Juniata sentinel. (Mifflintown, Pa.) 1846-1873, February 07, 1866, Image 1

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    It! It t ft t ft
II. II. WlXSOtf,
whole number m
Tn JrsiATA Sextikel is published every
Wednesday morning, on Maiu street, by
Tee SCIifVl'.lPTION PRICK of the paper
will be TWO DOLLARS per yenr in advance,
and 92.50 if not paid within the year.
, Jtgi. No paper discontinued until all ar
rearages are paid except ut the option of the
Ativr.RTisixo. The rates of ADVERTIS
ING are tr one square, of eight lii.es or less,
one limj, 7o cents ; three, $1 60; and 60 cts.
for each subsequent insertion. Administra
tor's, Executor's nt.d Auditor's Notices, $2, IN).
Frofixs.oml an I li-siness ('aids, not exceed
ing 2ii Hues, and including copy of paper.
$S "i per year. Merchants advertising
(changeable quarterly) $ 15 per year, includ
ing paper at I heir Stores. Notices in reading
columns, ten crnts per line.
Job Won. The prices of JOB WORK,
for thirty Hills, une eight sheet, $1.2: ; one
fourth. SJ.IMJ: one-half, SS.tWt; and addition
ni.auiiibers, half piict and f r Blanks. $2,00
per quire.
Midintown, Juniata County, Ta., OiEce
m Mai:: street S'juth cf Iiridge sr et.
K. C.
i iV.l .Mil,
Jivr; '.'.''. Juuiuid to., la.,
()ffrs his profes-iiotial services to the pub
l;e. Cullt'ctiuus and nil oilier business will
receive prorjpt attention. Office first door
JCorth ol Retford's .Store, (upstairs.)
Attorney cf Law,
W.' ill attend to all business entrusted to his
re. Office oa Main Street, Mitilintonn, l'a.
O VI Kits his pvotess'ciial services to the
pullio. I'ronip: attention given to the
jirii'C'toii of ctain'S against tbe Oovernroent,
l!w!ivi,s ii'i-! ali oi.Lt..- business entrusted to
i can-- Oi'iee, Main Street, one door South
jf SuvdT'i HoteL
fv-p't. LM, ISO.
j. :li( ".ihi.V,
A T T 0 II X K V-A T- F, A V,
xjnyuxrows, jcxiata co.,r.
Odiee Main Strert, i. the ro-'rn formerly
occupied by Wm. M. Allison. ) i
j TMl.l.r.1. I I'M.-, .l.H' .11.4J W1IICLV I T- O- i
i .iuess r,),el w:th the yrotsion
.i j jip:!y a toa i.' l 10. Oc. IS, '6'.
psi. I. C. Hl'.SJI'f, orPatterwoit,
XJ wi-iln- li iiii'urai bis friends avA pa
trjas that Le has removed to lhe Lo.i-e on
Lt:H:: 'ir-i-t oppus'.iu Tuli Jordan's Store.
A i ; ii j tf
C 11 1 EP
Vi'tf UTid"ri:;e 1 oifers hi-i -'rvices to the
rcbiic h 'ei)due Crei' -and Auctioneer. He
Li hud 6 very large experience, and feels
confident that be cm give satisfaction to all
wan may employ him. He may be addressed
t Miftlmtowc, or 1'uiir.d at bis honie iu Fvr
i.'.ant.gli towuii;p. trders m:ty also be eft
ut Mr. Will' Hotel.
Jan. 25, 1804. WILLIAM GIYEN".
a 7 a m & s
JiKsrSCTFUI.LV otTers his services to the
A. public of Juniata county. Iiaviu had a
iirge experience ia the business of Vendue
Crying, he feels confident tht he can render
geuern! "atiBfaction. He can at all times be
(insulted at his residence iu MltSintown, I .
Au;. 10. 1j?'J0.
piIE undersigned will promptly attend lo
.1- the collection of claims agaiust either the
date or National Government, Pensions, Back
l'v, Buuutv, Extra Pay, aud all other claims
ari'-iing out'of the present or any other war,
A 1 1 orney-at-Law.
Kiuiritown, Juniata Co., Ta. febl
Pensions! Pensions!
sons who intend applying for a Pension must
sail on the Examining Surgeon to know weth
er their Disability is sufficient to eutiilc them
to a Pension. AU disabled Soldiers will call
n the undersigned who has been appointed
Pension Examining Surgeon fur Juniata aud
adjoin. ui Counties.
