o t Initials Stntintl. WEDNESDAY MORNING, February 7, J.86& TOWN AND C 3XNTRY. ISy- This year Ash V(4n esJay falls on St. Valentine's day, aud Kaster Sunday on all .fools day .1st of April. ' Public Sale. Mr. Vfm. WhiUon, will expose to Public Sale, at his resi dence in Feriuavagh township, on Friday March 2nd, several valuable tracts of land with Dwelling Houses, Barns, Out houses and a good Saw Mill erected thercon ; also Horses, Cattle, Hog, .Sliecp and a large variety of 1 arming luip.i? j nicnta an Household Furniture. American Wise We call attention .to the advertisement of Messrs. Kelly & Klcckner. We tested the wine they man ufacture and pronounce it 4 Eupcriq r arti cle. Our farmers shou Id g-t pome of these plants, as their 'culture promises a fair remuneration. jfaf-The War Department has received in the neighborhood of tyo hundred ap plications from mustered out soldiers, who have neither sold or lost their hon orable dischars, ainj; for duplicate ones. These reuesta have I ten reiufed as the depai tm jut U is a siau-liug order prohibiting the iss'4 of duplicate dis charges. S-The Annul Missionary Meeting of the Mifflin Station M. K. Ciurch will take place next Suud:i-, the 1 1 th itt. Services to begip at 10 o'clock, A. M- llev. V. R. Mills, of Altoona, is ill preach morning and evening. The Sun- dav School will hold their Missionary Anniversary ia the afternoon, at 2 o'clock. Addresses will be delivered an 1 ot her in-, teresti.ig exercises will grace tfce occtsion . All are iuvited to attend. LoiALTYIN VlUUlM A Ttev. Jo. Sph A. ltoss, wlj. for several -years past, has officiated as't"li:pl:iiu at Carlisle barracks, recently wen t b Louden couuty, V a., to prcacli the gosycl. The rcb.cls became 'ifTeiiikd at hav'I'ig a uor'Ji.ern preacher uisco'irsi'iig ia their midst, ;od on Sun. i!i.y, 11th ult., 'as the Uev. eutlemau was proceeding to fill an itppoiutinont, uttral Johnnies, ariiicd with pistols, iiict and threatened to kill him if he would not take an oath to leave the State, l.ut be refused." They theu 3cc;ded jii packet book which was handed over, ni d fiual'y Mr. How was allowed to pro teted. Such is loyalty in Virginia. UfS- We would call the aiteoti-on of our readers to the fact that Davis k Carpen ter, of TJiompsontown, this counjy have purchased the exclusive right of Ljrough cr, Hammer & Middktga's KxccUior llroom Head or Wrapper, for Juniata and At, win mimt'i(s. Parties desirous of purchasing township rights, would do well do well to call soon. The I'.room Head or Wrapper, needs only to be exhibited to housekeepers to cfleci a sale. Wc can recommend it as worth ten times its cost If you want to make money, we would say, buy a township right. . Address, Davis & Carpenter, ThoKpsoutown, Pa. Wiiiskiy and Newspapers. A glass of whiskey is manufactured from perhaps a dozen graius of coin, the value of which s too small to be estimated A glass of , this mixture sells for a dime, and if of a good braud is considered well worth tic money. It is drauk in a minute or two. : It fires the brain, sharpens thj appetite, deranges aud weakens the physical sys- j it in. On the same side board on which the delicrious beverage is served lies a newspaper. It ia covered with half a wiiliiou of types it brings intelligence from the four .juartcrs of the globe. The newspaper cost less than the glass of grog the juice of a few grains of corn but it is no less strange than true that there are a large number of people who thiuk corn