t union o lakes, and a union of lands, A union no poicer shall sever; A union of hearts, and a union of hands, And the American Union forever! MIFFLIN TOW K. Wednesday M irmn;, Janairvi .3 1866. H. H. W ILSON, Editor and Publisher THEJUXIA TA SENTISEL -a has the Largest Circulation of any paper pub lished in this County. It is therefore the best advertising medium. It is a Paper, truly loyal, ably'conducted. a first class Localist, and -well worthy of the patronage of every loyal citizen in the County. e"Our Representative in Congress, Hon. G. F. Miller, will accept our thanks for a cjpy of the President's Message, and other valuable public documents. Constitutional Amendment. The amendment to the Constitution of the United Suites, prohibiting slavery, Las been adopted. M r. Seward, Secretary of State, has issued a proclamation an nouncing that twenty seven States have adopted the amendment which is three fourths of all the States in the Union. Official notice has been received at his de partment to this effect. This result was confidently anticipated, and we are rejoic ed that our land is forever free from the disgrace of human bondage. So longer shall we hear the crack of the whip of the slave-driver, or the clanking of their chains. Freedom reigns throughout the land, and the pure principles of the Dec laration of Independence are in perfect harmony with the Constitution of the United States. The discord which has heretofore existed between onr practice aud our profession, no longer prevails. "While we have proclaimed freedom over the whole land, we ought not to forget that justice to all is not iversal as it rtonld be. We have taken one great step in the right direction, and in due time, 1 have no doubt, we shall take others no less important. Wo cannot expect to gtin everything at once. All men must be made equal under the law, so far as re gards their rights of person and property, and if the friends of liberty and justice are true to themselves aud the immutable principles upon which those great rights are fouuded, they will secure all that is needed to perfect the great system of American republicanism, which was the purpose for which our revolutionary fath ci made such immense sacrifices of life uod rropartv. Although but twenty-seven States have, as yet, officially notified the general gov eminent of their acceptance of the amend meut, Oregon and California have also ratified it. New Jersey, although late, and Delaware will yield to the salutary influences by which tliey are surrounded and proclaim for freedom. Even Ken tucky will not continue in her obstinacy to reject it. It matters little, however, what course these States may take, the Constitution is now amended, and univer sal liberty is the result. There are other amendments to the Constitution which will be required to complete the great work of reconstruc tion which is now going on. These timendments have been introduced into Cong-ess, and should they pass that body they will receive proper consideration from the people and the State Legisla tures. At a proper time we shall not hes itate to express our views upon these amendments. At present we would mere ly remark that such are the momentous events which have recently occurred, that neveral changes are necessary in the Con htitution to bring it up to the advanced state of public sentiment and the new condition of national afiairs. The won derful revolution which has been effected during the last few years cannot fail to impress us with the belief that our future prosperity as a nation, demands new priv ileges and imposes upon us new duties. The Constitution should come up to our present standpoint; and from this we Tnust infuse new life and vigor into our free institutions. From us the world must be