.P. C. RUNDIO, M. D.,
Pattti'son, Pa.
Iic. 8, 13.-tf.
DR. S. O. K.EMPFER, (late army sur
geon) having located in Patterson tend
ers his professional services to the citizens 0
ibis place and surrounding country.
Dr. K. having had eight years experience
in hospital, general, and army practice, feels
prepared' to request a trial from those who
may be so unfortunate as to need medical at
He will V found at the brick building op
posite the "Sentisel Oi net," or at bis resi
dence in the borough of Patterson, at all
hours, except when professionally engaged.
- July 22, 1405. tf.
LARGE stock of Queeusware, Ceiarware
2V such as Tubs, Butter Bo wis, Buckets
lra'. Baskets, Horse Buckets, .c-, at
ir-.rrr, rrcT fx???:
3tM IQottq.
Tbcrejis no death! The stars go down
To rise upon some fairer shore;
And bright in heaven's jewelled crown -They
shine forever more.
There is no death! The dust we tred
Sh ill change beneath the summer showers.
To golden grain or mellow fruit,
Or raiubow tinted flowerj.
The gentle ricks disorganize
To feed the hungry moss they bear;
The forest leaves drink daily life
Frcra out the viewless air.
There is no death ! The leaves may f&K,
The flowers may fade and pas9 away
Ttiey only wait through winter hours,
The coming of the May
There is no death ! An angel form
Walks o'er the earth with silent tread.
He h,:ars our best loved things avray,
Aud then we call them 'dead."
He leaves our hearts all desolate
He iducks our fairest, sweetest flowers-
Transplanted into bliss, they now
Adjrn immortal bowers.
The bird like voice whose joyous tpr.es
Made glad this scene of joy aud strife,
Sings now in everlasting song
Amid Ihe trees of life.
And where He sees a smile tee bright,
Or hearts too pure for taint and vice,
He bears it to that world cf li'htj
To dwell iu paraJise.
Born into that undying life,
They leave us but to come again ;
Viih jy we welcome them the same,
J'i':.::,'t in sin and pain.
nd ever near us. though unseen,
The dear immortal spirits tread ;
For all the boundless Universe
Is life there are no dead.
In tho Full of 1S4G I was traveliug
CD-t-ward in a stage coach from l'it'sburg
over the mountains. My fellow passen
gers were two gentlemen and a lady
The elder gentleman's appearance inter-
esl0Q I1JC exceedingly.
In years he seem
ed about thirty; in air and manner he
, , - 1 l I I 1 1
Ci!1, dlfc'l,,,lcJ au,i P0,,!!"fd 80,1
ihe contour of his features vf as singularly
' . .11 . I IT .l 4 1
ertl topics, until the road became more
abrupt and precipitous, bat on iny direct
ing his attention to the great altitude of
precipice, ou the verge of which our
coaeh wheels were leisurely rolling, there
eame a marked change over his counte.
ti-ince. His eyes so lately filled with the
light of mild intelligence, becauio wild,
restless and auxious; the mouth twitched
spasmodically, and the forehead beaded
with a cold perspiration. With a sharp
convulsive shudder, he turned his gaze
from the giddy height, and clutching my
arm tightly with both hands, he clung to
me like a drowning man.
"Lo this cologne," said the lady, hand
ing me a bottle with the instinctive good
ness of her sex.
I sprinkled a little en his face, and he
soou became somewhat more composed ;
but it was not until we had traversed the
mountain and descended to the country
beneath, that the fine features relaxed
from their perturbed look, and assumed
the placid, quiet dignity I had first no
ticed. "I owe an apology to the lady," said
he. with a bland smile and gentle incli
nation of the head to our fair companion,
"and some explanation to my fellow trav
ellers also, and perhaps 1 cannot better
acquit myself of the double debt, than
by recounting the cause of wj recent ag
itation." "It may pain your feelings," delicately
urged the lady.
"Ou the contrary, it will relieve them,"
was the respectful reply.
Having signified our several desires to
hear more, the traveler then proceeded :
At the age of eighteen I was light of
foot, and I fear (here he smiled) light of
head. A fine property on the right bank
of the Ohio acknowledged me as sole
owner. 1 wss hastening home to enjoy
it, and delighted to get free from a col
lege life. The month of October, the
air was bracing, and the mode of convey
ance, a stage coach like this, only more
cumbrous. The other passengers were
few but three in all an old, grey-headed
planter of Louisiana, his daughter a
jayHs. leTn?priBj "rntir. abmt sc Ten-
j teen, and his son, about ten years of age.