juice cheap and newspapers dear. A PitizE for the Lames. Forcvcry Club of Fifty Subscribers a prize of one of Wheeler and Wilson's best $05 00 Sewing Machine is oCcred by the Amer ican Ststesmaa, or one dollar for each sub scriber obtained will be allowed on hc purchase of a machine of any other grade or value. This presents the greatest inducements for obtaining subscribers we have seen iu along time, being over one dollar and thirty cciifs premium cash un every sub scription of 5150 each. Young ladies and gcntlcmcu could Cod no better busi ness than getting subscribers for the Sta tesman on a speculation. The paper it Felf being cheap at he subscription price, it is a mystery how the publishers can af ford it, but as we learn that the enterprise in which both the publishers and the Sew rug Machine establishment are mutually bound to carry out, there can be no possi bility of failure. Those who wish to en ; tl.o Ptirernrwe will vldT'sa the AMERICAN STATESMAN. ffiee, 67, Nassue Street, New York. Valentine Day. The 14th of Feb ruary is St. Valentine' s Day. On this d?y it is said the birds select their mates, and every lover sends to his sweetheart some token of his esteem, consequently many of our young friends will b look ing for "their Valentines." To all such, wc, would say, gq to Wcidman's and make your selections from his new stock. U is the largest and best selected ia the county. Something for the Lapies. A Massachusetts Judgj has decided that a husband may open a wife's letteis, on the ground so, often aad so tersely elated by Mr.Tbcophilus Parsons', of Cambridge that tl-e husband and wife were one, and the husband is that owj. . .. We dou't doubt that the law is as above stated, since the authority is of the high- est character. iui mo -,u .. would open his wife's letters because the law permits it, is a brute, and has no placq ip civilized society. There is just cuemle iu this matter, wtyeh so far ap proaches the sanctity of holy writ that it should supersede all human statutes aud it is, under no circumstances, as you value your honor., break the sea! of a letUr, paeiage or enclosure of any sort, which is directed to another person, be it wife, sister, husband, brother, or even a sun or .lauL'iitcr old cuouirh to ba treated with confidence and respect. MIFFLINTOWN & PATTERSON MARKETS- FLOCR, Super, i bbl. $7 50 Extra 7 75 Fancy, 9 00 Hye, "t cwt. 3 00 Buckwheat, 4 00 Corn Meal, 1 75 GRAIN, White wheat,... 2 10 Ked Wheats bu 2 00 isye Barley,... Corn, Buokwheat, Oats SEEDS, Clover, bus Timothy. Flax,...... HuugjiriaiK. ... DKIED FRUIT, Apples. bu 3 Teaches, qt tJheTiri.,...... Currents Blackberries, Eldcrberrios. . POTATOES, New Irish, bu 100 Sweet, 3 00 VARIETIES, Apples, bu Onions, - White Beans, Beeswax, lb Soiji, dry Canities Wool, washed.. Hag: MARKETINGS, Butter, prima lb 35 Butter, 2u rate 80 Lard, 20 Tallow - J- Egps. "ft dox dO PORK, nogs, f cwt 12 00 II am. "W lb 25 Sides & Shoulders 16 BEEF, Foreqr.l? cwt 10 00 Hind qr..:....... 12 CO POULTRT, Chickens, pair 60 Ducks, 90 fieese, 1 00 Turkeys, 2 00 COAL, yi ton Treventon stove 8 50 do Egg 8 00 Sunbury stove 8 50 , do. Egg 8 50 iChestnul, 7 50 10 ll'ea, ' - 00 8 j Mixed,;) . 3 00 C j. WOOD, (Oak,....:.-. 4 00 Hickory;: 4 0U HAV, Timoihv. 10 00 5 80 55 75 35 7 00 a 00 2 25 80 00 S .0 10 50 ! Clover, - H 00 00 j Retailed Articles. 