V 0 ! aa T " i I)' , tyt firarato jsnttinr!. TOW Alf D C r.1TRY. Apctt?.xt.- A yrtinp mun by tha name of Harah had his ier broker), one day last week, while at work in a quarry near Black loj Station. Festival. The ladi of the M. E. Church had a ranf time at their Festival last week. Ewrythin;? rnsed off to the satisfaction of all concerned. !-. Rev. It. FT Fletcher will yireaeh bv requeat, on the subject of "Hell" or Future punishment of the wicked, on nest Sa'bbath morning in the Lutheran Churcn of this Borousb. lSrThe Festival at TTaenoeller'g. in PetTTsville, on Thursday evenine. De cember 21st, was a maenifieent affair. The entertainment surpassed anything of the kind ever attempted in this county. TrIbcse Almasac This i the most complete work of the kind publish ed in the United States. Every Farmer fhould have a copy. Sinale copies 20 cent ant by mail. Address TTTE TRIBUNE, Tribune Buildings, New York. t-'A Story for the Children" came to band toff late for the present tue. and ! ss it is a Christmas Story, it will not suit for publication hereafter. The authoress will pleae accept w thanks for the "de - aire to serve." and alsi bear in mind that we are one of those "dreadful Yaukees." B- Christmas r.asnel away pleant'y, generally spcakins. Sleiirhin? was pood, and so was skatinc. About the only snisconbuct we beard of was caused by that bane of society whiky. Some few of the rougher order soaked themsel ves with it, and slashed around protnis sously. jTWe publish this week in our ad vertisinz columns the prospectus of the Vic York Trihvn. It is the most reli able paper published in New York City. A. H. Weidtuio i the Asent in Miffliu town. Mr. Well man is miking au effort to pet np a club for tha ilVy Trihuue. Every Republioi-u io the county should nubeoribe for thia pat.er. JarWe are pained to chronicic tne ; death of Mr. Isaiah Stewart, formerly a j resident of tbi coun'y. He died in United States Hospital, Springfield. 111.. ! ifid 28 years lla et.-Ii.-ted to the I ,il Illinois Infantry and at-rved out the first hn In re-eiiiis!ed- for a t-eeond time and s'.ivm r.;s couuti-y Jaituruliy tin - ... 1 1 i .:i L. ..IL.t iinM Ihiu ear r in the prime t)f liftf. 5.14ti if.iiiixi) and Winter AruisgemeM We call the attention; of our reaoe de.-s to the alvertiseruent, ia ..ther column, of KAKTUEW & CO., dealers io Fancy Goods, Jewelry, rhvtri- ,rr,li 1-c. Tiiev are au im1 estaaiisn- 1 - onrl q,i fxr ail our IlIioA led je extends iucUl, -- deal fairly and bouestiv by their custom - pr. At least if will do no harm to pive them one trial, S3 it will not require a fortune tor tbut purpose. Day of .ci-e i ai. I'raver The first Sunday in January n.-xt has been named by the Centenary Committee lor clj-erv auc-bv tbe Mt tbodists of this country, " e united nraver for a a day of special ai:d uui.el prayer the Divine blessiui upon the centenary services of tl.. year, and for a revival ol religion, that th? centenarian . . 1 . n til . uir year may prove to ue an .