' TllOV UTAIal lllt T. t nrill fit. frOln T?r 1 n nf.
( - J " ' " J .w.m.m.u -..-.. a i u ! 1.1. j U 1
!!,;,.. ..An..A ; .
" - J w laijj i4j uiovvuitcu ill ,TJ UIO
so eloc.ueut, tia to absord my entire atteu-
The father was taciturn, but the daugh -
ter was vivacious by nature, and ws soon I that, awaited him. There was a roll of
became so mutually pleased with each thender, a desperate plunge, as if an ani
other, she as a talker, I as a listener, j nul in the last throes of dissolution, a
that it was not uutil a sudden flash of i btrsh grating jar, a sharp, pierciutr scream
lightning, aud a heavy dash of rain
agaipst the coach windows elicited an ex
clamation from my charming companion,
tl;( I noticed how night passed on.
PreseDtly there wai a low, rumbling
sound, and then several tremendous peals
cf thunder, accompanied by successive
flashes of lightning. The rain descend
ed iu torrents, aud au angry wind began
o howl and moan through the forest
I looted from the window of our ve
hicle. The night was dark as ebony, but
the lightning revealed the daikuess of
our road. We were oa the edge of a
frightful precipice. I could see at in
tervals huge jutting rocks far away down
on the sides, tud the sight made me so
I ctous fur tiie fate ot my fair companion.
I thought of the mere hair-breadths that
were between us and eternity; a sing'c
! little rovk ia the track of our coach
wheels, a tiny billet of wood, a stray
limb of a tempest tom tree, a restive
horse, or a careless diiver any of these
might hurl us from our sublutiiary exis
tence with the speed of thought.
" 'Tis a perfect tempest." said the old
lady, as I withdrew my head from the
window. "How I love a sudueu storm.
There is something so grand among winds
when fairly loose among the hills. I
never encounter a uight like this, but By-1 of a lady with the other."
rou's magnificent description of a thunder-1 "And the lady:1"' I gasped , scanning the
storm iu the Jura immediately recurs to girl's face, with an earnestness that caus
my mind. 5ut are we on the mountains ! ed her to draw back and blush,
yet V ' " ?ne was gaved. sir, by the saino means
"Yes, we have begun the ascent." that saved you the friendly tree
"Is it not said to be dangerous ?"
"Uy ii n means," I replied, in as easy a
tone is I could assume.
"I only wish it was daylight, that we
might enjoy the mouutuiti scenery. But
Jesu 'lane ! what's that ?"
And she covered her eves from the
glare of a sheet of lightning that illumin
ed the rugged tuouutaiu with brilliant in
tensity, l'eal after peal of crashing thun
der instantly succeeded ; there was a very
heavy volume of rain coming down at
each tlmiiderburst. and with the deep
moaning of an animal, as if in dread-
ful agony, breaking upon my ears, I found
that tho coach had come to a dead halt.
Louise, my beautiful fellow-traveler, be
came pale as ashes. She fixed her search
ing eyes on mine with a look of anxious
dread, and turning to her father, hurridly
remarked : "We are on the mountains !"
"I reckon so," was the uncouceraed re-
With iustant activity, I put my head
through the wiudow, . and called to the
driver, but the only auswer was a heavy
moaning of an agonized animal borne
past me by the swift wings of the tempest.
I seized the handle of the door and
strained at it iu vain ; it would not yield a
jot. At that instant I felt a cold hand
on mine, and heard Louise's voice faiutly
articulating iu my ear the appalling
words :
"The coach is being moved back
wards I"
God in Heaven ! never shall I forget
the fierce agony with which I tugged at
the coach door, aud called on the driver
in tones that rivalled the force of the
blast, while the dreadlul conviction was
burning in my brain that the coach wasj
being moved slowly backwards.
What followed was of such ewift oc
currence, that it seems to me like a fright
ful dream.
I rushed against the door with ' all my
force, but it mocked my utmost efforts.
One side of our vehicle was sensibly
going down, down. The moaning of tbe
agonized animal became deeper; and I
knew from tte desperate plunges against
his traces, that it was one of our horses.
Crash upon crash a heavy thunder rolled
over tbe mountain, and vivid sheets of
lightniig played around our devoted car
riage, as if iu glee at our misery. By
this light I could see for a moment
only fur a moment the old planter stand
ing erect, with his hands on his son and
daughter, his eyes raised to heaven, and
hi lipj raorirg like oae ia prayer. I
'could see Louise turn Ler ashy cheeks and
unnapt, ar.ia 4n.n.l twa na if I lv ..Is,? ,. a.