50 'Coal Oil 1? gal 1 00 45 ! Salt, sack 3 50 ID Plaster, ton 10 00 25 'Nails 10 00 45 JUNIATA SET1XEL 5 i In aa:?nce 52 00 Corrected weekly by Sulouff, Fkow & Parker. Sales of Win. Cavcny, Aiic t Feb. 8, San.uel Smith, l ayette twp , fer. sonal property, Feb 15, Wjdou St'mson, dee'd , AValker township, personal property. IVb. 10, George Fisig, Fayette twp., per sonal property. Veb. 17, Widow Jacobs, Fayctee twp. personal property. Feb. 21, ('briitin Q. Shelly, Delaware twp., personal property. Feb. 23, Jonas Seiber's Heirs, Walker twp. persona! property. Feb. 20, Jobu Hoffman, Fayette, twp personal property. Mar. 1, Jloury Sieber, Walker twp., per sonal porperty. Mar 3, Kaultrider's Heirs Fayette twp personal property Mar. G, fcasiael Adams, tlcc'd.. Walker towm-hij., personal property. Mar. 13, Madison Sharon, Tayette twp personal pioperty. Mar. J5, David Seiber, Fayette twp., personal property. Mar. 3, I'eter Kauffmac, Valkcr twp. personal properly. Sales of Wm. Given, Auc't. PIIILAUELPHI.l XARKETS. PuiLADELriiiA, Feb. 7, 18CC. Fiour 6(,7." to 57,25 per bbl. Wheat Ucd, $2 to 8:7,25 ; White $2,25 to 82,G0. Hye H dull at 00 to 03c. Corn in de mand at 74c. OaH 45c. Gold closed at l,28j, after selling at ?l,39i. R. R. CORSON. (Late Major in Quarter Master Department, Rcl Estate Broker & Conveyancer Farms in Pennsylvania, New Jersey, Mary land, Delaware aa4 ' Virginia. Have Agents in all of the above States. Catalogues now ready fur djstribut'on by sending a stamp. Jg Officers auj SoUlwr's claims adjusted. Collect ions made in all Spates. R. R. CORSON; ' 112 South, 4tb Street, Philadelphia, Box 518, Philadelphia P. 0. Ta Di;c. 6, 'C5.-3m. NE W ST AGE LINE M1FFL1S, PEERPSV11LB AND G0.1C0BD. ' ' 0 ' LeaveaPerrysillo. Monday, Wednesday and Friday at C o'clock, a. m., aud arrives at Con cord t 4 o'clock, p. m. ' Leaves Concord Tuesday, TUursdny and Saturday at 5 o'clock, a. ni., and arrives at Pcrrysrille at 3 o'clock, p. m., in time for tbe trains go'ug East and West. Siagcs will ieave Mifflin Station as follows ; Leaves MitlSn Slat ion an Sat-urday, at a. m. and rturni on Mopday: leaves Tuesday at r a. nj. and returns on Wednesday ; leaves Thursday at fia, m. Singes will leave Mifflin Slalion for Acide mia, daily in tbe evening, and return in the morninft in time for tbe East and West, trains. Baggage aud packages of all kinds are tak en in charge and promptly delivered at mod erate charges. The stages on the above rou tes are in GOOD ORDER and und.T the nf .nmrefnt and experienced drivers. The proprietor hopes, by strict and person al attention to business to merit a fair share of public patronage. ' .I.in. 10, 'Gti.-tf. A Valuable Farm AT S & A T fi53Sa AT T II 3Nro"W Firm OF SULOUFP, FROW AND PAIlKKIl, IS TUB CRS8TAL TAI.ACB fltl)lS3, MIFFLINTOWN, PA. . rXDERSlGNED it A I M n n- Private Sale! THE iindcrsigncd offers at private sale, t1'1 j well known farm; situated in Fayetit' towoFbio. Juniata county, Pa. lont tl ni iles I trom MilHintown mid PciiD'a- railroad, I m.Ie from Oakland Milb and H miles from MpA'is tirsville. The Ceder Spring road trom itu. flintown to Su.r.biiry. pastes through tlieprem sss. The farm cc mains about t6 aobes, Of tbe first quality of Limestone Land. The ... . . ttm-lt-U II1II. iinprove:iit-ui3 .icwigo ------- rillF 3.", by 4A.W.1U an excellent wcu w j I e stock of goods formerly be- walerat hedoor; a large I-rame ... , ... Kllloufr & Srambangh. and havi(r Kuril, TO Dy tect, corn cr..., -k-" . - r .- artn.ci.t from the Pbil- currie bauc, tool house, work .hop.