Jsiiwta 'i Smtltel i. ii. mLsox, TH COSSTITDTIOI TBI tJStOH AHPTHI IIFOKCIXBXT 0 TBI LAWS. J EDITOR AXD PUBLISHER. - VOLUME XIX, NO 39. HIFFLINTOWN, JUNIATA COUNTYi PBNN'A. JANUARY 3, 18661 WHOLE NUMBER 975. 7 TEEM3 OF PUBLICATION. The Jcxiata Sistisel is published every Wednedy morning, en Main street, qy H. H. WILSON. TbVsUBFCKIPTION PRICE of the paper will be TWO DOLLARS per year in advance, and 92.SU if not paid within the year. SAI paper discontinued until all ar rearages are paid except at the option of the Editor. Advertising. The ratea of ADVEBTIS INQ are tor oue square, of eight liies or less, one timj, 75 cents ; three, 1 1 60 ; and 60 cts. for each subsequent insertion. Administra tor's, Executor's acd Auditor's Notices, $.1,1)0. Professional and Business Cards, not exceed ing 25 lines, and including copy of paper. $4.00 per year. Merohants advertising (changeable quarterly) $ 15 per year, includ ing paper at their Stores. Notices in reading Columns, ten cents per line. Job Work. The prices of J03 WORK; for thirty Bills, one eight sheet, $1,25; one fourth, $2.00 ; one-talf, S3, 00; and addfrion al numbers, half pric and for Blanks, $2,00 per quire. Jjjnsintss ar&s. tiaritcg-at-3$ur, Midintowu. Juniata County. Pa., Office en Main street Roucb of Bridge etr et. K. C. STEWART, ATT0SHEY-A7-UW, Jtlifiiiutotcn, Juniata Cd., Pa., Offers lis professional services to the pub lie. Collections and all other business will receive prompt attention. Office first djor Sorih of Bedford's Store, (upstairs.) VrriXLlAM M. ALLISON, ' Attorney at Laic, AND Rotary 3?nMif. W ill attend to all business entrusted to bu care. Office ea Main Sireet, M.tflintown. Pa. JOHN T. L.SAHM. MlFFMSTOWX, JUNIATA COCXTT, PA. OFFERS his professional services to the public. Prompt attention given to the vrosecution of claims against the Government, rollertions and all other business entrusted to bj4 r Offiaa, Main Street, one door South of Snyder's Hotel. Sept. 29, lSu". A T T O II X E Y-A T-L A W, XIEFLIXTOWX, JUXIATA CO., PA. fjfiice Main Street, in" the room formerly occupied bv Vim. M. Allison, s.) (TILLECriUNS. AX1 Af.L OTHER BrS J ines 01111"; el willt llie profession prn;tly Vt.-n k-1 to. (let. 18, '(Jo. Da. ..:. tli xmo, &f Patterson, wislies t i inform liis friends and pa tron ttiut he iuis reimivtd to the house on f :reet o;-io.-::te Todd i Jordan's Store. Ajjr.V-tf S7-K.VDUE"" CRIETO AUCTIONEER The undersixntd offers his services to the public as Vendue Oyer and Auctioneer, lie l.as bad a very larjre experience, and feels confident that he can give satisfaction to all wl i may employ him. He mny be addrepsed i .MuHiutowu, or found at his home in Fer managh township. Orders may also be left t Mi Will's Hotel. J.iu. 25, lbf.4. WILLIAM GIVEN. ALEX. 3PEDDY, A 7 3 H B'B B. Lf-l'rXTilLLY olfers bis s-rvices to the t public of Juniata count v. H:ivinj bad a 1 experience iu the business of Vendue Crying, he feels coufiueut that he can lender general satisfaction. He can nt ull times be onK-uUci at his residence in Mliftintoan, Pa. Aug. io, 1805. MILITAEY- CLAIMS. fTIlE undersigned will promptly attend to .1. the collection of claims against either the Slate or National Government, Pensions, Back Pay, Bounty, Extra Pay, and all other claims arising out of the present or any other war, collected. JEREMIAH LYONS, Attorney -at-Law. Mifflintown, Juniata Co., Fa. febl Pensions! Pensions! LL PER30.V3 WHO HAVE BEEN P1S- ABLE DURING THE PRESENT WAR AXE ENTITLE TO A PENSION. All per sons who intend applying for a Pension must cs !l on tl.e Examining Surgeon to know weth er their Disability is sufficient to entitle them to Pension. All disabled Soldiers will call on the' undersigued who has been appointed Pension Examining Surgeon for Juniata and adjoining Counties. P. C. RDNDIO, M. D., Patterson, Pa. Dec. 9, 13.-tf. Deafness, itlindaer and Cntatrh, rpR ATED with the utmost success, by Dr. X. J. ISAACS, Oculi-t and A urtist, (former ly of Leydcn, Holland,) No. 51H PINE Street Philadelphia. Testimonials from the most reliable sources in the City and Country can be seen at his Office. The medical faculty are invi.ed to accompany their patients, as h has no secrets in bis practice. ARTIFICIAL EYES, inserted without pain. No charge made for examination. Feb, 15. 'i5.