HEADQUARTERS Mifllintown Chair Msnnfactorv 1HARLES W. E1T7.LL would inform the V7 ciiiiens of Juniata comity, that ho con - t inues the Chair Manufactory at the well known old stand in Water street, where he is at all times prepared to receive orders for Windsor Chairs of every description, including Metises, Large Rocking Chairs. Sewing Rocking Chairs, Children' Chairs, Counting House Stools, Cain Seat Chair. Har Room Arm Chairs, and every thine pertaining to his business, all of which -ot . ,, . i it- ne is preparea to sen caeaper muu ever. uc is now prepared to wholesale work at city pri ses. Prompt attention will be given to Rcpa- iring All wors done cueap ami expumousiy. Sawed Poplar Plank and Scantling taken in xchai ge for furniture. fay-Furniture Room on Main street; oppo site the Post Office. CHARES IVKlTZEL. 8. ptember 8. 1362-tf. s THE FALL AN1) WINTER ARRIVAL OF CHOICE GOODS AT THE STORK OF JOS. fti. BELFORD- ' The undersigned would respectfully invite the public to call and examine his stock before purchasing elseirtiere. re. He has bought his prie s thai ho rrr be assortment at sued undersold by any in iue vuuuirv. c-ucciai at- tention paid to purchasing gooUsin ihe city per order at the shortest nonce. Everv effortwill be made bv him to give sat - itiaction tu those who may favor him with call LADIES' DitKSS GOQS ! Black and Fancy Silks, Morie Antique, PureChilii, Brillianles, Bombazineis, Cashmeres, Peplins, Bcrges Lawns, Grenadines, Ducals, Ginyham Lawns, All wool d'Laiues, Alpacas, &c. A full assortment of White Dress Goods, Mus lins. Brocha and ofber Shawls, Bonnets, Ron- net Satins. Ribbons. Flowers, &c. Also, Col lars. L'udersleeves. Handkerchiefs in ereat v- e,v. DRtCS. A large quantity of Drugs, also on hand. Prescriptions filled. He has also lau in a large stock of Wool, Cotton and Rag Carpels, Oil Cloths, Mattings, 4c, at the lowest prices. Country Produce taken in exchange for goods, for which the highest market prices will be paid by J. 31. BELFORD. HOW TO SAVE MONEY BUY FROM aid you may protect yourself from the sutler JAMES H. SIMONS, who has nsw on inc and danirer of these disorders. Puree hand the largest stock of Teadv made A SADDLES and HARNESS 'in theJA county, which he is selling at greatlv r reduced prices. lie is now manufacturing bis puddles and Harness with such perfect system that he is enabled to sell a superior ariicie of everything in Lis l:ne, CiiLA.VES than any other establishment in ti-e cmimy. He invites purchasers to call and examine Lis stock be fore purchasing elsewhere. James H. Simons, buddies and Harness are acknowledged to surpass in point cf lightness , this. Its virtues have been proven by almn elegauce and cumfirl. as well as real value and j dnt trial, and there remains no question of durability, ad others manufactured in the -t surpassing excellence for the cure of the conniv. Remember his Shea is on Rridfe i atllicting diseases it is intended to reach. street, in the rooms formerly occupied by W. A. Belford, as a T.nlor fihop. All kinds of repairing neatly execut ed and all work warrentek. Mifflintowu, Oct. 11, 1800.?ly. Pcrrysvillc Marble Works, THE undersigned desires to inform'the citi zens of Juniata Coutny that he has taken charge of the works laiely owned by Henry Willi in Perrysville. where he may be found ready to execute jobs in his line of business such as Tomb Stones. Monuments, Marble Slabs, Table Tops, &e. ke. He believes that a long experience and practical knowledge will enable him to trve entire satisfaction to all who may patronize him. Give bim a call as he fells confident that for neatness cheap' cess and despatch he cannot be excelled. CHAS. EMERSON. Apr. 2',th TAILOKixNG ESTABLISHMENT. WM. WISE, Merchant Tailor, begs leave to inform his friends and the public generully that he has just opened out a large and fashion able assortment of FALL AND WINTER GOODS, which he is ready to make to order promptly and on the most reasonable terms. The public generally will find it to their interest to call at his room above FASICK'S TIN SnOP, on Bridge street, Mifflintown, Pa., and inspect my Goods and workmanship before purchas ing elsewhere. I warrant all