taught tLc value and excellence of our republic. We seek no vissionary changes. They are real, vital, and must be well considered. They will be fully discussed, and we have no fears but ma ture deliberation will lead to a proper de- :Irn on ill ihn'i irwn'irr.fTii; DEATII OF IN). TKOS. CORWlX.j A brilliant assemblage of Ohioans were entertained on the evening of the 15th inst., at the State Military Agency in Washington. Ia the Rupper room where he had been keejing the company in a roar with his lively sallies of wit Hon. Thomas Corwin, ex-Governor, ei Secretary of the Treasury, ex-Senator and late Minister to Mexico, while in the midst of a humeaous anecdote, was struck with paralysis of the light side- Sena tor Wade and General Garfield wS were beside him, as he was falling ant carried him to bed On Monday last he' breath ed his last, surrounded by -a u timber of prominent statesmen and politicians. Mr. Corwin was born in Uourbou coun ty, Ky., July 29, 1794. He rose from humble life, studied law, and was admitt ed to the Bar. in 1S17. He soon gained distinction as a lawyor and politician. He made his first appear ance in publL lite as a member of the Ohio Legislature in 1822. In 1831 he was for the first lime elected to Congress, representing the Warren District. Ha remained in Congress till 1S40, in which year he served as a Presidential Elector, and was elected to fill the Guber natorial chair of Ohio. He was Gover nor but for two years. In 1S45 he was elected to she Senate of the United States, in which position he remained till 1850, when he was appointed Secretary of the Treasury by President Jillmore. In October, 1S58, he was again elected as a "Representative in Congress from Ohio for the teriii commencing in 1S50, and dtfring that year a volume of his speeches was published. lie held the Chairmanship of the Committee oa For eign Affairs. He was elected a member of the Thirty-seventh Congress ; but in 1$(J1 was appointed Minister to Mexico by President Lincoln, the last public, po sition he filled. Before the disintegration of the Whig party Mr. Corwin was a steadfast and prominent advocate of its policy. When the present patty lines were drawn he ranged himself on the Republican side. Mr. Corwin possessed a gift of genial eloquence, which, on the stump and be fore a jury, was vry effective. He al ways enjoyed great popularity as a polit ical speaker, and contributed materially to the success of the Republican party in I860. A TkMMDii Grand Frizes. The American Statesman has out done all of its competitors, in the number and value of its Prizes offered for Subscrio ers. It sends to eve.y getter up of a Club of Forty Subscribers, at $1,50 each one of Wheeler & Wilsons Cele brated 55 00 Family Sewing Machines. For every Club of Thirty aud less than Fifty it allows ona dollar on each subscri be! towards the purchase of said machine- For every Club of Five, it sends one of those splendid Sieel Engravings of the Uniform Series of National Portraits, on the best board 19x21 inches fur framing, including that of. President Lincoln, An drew Johnson, Lieut. Gcu'J. Grant, Genl's Sherman, Sheridan, Thomas, McClellan, Fremont, Admirals D. G. Farragut aud D. D. Porter, and also including George and Martha Washington, each valued at $2.03 ; including a selection from about five hundred of the loading Portraits, Engravings Lithographs and Paintings now published. For every additional There subscribers, one of the above or of th.i Engravings, Portraits, or Lithohraphs sold in New York, at not above 82. at wholesale, as per catalogue of prices. The above off ers one of the finest chances for the young in getting up clubs we have seen in a long time. For further particulars scud tor AMERICAN STATESMAN, OSce, G7 Nassau Street, New