OUJl.lU 1 .1 1.J lUHUIUb. l.J I, , Da 1 1 UlilUllil
...:., tT.,.1.1... i.
tlij JJlU.OlJliUII y aUU A VUUl'l OCC LUC LfUlU
glance of the voun- boy flashing indig-
I . j c I .u i j-
I nait defiance at the descending carriage, I
! th war of elements, and awful danger!
of mortal terror, and I had but time to
clasp Louise firmly with one hand round
the waist and seize the leather fastenings '
attached to the coach roof with the ol her j
when we were precipitated over the pre- j
I can distinctly recollect preserving ;
consciousness, for a few seconds of time, !
how rapidly my breath was being exhnus-1
ted j but of that tremendous descent I j
soou lot.! an iiirtner luaivmuai tuowledge
.,. ., ,, ,
tj a concussion so violent tnat l was in
stantly deprived of sense and motion...
Ou an, iiumhle couch, in au humble
room gf a small country houae, I next
l ii : . i.i . c .
1 I . .1 . T
oifeucu uiy ryes iu mis noim ui M"iu
and shade, of jy and sorrow, of mir
Hill. JIII'lULi, , v.U'.ll, UdllUl DIII'JVIUUU Ull I
i i . i y .i. i
pillow, gentle feet glided across my cham
ber fin.-t ! imntln vnlM) l ulif.il fur n tllltl
' '
' . T " , ,, . i !
all my qucstioninsrs. I was kindly tend-1
. .ii.-. ,
ed by a fair young girl about sixteen, who
refused for several daj-s to hold any inter-
enilri with Itm f binirbfri nnn miirn
. ,. ,'. ? .
nig, uuuing uiscii buineieutiy recovtie t ;
to set up, I insisted oa learuiu the result
of the accident.
"You were discovered," said she, "sit
ting on a ledge of lock, amidst the
branches: cf a shattered tree, clinging to
a part of the roof of your broken coach
with one hand, and to the insensible form
"And her father and brother V I im
patiently demanded.
''Were both found crushed to pieces at
the bottom of the precipice, a great way
below the place where my father and Un
cle Joe got you and the lady. i'e bur
ied their bodies in one grave close by the
patch down in
our meadow
"Poor Louise !- poor orphan ! God
pity you !" I muttered in broken tones,
utterly unconscious that I had a listener.
"God pity her indeed, sir," said the
young girl, with a gush of heartfelt sym
pathy. "Would you like to see her?"
she added.
"Take me to her," I replied.
I found the orphan bathed in tears, by
the grae of her buried kiudred. J?he
received me with sorrowful sweetuess of
manuer. I will not detaiu your attcutiou
detailing the ellorts I made to win her
from her grief, but briefly acquaint you
that I at least succeeded in inducing her
to leave her forlorn home in the South ;
and that in twche months after the
dreadful occurrence which I have related,
we stood at the alter together as man and!
il'e. She still lives to bless my love
with her smiles, and c.v childrea with
her good precepts ; but on the at.niver-
sary ot that terrible night she seeludes
herself in her room, and devotes the
hours of darkness to solitaty prayer.
"As for me," added the traveler, while
a faint flush tinged his noble brow at the
avowal, "a for me, that accident has
made a physical coward of me, at the
sight ot a mountain ptecipice."
"But the driver," urged our lady pas
senger, who attended to the recital of the
story with much attention, what became
of the driver ? or did you ever learn the
reason of him deserting his post '!"
"His body was found on the road, with
in a few yards of the spot where the
cnach went over. He had been struck
dead by the same flash of lighting that
blinded the restive horse."
J- An Old lady, when told of her
husband's death, exclaimed, "Well I do
declare, our troubles never come alone.
It ain't a week since I lost my best hen,
and now Mr. Thompson has gone too,
poor man J"
jjr A Milkman the other day, in
speaking of the dullness of the market.,
said, "I can't make anything nowa
days, there is ho much composition in the
business." He probably told the truth
... , , .
I now plain, simple, ana compreuensive
LI O IT 1' j .
L m ' . , , ,
the universal underBtaaaing of the whole
, . , ,
08 0Pn wOU,.'e
the state of society if the law of which !
we write was in all classes obeyed.