-ly gELLIXG OFF AT COST As the room now occupied by me as a Cloth ing Store, will be occupied for other purpo ses in the Spring. I now offer my entire stock of CLOTHING at cost prices, tor OVERCOATS, DRES3 CO.VTH, PANTS, VESIs. INDEX CLOIHINQ, 4e. Give me a call.- - , '5. 1. M. MICKET, COTJNTING-IIOTJSE Aim A'H AG F0SHSS6. 2 H H Ti 2 S i 2 i ? : : r : : : : : JANUARY I M 2I 3i 4! 5I 6 7 8 9 10!ll!12 13 14 15 16:17 21 22 23124 28,29130:31 18'19;20 26 FEBRUARY.. 1 8 4 6 6 11 1213 14:1510 18,19 25,26 20 MARCH. 4 11 18 25 1 5 12 14I15 19!20 26127 21 3 21 22 23 28,28.30 APRIL.. 41 61 6 8! 9il0!ll!l2il3 15!16;17 22!2324 29130! I 1 61 7 8 13 14 15 19)20 2627 MAY 3 10 16il7; 20 2l!22,23 24 27 28 29 30;31 JUNE . 81 4! 5 6 7 10,li:i2 1314 17 18 Il20!2ll22 23 24j25:26 27.'2S 2!rt0 11 2! 8 4: 6i 6 7 8 9 10j 1 1 12:13114 lo!l6 1718 19'2021 JCLY. 22!23'24 25 26.27l28 29 30 31 AUGUST . 1 3 8 9 10 6! 61 7 12;i3 14115 1617 19i20'21i22 23 J4 26 27:28:29 30,31 SEPTEMBER.. 8 4 5! 61 9,10 11:121314 16'l7l8il9 20:21 23,24 25 26 27 28 29 301 1 7 8 OCTOBER.. 2! 3 41 5 9 10 iri2 14:io,16:i7 18 19 20 21 22:23 24;25, 26 27 28 29:30.31 NpYEMBEB... 2 3 9 10 4 5 6 11 12!l3:l415 1617 19190191 .; 25 27'28!29 30 III1 8 4' o 61 7 8 10,11 li 13 14 15 IS, 25 2 DECEMBER 23f24j25 26 27:28 29 302l III! jitlett goctrj. WATCHING THE TIDE. Poised for a moment in conscious power, The tJl wave crested stands. Then up to a little one's restless feet, Crept over the sloping Bands. "Don't lie so impatient, wave," cries he ; 'Don't break till you reach the shore'' As we, looking off on a wider sea. Have murmured so oft before. We have watched the waves roll grandly in From a far-off world of blue ; They fell at the touch of a hand unseen We sighed &. they sank like you. When the darkning waters, beneath, above, Hung over our helpless head, That unseen finger hath cleft a way For our tattering feet to tread. The tides must ebb and the tides must flow. All over life's restless sea ; They move at the beck of a hidden hand, That careth for you and uie. MARRIED FLIRTATIONS. The last dying cadences of a delicious dreamy waltz, across whotre weired ootes the soul of Beethoven hud poured out its magio sadness, were floating over the crowd that filled the ballroom of the fash ionable Washington hotel J there was the stii and murmur of separating couples, aud the ill-suppressed yavrns of weary "wall flowers,'' that followed in the wake of every brilliant waltz. Kate Elwyn btood in the recess of the window, play ing carelessly with the faded jessamines and tube roes of her bouquet, while her blue, lovely eyes wandered from one place to another, evidently ia quest of some familiar countenance, wbish they could not discover. There were few more heautiful faces than her own, even in that festive crowd, where half the bells of the Union bad brought their diamonds and bright eyes to dazzle the grave politicians and law makers of the land. Rather beneath the medium size, with the fragile delicacy of a fairy, her complexion had the transpar ent wazcu bloom that you look for only in children, while her heavy bands of gol den hair lay over her somewhat low fore head in rippling waves of amber. Very dark blue eyes, translucent as a sapphire of the first water, and a little crimson mouth, carved like cupid's bow, gave ad ditional piquancy to her faoe, and alto gsther she was as perfect a specimen of the radiant blonde as one 8t out of a j-icture gallery or a novel. Suddenly Ler cheeks blossomed into roses, her whole countenance brightened as a tall and rather elegant looking gen tleman languidly sauntered toward her. "Charley, I thought you never were coming ! ' "I've only been down to the supper room, for a few moments, my dear : I'm sorry you have mused me. Anything I can do for you now ?" "Yes do get my fan and shawl and we'll go up stairs. It's after one o'clock,: and I'm completely tired out." "Couldn't my dear'' said Mr. Elwyn, breaking a moss rose from his wife's bouquet, and fastening it jauntily into hit coat. "I'm engaged for three waltzes and a quadrille. Mies Raymond wouli never forgive me for deserting her. Kate's lips curlec haughtily, and a deeper shade of crimson stole into her ebcek. "Jealous eh 1" laughed her husband. patting her bright hair lightly. "Now, K.ate, tbats a little to silly in you. Don't you know that at a place like this a man is expected to make himself gen erally agreeable to the ladies 1 Pray, mv dear, don't become so absurd and redica- loue as to " "And so," interrupted Mrs. Elwvn. bitterly, "your wife's wishes and conven iences are secondary to Miss Raymond's will." "The green-eyed monster has oertaintlv invaded your peace, my love '" said Mr. Elwyn. "Upon my word, I have always given you credit for a little more common sense. Charles," said Kate quietly, and with out heeding the careless sarcasm of his toue, "I am weary of this round of senseless gayety ; J am tick of the tu mult aud vanities of Washington. Will you take me home '(" "Why, Kate ! after all your anxiety to pass a winter in this great center of so cial and political life ! You have been teasing me ever since we were married, to indulge you with a season in Washington. "I know it, Charles," she meekly an swered, trying to suppress the tears that were brimming in her eyes, "but 1 have at lal learned thn fnlly- f wkiuc real pleasure anywhere but in the precincts of one s home, iuy taste lor gayety is satis fied, and you can't imagine how homesick I feel how anxious to see the dear little ones again. When will you take me home, Charles?" "Xext week, perhaps, my love or the week after, if you positively insist upon it." "Oh, Charles, why not go to-morrow?" "Impossible, Kate. 1 am positively engaged for every day this week, tor dri ves and excursions in the neighborhood of the city. "Engaged, ber blue eye. repeated Kate, opening "I knew nothing of these arrangements. "No, my dear, I suppose not," said Elwyn, lazily. "Did you imagine I was goiug to come and ask your permission every time I wanted to drive out with a lady or smoke a cigar with two or three gentlemen 1" Kate's lips quivered and she turned quietly away. Charles Elwyn looked af ter her with ad aroused expression in his eye and a half smile on his lip. ''She's jealous, as I live?" he muttered. "Jealous of Aurora Raymond and the pretty widow. Well, let her pout it out at her lesure it wi 1 never do to encour age this sort of a thing." If he could have seen her a few mo ments afterward (just when he was whirl ing through the waltz with Miss Ray mond's uiiduight curls flouting over her shoulders), sobbing in the silence of her own dimly lighted room, the golden hair all unloosened from her hair-pia and jew eled comb, and her blue eyes looking like moruing glories drowned in rain. Well perhaps it would have done him good, perhaps not. It is not always best to let a man know the full extent of his power over that miserable little captive, his wife it is astonishing how much the sex delights in tormenting its victim. There is always one blessed avenue of relief open to womanhood, .however a good cry! No wonder that Kate Elwyn felt better when she wiped away the shower of tears and brushed back the lovely rippling tres ses from her fevered forehead. "What shall I do?" she murmured to herself, deluging her handkerchief with rose water, and trying vainly to cool her burning eyes ; "what ought I to do ? Oh, I wished I had never come away from borne it's a judgment on me, for leaving my dear little babies in the hands of cold hirelings. I was happy before I ever thought of this hollow, deceitful whirl pool of fai'iion." She burst into fresh floods of tears, as as she remembered her husband's last words. "It was cruel of him to speak in that cold, sneering way to me," she sobbed. "IJave I lost all tbe spells he used to tell me I possessed ? If he enly knew how these things hurt me, I am sure he would treat me in a far different man ner. She sunk involuntarily back, as if some rude hand had struck her, and Miaa Raj mond's elcar melodious laugh suddenly flof.'ed up audiably through the closed oor of the room And then she sat her jotii pressed lips together, and a new look came in the liquid depts of her wet blue eyes. The gilded minute hand of the carved Parisian clock on the mantle had traveled nearly twice around the circlet of enam eled figures before Kate Elwyn lifted her gaze from the bunches of velvet roses in the carpet. What was she pondering on ? "Sitting up, ch, Kate ? Why, I thought yon were ' tired to death,' " said Mr. Elwyn, as he entered the room, and his wife laid down ber book and welcom ed him with a bright careless smile. "Yes, I have been so much interested in that delightful book," exclaimed Kate enthusiastically. "I do wish I knew whether Sir Guy gets tbe property or not." "She has got over her sulks amazingly quick," was the husband's