- , itual progress cl the Church. -'-God, pity the poor," say many at this inclement season of the year, who i - n t- A t.Wh .hmiilint means. but who never deem it their duty to aid the destitute. They act with the pre- eumption that some one else, and they should giva aid and assistance to the Mnr We have a number of families m r , . e j tbia community who are, we are intormea w r V lu Ucalituic vii--'-- 11 ' see them suffer, while we enjoy so many of the luxuries of life. f..nn.VTn MiTsiriANS. The fol- l.uruiviA.iA j lowing testimony from a lady who pur-. . chaseo a Steinwut's Piano from B. M. j Greene, agent for this county, shows not only that-she appreoiatps a good instru inoDt, bnt is additional testimony to the mperiority of their tuaVe of Pianos over ' . all others. She says j-"For-nVy and wettues of tone.etoriiV "t touch, and beauty of instrnuient, together witn all tbe modern inprovements, I find it -quaffed." "I cheerfully recommend Measrs. Steinway & Sons pisuos to any who wish to purchase." These celebrated instruments as well as Jfason Hamlin's Cabinet Organs, Mr. Greene keeps on hand constantly at ..i Mnsio Store . KwCnpltjn. Fa. Scud MA80vIO.---On Saint John'n night I he following named officers were duly : ll.i T' ! T .J XT.. CO 4 A . V cu u uu.u r , M., to serve fur the ensuing masonic year. Jos' Eod"ers, W. 3J-, Dr. P. L- r i r a w T IT fTllnK-i7ir'h Greenleaf, S. W., J. E. Uollobaugh J. W., F. M. Mickey. Treasurar, R. E. Porl ei,. W W IT., rhnl.in.ndCARHART, NEEPUAM & COS' ME Patler, Secty., B. F. Kepner, Chaplain- iODEONS; GuitBr9. violins. Fifes. Flutes: David Ilolman. S. D.. A. Brown, S- M. C, Hei.ry Stahl, J. M. C, P. A. Notes ti;je, Tyler. After the instalatiou the Brothren partouk of a sumptous repast , . . , , . . m - i i peovmea ior me occasion. iniu ueiug , the anniversary of Saint John and the annual re union of the Masonic fraternity, the affair pasl off very harmoniously. Soldiers of '01 & '62 We are fre- i .... , . ,. , , before purchasing elsewhere. My prices are quently asked, by discharged soldier of tlle Mnie a5 in f;ew York and Philadelphia 1861 and 'G2, and their frieods, whether 1 Circul.nn of Instruments sent promptly up , . -c . v a- . .i ' on appliCHlion with any additionol ii.forma- tbeir ceriincates ot discharge are worto j" d r anything, and arc told that per.ious are ofiering to buy tbem. As an answer to ail such inquries, and ior the information of all such persons the follow ing is pub lished : The soldiers' of '61 and '63 have gen erally beeu paid all that they were entitled to, by the terms of their enlistment, and their discharge is not worth aoythiug, by any esistiug law. It is generally believ ed, however, that Congress, at its present session, will pass a law giving additional oounties to 3ne soiaiers or oi ana o- bo . as to make the amount paid to them, : e j t0 (!lat pa;,j to those who voluoteer Lj at , jater date, eQr .dT,al tuuntie?. . a aw w0uij not oqlj be generous, but ! just, and we have no doubt but Congress will, by appropriate legislation, grant what appears to be ao geueraily expected. Unless such a law is passed, your "dis- ( n. r.,,,,;. r.l, vnn ! " 3 ' . Having been in business forupwards of ten nor would it be to the purchaser, even if i years, five of which has been spent in Mifflin suchakwis passtd. By existing laws and being in possession of the latnt ' 1 mnr,r.f I ni rit merit una W.irbmeni 1 worrfttil no claims egainst the govemmeut by sol- j diers' for pay or bounty, can be transfer ed, hence a discharge is of no value to any one but the person to whom it i given. Should Congress pass law, and I have no doubt it will, allowing addition al bounties. I propose to collect tuch claims for a reasonable condensation, and any one sei will receipt ending his discharge to me, I t for it by return mail, and as soou as the law i parsed, secure fcr him whatever sum or allowance may be grant ed, whether land or money. JK&KMIAM LYON'S. MiSmtown. Juniata county. Pa. MFfL I A' TO It -V -4 AV MARKETS. VATTEICSVS FLOCK, 1 MARKETINGS. S7 50 j Butter, prime "J? Ri 7 75 fuller,, la rale 9 OO !Lara. 3 00 ! Tallow - uper, bbl. 35 KO 20 11 30 Oft i j '"""CZ t i l!uckw"ncR.t... 4 00 iEjrKS. c aoi ' utirD .i'.ni.M... -I ...1 1 -r. T, II! 1,- j G;;ASt ',11033. V rwt 12 : mn wueit.... 