3lmtfata lntiud. Tfce Troe Bad or Kepresentatioa. A union of lakei, and a union of land, A union no power thau never; , A union of heart, and a union of hand, And the American Lmon forever: Wednesday Morning, January, 31, 1866 H. II. WILSON, Editor and Publish er tiaT TUB J CXI A TA SEXTIXEL -a. has the Larqetl Circulation of an; paper pub lished in this County. It is therefore the bnt advertising nuiiw. It is a Paper, truly loyal, ably conducted, a first class Localisl, and well worthy ef the patronage of every loyal cituen in tne tjouuty. NOTICE TO SUBSCRIBERS.- A PTER tho 1st day of March 1806, the J JL Smntisel will be discontinued to all Subscribers residing outside of tlie county, unless tbe subscrptiou is paid in advance. Jaa. 81-tf. CALL OF THE UNION COUNTF COMMITTEE. The member of the Union Coun ty Committee are requested to meet at tha Fublic House of It. M. Thompson, ia tlie borough of.Miffliutown. on ' MOXDAY, FEBRUARY 8th, 1866. At 1 o'clock P. M. A fui! attendance is requested as important business may eoffie before the committee. .The following persons compose the Standing County Committee llifflintown, J. J. Patterson, A. II. Martin, Fermanagh. Elias Horning, R. C. Gallaher. Fayette, Michael Hoffman, Capt L. Degen, Monroe, A. G. Shellenberger, S. Strouser, 8usquebiit.,' Levi Ligbi, Sol. U'pdegrove, Green iraod, S. Shellenberger, H. II. Minium Delaware. J. P. Thompson, Elihu Benner, Walker, J- A. Gallaher. John Motier, Patterson, Lt. S. H. Brown, Geo. Goshen Miiford, Col. J. K. Bobiaou. Sol. Kauffnian, Turbett, Stewart Turbett, Isaac Kauffman, Perrysville. Lt. Saral. Laird, P. 8. Liggett, Spruce Hill, Wm. J. Evans. Tbos. Patton. Reale, Dr. J. P. Sterrett, R. Doyle, Tuscarora. James Irwin, Geo. M. Smelker, Lack. Mathias Stump, John Leonard, Black Log, Robt. Mclntyre. Saml Shearer, JNO. J- PATTERSON, Chairman.' f- THE AMERICAN CONFLICT, A HISTORY OF THE GREAT REBELLION BY HORACE CREELEY- It is taro.lv necessary for us to allude to this work, as its title and i's Author should at once recommend it to the pub Jic. ' It is a complete and impartial his tory of the four years of war for the Union, illustrated by Maps, Diagrams of Battlefield, Sieges, Naval Actions and views of place of historic interest togeth er with a large number of fine steel plate Portraits of prominent Generals and oth er distinguished persons contacted with the war, both North and South. This work contains upwards of one hundred Maps and Diagrams of Battle-fields, and cannot fail to take the first rank as a Standard History of the American Con flict. It is sold exclusively by subscrip tion through authorized traveling Agents The Agent for Juniata county, Mr. Wash burn, is now soliciting subscribers for this work, and we would advise every fam ily in the county to subscribe at once, as there may not be another epportunity for years to come to secure this Great History. . , . Equalizing the Bounties. The Paymaster-General has, in reply to a question of the Chairman of the Mili tary Committe of the nouse of Repre sentatives, on the subject of equalizing the bounties, made a statement which will undoubtedly kill off the project. He says, that to pjj al' the soldiers, or their repre sentatives, a bounty equal to the highest paid 1400 and in proportion to the time of service of each, would ' require the sum, of $550,000,000. This would add shout one-sixth to our already enor mous debt A large proportion of it would go into the pockets of speculators who have been buying up claims in an ticipation of legislation iipon the, subject, and a further considerable sum fall into the bands of agents who would take the'i lion's share of the bounty for sollecttng it. v Can