Juniata sentinel. (Mifflintown, Pa.) 1846-1873, January 10, 1866, Image 1

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    " V
II. ft. WIMot,
Tna Jrm.TA Sentisbl is published every
Wednesday morning, on Main street, by
TheSCBOKlPriOX PKlOK of the paper
will h TVO U ILL '.13 pr yesr in xiy.net,
and ti.S) if not paid within llie year.
S piper discontinued until all ar
rian ges are paid except at the option of the
AoritRTiKiJH. The rstes of ADVERTIS
ING are for one square, of eight Iit.es or less,
one tiroa. 75 cents : three. $l 60; and hit et.
for eneh subsequent insertiun. Adrainistra
tor's. Exestitor' acd Auditor's Sofices, $2.00.
Profession il aid Huoness Cards, not exceed
in 25 litis, and including copy of paprr.
$3.ot per yer. Merchants advertising
(ehanf-eablr. quixterly) $ 15 per year, includ
ing paper at their Stores. Notices in reading
Columns, ten ents per line.
Job Wontc. The prices of JOB WORK,
for thirtr Rills, one eight sheet. $1.25 : one
fourth. iiO'l: !." " 51.; and addition
al number, h .lf pr'ci . 1 1 for Blanks,
per quire.
Jiasinc?s (Tnrijs.
MiiRintown, Juniata County. Pa., Office
on Muin street South of Bridge str et.
r.. C. STKW VltT.
Mijfiintotrn. Juniata Co., 'n
Offers his profeicicnal eerrices to tbe pub
lie. Collections a,3d all other bujiinesa will
receite prompt attention. Office first door
North el' Ueifurd'f Store, (upstairs.)
rrriLLUM m. allison,
' Attorney ai. Law,
otarif 3?aWf.
Will attend to a!l business entrusted to his
eare Office on Main Street, Mifnintown. Pa.
OlPFCfM him prnfMMttl Mrrinpi to e
r'jHMMtm. Prompt .ftcorio. to cba
prosecution of clii,i-a?iinst tbe (i rnnent,
e V.1O1H an 1 all oiher business entrusted to
tis c ire OiS -e. Main Street, one door South
of Snyder's Hotel.
Sept. 21. lg5.
j. . MII.LiaF.T,
OSce Main Street, in the room formerly
oei-upie'l ry nm. 1. Allison, tf J
11-44 cni:tei W'.ia the orofe
pr t o.itly atteabJ to.
Oct. IS, '65.
Die. I. C KI VOIi, Pailca-ion.
Pa., wishes to inf- Fm ! triru is an 1 pa
irons that be tias reii.oTvl to the house on
KrMge Street opposite iadd i J or Jin's Store.
The undersigned offers bis lervices to the
public ns Vendue Cryer and Auctioneer. He
has had a very large experience, ami feels
Confident that he can giro satisfaction tc all
who may employ him. lie may be addr-aed
at Mitnintni'u. o- found at bis home in Fer
snanngli tuwnthip. Order may also be left
nt Mr. Will's Hotel.
Jan. 25. 1M4. WILLIAM GIVES.
A U 5 If 3 9 & S
t t-si'Kt'rFULLV otters hi services to .he
Xt public of Juniata Cjiintr. Having bad a
1 rge experience in the bustos of Vendue
Crying, lie feels confident that he can render
federal s ttietacuon. He can at all titnea be
cntu:ted at his residence in MltBmtown, Pa.
Aiii. 1865.
q"HE undersigned will promptly attend to
X the collection of claims azaiust either the
State or National Government, Pension. Back
Pav, Bounty, Extra Pav, and all other claim
arising out of the prescut or any other war.
Attornej -at-Law.
MifHintown, Juniata Co., Pa. febl
Pt'a?ipas ! Tensions !
ABLE j J i v c:i.i iMKSEr vau
ARK EvTirL1; D PENSION. All per
sons who intend applying for a Pension must
call on the Examining Surgeon to know weth--r
their Disability is suifimeat to entitle them
-to a Pcasion. All disabled Soldiers will cull
-on the undersigned who ha been appointed
-Pension Examining durgeon for Juniata and
svdjotu.ng Counties.
f. C. RBSDIO, M. D..
