HEADQUARTERS! Mifflintown Chair Manafactorv. flHARtE'S W. WEITZF.L would inform the citizens of Juniata county, that, he con tinues tlie Chair Manufactory at the well known old slum! in Water street. w here he is at all times prepared to receive orders for Windsor Chairs of every description, including Seiiees, l-arjtt) Hocking Chairs, Sewiue Hocking Chairs, Childrens' Ch tirs, Counting House Stools, Cain Seat Chairs, Bar Room Arm Chairs, and every ?::ng pert-iitiing to his business, all of which ne is prepared to sell cheaper than ever. He ! m now prepared to wholesale work at city pri ces. Prompt attention will be given to Repa iring All work done cheap and expeditiously. Sawed Poplar riank and Scantling taken In ttxcbai ge for furniture. J&afFi.rniture Room on Main street; oppo ito the l'ost Oilico. CHARES WEITZEL. Si ptcmbor 3, 3i;2-tf. FALL JiND w INTER ARRIVAL OF CHOICE GOODS- AT THE STOKE OF JOS. IVE. BELFORD The undprsiend wouM respectfullv invite the public to call and examine his stork before purchasing elsewhere. I hns bought hint assortment at nucb rncs that he tannt be undersold by any in the country. Special at-! garments. We think it importune the Wriag tention paid topurchasing goodsin the city per t er should be fiilcl with CtXJS." o Jwll. brder at the shortest notice. heanily commend it t. to economists of very effort will he niido hy him to rivesat- iit'actiou to those who may favor him with a call I.AOU.V IHtESS GOODS ! Tllack and Fancy Silks, Morie Anutiue, 1'iirc ' hlii, llrillianles, JJomliazinels, Cnslimertrs, Teplinp, Terefl T.awn, Orenndincs, Ducsls, Oinrliam I.uwns, All wonld'l.aincs, AlpacaM, &e. A full assort incut of White lress (joods, Min !ins. Drocha and other Shawls, Bonnets. Uon liet Satins, Kibbons, Flowers, &c. Also, Col lars, L'uderslecvcs, Handkerchiefs in great va 'y. I)RI GS. A large quantity of Drugs, also nn hand. Proscriptions lillod. lie bus also lait m it large Mock of Wool, f'otton and Rag Carpets, Oil Cloths, Mattings, ic, at the lowest prices. Country Produce Uken in exchnngo for goods, for which the higheit market prices will b paid by J. M. DELFOUD. Perrvsvillc Marble Works ri'HE undersigned desires to inform theciti l lens of Juniata County that he his taken charge of the works lately owned by Henry Willi iu I'crivtvii'f. where ho jnuy be found ready to exeoute jobs in Ms line ul tiusinohij in n as Tomb t-tones. Jlonuuients, MnrMe M.'IOS, lanie lops, c. lie iipiif"-';.- iohi a long experience and practical knowledge will enable him to give eniire satisfaction to x'.l who nny patronize him. Uivehim a call a he foils confident that for neatness cheap ness and despatch bcrannnt r.p excelled. C1IAS. L.MEKSO.V. Apr. 2.jth TAILORING ESTABLISHMENT. WM, WISE, Merchant Tailor, begs leave In inform bis friends and the public generally that he has jtist opened out a large end fashion able assortment of FALL AND WINTEH GOODS, , " ' , , : aiei on lue niosi rea.-omino lernis. joe public generally will find it to their interest to call at his room above FASICK'S TIX SHOP, en Bridge street, MiWintown, Ta., and inspect my tjoods and workmanship before purchas ing elsewhere. I warrant ail clothes to fit or ii o sale. SI3TGERS SEWIEG MACHINE. j;rAll persons desirous of purchasing any of Singkb s Sewixj Maciiinks will obtain ail necessary information on the subject and sec Ihein in operation k( my establishment. If favored with their orders I will fit them up a better machine thirty percent. rA"rvr than ever hitherto done in this county. No family should ko without a machine. jan 1, tjf-tf rpiIF. best quality of MACKEREL, HER .L lilXd and SUA l always on band. And also, a good supply of l'latter and Calcine 'L0UFF, FK0V:& FAIIKEH'S. Jjajr" Tersons can be supplied with Coal, I'lastcr, STht &c, at the lowest price, by our agent at ompsontown, KI.I1H' BENNK1', who is also attthoriied to purchns'o Grain and give lliu highest mark-it Prices. i KJ- Mr. CI.IXG U, also, our authorized agent at rerrysville to purchase Gram and ell Coal, I'lastcr ami Salt for us. Give us a cull aud you cannot fail to lie pleased. j-r- Highest prices paid for Country Pro duce, and taken in exchange for goods. euuwiFP, mow, & l'AliK K It. October, 18C5. 