Juniata sentinel. (Mifflintown, Pa.) 1846-1873, January 24, 1866, Image 2

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    Juniata Jlrnlmfl.
'A union of lakes', and a union of lands,
'" A unvsn no potter shall sever;
A union of hearts, and a vnion of hand,
; And the American Union forever! . ,..
Wednesday Jiorning, Jannarr 2, I860
II. WILSO.V, Editor and Publisher
hj the Largetl Circulation of any paper pub
lished in this County.' It is therefore the
but adaertitiitg medium. It is a Paper, truly
loyal, ably conducted, a ,fir3t class Localist,
and well worthy of the patronage of every
loyal oitiieu in the County.
The nscnjleri of the Union Coun
ty Couiuiiti.ee are requested to meet at
the Fublic Ilouje of R. M. Thompsou,
in the borough of 3Iiffiiotown, on
At 1 o'clock V. M. A full attendance
is requested as important busioess may
ccuio before the committee.
The following persons compose the
Standing County Committee:
Mifflintown, J. J. Patterson. A. H. Manin,
Fermanagh, Elias Horning, K. C. Gallaher,
Fayette, Michael Hoffman, Capl L. Degen,
flunroe, A. G Shellenberger, S. Strouser,
Susquehanna, Levi Light, Sol. I'pdegrove,
flretaweod, S. Sbelleaberger, H. II. Minium
Delaware. J. P. Thompson, Elihu Beuucr,
Talker, J- A. Gallaher. John Motier;
Patterson. Lt. S. H. Brown, Geo." Goshen,
Milfurd. Cal. J. K. Kobison, Sol. Kauffman,
Turbett, Ftewart Turbett, Issao Kaufftnan,
Perrysville, Lt. am'.. Laird, P. S. Liggett,
ftpiuco lull. Vim. J. Evans, Tfcci. Pattoa.
Ueale, Dr. J. P. Sterrttt, R. Doyle,
Tancarara Jaties Irwin, Geo. M. Smeller,
Lack. Matbias Stump. John Leonard,
Liiack Log, Eobt. Mclntyre. Saml Shearer,
..JKO. J- PATTERSON, Chairman. .
A 6taU Convention will be held in the
Hall of the House of Representatives, in
Ilarrinburg, Pa., on Wednesday the Sev
enth da of March, a. d 1866, at 12
o'clock, M., for the purpose of nominat
ing a candidate for Governor, to be sup
ported by the friends of the Union.
The ordeal of war has tried the strength
of our Government. Its fire has purified
ihe'uation. The defence of the nation's
life baa dura )D at rated who were its friends
The principles vindicated in tho fie!a
must be preserved in the councils of the
nation. The arch enemy of freedom
must be Btrtick once more. All . the
friends of our Government, and all who
were loyal to the cause of the Union, in
our late strugglo, are earnestly requested
to unite vo eeoJiug delegates to represent
them io enid Convention.
By order ol the Union State Central
JOHN CESSNA, Chairman.
Attest: ,
Geo. W. Hameuslet,
A. W. Hex edict,
Meeting or the Caion State
The members of the Union State Cen
tral Committee assembled in the city of
Harrisburg, on the 20th inst.
lion, judd Lessna, uuatrmau, called
tho Committee to ordar, aud on' the read,
ing of tho roll by A. W. Benedict, Se
cretary, a large number of gentlemcp ap-J
peared as substitutes for the regular mem
bers. of the Committee, which substitu
tes were uoauiruouily accepted.
On motion of the Hon. L. W. Hall, of
Blair county, it was
7?so7ci'J,That the time for holding
the Union Stat Convention be fixed for
" the 7th day ;bf March, I860, at 13 o'clock,
nooo, In Jlfie pity of Ilarrisburg.
The resolution was unanimously adopt
" ei-
A series of resolutions were then in
troduced' proposing to change the ratio of
representation in Union State Conven-.
tions. ....
Hon. George IcConncl opposed these
resolutions, on the ground that the State
apportionment entirely controlled mch re
nrcaentation : when
, .. .. ,
On motioo of John A. Iliestaud,. of
Lancaster city, the resolutions were luid
on the tshle
Qa motioo tho Committee aljonrned
totally at the South.
The "Nashville Press and Times" has
a numbo of very interesting item from
Albania and Georgia, going to show tli 4
animhs of tW people of tnte r8tatesj'
loyally and goof i'eeljnjr toward th-Gov
ernment udthe pe,opleof,the Nortji.