Fattersoo. Pa.
Dee. 9. 13.-tf
Deafai-M, Blindness and Catarrh,
flKEATEl) with the utmost success, by Dr.
J. J IS II'-; n.Milwt .n.l lnrtit (furiur.
ly of Ley den. Holland.) No. 519 PINE Sireet
Philadelphia. Testimouiais from the mort
reliahle sources in tne City and country can
e seen at his Office. Tbe medical faculty are
invite I to accorapsny their pitients. as he
hss no seerets in bis nrtctice. AttriFICIiL
ETE4. inserted without pain. No cb.rg.
made for exammation. Feb, 15. '65.-ly
...i. - , . . ,t,
As the room mw occupied by n as a Cloth-
Ing Store will hi occupied for other purpu-
sea in "ihe Spring. I now offer my entire
stock of CLOraiSO at eet prices, for
VEiTa, L'NIEH CLOTUINU, &o. Give rasa
- !
I-ee-tVeS. F.'M. MICf,
A Jf T-JT A flf A fl
JC ill AIL II &J U
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Widovr's and Orphan's CharilaWe
BY F- DC- AlICifEY. iq.
The eail.est records of human history,
furnish proofs ot the existence ot secret
associations, among nearly all the nations
of the earth. They have everywhere ac
cotnpanied, if they bare not advanced
civiiixitiuti, am' beeu the conxevator, it'
not the promoters of religious, scientific,
and political truths. That these early Site.e
ties were often perverted and gnwsly
ahused. is readily admitted. Hut that
'. f.jrui.-hes no argument against their pro
j . . 11 .1
iper use; All associations h ive been -or
' rupted or perverted. Written lao"ua"e is
MOused ever dav the totiw-u iUelfisaiileMjoiiis.byrelerriiigyoutotheillustrious.be compromised by a small matter of
1 - . : ' ....;-., . , . , . ..
! unruly member, t reathing not only pray
ers to God. out curses uu our fell.- men.
yet bo one, lor that alone.' wou d dooui
society to solitude and siieuce. or abolish
peu aud press forever. On the contrary,
the vast utility of ancient secret associa
tious, of Philosophers and Patriots in ad
vaucing religiou, c imervin. literal uie
arts aud science, aud iu atuelorating the
coudniou of sjutes aud com,uuuitie, has
commended them to tbe imitation ot the
wise aud good in all subsei-ueut ages of
the world.' Christianity availed itsell of
the principle in its early progress Wnen
the iron h-el ot the bigot ami tyrant was
raised to cru-h the springing g srui into
the dust, it was removed into privacy and
was nurtured n secret unt.l the storm w.b
; overblown, or its s! length was increased
j,i endure the tempest,
... ,. , . , . ...
j 'hat which has proved so beneficial,
' though now it has Ceased lo be appro
- . , , .
: W be Corrupted may Well bo
imitated, and superceded by that wherein
is life and purity. The Albigeuses, Wal-
deuces Cathari and other early reformers.
J 1
during the long persecution of the Papacy.
' r;or tu the rflirm , f ' j
- r . .
secret associations, remote from the eve
0f the pereecotor, Bifety in w irshipiog
I ' 1 ' "0
And all throoijb. the dirk night
MIFFLiyrOWA. JUMATA CUUA'Tr,"'nttiVA. jajsuaby W.
(of feudal ages, t!.e various mechanic
craft iiid K"i's-'' otnr wci anci4-
tioiw, kept the feeble liht of know'edge,
amid the
surrounding gUn. r semi heathen dark-;
ness, until the world at large, .wakening'
fmm leaden sleep, lit its thousand torches
at the hardlv preserved tapers, and I hew
literature and sciences, once more over
.... I
j ! our benighted race
7 And since flint revival similar assncia
j ciatintis have dcd no less in spreading
I I onward the fl.eidride f civilit ttion human
ity ami freedom, to its present full flawing
nrogres. The ref irin thst has ewepV
iw.v doctrines and institutions of errotj
and of wrong, grown hoary with ages, of
ge'ieral acknowledgement and reverence
replucing them with the true and with
the right, hst -fon h(en nourished in
the sil.iiit seereev of few caosen stmls.