- , added o it quite n a or All these bu.lO.ugs Zl cleared i ci.i.ens of Mifflintown ...d ,iciri i.h,- substanl.al manner. Tl e land is all c'larcu crTtbin2 that is usually kcrt in but 7 acres, which is un.ier gou-. . - t mnnv thin th!it in a good slate of culuvation, w.,n "-J " Wca k t b"ifore. We are .leter- water through thepremu.es. There .s, also n PeU 00,i's a, a RKDLTF.D PRICE a f rst rate ,, .i an otiiect for the peoide to buy n a ClW'35v?TlTlM 531 f 1$ i from us. A large dock of DRY GOODS, eon- tLllliiJLi inyl4a JV:ttlJ.i I fistins cf l.adir. Dreif Goods, such as opened on the farm. Two apple , orcunrus, rE-c Mgi;rj094 tilled with a cnoico icietiiuu m b1"11' ....... Fi.r further particulars, enquire 01 i.uuh.. Wilson: Esq.. at Oakland Mills, who is au thorized to sell. liOUEili JHcALlSinu. Oct. 21, 1805-tf. ADVANCE OF gCIEXCE. K. It. C0USON- I Feb. 14, James L. Soudc-r, Patterson borough, personal property. Feb. IS, Kmanuel Alberts, Fermanagh twp , persona! propvriy. Feb. 1G, G. W. Kraus, Fermanagh twp. persoual property. Feb. 19, Wk. rt, I'erniauagh twp., per tonal property. , Feb. 20, l.phraim Sieber, Ftruianagh tp., personal property. Feb. 22, John Christy, Fermanagh twp., personal property. Feb. 21, 12. S. t'oty, Adui'r, of Henry Jloiet, dee'd., Fermacsgh twp., personal property. Feb. 27, Wm. Sieber, Y.ker twp., per sonal property. Feb. 2g P. A. .c Itobt. S. Hart, Walk cr twp., personal property Mar. 1, John lleale, lkalo twp., person al property. March 2, Wm. Whitsoa Fermanagh twp, real estate and personal property. Teeth inserted upon- an entirely new style if bae, which is a combination of Gold and r.ii"lish ltiiblicr. (vulcanite ) Also American Itiibber. ivub-aniic.l which for beauty, dura bility, clianliucss, and the restoration of the natural cobr of the face, cannot be sur pnssed. Ciiher of the above basis I WAUKAXT FOll TEX YEARS. Full t'pper or Lower Set Inserted as Low as i OO Vcr Scl. Tmijtnrarjp sets inserted Gnttis. Special attention will be made to diseased "tins, and a cure warranted or no charge uiado. TretLjtiKdti Uuftriii. Triumph in dentistry ! ii TEETH EXTRACTED WITHOUT PAIN' by a new process, without the use of ether, chloroform or nitrous oxide, and no danger. Having .een in business for upwards of ten 1 j ' " - 1 1 . ri:i:- ! l"l-lu- vears, liveo. wuit u uan wctu st;iii in .tiiiuiu town, aud being in possession ot tlx uttrst impruiii Instrun.oits anil Xtiehintrjt I warrant entire satisfaction, cr the money will Le re funded'. Office on Bridge Street, opposite the Court House Square. C. L. DF.KI5, ncv. iO. 'C5-ly. Rrsidmt Duttiti. P" ENNSYLVAMA I1A1LUOA1). OX AND aficr Monday, Nov. 2oth 1805, Passenger Trains will leave MitH'm Slaiiou asi'ollo3: EAST WAR tl. Philadelphia Kxpre.s.. 12.37, P. l ast Liue A. Pay Express 11. IS, A. Cincinnati Express 4.31, P MailTniin 10.20 P WKSTWAUB. Pilt-b.&. Erie Mail.... 2 -r.?, A llaltimorc Express Philadelphia Express.. Fast Liue Mail Train Emigrant Train.. M. M. M. M. M. M. A. M. 5.30, A. M. 0.21 P. M. 3.53 P. M. 10.07. A. 31. LADIES FANCY FURS! ! AT " 7 ' IM1 it SHEPHERD PLAIDS, (ail wool, FAXCY PLAIDS, (all wool) PLAIX WOOL DELAIXL'S DKESS FLAXXELS, PLAIX SACK FLAXXELS, WHITE FLAXXELS. ELl"C TWILLED FLAXXELS, nr.o FLAXXELS, ' Ml'SLJXS, SHAWLS, &c., iKc. mm FAREIRAS Fur Manututltory, ! BREAKFAST . u ci . Can bo bad at a. IS Arch Street, i sllocff, fkow i PAnKEII S. aove "ill, I'bila,' I nave now in store ' Wm-W '.f n,y own I"'PW'- j Black Shaw ls. iK4E3'.tion nnu .nanaiac-1 feature, one of the lar- ?vgest ami most bean ZxT tjiul (-v-cctions MOURNING DRESS GOODS: JAMES XOUTII, Ag t. (iKO. T. Kl.iKKHT. COBSOM & EfiBEBT, Ilea! Estate Brokers Conveyancers 112 SontU 4th Street Phiiadelnl.;!. To. Sarins for sale in Pennsylvania. Stores, of FAPJCY FURS, for CIllLDKEX'S WEAU in the City. A!.