Here, for instance, is one of Them ;
'On the subject of repudiating the
United States war debt, the politicians
and the people are nearly unanimous.
They all say that either the confederate
war debt mast be paid.- or both debt
j killed more d d Yankees than a!l Jtia
opponents :puT . toether'Jfot aaoliiary
Union man was elected to any office, high
or low, at the reccot. elections. They
would vote for no man who was not a
thorough rebel." : ...... -:: . -
Aud this short paragraph shows the
feeling which animates the great mass of
the people, not only of Georgia and Ala
bama, bat of nearly the entire South.. The
evidence of this fact is overwhelming aud
I of a character which admits of. not s par
tiele of doubt.' Every newspaper rwcuivr
ed 'from the South is filled with it. and
every traveler which ret arc a fiom there,
and every correspondent for Northern pa
pers, whether Democratic or ; Republican
bears testimoney to the same fact.' , The
mass of the people to day, including near
ly tbo whole of the leaders, are as disloy
al to the Government, and bate the Union
and the loyal people of the North as much
as at any time during the four years of
civil war I There can be no' doubt of this
It is plain to be seen and read of all aito
who will but open their eyes ami under
standing. : : '"'J i' ',. r
What fully thetij aud worse even:th?u
folly, to talk of eatoriog such people as
theee at once and . uuconJuiiiually to a
share in the Government of the country !
It would be doing a great wrong, both to
the loyal people of the nation, and to these
scuii-rebels themselves, and a most. ouda-.
eous wrong to the minority of loyal peo
ple ot the South,, who vwt go down, and
b killed, or persecuted out of the coun
try, as they were daring the war, if theso.
people are allowed to have the control of
the political power and State government
at the South. They need a long course of
discipline and education in loyalty before
they will do to trust with power, or to
take part with loyal people in the affairs
of the Government. To admit them now
to share in the Government, or to . govern
themselves, would be to encouiage then)
in treason and dialovafcy, and to make the
hearts of all loyal men at the Soui'u ead,
and their condition unsafe if not intolera
ble. : It would be a great wrong, as well
as daiii;erou experiment, uaoie to -result
in mote difficulty aud sectional ;coutr
versy aud quarrels than ever existed he
fore the war. Surely Coogrcs aud the
AdiniuUtratioQ cm see this, aud will have
the couratre tj do their duty. The people
of the rebel States are iu no fit condition
to be admitted to full fellowship in the
Luiou. .
6IUMFICAKT. ;,...( ' .
The action of the Republican State
Convention iu endorsing President John
son aud most cordially sustaiuiug his re
construction policy is a most significant
indication. Kansas, too, last week,
through Senator Lane, sends forth her
words of bearty cheer and earnest sup
port of President Johnson and so all
over the country. The people wan- to
treat the rebels as traitors, and not as
foreign foes they waDt treason against
the nation's life made odious, and all
such pernicious doctrines like State Rights
Secession and other played out dogmas
stamped as subversive of the Constitution
and destructive to tiie Union. - Let us
treat Jeff. Davis as a traitor, aud when
he is convicted, hang him high as Ilaman
as an example for all . coming time that
"treason is a crime'",' But letus do
all this under the broad shield of our flag,
with all its stars and stripes shining re
splendent glory, and not cut up to suit
capricious tastes ana dogmatic principles
of a few erratic Statesmen; '
The people want all the States under
the Constitution: they want a Union
every where in the country, with no .for
eign nation like the. conquered Southern
Confederacy polluting the land. Inns
the people think and in Now Hampshire
and Kansas, at the first opportunity . they
tell us so by endorsing the I'resiUent, sus
taining Lis . recoEstruction policy, and
proclaiming their faith that Secession is
not a right to be exercised at will or
that any State can go out of. the Union
at pleasure. ,
qTjiE Atlantic Monthly. The, Feb-
rurry number of this- excellent i niugvzise
has been received. Among the contents
is the "English opinion oa the American
War," . "The Freedman's Storyf, , and
other interesting articles. Pu.blit.hed by;
Ticknor & 1'ields- 124 Tr.emotrt Street
Republican Keasnre of Relief for tfcej"
It will be' wnrtBifcored that WUlian
II. KembleStato rwurer, id nif last
annual report, recommended totheLegkv
fature the repeal f the tax on real estate
as a measirre of relief to the peopld.1
h order to preserve political bistatj.. we.
desire here to record the fact that Mr.'