nntit it gained strength to go forth llde5Vj we are created st.d "placed here to
ly and grapple sueressfully with the mon
ster errors and giant; vices of the age,
an 1 t'e revolution that in a few days
i.vei tit'npil thrones and banilied tvrants.
tiantiiel tyrants,
tetter institutions,
I powers of ths
icii1;iiiiig the o'i with better
and giving the aluie
I 'I A Iiai. n-n ri.,t.trn h:iliil fr.n -lOnf lv fvuttl.
1 1 j rrej i's eirtor 1 ise n iw r in ma privacj
1 1 . -. -.1. ... !.
-1 i,T Ko'a'e 1 ttirc e. wliich met to nrav and
dtddterve f ir their ei iniry'.a we'fue. an'l
nepara'c I to "prel aUr-i-i l the light and.
strength which Heaven gave the few tit
i direct the minds ana nerve the arms of the
We niay be fold however that error,
vice and diplomatic despotism have also
had their secret nr.-imz.ti.ui-., even a ' that we select the few only, wno jerha
Molly Alliance." True ! oo also have j least need our moral inculcations and pe
they hsd tbe p-ihRe meetings, and na 1 cuniary a d. If our principles are so mo-.'
tion il ronre. Sh sll we reject the 1st-)' and our teachings so pure n 1 salutary
ter a!o. l eeatip hold and bad men hntn ""d our objects so bencvolet t, why 1 o'th
used npenesa and publicity for evil purpu j row 1 ur (.Half uj in lo the World at larj-e
a ihtt m suited ecret socie'e
f modern times is the ti ln.l-it O--i
tier of () Id Full 'W. and there is per
haps nope that hi excelled the benefi
eient infliteiicn within its own pale, in re
leasing the distressed, and especially in
preventing suffering an 1 pu'erfy in the
families of its own members. We Cn es
titrate the fii'ttre ns'!'ulness of snch an
sssoeiTtti'iti of men h-anned together for
Sacb a noble purpw. with inerei-iing
numbers, raising their alters of Friend
ship, love and truth, in every city. town,
and village throughout the length and
lrVa.lth of the lin 1. R 1' a-i much good
has been dne by thtt noble order, it
was found bv experience that there was
something wanting, "and the Lord said
it is not good for mm to be stone," ani
tne c operation of w train was solicited
to walk with us in this path.
The degree of Rebecca was adopted
by the Grand Lodge of the United States,
in September, 1851. and went into opera
tion with the year. 1X32. This was de
signed to unite the wives of members
tu rein'im ite'y with their husband in the
work of Odd Fellowship. And moat lo
ll !y have you pcrfirtue 1 your part, in an
nulling the rej,v(nsibilities of thin jegee.
Having united yourselves with us in
this degree we would direct and stimilat
' von in the t eflormance of the dutis it
examples in your own sex. And nobler
specimen-) of humanity and true woman
jho'.d. can nowheie he found in past ages,
than aic name I to us in the lfook of
Ron'ks. Rehold t tie hospitality tf the
molest and graceful Manoah. Seo also
the 1 -a! ami courage of pifrioti-nn in De-
1. The risking of station and life,
of Esther, the steadfast fi i.l piety
even of Esther, the steadfast fi i-1 piety
and devoted aflectinn of Ruth, the vir-j Iu the same benignant spirit, we would
gin propheiess Mtrian. And thus from say to every good institution, and every
.Sarah, the wife of the fiiend of G hI, and benevolent soul who may hatbor a sus
tbe mother f Patriarchs down to Mar'ha j picion of our interference. View the
and Mary, who watched when the disci-: vast field of human ignotance, destitution,
pies fl.-d. To Dorcas who ca'red tor the suffering and crime around us. See how
poor, f lie history glows an 1 brightens wjih
woman's work and loveliness. We tfiete
f.ire hold up lor y.ur imitation the gnd
ness ot those wliose m-Hlesty and worth,
who! domesiic and public virtues frova
ihetu w men indeed.