the country afford this? ' Would even the soldiers tkaok Congress for ad ding a Bew burden to our heavy, taxes that iii mall ' pitrK-. .' y . be Kites to iv : ii io- v'-:s---i, 6r It is most gratifying to observe the un animity with which the loyal press of the countty support the step recently takea by the Congressional Committee oc-Jie-presentation. - That committee baa .agreed to report to each House a proposition to so amend the Constitution ' as to ; exclude from the representative apportionment basis all persons excluded for race or col or from voting' The excessive absurdity and the monstrous injustice of allowing millions of noo-voters to form an element of. power exclusively, wielded by ..the plass refusing them the franchise, are too ap parent to permit of serious controversy. The wrong is a double one to the North ern voter, whose political influence is re duced to about one half that of the South ern, and to the freedmau, whose vote, de nied to him, is yet cast by his late master What is more reasonable than to say that at ha tt, if the vote be withheld frim the colored man, that vote so withheld shall not still be thrown by the witbbolder in addition to his own ? . The amendment proposed, presented recently, in both the Senate and House of Representatives, contemplates adhe rence to the basis of population, and on ly an exception ia the State, where the ballot is withheld for tace or color. This is clearly fair, and avoids the disturbing effect of substituting the general rule of apportionment in term according to vq ters. , There are questions . of the fran chise of women, minors and foreigners which would be perpetually agitated. Dot on their own merits, but as affecting rep rosentution by the unqualified adontioo of auoh general rule. Apportionment most directly as to voters, in every State, would leave the Southern States with about the Baud relative representation as the more specified and guarded rule proposed. Discussion upon the subject may disclose other considerations affecting the case ; but at present the indications are that the Republicans in Congress will be substan tially a nuit in favor of the amendment The passage of the resolution recommend- to? the amendment . will require a con currence of two th i rod of both Houses. Uarrilnrj Ttletrvph. THE LABOR QIESTION AT THe SO I TU. - The reports from the Soutb in regard to the labor question are daily growing more favorable. As the planting season approaches the planters realize more for- ciblv the uecessity ot securing bands to make crops, and are yielding their deter tuinatiou to force the freedmen to labor on their terms, while the freedmen are discovering that they must work for a living and are aetiug accordingly. The Nashville Union says the members of the Tennessee Legislature from the counties where the freedmen are most numerous, represent the negroes as willing to work, and the prospect is much better than the most 6aguine had hoped. Some of them work by contract for wages, others rent lands, nud still others "crop" on shares. Gen. Swayue. Assistant Commissioner of Freedmen to Alabama, writes that a general improvement continues to be manifest. In some djucss the planters made strong combinations against em ploying their former slaves, but the freed men succedd in breaking them up. The average contract price for the labor of male hanas is ten dollars per month, in cluding quarters, food and medical atten dance for the entire family.