"Do unto others as you would that oth
ers should do unto you." How much mean
ing there is in these few words ! And
, ,, ,ii
j , 1 ' - - -
uiac iucm uu. gtl.uC lulUuSl.mC.-,D0tl,S3 Uaa a matrimonial advertise
What beltrr law do we want to guide us, ment) the pla;a EDg;gh of which ;3 A
and where could we g-t a better ? How . J0ung woman h ;n lhe Lou,ea nusuanJ
different it is from those laws which men wanted."
make for the guidance of mankind (which
have sa many words) i3 this simple gold
en golden rule ! And it' we only try how
easily we can obey and fillow it, and
1 UlllltG lb 1111. IU11. ITl UUI
"12.1, .-.t.l ttio i.im .li r I.in nf tlio wnrl.l ir
l'-"UIU VU1,.1,V. 1..V. j
now is ! (aud what a dilTe recce the folly--
inir of the precepts of tbo p;oiu.-u mit.-,"j
would produee !) The watch-dog would j
have no need of slowly racing our yards j
... . ..11 i irr . t - , n
. , ... .
sound, tor we could lay our heads upon
m , -i i : . it. .
lMiiuvv.s auu siecu m ii;ai;t; . mis .uuni
upon our doors would be needless ; we
could grasp the hand of our brol her man
. . r
i-wii ik.ii,iii.u a ij 'i i-U.T,ii;i.i itxj iicai.iii:i
i , - '
there, the court rooms of oar latid would
be transformed into schoolrooms ; the
grates and bolted
doors of the orisons
free and pure air of heaven; the judge j
would not sit npou the bench, and the oc-!
.,,; P ,i, i ,..ui.
to 1 1 i " i i r ! prise, the father declared that the elder
lliere would be no drunkard s for man i ' .
, , . - c i i i i i- i was right. This decision so affected the
could not raise the Sery drink to his hps'
, , , .. , iu- I lad that he determined to put an end ti
to take away his reason, and render him-;,. ,.. , ,, , ,.
,, , . . , . , . , ..I ois life, and told several of his play-ful-selt
so low that his mind, that noble gift , , , , , . J
, , , , . , . , , lows that he would hang himself at a
oi uou, couia not act tnrougn mat uouy ,
and we should not see that being, made
in the ima;;e of Him who has formed ns
all, rolling and wallowing like the swiue
in the mud and filth of our streets, and
sending dismay, wretchedness, hunger
and unhappiuess, into his home and fam
ily. The golden rule ! obey it ; and as the
dew vanishes from the petals of flower3
before the rays of the mornin
sun, so
wuuld crime vamsn trom the lace ol tins
benutiiui world it v.e would but let tni
4ra f j; ht f tl B k f Lif- f j,
upon us, purifying and raising us all to
that perfected state of manhood and wo-
msnhood that it should be the desire of
us all to attain.
Header, with this state of happiness
before us, will not you try and uo your
! share in following this simple law ot God ?
If you do not help others, you will cer-
tainlv heln yourself, for vou will f.cl
i- i ii " t . .i
mtii'.b tnor l.irtnl sua htinv. If is tho
(!hristinn's dutv to o!pv I .oil's laws ' nod
, ., .i - iii
as we journey along through this world, j
let us strive so t live that we may obey j
l,v .i r, ,1 rtmrtnir thnm It'f Tl 3 Irpun li!J I
' , " ", ,', i
one ever by us, "V hatscever ye would:
that others should do unto you, do ye
even so to them." Anu.ru 'm I'hrcv.oloj-
J . ,.,,,
- -
. Mlss Anna D.mso.. has been
: lectuntiir in Aew ork on "Marrying and
Giving in .Marriage." She docs not pos-
j i,ivel-v Jec,y "iage, but she seems to
thik tllat t is to T"J be'
fore woman as her chief end iu life, and
that tho training and education of girls
is made to bear too exclusively upon the
matrimonial relation. She says :
"From the earliest time upward-? the
Woman of the present day is tau'ht that
the one end of her life is marriage the
one happiuess and ambition of her life,
marriage the only opportunity to be or
do anything, marriage and the only
sphere in which she can develop hor pow
ers, or be of service to herself or others,
marriage everywhere and by everybody
is she advised to get a husband. The
boy, on ths other hand, is educated for
manhood ; he is to go through his school
life, thiough the university and college ;
he is to choose his trade, business, pro
fession, or calling; he is to earn money,
and make for himself a home. And
then, having educated himself, and hav
ing gotton a home, society says to him :
"Take a wife to help spend the money,
and to be a useful and ornamental ap
pendage ot that home." The man is ed
ucatec, cot for husbandhood, but for
manhood ; and why is the woman not
educated for womanhood ?"
gST Do nothing to day that you will
j repent ct to-morrow.
a .
