Juniata sentinel. (Mifflintown, Pa.) 1846-1873, January 31, 1866, Image 1

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n. n. wimoj,
Tea Jciiata Stibl is published every
Wednesday morning, on Min street, ty
'''H H WIU30N
The 8CBFCRIPTION PRICE of lhe paper
will be TWO DOLLARS per year in advaucc,
and $2.50 if not psid within the year.
A. No PPr discontinued uatil all ar
rearages are paid except at the option of the
, Advcbtisikq. The rates of ADVERTIS
ING are lor one square, of iioht Hues or less,
one timj, 75 cents ; three, $1 60; and 60 w.
for each eubsjcjuent insertion. Administra
tor's, Executor's and Auditor's Notices, $2,00.
Professional and Business Cards, not exceed
ing 26 lines, and including copy of paper.
$9.00 per year. Merchants adtertising
(changeable quarterly) $ 15 per year, includ
ing paper at their Stores. Notices in reading
columns, ten cents per line.
Joe Woac The prices of JOB WORK,
for thirty Bills one eight sheet, $1,25; one
fourth, $2,00; one-half. $4.00; stud addition
al numbers, half pric an J f jr lilanks, $2,00
per quire.
gnsmcss Carfo.
ttifflintown, Juniata County. P., Office
on Main street South of Bridge s'r ct.
Mijfiintotcv, Juniata Co., 1'a.,
Offers bis professional services lo the pub
lic. Collections and all other business will
receive prompt attention. Office first door
S M ih of Bulfurd's Store, (upviairs.)
. Attorney at Laic,
Will attend to all business entrusted to his
cure. Office en Main Street, Miinintown, I'a.
OFKEIt-S his professional m-tics to the
public. Prompt attention Riven to the
prosecution of elaisns r.gaiust tfce ii jverninent,
caUsations and all other buainws entrusted to
his care- Office,. Main Street, one daor Joutt
of Snvder's Hotel.
Sept. 20, 13C5.
J. A. Mil A1KI ,
xiEFLiyrows, jusiata cor.
(Office Main Street, in lh rorm formerly
occupied by Wm. M. Allison. Fsq )
inw connected with the yrofeisi.n
promptly attended to. Oot. 1H, 't)r.
Dh7p. C. RCXIIIO, of Patteraon,
Pa., wishes to iut'oriu his friends and pa
triae that he has removed to the honse on
bridge Street opposite Todd i Jordan's Store.
The undersigned offers his services to the
public as Vendue Cryer and Auctioneer, lie
has had a very large experience, and feels
confident that be can give satisfaction to all
who may employ him. He may be addressed
at Mifflintowa, or found at bis home in Fer
managh township. Orders tuny a'.iJ he "af'
at Mr. Will's Hotel.
"ALEX. SP6dy7
A-B ST it M B B
KESPF.CTFL'LLY offers his services to the
public of Juniata county. Having h.v! a
lirge experience in the business of Vendue
Crying, he feels confident that he can render
general satisfaction. ' He can at a!l times be
consulted at his residence in MIffliutowu, P.
Aug. IS, 18C5.
rpHE undersigned will promptly attend to
-L the collection of claims ag:iiust either the
Plate or National Government, Pensions, H;iuk
Pay, bounty. Extra Pay, and all other claims
rising out of the present or any ether war,
Miffliutown, Juniata Co., Pa. y fehl
Pensions! Pensions!
sons who intend applying for a Pension must
call on the Examining Surgeon to know weth
er their Disability is aumoient to entitle them
to a Pension. All disabled Soldiers will call
en tbe aaderaigued who has been appointed
Pension F usaininn Surgeon for J uuiat a and
adjoio.ngCsssntie. - .
P. C. RV5DIO, M. D.,
- ' - Vatterson, Pa. '
iee. 9, 18.-tf. . - ; - ' V r
Deafaese? Bliadness and Catarrh;
rpREATED with the utmost success, by Dr.
