Juniata sentinel. (Mifflintown, Pa.) 1846-1873, January 17, 1866, Image 1

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- P
Taa Joitjat lirain is- blisb.ed ever
Wtna BAMf. Maia Mr, :
" a-w: u wiLsnM '
. Tbt SUBSCRIPTION PRICE of the paper
will be TWO DOLLARS per year in advance, westward, bv the construction of the At
and Ii.50 if not paid within the year. j. .(,,,!'". ., , - in.
flUNo paper discontinued until ail ar- j ottc and Great eslern Rat. road. They
rearcges are paid except at the option of the aimed at a continious six foet eauge from
ADTBBTiaiBO. The rates of ADYERTIS- ;ew York t0 St I'0"'. nd that has bead
ISO are for one square, of eight iit.es or less, ' accomplished or soon will be. Tbe first
one timj. 75 cents ; three. $1 60; and 50 ctg. ' , .'" ,. ,
for each subsequent insertion. Administra- gd movement of the Lagl.sh operators,
tor's. Executor's and Auditor's Notices, $,0. beirjg about completed, Sir' Motion PetO
Professional and """iness Cards, not exceed- : ,he t Ra;lro:ld Kia 0f Europe, w;th
m 2a lines, and including copy of paper. 1 " I 1 u
$8.00 per year. Merchants advertising party of capitalists, visited this country,
changeable quarterly) $ 15 per year, includ- 1 on, I iUn,.n,l!u ;t n .u :
lng paper at their Stores. Notices in reading
columns, ten cents per line.
per qu
3usmtss Carbs.
Mifflintown, Juniata County. Pa.. OfEoe
Main street South of Bridge str et.
Mijlitttoicn, Juniata Co., Pa.,
Offers his professional services to the pub
lio. Collections and all other business will
receive prompt attention.- Otfcce first door
North of Belford's Store, (upstairs.)
Attorney at Law,
otan nbTir.
Will attend to all business entrusted to his
are. Office en Main Street, Mifflintown, I'a.
OFFERS his professional services t the
public. Prompt attention given to the
prosecution of claims against the Government,
collections and all other business entrnsted to
bis care- Office, Main Street, one door South
of Snyder' Hotel. .
Sept. 2'), 18ttS.
t03ice Main Street, in the room formerly
occupied by Km. M. Allison. Esq.)
ioess connected with the profession
promptly attended to. Oct. 18, '65.
DR. P. C. RI WDIO, orPattemon,
Pa., wishes to inform his friends and pa
trons that be has removed to tbe bouse on
Bridge Street opposite Todd & Jordan's Store.
The undersigned offers his services t the
public as Vendue Cryer and Auctioneer. He
aas had a very large experience, and feels
confident that he can give satisfaction to all
who may employ him. Ha may be addressed
at MitBintown, or found at bis home in Fer
managh township. Orders may also be left
at Mr. Will s Hotel.
Jan. 25, 1801. WILLIAM GIVEN.
LESl'ECTFULLi' offers his services to the
XL publia of Juniata county. Having had a
lnrge experience in the business of Vendue
Crying, be feels confident that he can render
eneral satisfaction. He can at all times be
consulted at his residence in Mifflintown, Pa.
Aug. 16, 1865.
ffliLiiAKi Ultima t
rrHE undersigned wUl promptly attend to :
a- the collection or claims against either the
tata or National Government, Pensions, Back
Pay, Bounty, Extra Pay, and all other claims
rising oat of tbe.present or any other war,
Mifflintown, Juniata Co., Pa. febl
Pensions! Pensions!
sons who intend applying for a Pension must
eall on the Examining Surgeon to know weth
er their Disability is sufficient to entitle them
to a Pension. All disabled Soldiers will call
n the undersigned who has been appointed
Tension Examining Surgeon for Juniata and
adjoin.DS Counties.
" P. C. BCNDIO, M. D..
Patterson, Pa.
' Dee. 9, 18.-tf.
: Deafes, Blindnesg anal Catarrh, :
OREATED with the utmost success, by Dr.