-" Female bands get eight dollars per month. ' The Commissioner estimates that there are in the State five thotisaud Northern men, lor whom the freedmen show a decided prelereuce. The demand for labor in all portions of tbs State is greater than the supply. Similar repftrts come from Georgia- "': .'; The New Orleans Picayune says one half of the German emigrants engaged by a planter of Louisiana,' deserted on the arrival of the vessel at New Orleans believing they could get better psy in that city. " ' ' ' WOOL OROWEHS' CONVENTION. At a convention ot Washington Coun ty Wool Growers, held in this place on the 4th instant, the undersigned were appointed to call a State Convention, to organize ' a ; Pennsylvania State Wool Growers Association.' '' After due conference, we hereby in vite delegates and representative : men from every county in the State, to meet in the city of Pittsburg; at Hare's Hotel on Thursday the 8th of February next, at 11 o'clock, -Aj. -M., .Sot the purpose above specified. If there is time.odhe Convention is so inclined, there , will be a discussion on the ' comparative . merits of different breeds of sheep, ' and other topics appropriate to the occasion.? ?.': J 6i..m V. JVLWS LB MOYNE, ;i sv.i ASA MANCHESTER, . . JOHN H. KWING. For the Sentinel. An Hour in the. Soldiers' OrphMHT School at VAtiatsjratille, lau Mb. Editor, ." " I presume anything of im portance, in connection with this School, "Will be of interest to your readers, at least to the ' patriotic and charitable. - At far as I am concerned I am thankful that the old Commonwealth ot Penns-'lvaqia leads the van in this noble, charitable and christian enterprise, snd that she has been the first to go ont in search of the chil dren of those Who nobly battled and fell in defense of their country's . rights. While we still mourn the departure of many who have fallen and are now sleep ing their last -sleep upon some distant bat tle field, our grief is considerably assua ged, when we. view the extensive prepara tisn for the raamtainaoce and education of these children. . One of the most pleasing events of my life, transpired on Sabbath afternoon, January 20th, an event alike creditable to Col. George F, McFarland, tie worthy Principle, Prof. W. E. Caveny and his associates. . It is. indeed highly gratifying to the citizen who feels an interest in the ad vancement of Christianity snd knows that in order to iisure such progress and to gradually purify and elevate society, the work must commence with the yoqth of the land, that this important matter re ceives the marked attention of all con nected with the school at McAlistersville PENNSYLVANIA. TRIBUTE OF RESPECT, Veie'ofPtrmtahaitW ftAuitor Gen- Wpbkas Inthen.ys.eHoiisdispenaition of rotev rmm9'v w . tho (nM Fs,nM. of the Uniwe. a worthy era awrt (Surveyor veneru v ioz elec tion htld October, 10A, .JSG5. - r C0PWTTE8. Adams.-. .......... Allegheny-...,,.. Armstrong ... Braver .....i... Bedford.. ........ Barks ........ Blair Bradford Bueke......u. Butler...,.,..,. Cambria-......... Cameron-........, Carbon ....,;,. Centre,,, , . , Chester.... Clarion....... Clearfield Clinton Columbia ......, Crawford Cumberland.... Dauphin Delaware Elk , Erie Fayette......i Forest-,, , Franklin Fulton Greene -. Huntingdon..-.. Indiana.... Jefferson. ........ Juniata Lancaster- Lawrence...,,,. Lebanon. Lehigh- ,... Luaarne While UrbiS been the business and iueeJJ-jreomiDe-.' .L- jt- : i r .x. - ...a.n. I mzn.ru lue ueiiguuui privilege ui iuub wni-v" ed, from its commencement, to inculcate correct moral principles, they have beea in want of some aid, owing to the large number of children, in conducting the proper and regular duties of the Sab batn., On the afternoon referred to, we were invited to attend the regular organi zation of a . Soldiers Orphan s cabbatb School a novelty in the world. , The exercises were introduced by the singing of a beautiful