clothes to fit or no sale. SINGER'S SEWING K A CHINE. grfia-All persons desirous of purchasing any of Sixofb's Skwino Machines will obtain all necessary information on the subject and see them jn operation hi my establishment. If favored with their orders I will fit them np a better machine thirty percent, cheaper than ever hitherto done in this county. No family should be without a machine. jnn I, 04-tf ISAAC X. STAUFPER, WATCH MAKER k JEWELER, M AHUFACTCRKas OF SILVER ViBK M) IMPORTER OP WITHIES Ko. 148 N. Second St., Corner Quarry, PHILADELPHIA. He has constantly on hand an assort ment of Gold and Silver Patent Lever Lepine and Plain Watches ; Fine Gold Chains, Seals and Keys, Breast Pins, Ear Kings, Finger Rings, Bracelets. Miniature Cases, Medallions, Lockels, Pencils, Thimbles, Fpectacles, Silver Table, Desert, Tea, Salt and Musurrd Spoons ; Sugar Spoons, Cups, Nap kin Rings, Fruit and Butter Knives, Shields, Combs, Diamond Pointed Pens, etc., all of tchich mill be sold low for Cath I M. I. TOBIAS if CO'S bast quality full jeweled Patent Lever Movements constantly on bsnd : also other Makers of superior quality. N. B. Old Geld and Stiver bought for Cth Sept. 9-lYj, Turn peculiar taint a infection which ww cull Scrofula lurks in the constitution of multitudes of men. It either produces or is produced by an en fc-bled, vitiated state if the Mood, wherein itliat fluid becomes in competent to sustain r the vital forces in their rifnr ms arlinn. and zrxZT j.. Tin. u-mfnlnns rontaminatii.n is va- , rjouJy causCu uv mercurial disease, low living, disordered" diction from unhealthy f00j impure air, filth and filthy habits, j tiie doprcssing vices, and. above ell, by the venereal infection. Whatever be its oritrin, it is hereditary in the constitution, j descending "from parents to children unto I ; the third and fourth pc'icrntion ; " indeed, it , teems to be the rod of Hun who says, "I will i . .- .. e .1.,. .i.i- visit the iniquities of the fathers upon their children." The diseases it originates take various names, according to the orpans it attacks. In the lungs. Scrofula produces tubercles, and finally Consumption; in the plands, swellings which suppurate and be come ulcerous tores; in the ttoniach and bowels, derangements which produce indi gestion, dyspepsia, and iiver complaints ; on the skin, eruptive and cutaneous affections. These, all having the same origin, require the same remedy, viz., purification and invigora tion of the blood. Purity the blood, and 4iiec dangerous distempers leave you. With I feeble, foul, or corrupted bhod. you cannot liave health; with that '-life of the flesh healthr, vou cannot have scrofulous disease. I ' Ay3r'3 salami ! V compounded from the most ellectual ar.U- dotes that medical science ii.is discovered for this afflicting distemper, anil for the cure of the disorders it entails. That it is far stipo rior to any other remedy yet devised, is j known by ail who have giwn it a trial. That 1 it does combine virtues truly extraordinary ! in their effect upon this class of complaints, i is indisputably proven bv the crest multitude j of publicly known and remarkable cures it j lias made of the fuliow'n diseases: Kir.g'j j Evil, T Glandular Swellings, TttmciS, j-Znjptions, Piracies, Blotches and Sore?, ; jw , cr St. Anthor:y's Fire, I .-. ni c -! TT .1 r II.. r j tuberculous deposit; in the lungs, Vftiite ' Spellings, DttU.tV, Dropsy, A'enralgia, ; Dyspepsia or IiluifJOitlOn, Syphilis and i Syphilitic Infections, Mercurial Diseases, series of complaints that arise from impurity of tho blood. Minute reports of individual caos may be found in Avkr's American Almanac, which is furnished to the druggi.