J. J. ISAACS, Oculit and Anrtist. (former
ly of Leyden, Holland.) No. 519 PINE Street
PhflaitAJr.liia. Testimonials from the most
Job Work. The prices or JOB WOKK, : They were received with the utmost oos
for thirtv Bills, one eight sheet, $1.25: one-1 , : ; - -
fourth, $2,00; one-half. $3,00; and addition-j P11'"", nd had every . opportunity to es
al numbers, half price raud for Blanks. $2,00 j tiuiute coirectly the resources of the Couu
reliable sources in the City and Country can i on tonnage, or surrender tbe whol; tcem
t aeeu ei his Office. The medical faculty are wal,h f the west to the errasD of
Invited to accoraniny their tiatients. as be
is no secrets in his practice. ARTIFICIAL
tl'ES, inserted without pain. No charge
aaada for examination. Feb, 15. '65.-ly
At tie rocra now occupied by me a. a Cloth
lag Store, will be occupied for other purpo
ses in tbe Spring. I now offer my entire
tock of CLOTHING at cost prices, for
TBS7S, trXDJIR vOIfeUSa, k. Givsmaa
t V t ti. ' - F. ? TvT'7T,
j Some years' ago a party of English 6ap-
ITattsts eouiHWEecd the extension of the
sir feet guage railroads from New York
j .. . r . 1 .
i railroad lines in the Northern States.
try. While here they couceived or ma
tured the graud idea of construe inj a
cuntinioui lino through IVmisylrnta,
profes.-cdiy for the' purpose of developing
certain portions of the Sat9 not floored
with railroads; and instead -of proposing
their scheme to tbe legislative p.wer t i
tbe State, they have attempted to secure
the necessary ir.inohie for a thronuh route
by leasing the Catawissa and purchas m
several charters held by specu'ators. They
have secured poswssiiiin of the Morris and
Esex road of New Jersey, which with tr.e
Lehigh Valley, Qunkate and Catawissa
gives them a through line from New York
to Milton. 'They have also purchased the
Centre and Spruce Urek and the Western
Central charters by which they hooe to
reach Frauklin, and also to intersect their
own road below Greenville, in Mcreer
county. Thus do a party of English
capitalist, an .organisation foreign and
uutrieu Jly to all our interests, attempt to
acquire possession of a thiough route in
our State, that would paralyze both Pitts
burg sod Philadelphia, and use our terri
tory merely to s?cepour cwa wealth and
that of tbe West, to foreign markets.
Such an enterprise miht receive the
sanction of a Pennsylvania legislature,
but it wonld bo under restrictions aud cin
dition.t which were not deemed important
in granting local charters such as tbe Ca-;
tawm?a and Centre and Spruce . Creek
At first blush most men are prepared to
welcome capital from any. part of tbe
wot Id to construct railroads in Pennsylva
nia; but when the aim and well matured
rurpose of this enterprise are considered,
it would be a suicidal act to allow the pro
posed routa io be coustructed without a
revision of its franchise by the proper
legislative power. - To understand the
character of this enterprise, and its fatal
consequences upon our industry and com
merce, we must lo k to the settled policy
of English capitalista as acted upon with
fatal consistency since they have commenc
ed tbe eigaotic work ot controlling the
trade of the North and West. England
Las bean ready for years to make almost
any sacrifice to control our trade- I's
first aim was to cripple our industry and
paralyze our commerce and improvements,
and its secondary aim was to possess the
trade which should enrich our own com-
men-ial emporiums. Acting upon this poli
cy the English government authorized tbe
'construction of the Great Trunk line in
Canada, some years afro ; and to enable it
to COmpete successfully with all tbe great
. . , ,
Hues lu tu' uuilcu ciaica, us vuuua,
stock, real estate, rolling stock and all its
property, were exempted from taxation.'
Thus were millions of dollarsf made from
tbu oppressive taxes of the English gov
em men t solely for the purpose of striking
a fatal blow at the commerce, the indus
try and transporting lines of this country
By this enterprise the English carrier
now gives a bill of lading iu Detroit or
Chicago throuch to Liverpool, and a fe
years ago the English line could carry a
barrel of flour thtough Canada to Port
land and from thence to New York or
Philadelphia at a less cost or certainly net
a greater cost, than it could be transport
ed over the direct lines through the States.