peiee called "Tbe Royal Proclamation." As tbe voiced of these children blende 1 in sweat barroouy in giving utterance to that truthful declaration, . . : t i3...i Will TAX! flATiilV: V &aJUaSB,t'A V ..a. M-M A i !". :.a.: ;it-iiV 0: : l Commit Seel ; L." aitif. oi... i .Jf nv 1 f B IjiW. u v:u "Jeius reiges. He reigns, victorious, Over heaven and eaith most glorious." We could not hide the deep emotioq of gratitude that we felt nor prevent it from manifest.ng itself in tbe smile and the tear. After the hymn, a short prayer was offered, imploring the blessing snd direction of Almighty God upon the ef fort about to be inaugurated. Thf. next proceeding was the selection of officers and teachers. The following is a list : luperintendant. E. L. Jamison. Secretary, Miss. Mary E. Smith. Librian. Mrs. Anna E. Siptou. . Treasurer. Prof. V. E. Caveny. Moderator. Prof. J. H. Smith, Mrs. McKey. Teacher. Franklin Cassel, E- Jam ison, wm. uaveny, I'lrs. aic imams Miss. Culby and Miss Sallie Strayer. It will be observed that a majority of the teachers are from town, having kind ly consented to take part in this laudable and christian undertaking. In this arrangement the various denom inations are represented. We sincerely hope that the leven of Unionism in the Master work, thus laid in the Soldiers' Orphans' Kchoo!, at McAlistersville, may diffuse itself, and eveotfully pervade the hearts and miuds of all God's people. "Ia Union there is strength." : Those concerned ia this nobis effort would be pleased to receive any contribu tions in books, papers, periodicals or mon ey, the benovolent and kind may feel like sending.' ' ' ':: All contributions should be addressed to Prof W . J. Caveny, Soldiers Or. phans' School, McAlistersville, Pa. It might be proper to add that the gov ernment makes no provision fur religious books, such as are used in Sabbath Schools. ... Yours, Truly, ; - i .- S. Later from Mexico. San Francisco, Jan. 25. Advices from Mexico to tht. 5ih inst. state thst the Liberal General Carona holds a posi tion within forty miles of Mazatian. Although a strong force of the French was at the : latter place, , Carona remained, undisturbed, i. He does not attack, know- ng that he oould not hold the place if he took iiy ; : . ..: i , . Mucb distress existed in the country and famine f't for food prevailed in CkihBallBa.;tj,....UI; ;.' ;,;:.r.,.j .;,;J, ;i :. The Liberal Giovsnment was again ss- tabliahed at ChihsJjua, and need fear no junner auoatavoa jrom me frenco .,n i. Datango was sjilj in the hands ol the Freueh and traitors,' but tho iLibersi Hereer Mifflin Monroe Montgomery ..... Moniour Northampton-... Northumberland Perry Philadelphia,,... Pike.. '.. Potter PchuylkiU Snyder Somerset,, Sullivan Susquehanna.... Tioga Union Venango- Warren Washington Wsyne Westmoreland.-.. Wyoming York AOS' BaBBAj a 2.633 11,180' 2,810 2,432 4,846 2,501 5.24: 6,778 2,083 1,967 285 1,414 2,745 7,074 1,117 1,307 1,427 1.691 4,188, 3,289 4.885 2,647 237 8.84T 8,098 77 3,620 692 1,40 2,66: 8,739 1,741 1.260 11.409 2,264 3.052 8.-54 6,126 S.lOil 681 3.682 1,568 411 5,9't: 8S7 2.772 2.424 2.287 49,950 234 792; 6.002 1-.631 2..ri 312 8.292 3.191 1.523 2,611 1.734 4.487 i.r-77 4,093 1,214 4,564 2,647 6,650 2,506 1,496 2.669 ItMSJ 1,773 2,3u4 6.131 2,364 2,716 211 1,612 2,933 4'947 1,967 2,087 1,785 3,007 2,907 3,710 8,261 1,335 539 2,051 8,670 So 3,496 863 2,542 1,689 1,620 1,662 1.485 6,976 923 1 1,908! 4,581. 6.9161 3.397 444 2,6111 1,515 l,92o 6.98' 1,209! 4,71o! 2.843; 2,037! 39,831! a-ii 270, 6,83 11 1,126 1,412 583' 1,999 965j 1,183! 2,285! 