For worn .n'a work is to do good. Men
ueed b ul ling together to stitiiu'ale their
belter ufL-eaoos ; but iu woman, benevo
lence ani Immunity are spontaneous
Permit me here to quote from tha great
traveler Luyard. He truly says: -
have observed among ail nations, that the
womeu are kiud, civil obliging humane,
and tender beings ; thai they are inclined
w--w. 0 J J "
J to be gay aai cheerful, tiaeroas and nod -
is -tib mmtcKHiiiT or v.e law.
- in- -- -
est. They do not hesitate like men, to
pel lorm ninnptuw ana penerous action,
not haughty nor arrant, not supercil-
ious. but full of courtesy, and fond of so-
ciety .industrious gnomical and inge-
ninus, m .re liable in general to err thao
man. but in general, also more virtuous
and performing more jrotxl actions thau
uoasre of decency and l'riend-liip, to a
. -.i.
wntnsn. whether civilized or savage, with-
out receiving a decent and friendly an-
swer." In entering into cIom. uniou with j
us in this degree, you were told you need
ouly follow the promptings of your ever
ready sympathies to perform its duties and
fulfill its obligations. I
Hut by the Ritu il of this IJegree. we
Sieved our mix-ion loo narrow, for the
human race is but one family, not only i
j physically ,'but spiritually, not ouiy the
orticallv. but reallv and Tralv. We be
labor for our fellow men. to advance our,
ae, elevate our country, and. improve ourj
rce. We hive therefore, iustalled and:
organized this as-ociatioo '-the widow's '
j organized mis asociatioo "tne w
J and orphan's charitable association,"
j is. auxilary to the Degree of lit
and which gives u a wider field to work I
in, especially to the sisters, tor now in
your families, and neighborhoods, or
where ever misery can be relieved, want,
supplied, or sorrow consoled. There is
your work. Rut now more than ever, if
pusMble, do we pledge our means, resour
ces and power, to promote the welfare of
our race. Rut some complain that we do
not invite all, and roceive all who apply,
and to extrid lo tbe utmost utility ol our
p''""'ip,--,'4 mss u'os. The selee.
1 l',,n few individuals out of the mass,
io unite tl.tni in ahK'ciytitn effoitsfor the
diffusion of importauf principles, and to
exercise tbem iu ihe practice thereof, that
they ma? become the teachers of others,
appears to be the method of Divine Prov
deuce itself.
Wheu God determined to institute
among wen a pure worship of himself as
"God cf the whole' earth" he. called
Abratu, of Ur, in Chaldea, to be his
friend and agent in the work, revealing
himself to the Patriarch he constituted
! him the progenitor of that "chosen peo
ple, who were to be the depository of di
vine tiuth until the world sh.mlJ be pre
pared lo receive and practice the myster
ies of human redemption
I'liav tmam
the selected pupils of God "a peccliar
peon'e. "
Ve are sometimes accused of interfer
ing with other in-tiftitions. assumiug their
duties, placing our association as the all
iu all to the neglect and abandonment of
religious institutions of deuouiuation,
ihe ('hutch.
When the Patriarchs Abraham and
Lot were somewhat itivol-ed by the quar-
relsome conduct of their respective
heardsnieu, the brave, peacible father nf
: the f iithful would not allow hi.'duties to
' profit or loss. "And Abraham said to
l"'. let there be no strife, I pray thee.
between me and the, and between my
heardsmen and thy heardsinen ; for we be
, breihein. Is not the whole laud belore
thee ? Separate thyself; I pray thee
i ''ro, . if 'b id will take he left hand,
I will go the right, or it thou will depart;
j to the right hand, I will go the left."
i to the right hand, I
very little of the mighty void has been
improved or even disturbed by all the
agencies ever set in motion. Does it not
make the whole heart sick and the head
faint to contemplate the almost hopeles
ness of re leaving all the destitution and
woe, and removing all tbe ignorance and
crime? Is there not more than enough
for as all to do ?