11T7E have one room devoted entirely to Y Gents Furnishing Goods and Kcady Made Clotbiug, such as Coats, I'atits, Vests, Over Coa's, Boots & Fhoes, Hats & Caps, White Shirts Fiaunel Shirts, Undershirts, and I'rawers. SULCCfF, FROW & PARKER. gELLING OFF AT COVT Astbe rocm now occupied by me as Cloth ing Store, will be occupied for other pnrj0 scs the Spring, I now offer my entire lock of CLOTDMG at cost prices, for OVER COATS, DRESS COATS, PANTS, VESTS, IW'PER CLOTIILNG, &a. Give me "pec. &, -6 j. T. M. MICKIT, (HIGHEST vijffV (premium) PHICES REDUCED. Large Size, 91U OU, jUeiium, ?8 SO THE UEST IS THE CHEAPEST. The loiversal Cog V.'htcl Clollirs Wmgtt Was pronounced superior to all others at the ITOHL.D'S FAIR IX I.OM)UV. In ISO-; received the lironze Medei, (high est premium) at the Great Fair of Tilt: A.IIERU'. I.TITtlTK, 111 new York Citv. in lSU.'J. It has also re ceived the FIIIST I'KE.MIL'.MS at th following State Fairs: Xew York, 1803 ; Vermont, rcnasylvaniii, lStiil lbti4 ; Michigau, l.iol; Indiana' ISO-l 1SU4; Itliuois, lSii;! 1SC1; Iowa, 1 18(i4; Wisconsin, 18UI; Conn; Kiver Valley Fair, lS'oi; CLamplaiu Valloy Fair, 18 J4: and at the pricijial County and luntituie Fairs throughout the land. T E S T I ii 0 N I A L S M v family would as soon give up tire cook- iiiir.Hl..v. a tl.w I'L.THf. Wi-iVi.i-u it . i . . I;.,,.. . i i ..i ton. After ft constant nse of the Umvehsal rLOTlits W Ki.vGtu for utore tbun lour j e;ird in my family, i am authorized by the "powers thai be." logire it the luorft uunuaiiucd praiae, and to pronounce it an indipen stable part of the machinery lor housekeeping." iet Hen ry II ard icrt7r. "This is the first Wringer I have found that would stand the service required of it. J. P. (J. i.uvrjoy't IIqUZ l!n the Lattudry of my liouso there is a perpetual thanksgiving on JMondays for the invention of your excellent Wringer." AVr. j Tfo-;.r-.. Cutler. ",Vp t!nuk tho Macuine much more than pays tor it veil every ver in the avinrt of lime, money un 1 contentment." jier. JJoctur tecli'iu-t. It saves lahur, cxpediates work, nmkes the i lauii'iros jroi d ii:itr.i"u. does iml teir (' hut- 1 tons :t nd is inli-j't-ri:iMe iu a v.-ll regulated fuuiily. ' K. S. Mi.irrs. .v., I). I). i 'Every week lias given it a stronprliold upon the affections ol the imimtes of the liin dr.v. Fivtry inemhor of the hoiisoliold is in adnvration of it." S'w Yvrk (tfurrrtr. Er3,."u receipt of price freni :iuy part of, the country where we have no canva-ers, wc t tend the Wringer tree of freight charges. I A good canvasser wanted iu every township, j bend tor Illustrated 1 rice ircuiar. R. C BK0WNINO. 31? Uruadtvay, .V The Loaj Looked For Coais at Last THE CELEDItATEI) Florence Sewins: Jlaihia c. This machine is the most perrcct instru ment to execute any kind of sewing now done by riiacliiuery in the wrM. It is simple and perfect in its mechanical coiisli-iicii.il. The feed may be revei'sod at any poiNt desired without stnppiug, which is a great advantage in fastening the end of sertnis. It makes FolK 1'IFFKKF.NT M'lTrilE., J.ork, Kuvi, Don! lr Lock, Douhlr Knul, encii ctitcli perfect and alike ou both hides of the fabric. Operators c;in select any stitch thev want and change from one stiti h to another with-1 ,,( ipr,ini the machine. Its st itches cannot le hxc'ic ! f'r firmness, fl.ietirify durability and beauty ol huisli. No ditlieul'y eNpericuced iu sewing across thick enrus. 