Juniata sentinel. (Mifflintown, Pa.) 1846-1873, January 24, 1866, Image 1

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    O -
.11.11. WILSON,". J," ' ;;" " v ...... ;,.. ,, ,.!. ' fr" c""p - -: " " ' ' '-' ' BP1TOR ASP PUBLISHER.' t
, .r
Tna Jctrura 8kntikcl is published every
f eJueidtij morainj , on Main street, by
. The SCBPCKlPTlOa fWCB of the paper
wilLbe TWO DOLLARS per year in advance,
aid 92.50 if not paid within the year. '
(ea Ho pap or discontinued until all ar
rearages are paid except at the option of the
Editor. - - ' '
ADTtsninito. The rates of ADVERTIS
ING are for one square, of rioiiT likes or less,
one timj, 75 oent ; three. $1 60; and 50 cts.
for each subsequent insertion, i Adioinistra
tor's. Executors and Auditor's Notices, $2.1(0.
Prrfessioatl and Business Cards, not exceed
ing 25 lines, and including copy of paper.
S4.U0 per year. JJiyclauU advertising
(changeable quarterly) $ 15 per year, includ
ing paper at their btoree. Polices in reading
eol-mns, tea cents pr line.
Job Work Tu prices of JOB WORK,
for thirty Uilis, one eight sheet, $1,25; one
fourth, 2,00; one-half. and addition
al numbers, half prict and for Blanks. $2,00
f er quire.
ii Mail? South of ftpiag sv tu
Alitiiutoicn, Juuinta Co., Pa.,
Offers his professional service to the pub
. lie. Collections and all other business will
receive prompt attention. Office first door
North of Bclt'orJ s Store, (upstairs.
' Attorney at Law,
Rotary nb?if.
y(i attend to all business entrusted to bis
sure. Office on Main Street, Mifflintown, Ta.
Or'FKRS bis prulessional serriccs to the
pulilio. Prompt aiirntinn civn to tie
.!-locution of cHiin aga'.nbi the 0 uvenmicnt,
enllections and all other business enti ctid to
bis care- Office. Main Street, one door South
of .Snyder's Hotel.
ept. 'jij. i m 5. -
J. A. Mil .UKI :X,
A T T O II N E Y- A T-L A W,
(.OSce Main Streot, in the room fijrinerly
iiccupied by Wni. M. Allison. EsiiJ
iai'-ts onoe:tel uii the yrofesion
promptly att-inde I to. Oct. 1 't)5.
I. V. Kl II', of rancrsoti.
XJ l'.. wishes to iufopn his friends and pa
trons that he has remoyed to the house on
Ivrt'lfre Street opposite Todd A; Jordan's St or.
The underpinned oifsra his eerice ! the
public as Vendue Cryer and Auctioneer. He
has lad a rcry larje eiperixnce. and feels
.onSdent that hecangire satisfsetion to nil
who nmy employ him. He may be adilrese!
t. Minliutown, or found at. his home in Ker
icn?igh township. Order? nisy 4so be left
at Mr. Will's Hotel.
Jan. 25, 1SC4. tolLLI.JI qiVES.
KESi'ECTFL'LLV offers his services to the
public of Juniata countv. Having had a
l.irge experience in tl;o business of Vendue
Crying, he feels confident that he can render
general satisfaction. He can at all times be
consulted at his residence in Mifflintown, Pa.
Aug. Hi, 18(35. '
rPHE undersigned will promptly attend to i
.4. the collection of claims azaiust lijher the j
State or Nation! Government, Venaions, Back
Pay, Bounty, Extra Pay, and all other claims
arising out cf the present or any other war,
Att orney-at-L w.
Mifflintown, Juniata Co., Pa. febl
Ff nsions !
Pensions !
b who intend applying for a Pension rnust
11 on the Examining Surgeon to know wcth
r their Disability is Biifficient to entitle them
to a Pension. All disabled Soldiers will call
on the undersigned who has been appointed
Tension Examining Surgeon for Juniata and
adioin.nz Counties.
P. C. RCNDIO, M. D.,
Patterson, Ta.
