That board, leaning in
he corner, with its black figures, "7,G0G"
it the top, is the head board which Wirg
he has gone to his account, I will use
adjectives with his name, suSered to be
placed where one dear and nearly akin to
her who gathered these relics, was laid
away in that vast cemetery of murdered
7,000 ! Can you realize it ? Seven
thousand six hundied and six prisoners,
who, starved, scorched in the burning sun,
ajad'lujjfd, hopeless", prayed for death and
!ouad in their shallow graves surcease
from anguish ! An l 7,01'G is scarse half.
Ou, on, on up, up, up go the number?
Wo 12,920 that have been found, recogni
zed, and marked. O '. God of mercy, is
there, can there be produced such another
record ot the results of slavery as this !
l'ut let us look further. These bayon
ets weTe picked up in that Golgotha, and
this letter box, into which thousand., ay,
tens ot thou.auds of letters were dropped,
hut uever ouc went out to gladden the
oppressed hearts of frienrts ! Perhaps no
five pieces of timber were ever nailed to
gethcr, that have enclosed so many talcs
of distress, or' so few of happiness or joy,
as thesi.
This is the worn-out stump of a hickory
brooci, with which the skeleton bauds
tried to keep clean ; this is a ball from
one of the many guns that were mounted
on the seven forts surrounding the prison
A paroled prisoner asked Wivz one day :
"What will yott do with as if Sherman's
army comes to tho rescue V
"Uy tarn ! I puts you in the stockade.
I turn de guns on you, and blow de brains
out of every tarn one."
But let me stay this fearful record, and
tell how these things came to be here in
Washington. Miss Clara Barton, iu
whose little parlor I find them, brought
them . with her on her return from her ex
pedition tj Andersonville, where she wsnt
by request of Secretary Stanton, in com
pany with Cupt. Jamas M. Moore, A. Q.
M., to enclose the grounds of the Ander
sonville cemetery, and identify the graves
and mark them with headboards, which
expedition was inaugurated, at her request,
by the heads of the department.
"I gathered these things up," said Miss
Burton to me, "and was told their uses at
the places where I found them. I brought
out some from the deep burrows our men
had made those caves dug out by their
weak hands to shelter them from burning
heats and chilling, dews, and into which
many crept, never to emerge again, til'
their fellows bore them to their last rest-iug-place."
Was I wrong in saying her cabinet con
tained the most unique and priceless treas
ures in the world ? Many a mother, wife,
or sister would gladly exchange her gold
and jewels for those records of the last
lavs of sonift lnviniT hmrt tn friliir..ll,r
t 0 uu.., "'j,uu"j
j stilled. Oue lady, lookintr at them with
tears coursing down her cheeks, exclaimed,
'I would exchange my diamonds for
'Your diamonds could not buy them,"
was the answer of the heroic woman who
has done so much to ease the sorrow of a
As I said, these tables bear the burdens
of aching hearts. Six thousand letters
from bereaved friends, who have asked
her to help them find their missing dead !
And still they come ! Still the mother
cries out in anguish and suspense, "What
has become of my boy J" Still the wife
pleads to know of him who was her all,
whom the gave to her country to die for
?, if need be ; but net to be lost uncared
for, and unsought. One hundred letters
a day often lay upon Misa JJarian'b table,
every one freighted with sorrow.
Do you woader I sit in awe in this al
most sublime room ? Do you wonder that
1 ask, "Is the theory true that spirits can
linger near mortals upon earth ?" If so,
will they not be near breathing over this
kind, gentle woman, to help her in her
benevolent work ? Do they not long -to
have those they loved, and who still wan
Jct in life asking them, let into the se
crets of their fate ?
Six tkooiaud later: ? ja cf tfcesi
giving the names of twelve or fifteen mis
sing men, and each requiring an answer
to the individual who wrote it; and five,
ten, twenty, thirty, ven seventy-five let
ters of inquiry to gain the information
needed to reply to its queries.
Some of you who read this have, per
haps, seen Miss liarton's "Iloll of Missing
Men," and her request appended to that
"roll" for information. You may suppose
those names are all she has gathered, and
wonder that she has no more. You ima
gine she has gone to tho quartermaster's
department or muster-roll for that num
ber. Let it be known that every name
on the list has been taken from some let
ters ot friends, which is now on file in her
possession, asking for the missing. Most
of these letters are from women, either in
their own handwriting or that of an agent,
telliug their own story of loss and sor
'Her "roll" was printed in Jnnc or July,
and copies scattered over tia conn try. It
contains but three thousand names. There
arc many more that arc now waiting to be
put in shape and that will be printed as
soon as possible.
This i a great work, requiring many
hands, and hard, steady labor. Friends
must be patient, thankful for what has
been done, and trusting for the future.
While Clara Barton lives and can work,
she will not forget the widow in her af
fliction, or let the fatherless ask in vain,
cr disappoint the mother's hope if it is
possible to do atherwisc.
One thiug more. Let :t be ever un
derstood this is 4 private enterprise, be
gun and wholly sustained by Miss Barton.
She receives no salary from any depart
ment of Government, or association of
the people, and is responsible to the pco.
pie only through her promise to do this
work. Independent.
. . .