5ews light and heavy fabrics with Cfial facil ity. It will M, rwl Qurll, Cnr-l, Jt-m, F-U Ilii'l. (" tlirr, and ao !1 kilols 0 xlitrh- irt'i required by famiiivs and man u Jacurer. The work will feed either to the l i gl.t or left without stopping: the nuiehiiif. T!ie most inexpei n need liud iu difficulty in using ii. It is thoroughly practical and easily under stood It has no j rovj to ijfl cut vf orJcr, and will last a Jik'tinte. it runs ea lly. ami is almost noisel 'ss. ll is the tnot rapid sever in the world; mak- iny live titeits it rtirh rrmtuthm. It uses the same sire thread on both aides of the fabric. 11 oils no dresses, all its mackim-rs being on top of the table. Every n.achine is varrc-titrrf to pir' tTttirr sat isjiftin, and to do ill (bat is claimed for it. Miss Cache E. .St a v n it; it is the agent for this county. Bv calling at her tesidence on Main Xireet, Mitllintown, one of these ma chines can be seen m operation. Siptcuiherl2, I8ii5-ly. 1 EW vrofcj; Til OMPSONTOWN. IN 0:0 JUST opened in the Xew r'tore Room under the Odd Fellows Hall, in Thompsnnlown, Juniata county, l'a.. a well selected and ele gant assortment of Dry Goods, consisting in part of J.ndics' Press (ioods, Snc'i'as Delaines, Challies, Lusters, Alpaccas, all wolol Delaines. Kheperd l'laid Lawns, and a full assortment of Ladies White and Fancy Goods, and a large assojtnicut of STPLEDSY GOOES, Y l .1 1 C 1 1 - . I ionsiauiiy ou uauu auu lur saie cnenp tor Cash, bj. n. II. '.VKIGIIT. Al?o, GENTLEMAN'S CLOTHrC.r, EMPO RIUM in the same building. An elegant as sortment of rMtl.v mo) lltottiinn for Men rnd Boys, consisting in pr.rt of Fancy Frock Coats, l)i--s Coats, Pants, Vests Drawers, Collars, Undershirts, Handkerchiefs, Hate A; Caps, Root & liofsi, AB1 everything usually fonnd in a first class Uentietuan s rurnishinfi Store. tancy Ooo.Is of all kinds. Ladies' Gaiters and Balmoral Fine Shoes, for Misses and Chil dren, carpets anl Otl C!o:h, &c. Also, a good stock ot C'rocerle, qucciMiraro, Hardware an4 Cutlery, Drags, Oils, faints and ail such articles as are usually found in a country store. Bf-lbe highest prices paid for country produce, jar Goods olI at small ruofils for Cash. ' Call and examine my Slock and sec for yourself, as I am always ready to wait on cus tomers, jukt above the SMuaro at Wright's t heap Cash Store and Clothing Emporium IhoBif'oatorE, Ti. A TOR WORLD'S GREAT REMXDT FOR Scrofula and Scrofulous Diseases. . From mrg desf a irtll-lnotcn merchant ,f Q. ford- Maine, . U T fcavd ld largo uimlilM'S or your Ratimpa fcn.t a, but nevw vet uiw lwitl which f:ul.il of Uto d'sint effect and lull satisfaction tuthu.se wlm tmk ii. A fast as our to;tI trv itt!iy arue tht rr tan been. n medicine Uko it buion, iu our flomuiuuity.1 Eruptions, Pimples, Blotches, Pustule, Ul cers, Sores, and all Diseases of the Skin. From Jtf-o. Rht. Stmtton- HristoF, Fnilwut. " I only to my duty to you ami the nuMir, Va I add my testimony to thai you publish of the ne thWtnl virtues of your SaiMapai:iu.a. My i;tu;h Vr. a;tl ton, had all afllictin humor in her tjrs, eyt-H, ami hair for yarn, whi a we were unable to cure until wo triod your S A ksai'AKILLa. tiho bfj fcwu Well fur kL'iuii mouths.1 j From Mra. Jan Jt. Hire- a trrJt-bfntrn and iteemetl Uuly . f Itrn nlsriUe, C 'ape May Co., A'. J. My duug-htrr haa BufTfrcfi for a year past vritb erofuluua eruiitiun, which was rcry trouhletjoi) Nothing afforded any rt'lit'f until w tried yiir 8ARS.rAr.ii. LA, wluVh soou cumplftWy cured rr." Jrrom Charltu P. Gage Fsq. of the tri'frtjfJiwtrn image Murray f mtnufactu'tr vf ctttnwllcd papers in .VtfJ.'t X H. I had for aevenil yearn a tory trrtiilflaome humor in my fai, which frrew ontautly wor. until it difiliuruU my feature anl btv.tme an infof erahle alllk'tnm. I tried almost ivory thin a mfh. uld of both advi(xkand medicine hut wittiont au rtlh-f whatwer, until I took you SaraiarI!.i It unmolmtt:ly made my face wor-S as yo;i told .a U mi'ht ftra time; but iu a fjr vrmks the fckiu bean to form under the b"tcht?i, and xin tutued until my fare ia an aniotli aa any uly t aud I am without any symptom c tho dispriso that 1 know of. 1 ' 'ii joy in-rltvt hen! to, and without a doubt ourt It to your bAUSAi'AitiuA.'' rysipoia-uenenu xieDui-x-umy