York. JOT Mr Thayer (Pa.) introduced a bill to amend the act "declaring the offi cer who shall act as President of the United States, in case of the death, res ignation, removal or disability of the President." It was referred to the com- mittee on the Judicarj, aud provides that in case ot the aeatn, resignation, reiuuvu. or disability of the President and. Vice President of the United States, the Pres ident of the- Senate pro tem and in case there be no President of the Senate, the Speaker of the House of Representatives, for the time being ; and in case mere s no Speaker ot the iiousb, me mci jus tice of the Supreme Court of the United States, and in case there is no Chief J us tice, then the Justice of the Supreme Court who has been longest commissioned shall act as President until the disability be removed or a President elected. -non. George F. Miller, of Lcwis burg, has been elected President of the Lewisburg, Centre and Centre Creek Rail- j road, a link of the projected Atlantic and Crcnt vVctem Railroad. - Jurors. List of Grand and Petit Ju rors drawn December 23d, 1S65, for Feb ruary Term, I860 : ' GRAND JURORS. Joseph McDonald, Farmer, Beale. John Hackeuberger, ' Fermanagh. George Jacobs, " MiiHintown. O. W. Lloyd, Teacher, Delaware. Joseph Yoder, Farmer. Spruce HilL ' T. 8. Cox, Inkeeper, Greenwood. Jesse Speaknma. Farmer, Delaware. J. M. Thompson, Coachmaker, Perrysville. Dantol W cattail. Farmer, Delaware. Hugh O. Hughes, blacksmith. Spruce Hill. William Fowls, Farmer, Walker. S- W, Henderson. " Fermanagh, O. W. Shively, Wagonmaker, Fayette. """ S. G. Dressier, Esquire, Susquenanna. Balticr Lauver, Farmer, Milford. Davis Kauffnian, Walker. Aaron Leidy, " Fayette. A. G. Bonsall, Printer, Mifflmtowa. John Caveuy, Trader, Fayette. Christian Seachrist, Farmer, Susquehanna. Elias Crawford, " " James Adams, " Walker. Jacob Thompson, Gentleman, Tusoorora. William Detrich, Farmer, Walker PETIT JURORS. John Woodward, farmer, Tuscarora. James Criswcll, wagoumaker, Fayette, Joseph Wireu, farmer, Spruce Hill. Henry Cumfort, farmer, Susquehanna. J. M. Wix. Shoemaker, Perrysville. George King, farmer, Delaware. Lucian Thompson, physician, Delaware Joseph KeuHgy, farmer, Turbett. Daniel Conu, farmer, Tuscarora. John Kreiiler, laborer, Fermanagh. R. S. Warner, laborer. Fermanagh. Wm. Cleck, farmer, WaikeT John Mmzer. farmer. Walker. Wm. Short, farmer, Lack. Levi Liu'ht, laborer, Susquehanna. Westlr Berky, laborer. Turbett. Jonas Oberholtzer. Shoem'r. Fermanagh James Fiterald, farmer. Spruce Hill. iVvin Watts, farmer, Walker. Michael Stoner, carpenter, Fermanagh. t rv . . i .. . r. i 1 .' . .1 1 .ferotue vusuus, iuimici, uicuuhuw. Orrin Kerlin, teacher, Turbett. Peter Rtirabarer. fanner, Greenwood. Peter Karstetter, Shoemaker, Gteenw'd. Wm. Morrow, fanner, Lack. ljuj. Weidunn, tanner, Walker. Trios. U Parker, nurehan, Mifrlintown Joseph Wallace, t'armar Lick. John Robison. farmer. Fayette. Reuben Kerchner, farmer, De'awaro. Sheiu Yoder, farmer, Spruce Hill. Samuel Woodside. justice, Lack. J. G. Kennedy, carpenter. Tuscnrora. J. P. Reynolds, farmer, Milford. Thompson Smith, farmer, Milford. Kurtz Kauffman, laborer. Walker. Thomas Morrow, postmaster, Tuscarora. Yos. Vodr, farmer, Spruce Hill, Johu Beale, gentleman, Beale. George Koontz, gentleman, Perrysville. Peter Brcnuisholtz, butcher, Perrysville Joaph Lane, mlllrizht, Tuscarora. Jonathan Weiser, farmer, Susquehanna John Yeaklv, merchant, MifHiutown. S. W. Kaufman, farmer. Walker. Jacob G. Snyder, railroader, Mifflinrowi H. S. Patterson, farmer, Delaware. Williarastn Vanonner, farmer. Fayotte The Illustrated Pjirjxolooical Journal enmmences its 43d Vol. witE the present January Number which con tains Rufus Choatc, John Marshall, Sir Matthew Hale, John Bright, Flat-headed