JL J. ISAACS. Oculi't and Aurtist, (former
ly of Leyden, Holland,) No. 519 PINE Street
Philadelphia. Testimonials from tbe most
reliable sources in the City and Country can
be seen at his Office. The medical faculty are
invited to accompany their patients, as he
AK.1 trtlAUi
EVES, inserted without pain. h ctiargeun a ecrtatn paracn, on ine norm fiuc ot
autde for examination. Feb, li. 'liS.-ly
As the room now occupied by me as a Ooili-
inj Store will be occupied for other purpo
ses in tbe Sprin;. I now offer my entire
stock of CLOTHINO at eost prices.
fLOTIIISa,e. Give me t
Old Don't Care is a murderer foul, '.
And a murderer foul is he -lie
beareth : halter in hi k.and : ,
..And his ata'J is the gallows tree j
And slyly he fo.Uows his victim on,. ,-.
Through high degree and low.
And strangles him there when least aware.
And striketh the fatal blow
Hanging his victims high in the air,- '
A villain strong is Old Don't Care,
He looks on the babe at his mothers breast
And Mighteth that blossom fair.
For its young buds wither fade and die
'Neath the gare ef Old Don't Care ;
And in place of these there springelh np
Full many a poisonous weed, .
And then tendrils coil round the victim'a
A lank and loathsome breed, heart,
Blighting the spirit young and fair,
. A villain strong is Old Don't Care !
Be meeteth hold Manhood on his way,
- And wresileth with him there i v .
And he falls ure and easy prey -
To the strength of Old Don't Cre ;
Then be plants his foot un his victim's
And shouted with demon joy, breast
And tn-aded tU? life from his panting heart,
And exulteth to destroy
Crushing bold Manhood everywhere.
A villain strong is Old Don t t are: it
There ib a remarkable dream, of which
tie hero was a tinker of Swaffhsm, Eng j
ho J two or three hundred years ago.
This dream is both traditional and histori
eel, being well known, in its first form,
in the place where it occurred, auw hav
ing been recorded in tbe legendary histor
ies of former aaes : .
'There lived in Swaffbatn, a Norfolk.
England, a hard working, industrial
man, who followed :ho trade of a trioker.
This man dreamed one piiit that il he
took a jjurney to London, and placed him
self ou a certain part of London Bridge,
he should t!ere n.etit wabaierson who
would comaiUDicateomething to him "of
great importance to his future prospects
in life. This dream made a great itupres
bioQ on the tinker's mind, and ho related
it circumatautially to his wifd in the
ci..rning. She however, half laughed
scolded at him, for his lolly in payinj: at
tention to such idle lauciea. and told him
he had better get up and go to work
The next n'tjht he dreamed the same
again, aud lisewi.se the third niuht, when
tbe impression 'wa so powerful ou
his mind that be determined, in spite !
the remonstrances ot his wife and the
ridicule of his neighbors, to go to. London
aud sep. ibe .upshot of it. ( Accordingly.,
having made the lequistive arransemcnti
a to the managemeat of his business dur
ing his absence, he furnished himself with
& sum of money, aud set out on foot for
the metropolis distant about ninety miles.