Let Iliji DosV.v Easit. The man
ner in which our military heroes are let
down to tneir original lvel, oa tbeir
return home, is something more amvsing
to the lookersoa than buttering to the
subject. A case in point : Geueral Sam
II. went put ia a regiment from the
Badger State as Captain. Befote he left
tie rendezvous he was promoted to Col.
and for gallant conduct in the field was
hievetted Brigadier General. On his re
t'rouient to civil life he told a fi 'e :d "they
t him down easy." At Washington it
was Gen. II. at Madison, Col. II. at the
towu where he organized his company it
was "How are you, Captr.in ?" ap$ when
he got up to S. where ho resides, every
toy" jrjth freckled nose was shouting,
.'Hallo, Sam :" Wabash Herald.
tiyli is cot generally known that sol
diers who have lost limbs in the service
ot the United States, are entitled to ar
tificial substitutes, that can be procured
upon the presentation of evidence of hon
orable discharge, and that the wound
causing the loss of limb was received in I
the service. They are furnished free of
charge, and do not affect any pension or
boui.ty claim the soldier may against the
8S Two street sweepers were overheard
discussing the merit of a new hand who
had joined their gang. "Well, Bill, what
think you of the new comer V ' Oh, I
dunt reckon much of him, he's all very
well for a bit of up and down sweeping ;
but," shaking his head, " let him try a bit
of fancy work round a post and you'll see
'he'l make a pijor hand of it. "
t& Keep out of debt. Pay as you
gu. Buy nothing except the money is in
your pocket. Have no account curient
at the grocer's or butcher's. Go without
new clothes until you can pay for them.
Give your note of hand to noboddy.
Eschew credit. Deal for cash only.
eg?" Artcmus Ward has cleared ?50,
000 by his books and lectures. It Li
said that his nonsense has availed him
more, pecuniarily, than the literary tal
cnts of any American except Washing
ton living.
ggy The following is given as a fire
man's toast i "The ladies the only in
cendiaries who kindle a flame which wa
ter will not extinguish."
igr There is an Icdian woman on the
St. Croii river, Wisconsin, who is known
to be 150 years old, and is believed to be
ocarty 00 yean old
RE3IAK arble adventure op a corpse.
Not long since a native of the Emer
ald Isle, one of the viotims of the lata
arsenal explosion, diid in this city, and
immediately preparations were made to
give him a nice, genteel funeral. It
was at first arranged that be should be
buried here, but some of his kindred be
ing buried at Parkersburg, West Vir
ginia, it was finally determined that what
remaioed cf poor Johnny M should
be 6ent to that placo. Accordingly, af
ter a "wake," (on? of the good old sort,)
the lemaica were accompanied ly his
sorrowing friends and relatives to the de
pot, to take the cars for the place of bur
ial. The funeral procession arrived at
the depot some time before the depart
ure of the train in which the remains
were to go, and the mourners spent the
intervening time in assuaging their sor
rows at the neighboring bars, bo abuu
dant in that vicinity, the corpse mean
while remaining oc the platform ready
!o bp placed on the 9 P. M. train which
would connect ai, tiz Itclay IIouso with
the western tram.
The i trty meanwhile drant so many
libations to the memory of the departed
that they returned to the station iu a
very mellow condition, and the railroad
officers leiag apprehensive that they
would be incapable of taking care of tho
corpse, telegraphed to the agent at tho
Relay to see that the corpse was takeu
off' at that point- Shortly before the
time of starting the corpse was placed on
the train, and an attempt was made to
muster the mourners when it was ascer
tained that one or two of them had got
so obfusticated as to hva taken the New
York train. The rest of the party, how
ever, pbpage.4 to get aboard, and ere
long Johuny 31 's body was agaiu
'marching on." At the Relay the corpse
was transferrsd to the western train, but
two or three of the aiourners were too
far gone to get on in time, and so pro
ceeded to Baltimore, while the balance
of the party with the. corpse was hurried
on with extra speed westward.
At the points along the road where
the eng:no stopped "to water,'' the
mourners as invariably stopped "to wet,"
and not being up to time, quite as inva
riably a brace or more were left behind
at each watering and wetting place, and
by the time Grafton was reached where
the corpse was to change cars for Park
ersburg, but few of the mourners re
mained with it, and these were so bewil
dered that they failed to get in the prop
er train, and Johnny's corpse went on to
Wheeling without them. From thence
by some means, it was sent to Columbus,
Ohio, the corpse thus having got into the
wrong State, and the mourners being
scattered through Maryland and We?t
Virginia, and along the line of the Bal
timore, Wilmington and Philadelphia
and Camden and Amboy Railroads. By
this time the telegraph was put into ex-
j c',ted operation and various messages were
whisked over the wires in various direc-
tions in regard to the missing corpse and
scattered mourners, making confusion
doubly confounded for awhile.
From Grafton an anxious mourner in
quired " Where in the d 1 is tha corpse?"
This cespatch was crossed on the road
by a loud inquiry from Columbus as to
the ownership of a stray corpse arrived
there unconsigned. A Balficiore scat
tered mourner telegraphed to "postpone
the funeral till I get there ;" and the
squad of mourners by the New York
train were sending wildly confused mas
sages to Parkersburg, Relay Hou?e,
Grafton and Washington, all helping to
intensify the prevailing muddle. The
corpse, meantime, had resumed its travels
and, like poor Joe, not being wanted in
any locality, had been kept moving on,
until it arrived at Little Miami depot,
where it created no little excitement
being without any mark for identification
and foul play beingtt once suspected.
Ihrowinjj any lieht upon the mystery,
which was however, "cleared up by a tel-
egrapie despatch for the mietSing corpse.
The railway officials then got the corpse
in motion eastward, and the mourners
headed westward, and finally, after the
most eventful histdry of any corpse or
set of mourners on record, Johnny'a
' body was duly committed by them to
mother earth, where w trust it may rwt