2 10 Hum, 10. Red Wheat jf bu I '.:) '8ides ' Shoulders l(i Kyc f'i j lSEiiK. turlc Corn 'Jo Fore or, r? cwt 10 00 70 'llird o,r 12 Ot) 1 00 POULTRY, . 40 Ch'okens, pair 0 i Ducks, 40 Buckwheat, ... siD;;. 1 Clover, y j .'".T."... bus 7 CO jGeese J 00 3 00 Turkevs, 2 Od U 25 COAL, V 'n bo ''freveaton stove 9 00 : iiup''Hrian liitll'.Ii PUL'IT. i do Eze 11 00 Apple.. Ml le.-. "p bu 3 00 ISunhury stove 9 00 1 pcaches, 4t S OO 10 ligg 3 "'I 10 iChesiuul, - S 'JO 10 'Pea. 5 00 8 ! Mixed 3 00 Cherries.... rirrens.. J ,H,.kh,rriM Elderberries. 0 I WOOD, POTATOES. :)al, New Irish, V bo UK) iiliekwy,... SweM 3 00 ' HAY, . 4-cn . 4 50 10 30 VAhlETlES, , Timothy, Apples. t bu 1 00 no (l-iions 1 00 I Retailed Articles. 1 Wbit Ccans.... 2 50 Coal Oil l gal 1 M 1 Reeswax, lb 45 ;Salt, sack 3 r,fl , VU9,, c,. 10 Ofl ! Clin,jk.s 25 Nails... -10 00 (X) r)0 00 00 V.rf." S2 00 " I i weekly by Sulonff. Fro &Jrjw- I " PIIILABELPIIIA MARKETS. l'HIHOKLPIIIA. DRC FLOUR & MEAL. Sales of 1500 '-.'.! 000 bbls extra familv at SS 75.9 50 f bbl. for Northwest, and S3 50,10 50 f(ir Pa., supcr- finoiit S7 "b(n 1 To: extras tMr- ", ' I ... c.;i .ml fnrv lots from S't to S'3 50. j Kye Zfjg'&gZ wlli.c S2 50fS.)a 70 in Eye nothing doing. rZT 4eeDS. Cloverseed at $7 10 S7 50 for in. ferior up to Sow, 8 2;J for cho.ee 10.S Prices Flaxseed at S3 15 i of Timottiv are nominal. ri: ,-bu9n Gold closed at$l 45. arrie d- On the 10th inst at Sew Berlin, by Rev. D. Kloss, PETER BESHOAR, of Juniata Co., and Miss AMASDA GROSS, of Suyder Co. On the 21st ult., by I. D. Wallis, Esq-, Mr. THOMAS II NAGLE, and Miss MARIA E. KACFFMAN, both of Walker township, Ju niata eoun'y, Pa. On the 2Sih ult., by Rev. S. Lieber, Mr. JACOB REAVER, of Juniata county, and Miss. SL'ASAN B. ACKER, of Terry county, Penn'a On t ae 30th ult., by Rev. It. H. Fletcher, Mr. GEORGE BRESDLE and Miss EDEL TRL'TH BRESDLE both, late of Germany. On the 24th tilt., in Fermanagh township, HENRY MOIST, aged about 45 years. On the 31st ult., in Milford township, Mr. 7i !k7..IOWA7.2, area -bcil 39 yenrs. JWJSIC STORE. MUSICAL INSTRUMENTS. , M GREENE nAS OPENED tUS MC- ; Bic Store one door west of w Uwia, Book Siore, where he keeps constantly oh hand STE1NWAY 4 SONS' and GAEHLK'3 piano Manufacttlrine company's PIANOS, jMASOX & HAMLIN'S CABINET ORGANS Guiiar and Violin Strings. Music Books Golden Chain, Golden Show er, Golden Censor, Golden Trio, 4c, &o. SHEET MUSIC. He is constantly receiv- "? from Philadelphia all the latest musie, which persons at a distance wishing, can ordej n(j haTe gent ,nem b mai, at Publisher-s Prices- tf. Pianos and Organs Warranted for five years. Those wishiag to buy any of the above ar- tides are invited to cal'. and examine mine B. M. GREEXE, Hill Street. Huntingdon, Pa. One dcor west of Lewis' Book Store. ADVANCE of SCIENCE. Teeth iniierted upon u entirely new style of base, which is a combination of Gold and iiubbt, (vuicauite.) which for beauty, dura- bility, cleanlines?, and tbe restoration of the natural contour ot