Indians, etc , with Poitraits. The Two Paths 8 Portraits, Character iu Shak ing Hands, iiustrate I. Infiuenccof Mind on Body. Love and Lovers. Fore see ing and Fore-knowing. Ghosts aud Proph ets. Heads and Hats. Dress aud Dis ease. Engineering as a pursuit. N. Y. City, with engraved view. Advici to a Student. The Wolf and the Lamb. The Lion and the Mouse. Tua Ass and his driver- The Dog in tlie Manger, etc.; with upward of 30 illustrations. A Pic torial double Number, 20 cents, or a year for 2. AdJresi Fowler & Welti, 380 Broadway, New York. t&r General Spinner, United stales Treasurer, received a contribution from a begsar, amounting to one cent, which he tendered as his contribution towards can celling the national debt. The donation I has been accepted, and transferred to the ' Treasury passed through the same chan nels and Jortus as would a more magnifi cent sum. The action of this mendicant is in commendable contrast to the example set by many wealthy individuals whose contributions for this object, in the bulk, do not Iooji up entensively. Honors to Ex-President Lincolx. The Select Committee of Congress, consisting of one member from each State, to consider what token of respect and affection Congress may adopt to ex press the deep sensioility of the Nation to the event of the decease of Abraham Lincoln, have decided to set apart Febru ary 12th, his birthday, and to invite the Secretary of War, Mr. Stanton, to pro nounce a Eulogy on bis life and character in presence of both Houses of Congress. They came to no determination as to the amount to appropriate to the family. Con gress h3s since appropriated $25,000. tOT "Abolitionist, a term apjnea in. .. . , -.- . ii . j derision for many years to the great body of the people who opposed the extensioa ' n of slavery, and contiuued up to last fall'i political canvass, seems to have become obsolute, and must be thoroughly so now, that slavery is "abolitiooized"' through out all the land by the adoption of the Great Constitutional Amendment. Gov. 3urtin arrived at Havana on the 12th inst., greatly improved in health: fhe last of the. Revolatioaarr Uetdei. Only two warriors of all tho who par- icipated in tho war of the Revolution so ar as fcuown by the Commissioner of Pensions, remain alive, namely : Wm, Hatchings, of Penobscot, Hancock coun- :y, Maine, aged one hundred and one rears, and Satnnel Cook, of .Clarendon, Orleans couDty, New Yoik, aged ninety line years. , Only five widows of Revo lutionary soldiers draw pensions from the Government at a yearly amount of two Tfaudred and ninety-three dollars. v 63. The Knoxvi'.le Whig puts the wWe thing in a nutsheil, when it says tht following : "Six millions of white people, without a ihadow of a pretext, engaged in a strigjile to overthrow a Government, and with it twenty millions of whites and four milioos of blacks. Thoy wase 1 a terri ble war, .characterized by a fiendish bar baiism never equaled before siuca the be- "lnnm!? ot time, inev caueu an ex piuaiu-, . I petae of fowr thousand mdhonsof mmry to the natiou. They murdered titty thou- sand of the soldiers of the Government bv aration and cold, denying them fire . corn in the ear, clover seed, potatoes. nouj by winter and shelter in the summer. I hold and kitchen 'u"er Tbey burned cities ana spread pestilence; they assassinated the ruler of the country ; fillc4 the couutry with widows and or phans ; demoralized the Churches and blasphemed tho name of God ; and now ask to vote, and rutr. the country, as they i had formerly done !" The fractional Currency. The new five cent fractional currency will be issued next week. About 80,000 j .u -e jr....i . A .,;i.,to,1 i,,,rr.nr i IflilLU Ul UULVCU QUU IUI.UIAW.U i. . n,in . " i Its destroyed, by burning, per day, and . 