internal com ment, as he kicked off his boots and lazily unfastended his neck tie. "Oh, thank you. Mr. Elwyn, I've had such a charming ride 1" And Aurora Raymond sprang lightly ftemlhe carriage step, one tiny gloved hand resting lightly on Mr. Elwyn's arm, tbe other holding up the folds of her vio let velvet mantle. lie touched his hat gallantly, as she tripped up the hotel steps all smiles and dimples. "I wonder if Kate would like a turn round Jackson Square before dinner," be said to himself, consulting his gold watch. "I'll run up and see- pour little thing." He sprung up the stairs, two steps at a time, and burst into his wife's room. "Put on your bonnet, puss, and we'll take a ride," he exclaimed. c' Hello, she isn't here what the mischief does she mean ?" So, she was not there neither was her blue velvet hat with the white ostrich plume nor the magnificent Cashmere shawl that had been sent from India for her wedding present just five years ago, and Mr. Elwyn came slowly down the stairs again, feeling much inclined to get into a passion. 'Do you know where my wife is ?" he asktd Mrs. Artworth, a lady who spent one-half of her time at the windows, and the other half catechising the servants and who consequent!? knew all that was to be knows oucerning people's outgo ings and incomings generally. "she's out riding in Colonel Waning- tons barouche been gone ever morning," returned the gossippin since ma- tron, with great promptitude. "Out riding I" Elwyn's brow contract ed. "Strange very strange," he muttered, "to drive out in that sort of way without so much as saying a word to me ! I al ways thought that Worrington a puppy and I'm sure of it now." lie went down and dismissed the equip age, and then returned to the drawing- room, as restless as the wandering Jew. After one or two turns across the long apartment, he sat gloomily down in the window recess. Even Aurora Raymond's pretty lisping chatter could not interest him now. "Would Kate never come?" he thought, as he looked for the fortieth time at his watch. She came at last, just in time to run up stairs for a hurried dinner toilet came smiling and lovely, with her hair blown by the fresh wind and her eyes sparkling radiantly, tlwyn dog in tbe manger as he was could have knocked Col. Warrington down for the involuntary glance of admiration with which he look ed after his fair companion. Presently Mrs. Kate reappeared in a magnificent dress of lustrous silver green silk, lightened up by the flash of emer alds at her throat, and frosted green moss es dropping from her hair. "Why have you put on that odious green dress ?" asked Elwyn, catching at some slight pretext as an escape valve for his ill-humor. "You know how much I dislike green." "0, well," said Kate nonchalantly. "You are so fidgety, Charles. What dif ference can it make as to whether I wear green or yellow ? It is entirely bygone fashion for husbands and wives to study one another's whims a la Darby and Joan. We dress entirely to please the public, the gay world, you know. And I put on this silk dress to please Mr. uarnett he admires green so much !" Charles Elwyn stared at his wife in speechless astonishment. What did it mean ; she had always been the hum blest slave to his slightest wish or caprice vnd now she smilingly set him at defi ance. What evil spirit had possessed het? She never came near him all the even ing never Bought his approval by the little sly glances of appeal or the ques tioning looks that had been so inexpressi bly dear to him. No she chatted away, bewitchingly self-reliant, the center of ad miring groups, until Mr. EJwyo was ready to rush out of the room in a trans port of exasperation. . "Allow me to oongratulate you on your treasure of a wife, sir," said. Col. War rington. "I have always known she was a beauty, but I never appreciated ber clums as a wit.". j Elwyn glared speechless as the polit Colonel, who was evidently surprised a the ungracious reception of his little com pliment. ' "Just what I might have expected, he muttered to himself, plucking fiercely at his moustache. "What in the dutce did I bring her here for, if I didn't want every fool in society to fall down and wor ship her ?" " vV ould you like to drive after dinner, Kate ?" he asked one evening after about three days spent in this very edifying manner. "I couldu't pofsibly this evening," she said, adjusting