I A IIcsbaxd Wanted. Among the
(many old customs which distinguished
rh;np nf .T,c ; .i
-flllU '1UUIU
sfart'e the young ladies of our own coun-
, pno,i. .;7,a r it.
i trJ- Jeneatu the window of their
j houses in often to be seen an empty 'flow-
er pot, "lying horizontally on the portico
root. Its position cannot be accidental,
because it is seen in so many cases.
Nor can it be looked upon as a religious
symbol, for then there would nrohablv ha
"... .
i one in each house. It is nothing more
BEi-The late rebels are getting the
offices in the South and are treating men
who were loyal to the Union there
through the rebellion as if "loyalty were
a criuio and mut be punished." The
guerrilla Moseby is acting as prosecuting
attorney at Warrenton, "irgiuia, and is
arranging all L'nioa men of that vicinity
upon petty trumped up charges. The
..- t. . , . i .
; 5lruLUUU lr"n lc:t wnictt tnej are gett-
T. I I 1 1
I. : r I l. i
i n- - - .........i. Vu um
; n". i r. win r.A n q h-tirm tn m,
i menf. :f it allow the Union men of the
South to suffer persecution no.v for hav
ing been true to the country.
S A singular case of juvenile sui
eidj occurred at JSo.lia lately. A boy
t-u years of age, after an altercation with
this elder brother, complained to their
father of the injustice with which he had
ueuu ncaiuu. iu me unv s great sur
been treated, lo the boy's great
ceri&ic hour. lie resolutely executed his
purpose, and soon after was found hang
itg. quite dead, in rite bed room.
Kxociv Duwx Argument. V
tempernnc3 lecturer, descanting on the
essencial and purifying effects of cold
water, remarked as a knock down argu
ment :
"When the world had become so cor-
rpt ti,at tje jorj C0Vl $0 not,;no. with
: :r B!W-t,t;f..i , : ,
. iv, ic was uMLU'i lUiTHU It, a
Cnt..;nr ; m
Xoc.-,., -t , ,
j -a. vci, V"ivu lUt H'J'Ul, UUL 1L &.111CU
, ev8ry a3rncj cr;tter oa ths faC(! 0' the
J earth."
t& A We'fern t'JIIUcr who wished to
! iuvest accumulation of his industry
j 10 Uuited 6tate3 tlr"'M weut to JaJ
j Vj"ufctt 3 0,u I r r easury
aoK9- 1 Ls l'T& 'xrcs wftat
i t.on ho would have them in
llawug ' never heard the word used except to dis1
tinguL-h the rt-ligious sects, he, after a
little deliberation replied
. . '
"Well, you
may give me part ia Old School Presby
terian, to please the old lady, but give
me the heft ou't in Free Will Baptist,
SSse" A Druukeu lawyer, going into
church, was observed by the minister.
I who said to him : "Sir, I will bear wit-
I nefS aj:;,inst you at the day judgment."
. p ' -
! J' . . . .
keu gravity, replied : "I have practiced
law twenty five years at the bar, and al
ways found the greatest rascal the first to
turn State's evidence."
tyy A Countryman sowing his ground,
two smart fellows tiding that way, one of
them called to him with an insolent air,
"Well, honest fellow," sr.id he, "'tis your
business to sow, but we reap the fruit3 of
your labor." To which the eountryman.
replied ; "'Tib very likely jou may, for
I am sowing hemp."
fiS" "I lon't miss my church so much
as jou suppose," said a lady to her min
ister, who had called upon hor during
her illness, "for I make Betsey sit at
the window as soou as the boll begins to
chime, aud tell me who are going to
church, and whether they have got any
i thin" new."
t A Stray contraband from down
South was lately inspecting a horse-power
in operation, when he broke out thus:
"Mister, I has seen beeps ob tings in
my life, but I neober saw before any
thin whar a boss could do his own work
and ride his self too."
One pound of gold may be drawn
in to a wire that would would extend round
the globe, so one good deed may be felt
through all time, cast its influence into
eternity. Though done in the first flush
of youth it may gildc the hours of a long
I l,tn anrl tnrm thfi hricht PTKlL IU lb.