550,000 worth of It is printed : arrange- , . , . . '.. tnents, are nearly completed to mate ttie j amount ot the latter equal to the former. gfj gulvcrtisfatcatj!. ADMINISTRATOR S NOTICE. N'otice is hereby given that Letters of Administra. 1 tion on the estate of Mrs. MARY THOMPSON, i Ute of Delaware township, deceased, hive j hsen granted to the undersigned, residiug in j Thompsontown, JunUta county. All persons Inowinir themselves indebted to said estate ' will make immediate payment, and thoso htv ins claims will present "them duly authentica ted for settlement. LOUISA THOMPSON, J.n. 2, 1866-tit. Administratrix. 5 p 95 in o o o (14 - H I Spring and Winter Arrangement- REMOXED TO IS John 3t. ; -uest at once to oring mariveis w v: Having supplied ourselves with a new and our larmer, ai,a teach them how to mike the superior lot of Goods, cf the latest styles and ; nJat of ,ie opport;,nities .bus avoided them patterns, and having secured from the import- j lt H. m jev0, constant attention to Markets ers many articles of gre tl beauty and value, ; eJ pecjjlv fr Agricultural Products, with in we are now prepared to make for the Spring i Un tQ -.1Te blit producer and consumer and Winter better arrangements, and present j ,-rom bein victimized by the speculator and greater inducemon's lo purchasers, than we ; foreslBue have ever betore offered. We have S0.0JD val-j V lJ jvig fajr scope to Current Litera uableand beautiful articles o Goods, com-!,,,' ,'n ,,ronee,lii..-a of Con;rresi. and to prising i - : i: -..i..a a. 1., 1 Diamonds, plain and i tancy Goods of ornauienlal Jewelry, ana fancy every uesci .pi.uu, .u... n. :;u, , ea-.-u, .1 . L. . . ill . . . v HOW WE DISPOSE OF OUR GOODS. We have 50,000 Oil Colored Photo- graphs, comprising every subject Reli- eious. Sentimental, Comic and Fancy that we will sell at t hirty cents each, or luiir for One Dollar; and with each Photograph wc give two numbered nonces The n itices are nuxbere I from 1 to !VM). and put into en - velopes. sealed up. and thoroughly mixed ; and when Photographs are purchased, two for each 1'hritoirrSDh are taken out and sent wi:h it. The articles of liQOts are numbered lrom 1 lo 50,000, and any article, no matter what value may be, corresponding with the number on the notice, will be sunt for Two Dollars, free of cost, except when sent by express, then at the expense of the receiver. We do assure you that should the notice correspond with a Piano or other valuable ar ticles nf goods it will be sent to the purchas er fxr Two Dollars. LIST OF GOODS AT $2.00 EACH. Seven Octave Pianos. Rosewood Mclodcons, Gold Hunting Case Lever Watches, Hihier Watches, Diamond Sets, Silver Tea Sets, Silver Cliafing Dishes,, Sets Silver Teaspnons, 20,0110 Coral, Opat & Emernlcd Brooches, Mosaic, Jet, Lava and Florentine Sets, Gold Rings, Gold Pencils, Toothpicks, &c. Comprising a list of endless variety and the choiceH quality of Goods. We warrant our Goods superior lo any establishment in the country, and hope you will give us one trial at least, sad if the article is not as represented, and does not give satisfaction, return it, and we will send your money back. HOW TO ORDER GOODS. Send us Thirty Cents for one Photograph, or One Dollar for five the extra one and two extra notices lo the agent. When an Agent has sent.us $10.00 for Goods and Photographs, WW Will glC UUB UUU1.V HIC .IMKIU I for free 0f charge; fur $ 6.IK) three notices we will give one notice and the article it calls free ; for $2;).00 four nonces free ; for pl.OO i Photoi'rannie Album, or six f rea notices; or for oO.Wi a good hilver tvatcn warranted a good time-keeper. We keep an account of ail money sent, and an Agent can order his commission at any time. Be particular and write your address full and plain, as we sometimes have orders in our othce for months that we cannot answer for the want of proper directions. ADDRESS BARTHEW & CO.. . t ..... I5cs c246 Kew York. Jan. 3, '66-S - ; niata County Ar""' 'r f , T. P Mat January Ivl'lM. , at the old'unig Store of G. W', Jacpbe, be tween the hours of 1 and 4 o'ol , P M. G. M. GRAHAM, Site y. Januarv 3. 