-o a fine assortment of Oents' Fit Gloves 1 ,llar3. I am enabled to dispose of my goods at. very reasonable prices, and 1 would therefore solicit a Diillirom my jricnus 01 .nuiiam iuuu ty and vicinity. Kcmember the Xame, Number and Street. OHJI FAREXRA, 718 Arch Street, above 7th, south side, PHILADELPHIA feQ. I have no partner, nor conneetion willi any other store in Philadelphia. Oct. 4, 'lia-lm. Veils, Colors, (;ioves, Gauiitlet Second Mournins BalnioraU, Hotels and Mills for sale t:irong!iout L'asy'vn.ria. Farias for sa'e in Xew Jersey, Maryland, Delaware and Virginia. Sonic of the greatest bargains ever ottered lo capitalists or men of moderate means. Farms bought and sold and good mortgages negotiated and mnn ev invested. " fcyrothcers' and Soldiers" accounts prompt ly .adjusted. Send for our Catalogue aud ainp. COKStGX 4 ECULRT. Xec. t, 'Co-m, DENTAL CJUID, CJ H A X I) T It I K S ;OR SlllSCCIUKRS 10 Till! Jlood-, Ac., Ac. Evcrytliin; tlesiraMe in this line, and ft very l2rs;e stot k, At S'i'outi, Trow & Tiuker'n. VFLLL assorlmeut ot t-cut;i.aj-' liouds, Cfintifting of Cloths, Cassitiicres. Oca- Coating, Yedhirjs. Can be had at SLLOCFF, FllOW & rAKKER'S. AMER1CAW STATESfflA-i 22 li M KEEVER, Snrgcon Dentin T 1AKES Ibis method ofiiiforming b'.s friends in Juniata county, that owing to the lea ns are hereby notihed Oat Letters J es-1 ,,,,,.. ooJ pllccS4 Le has met with, duriu 1?XEC I TO It'S XOTIl'C A LL PEU A-J SONS temrntary of tbe Lstatc ot S.IJIU.L M. AH- (Vw n..,,Ils llc iiasbeen p.-actising his pro AMS, late of Walker township. Juniata coun- f,ttill in said count v, be feels warranted in ly, dee d , have been grained in due lorm "f nl.lking SI;,;ed v-iits t") liflliutown and Mc iuwbythe Register of said county, to hc ; Miiirville Tiic fcrst Monday of each mom !i undersigned residing in Walker township U;r K)ifTcr my j,., foallj nt tiie Juui-ita llo-af.-resaid, to vi!io..i till :psrsous indvb.cd to s el jijjHiu, te remain two weeks. The liilr.i said eiaie are aenuestcd to make iiumediale M ' , a( McAlisteisviile, to remain ilm:ii payment, and lo whom , all pel sons having , k Teeth inserted on YCLCAXITE. , . .t . . I . ini . - - . A X VTIONAL WEEKLT FAMILY Jul'BSAL at si. ."SO ltr Aiiitum- THE FOLLOWING SPLEXD1D PKIZCS ARE SEXT TO CLL'US, V12. t.1.,. n..u .e i? c-..i rt i Whct-lcr & Wilson best J, Scwiisg jJarliine V'i:h two extra copies tJ the geiter up of the c'ub. FOll rVEP.V Ct.Cn OF TWENTY, and less than foriy sub-cribcrs, we will allow .I'l - ' T. 1 :i. .1.- :. e . ri 1CI.--J ivi uuvii Euusiiuvr ou .ot: I'r.ci; 01 sum 1 ni n'li i-ip. FOll EYERY CLCB OF SIX. a splendid st.;el engraving of Presikkxt Lisvoi.s, (full lt'iigib,) Askklw Jouxsox.- Licit, titxrit) l GKANTor SitEK.MAXon bovieback. worth$4.