Pee. 9, 13.-tf.
Deafaess, Bliadaeas and Catarrh,
TpREATED with the utmost success, by Dr.
X J. ISAACS, Oculit and Aurlist, (former
ly of Leyden, Holland,) No. 519 PINE Street
Philadelphia. Testimonials from the most
reliable sources in the City and Country pan
as seen at his Office. The medical faculty are
invited to accompany their patients, as he
Jia no secrets in his practice. ARTIFICIAL
BYES, inserted without pain. No charge
sad for examination. Feb, 15. 'C5.-ly
As the room now occupied by me as a Cloth
ing Store, will be occupied for other purpo
ses in the Spring. I now offer my entire
atoek of CLOTHING at eoet prices, for
YKaMS, PNBPR fiiOTHIKA, tc. divan a
SVL. - .' - " ' - '
c, -s. r. y vrsEt,
We're coming. Uncle Andre J..- your par
don to implore,
A motly band from Dixie's land, we haunt the
White House door.
We don't know what on earth we're done to
barm a single scjj. '. ' "
But to bur woe, alas ! we ksow that you' our
fates control;
And wanting home and lands, here, without
:' mors ado,""" ' '
I'pon our kness, we F. F. V, for pardon hum
bly sue.
We're coming up from Charleston, too, and
all along ocr shore
The chivalry on bended knee your mercy do
implore. , . ,:
A year ago, and even less,., we thought your
sealp to wave , ,
Above the soil where slaves should toil o'er
Freedom's bloody grave ;
But northern fought and Freedom lives, and
you are President;
Hence for yoHr grace our perjured race their
supple tnecs hive bent.
SehOlil tUc Snw An-Mn fcvrv, as cool as
northern ice.
And tigers, too, from savage Eotr, as innocent
S3 niice ;
From every State we thronging come, with
wishes most intense,
Like Tyler John to find you on the democratic
Where yoa may shield ns while we strike
another eiward blow ;
Our co-feds, the copperheads, assure tig 'twill
be so.
Wiien sins imputed to our charge give rise to
doubts or fears, "
Our woman go, in weeds of woe, to move you
by Cieir tears ;
With unrepentant rebs they kneel, and cow
ards not a few.
With boe to rest in some soft nest by cring
ing thus to you;
And so we corns and so we come, and leave
the White House door
A pnrJoned band, from Dixie's land, as wick
ed s before,
Detroit Adrtrtiter and Tribune.
There appears to be universal laws
which control all men's actions even
their virtues and their crimes. Every
condition of life, every desire, every
emotion appears to have behind it an im
pelling cause. Thus it is that history re
peats itself. The wild desire now aboard
in our country to obtain wealth, hastily
and largely, without a patticular sensi
tiveness as the way it is obtained, has ex
isted in former apes and under somewhat
siuiular circumstances, Great wars have
seemed to produce a great lust for pos
session, while they have dulled the pop
ular conscience in ita appreciation of oth
erwise damaging transactions. After the
wars of Napoleon, history tells us this
condition existed ; and Carlisle, in hie
history of Frederick the Great, well de
scribes the present condition of Prussia
after the termination of Frederick's Sev
en Years' war : "The noble, the merchant
the farmer, the laborer, raising emulously
each the price of bis commodity, seemed
to endeayor only for their mutual ruin,"
How well this pictured the United States
where every one is trying; to put h:s com
modities up to the very highest possible
figure, as if bent on extracting the last
cent from his customer ! Education may
improve mankind, bit banian nature is
always the same. ' 1 1 '
A Year's Ttoubles. Sometimes I
compare theif oub'es we have to undergo
in the course of a year to a great bundle
of faggots, far toff large for us to lift.
5ut God does not require us to carry the
whole at once. He mercifully unties the
bundle, and gives us first one stick, which
we are able to carry to morrow, and bo on.
This we might easily manage, if we
would only take the burden appointed for
us each day; but we choosie to increase
trouble by carrying yesterday's stick over
again to-day and adding to-morrow's bur
to ' our load before we. .are required to
bear i.