-ts for gratuitous distribution, wherein mav bo learnud the directions for its use, and some of the remarkable cures which it has made when all other remedies had failed to allord relief.' Those cases are purposely taken i I from all sections of the tounti v, in order that every reader mny have access to some one who can speak to him o.'ils benefits from personal experience. Scrofula depresses the vital energies, and tlius leaves its victims far more subject to-disease and its fatal results than are healthy constitutions. Hence it tends to shorten, and does greatly shorten, the average duration of human life. The vast importance of these considerations has led us to spend years in perfecting a remedy which is adequate to its cure. This wo now ofler to the public under the name of Avkr's Sabsapabilla, although it is eonijioscd of ingredients, some of which exceed the best of SarnavanUa in alterative power. Ev its out the foul corruptions that rot an fester in the Mood, purge out the causes of disease, and vigorous health will follow, liy its pecu liar virtues this remedy stimulates the vital functions, nnd thus expels liie disten:pers which lurk within the system or burst out on any part of it. We know the public have been deceived by mny compounds of yarsrpaiiiia, that prniit'tl much and did nothing; but they : w:!l ne ther be deceived nor disappointed in ' Although under the same name, it is a wry ! r- ...iw, I.... uiiieieiit oic-Ui-uie hwmi ioit mu-i nuioi iui s been before the people, and is far more ef fectual than any other which lias ever bk available to them. AYEH'S CHERRY PECTORAL. tfbe World's Grent Remedy for Coughs, Colds, Incipient Con sumption, and for the relief of Consumptive patients in advanced stages of tho disease. This has been so long used and so uni versally known, that we need do no more than assure the public that its quality is kept up to the lst it ever has been, ::nd that it may be relied on to do nil it lias ever none. .Prepared by l)n. .1. C. Avek & Co., I'raeticul and Analytical Chrmists, Lowell, Mas. Bold by all druggists every where. Er"-UL,L"t'Uil27 O We have opened the large Room just oppo site our Store in Patterson wh re we oiler or sale at low prices a general assortment of TABLES, CHAIRS. SOFAS. LOUNf.ES, EEDSTEADS, MATTRESSES, TRUNKS, CARPETS, STANDS, RACKS, AND Many other articles for house furnishing HECI1I & STRAVER- NEW (MODS at NEW PRICES AT MRS. F- HANNEUAN'S I X P A T T E 11 S 0 X, WnO has just returned from the City with a large assortment of Millinery and Fancy Goods, Consisting in part of Ronnets and Bonnet Silks, Flowers aud Trimmings, Emborderies, Lace Goods, Handkerchiefs, lialmorul Skirts, Hoop Skirts Gloves, Bead Gimps and Ornaments. Notions and small wares, forming tho best assortment of FALL AND WtXTEtt GOODS In the County. She solicits a call from the public, being confident that she can suit all. NOTICE. Persons indebted to ihe late firm of SulntiiT & Stambaugh, will please call and make settlement with tlw undersigned, who will, for a short time, give his personal attention to books and accounts of the late firm. lie mill be found at the office of the late place of business. JACOB STAMBACGH. SHREINER'S BALSAMIC COUGH SYRUP For Couyht, Colds, Croup, Whooping Covgh, Asthma, bronchitis, Spitting Blood, Pain und Weakness of the Breast, Difficulty of Breathing, dre. This Byrup is a purely VegetabU Compound It ii pleasaut to tal e, and never does injury; but owing to itatqurifyintf qualities, must do good under any circumstances. Its effect' is truly wonderful southing, calming acd allay ing Ihe most vinlcmt Coughs; Purifying, Strcngtnening aud Invigoratingthe wliolesya Um ; calming aud soothing the nerves; aiding anil facilitating Expecoration, and healing the DISEASED LUNGS, thus striking at the root of DISEASE, and driving it from theiystem. CRUl'P. ' ' i No child need die of Croup, if this Syrup' is properly used and used in time. Mothers lav ing eroupy children sbould watch the first show cf the Disease, and always keep this Ren.edy at hand. For Cough after Measles, this Syrup in most excellent. Experience has proven that it is equalled by no other preparation. Prico 6U cents per Rotile. Prepared by S. A. FOBTZ'S -ft BRO., At their Wholesale Drue and Medicine Depot, No 110, Franklin St. Baltimore, Md. Sold by all Druggists ami Store-keepers throughout the United States. POUTZ'S CELEBRATED These Powdert will strength en the Stomach and Intestines, cleanse them from offensive matter, and bring them to a healthy state. They are a sura preventive of Long Tern, and a certain remedy for all Diseases incident to the Horse, such as Ulan ders, Yellow Water, Dis