18C9-21. grnteuto,neuner.B..-..::r:"B- . . .. i ..: .1 nfiire- ..i . .... an rwniipqfpd ro make imme i- . . vy iu .- -i . diate ptiymmt, and those having claims will ! please present them duly authenticated for AlllOHl'jDt. JASK H. ALEXANDER, Kdministratriz of Samuel Alexander, dee' d. Jan. 23. '6t6w. . - ADMlJ4 nAlHIA fri. ..iu,.,r,OIl cToose at nublio sale, I at the lute residence ot bmuel Aicxanuer, ,rau...6. - --r i. i dec d., in Milford township, Jiuiiala county, l'a,, on THURSDAY," JASURY IP. lfCC' The following goods and personal property, to wit : 3 head of horses, cows. hogi. 1 head of sheep. 1 four-bor.se was-m. nprmg j oJ sld plow3i harrows, boa ?eilM Ulirnesa. j combined MOWER & re.U'ER, foddor cutter, hay fork and rope. otDer ariiviwa buuu a mov i farm and barn. c.i. ...n..no .1 10 o clock. A. oi said duv. when attendance will be given ana terms made known by .-.., JASE II. ALEXANDER. Administratrix "f Samuel Alexander, deed. THE NEW Y0KK TfilBUS& 186 6. 0ur mo5t momentous, arduous struggle kn,;n. rn-ilifd in the triuuiph of American .. . . . . : ..: 11. K. ...t.v iainmhlliri liml OVer- (Uruw of ,n,i slavery Tut Trj- busb, profoundly rejoicing in tins result, win l..h..r t. conserve the leffitimaie fruits of this beuinaal victory by rendering Lib: r : " . .. . i .. . . r ty and Opportunity llio comniun ii'.-;ngo oi the whole American l'oplc now and ever more. Discountenancing all unmanly exultation over or needless infliction of pain or priva tion on the upholders of the lost cause, it will insist on the e irliest possible restoration of the Southern States to their tormcr power aud iufluence in our Union on the basis of All Rights lor Ail their People. It will labor in hope to preve that the sub stitution of Free for Slave Labor must inev itably aud universally conduce to the increase of Industry. Thrift, Prosperity and Wealth, so that the'South, within ihe next ten years, must look back amtxed on her long persis tencd in a practice so baleful as the chattel izing of Man. It will labor for the diffusion of Common School Education, Manufactures, the Useful Ans, ic, throughout evey portion pt our country, hut especially lurougnoui mo i sections hitherto devoid of them, believing that every good end wiil thereiiy be subserv . ed and the interest of every useful and wor- ihy class promoted. It will urge the Prelection of Home Indiis ' try by discnuiinatin g duties on Foieign Pro ducts imported, Willi a view to urawing hitber the most capable and skillful artificer I anl artisans of Europe, aud the naturalising i on our soil of many branches of production j bltlierto all but coutincd in Vhile it would strengthen and extend those which have already a foothold amun; us. I It will trira careful attention to progress !and improvement in Agriculture, doing its I ' -J - ,;,,, (;ew3 , , D,v. if hopes to re- i,i ..,r..ns an,l aitrct mauv new lo . b ,bem coull,aI1y. We rarely employ travelling agents, as so : many impostors" are hubitiially prowling in the assumed capacity el solicitors lor jour 1 na!s. We prefer that our subscribers siiall pay their mosey to pernins ucy kuow ami ui ; wnosc integrity ttiey are assured. Any friend j who believes he will do good by increasing the circulation ot The I'm bus v. is umburii i ed to solicit aud receive subscriptions. I Speeiinen copies will be promptly sent with- out cha.