A taste for reading will always
carry you into the best possible company
and enable you to converse with men who
will instruct you with their wisdom, and
oharm you by their will ; who will soothe
you when freted,4 refresh you when weary
counsel you when perplexed, and sympa
thize with you at all times.
t&" The soul of a noble ' man it the
ballot-box of God . Only through such a
soul can his voice bejicard ?.s the voice of.
.i,rn.w0. ' ' - - ' - .
A vounc farmer nad bu Held nioeirv
plowed and harrowed, and was about tJ
pu,t in the seed. He, first measured tl
field, and found bow many rods tbye
were in it. He next measured a rod, ad
calculated how many plant it would tie
to fill it. He calculated the seed i
gill, in a pint, a quart, and in a bushel
The result was that be was satisfied jat
people usually sow fur times the seedne-
cessary. A . peck was just as good p a
bushel. Now seed was very dear, ani if
he could save three-fourths of his sea, it
would bo worth the while. , -i 1
So, he sowed his peck of seed low
ing sparingly," and at harvest tirp the
crop was not worth gathering. He was
greatly disappointed. Where waj the
mistake ? lie ielt sure he had oact'.ated
and measured right. He then went o
old Mr. Experience, a farmer of long
standing and great success and told him
his troubles.
"I am sure I calculated right."
"No. you didn't calculate rigbi
"Why not?" '. ',
"Did you calculate for the poor seed
that could not germinate at any rate ? -There
is a great deal of such in ever?
bushel we sow."
Why I never thought of that."
Did you calculate for some that would
be buiied too deep, or get into hold and
not sprout?"
"Certainly not."
"Did you calculate for a great deal that
would lie on the top of the ground, and
which tie birds would pick up before the
rains fell, when it could take root 1"
"I never thought of that either."
"Did you calculate for what the wind
would blow off, or you would throw off
from your lot?" 11
' "No sir."
"Very well You see "now it is that
you did not obtain a harvest "lie that
sowcth sparingly shall reap also spar
ingly." '
The right application to parents, teach
ers, ministers and all Christians is ob
vious. "The seed of lifp thrown upon
the teu leputs from the hand of our Sa
vior, took root in only one heart."
beat Meat Cabbage--I'otatoes-Apples
irapes--Tonialoes Bread"
Cake And Some Other Thing's-And
the Boys and Girls Besides.
ScESE John Smith's Country Store
Time, Fuminj Speakers, Sundry
Villagers, and Farmers icho have "hap-
pened in as usual."
Mr. Smith. Trade is very dull nowa
days ; I dou't soli half as much as I did
five yer? ago.
Mr. Jones. Good'reasop. . Things 're
so niun, we cant aKora to Duy. lou
charge such awful prices, Smith.
Mr. Smith. Can't help it I have to
pay so much more. When I sold sugar
at 10 c'ts a pound, I made a cent a pound,
and I only make a cent now, on 20 cents,
and this cent profit dop't go so far to keep
my family.
Mr.'Bro irn.-r-l bay just as much as
ever. I don't see as there is much change.
I used to sell my QOQ bushels of wheat for
75 cents a bushel, or $450. Of this,
S250 went for family store bills, and $200
to pay off my farm debt. Now, when I
sell for 81 50 per bushel, or $900, it takes
about 3500 for store bills,' and leaves
$400 to pay off the debt. In fact, these
high prices suit me. ' I wish Mr. McCuI
loch had kept out of the Treasury, for he
threatens to make Greenbacks par, and
knock down prices.
Mr. Price. I con't see as it makes
much difference. If there is twice as
much money going, and everybody gets
twice as much for everything he raises,
and pay twice as much for everything he
buys, it all comes out square at the end ;
and there is gain in the operation ': those
who save money, or make a profit, make
double, as neighbor Brown explains about
paying his farm debt.
Mr. Butler. That's so.
Mr. Greene. So I think. Mr. Moore
So do I.
Mr. Balcer. There is a little draw
back. I keep the accounts of Widow
Roberts, who has the mortage on Mr.