Kemble isf a Kepublican, believing strict
ly is Republican policy for the overt
mcnt of the States .nd the Upioi. and
! that he niade tie'suggesfion to repal tje
tax on real estate in ine spirit 01
the largest benefits to the people.1 Yes
terday, in the Senate, Hon'. George Cor
nell, one of the ablest and roost influen"-
tial Senators on the Republican side, off
ered a resolution contemplating this' re-'
tult while in the Hotee. Mann, of Pot
ter, also itf able Republican,' offered a
resolution' instructing the' Committee on
Ways and Means to report a bill provid
ing' for the repeal of the tax on real estate.
It will be seen from the above facts,
that the policy of the" Republican party,'
at present and for the' future,' is to re
lieve the people of all taxation that has
the appearance of oeing direct in its ten
dencies that has the ifluenco,'' like that
ot the tax ou real estate, of bearing heav
ily on the laboring masses. The tax on
real .estate was paid by the renter aud
not the owaer ol property, notwithstand
ing the owner, in the, spirit of the' law,
was the party contemplated, by the pro,-
visions tuereot, to pay t tie tax.' X ts re
peal, libwsver, canu.pt fail to operate as a
arge relief to the poor man, who fca
heretofore been compelled "to pay the
largest amount of his earnings in rent,
landlords alleging that the extravagance
of their rents was caused by the excessive
rates of taxation on real estate. Hereaf
ter this cannot be urged, thanks, to the
policy and promptuess of Republican
fiuauclttl officers aud legislators. Harris
bury Tctcyrajik. ,
. ". Tax ou Sales,': .;.
The Iotcrnal Revenue taxes, combined
with the high prices of labor, more thau
counterbalance the protection derived by
many of out manufacturers from the ex
isting tariff, and the bcuefits which would
otherwise flow from it are thus in some
cases neutralized. Among the measures
proposed for their relief, and for the gen
eral benefit ot the industrial interests of
the country, a tax on sales has been sug
gested as a new mode ot raising rereuuo,
which might be advantageously substituted
for the present taxes on manufactures and
incomes. The commercial transactions of
this country are so extensive that a very
slight tax upon them would yield an enor
mous revenue. A large proportion of our
animal agricultural products, manufactures
and foreign imports are sold repeatedly
before they reach their consumers, and the
wiles of real estate and stocks amount in
:ba aggregate to a very; largo sum. . The
returns cf the cleariug houses of a few
leading cities afford an index to the vol
uutc of the commercial movement of the
whole Union. Ouc of the first necessities
of such a tax would be that it should be
light, so that it would not seriously check
the tiequeney of transactions. The prop
osition will no doubt receive careful con
sideration before it is .adopted j but if it
shall clearly appear that the financial ne
cess'tes of the nation can bo provided for
by substituting for a portion of our pres
ent internal revenue system, a slight tax
on all tales or receipts, the suggestion may
'prove worthy of practical tost. It is said
that the Congressional Committee on Ways
and Means is now dsscussiog the propriety
of such a tax as we have desuribed, not to
exceed three quarters of oue per cent-
Prent. '.
The members of the Legislature from
this Senatorial and Representative Dis
trict occupy the following positions on
the Standing Committees :
Senator Hall Federal Relations, Ju
dicary General (of which he is Chair
man,) and Private Claims and Damages.
; Senator Haines Accounts, Pensions
and. Gratuities, Election Districts . (of
which he b Chairman) Publie Printing,
and new Counties and County Seats. :
. .'Representative . iiui-ff-rrEducation,
Military' Affairs, and Bank S.
Representative. Urcncn Agriouhure
and Manufactures, Mines and Minerals,
Accounts.. .:
Our Younq Folks. Our Young
Folks for February is on our table, ladeo
ed as usual, with choice ' literature.
Among the leading articles are ''The Four
Seasons." The purpose of "The Four
Seasons"-' is to preseut the general out
lines of Botany, which it does in a e'ear
and 'interesting' manner. Published! by
Trcknor and Fields, J24 Tremont Street,
Boston'1' ' J rv ''' '' ' ' 1
Rejd the caw tdvtttiscn;:nti,
AaaealmoaU J the CnituUon.
Ib the Senate (wo important vonsMtu-
tiooahj" Amendment were introduced.