ine lace, cannot oe sur passed. Either of the above ba$es I WARRANT FOR TEN YEARS. Special attention will be made to diseased gmiH. and a cure warronted or no charge made. JreM jlllrii to (tat for lift. Ji Tiiumph in Dentistry! TEETH EXTRACTED WITHOUT PAIN hy a new process, without tbe use of ether, chloroform or nitrous oxide, and no danger. en',ire satisfaction, or the mouev will be re- fuudtd. Office on Bridge Street, opposite the Court House Square. G. L. DERR. Evident IhnlUt. November 29, I85-Iy. , Assignee's Sale of ValuaMe REAL ESTATE. j rpn e E following Nalueble Real Estate, will be sold on ihe premises, about one-half mile Johnstown, Juniata county, ra. on j TUESDAY, JANUARY 9th, 1SGG, A tract of Land, containing 5 ACRES and j 120 pi-rche., Lanng thereon erected a ! Hood Ilwellins Efouse, BANK BARN, and other necessary out-build- ingB. Also, A 1A.CI1. la goou orurr, wilu all the necessary buildings and machin ery, iiti'eti ill the utUei of a good burk country There will also be sold at tame lime and place, two tracts of well set with Chestnut and Chestnut Oak Tim ber, situ-iteJ about one mile from Ihe Tannery containing respectfully 100 and 3o0 hundred Acrt-s. TERMS: Ten per cent, of the purchase mouev to be paid when the property is strick- I en down : haif the balance on the first day of j April. 18'i'i. when a deed will be delivered anc pueion given, and the reaiainder on the j first day of February, lt"0i, to oe secured oy j judgment. ! jff" Sale !o commence at 1 o'clock, P. M, ! when auendance will be given by JEREMIAH LYONS, Astigntt cf HEXRY BR i BAKER, "m. Given. Auaionea-. Dec 13, 05.-IS. (JRAXD PRIZES rOB St'BCBIPERS TO THE AMERiCAN STATESMAN- A NATIONAL KK1KLT FAfil LY JOl'RNAL nt yl.."5 I'er Annum- THE FOLLOWING SPLENDID PRIZES ARE StXT TO CLIBS, viz. For ' every Club jf Forty, Subscribers, A Wh.vlrr k Wilson bsl Jij, Sewing Machine With two extra copies to the getter up al the club. FOR EVERY CLUB OF TWENTY, and less than fony subscribers, we will allow $1.25 for each subscriber on the price of said .Kiiehine. Foil EVERY CLUB OF SIX. a splendid steel cngravieg of Pbesioest. Lincoln, (full lennth. 1 AsixtEW .Toussos, Lieut. General Gkaxt or Sukb mas on horseback, worth $3.00 pah with an extra copt to the ffetlcr un nf I - - . , . . . o r thtt fluh. FOR EVERY CLUB OF THREE, one of those splendid steel engravings of the Uni form Series of XAUOXAL PORTRAITS comprising Presidents Lincoln and Johnson, Lieut. Gen 1 Grant, Major General Sherman, Blieriiian, Thomas, McClellan, Fremont, Ad mirals Farragut and Porter, George and Mar tha Washington, each, 19x24 inches, worth $2.00. These splendid portraits should adorn every parlor. The Statesman is the largest, chetpest and best family paper published, suited for every family, try it once ana you will never be without it. Send for copies and get up your clubs. Address AMERICAN STATESMAN. B7 Nassi a Street, New Ywk. Pea. 13, 'Oa.-Gm.' R. R. CORSON. (Late Major in Quarter Mastei Department,) Ri'al Estate Uroker & lonvcyancer. Inarms in Pennsylvania, New Jersey, Mary land, Delaware and Virginia. Hate Agsnts in all of the above Stales. Catalogues now ready for distribut:on ly sending a stamp, ff- Officers and Soldier's claims adjusted. 8a, Collections made in ill States. K. R. CORSON, 112 South, 4th Street, Philadelpaia, Box 518, Philadelphia P. O. Pa Tee. ?, '5.