971; 3,949 j 1.943 5,04.7 1,261 6,lj fPB GENERAL 4 2,634 11.16: 2,818 2,244 2.431 4,830 2,471 6.169 5.7T8 2.691 1,918 282 1.412 2,743 7.066 1.178 1.309 1,422 1,589 4,190 3.283 4.858 2,648 233 3,844 3.110 78 3.615 .i 690 1.402 2.565 8.752 1.736 1.259 11.410 2.268 8,f48 3.508 6.110 9.1S3 568 3.5S0 1,503 411 5.8S4 847 2,767 2.419 2.28: 49, 2.647 6,558 2.507 1,500 2,569 10,015 1.7941 2.301 i 6.149 : member of our order, and an estimable citizen, brother Holbert A. Barton, has been sum moned by death suddenly to appear at the bar of our Great Spirit therefore Reoi?t4. That t the death of brother Bar ton, ou trtha has ;nstaiped a great loss, so ciety a Useful and raspeolad. member pares ts adutifitl si. ' aid his 'brothers and sisters a kind and anilearad frieaid. . v.- Ketolved. That in this affect in (f visitation of the Great Spirit, w sea tha necessity eC at all times, being prepared for that change which leads to life sternal. Retolred. That w tender the bereaved pa rents, sisters and brothers, our most heartfelt condolence in this trying and affecting decree. XeieVThat tha Wigwam bar draped ia mourning for thirty days, and that the mem bers of tbe tribe wear the. nana! badge of mourning. . Ruolved. That a eopy of these, resolutions 2,749 Dfl 8,nt tne parents, and tha same be pub' lished in our county papers. ? JOHN E. HOT.tOBVUOn. WM. I JACKMAN. A. 0. BROWN, . Committet. 207 1.690 2.937 4,862 1,972 2.081 1.805 8.016 2,922 I "VTOTH!"'-. prnon that took my 3.713 ill RATTARRIEU lOQ from icy residence 8,285 ' on the 19rb inst., will please bring bim. back 1.333 ; immediately and sure public exposure and 544 CQBts, and oblige SUir fli'tTt.sfWfntif 2,041 JOHN ISliALK, 3,667 Deals tpwnship, Juniata county, P. 63 J Ml. 3l.-2t. q e.,u ! -iA hereby given that letters of administra 1 590 ,iou on the es,a,e af HENRY MOIST, late of 1637 Fermanagh township, deceased, hart been 1673 granleu 10 'ha undersigned, residing in Mitf- 1482 'nt0n- All persons knowing tbeui:elves in- 5 9ii9 lebted to said estate will make immediate 916 payment, and those having claims will pre j 9, sent them duly authenticated for settlement. Aiua I . K. S. 10T', Admr. PIRE LIBERTY WHITE LEAD, preferred by all practical Painters t Try it ! and you will have no other. Man ufactured only by ZCIGLR & SMITH, WnotisAia Cairo, rXjur & Glass Dialsrs, , 3137 Nottfc WIBD Street, PHILAD'A. Jan, 24. 6rWly.a EXECUTOR'S SOTICE.-Ths undersigned have received from the Register of Juniata County, letters testamentary upon the last will and teatament of ROBERT THOMPSON, lata of Thompsontown, dee'd. All persons indebt ed to said estate, are requested la n'aka pay--pent to the undersigned and all persons hav ing demands against tbe earn will present : them for settlement, on or before the 10th dsdk ' Maroh, 1866- . . Z. g. P. THOMPSON, I W. THOMPSON, T. S. THOMPSON, J fjTlionpaontown, Jan. 10. I8S6. fjaw 17-8t- Tavenj Lcenso Petitions." fT'HB following named persons have filed J- their petitions in the Office of th Clerk of the Court of tbe Quarter Session of Juni-: ata County and the same will be presented1 for Confirmation and allowance on Wednesday tbe 7th day of February 1866: William Reedier, Warker township.' 1 r ' t Charles Shermer, Delaware township. Lewis Amy, Fayette township, Robert M. Thompson Mifflintown Borough. A. Snyder, R. NoteMine, Thoa. M- Wansellrr, Perrysville. Knocu Shellenb.-raer, Susquehanna. U. W. JACOB., Clerk. NOTICE. Notice is ! MPT "uicc, Jan. 1j, bo-tc. 6 98 2,430 444 2.641 1 1.521 Jan. 31-6t. Dissolution of Partnership. "V'OTICK is berehy given that the co-part-1 neibhip h.'reiulure eatatini' between in. l,'.KZ 15. fuller and Siiuiucl M. fclliott, doing busl 6.956 nefs under the naine of Soudt-r & Klliolt, is l.l'9 this dny dissolved by mutual Consent. 