-ire to those requiring iliem, and trust many tnenus win oe raoveu to sk iucu neighbors and acquaintances to join in mak ing up their clubs. The (ireat Family Newspaper NOW IS THE TIBS TO SlCaI- 'isai ; . Tribune Xev York Weekly is printed on a large double-medium sheet. makin? eitrht rales of six columns each. It contains all the important Editorials pub lished in The Dailv TaintsE except those of merely local interest : a ko Literary and Scientific Iutelligence Reviews of the most interesting and important new Books ; the Letters from our Urge corps of correspond ents; the latest news received by Telegraph from Washington and all other parts of the country: a Summary of all important intelli gence in this city and elsewhere ; a Synop sis of the proceedings of Congress and State Legislature when in session ; the Foreign news received by every steamer ; Exclusivo Reports of the Proceedings of the Farmers' Club of the American Institution ; Talks about Fruit and other Horticultural and Ag ricultural information essencial to country residents ; Stock, Financial, Cattle, Dry Goods and General Market Reports, making it both for variety and completeness, altogeth er the most valuable, interesting and instruc tive Weekly Newspapee published in the world. The Full Reports of the American Institute Farmers Club, and the various Agricultural Reports, in each number, are richly worth a year's subscription. TERM3. Mail Subscribers, sipgle copy, 1 year 52 numbers $'- to Mail subscribers. Clubs of five 0 00 Ten copies, addressed to names of sub scribers .....17 50 Twenty copies, addressed to names of subscribers 34 00 Ten copies to ono address lfi Twenty copies, to one address -.30 00 An extra ccpy will be sent for each club of tea. For clubs of twenty, two extra copies, or one eorrv cf tie Ssuii-vVccklj. will bo caul . . AiTiv-iBTHlTntrS NOTICE. Notice ia large oorpa ui r ..viS . u.;" i, , i fhat letters of administra- poudents; Special and Associated Press Tel- ( hereby gives hJ LEX VSDtR, .graphic Pispatcnes; ascareful and complete , VJ - . .. , r i- . n I l.m..l 1 . nri-Rfi- Canada must seed twenty ta oav C. 3. postage. TIH' KVW VdltK SKMl-Wr.tB.1.1 liu- . ... n r- w r ann f CCNK is puhU-ned every TUESDAY and i FRIDAY, aad coat una all the Editorial ar ! tinlos. not merolv local in character : Literary ! Reviews and Art Criticism; Letters from our uorrew- fcxc usive r.enorts oi me rntj - American Institute Taiks about Fruit, and other Horticultural and Ajricultnral Information : Stock, Finaa nial. Cattle. Dry Goods and General Market Reports, which are published in THE DAILY TRIBUNE. THE SEMI-WEEKLY TRIBUNE also gives, in tho course of a year, THREE or FOUR of the best noveVts living authors. The cost of theso alone, if bnnehtin book-fom in, he ENGLI-SH MAGAZINE from which ,hev are careftillv selected, the eost would B tbree or lour limes uu mio. . . v-.-i .... can so much current intelligence and perma nent literary matter V. had at S3 ehe- p a rvel as in THE SEMI-WEEKLY TRlbUXE. Thoee who believe in the principles and ap prove of the character of Thb TaiBCMK can increase its power and inflnonce by joining with their neighbors in fonnin; clubs to sub fcribe for Tua Semi-Weikit Edition. It will in that way be supplied to them t the lowest price for which such a paper can be printed.. TERMS. Mail subscribers, 1 co py, 1 year 104 num bers - oi do. " S copies, do do IH do. b copies, or over, for each copy 3 00 Un receipt of S;W for ten copies, an extra copy will be sent six months. On receipt of $ Vt for nf teen e pies, an extra copy will be sent one year. For M'1, we win senu miuy four copies, and one D.uwv Tribcsc gratis. Subscribers in tj.tnaaa must sent -tu cents in addition, to pay United States postage. PAII.T TRIBUNE, ?10 per annum. Subscribers in Canada must send $1 20 ia addition, to prepay United States postage. Terms, c.inh in advance. Drafts on New York, or Post Office orders, payable U the order of The Tames, being satV.r, are preferable to any other mode cf remittance- Address THE TRIBUNE, Tribune Building3, Xew York. ' h!Iason"A Hamlin Cabinet -L Orstllis, forty ditTeront styles, adapted lo sacred and seeniiar music, for to $'!0 each. FlKTV-oNE GOLD or SILVER MED ALS, or olher firt premiums, awarded them. Illustrated Catn!oj.