There was a time when the charch
cared for its poor. Ia the time of the
; apostles we find that indeed cettain per-
' eons wrre appointed to look to and admin-
' ister to the poor and destitute. But is it
so at the present day. Most and perhaps
- ..-w . . - j -
1 nearly all tie memben of to
mre member, of some charch. I would
... -1 ' . . ... ... i
in m h not a )ju r-'".'
is manifested or chant, practiced among
the members of our churches, for the
. -
pmir and destitute wiiLin or out of the (
chureh. Jfo charch in its present state
is-extensive nougli in its fellowship to)
embrace maty irood men, who need the
reaching enoaph to reach even its own,F"
t. u. r : ..J J i '
members whn distant from it and need.
ins aid and protection.
We open a field beyond the limits of
tary or church, as well as within it.
Aud we labor dilligeotly that- we may re
ceive joyous reconipeuse for mr toils,
Siuce the organization of this swneia
tmn, an other year Has been added to tne
irrevocable past. The time has rolled
over. ud addeJ its qwt . tu the .great
c.ionaer oi events, nature aoa uation
have alike partakeu of these arbitrary
cha nge which invariably mark the pa4-
ge vl revolving time. herever we
louk, we see preseuted to ui unmistakable
- v"ll - PUce that this ie-uot our place. Ou
every-thinj: material, we see traces by the
inde'iab'e hand of the Creator, that we
are passing, away. But we have the con-
ltii-D of kni wing that the good we
have done, lives alter us. In the weaty
desert of our pilgrimage, whilst we plod
sorrowfully over its shifting sands, hourly
drcaiiug the terrible summons of death,
the eye is sometimes gladdened by the
sight of the lofty 1'alm-tree in the dis
tattce giving prouii.-e of tbe oasis of rest
to the wearied body, water to the thirsty
' Though this institution is but of recent
dute, and indeed only in its infancy, by
and through its influence much good Las
been done. ' Tha administration of our
association during the pant year, has
brought relief aud joy to the heart of
some wearied and wayworn widow and or
haa, oiMar ur brotha-v or per hup aonie
one who deserted t f all bat this asrocatiun,
aud iu the good and beneficent work, our
associating, has not been wanting. While
it is true that our weekly contributions
are small, its funds are o judiciously ap
plied, by the wirdoni of the sistets. in
rehnvin) the sick and comfortiug the dis
tressed iu such an unostentatious manner,
that tbe hand that gives is never seen ;
while our committees of charity are gen
erally cordially received when 00 :heir si
lent mission, and much good is done.
Rut do uot let us stop here ; we have
scarcely began tbe great mission for good
which this association is capable ot ac-complii-liiug.
To the t-istets I would then say, be
m.t A trfurfti ftflil mintinilA fill Aa ennd In
exieudiug the charities of our association,
aud tes-ilve to follow its dictates whatever
thieircutiiiances, or whatever the opin
ions' of the world around you may be.
.so, ou.y anoum sucn a nssotve exist, out
Vt ... 1- L ..I f l L 1 . . . " . L . 1
. ueienutuaiion tu ooey it in me true
spirit ot our order and of rtligioo itself,
'quietly and noiselessly, like the drop-
lits of the gentle rain, or the distiila
! tious of the silent dew on parched heb
aue and drooping flowers. In R.ble Ian
guage, "let qot thy left hand know what
thy right hand doeth "
Though arduous and di
I . . . .
fSctilt its duties
1 they are joyous in themselves and rich in
their compensations. We tfler yuu no
worldly honor tor your sacrifices for
often the world knows not or understands
not either your motives or your deeds.
We can only promise our countenance
aud aid, the approval of vour own con-
science, the blessing of those you have
succored, and the reward of our Great
Parent. The charitable are indeed "im
itators of God as dear children." The
relieved are monuments of their goodness
and their own soult are filled by the all
good, with a joy which the selfish or cruel
never kaowed. Respected by all, and be
loved by the poor. The home of the
chartable is the abode of peace and con
tentment. He can say : '' When the ear
heard, then it blessed me; and when the
eye saw me it gave witness to me ; be
cause I delivered tbe poor that cried,
and ths fatherless, and him that bad none
to help him. The blessing of him that
was ready to perish, came von me and I
caused the widows heart to leap for joy."