-3;:. j. H. OM,A. w. B. BOM.MAH. TvOM.ltli ItROTII ERS, DBUG AND JEWELKY TOfiE- JIAI. STK I3T" JJO Doors North of Belford's Store. MIFFLINTOWX, PA. m -t-T-E WOCLD RESPECTFULLY CALL l the attention of the public to our Stoek of DRUGS, 'MEDICINES, TERFUMERY, FANCY SOAi'S, ; atd a large Tariety of notions ; as also to cr STOCK OF WATCHES, CLOCKS WATCH CHAINS, DREAST-PINS, EAR AND FINGER RINGS, SPECTACLES &C. WATCHES, CLOCKS and all kinds of J ewelry repaired at the shortest notice and on the MOST REASONABLE TERMS. gjf ORDERS from PHYSICIANS prompt ly attended to. A liberal discount to Phy. skians. Sept. 27, '65-tf EOLLMAN BROTHERS THIS WAY; FOR BARGAINS ! NEW G00D8 AT MICKEY & VZimEVS. The undersigned has jtiVt received a large steck of Dry Goods and Groceries at their store on Rail Road Street, in Pattereon, which they are opening to the public, at the following low prices ; Tbists. Best Quality a? . Second Third DeLaiscs. Flainiall wool). i Bnows Stl EATINGS. ! 2.3'Beat Quality ....40 ;24!Second .30 ""()! Third 37 " I Fourth J33 70! Fifth 2'.' '.'70!Sixth 25 Flannels. Ficured " Fancy and plain "htnih Scarlet 45to70 irom. Gi White 4oto70 NCIHllS. Idi.1 At-r. B"t(fi,i,y 37SMrting::::::::;:4oto75 Second .3J , Si inua ,aur Best Quality.., Second "'.'.'Ladies. -4,),m:. ,$2 ,i $1 2Gto2 ln"u u"ir-i.:i,in. Jil.l Merisos. Gents Boots $3 oO 7 50 ljiauiL auu uiuer lt ai o-.t- -, Colors 50ie$l 301 ' (jB.Ocr.RIKS. Skirts. !ca csi "ntnl .in 'Krriinq ?1 balmoral.J cto4 uuugar house- 70 Hoop alt price Sugars, brown. 14iol8 Tickings...25, 35toC5j white :3 rAT sti-ff. Green Coffce....35to40 Jeans lrom 4UtoiU i..,i;s. ri. li,.at Satinet.. 70toSl 25jstvies ...$12 00to2l'o0 Cassiuieres...l 2to3 Breakfast Shawls 1'laiis. ifrom S2to3 AU wool 4"toS0, W oolen Uoods76to2 50 Plad Cashmer...37to50j Hats and Caps at all Pii.iackk!) Mi'SLt.t. 1 prices. Best Quality. ...... ..SO! Notions A full as Second............ ..... In sortment of Ladies' & Third .15 Gents' Gloves, llos- Fourth ..SO'iery. &e. at all prices. Fifth 2Vto euit TpirobuHer. Also, a full assortment ef Queenswar. Hardware, Tinware, Brooms. Brushes, Bask ets, Buckets, Tubs, Tobacco, Segars, &c, ka., usually kept in a couatry etore. Purchasers will do well by calling and examening our elock, before purchasing elsewhere, as our motto is to sell cheap for CASH or Country Produce. MICKEY St TFNNELL. Nov. 20,'C5.-ly. . Patterson, Pa. py? 3&!L3w , "TTTILL be sold at Public Sale, in the bor V ough of Perrysville, on SATURDAY, JANUARY 6th, 1800, A Valuable nOUSE and LOT, with a never ailing well of water, and a large cistern at the door, (situated on Main Street, near Kep ner 's Store. I evspns wishing to purchose can view Ihe preperty at any time. S. Sail to commence at 1 o'clock. P. M.. of said day, when terms ill be madj known by D. PHILLIPS. Ecc. 13, 'C5.-4I. DMINISTRATORS' NOTICE. Notice is 1 hereby given that letters of adminiira tioa ou the estate of SAMUEL OKESON, late of Ceale township, deceased, have been grant ed to the undersigned, residing as aforesaid, by the Register of Juniata county. All persons knowing themselves indebted to said esute will make immediate payment, and those bavihg claims will present them duly authenticated for settlement, nov. 20-tlw. N. A. OKESON, Admr. ADMINISTRATORS NOTICE. Notice is hereby given that letters of adoiiu'stra tioa on tbe estate of JOEL VODER, late of Fermanagh township, deceased, have been granted to the undersigned, residing as afore said. AU persons knowing themselves