xno lUOU f From Vr, Holt. Savin, Flouiton AVv TorTi. ' IK. AYKK. 1 seldom fail to rcnuvv Fruplun snd SsreifuUmi Sor hy the pemerriiijj n-of your fiRAr.Kit.!. valid I have just uoi cured an MtUiek ! of yidi'jnant Enmlai with it. la altrrnth v pifoeii!i -iiiala tiic Saks PAKii.n you have aup- piivd to the professiou aa well ;ta to .he ptoph.' j From J. F. Johrutont Kq. JTak:nant f)hio. i For tvrttve years, I had tlid yelow Kry&ipelas i on ray rirht arm, duriti- which tfmi I tried all the . ik'lebrate.l physicians I could reach .and took hun- tirvdd of dilara worth of lneilieinis. The id'tt-ra I wiru bo bad th:;t thu cordi bee: inn; naiMe, anil tha j doi-bva decided that my arm muHt be amputated. 1 ' tvean taking your Saks i-akilh. To-k two bot ! tla, and eomc of your Pi U.S. I'ojfrt her they ha I anred me. 1 am now aa well r.nd sound as any body. ; iie inir iu a puMic place, my ran i knowu to tttrv bo'iy iu this commuoity, aud excite the woudur of ail.' J-rvm Ihn. IJ-nry .lfnarft, ,ir. P. P., nf Xrvrastle, uudiny member vf tht Laiiaitia I'arba mnl. havn ncd Tonr S lsrAnTM. In bit fa-nib fbr sri'iicral itr?ii)itf. and for nnrifmmi th , with very ten fict:tl result, an I feel coulidvuce i cuuuneuUlug it to the at!uctcd." 8t. Anthony's Fire, Koso, Salt Bheum, Scold Hoad, Sore Eyed. From IJurvy W.7cr, Fsj.ythe able editor qftte 'litnUiiinnk 7em rr;, 1'rnnsttvtmin. 'Our ouiy chiM, about tlmt years of apn, w attrtt keti tiy pimples in bis forelieaJ. They laniilij aprciul until liny ion nod a loathsome ami virulcn; tur whi' h roM-rfd hi fact', and actually bliml'd hi vyyn fi .r Komi- tl;;ys. A nkiltul idiyfici in apjiliid nitrate ol ailtr and other remedies, without my niipjireitt :!''.-t. 1 iir tifteen day a we g-uarded iiii b.ui'it, l -t with tlicm ho should tearo(en tlie fct, t-ring and r; rrupt wouud wbieh eovtred bis wliolf f;:ee. Hating tried every thinj; elij we had an but,e frmn, we Ik-:u p.hv your SAnsAPAiiiM- ou t apjilyin thi.' ludile of imta.-h lotion, aa vow direct. 'I he aor U'gau to heal when we had iwn the tirht tottle, and waa well wben we had tini-ited the' second. The child's eyelashes, which bad ronu out, gn'W aaiu, and ho is now aa healthy and fair as auv other. The whole utihboriiood predicted that the child mutd die." B7philis and Mercurial Disease. From lr. Hirnm hit of St. Missouri. "I find your S RsPAiiiLt.A a more t-lTeftiial reme.ly fr the wvundary synipt?ns of Stijhilt4 and for syphilitic disease tuan'any other we posnesa. Tiie proiessioa are iudt'tted to wu Iwf some of the beat inediciues we havo. Frttn A. -f. Frc?cht J).,an eminent phyiv'ian rf ixivcrenre Jf't., .vft i a prvwiinent wWer of the I egi.i-Uure of M,t$narhtett.. Mm:. Aykk. Jly dear trr 1 have found voir 9ARSArAi:il.LA an exclhnt remedy for &yjtUis, jth of the primary and ccondiry ty;n and eC- mh iu tome rases tliat were t ohstmate to yield to other remedied. 1 do not know what wc eau em ploy w ith mwrv certainty t feueccbs, whtre a power ful aileruttve is required." Mr. fTifi. .c. Van I.irtn,rfXew firuntirich, ,V..r., had iirundfui ulcer a on bis b-'s, rallied hy the abuse ot mercury, or mercuric diae, whieli grew more aud more aLfavnPd f.r years, in spile of every remedvor treatment tint could be apidied, untd th porncv" -linjr uie of Aviu's Sara a pa m LI. a reliewt lum. Few rasca em be founi more inveterate ;md Iiit trim this, and it took several dozes bottles to euro him lieucorrhrra. Whites, Ferrule Tenkness, t-T rrncrally prmlncrd bv mt.Tua.1 Fcrofuhw f 7- rcrntii'ii, tk rt: very ofUsCVnreil by tlie al:Tatiire fleet rtf t!it ?Ai: vrAtui.i.A. Some c.ws rtsioire. however, in k.