Brown's farm, and the $400 he pays don't
go only half so far in supporting her, and
educating her children. . ' - 1 ' " '
Mr. Truvis (the School-Teaoitr).
tawbiig,' ra ., BoboTfti and otherf.
t :.'- .;.
i'mL.Uum thfl lltaCII III ITKL VaVa W
wheat at 75 cent. .
. Jitv. Mr. C'orey.And oniy ge wv .
a year, while I ajways had $500 with j
wheat at 75 cents and sugar 10 cents.
Several, Voices .That ain't quite square.
.Mr!' Knox, (Editor.) And you only
pay pie $2 year for my newspaper
which you, thought cheap at $1.50, five
years ago, though I have now to pay
three times as much for everything I use
in making a pewspaper. . t
Mr. Greene. Why don't jou raise
your prices, too ? , -.0 t
. .Mr. Anoa;.-r People ; wont stand it. I
keep along with no profit, or even at a
loss, hoping for better times, or else lose
my subscribers, and. let the paper go down
Why, when I raised the price from $1.50
to a year, a tood many stopped the pa-
per'among , them Mr. Brown himself,
though 1 paid aouDio ror nis wueai.
Mr Brown. r I didn't stop so much for
the price ; I went in for paying for my
farm tiy extra economy.
" Mr. Knox. -Yes, ho followed my advice
for people 'feeonomize and pay their debts
now." But let us see if Mr. Brown be
gio at the right place. ' On one Saturday
I published in my pauer that wheat had
advanced 14 cents a bnshel. On Mon
day Mr. Brown went to market with hts
wheat, and sold 60 bushels at one cent
advance over the old price and thought he
did well. He came home boasting about
it, until be met neighbor Johnson, who
got the 15 cents advance, because he read
my paper, and was wide-awake. Mr.
Brown's loss on CO bushels would pay
four whole year's subscription.
Mr. Brown. Don't say anything more
about that, Mr. Knox, and nut me down a
subscriber for Jife.
Mr. Alitor. I hare heard of several
other such losses by those who stopped
my paper. Not to be too personal, as
some of them are Acre, I will call them A
Ii, C, etc' Mr. X. paid 4 per cent more
fees on $71 taxes, because he did not see
the collector's notice in my paper, and
thus lost $2 94, to save $2. Mr. B. paid
$2.60 the same way.' Mr. C. failed to
bring in his claim against an estate, be
cause he did no; see in my paper the le
gal notice limiting the time. That coat
him $34, to save $2 subscription. Mr.
D. sold two hundred pounds of wool at
62 cents, because be did not see an adver
tisement of Mr. Smith, right here at
home, offering 70 cents. That cost him
$16, to save $2. Mr. F's boys went down
to the villiage every night or two, to get
the news and local gossip, because they
had no paper at home, and one of them
fell into bad company, and H ruined. I
know twenty cases where people lost mon
ey for not learning what is going on. I
gather up all that is going on in business
and society, and condenso it into my col
umns. It is important for every man to
know all about home matters, and I doubt
if there is a man in this whole town who
would not, in the course of a year, get
some information, that would pay him
back more ' than $2 a year. And then
think ot a household sitting down togeth
er 865 days in a year, and having nothing
to talk about, except their own affairs,
and a few items of gossip, gathered up by
occasional contact with other people;
Mr- Taylor. Let me help Editor
Knox's argument. ' Wife read to' me an
item he published about a humbug, which
he copied from the American Ajrictdtwr
ft, of New York City. Next day one of
those same humbugs came round with his
article, and was so plausible that he almost
pursuaded her into paying him $3, for his
swindling recipe ; but the editor's eaution
kept her back.'' .'
Mr. Knox. Yea and do you know that
the fellow sold more than fifty of the hum
bug recipes hereabout, at $3, a piece T
but not to any one of my subscribers.
Mr. Potts. Put me down as a subscri
ber, Mr. Knox, here is your two dollars.
Mr. Shaw. And me too.
Mr. Knox. Thank you, gentlemen.
I'll try to make a better paper than ever.
Every dollar helps; a new subscriber on
ly adds to my expense the cost of paper.