This enterprise necessitated New York
and Pennsylvania to remove their taxes
- -n o t
The proposition to secure franchise by
stealth through Pennsylvania, and con
Bfrn?t a thorough line from tbe West to
New York, is but a part of the grand
schema that originated tbe Great Trunk
and would be tbe consult ation of the
tame. It would benefit a few localities,
because it would hasten their development
Jbri tluK W !i',.f M wrrrt
it: bat it would be the work of death to
i Pennsylvania : commerce, ad' would' fa
time be fearfully destructive to tbe- great
industrial interests of the North! Phila
delphia and Pitinbarg are tbe great Man
ufacturing centres of this country, and
this enterprise would strike at tbe vitalg
'of both. '' It would not only'' isolate tbem
i but it must cripple them far' beyond aoy
! present calculation. Philadelphia has in-
"ku sulub luunetjn millions oi auliare
in the Pennsylvania and Philade'phia and
Erie Railroads. These investments were
made not -with the view of direct profits
on the'stuck, but mainly for the purpose
of bringing to our great commercial aud
ma'iuficturing centres a fair share of tbe
wealth of the West. Pittsburg as a
great manafaofuiitig city, gathers wealth
from East aud West, and after conipensa-
tmj her vast industry and capital, diffuses
it aga:n to 'home market; on every bandj
b'tt here conies the giai;: foe of both our
commi-iciul aud industrial prosperity and
proposes to sweep the wealth of both 'and
hike it, aitfiout tribute or any comDensa
t'.oo, to foreign market,' thus "using our
own domain to coropais our destruction
Cut there is another aud a graver ob.
jectiou to this enterprise that has not as
yet cutered into the discussion on tbe sub
ject so far as we have observed it.' It is
of course carefully concealed by the
friends of tbe measure, and perhaps many
of its opponents with most neutrals do not
at all appreciate the magnitude of the
peril this movement will eventally inau
gurate to our industry. While commerce
aud local development appear ou the sur
face to be the great aim of the English
njovenieut through the heart of the North,
it is vident, upon a careful examination
of the enterprise from its inception until
now, that its chief aim, io. English esti
mation, is to create a power in our own
midst that can be made almost totally de
structive of our industry io aoy depress,
ion of our industrial pursuits. Let it
not be forgotten that from the dW ihe
great Trunk line was originated until the
completion of the Atlantic and Great
W cstctn, the English investments in Rail
roads have not been made to pay dividends
on stock. They have been made by tbe
English capitalists, who are the English
manufacturers, for the purpose of coutrol
ing ultimately the industry of both En
gland and our continent; and they need
but tbe completion of the through route
in Pennsylvania to place the manufactur
ing interests of our State and of the
North almost entirely at their mercy.
Just now this danger is not apparent.
Our industry is prosperous and we!' re
quited; but tbe time will come, in the
mutations of trade, when English coal
will blacken our wharfs as of old, and En
glish fabrics and manufactured artioles of
of all kinds will be able to compete suc
cessfully with our own. Then would the
death b!ow be struck by this gigantic En.
glish artery of trade. Then would the
fabrics of the English looms and tbe ban-
di-work of the English manufacturers
crowd our stores, aud they could be scatt
ered through the very heart of our own
enierpr'se, at nominal cost of transporta
tion, and thus would the English cheap
labor bring its work in competition with
us at our very doors from the Sea-board
to tbe Mississippi. In such a contest,
we would have no remedy to rescue us
from the remorseless grasp of English
enterprise withou; degrading our labor
to the English standard. It would be
the great artery of death, and we cannot
but regard its success as the crushing blow
to be felt iu but a few years, to all our
present high hopes of industrial progress.
Let us be wise in time If it is the in
terest of England to develop our own
State, it is ten fold more our own interest
to do it ; and the fact that the Atlantic
and Great Western proposes to develop
where the people themselves do not pre
tend to say that capital can be compensat.
iug io doing o is the very best evidence
that the enterprise must have ulterior pur
poses and'intercsts which cauootbe in har
mony with our own prosperity. We ask tbe
calm, honest, earnest attention of the leg
islature to this question, and entreat for
it an intelligent judgment that will not
lose sight of the thousand sinews of in.
d us try on which our greatness and wealth
depend. Let it not bejeopatded, and
above all let it not be placed at the mercy
of English capital, whose only hope of
success is in our own destruction. Frank.