4,713 I l'attcraon, Jan. 19-61 2,847 1 -. .282 2.042 ; IT' E hare on hand a good quality of Jlar ,924 39.8'Jl V ware, cmprisiug a full assortineni d -'9 CA R rEX TKlL IUOLS & ISLAVKSXIT 265 TOOLS, such as Anvils, Bellows, St., Sho, 6.845 muter Tool. Saws, Axes, Augers, Iron, Stee 1.128 Nails, Horse Shoes, and Horse Slioe Nails y 1.411 the keg and pound, Kopes of alt sizes from 2 686 inches down to inch by (lie pnuud. Buggy 1,995 and Wiigon Springs. Grind Sumes, and Gnud 95 gtoue Ficiuren. at l.l-i - StLOlt'F. FROW & PARKER'S. 2,292 : 959 PURE LIBERTY WHITE LEAD. 3.944 Vf ill dii morA Ht..i hotri.r w.,m nt n irivn Cns.t 236 . 795 6,989 1,629 2.577 3H6 S.288 8.190 1.584 2.6' 6 1.719 4.466; 1.567 4.093 1,211 4,564 Totals 238.230 215.740 237,969 215,981 1 nif4 than any qthcr! Try if ! )iapufactured only 1.22, kT' 6.9.22J ' Zeigler ft Smith. I hotrtale uruq, l imit dc OIum liulrrt. No. 137 North THIRD Street. PiULAD'A. Jan. 24, '66-ly. iNvriuTons' orrxocs. n'KPINKUlLi E V A X S . Ciylf pvjiisikRS ay it Tatiht Solicitors, No. 435 Walnut St., Fhilad'a, Patents solicited Consultations on Engin eering. J'ruglitin and Sketches, Models and Machinery of all kimls made and skilfuily at tended lo- iSpecisl Rtier lion given lo REJECT ED CAKES and INTERFERENCES. Au thentic Copies of al Documents from Pateul, Office procure J. . -';?' N. B. Save yotwelres aselen f rouble and : travelling expenses, as there :s no actual need or persona! inlerview with us. All hnsiness with these Offices, can he transacted in wri ting. For further information direct as above with stamp enclosed, fur Circular with refer ences. January 17, lfiritMyf . ' EXI tI TOR'S XOTICK. VLL PEK sn.Ns are hreSy no ifiej thnf Letters Tes. tementary of tlie Kstnte of SAMUEL M. AD AMS, late of Walker township. Juniata coun ty. dc d , have hen granted in due form of law by the Ucgiter or said county, to the undersigned residing in Walkor fownsliia aforesaid, to whom all persons .indebted to said estate are Requested 10 make immediate payment, and to whom all persons Baring claims ..gainst tbe said (state will please pre sent theiu lor settlement. 7 Jan. 17, 66-6t. Majs. 22.590 21,988 Mereet eoqnty 121 for W. If, H. Davis aSV- Ocn. B. P. ' Butler, in bis speech before the Soldiers' and Sailors' National League, in the House of Representatives Washington, Tuesday night, favored the lnoreasa of soldiers' bounties, but rather A Hotels and Mills for 'sale tbrougUoji opposed the increase of the public debt l'e,,n"'w1lln1ia; Fms for aaja in Saw Jersey. rr r Maryland, Delaware and Virginia Son.ecflbe to pay them. There was a fund out of greatest bargains eyer offered 10 capitalists or which these bounties could be paid, and men of moderate means. Faring bought and ' 1 suld and good mortgages negotiated and mon- hat wa the public lands. Ha remarked ty inveted. ' that if it was objected that the public do- ! t& peers' and Soldiers' accounts prompt- . . S r 1 .,..M..I.l Son,! r I'alnU.ii. -.l J , - J - ufc v av. v... HUM enclose stamp. CORSON EGBERT. Jacob adams, Ei'r. STATE CAPITOL HOTEL, near lie Caci tol Buildings, ' . HARlSBVRq,p.l. , v .. . tTiTerms as mp lerata as any lintel in ;Ka City. s WM r,, TIDM'P.SON, Proprietor. R R. COttSO."- OKO. T. EGBERT. CORSON a Real Esiale Brokers &Coovcvanccrs i mo" .'"'e-. r. l JAtUB Mo.'sr.tt, MtOi 112 South 4ib Street Philadelphia. Pa. Tarms' for sale in Pennsylvania. Stores, main was not large enough, his snewer would be, "Crass the Potomac; com mence at Arlington and measure South ward."