(li) each, with n es:ra copy ta the gi-.tcr 'ip of the chili. FOll EYEitY CLUB OF THREE, one cf those splendid slucl engravings of die Cui i'uriu Series cf 0 o H P. 95 61 i? IS es O o O 2? w pi o o E-t o I J - - . V i v claims against the said estate Will please pre sent tliom tor settlement. Jan. If, ea-fit. JACOB A LAMS, Ejcr. STATE CAPI'fOL HOTEL, near the Capi lol Duildiugs, II A K ISB UK G, PA . BSXTercts as moderate as any Hotel ij) Hie City. WM G. THOMPSON, Proprictcr. A J. MOSEK, WtXL UBlLLEltS, AYould inform tbe public that tbey arc prepared to sink W ELLS, eiiber by digging, or ili jUing, at the shortest notice, and on the most rejsonablc terms. Call on or. address " JACOB M OS Ell, Iimlniown, or AMOS MOSEK, Mexico, Pa. jan. lo "i. Additional Sales l'eh. 17, James Wallace, Lack twp., real cs.taU. 1'cb. 28, Tip Jeriek Kincs, Susquehanna twp., personal property. Isaac Longacre, lc'. Mar. 20, Frederick Kines, Susquehanna twp., personal property. Isaac lionjiacrc, Ain't. 3&lL:r:riecI. On the "tl tilt , by Kct M. Allison, Lt: W H UE It F. SWAlWN, of Fulton county to Miss KATE li. JIO0RE, cT Jtiaiata county. Pa. On the 1st inst., by the same, Mr. JACOl! E. GKAYB1LL, to Misa HANNAH S1IEL- I.ENDEr.GER. On the same day by the same, Mr. HENRY MOIST of Baltimore county, to Miss BAR BARA BESHOAR of Juuiata county, Ta. On the 21th, ult., by Rev. A Harncr, Mr. JOHN NAYLOR, of Fayette township, and Miss MARGARET MEREDITH of Delaware township. On the Gth inst., by Rev. R. H. Fletcher, Mr. DAVID HAINES, and Miss MARY M. YARXES, .both of Turbett township, Juuiata county, Ta, DMtNISTR.vrX)K"S SOTICt. Notice is hereby given that letters of administra tion ou the estate of J. F. Kawltridcr, .late of Fayette township, deceased, have teen grant ea to the uudursigned residing in the same township. All persons, knowing themselves indebted to said c;Jaieare request ed fo make Lrvr.e&itp :ayuicnt and those hav i;g claims will please present them duly au thenticated for settlement. SAMUEL LEONARD, A. Jan. lo, CO-tiw. ADMINISTRATOR'S NOTICE. Notice is hereby giver, that letters of adciinislra tion on the es'aic of SAMCEL ALEXANDER-, late of Milford township, dcc'il , have hecn praMed to tbe undersigned, residjag as afore said. All persons knowing thcnisclves indebt ed to said estate are requested to make imme diate paymtut, and those having claims will please present them duly authenticated for W.'lemo-nt, JANE if. ALEXANDER, Aiiminktrtitrix of Samuel Alexander, dee'd. jan. 'lit-0w. GOLD & SILVER. TEETH FH.LLD and extracted in the most approved ;iiaiiiier, and with the least possible pain. Strict attention given to ilicacd gums. &e. All work warranted. Ei. Terms reasonable. January 21, lSibJ-tf. PL RE LIHC 11 TYY HIT K L EA D preferred by all practical Painters! Try i; ! and you will have no other. Man ufactured only by ZEIGLER & SMITH, Wiioi ES.u.r. Dun:, Taixt & Glass Dkalkbs, Ho. V',: North THIRD Street, FIllLAD'A. Jan. 21, tiii-ly. EXECL'TgB'S NOTICE. The undersigned have receivsd from the Register of Juniata County, letters testamentary upon the last will and liiauicnt of ROBEIST'TIIOMPSOA', late of Tliompsoiitown, dee'd. All poisons indebt ed to said estate, arc requested lo make pay ment lo the undersigned and all persons hav ing demands against the same will pieLiit lUem fur settlement, on or before the 10th day March, 18f,0- E. P. THOMPSON. ) W. S. THOMPSON, Executor. T. S. THOMPSON, j . Thon-.psontown, Jan. lo, ISfid. Jan 17-S.t- Tavern license Petitions. Spring anil Winter Armnciiicnt- REMOVED TO 16 iToliio. St. NA UOXA L POn TRAITS I. Having supplied ourselves with a new am! mipcrior lot of Goods, of tfce l.