-ues free. Address. MASOJf A HAMLIN, liosn.x, or MASOX ItUOTHERS N?w York. Sept. 1:J. 'jo-ly. lbvi cur. sakuhl imvfii. Kew Firm in Patterson. Gpntloman's Furnishing Emporium ! ! Jii3t t-pened in the new Brick Building. Main; Street. Patterson hy Levi llecht and San.uei Stvayer, a large and elegant assortment of Ready-Mnde Clnthiqg, consisting ia pari of Overcoats. Frock Coats, Jjress Cunt, Pantaloons, Vests, Draxer. Collars, L'mh-ri'hirts.lliiiuiktrrehieji, f Boots t- Sh"r And every ihin n-u illy found ia a rt -e4 Geniicmuii s 'uvnisning Stori. - ANo lare nd carefully sld .-.ri-melit of Fnicv iionds. of all f'.ii"M, kinds and l.jualities. 1! of which will be sold a; the low est possdue living prices. Ladies' traitors avd Shoes. f Thev alto 'unites the attention of the ladii-s to his "fine stork of OA I TOll.s AND SIIUF.-S which he will .-ell at prices defying compel i tien. ( A li PL I S, OIL CL O TIIS. Thev have on h ind a beautiful assortment cf Carpets, oil (.'lutes, ke , which are of a g.o-l qlJ. ' wort!l tlle ol .ue I ""J"- ('ci J and S' 'i er ri;ches, dot. t.t. A'ur rny. J'lain and fancy rings. Watc'.i Kys, Ladies' and Gents' Breast Pins, I (;0!d Pensaa l Pencils, fie., whicbat this tiimt form the largest ana Lest assonnieui in m county. S).Ail the al ove goods will be sold cheap er lhaa any other storu in the United States. If you uVn't believe it. just give us a call anil be cuuvinceu of the truth ot the assertion HECHT Jit STRAY ER. Patterson. April 12, 186o-f. ORPHAN' COURT SALE. Hy virtue of an Order of the Orphans' Court the fol lowing vnhirihie Real Estate will br exposed lo pnblic Sale on the premises on SATURDAY, JANUARY I A tract of land situated in lennnnagh 'wns!np, .'uni.it county, adjoiniug ..inns of oi. rLnu:iui:ia uuu uauiri criner, uu me pon tic road, between Wm. Kauffman and Abra ham Stoner's residences, containing TWO ACRES more or less, having then-un erect ed a good Log House, Log Stable, Stone Spring House. ith well of never-tailing water at the door, and an Orchard of young frnit trees. ' TERMS: Ten per cent of the purcbas money to he pt id on the coufirniai ii.b of the Sale by tne Court, one-half the bnllance on the hist day of April, 13titi, when a deed will be delivered and possession given, and , the remaining half on the First of April lbti7, with, interest from first of April lboo, to be Secured by judgment Bond. Sale to commence at 1 o'clock V. M , when attendence will be given by ' CHRISTIAN MUSSER, guardian of William Ort. Dec. 13,"G-!. ESTATE NOTICE Jtistats of Jacob Besom of Delaware township dee d. " Notice is hereby given that letter of Teeta meniary on the estate of Jacob Besom lata of Delaware toweship, deceased, have he granted to the undersigned residing in Dela ware township. All persons knowing them selves indebted to said estate are requested to make immediate payment and those hav ing claims will please present them duly au thenticated for settlement. v JASE BESOM, Nov. 29,'65. Ezetnitix. Prune Kio Coffee, Prepared Coffee, Pulver ized Sugar, Crushed Sugar, IK. O. Sugar, S. H. Sugar, N, O- Molasses, S. H. Molassea, Lovering Syrup, Chocolate, Mustard, Rice, b.'arcb, Nn.megs, Cloves, Cassia, Ginger, Corn' Starch, Fish, Salt, &c. &c, for sale cheap at th&Nsw tStom in Patterson. Jiul-if J B II IOIP Subscriber, i Can, ccnu each in addition, -a.. -"v. -.