the wreaths of ivy that de pended from her shining hair. : "We've arranged such a nice moonlight party to ride to the navy yard." "Well, what is to prevent me from dri ving you there ?" asked Mr. Elwyn, anx iously. "Our party is all made up," said Kate, coolly. "I've promised to go in Mr. Gar nett's carriage. He is so delightfully agreeable, and I like him so much." "The dickens you do," growled Elwyn, his face elongating and growing dark. "Brit I'll tell you what yon might do if yon pleased' suggested Kate innocent ly. "Miss Raymond would--like to go, I've no doubt, or Mrs. Everest, and there could be no possible objection to 'au extra carriage in the party, so that " "Hang Miss Raymond and Mrs. Ever est," ejaculated the irate husband. "With all my heart, my dear," said Kate, "Only you see it is quite impossi ble for me to break my premise to Mr. Garnett." Mr. Elywn's temper was by - no means improved when he stood on the hotel steps and watched the merry party drive off, their gay voices and jubilant laughter re echoing the serene moonlight like a mock ery of his own gloom ly reflections. He had never felt so utterly forlorn in the whole course of his life. "Dear mo, what a beautiful evening for a ride, sighed Aurora Raymond, looking up Irom a volume 01 poems, as Mr. Elwyn re-entered the drawing room, looking not unlike a man who had just had a molar extracted. 'But be didn't take the Lint, acting, as miss rn.jmow.rf -..w,ra indignantly re marked, "more like a bear than i. and sitting down to the perual of the newspapers. Alas, for the midnight carls and oriental eye? their spell was broken. "How long the slow creeping hours seemed before Kate come back 1 Long ere the sound of carriage wheels grated on the pavement before the door, he went up to his own rom and tried uselessly enough to amuse himself with books and letter writing. All his efforts were una vailing: between him aud every occupa tion to which he turned, crept one gloomy thought a sore pang to think that Kate was happy without his society, and that she never missed his absent voice and smile. "I wonder if I'm jealous." he mutter ed to himself. "It's not an agreeable sen sation, at all events. I wonder if Kate felt so whenever I flirted with Aurora and the widow." This was a new consideration. Would the time ever come when Kate's heart would be estranged from him es tranged by his own conduct when her loving sensitive nature would cease to respond to his touch 1 The very fancy was agony. He was wrapped in these gloomy med itations when the door opened, and his bright little wile tripped in, looking very much like a inagoihed sunbeam. She stopped suddenly when she saw his head bowed upon his bands. "Charles, does your head ache ?" "No." "Then what is the matter V "My heart aches, Kate," he said sadly. "It aches to think that my wife has ceased to love me. She came to his side and put her arms around his neck with caressing affection. ''Charles what do you mean ?" "I mean, Kate, that when you desert me for the society of others, and cease to pay any regard to my wishes, I can come to but one conclusion. "Charles," said Kate, smiling archly up into his face. "Does it grieve you to have me prefer the society of others to your own V "It breaks my heart, Kate," he said passionately. "Then, dearest, let us make a bargain. Let us allow Miss Raymond and Mrs, Everest to console themselves with Col. Warrington and Mr. Garnett, while we are happy with each other. Shall it be so I "Kate, you have been playing a part !" "Of course I have. Did you suppose for a moment that I was in earnest i The loving kisses she showered npon his brow dispelled every lurking shadow from the husband's heart, and he fo't how inexf ressibility dear his wife was to him. In the next days a train Mr. and Mrs. Elwyn left Washington, mutually con vinced that they had had enongh of the gay capital. There were two unmistaka bly good effects consequent on their so journ, however. Kate was satisfied to re main quietly at home for the rest 01 her life, and Charles was completely cured of every latent tendency to flirt. Jfarmcrs gfpadmtnl From the German tenen Telegraph. HEN HOUSES. Dear Sir : Some time age I noticed in vour paper an inquiry concerning the proper construction of a "Hen-Hoase.! I have waited to ficd if some one would not offer you something better than that which I have adopted. As