With such teachings within our temple,
leading to corresponding practices with
out, our association will withstand all
the shocks of opposition, and the changes
1 of public opinioo, and grow firmer aod
. 1 7 J
But ome tf the brethren have et.
j ii,.;. ,t....v
r -r- - -----
nan. lor - prolan
m.. . ... . ., , . .
ihey say -me is tne omy one inowo
exist, that we stand alone, and therefor.
can not W survive .
would remind all such, that atany
f V
been self 9 onstituted and of humble ori-
When the small stream first issues into
tbe light of history, it is very humble
afso. The Nile, though known ever since
the days of Joseph, has not yet h&d its
sources discovered by ' Europeans. And
the origin even of Odd-fellowship as an
institution, is involved in obscurity.
The earliest mode to establish Lodge
in the United States, was by self institu
tion. The feeble gleaming spark obscur
ed by surrounding asl.es, and momently
threatened with extinctioq, far the want
of proper, element-, on which. to foed, it!
fire, has increased to a glowing generous
flame. That band ol brothers" only
five ia number, not yet half a centarj
ago, ha grown into a mighty army.
It has .mightily grappled With forlorn
destitution and suffering and driven back
the waves of vice and selfishness every
where, and has moulded into a kindred
likeness of benevolence not a few ' insti
tutions nearly as powerful for good as
Surely when we view the difficulties
that beset Oddfellowship everwhere, the
humble lives and scanty means of its
early members, and then look at its put
progress and present condition, we may
be encouraged in this our present eflortj
We may be but a centre of light and its
genial rajs may be the cause of huodreda
of similar iiis'itutions springing to light.
AI! good affections must begin in the
centre" ; but the defect in ge leral is, that
they do uot travel extensively. These
i:.her affections are not inconsistent with
the outer, not oppo-ed to the uni-re-ree!.
The love of maukind, and the citizen
ship 'f the world, coexists with the meet
ardent .Section for family and fatherland.
We should remember, then, that man
kind is oar family, the earth, oar country
& th j race our nati 10 also. Yei we should
even go fufther. As all of every grade
station and clime are oue with as ia na
ture and all alike immortal. Ours is
family of soul and spirit, and we are citf-Zi-DS
of the uuiverss. Revalatioo ia ex
pliit in making tbe Lve of man the
prerequisite to even the love of God
"But who hath this wot Ill's goods, and
see'.h his btother have need, and shot,
eth up his bowjls of equips ou from
him. bow dwellet'a tie love of GnJ ia
him." Again, if a man say "I love
G hI, and hateth his brother, be is a liar,
for he that loveth not his brother, whom
he hath seen, how can be love God, whom
he hath uot seen." I say again, then
,e, be encouri,eJ
and with a steady
aim aud determination, press forward ia
doiug good. This association requireg
and demands from every good member,
the saci ifice of all personal considerations
and motives whatever- We that fill up
the ranks and make up tbe onmeTtical
personal of this association of to day, will
soon pass away and ' the place that once
knew us, will know us no more."
Not mi with the great principles of the
association which we re.oe-ent; charity,
the first of all Christia-i i tues, wherever
practised, "shines brighter and bright
er until the perfect day.'
Let us then cherish, for the present,
preserve and perpetuate to the future, so
inestimable a blessing, sud hand down to
future generations untarnished an institu
tion having for its great object the emu
lation and happidess of mackiod and tbe '
improvement of our race.
Object Teaching. "First class in
Philosophy of Common Things come np
and recite. John, how many legs baa a
quadruped ?"
"Six legs, air."
"How do you make that out?"
"He has fore (four) legs in front and
two behind, sir."
"Rigbtj Now, Sam I Where does the
sun rise ?
"In the east."
"Why does he rise in -the cist ?"
"I suppose the (y)"sst makes him rise." .
"Very good. Now, Jake, spell brandy
with three letters.
"0 d v' (eau de tic.)
"No. Next."
"B r ti j "
"Right. All go to the !twL?. ,