., The sailors got all they captur, ed, and why should the rule not apply to soldiers, at least to the extent of a few Dec. 6, 'C5-3m, CENTAL QAHX?, A J-,M0SKR. H LL DRILLERS, UX. Would inform the public that Ihey ar prepared to sink WELUS, either by digging, or drilling, at the shortest noiioe, and an the or address' ntowu. or AMOS MOSKK. Mexico. Pa. jm. :t)-5t. ....... . AD M I V ISfK ATOM'S NOTlCi: Soli' .s hereby riven lhai lofters of adotinisi , , lion on the estate of J F. Kawlu-ider. I .ie of Fayetfe lowtiiliip. deceased, have ber-ii gr.n'ra 10 ilie unleriinfd residing in lha same lown,!;p. Atl pcr&ons knowing themselves indeb'eJ to said estate are request ed to make immeliue pay wen t and those hav ng cl.iims will please present tlicm duly au thenticated for settlement. - , ? V'UKf. LliONARD, AJu'r. Jan. 10, 6(-rti. DMIMSTK.VToa s NOTICE. Notice is 1 1. herehy give-, i'ihI letters of adrniuiiitrs tioa on the e-rn'tof SAMUEL ALEXANDER, late of Milfjrd township, dee'd , hare been. r it rr rs rsTT n r -. ' .... acres of the soil over which be had march '. Xi Jjl TILL V LK, MirSfOll DCMlSl. ' F'.1 " '' undersigned, residing a9 afore- n.i persons suowinz inemseiYes imleot- ed and fought so long? NEWS ITEMS. ' I 1 A K r.S t hlB mptlti-tfl nf inform. nir h.a Mn.l u I . , v. . . . in s.,.'j estaie are retitiested to make inline - in juuiaia cuuuiy. mai owinz to tne lea- mte mm, nt n, I .n ...: sonably good success he has met with, during tl.f fe months be hnsbevn p.-actisin his pro fession in said county, he feels warran.'ed in making Biated visits to Mifflintown and tic- Alialersville The firsj Mo 11 Jay of each month 1! please prc.mt them duly authenticated for .sett lenient. JANE H. ALEXANDER, .KiiaimMfratrix of Samuel Alexander, dtc'-L jan. 29. '66-Uw. . A DMI.VISTR ATDR'S NOTii'E. None is tl. hereby cireUiat Letters of A .Im ;( . SON.. have Petition! are being numerously signed in the South, Praying for the banishment of Jeff Mr- Keevcr may be found at tiie Juuitjia Ho n.: i tel. MifHm. te remain two weeks. The ' third T1"- ltl.... -. M...:.. . The Copperhead Legislature of Delaware the week. Teeth inserted on VULCANITE, I ''on on "teesiateof .Mrs MAlfY THQMF30N refuses to recogniie Andrew Johnson as a OOLD SILVER." lEETIl FILLED and j 1h' of Delaware township,, deceased, hav Dtmoorat. ... Berry, Knight, Crab and Bisaugh, all un der 2t years of age, the murderers of Mr. Haiffennan, were hanged at Nashville yester day. Hon. John Sherman has been re-elected United States Senator by the Ohio Legisla ture. General Schtuck was bis principal competitor. The trial of Gen. L. 0. Baker, late Govarn- extracted in the most approved manner, and 1 v,a granted lo the umJiigneJ, residing iff " with the lcajit pqssijjle pain. ; Thompsontown, Juniata epuntj. AUperaoaa' JPOV Strict atienlioii given to diseasel ! knowing themselves itvlel'ted to said estate gums', tic. ' All work warfkuied, easonable. January 24, lSGtj-tf. AVALl'AnLE PRORCRTV AT Private Sale. The undersigned o.Tors at private sale the followiug Real Estate, to wit: A trnct of Lond belonging to S- P. Blair. Esq., situated in Wslker township, Juniata ennntv Pli . ailinininir ltn,U rtf i ,v ITvl. meat Detective, charged by Mrs. Cobb, a par- j Jobn Wright. Joseph Tyson and others, con dos broker, with falsa imprisonment, is noWjtaining SEVENTY ACRES, more or less, in progress at Washington. ' about 65 acres of which are cleared, in a good Cen. Grant, it is said, upder 'orders from !?; of tliv.tiou and under : good fence.- . ... . ... 1 ; - ,The ballancc, about la acres, is well covered tfePresidont, is withdrawing all the troops itll ,ne TerT choicest limber The improve fron the Southern Slates, except the garri- ' nients area good LOO DWELLING 1MOUSE, sons of United' States forts " St : iaportni n excellent new BAN K. BAKN. with all the : '. T .. j necessary out-buildings, and an excellent Or- P""18' ' " ,.' , . 