in debted to said estate will make immediate payment, and those having claims will pre sent them duly authenticated ftr settlement. JONAS A. VODER 1 , , : NATHAN VODER (AU"in nov. 29-Cw. DMINISTRATORS' NOTICE. Notice is XI hereby given that letters of administra tion on the estate of HENRY STINE, late of Fermanagh township, deceased, have been granted to the undersigned, residing as afore said. All persons knowing themselves in debted to said estate will make immediate payment, and these having claims will pre sent them duly authenticated for settlement, nov. 2'J-0w. CHARLES STINE, Adm'r. AGEKTS -WANTED I To canvass the new steel engravings of Woman's Mission, Lincoln Family, Early Days of Washington, A c. Fnrografh Carta de Vuite or Album Pictures, At greatly reduced Prices. &55k, Special terms to disabled soldiers. 8QS Send for Catalogue with terms. JOHN DAIXtY, PublMfr 15 S. Sixth Street, Philadelphia, Pa- EX1MIXE J our Stock of Ready MadeClcthing befaie you Purchase Elsewhere, you will find on hand a good assortment for Men and Boys ware, which wiil be gold cheap for cash or country produce. MICKEY 4 PENNELL, fan 1-tf Patterson, Pa. LARGE stock of Queensware, Cedarware, Xi euch as Tuba, Butter Bowls, Buckets, Churns, Baskets, Horse Buckets, 0-, at. Al T HE 3Xf ow Firrrx SULOUFF, FKOW AND PARKER, 13 IH CsVfcTAL PA1.ACB BCllCtKO, 31IFFLINTOWN, PA. T1HE UNDERSIGNED HAVING PCR A chased the stock of goods 'formerly be longing to Su'.ouff & Stambaugh. and bavins added to it quite an assortment from the Phil adelphia market, are now ready to suplly the citizens of Mifflintowa aud vicipity with any thing and everything that is usually kept in a country store, and a great many things that have never been kept before. We are deter mined to sell goals at a REDUCED PRICE and make it an object for the people to b.uy from ns. A large stock of DRY GOODS, con sisting of Ladies DVess Goods, such as FRENCH MERINOS, SHEPHERD PLAIDS, (all wcolj FANCY PLAIDS, (all wool) PLAIN WOOL DELAINES DRESS FLANNELS, ' PLAIN SACK FLANNELS, WHITE FLANNELS, BLUE TWILLED FLANNELS, EED FLANNELS, MUSLINS, EREAK.FAST SHAWLS, sec, ic. Can be had at SULOUFF, FROW & PARKER'S. MOURNING DRESS COODS: Black Shawls. Veils, Cotara, Gloves, Gauntlets, Second .Mourning Balmorals, Hoods, &.C., Ac. Everything desirable in this linr, and n very large stock, At SnloctT, Frow & Parker's. A FULL assortment of Gentleman's Goods, consisting of Cloths, Cassimercs, Satinetts. Over Coatings, Vesting.?. Can be had at SULOUFF, FROW 4 PARKER'S. VVTE have one room devoted entirely "to Y Gents Furnishing Goods and Ready Made Clothi.ig, f uch as Coats, Pants, Vests, Over Coa's, Boots & Shoes. Hats-& Caps, White Shirts Flannel Shirts, Undershirts, and Drawers. SULOUFF, FROW & PARKER. FULL assortment of TRUNKS andTRAV ELVISG BAGS. Also. XOTtOXS. such as Hose, Gloves. Buck Glove and Mits, (very best qualify,! Kid t-ioves for ladies and gents, -.1 ' i-i.i - ' uuuuisueu rvm. ri . SULOUFF, FTOW & PARKER'S - T,rE have on band a good quality of Itar l- V ware, comprising a full assortment of CARVESTKR TOOLS, is BLACKSMITH TOOLS, such as Anvils, Bellows, &c.. Shoe maker Tools, Saws, Axes, Augurs. Iron. Steel. Nails, Horse Shoes and Horne Shoe Naila by the keg and pound, Ropes of all sizes from 2 inches down to inch by the pound. Biicr? and Wagon Sprins, Griad Stones, and Grind Stone pictures at SULOUFF, FROW & PARKER S CARPETS ! CARPETS ! ! , LARGE