temper, Founder, Heaves, (Havering, Coughs, Fe vers, Loss of Appetite and Vital Ener- in poor, low-spirited animals, it has ths most beneficial effect. The use of them improves the wind, stntigm ens the Appetite, and gives to the Horse a fine, smooth and glossy skin thus improv ing the appearance, vigor and spirit of this aoble animal. FOB MILCH COWS. Tne property this Powder possesari la It creesiDg the quantity of Milk in Cows, gives) it an importance and value which should place it in the hands of every person keeping a Cow. By actual experiment it has prorea that it will increase the quantity of Milk and Cream twenty per cent., and make the E'lttcr firm and sweet. la fattening Cattle, it gives tnem an appetite, loosens their hide and - makes them thrive much taster. HOGS. In all Diseases ef the Swine, such as Coughs, Ulcers in the Lungs, Liver, Ac. By putting from half a paper to a paper of these Powders in a bar- i mi nf Swiii iim above Diseasti can be cured or entirely pre vented. By using these Powders the Hog Cholera can be preventia. Price 25 ct3. per Paper, or 5 Papers for$L PREPARED BY S. A. FOUTZ & BRO., at nrrra WHOLESALE DRUG AND MEDICINE DEPOT, Ho. 116 Franklin St, Baltimore. Mi For Sale by Drnr?ists nd Storckeejeit through it the United States. lOUIZ'S MIXTUEE. Tlie best Linimeut fur Man and Beast nmo in vse. Is a safe and reliable Femcdy for the cure of Rheumatism, Painfnl Nervous affections. Sprains, Burns. Swellings, and all Diseases requiring an external application on Man. On Morses it will never fail to cure Poll Evil. Fistula, Old Running Sores, or Sweeney if properly applied.' For Sprains. Bruises Scratches. Crocked Hoofs, Chafes Saddle o Color Gall, Cnls or Wounds, it is an Infallible Remedy. Try it, and be convinced of its ef ficacy. RHEUMATISM. - Persons afflicted with this Disease, no mat ter of how long standing, can be promptly and effectually cured by the use of this Mixture There s nothing in the world so sure and il gocd to take away tad CORNS and cure Fros Bites, as this preparation. Try it and satisfy yourselves. Price Go and 75 cents a Bottle. Prepared by . S. A. FOl'TZ'R & BRO., At their Wholesale Drug and Medicine De pot, No. 116, Frnnklin St., Baltimore Md. For sale by Druggists and Store-keepers throughout the United Slates. The above Medicine can be had at manu facturer's Prices of B. F. Kepner. Mifflinlown; Johnson Halloway & Cowden, Philadelphia ; J. J. Bender & Co., Pittsburg, ra. ; Langh lin & BusbhVid, Wheeling; Va-Aug-3, lb65-ly. At Railroad Drput, Patterson, Pa S. R. NOSTINE. PROPRIETOR. THE above named having taken charge of this large and convenient hotel where he is prepared to entertain travelers, sojourners or regular boarders. Persons wishing to take the trains east or west will tin I this the most convenient slopping place as they will be waked up at any hour desired- The locaito" is most favorable and Ihe acconiniodationsire of the best kind. The stabling is excellent and hostlers attentive. The Table and Bar will alsobe well provided. J?- He has, in connection with the Hotel, airood LIVERY STABLE. Hotse. Carriages, Buggies, &c, always to be had. Persons conveyed to any part of the country. 85,. By strict attention to business and a desire to please, he hopes to merit public pat ronage, and render the sojourn of his guests both comfortadle and pleasant, Patterson J.une 8, tf f 'irriTTBTrn D. TT. tlARLEY & CO'S CHEAP CLOTHING STORE. This way for Bar gains!! HAVING PURCHASED FROM MAKS bach & Van Ormer the large Clothing Establishment, situated on ihe corner ol Bridge and Water streets. Mifllintown, Penn sylvania, we would respectfully inform the Public that we have just received a large and well selected assortment of ready made Cloth ing, designed for Ihe Fall and Winter Trade for 1863. Such as Over Coals, Dress Coats, Business Coats, CJmimon Coals, Pantaloons, Vests, Hats, Boots and Shoes of evsry description, style and quality, for male or female. BOYS' READY MADE CLOTHING. Also, Caipets, White Shirts, Fancy Over Shirts, I'nder Shirts. Drawers, Hosiery, Gloves, Linen and Paper Colars, Cravats and Ties Trunks, Um brellas, Travelling Bags 4c. Alse, thelatest styles ot Ladies