Jin R'vvr.tary
,..jc. .; , '-'
Tbe regular annual Teacher's Associa
tion of this eounty, convened at Thomp-
sontown, on the 28th of December, 1865 j
and coatinued three days. The teachsrs
present effected a temperary organization
by electing A. Baum President, T. Rum-
baugh Vice President, and "W. Smith
Secretary! Subsequently, ' this organiza-1
tioo was made permanent and completed
by electing Miss Lizzie Seiber Correspond
ing Secretary, and reelecting J. R. Wirt
Treasurer. ' ' ' . .
Tbe teachers attending, though in tbe
minority,' were, nevertheless, stimulated
by encturagemeot received from aid, lent
by "friends of thejeause" and deep inter
est tvinced on the part of the spectators.
An epitome of the most important part
of the proceedings embraces 1st School
room and educational discussions.
I. A discussion opened by Mr. Zim
merman, followed by. Messrs G. AV.
Lloyd, T- Rumbaugh, W. Smith and
others on Educational eventt and best
m((feAf eoDdootiug Associations.
. T. Wsiiwlo. on. the Dronriety ' of
the ''Introduction of Higher Branches in
Common Schools" by B. Neilds, vVni
Seiber, II. B. Zimmerman, A. II. Weid.
man, It Lauver, W. Smith, G. W. Lloyd
and 0. B. Super. :
3. A discussion on tbe resolution, lie
suhed, That the teacher, who fails to at.
tend educational meetings when within
his time and reach, has not the cause of
education at heart, by Messrs. Smith.
Garman, Lauver, Rumbaugh and others.
4. Should teachers be responsible for
the conduct of pupils outside of school
hours, discussed by Messrs. Smith, Beid
Ier, Lukens, Wright, Wirt and Zimmer
man. 5. Theory and Practice of Teaching
was discussed at length by tLe teachers
' II. Lectures by H. B. Zimmerman,
County Superintendent on Logical, Anal-
ysis and n. fll. Under on reomansnip.
III. Essays bv W. Smith II. M. Cri
derand Misses 8. E. Beaty, T. Kauff
man, Lizzie Seiber, Fanny Greenleaf and
Kate Kauffman, all on important subjects.
IV. Select Reading by A. P. Flint and
J. R. Wirt. -
An important item of the proceedings,
was the adoption of tbe report of the com
mute on an Appoal to tbe Clergymen and
Direetois of tbe County, in reference to
tbe education of the rising generation.
Three hundred copies were ordered to oe
printed and distributed by Messrs. G. W
Lloyd, J. R. irt, II. B. Zimmerman,
W. Smith and Miss Lizzie Seiber, Exe
cutive Committee for the ensuing year.
The County Editors publishing gratuit
ously for tbe Association last year were
teudered a vote of thanks for thus liber
ally lending to tbe cause of education.
Ou motion tbe next County Institute
be held at McAlistersville.
In the presence of a large concourse of
people on Thursday evening Proressional
Certificates were granted to Mr. Levi
Bossier and Misses Lizzie Seiber and Kate
The following resolutions were offered
and adopted :
Resolved. That Clark's Grammar is
the best system of English Grammar with
which we are acquainted, and we reccom-
mend it to the Directors for adoption
throughout tbe county.
Resolved. That we believe a greater
effort on tbe part of Teachers and friends
of education is necessary to secure proper
progress in the caose of education ; and
to this end, we respectfully urge all
teachers to double their diligence in the
good cause, knowing that they who share
in the labor, shall share in tffe reward.
Resolved. That any teacher, manifest
ing no interest in educational meetings,
not attending them when oonvenient, but
sitting in his school room while tbey are
in progress, has not tbe spirit of a teacher
a4 s not teaching for the good of tbe
pupils, but for filthy lucre's sake.