-i or tlie saiisaf.vuii.la, the ckihul application of local remeilies. Vom tlie fej (n""T iri.Uihr rrtrbrafal Dr. Jurott .f'irrWy of Viitcinnati. "I hsve found your S u:s rnil.LA an exctleWt alterative in iliiriiscs of feinHles. tany eases of Lrreeahritv, l'iieorrh:ra, loterinl I'leerntion. and loeal Oeliiiitv, Kriing from the scrofulous diathesis, liavc yicl led to it, and there are few that do not, when its ele ct Is properly aided by local treatment." A la ty, vntriilijig to altoir the publication of htr nam-, rrritr ; " My rlmihtT and myfelt iiav been cured of a v:ry d'lii!it.;titi'r I.eneorrliiea nf lnn- ijtaijttin, ny two bottles of your Saksafabii.i.a." Rheumatism, Gout, Liver Complaint, Dys pepsia, Heart Disease, KournlRia, wlin rn.e! f.v Scrofula in the system, are rapidly cured hy this xr. Saksai-ahilUa. AYER'S CATTT AltTIC TILLS possess so many advantages over tlie other purgatives in the market, and their superior virtues tire so universally known, that we new! ant do more tltwn to assure tba public their quality is maintained equal to the U-st it ever has lieen, anil thaMhey may be dticuded oa to rfo all that tiiev have ever done. 1'repan d by j. C. AY Kit, H-1., & Co., '.owtflt, Miiss., ao( s-ld Ity We have opened the large Rtom jusl oppo- sito our Store in Patterson there we oHer or sale at low prices a general assortment of TABLES, CHAIRS. SOFAS, LOUNGES. BEDSTEADS, MATTRESSE3, TRUNKS, CARPETS, STANDS, RACKS AND Many olhcr articles for house famishing HLCI1T & STUAYER- SEW GOODS at NfcV PRICES AT MRS. F. HANNEMAN'S I X r A T T E It S O X, w HO has just returned from the City with a large assortment of Millinery ami Fancy Goods, Consisting in part of Bonnets and Bonnet Silks, Flowers and Trimmings, Emborderies, Lace Goods, Handkerchiefs. Balmoral Skirth, Hoop Skirts, Gloves, Bead Gimps and Ornaments, Notions and small wares, forming the best assortment of FALL. ANI WINTER CUOOS In the County. She solicits a call from the public, being confident that she can suit all. KOTICE. I persons indebted to the late firm of Suloujj . & Stanibangh, will please call and make settlement with the undersigned, who will for a short lime, give his personal attention in knot. Knd neeoiinls of the l&tc firm He will he found at the ofiice of the late place of' business ! JACOB ST AMBAl'Gn. SHRES&ER'S BALSAMIC C0LfGII SYBUP for Coughs, Cohh, Ciovp, Whonjtimj Cough, Asthma, Lronchitis, Spitting Blood, Pain and Weakness vf the Breast, Difficulty of Breathing, dc. This syrup is a purely Vegttahle Compound It is pleasant to tal e, and never docs injury : but owing to itstqurifyinif qualities, must do good under any circumstanced. Its cfl'ect is truly wonderful soothing, calming aod allay the most violent C'onvhs:. l'urilyine. Strengtnening and Inviguraliiigibe v.holesys tm; calming au'l soothing the nerves; aiiin and facilitating Kxpccoration, and healing the I1MK.m;u LUNGS, thus striking at the root of DISEASE, and driving it from the system. cn o vsr. No child need die of Croup, if this Syrup is properly U3ed and used in time. Mothers hav ini; croupy children should watch the first show of the Disoa.se, aud always keep this Remedy at hand. For Coughs after Measles, this Syrup is most excellent. Experience has proven that it is equalled by no other preparation. Price 50 cents per Bottle. Prepared by S. A. KOUTZ'S & BRO., At their Wholesale Drugand Medicine Depot, No. 110, Franklin St. Baltimore, Md. Sold by all Druggists aud Store-keepers throughout the United States. POUTZ'S CELEBRATED gor ami ltit gouto. These Powderi will strength en the Stomach and Intestines, cleanse tlum from iCtcsive matter. and brinir them to 1 a healthy state. Their r lur, preventive of Lung Tever, and a certain remedy for all Diseases incident to the Horse, l. - ' r ucu aa umu 4.ra, Yellow Water, Dij tamper, Fonnder, Heaves, Slavering, Coughs, Fe Ters, Loss of Appetite and Vital Euer- "fn poor; low-spirited animals, it has the most benelii ial effect. The use of them improves the wind, strenpfh ens the Appetite, mid ghes to tl; Hi rse a fine, smooth and glossy fkin thus in prov ing the appearance, vigor and spirit of thin aoble animal. FOB MILCH COWS. Tne property this Powd'T possesses in in creasing the quantity of ililk in Cows, give, it an importance and value which should place