The first by Senator Sumner, provides as
""Slb. lTlwil the national debt is
hereof 4ec'area 10 De f paramount obli-
jratIoD,'tO which the faith of the nation
is pledged and Congress shall not at any
time do auythiog directly or indirectly to
impair this obligation in any part, and
shall in all vyji tjpaintaini it in,T!Uoree!
and v rtue 0nm ..-- r
1 "Sec. 2. DebU and liabilities b aiJ of
the rebellion, are without any just con
sideration" itnd void, and no tax, duty 'or
idriOSt Efialf Dei laid, nor shall any appro-
prition ne maue Djtne unitea states, ot
by by one of the States, or by any coun
try ,lown or corporation therein, for the
jayie'nt i of any fuch dcht or liabi!ity,or
any part thereof.
Tie secoiid by Mr. Williams, of Ore
UTictB. J?o power shall exist In
Conyess to provide for . the pavment to
any ferson or persous for or on account
of tli emancipation of any slave or slaves
in th United States' and,' no 'appropri
ation f aiooey'shall ' ever ' be made by
law of1 Congress for that purpose."
These amendments will no doubt he
acted ipon at ones, and before lbs South,
is allrwed representation.
- 1 "'. fwEIG".EWS, .:'
' Detailed accounts of the capture of
Bagdad have bee,n received from Browns
ville ; but they need further confirmation
before thay oan b f ully'ardit4l
' Thev
' . '
assert that tr.e paity capturing t lie town
consisted of 123, mostly colore soldiers,
belonging-to the 113th U. S. Colored
Infantry. The report that a detatchroent
of Uuited States troops, was sent over to
protect the, American citizens is' confirm
ed. New difficulties have arisen between
Gen. Weitzel and "Gen. .Mejia.
The latest accounts from the City of
Mexico, though cowing from Imperialist
sources, are unfavorable to the cause of
the Empire. The Imperial garrison in
Acapulco are starving. The native pop
ulntion have all abandoned the city, after
destroying or iuutulizing the wells. Al
varez is indefatigable in harrassiog the
French, and the rocky ground allows him
to iuflict large damages without receiving
any. ;It is admitted tba' he has induced
a considerable number cf Imperialists to
desert. 300 men have been sent
in a French man of war to Bagdad, and
it was supposed that the Imperialists
would soon re-occupy the place.
The Captain-General of Cuba has fit
ted up his country seat for Mr. Seward's
use, who was expected te arrive at Hava
na shortly.
Modest Very t
- In the II. R., at. Washington, one day
last week, the following is reported among
the proceedings V -: : i '.;.;
Mr- Johnsop (Fa.) offeted a rcsalutiou
that the Cumtuittee on Appropriations be
instructed to bring io a bill increasing the
compensation of members of Congress
and Government employes in this city' in
proportion, to the increased cost of living
in this city beyond what it was at the
time the same was, fixed, as also the in
creased cost of living in other cities of
(Tie Union, Ho demanded the previous
(jnestiyn, but,
On motion of 3Ir. Washburne, (111-,)
the resolution was laid on the table
yeas ISO; navs, 5, namely, Messrs. John
son, Jones, LeBlond, Nicholson, Randall,
(Pa.) all five nays are Copperhcaus.
Congressmen already receive 83,000 a
year, mileage, stationery, franking priv
ilege, &.O., and Clerks in the Government
service , receive twice as' much as would
support them decently in the country.
If t they submit to Washington extortions,
now, the extortioners would increase their
rates just as fast as Congres? woujd raise
their wages.. The best way is for all con
cerned to come back as far as possible to
good old rates, and .not increase the evil
by yielding to the tricks of thp greedy
Lancaster, Jan. 22.
John II. Shirk, of East Earl township,
has been nominated for Assembly, to fill
the vacancy'1 occasioned by the teath ol
Pay'W'ood.' ' 11 ' : " : " '
;! i i i. p
OS Qial intelligence from the city of Chi
huahua to tie bth ultimo has been received.
President Juarez, instead of being at San
Antio, in Texas, as has been reported, was
resting quietly at Chihuahua. ' He writes to
a friend as follows : '-The commanding offi
cers of his-State, the frontier States, and po
litical leaders, have all expressed thier ap
proval ef the xlenlioa .of my term, and I
have to beliey$ that the same will happen in
the other States of the republic.4' The French
it seems, had sent another expedition to Chi
huahua, and shonld they be in great force,
tba Mexican Government will again abandon
that city, and go 19 aotttti o'.Uur convenient
i;t:; tit-rsr'ii.V:. t ..-. . ?