nothing comes, I will, with your permission, present my. plan to your readers. Two years ago I put up a building of gravel bricks, which you must know are composed of a mixture of gravel and lime, and mojlded into blocks as large as six or eight common bricks, and allowed to dry in the pun for some weeks before being laid. The house is SO by 12 on the ground, and to the eves about 10 feet high. We divide it in two equal parts, for a smoke-house in one end, and the other for the aoeommodation of the poul try. Of course the partition wall is en-. tirely tight. As the roof is of common cedar shingles, it was necessary to plaster overhead to make it fira-proof. The floor is ia one' piece, of the same eemeot as the wall. Thus you have the domicile. Now for its management and its advantages. Once a week, early in the morning, while the dew is yet upon the grass, if the weather be dry, it is thoroughly burned out, and purified of all foul things. This is done by gathering the litter of the nests and the sweepings from the floor to the latter, on which is thrown an armful of dry straw or shaving?, with a couple of spoon, fulls of sulphur. The windows are next closed on the inside with sheet iron cov erings TheNire is kindled, the door is shut, and the wcrk of purification is von tinued for half an hour. Now, when the fire has been extinguished, what remains upon the floor is gathered i&to a barrel and shoved to one side, whets it i3 kept dry from the weather, as a valuable fer tilizer, till needed tor the field or garden. Thus is collected six or eight barrels per year of this home-made guano, which we think worth more than twice the interest of the cost of the entire building. The whole expense of both hen and sjkehouse was less than one hundred ting and burning the nests weekly" Sf. is no ohance for setting hens. You 'must therefore find other quarters for them and the little chidkens, which is better ?orall. - In the roosts are accommodated abcut 80 hens and cocks, which are happy and healthy, and which supply us with an abundrnce of eggs the year round. H. Remarks. To the hundreds of per sons who complaiu that they have no suc cess in keeping chickens, acd that they are many times over more trouble than profit, we commend our correspondent's method of keeping his henery in a perfeot state of cleanliness and healthfulness. One thing may be relied on, that without a clean and healthy hen-house, success in raising chickens and obtaining plenty of eggs can never be attained. Ed. i tOrTake care of your health and take plenty of sleep. Let no one work in pain or weariness. When a man is tired he should lie down until he is fully rested, when, with renovated strength the work will be better done, done sooner and with self-sustained elacrity The time taken from seven to eight hours' sleep out of each twenty-four is time not gained, but much more than lost ; we can cheat our. selves, but we cannot cheat nature. A certain amount of food is necessary for a healthy body, but if less than the amount be furnished decay commences the very hour. It is the same with sleep ; any one who persists in allowing himself less than nature requires will only hasten his arrival to the mad-house or the grave. Potato Muefins. Boil three gocd sized potatoes, skin and mash them, beat in a teaspoonfull of salt, and a piece of good butter the size of an egg ; make this perfectly smooth, acd about the consis tency of starch, by' adding a little warm water; heat up two eggs, dissolve one teaspoonful of soda in a little warm water, with a teacup of yeast ; then add three pints of sifted flour ; mix these well to gether, and add one pint of milk-warm water; stir in the soda, and set it to raise over night for breakfast. Bake in ricga on the griddle. S3TDr. Fitch, the entomologist, de- scribes a large, yellowish hairy fly thatde-; vours honey bees, catobing them on the wing and eating out their entrala. One will kill hundreds of of bees in a day, and it is not affected by stiogs, not even poison, such as prussiate of potash.' In some sections this insect depopulates hives. Corn Cakes. Two pounds of sifted meal ; pour on this one pint of sour milk or cream ; cut up one spoonful of good butter ; beat three eggs, and stir in a lit tle salt, with one teaspoonful of soda dis solved in a little milk. This must be every lightly beaten ; pour into tins, and bake quickly.