it in the hands of every person keeping a Cow. By actual experiment it has prut en that it will increase tbe quantity of 5!iik end Cream twenty per cent ani a;k the K'ltter firm and sweet. Ia fattening Cattle, is gives them an appetite, loosens their Lido und makej them thrive much faster. . noos. tn all Di.ae3 ef the Swine, such r.s Coutrhs. Ulcers in the Lungs, Liver, c. By putting iSiJtW from half paper V VV' to a paper of these -etfjuf- Powders in a bar- r-T"i Vr"X r3 rel of Swill, tb fWrt&S&X&S above Diseases can be cured or ei.Lreiv- pre vented. By using these Powders the liog Cholera caa be prevenud. Prica 25 eta. per Paper, or 5 Fapers for $1. Fheva::p by S. A. FOUTS & BP.O., AT THTTTl WHOLESALE DRUG AND MFCICINE CEPCT, Ho. 116 Franklin St., Baltimore, Kd. For Sale by Druggists and Storekeeper! througbtrtt the Uciitd Stau.-g. FOUrZ'S MIX1UEE. 77ie lest Liniment for Jluii and Beast now iu use,. Is a safe and reliable Remedy for tht cure of Rheumatism, I'aint'nl Nervous a II eel ions, Sprains. Burns, Swellings, and all Diseases requiring an external application on Man. On Horses it vl never fail to cute Poll Evil. Fistula, Old Running Sores, or Sweeney if properly applied. For Sprains, Bruises Scratches, Crocked IIocl's, Chafes Saddle o Colar Gall, Cn.'s or Wounds, it is an Infallible Remedy. Try it, and be convinced of its ef ficacy. RHEUMATISM. Tersons afflicted with this Disease, no mat ter of how long standing, ennbe promptly and effectually cured by the use of this Mixture There s nothing iu the world so sure and il gocd to take away tad CORNS and cure Fros Bites as this preparation, Try it. and satisfy yourselves. Trice 3 jand 70 cents a Bottle. J'reared by S. A. FOCTZ'S & BRO., At their Wholesale Drug and Me&tfine Dc potj No116, Franklin St., Baltimore Md. For sale by Druggists and Stare-keepers throughout the United States. The ahove Medicine can be bad at manu facturer's Prices of B. F. Kepner, Miillintown: Johnson Hnllowny j; Cowden, Philadelphia -J. I. Bunder & Co., Pittsburg, Pa. i Langli; lin & Bushtield, Wheeling, Va- Aug- 3, 1805-ly. PENNSYLVANIA HOUSE. At r.ailroad Depot, I'atlerson, Pa S. R. NOSTINE, PROPRIETOR. TIIE above named having taken eharg? of this large and convenient hotel where he is prepared to entertain trr.Telcrs, sojourners or regular boarders. Persons wishing to take the trains east or west will tin! this the most convenient stopping place as they will be waked up at any hour dsired- The locaiio is most favorable and the accommodations'arc of the best kind. The stabling is excellent and hostlers attentive. Tho Table aud Bar will alsobe well provided. By strict attention to business and a desire to please, he hopes to merit public pat- roaage, and renoer the snjouru ol da guests both comfortadle and yleasanl. r a':erson June S, t!' frs i... 3 Fa 'try? ' . ILjIMMlJI I CHEAP CLOTHING STOBE. Tins way for Bar gains.! HAVING TTRCIIASED FROM MAN8- IX bach & Van Ormer the large Clothing J r.staimsiimrnt, suuaien on tue corner oi Bridge and Water streets. MifUimown, Penn sylvania, we would respectfully inform the Public that we have just receiveJ a large and well selected assortment of ready mado Clotu in?, designed for the tail a nil Winter Trade for 1G5. Such as Over Coats, Dress Coats, Business Cetr Common Coittn, Pantaloons, Ventff, Hots, Boots and Shoes f every description, style and quality, for male or female. BOYS'" TvEADY MADE CLOTHING. Also, Carpets, Whitp Shirts, Fancy Over Shirts, Under Shirts. Drawers, Hosiery, Gloves, Liuen and -Paper Colars, Cravats and Ties, Trunks, Um brellas, Travelling Bags &c. A.so, thelatest styles of Ladies Cloaks, Cir culars and Furs. Persons in want of anything in onrline will save money by giving us a call before pur chasing elsewhere, as we are determined to sell cheap for cash. fcoy Don't forget the coiner, Bridge and Water Sireets. D. W. BARLEY & Co. Oct. 4, 'CS. NEW JEWELRY STORE. 