and good variety of. 4 f.L WOOL. il It AG and HEMP CARl'ETi 011 hand and for sale chesp. at S?L'LOi:i-F, FKOW & PARKER'S I.IMBEK! l.l .MBKIt!! full assortment, such as Bor.rds, Pickets. XI. Leth, Shingles, Doo;s and Sash, on" baud und tor sale hv SULOUFF, F1DV & PARXER ritHE .,vt quality of MXCKEliEL. ilER L A"A7;and5.4JalwaTsonhand. And. also, a good supply of. Plaster and Calcined I Master, at SULOUFF, TRQW &. PARKER'?. COxlL! COAL!! A large quantity 0 Blacksmith and hand and for sale hv Nut, Egg, Prepared, Liineburner's Coal ou SULOUFF, PROW & PARKER! Btr8 Persons can be supplied with Coal Plaster, Sl'Uj Sc., at the lowest price, by our agent at ompsontown, ELI II IT P.ENNE'.t. who is also authorized to purchase Grain r4nd give the highest market Prices. CcT" Mr. CLINE is, also, our authorized spent at Perrysville to purchase Grajn and sell Coal, Plaster and Salt for us. Give us a call and you cannot fail to be pleased. Highest rices paid for Country Pro duce, and taken in exchange for goods. SULOUFF, FROW, k PARKER. ctober IfcOa. SAl T ! SALT! ! SAL T ! ! ! A Superior quality, ei'her by single sack 01 quantity. We wi."il furnisfi Merchants with salt at Philadelphia prices, with the ad avnon of expenses of freight. SULO UFF FROW & PARKER. ORPHAN'S COURT SALE. By virtue of an order nr the Orphan's Couet, the fol lowing valuable real estate will fce exposed to public sale on the premises, on SATURDAY, JAN GAP. r 13th. ISfiC: bout the oue-third of a House and Lot of c 1 1 . . . , .. - ... vikjuuu suuatea in tne ojroagn 01 rcrrysviiie, Juuiaia county, Pa on the north side of Mar ktt street, adjoining 1st of Watson Stuart's heirs on the west, and running north to an al ley, with appurtenances. TERMS -Ten per cent, of the purchase money to be paid when the property is struck down, one-third tif the whole to be paid on the confirmation of the sale, one-third on the first of April next, and the residue in one year thereafter with interest from the 1st of April next, to be secured by judgment bond. Sale to commence at 1 o'clock, P. M., when attendance will b (riven by DAVID G. ALT2R. AdnCr of David-AV-.r, d?4. Em- 13. U!5-Hs. t A Valuable Farm AT Private Sale! THE undersigned offer at private sale, that w-11 known farta, litaated in FayeV township. Juniata county. Pa., aboct 6 mile fr cm MitSintown and Pena"a. railroad. 1 mils from Oakland M51b and 1 J mile froa McAHs tersville. Tbe Cedcr Spring road from ' Mif. flintown to Sunburr, passes through the p;ai aes. " The farm conlaina about , m ACBES, Of the first quality of Limestone Land. Tbe improvements axe ft lare Crick House, 35 by 45. with an excellent well of limestone water at the door ; a large Frame Ranli Barn, 80 by 45 feet, corn crib, wagon shed1, carriage honse. tool house, and work shop. AU these buildiDg3 are new and built in a substantial manner. The land is all cleared hut 7 acres, which is under good fence, and' in a good state of cultivation, with running' water through the premises. There is, also a urst rata opened on the form. Two apple orchards, filled with a choice selection of grafed frnit For further particulars, enquire of Lueian Wilson; Esq.. at Oaa.and Jluls, who is au thorized to sell. ROBERT McALISTER. Cct. 51, 1865-tf. PRrVATE SALET THE Undersigned olTers at Private Sale, a Lot of Ground, situated in McAlisters vitie, Juniata county. Pa., containing xe enFSJsss, Mor or less, having 'thereon erected three DWEW.1SR HOUSFS, with nerer faiiinj wells of wacrat Ihe door, a LARGE BANK. BARN. Corn-Cnh, Wngon Shed, and other out-buildings.