If everybody took the paper, and thus di.
yided the cost of getting the news, setting
type, office rent, etc., I could double the
value of the paper to each. Please talk
the matter over with other neighbors and
see, if U oaaaot be dontv
Sr. erect 7n. We will. - -
M tTi
i ml anw whiU.goa are
about it, I want to make p a club for a
good New York paper. h-'-U '.
Mr. Broum.-r-W can't afford to take
so many papers. " ; ' ' '
Mr. Smith. You have jost seen that
ynu could not afford to stop your home
paper ; let ns see it it will not pay to join
car club. Mr. Rich, you have taken the
American Agriculturist for several years.
Does it pay t
- Mr. liich. Pay ? Yes fifty times over
Why, I got two ten-acre fields ready to
sow to wheat, and put it in one of them
That night my Agriculturist came, and 1
read a simple' -recommendation about pre
paring seed wheat. i I, called John end
we pnt 15 bushels in ' soak for the next
day. It-cost 50 cents for the materials.
Well, that second field yielded 5 bushels
an acre more than the other or 50 bush
els extra, and better wheat too. . , Pretty
good pay for $1 50 expended for a paper.
And I have got lots of other hints almost
as profitable. Yon know I get better
profits on my beef, pork and mutton, tban
any other man in the plaae. - Now does
this not come from any direct Lint, like
the wheat, but from a good many sugges
tions that I have picked np 'in reading
the Agriculturist, and from th course of
reasoning that I have been led into by
reading in it what others do, ani think,
and say.
Mr.' fynith. You are another subscri
ber to the Agriculturist, Mr- West; does
it pay? ' '' ..'.. -'
Mr. West Pay I Yes. You know
what good cabbages and potatoes I bad
last season.' Why, the cabbages were
worth double any others in town, for
market or for home use. - I had 400
heads, worth 5 cents a rices, extra; and
they only cost 20 cents extra for seed.
My 250 bushels of potatoes are all engag
ed for seed at $10 a bushel, when oth
er kinds brine only 50 cents. That's
$250 clear gain, for the $14 extra I paid
for seed, and the $1 50 I pgid for too
the Agriculturist. It was through this
paper that I learned about both the cab
bases and potatoes. Its editors are care-
lul, intelligent men, on the constant look
out for anything new that is really good,
while the paper abounds in cautions
agaiast the poor and unprofitable. -
Mr. SmtVA. What say you, Taylor 1
Does it pay to invest $1.50 in the Agri
culturist. 1
Mr. Tavlor. Most certainly. A hint
in the paoer .ed me to look after certain
insects at the proper time, and the result
was I had 1C0 barrels of splendid appk-s
which brought me a clean $5 per barrel
and this you know was better by $1, tb3
the average prices here, orSIOO. Then
I havg read so much about good and bad
Grapes, the method of treating them, etc.,
that 1 can beat the town in raisins
grapes profitably. My son, William, got
a kink in his head about Tomatoes, from
something the Editors said, and sent for
some seed. lie made more money on the
crop he raised in his spare hours, than
was cleared by the farmers in this town
' Mr.' Smith. Let's bear from Mr. Crane
Mr. Crane. I only read in the paper
what was said about Logs what kind paid
best, how to feed them, and the like : if
you will call around and see my porters
asd my expense account, 1 il bet a pi pin
I can show fifty dollcrs more of pork for
the same money, than any other man here
.A nd tfiis comes from reading what other
men thiuk and do. But Wife ought to
be here to speak. She and the girls read
the Agriculturist next to the Bible.
They think the household " department
worth more than all the fashion inagczi nes
in the world- They say, it is so full of
good hints about all kinds of house work.
All I can say is. that we do have better
bread and cake; and Wife says, the oake
don t cost po much as it used to. She
has learned from the paper how a hun
dred other house-keepers do their' work.