Resolved. That the thanks of this As
sociation are due and are hereby tendered
to the citizens of Thompsootown and vi
cinity, who manifested so much interest in
(he cause of education by attending the
Association and kecpiogthe teachers free
of expense.
t a Tt a wwaar ra
A. .bau iu, rres.
Wellington Smith, Scy-
"Now children," asked a ' scboo'
inspector, "who loves all men ?" 'A Iittle
girl; about four years old, and evidently
not posted ia uu uusiacuieui luuvrerou
For the SmtML (meetafal as tbe Htila boy's attempt to at-
trnt tub nWiHm8rmwrai:ST.'tTet to-twoa. who, biting leudUr
' .
Reading the caption of this articlo, one j
might be led to ask : Do the Democrats
sus.ain the Administration of Andrew
'Johnson 1 : We will now briefly consider-
whether in faot they do sustain him, or
whether they are merely trying to blind-
the people in order to attain pow-
The record of the Democratic - Party,
during tbe four years of war and blood
shed, is known to every one. They villi-
fled the administration of Abraham Lin
coln, in almost every word they spoke, in
regaid to our . natioual troubles. They
opposed the raising of armies, if not di
rectly then indirectly, at every opportu
nity. When the President called for vol
unteers they wanted a draft, when he or
dered a draft, then it was 'tyranical" meas
ure known .only to "despots." Every
measure that. was adopted to suppress the
rebellion, was, by them decried and de.-
nouoeed ai Ovulation of the Constitu
tion 'i- - "usurpation of power,
jr uovii a.'vra vi irvwvtt aauva I
. ' , T e . , ,
tyrants only. In fact-they could I
- . .t. n . i a..i
see no point in the Constitution that
loged any power in the President to sup
press a rebellion. They advocate tbe
rijhtt of States to secede. Their Iligh
Priest, Yallandigham even had tie audi
city to propose, in Congrca, a dissolution
of the Union, but amically, of course, he
thought the interest of the different sec
tions demanded a dissolution. They
sent their men to Canada, and threatened,
and in some instances even eemmitted vi
olence on enrolling officers snd resisted
tbe draft. Tbey declared that they bad
no quarrel with the south, and therefore
had no occasion to fight. When the last
Rebel fortifications were already tottering
udder tbe roar of Federal cannon, they
yet declared that Jeff. Davis anc General
Lee were "too cunning for Lincoln and
tilti l, i ml, i rra " that tltn inrlenanrlpni0
. . 0 , . , 4 , . ,
. j
nized. Such was tbe course they pursued,
such their principles and party creed
Where was Andrew Johnson during
all this bloody struggle J Did be, al
though a Southern man, act with that
party 1 lie did not. God bless our no
ble Chieftain. In his Bative State, sur
rounded on every si da by just such men
as we have, only a little more courages, he
was sacrificing wealth and honor for the
maiotaioaoce of the Union, and tbe ad
ministration of Abraham Lincoln. lie
BtoSd as a giant rock, as an immoveable
pillar, in the cause of his country. But
he was not always in Tennessee. lie
was also in the State of Pennsylvania at
one time. lie visited our State Capitol
to speak a word of encouragement to tbe
loyal people of our Commonwealth. How
was he received f With a warm heart of
sympathy by the union men, but was re
fused tbe use of the Hall cf the House
of Representatives, by Democratic Legis
lators. Did Andrew Jodnson ever counsel ' re
sistance to the draft, or violence to en
rolling officers? Did he ever try to send
men to Canada to avid the draft, or did
be ever declare drafting as an uncoostitu-
I tional and tyranical measure? We call
upon any Democrat to point out Mr.
Johnson's public record, or any act of the
kind, if they will do so, we will cheer
fully send him over to that party, ss that
is the place where he would, in that case
properly belong. Or is the past public
record ot Mr. Johnsan, (including the
four years of war,) and the record ot the
Democratic party, in consonance with each
other ? Is the condition of reconstruc
tion, forever prohibiting slavery, which
the President so emphatically demands of
the Beceded States, in consonanc with tbe
pro-slavery principles, so loudly proclaim
ed by the Democratic Press throughout
tbe whole country 7
Tbe differene is too obvious, and the
the record too plain as to admit of any
But now they come out and claim to
sustain him as a Democrat ! Is their sus
taining him honestly meant, or is it a mere
bait to bring bim back into their ranks,
in order to build up their corrupt party ?