Apples are selling in Kew Tork at a re
duction of sixty pgr cent, from tlmrioea of
the 1st of Kcvem.
Kog vP'rwf f Virginia, if JiTing'in
Kew Yrt, wS listing uiahed Uaion man
has loaielt hiaa mo4ey anough to pay hia ex
penses mooth9, o coaditiorf that ha
shall stick to business and let politics alone.
a -1- j" i ri-tt .1 ..P.A,;,inMl Aniwrftnp t
and had arrived at Savannah on the 6th. inst.,
touU to, Wadliiugtoa. , , . -
It is reported that Qen. Grant denies
any in tention to say in hia report of Southern
affairs, that the lately rebellious States should
be at enoa leatored to all rights without Con
dition, as has been asserted.
. .. , i,
The Burlington'(Vt.,) Tree rrttt indulges in
in the following remark: "Jhe imporution of
mules and asses from' Canada being now per-
niitted, and the reward on his bead having j
been long since withdrawn, we do. pot see why i
. . I
Mr. George ganders, cannot come acrosa
the line when he pleases.'1
A Washington dispatch to the Boston
Journal enys : "A private letter trim an ar
ray officer iu Kentucky announces that t,he
Legislature of that State will, within three
day, elect John C. Hreckenrid e to the
United States Senate, in paio.f tiarrett ia
vis, ;hpss term is about to eipir-" ' i
jScf'a Hurd, ofthe WrownsTiltf Clipper, says
that a few surviving heirs of the old "demo
eratic party," have recently applied for a pen
sion, on account of the death''0'' ,ne Pr,J 7
rtaoa ef the late rebellion. The cae has
been "HUsfended"" fur "proof of eaeral good
character and lnyMfy. "' '-
A petition l Congress, now being circulat
ed frr sijinaturesV ceuiuiences as follows:
The undewigned, ' women of the United
) Sit. tkfcclfully alc aa o nwmiiwot to the
I Cimstitiition that shall prohibit the several
Statc-H from tliffruur-hining any of their eitiicns
on the ground of
Oo AVe.dtiesdJ tUr Vi'siden. sent a mes
sage to the Senate, containing Sotue interest
ing infonuHttun in refr'trd to the probable fate
of Jefferson Davis. He is still held as a pris
oner J war, subjeol to indictiufuts for trea
son, fr coinplicity iu the asassia.ttion of
Abral.atn Lincoln, and fr birharcus treat
mrnl ef Union prisoners. Uut a disposition
is manifested to have him tried for tteasnn be
fore a civil tribunal, in the district where his
ulfence was committed, 69 soon as peace is en
tirely restored, and the jurisdiction of the eir
cuii courts is ca.p'ute!y re-established.
In the Reeorder's Court, at Chicago, a queer
case is being tried, and an old fashioned black
mail dodge has been developed. The fascina
ting wife of n tradesman invited a matter-of-fact
nirraliant to visit her. MThile conversing
her husband rushtd in wish a revolver, struck
a tragic attilude, and demanded $500 with
w'uieh to cure his wounded honor. Of course,
U merchant couldn't se it. Tragedy then
presented a promiaary note for that amount,
already drawn up in due form and stamped,
and upon the merchant's refusal to sign it,
kicked him into the street. Somnbow a gold
headed cane belonging to the mrohan,t got
into Tragedy's possession, who was arretted
and i now being trie ! for larcenr.
yt'x iU-fvt;$caifttf5.
Bissalation of Partaarshig.
i nership heretofore existing batween Jas.
B. Souderand Samuel M. Elliott, doing bmi
ness under the n-tm of Souder & Elliolt, is
th'u day dissolved by mutual consent.
Patterson, Jan. 19-Gl
Will do more and better work at a given Cost
than any other! Try it S
Manufactured only
, Zeigler & Smith.
Wh'Jrsnle Drui, Point f- Glit Dtnltrs.
So. 137 Sorth THIRD Street, PillLAD'A.
Jan. 24, '6r,ly.
pi're MBERir lynirq i.r.D,
The Whitest, the most durable and the
most economical. Try it! Manu
factured only by
. r ' ZEIGLER & 'm,
Wholesale Dru, l'aiut iSt Glass Dealers.