Reo. Corey. "Let me say, also, ' that
Mrs. Crane and her daughters have ad
ded a good many beautiful but T' cheap
home-made fixtures to their parlor ' and
sitting rooms, which certainly make their
home more attractive. They told me,
the other day, they got these up from pic
tures and descriptions in the Agricultur
ist ' - ' -
Mr. Travis. My salary has not allow
ed me to take the paper
though I must
squeese oat enough to do so this year. j
My school boys have brought me some)
copies to look at the poet year or two, and j
I find the Boys' and Girls' department
of iT&Iqriculturlii the best 'thing I ev
er sa.::It Is'fjuU ol items, ate., that
amuse an J at the tlma. instruct the
children."' Why, I Mold pick out the
boys and girls in my school whose pa
rents take the Agriculturist, just by hear
ing them talk they are so full of new
and good things they have learned from
the paper. The paper has many beauti
'fal engravings.
Rev. Corey. As small as is my salary,
I would have the paper if it cost $5 a
year, instead of $1.50. The fact is, it
helps out my salary. .' My little garden
plot at the parsonage has yielded ns al
most all our table 'vegetables, besides
many beautiful flowers. The Agricul
turist has been my constant guide. 1
knew but little of gardening:' but this
paper is so full of information about the
best things to plant and sow, when' to
plant, and how to cultivate all told is so
plain and practical a way, by men who
seem to talk from their own experience,
that I know just wbat to do, and how to
do it wall. . The high moral tone of the
paper, its' como.on sense, the care it takes
of all parts of the Farm, the Garden, tho
Orchard the Household work, and the
Children as welt, with ita hundreds of
beautiful and instructive engravings
make it the most valuable periodical I
have ever seen. I heartily wish every
one of my parishoners would take it for
himself. aud family. It would awaken
thought and enterprise, give iuterest to
the town and neighborhood talk, stimu
late improvement, introduce new and
profitable crops, animals and implements,
and add to our wealth. Take my advice,
and all of you try the paper a year.
The $1.50 it costs, is only three cents a
week, and it is worth that any way. Why
the large and beautiful engravings are
worth many times that.
Mr. Davis. I took the Genesee Far
mer last year, apd &3 that has stopped,' I
thought I would take a new paper.
Mr. Smith The ,;Gcnesee Farmer'
was not really stopped. The Publishers
of the Agriculturist invited Mr. Harris to
join the Farmer to the Agriculturist, and
put his whole force into the. latter paper.
They paid him a large price for his office
and moved it with everything connected
with it to their office. So the Agricultur
ist is really two papers joined into one,
and of course better, i think we better
go with Mr. Harris to the Agriculturist
that has been published for 25 years , and
has a hiindr&d thousand circulation,
which, as Mr. Knox has told ns, supplies
the means and facilities ior giving us a
graat deal wore for the same money. Mr
Harris carries on his large farm, and in
his "Waiks and Talks on the Farm," and
other things he writes for the Agricul
turist, be tells us a great deal abont all
kinds of farm work.'
Mr. Davis. Piit down for the Agri- '
aJtitris't. . . '
Mr. Smith. I am lad to do so. : 71
know you will like it; The January
number, which has just coip to hand, is
alone worth the cost of a year. Seo here
(showing it,) there are 40 peges, twice as
large as the magazine pages, and there
are thirty-five engravings in it, two of
them full pas;e size, and see bow beauti
ful 1 Why, I'll give any man who takes
the paper a year, a dollar ani a half in
goods out of my store, if he says at the
end of a year he has not got many times
his money's worth
IJr Bi,thr. Put me in your club.
Mr Greene. And me too. Mr Broun
And me.
Mr Smith. I have no interest in the
matter, exept to do a good thing for the
place. You can join our club, or any
one who desires can get the Agriculturist
for all 1866 (Volume 25J by simply en- c
closing $1,50, with his name and post
office address, and sending it to Oranqs
Judd & Co., 41 Park Row, NewTon.
City. The paper always comes prompt
and regularly, and, wjiat is a good thing,
it stops when your fime is np, without
you having to write about it. ' I predict
that there will be plenty of others next l
winter, to talk as Mr. Rich, Mr. West,
Mr Crane and Parson Corey have dona
to-night. -
When a young man gets-a colic by
eating too mucn, he deserves to be laugh-
' ed at for his pans. -- -
A brave soldier though he loves
homa, will "strike- home." ' "