0 1MIE undersigned would respectfully jfT inform the citizens of Mii'tiintown js and vicinity, that he has opened a Jew-iii3 lry Establishment on Main Street, Mitllin tonn, in Thompsun'b Hotel, third door from the corner, where lie will keep constantly on hand and at greatly reduced prices. Gold and Silver Watches, An.l a general variety of CLOCKS, FINGER RINGS, BREAST PINS. EARRINGS. GOLD PENS, and PENCILS. SII.VKIi PLATED WAKE, SPECTACLES, together with a com plete assortment of Fancy Goods. Kf!JThe repairing of Clocks, Watches and Jeweiry promptly attended to, on fliort notice and mi very reasonable terms. All work war ranted to give satisfaction. The public are re.-pectl'ully invited to give a call. THOMAS R. McCLELLAN. Aug. Z ISi. P'remiu.irs. CHAIil MANUFACTORY. Offick or the Ji siata Cocstt ACBU't'LTl'HL SnriFTT, V rerrysville, Oct. 10, ISO.". j WE do hereby certify that the Committee in Manufactured Articles has awarded to CiiABLKs W. Writzel the First Premium for lie most substantial, neatest made, and best finished sett of Chairs. G. W. JACOBS, Trenr. William Hknch. Sect). jan 13 ra O T 8 C I Ladies wishing to be supplied with nea ami goou siioes will find it to their advantage j m call i n ii. i. HI-.LLI-.il, at uis siien on Main Sireet ahove Cherry, where tiiey can be st'iplied wiiii almost every st tin at moder ate prices. Gentlemen having rer-airing tiiey wish durably and neatly executed will be promptly attended to bv giving him a call. Terms : CAS II. " H.D. WELLEK. Mifllintosu, July 20th '05. li. F. s.u;i:u WITH PEIPKBS &; .Y1AKKLEY, M A N L FACT U It K IS AND WHOLESALE DEALERS BOOTS k SHOES :tl orlIi Third Stui-.t, P'tlla M. G. PEIPEK, H. 11. jlARKLEY psj Farticutar attention paid to orders, -ga J.U. BOM.MtX. W. II. ROI.LMAN ItOLLNtli ItROI ii i:ks, DCUt! AND JEWELRY STORE MAI. STSJEKT TWO Doors North of Eelford's Store. MIFFLIXTOWX, PA. RESPECTFULLY TTE WOULD CALL to our v the attcutiou of the public Stock of DRUGS, 3IEDICIXES, PE11FU3IERY, FAXCY SOArS, and a large variety of notions ; as also to o jr STOCK OF WATCHES, CLiOCSslS WATCH CHAINS, DREAST-PINS, EAR AND FINOEK KINGS, SPECTACLES &C. WATCHES, CLOCKS and all kinds of aF ewelry epaired at the shortest notice and oa the MOST REASONABLE TERMS. S-Jf ORDERS from PHYSICI ANS prompt ly attended to. A liberal discount to Pby. sicians. Sept. 27, 'GS-tf RO LLMAN BROTHERS G-roceries I Prime Rio Coffee, Prepared Coffee, Pulver ized Sugar, Crushed Sugar, N. O. Sugar, S. II. Sugar, N, O. Molasses, S. H. .Molasses, Lovering Syrup. Chocolate, Mmtard, Rice, S.'arch, Niumcgs, Cloves, Cassia, Ginger, Corn Starch, Fish, Salt, &c, &c, for sale cheap at thsNnw Stobb ia Patterson. J,nl-f J B M A FULL assortment of TRUNKS and TRAV ELV1SG UMiS. Also, XOTM.VS such as Hose. Gloves, Buck Gloves and Mits, (very best quality.) Kid Gloves for ladies and.gents imfmiahed Kid. at f.CLol'FF. FROW .-i PARKFRT; 31 US I C STOIti:. MUSICAL INSTRUMENTS. r). M. GREENE HAS OPENED HIS MU- sic Store, one door west of W. Lewis' Book Store, where he keeps constantly itt hand STEIN WAY & SONS' and GAEHLES Piano Manufacturing Company's PIANOS, MASON & HAM UN'S CAU1NET ORGANS and CARHART, NEEDHAM & CO S' ME LODEONS; Guitars, Violins, Fifes, Flutes; Guitar and Violin Strings. Mrstc Books Golden Chain, Golden Show- er. Golden Censor, Golden Trio, Slc, &c. SHEET MUSIC He is constantly receiv ing from Philadelphia all the latest music, which persons at a distance wishing, can order, and Lave sent them by mail, at Publisher's Prices r. Pianos and Organs Warranted for Ut years. Those wishiag to buy any of the above ar ticles are invited to call and examine mine before purchasing elsewhere. My prices ara the same as in New York and Philadelphia Circulars of Instruments sent promptly up on application with any additionol informa tion desired. B. M. GREENE, Hill Street, Huntingdon, Pa. , One door west of Lewii' Bok S'.orej MIFFLINTOWN TIN SHOP. HAVING purchased the Tin and Sheet Iron Store, located on Bridge Stieet, Mifflin town, I would