- there is, alss?, choice fruit on the premises, such as Apples, Pcai'IiCi!, Clicrrie. Ac and a larre variety of grapes. The land is all cleared, and under good fenec, and is in a high state of cultivation. This property is sittla'.ed in. and adjoining ehetewuof McAlistersville. Persons wishing to purchase, can see the property and ascer taiu the terms by calling on PHILIP HARLEY, -Residing on the premises- Dec. 13, X5.-0t. PENNSYLVANIA RAIT.RO VD. OX AND L after Monday, Nov. 20th 16., Pawngtr Trains will leave Mitfiin Station as fi.Uoj : EASTWARD. Philadelphia Kxpre's.. 12.37. P. M. Fast Line 6.31, A. .M: .Day Kxprcvt. 11.13, A. ?1. Cincimati Kjpie- 4.S1, P. M. Mail Train 10.20 V M. WESTWARD. Pittsbg.A. Erie M:il.... 2.50, A. 31. Baltimore Express 4.59, A. 31. Philadelphia Express.. 5.30, A. 3f . Fas' Line '. 6.21, P. 31 3lail Tt?.n 3.53. P. M. Emigrant "frsia. 10.07. A. 31. JAMES NORTH, Ag't. LADIES' FANCY FURS! ! AT J0E5 FAREIRA8- Fnr -Tlannfadtory, So. 718 Arch Stmt, above 7th, Phila.' m ' Itfivjti 15-p' m cn ,n;ror' 'lt3lrfr!!i4-jt2'Aioa and Mannfae i'f' f. j "WaSf-rare. ne of the la?- V '-v. .-'iS 1 nave now m store "f'":-;-r-fJ?55CvJ.'t .'pest and most beau " vj.- tiful selections cf FANCV FURS, fort-.'nir.Dr.F.N'S WE.Vil in the City. Als a fine a-soriuieat cf Gijuts" Vur Gloves and Collors. I am enabled to dispose of c.j goods at very reasinabie J rires, and 1 aouli therefore solicit a ball from m -jriends cf Juniata coun ty and viciniry. t.6 KecEihcr the Name, Nuaiber and Street. ' JOHU FAHSIHA, 718 Arch Slrec-t, 8bov? 7th. smiih siiie, PHILADELPHIA. KOt, I have no parlner, nor connection with any other More in Philadelphia. Oct. 4, R5-4rn. New Ministry EsJablijiiiicnt. THE undersigned hereby informs the 1 diys of ll:'l:atown and vicinity that she has jijst returned from the f'i.y wiih a, large assortment of Millinery goods whick uhe will disjLoe of a reasonable rates. Such as maue an4 rrpaireu 10 oruer. also, r.ew ones ready riiade, kept on hand and tor si.e. chean Sleeve, Coat, and other patterns kept on band and ftr sale. Call and see berjre uurcLasin? elsevrhere. Call at the reideuce of Nttat Kleelcv. a few doors east of tbe Presbvterlan Church. TILLIE M. KEELEV. Oct. ll-3ra. ESTATE NOTICE Etlftt of Jonas Sciher d, c'd. Notice is hereby given that letters of Tes tamentary on the estate of Jonas Seiber, late of Walker township, deceased, have been prsnteo to the undersigned residing- ii the same towns!)!). All persons knowing hemselves. indebied to said estate are request d o nuke immediate pay men t aud those hav ng clMvna will p'sase present them duly au thenticated for settlement. SAMUEL SEIBER, Jr.") ' ABHAM SEIBER- tticutort. Nov. 15, 115. 6t. ' '- B1ED1C.4I CARD. . S. O. KJEMPFER. flat army aur- gcon) having located in Patteraoa. tend ers his professional services to the citixena o this place and surrounding country. rf 'v.. Dr. K. having had eight years experience in hospital, general, and armv practice, feels prepared to request a trial 'from those who may be so unfortunate as to need medical at tendance. He will be found at toe crick huildiag op posite' the "Sestixei OrriCE," or at his resi dence in the borough of Patterson, at all ho't s, except when professionally engaged. July 22, l855.-tf. . Plain and Fancv Job Work, ' At thia OfSce I a V