'chard of OKAFTELt FRCIT. The above The Wheeling 1 jxltUigencer is reliably in-, ftam is beautifully located about half-way he- fotaed that at the election in Ritcbietown on tween MifHfutown and Mexico, (the Turn Pike Meaday last, sold his vote ttfX. Terms make immediate pnyn.r.f,and thse hav- . mg viaims wilt present luera duly autteittica j ted for settlement. LOUISA THOMPSON. Jan. 3. ISM tit." Administratrix. ALAROS and well "selected stock of GRO CERIES, comprising Htm, Shoulder. Ba-' ' eon. Mess Pork. Flour Spices, Ao.. Ae. at -1 SULpUFP, PROW & PARKER'S. ADVANCE OF SCIENCE. av rnsan in th VV Ashin tTt on Mills le.vlii.ff trom th atTe nsmej places pxiaea : ' ' ' 0 l ...j i i:..i. ;Kinrlisih Unkh... tntha ren.,ratie Met.' for "" " 'Wf !''" lBroye T " I - . r- r J mnt mii nn 1,1" li.A n!!.sjinfl hi,m I.unoer, I VUleanite. 1 Which if twill Mlop! The vote was lhB C0U.IT. FoI D.r,itu1ara inouire of i DU"y, ele.niineya, and the few tuekett full i cneap ana n rne nop : -; Joseph Tysou, Esq., or . - . OtSoial iBtelligeoce from El Paso, Meiica : ' JCgPMJg R.ETRICK, to December 22, repreaeata that tha French J u;17r''Xm,. Mexico. Pa. marched a large, force against Chihuahua, rs STATE NOTICE and tbe Mexican Governor was compelled to H Estate of Jacob Betom 'of Delaware abandon the city. . President Jnares ant eab-'' oWrfi'- ' ; ' ,-'' . inet lett on the 9th and arrived at El Paso on ; N"1"5 reby given that. Utters of Tteta- tbe 18tb, aad wa Well received by the public DeU towcshil). .. deceaseds have been The Fraoeh amy occupied Chihnahtia on the granted f the undersigned residing ip Dela- ersons knowing them- estate are requested to 1 ; ... - k . . i .a t, . . .Gold was. steady. at 139,- . Government . , duW ,u. stocks are'a shade lower under the European thenticated fur aeitlemuVil. news, bat they are steady at tbe ' qaotatlbns, ; Y- 'H-m i- nii t l-r! JANE BESOM, : and m large amounts prss.e4 ftw sate:' - -A 29-'6-fi . i ...! .Mw - E"turiz- T im Kiwv. - j..- . " yjraaitx cjuie Hosorvg J Jth sad (he Mexican forees retnai ned within ware township. All pe fifty miles of the rlaae, annoying the French. selTes ""oebted to said .. ' . .' jj- . ,,ot. r.J: -malce namediata .payo '- The frtaaua-' of' -"Tesnejiae ia "the House ' , - . i . jl. r. Ll: forces ; wife etrlg: the oiry in oh. ! b, ti.Mti 4bir pilrpo9, t, Unit th8 siderable bumborf, and a fibt was lootsi . Kenresentativea freai that Sute to, at CARPETS ! CARPETS t ! Teeth insert 1 iidou an entire! new !. ot bae, which ia a combination of Gold and - te.) - Also American - tor beauty, dura na&tivmtiaa of ifaa natural color of the : fa e. eaaaat be am- . paese''. Either of tie abovabaass ... I WARRANT FOR TEN TEARS. Fall Tpper or I.ovrer Seta InMrted as Vow as 1S poPer Set. 0 Temporary let inserted Gratit. iM' Special attention will be mad e to-' diseiseil gums, and a cure warranted or no ' Cua.-gs ' made. Teeth filled lo last for life. J : -1 ;3U Triumph in.deniis'try ! ; TEETH. EXTRACTED WITHOCT PAW by a new process, without the use of ether, J chloroform or nitrons axide, and- no dangerl-i Having been in basinese for upwards Of tea i years, five of which has been spent in Mifflin town, and being in possession of the UttOr bnprottd fnitrument and MteMnerj, warrant 4 entire HAliftt.ti,n n. ih. .. .i . - -- --- - v. .uq iuui o, . win on. re- ALAROEandgoodvaneiyofd, WOOL, i funded. Office an Bridza Stre.t. oDnoait. th.' RAO and UEXP CAIU'ETS on. hand ! Court s..".,. 98 '"l. opposite lha t i. : . i! tia Haass t art7 dw.. .. r -. , ,.U3TjJ a.... wLtoj, , . .u , i r.u C.V.U s..l'o ..ir: ,ko WMfia eeaLx in and for salo.rbeap. at .1 r ti! , e t ii i Court House Square. a X..DERR.