respectfully inform the public that I intead to keep constantly on hand a general assortmeut of COOK & PAKLOR STOVES' lin and Japan ware, the largest and best ia the county, and as to quality and workman ship cannot be surpassed. SPOUTING, ROOFING, Job and Sheeting work, will be promptly at tended to either in town or country. Brasa Copper and Enameled French Preserving Ket tles, Dippers, Brass, Copper, French Tinnen. Enamelled Hollow Ware, Watfie Irons Coal Shovels, Fruit Cans, both commouand Patent, and of various measures, always on hand and, for sale Persons in want of anything in the above line are requested to give me a call before purchasing elsewhere, as 1 feels confident ihal lean suit them either as regaids the article or the price. Jt.-5jr" Old copper. Brssj and Pewter bought and the highest price paid in cash or goodi JACOB G. WINEV. Oct. 1. 1S.13. ly . LEVI lltl llT. SATCl'EL STKATER. New Firm in Patterson. Gentleman's Furnishing Emporium ! ! Just opened in the new Brick Building, Main Street, Tatterson by Levi Heciit and Samuel Strayer. a large and elegant assortment of Ready-Made Clothing, consisting in part of Ocercoats, Frock Coats, Dress Coats, l'aiitalcr.r.. Vests, Drawers. Cfllitrs, I ni rsh iris, llanJkrrrh i'f, Buits if Shoes, And everyjhing uu illy found in a first class Gentlemau's Kitrnisning Stor-i. FAXcr O'OttPS Also a large and carefully select'-d assort ment of Fancy Goods, of ail classes, kinds and qualities, all of vrhi -h will be sold at the low est possible living prices. I.aaies Gaiters aud Shoes. They also invites the attention of the ladies to his "tine stuck of GAIToRS AND SHOES, which he wi.l sell at prices defying competi tion. CAR PL TS. OIL CLOTHS. They have on hand a beautiful assortment of Carpets. Oil Cloths, kc , which are of a good quaiity, aud well worih the inspection of the buyer. wvrcisns & jEwtLrv. Void and Silrer Wntches, Clock. Ear rtns, J'tiiii and Fcncjt rinff. Watch Keys, Ladies' and Gents' Breast Tins, Gold Pcnj&ud Pencils, &c, which at this litno form the largest aud best assortment iu the county. tjrv?.1.!' the above goods will be sold cheap er tliHii any other store in the United States. If you dou't believe it. just give us a call and be convinced of the truth of the assertion. HECIIT & STUAYER. Patterson, April 12, 18uo-tf. Pciinsjlvania Paint & Colnr Works. Liberty White lead! liberty White Lratl! TRY IT! IKY IT! Wahrasted to cover more surface, far sant irriyht, than any other. Buy the lest it is tht cheapest ! Try 'it ! Try It .' Liberty Leac is whiter than any other. Liberty Leml i -m Kilter than any other. Liberty Lead icntrs longer than any other Liberty Lead is nore eevnorrticol than any other. Libert y Lead is more free from irrtpuntits and is Warranted to do more and better nork, at ayiren cost, thau any other. Buy the ItKST, it is Jhe CHE PEST. Manufactured and warranted by zi:ii;li:k &. smith, Wholesale Drug. Paint tO Class Dealers XO. 1:17 North Third Street, Piulahslpu i a. Nov. S, -1m. FLOUR 6RAJW. FI.OUU and Grain, of all kinds, purchased at Market rales, or received on storage and shipped at the usual frieght rates. Iiar iug boats of our own, with careful captiana and hands, we will ship freight of any kind to and from Philadelphia or any point along the canal sriiOUFF ,FROW & PARKER. CALL AND EXAMINE our Stock of Ready Made Clothing before you Purchase Elsewhere, you will find on hand a good assortment for Men and Boya ware, which wiil be sold cheap for cah oc country produce. MICKEY A FENNELL, Ian 1-tf Patterson, P. SALT! SALT!! SALT!!! V Superior quality, either by single sack o quantity, ft'e will furnish Merchants with salt at Philadelp hia prices, with the ad avn on of expenses of freight. SL'LOUFF FROW & I'ARKEU. ri Ri: MBER1T MIIITK LEAD The Whitest, the most durable and the most economical. Try it ! Manu factured only by ZHCLER & SMITH, Wholesale Drug, Paint & Glass Dealers, .Vo. LIT AVrt THIRD St., Mlf.AD'A. Jan. 2t, Co -ly.