He reached tho end of his journey late on
the third day, and having refreshed him
self with a night's rest, he took his sta
tion next morning on a part of the bridge
which corresponded with the description
ia the dream. There he stood all day,
without any communication as to :he pur
i.a of his journey. The next day it
was the same and the third, so that, to
w.trd night, bis' confidence in hi? "freUm
ua well as bis patienae, iegan to be con
sidcrably shaken ; apd he inwardly cursed
himself for his folly in not yielding to his
wife's advice, and resolved that next day
he wou!4 ly4 VP London and make the best
of his way home agaio. However, he kept
his station till late in the evening ; when,
just a he was about to leave it, a stianger
who had noticed him standin doggedly
and with anxious looks on the same spot
for some days, accosted him, and asked
him what he was waiting for. After
some hesitation the tinker told him ii'is
ci'rand, without, however, v acquainted
ith him with, the pluce he came from.-
The. stranger smiled at hit, simplicity, and
ii vised him to go home, and in future
pay no attention to dreams. 1 "I, iriyself,'.';
said he, "if I were disposed to put faith
in such things, might now go a handred'
miles into the country upon a similar , er
rand.. I dreamed three nights this week,
that'if I went to' a place called $waffham,
in Norfolk, and dug under an apple tree
the town, I should find a box of money ;
but I have something else to do than to
run alter such idlq fancies !. , i?o, no, my
fricud,'' go home and iworV well t your
calling; and v yon - will
there the
The link-
r;chs yoa are seeking here
h f.j. TitlBt ha
doubted not,
butheaaid nothing further to the ,tran-
-ertbao to thank bin. for hi, advice ,di
to declare his determination to follow ft
! He immediately went to his lodginsrs," and ,
I the next day set off for his home, whieh otter looa. .Liquor was even used at iun
I he reached safe. v. 11 said but little to' erala, and' on occasions when it .'was not
I his wile on the subject 0f his journey, 'produced it was regarded as an evidence
' but rose early tbe next morning, and'c.om-jof want of respect for the dead.' Joy
menced digging; on me ipot supposea Kj.u' . " -
be pointed ot the rt anger. After
prucet'dinj; w,ah his work a few feet down
ward the spade struck against a baid snb
HUuce, which, upon clearing the mould
from the top of rt proved to be an itoi
cheft. lie quickly removed it to his
hoaxe, and having with some difficulty
broken off the lid, to his great joy found
U fall ot money. After securing bis
treasure, he discovered, upon the outside
of the chest.' an inscription, which, being
noscVolar.lie uas unable to decipher.
IU therefore hit udoo "the following
pedinieni to ascerUin its meaning: There
was in the town a grammar school,' ae-
of the pupils of which was constantly in j
the habit of passing hi smithy on the
way to and from school. The tinker
judged that by placing the chest at the!
door it would excite the attention of the
boys, and thns he would be able to obtain
the obfect in view, without exciting any
suspicion among his neighbors. He had J
soon the opportunity he sought. A num
ber of the boys- being gathered round,
as was their custom, to witness the opera
tion of t;e forge, to took occasiou to
the challenge - their cholastic skill ' in
traos'ation .of ' the inscription. . Some
shook their' beads; others, after eom
ing over it awhile, said it was not legi
ble At length one, older than the rest,
anxious to d'splay his superiour 'earnings,
after scraping and breaking off the rust,
gave the following solution of it
'Where this stood -
- -til
Is another twice as good."
Overjoyed at thia information, the- twkfr
tnext morning resumed nis laoor, aua
little below the ground already cleared be
found a second cbest, double the size of
the first, and, like it, filled with gold - and
silver coin.' The ucuouut goes on, to state
that, becoming thus a whealthy man, the
tinker showed bis gratitude toProvidecce
by buildiuir a new chancel to the church,
the old ona bein; out pf repair. What
ever ticiii'U the uiarvulous taste of these
ages tuay have mixed up with tbe tale,
certa o it is that there is shown at this
day a mnuumcnt in Swaffbam church, hav
ing an effigy in marble, said to be that of
the tinker, with his dog at his .side, and
his tools and implements of trade lying
about Lim. " . : -
THPfiANCE., ..
r i'tr i , S I v it . e
In a recent lecture before one of the
Teiuperauce Societies of New York city,
Horace Groely of the New York Tribune,
"aid ; ', .
There is no new truth.' All truth is
from the beginning, aad it is only eraor
that tukes new forms. I shall have noth
ing nw therefore to entertain you with,
but shall only repeat the thoaghu of these
who have previously addressed you, or re
hearse a few fapts that seem encouraging .
to tnnse wno laoor in toe cause oi xem
petance. The suggestions of . the appetite are
positive aud appeal to all alike, giving
every individual who uses liquor a species
of sensual gratification. " Our arguments,
however,' reach but few. Nevertheless,
habit oC.deep drinking, among educated
and refiuqd persons, , is not so, prevailant
as it was formerly. Gentlemen do lot
now, neither in E iglandorthe Continent
draiq bottle after bottle from ' dinner un
, til miduight
it was their common habit
to do so ; and thed died by scores, at the
age of 50 years, of gout, and other du
eases, Caused mainly by driokiug, where
now but few victims are to be found.- ?