Vo. 137 JV'ortA TlflUU St., FIIILAD' A.
, . Jan. 24, '6G-ly.
Real Estate Brokers iConvej ancers
. 112 South 4th Street Philadelphia. Pa.
Farms fer sale iu Pecnsvlvania. Stores,
Hptels and Mills for sale throughout
Pennsylvania. Farms for sale in Sew Jersey,
Maryland, Delaware and Virginia Some of the
greatest bargajns ever offered to capitalists or
men of moderate means. Farms bought and
sold and good mortgages negotiated and mon
ey invested.
taOtliccrs' and SolJiers' accounts prompt
ly adjusted. ' Send fur our Catalogue and
enclose stamp. 1
Dec. C.C5 3ra,'
R MKEEVER, Sargeoa Dentist,
TAKES this method of informing his friends
in Juniata couuty, that owing 10 the rea
sonably good success he has met with, during
the few months he has been practising his pro
fession in (aid oounty, he feels warranted in j
maaing scaieu visits to ftlitmntowa anil .Mc
Alistersville "The first Monday of each month
Mr. Keeret may be found at the Juniata Ho
tel, Mifflin, te remain 'wo weeks. , The third
Monday, at McAlistwsville, to remain during
the week: Teeth inserted- on VULCANITE.
extracted in the mqst approved maimer, and
with tho least possible pain., ...
Bcr, Strict attention given io diseased
gnaw, 4cr : ' AH wort warranted.' 93 Terms
leaxduable. . - 1 --'...
Ji'aiarr 22, VZ&.li '
""'7 " ," , , . sn, nd e'nnl of ROBERT TitQ.MPSO.V, late
Marvin have been elected Lnited States Sena- Lf Thompsontown, dee'd.' 'a persftnS lndebt
tora from Florida, over two rebel generals, ed to said estate, are reqneteiJ to mak pay-
preferred by aU practical Painters ! Try
it ! and you wili have no other. Maa
ufaetnred1 enly by
Wnot'lfMt Datr,; Paint & Olm Ttrtniis,
54 1ST SortS XUIBT Street, PHILAD'A.
! JanJ 24 C6-ly.
L'AiiVvivno rj i ivu. l ae uniersigTied
County, letters testamentary upon the last will
ment to the undersigned and an persons hav-
ui uuiiiiftiiu!) BgKiusi me mine win presenc
them for settlement,' on or before the 10th day
of March, 180R-. . , ; S.
W. 5. THOMPSON. lExsentori.
" t. S. THOMPSON,)
Tliouipsontowa, aiy 10, 1806. fjan 17-Rf'
Tavern Lieenae Petition. - '
THE following named persons bare, filed;.
. their petitions in the Office of tba Clerk
M Cottnty ,n(l the Mme wiM be presented,
for eonfirmation and allowance on Wednesday
. 1. .1 l- 1 lu.!C. .
the 7th day of February I806:
William Beech er. Walker township. . - .
Charles 8hermer, Delaware township.
Lewis Amy,"' Fayette township.
Kobert M. Thompson AHtHiulown Borough.
A. inydpr, v
3 K. Notestine, , v
1'ho SI- NVageatWiier, rVrrrsiilkv
nooa Shellenberger, SusqtK.haina.
M. Vi. J At'ol'.-i i
C.erk s 6ioc5, Jan. 15. 'i5-tc
iMVNToas', ornoEs.
n ' K P I N K (; I L & E V A X S, ;
' No. 435 Walnut St.,"PhiladV.' "
I'atents solicited Consultation on Fngiu-,
cccin. Draughting aud Sketches. Models ami
Machinery ol all kimls Mii and skiifnil v at
tended to- special attention given to REJKCT
tbentie Copies t,f ail Documents from Patent,
Office procured. '
N. It. Save yonelvr nseless trouble ami
travelling uponan.. m is n,o Mtual nee I
of persoual interview with us. All buoiness
with these Offices, fan be transacted ia wri
ting. For further infotmation direct a above
with 3,; amp enclosed, for CirvuUr with rfer
ene.. '
January 17, lp'Ui-ly.
Artu tui.t: phontuTV t
I'uivati Saii. The undersigned ort'er
ax private sale the foliowius Ileal Estate, to
wit : A tract of Lond belonging 10 S- P. Blair,
E?q., situated in Wnlker ton.iiip, Juniata
comity. Pa , adji jning lands of Moses Kyb.