-te:-t styles and pattern-, and having secur,-.! iiom the import ers many article of great beauty and nlue, we nre now prepareu to make lor In !Jr:hg and Winter boner irrang:ments,' am present L-reaier indueel-lerr? to T)iirr.haser J. than we comprising Presides Lincoln and Johnson i haTe ever before offered. We haVe '5o,oo vat- Lieut. Gen 1 Grant, ..l:f...r General Miena.in, ,,,,1, an I be-.utW'ul ariirb-s o' IKx.ris. eom Sheriiian, Thomas. McClellan, Fremont, Ad- j,ri,,., pianos, Watches, Diamonds, plain and mirals FBiragut and Porter, George and Mar- ornsnietital Jewclrv, ?s.l Fai.ey Goods of t ha Washington, each, l!x.l inches, worth ; eTOry descripti.'ni, f!iai:w will sell at $i eaeh, T-2t'. ;cnr iless of Tjlue or cost. These splendid portraits should adorn every; v c OF OCR GoolW parlor. I The Stater-man is the larget. eliear.cst and1 have 00,000 Oil I'nlored rhoto- best family paper published, suited ''or e .e.y Sri,ls, coni; rising every subject Reli funilv. Try il once and vru will never be Hm'. -entiiiici.tal. Ci.-.ic and Fancy lhat wo ho" it iu Send roi eoiiits'and get up your we W',U f ,u 1 ''? ee "ch. or ''0"r f"r , HOC LlilILir T r rtj with n-h l'lti,l.r-itih dubs, Adiiess AMERICAN STA1 ESMAN. i7 Nassi a Sthkkt, New York. Dec. 11, '(i".-in.. give two '.umbered notices The njiiceS are nun. bored from 1 to 5o,ooo, and put in'o en velopes, . sealed up, and thoroiiglily rxed : and when Photographs nre purchase, two fur each Photograph nre taken tut an 1 ''in wi:h :, ti. n..,il..d ..r r...,.. , , i .-. llltriAl IlhL'l tllUi III liui Lb.!1 to o,oon. and any nrticle, no m.itur what j value may be, corresponding with the number ODD ii &-i " A Q T j on the notice, will besnt tor Iwii Dollar-, " ; fi-ee of cost, except wlirn sent by express, J. Ti.M. TODD has jvst received a large and j HMu at the expense of the rereiver. fine assoriment of GOODS from Philadelphia, We do assure you tint should the notice which he is r.repared to 3el! at the following ' correspond with a" Piano or oilier vali;abb nr reduce'l prices : tides of goods it will be sent to the purcbsn- tfixts. Linen 55 cr fvr Two I.-.!!r. ' P-esl American 2-j 3 bushel Bugs 1 00 j' LIST OF GOOl' AT S2.(0EACI1. Others froui...2o to 24 molassks ' ,s', ,-, (h-tiive Vi'mr s iiixoiiAMS. Iiovering fyrnp 'il Lancaster "o (iood " 2") to St) i Common from.. 2o to 31 Sugar House Co I suniTiNfi niKCKs. Prime Raking 20 ESTATE NOTICE- . Estate of Jacob Besom of Ddaaart oxnakip dee'd. Notice is hereby given that letter of Teeta mentary on the estate of Jacob i!-esoin late of -1 Delaware township, deceased, have been granted to the undersigned residing in Dela ware township. AH persons knowing them selves indebted to saj'i calale are requested to make immediate payment and Uioge buy ing claims will please present ihem duly au theutica'cd for eellJcjuenl. . JANE BESOM, Kor. 20,'0.5 Executrix. 33ied. On the 20 ult, CHARLES K. RHODES, eon of John V. and Jane Hamilton, aged C mouths and 13 days. ADMINISTRATOR'S NOTICE. 'Notice is hereby give" that Letters of Administra tion on tbeestaleof Mrs. MARY THOMPSON, late of Delaware township, deceased, have beep granted to the undersigned, residing in Thompsontown, Juniata county. Ail persons knowing themselves indebted to said estate will make immediate payment, and those hav ing claims will present Li eta duly authentica ted for settlement. LOUISA THOMPSON, Jan. 3, 18CC-6t.' Administratrix. Jt Ycrcou Linen I sitae. " Warp oo : White...".'.:: 20 Common S3 to 4 Brown 1-1. IS & 20 iiRowN mii:i:tini;s. ' I cori'EE. Apploton "A" 3" Best Others 28, :!I & iil.llio IlLEACIlfU J1'":-1.!N. b SfXPRIKS. From...2o. 28, -lo to 15 Cheese... All Wool 7". dren's W O O I. E N SATTi nftts. j HOO DS from 75 to 5 From... .'