In this fact is to be found the proof of
substantial ' progress, tt is the result of
the Teetotal . movement. With, or with
out our help : tbe - sentiment has moved
forward. In New England tbe same pro
gress bits ' been made:" It was formerly
the cotnmon habit of the smaller farmers
to drink while at their labor, and tbe be
lief was that liquor was a necessity to
those wh were conqpelled to uso great,
tquscular exertion. ..I have heard men 50
years .of age,' who had spent their liver
upon ' their' farms,:' assert that they had,
never" mowed a day 'without rmn. Now
this belief does not exist, and liquor is
f t r?jprVl ?3 r.ec??2?.ry io t" -.'s tift3
FfcWA.' JAMUABY 31, t360.
o accomplish their work. .. I
It was also' once regarded as a social I
duty to otter liquor to vis;tors, just as
when they deemed one hungry they would
it is not generally thoagnt ot in connec-
tion with either emotion. .
There is nowhere so much drunken
ness as there Tjas formerly, even within
my early recollection. The Temperance
movement or something else has brought
a great improvement. By our help or in
spite of it theie has been progress among
the decent and respectable classes, lbere
are still many who drink very regularly,
and quarrels, riots and other crimes that
grow out pt me naou, are irequent,
ex-!withing 32 years American society has
'become comparatively abstemious, and if
ress was only ieir amowg xno
members of the ' Temperance societies
there might he danger, but it is felt in the
social condition of all classes. :
It is not, however, sufficient that men
shoaid be temperate. The runr seller dis
likes drunkards, for they injure Lis busi
ness, and drunkards themselves will tell
you that they love temperance. ' Drunk
enness is an abuse : temperance, they say,
ia drinking to exbiliration, not to stupidi
ty. I unfold another idea. ' In so far as
you are at all effected by alcbolic stimu
Ian to, you are poisoned.' Temperance is
in using in moderation what is useful and
wholesome, and in abstaiing totally from
what is poisioaous and harmful. Intem
perance is an excess in the ua of whole
some articles, and any use at all of arti
cles whieh are hateful. Alcohol is per
nicious in its nature, and no man was
ever intoxicated who waa not poison
ed. ' " ' ' '; - ' '
r Aloohol and the vital forces are deadly
enemies. ' Vi'ben it is taken into tbe
stomach they rally to expel the intruder
and stimulation is tbe reaotion canned by
the effort on the part of those formed to
rid themselves of the enemy. Men who
drink largely without getting drunk are
injured more than if they were stimula
ted. Drunkenness is one of God's be
nignant exhibitions of patience. If you
know a drinker, pray God that in every
case he be made drunk' It is not intoxi
cation, io any vulgar sense, that we ought
to dread, but the corruption of blood and
brain which is the result of drinking God
pittios these men who will drin!;- by mak
ing them drunk. ' ..
The speaker then referred to the cue.
torn of offering wine to New Year call
ers; urging his hearers to rcfraim from i(
in future, and said there was liberty in
taking tb pledge, for even the unprinci
pled respected principle, and one who
refused to drink on these - ground would
never be tempted.- - .
As a n ew year has just commenced, it
will not be out of place for us to say a
few words as. to the duty of every one un-
1 der the revenue laws of the United States.
The income tax next to be assessed
will be for the year 18G5, from tbe 1st
day of January to the 31st day of De
cember, both days inclusive. . It embra
ces a man's earning and income from all
sources, including interest on notes, mort
gages and United States bonds, and divi
dends from banks, railroaoa, and corpora
tions or partnerships of all kinds, and
profits from speculations, and from sales
of lands bought and 'said within the year,
and from sales of stoek without regard to
the time when purchased, if soli within
the year,1" The income of farmers, after
embracing all the above items,1 is based
upon the actual sales made within the
yearVithout regard to the ' time when
produced.' r- Corn produced in tbe year of
1862, 1863, or 1864, ; for ; instance, and
sold during the year 1865, must be inolu-
I ded in the re'urn of 1865. It will be
well for all persons, but more 1 especially
for farnjers, who are not generally in' the
habit of keeping book accounts, to write
down now, while frest on their minds, all
items of income during the past : year.