John Wright, Joseph Tvson and others, con
taining t-EVEN'TV Ai'UErf. more or lei,
about -jo aeres of which are cleared, in a, good
state of ctiliivutiou aii't mnler gO'l fence.
The ballance, about 1-i acres, is weil covered
With lite very choicest timber. Tue iinprove
luftuts area giicd UW DWELLING Hul'SE,
an exccileui aw B INK li.tltN, with all tin
necessary ouf-bnildinpi, nd an excellent Or
chard of OR.VFTKU FItCIT. The abov
farm rs beautifully localod aiyHit half-way be
tween Mifflfiitown ami Mexico. ttheTnrn Pit?
leading from the ahove nimed piucet p-"
throug;i ir,l an i with a vy lit'le irtj ro.--meuf
can bcroaieoneof lbi paantei lnui -
in the county. For particulars inquire 'of
Joseph Tyson, Eq., or
Jan. 17. 'CWlJin. Mexico, Pa.
soxs are here'iy noatie i thai I.etter-i Te--ter,!ntry
of the Ks'ete cf SlJlt'FL M. AiJ
AMS, late of Walker township. Juniata nin
ty, dse'd.. Lave bea raaied in .'.uft form '
law bj" the P.pgistcr ufsa. i couat. to ib.
underyijned reidin in WilLor towns!ru,
aforesiid, ta whoic all persons inurbied to
saiil estate are se. (nested to make imuioliaio
payment, and Io whom nil persons having
claims against the said c-talc will pieasa pre
sent them for settlement.
Jan. 17.'C6-fit. JAC0C AI.AM3, Et'r.
! ,nl CuiluirK"
' Bffi-Tems nto Vrate as anv Hotel in he
W .f fl. T!IOMP.?ON'. Pr.ipric-1 or.
. Would inform the public that tliey are
prepared to sink W ELLS, either by digging.
t or drilling, at die shortest notice, aud on the
most rcawnaKtc term, tall on or au.lros
J.V('I! MOSEU, MilUintown, or
AMO.S M.ISEK, Mexico, Pa.
jan. :0-;")t.
C"l AL'TION.-Nstice i hereby girpn to all p.-r
Vsons that I have this day made bonn ni"'
purchase of iucetta Dressier and Isaac Dress-
j ler. of Greenwood township, tue following
j personal property, and (hat I leave it iu tljeir
! pnisi'ssinn during pleasure. 2 ItcJtcads and
I Redding, 2 Tables. 1 Cooking Slove. 1 Parlor
j S-ovc, 1 Burean. 1 Trunk. 1 ('best, .ukii-.g
; Glasses. 1 .l.mile i'bjck. 1 Snt, 1 .s'lio.t. :
j lloxiis, " Parrel?., 7 Chairs. All pcr.-oni aro
I cautioned not (Q coddle with llie s.ime.
I a. ottKsti.r.i:.
I Xii'nchnuna, iwp Jan. tl, li0j Zi.
V hereby given that letters or administra
tion on the estate of J F. Kawltrider, late
of Fayette township, deceased, have been
granteq to the undersigned residing in the
same township. All perrons knowing
tlienlselves indebted to said estate arc rcu'ir-si-'
ed o make immediate payment and those .T
ng claims will please present them duly au
thenticated for settlement.
Jan. If), CG-tiw.
hereby giyt that letters of administra
tion on the ej'atc of SAMUEL ALEXANDER,
late of Milfurd township, dee'd , have bf-cn
granted to the undersigned, residing as afore
said. All persons knowing themselves indebt
ed to said estate are requested to make imme
diate paymtut, and those having claims will
please present them duly authenticated for
Administratrix of Samuel Alexander, dee'd.
jap. 2&. 'OC-tiw.
hereby give that Letters of Administra
tion on thecstateof Mrs. MARY THOMPSON,
late of Delaware township, deceased, have
been granted to the undersigned, residing in
Thoir.psontown, Juniata county. All persons
knowing themselves indebted to said estate
will make immediate ptyment, and those hav
ing claims wilt preseut them dnly authentica
ted for settlement. ' ,
Jan. 3, 18-''t- Administratrix.
tC.MUEU ! IX-MBER. ! t
full assortment, such as Boards, Pickets,
Lath, Shingles, Doers and Saab, on hand
or sale by - . - '