.0, 1,00 to 131 .and upward. lapie's rrns. Also A large as Capes from...S-5 to .?!2 sortment of Boots J; Latest Style Muffs' 'Shoes Men's " rpiIE following named persons have filed -L their petitions in t he Office of the Clerk of the Court of the Quarter Session of Juui ata County and the same will be presented for confirmation and allowai.te on Wednesday tbe Ttli day of February lStiti: William Hechcr, Walker township. Charles Shcrmer, Delaware township. Lewis Amy, Fayette township; Robert M. Thompson MilHintown Rorougli. A. Snyder, " S R. Notestine, ' Thos. M- Wagensellcr, Pcrrysville. Enoca Shellenberger, Susquehanna. ' t. W. JACOBS, Clerk. Clerk's Ofiicc, Jan. 15, 't;5-tc. INVEJJT0HS' omCES. n ' K T I N K U I L & E V A X S , Civil Exuixf.ees Asn Tatent Solicitors, Ho. 435 Walnut St., Pbilad'a. Talents solicited Consultations on Engin eering, Draughting aud Sketches, Models aud Machinery of all kinds hade aud skilfully at tended to- Special attention given to REJECT ED CASES ami INTERFERENCES. Au thentic Copies of all Documents from Patent, Office procured. N. ii. Save youselves useless troulile and trave'.liuz exneuses. as there is no actual need of personal interview with us. All business ! to sacred and seculiar music, for 3S to wiih these Offices, can be transacted in wn fine. For further information direct as above j ALS, or other first premiums, awarded them with stamp enclosed, for Circular with refer- I ilustrated Catalogues Tree. Address. MASON enccs. ' j 4 HAMLIN, Boston, or MASON P.ItOTHEKS January 17, l?G0-ly.' i YoK. Spt. 13, 'Ci-Iy. lioseicmxl Mi liJ: ..us, Unlit Iliniti'i. j I'u.ie I.tecr V etch r, liii tr IV.urhes, . JJiiinywl Set-i, Sitcer Ten Si ts, S'lr. her Chaf fy . S' s Si ., , r Teisimon. : 20 0DO C-r.i7, Opal. A- 'rale.l -lirwJ, Mustn't; Jet, '(!', , y.iic'itine Sets '..ij ... haxmils. ritre l'epper u - '"i From -lo to ' Mackerel pr- lb lo I iml'j Vjici'fe, Twilled for Shirts ...50: Also A large as- j 7'uothpteIiS, if ?. rE laixes. i sortment of Ladies', Comprisin g lit of endieas variety and iha From: 3ofo40Misses' and Chil- choicest ,lllaiiv"0f Goii.ts. We warrant our I Go ids supe.-ior to any establishment in ilio 1 "ou-j(ry- SU J hope you w:ll pive us one tiiol at I lest. and if tbe article is not as rcpTennteil, and dni-s not give satisfaction, return :i, and we will fend your money back. iiiitr th fiitiii'it i:iiin from " 4-0 from S3.0o, 4,r,0, cnj lls Thirty Cents f.r one Pl-ol n-rmph, Children's Muffs & oo, to t-.,o0. i .ir One Dollar foi fi thn one in.l twn Capes.... 6.00 to J,00:Lodie's Shoe- from j extra notices to the agent: -vUeji an Agent B ago isa. I .l,50to 3,u0 I has sent us $ln.nnfnr Goods .rd n-'iograi.hs. The following prices will be p aid for mar- j we W'R piTe one notice and the ar'icle it calls keting in CASH or GOODS to gull customers : fr free of charge ; for S.5.oo three notices Butter 40 Potp tAT linn I ,rce : Ior S'-o-oo tour nonces lre ; for -;o.oo Eggs 05R,igs 5 and Chestuuts. Patterson, Nov. 20. 1865-If. a splendid Puotograpnio Atattrp, or six fre B-.H.ghcst price for Walnuts, Shcllbarks ; arrnmed a od ti,e-keer-er. We keep an account of all money sent, and an Agent can order his commission at any Ti time, lie Mason & IJfamlin Cabinet , i;c particular and write your ,d Irest full Ol'Sasi, lorty dillcrent styles, adapted : an.i piain we someiirties have onlers in our " , . , IT ,. . ' 3 c omc ror months that we cannot answer for each. ilFTi-ONE GOLD or SILVER MED !,. ,.t f .i:,; ADDRESS BARTHEW A CO., Dox 521i New Vork. Jan. i, '00 iu-