The return most be made to the Assistant
Assessor to or before the first Monday in
May. uiThe return, both a to- income and
deduction to bo made therefrom, has to
be made under oath If every item u
put upon papeT, much' valuable time' will
be saved' when the period arrives for mak-
The tax upon buggies, carriages, gold
watches, pianos, and gold and silver plate
is uniixe me income -s ;
instead of the past years. A he, income,
as before stated, ia from the first of Jan-
nary to' the 31,st of December, 1865,
while the tax upon these articles, is from
tl. firs' nf Mav. 1866. to the first of i
May, 1867, and are taxed to the person
owning, possessing or keeping them, or
who had the care or management or taem
on the first day of May, 1866.
' Farmers are interested ia the tax oa
slaughtered animals. The proviso to sec
tion 101, of the act of June 30, 1S64,
exempts from tax five head of cattle three
months old and over, swine, sheep and
lambs not exceeding in all twenty ia num
ber, slaughtered by any person for fami-
ly consumption, in any one yeaiL The
farmer or other person that kills one ani
mal and, sella it, must pay the tax. The
liability wws wpon the Belling. - If con
sumed, there 1e no tax within he limited
number j if sold, the tax attaches without
rejfard to number. It is the duty of the
person slaughtering animals, subject to
tax, to return the kind and number to
the Assistant Assessor every month.
Farmers not regularly in the business of
slaughtering, may do so, we suppose, at
the time of making their income returns.
The taxes are : On eattle and calves over
three months old, 40 cents; on cattle and
calves under three cionths old, 5 cents;
on hogs of all ages, 10 cents; on sheep
and lambs 5 cents.
.There is another item of tax not gen.
erally undersold. We allude to the tax,
of six cents ter ton on coal. 'A ton of
coal is twenty-live bushels.. , The man
running the bank it liable for the tax
and must return the amount mined to the
Assistant Assessor within ten days from
the first day of each month. All coal
mined, whether sold ot consumed, is sub
ject to, tax. ..
There is also a tax cf one fourth cX
one Der cent, on all sales at auction. If
a man cries his own sale, he must return
the amount of Bale to the Assistant As
sessor, the same as it the sale had been
conducted by a licensed auctioneer.
We need not here allude to the tax on
banks, distilleries, manufacturers, io , as
the generality of the people are not in
terested in them. If tbe reader will cut
out the above and preserve it, it may oe
useful for reference hereafter. Should
tbe present Congress alter any of the
above provisions, we will make mention
of such alterations in our paper. Knox
ville Vnioiy. ,.
The Philadelphia Earning Bulletin, in
furnishing before the close of the war, a
sketch of the different rebellions iu the
United States, says :
"The great rebellion which began in
1$61, and which now seems to be in its
last gasp, in the next outbreak in order.
Strangely enough the nearest parallel to
it among all former American insurrect
ions, is the John Brown raid. There
was blood shed in the case of the latter,
every soul of the raiding party, except
one who made his .eseapc, either biting
the dust in the field or ending his career
on the gallows. But John Brown made
war upon what he honestly and enthusi
astically believed to be wrong, and not in
support of a crime. .. John Brown was
not educated at the expense of Virginia j
he bad never sworn especially to suppoit
its constitution and its laws and he never
enjoyed honors ' and femofume'nts at ' the1
bauds of the commonwealth, which be
made war upon. , Where . John Brown
waa innocent, Rohet E. Lee. is guilty.
He was educated at the Cost of tbe Unit
ed States; he enjoyed rank and emolu
ment of its bestowal j ho was. bound by
hia. oath aod his honor to stand by the
government, and Jia failed, in both.