The latter, we prusume is the case. It is
not possible that so great a party wonld,
as a body, ebange principles so Budden.
They have merely changed their base,
still keeping tbe same ends in view get-
j ting into power
FT-1 T Ia maav ttiA TrAairlonfc
I Alien: cuueotuib y w .
Ytk info tte'ir pttivAU fsr atoir ay
father read about the Attraction of GraT-
Ittation. rot it in his bead to attract the
Mwm q as to m.fce her tend nearer to
Earth , as he was desirous of getting
g nearer iew - of that luminary, and so
nmg whiie the moon was rising he
was found by his father, holding up a hot
buckwheat cake in the air, whea his fath
er inquired what he was doing, the boy
replied with philosophical coolness, "I am
trying, with this cake, to attraot tbe Moon
and I have pulled her out considerably
from behind that mountain." His father
laughed at him and told him that the
Moon was yet all right, and in its natural
So with the Democratic Party and An
drew Johnson; thy may boast that they
have "pulled him out" already "consid
erably" from behind that Mountain the
Republican party yet, when they come
to examine closely, they will find their
An" editor of a Dcmooratio paper was
, overheard tbl other evening to say to a
fr.end, "when I look over my files of tbe
' , ',
last four years, I am ashamed to say a
word iu vindication of Johnson's admin
istration, and yet it is the only thing we
can do to make us a name again." Theso
are the reasons why they sustain him in
outward appearances ; it is not that the
President - is tending any nearer their
views, or that they have changed their
priiiiijile for the better.
A Kalamazoo, Mich., correspondent of
Detroit Advertiser, relates the following :
"A Mrs. Howland, who has long been
a resident of this county, and who has
been hopelessly insane for nearjy thirty
years, was sent for by her husband in Cal
ifornia. Accompanied by her daughter-in-law,
ibey left here and proceeded on
their journey by steamer. When out
about four days from New York a most
violent storm arose, which lasted three
days, seriously threatening the destruc
tion of the steamer and all on board.
When, however, tbe storm abated, what
was tbe surprise and delight of tbe daugh
ter to fiud that tbe old lady had suddenly
recovered her mind and was perfectly
sane, though she was at loss to know how
she was in the place, and nnder the cir
cumstances she found herself on awaken
ing from such a long sleep of the intel
lect facualtits. On arriving at San Fran,
cisco what was the astonishment of the
husband to meet her whom he bad not
seen for nine years, an d whom he deemed
hopelessly a maniac, sound and well, joy
fully recognizing him. This was a year
Letters recently received by her friends
here state that there has been no return
of the disease whatever, and that she is
well and entirely cured. Is there anoth
er such a case of cure ou record T
About Slkioh Riding and Widows.
A friend of ours who has made sleigh
riding the study of his life, assured us
that widows (young of course,") where the
best consolation in a sleigh ride. They
are reputed dangerous, but the peril, per
haps, enhances the pleasure. If a wid
ow is not attainable, the single blessed
are eligible as substitutes. Very young
ladies are not desirable ; tbey are apt to
fret frightened if the hwrse should run
away, aud don't enjoy the "spills." It
requires a good deal of dexterity to con
duct the "spills" properly. Care should
be taken in the selection ot a spot where
the snow is pretty deep. The lady should
have time to compose herself gracefully
for tbe plunge. Tbe gentleman should '
throw a somersault over the lady, so as
not to fall on her when she is shot out.
The lady should be pitched out gracefully
at the side of the sleigh. In case she is
buried deep in the enow bank, do not at
temp to pull her out by her balmorals, or
wait until she is thawed otit out, Drive
to tbe nearest hotel, take a drink, borrow
a shovel, and go back and dig her out
like a man. '
Saw A person speaking of an acquain
tance, who though extremely avarioious,
was always abusing the avarice of others,
"Is it not strange that zVi man will
oot take the beam out of his own eye be
fore he attempt the mote in other peo
ple's ?"
"Why, no, I dare say, he wonld, cried
Sheridan, "if he was sure of selling the
timber." .