Where John Brown shed rills of human
blood, Robert E. Lee has shed rivers ;
where John Brown 'waa merciful and
kind towards the prisoners who fell into
his Hands, Robert' E Lee allowed Belle
Isle, Libby prison, and Anderson ville to
disgrace; humanity; , and where ' John
Brown refused to Wll a lie to save his
life, Robert E.1 Lee baa lent his name to
statements . that., be- musf have known
were, fake.", In everything, wioked and
cruel, Itobert;E Lee ia).far ahead of
John Brown : in geoeroiu impulses, and
manly truthfulness, 'and' true-, heroism-
- i t
tood a head d shoulders above Robert
E Lee. Gen. Lee was heuten.nt-colon
." TV . '
and be took command of the atormtng
party that captured what was left of ;
Brown's force of twenty men. We
have never beard that he made any effort
to save the brave old enthusiast from the
gallows. lie must know that his own
crime is as much greater than that of
John Brown, as the slaveholders rebellion . ,
is greater in its dimenaione than the
John Brown raid. John Brown sleeps
in the grave wither he was sent by Vir
ginia justice, or Virginia terror ; Robert
E. Lee is at large on the parole of a sol
dier. Does he appreciate the generosity
of Northers foemen, or does he feel '
about his throat, in his dreams, the en- -
circling hemp, which he must know his ' -
crimes entitle him to ? Yet there is a
party of defeated sympathizers with trea
son, and unmawkish sentimontalista in
our Northern coramaties, who talk about
the magnanimity of- Lee, of his soldiery
honor, hi nostained sword, and 'all that !
sort of unqualified bosh. Lee's treason
dwarfs that of Arnold he has been a
leader in the Siost stnpenduous political
crime on record ; and what adds to the
opportunity cf his offence, is that he
knew perfectly well that he was doing
wrong when he enlisted in the cause of
rebellion, for he hesitated long about
taking the step when his native State
was whirling rapidly into the vortex of (
insurrection. Admiration of such a
crime is only worthy of the source that,
styled Jefferson Davis a stem statesman,
and cast obloquy and repioach upon the . ,
President of the United States in tiie
darkest honr of the greasteat peri! of the
The editor of the Montezuma (Iowa)
Republican appears to have a threat hor- .
ror of cats and admiration for ' (he style
of' Poe's "Raven'.' Wi:ness the follow
ing poetic effusion :
Tbe other night while we lay mnsiDg,
and our weary brain confusing o'er the
topios of the day, suddenly we heard a
rattling, as of serious hosts a battling,
as they mingled in the fray. "What i
that?" we cried, upstarting, and into tbe ,
darkness darting, slap ! we ran against,
the door. ''Oh, 'tis nothing," Edward
grumbler as o'er a huge arm chair he
stumbled 'tis a bug, and nothing more ?
Then said we, oar anger rising, (for we
thought it so surprising that a bug should
so offend.) "Do you think a small insect
sir, thus all the air infect sir ! No 'tis
not a bug my friend." Now becoming
sorely frightened, round our pants we
tightened, asd put on our coat and bar,
when into the darkness peering, we saw
with trembling and mucli fearing, the
glaring eyes of Thomas Cat Esq. With
astonishment and vrcuder we gazed upon
upon thjs too of thunder, as he sat upon .
the floor when resolution taking, and a
rapid moticn making, Io, we opened wide
tbe door. Now cleat out we hoarsely .
shouted, as o'er head our boot was flouted
"Take your presence from tbe floor."
Then with an air and ien majestic,
made his exit through the door. Made
his exit without growling, neither was his
voice a howling, not a single word he
said. And with feeling3 much elated, to
escape a doom full fated, we went back
to bed. -
. Snow, Fi.akes Is a Ball-Rwm. A
writer in Onoe-a-Vfeek give. e follow
ing singular illustration of 'ha condensa
tion of vapor, which always ensues when
cold air minglss with warm. The scene
was in a ball-room in Moscow :
"The heat of the room having become
intolerable, one of the gentlemen opened
the top part of one of the windows. A cohT
gust ot wind blew suddenly in through
the open window, and the heated afr, which
was congregated in the upper part of the
room became suddenly condensed, and de
scended upon the assembled party in the '
form of snow flakes. Probably there nev-'
er was seen so curious a bight in a Ball,
ladies and gcntlaaien in ball toilet, in the
midst of a dance, and snow-flakes deswnd
ing ; and were it not for the incongruity
of the attire, more like a skating party."
-Tas Wrrt or God- God aoaetimea
eaHe' us to stand stUJ, wbea wa. are . ui
anxious to-proeeed tbis ia mortifying,
but we generally find it u ro-tee) bie 1-