Cloaks, Cir culars and Furs. Persons in wantof anything in our line will save money by giving us a call before pur chasing elsewhere, as we are determined to sell cheap for cash. V&F Don't forget the corner, Bridge and Watar Streets. D. W. HARLET 4 Co. Oot. 4, '65. NSW JEWELjSjTORE. TM1E undersigned would respectfully inform the citizen of Mifllintown and vicinity, that he has opened a Jew-fiS elry Establishment on Main Street. Mittim town, in Thompson's Hotel, third dnor from Ihe corner, where he will keep constantly on hand and at greatly reduced prices. Gold and Silver Watches, And a general variety of CLOf'KS, FINGER KINGS, BREAST PINS. EAR RINGS. GOLD PE.SS, and PENCILS. SILVER PLATED WARE, SPECTACLES, together with a com plete assortment of Fancy 'Goods. gitfUTbe repairing of ClAcks, Watches and Jewelry promptly attended to, on short notice and on very reasonable terms. All work war ranted lo give satisfaction. The public are respectfully invited to give a call. THOMAS R. McCLELLAN. Aug. 30. I8t5. October Snd, '65. r!AKE NOTICE. LADIES MRS. SARAH FI.VK RESPECTFULLY informs the Ladies of MitHinlowa and vicinity that she has just received a large as sortment of Milinary Goods, and ha constant ly on hand and for sale ready-mr.de Ronnets of all descriptions, and also Hats and Caps. She has also secured the services of her Sis ter who is a competent Dress Maker and will give satisfaction in that line of business. Let Ladies call and examine for themselves, at ber furmer residence on Cherry street. In quire for Mrs Sarah (Stein) Fink. Sepf 27, 18U5-3 mos. CIIA1K MiNUFAlTUKV. OrriCE Of THE JVNIATA CoCSTT THE JVNIATA COCSTT ) ici ittbl Society, V ville, Oct. Id, J Ad bio Perrvsv WE do hereby certify that the Committee m Manufactured Articles has awarded to Charles W. Weitiel the First Premium for the most substantial, neatest made, and beet fiuished selt of Chairs. 0. W. JACOBS, Treat r. WillIah Hench. Secy. janl3 a tXKl tlAI'I.n, 7 o. 520ARC5B Street, ibove Filth PHILADELPHIA. Manufacturer aud Dealer In f i x e j e w is l it r , SOLID SILVER WARE, si lid superior Mlver riated Ware Sept, i, 1865, Smos. norms "OWN MAKE" OF HOOP SKIRTS, art gotten up expressly to meet the wants of FIRST CLASS TBAIIK. Tbey embrace a complete assortment of ALL the .t:w and desirable Styles, Sizes and Length, for Ladies' Misses' and Children, and are superior to all others made in point of Symmetry, 1 niisu and durability ; being made of the fluent tempered English Steel Springs with Linen finished Covering, and having all the metalie fastenings immovably secured, by improved machinery. They re tain their Shape and Elacticity to Ihe last, and are waukanted to give estire satis tactios. Also, constantly in receipt of full lines of good bastern .Made SKII'.TS, at verv low Prices. SKIRTS Made lo Order Altered and Repaired. WHOLESALE and RETAIL, at manufactory antf Sales Room, Xo. 628 ARCH Street, above Oth. . PHILADELPHIA. , S, Terms Cash, Oxe Price O'nlt ! Aug. 16, '66. NOTICE! Ladies wishing Jo be supplied with neat and good shoes will find it to their advantage to call on H. D. WELLER, at his shop on Main Street above Cherry, where tiiey can be supplied With almost every style at moder ate prices. Gentlemen having repairing they wish durably and neatly executed will be promptly attended te by giving him a Call. Terms: CASH. II. D. WELLER. Mifllintown, July 2Cth 'Co. .I ICE TO Ill'XTEBS -jVTOTK'E IS HEREBY GIVSN TO ALL is persons not lo trespass on our proertv hunting Partridges and other gameas thev will bs dealt with according to law. C. Musser, Philip Rank, D. JJiven, Samuel Auker, Jonas Kanffman, David Auker, Daniel Auker, Jacob Weaver, John Gingrich, Nov .1 '6o-6w. Plain and Fancy Job Work, At this Office. PiaubS REDTJCUD. Large Size, 910 00, Medium. 98 50 . THE BEST IS THE CHEAPEST. The CuiTtml Cog Wheel Clotbei Wringer Ik as p uuuuuced ttuperior to all others at tue WOiiLO'S FA IK l. LO.M)0.. lu iftii-; received the Brome Medei, (high est premium) at the Ureal Fair of Tilt AiMfc.-atA. aAMIll lE. In new Vora City, in 18tio. It Las also re ceived tue'r ltiar PREMIUMS at the ing State Fairs: New York, 1S0.J ; Vermont, 18G3: Pennsylvania, IbOJ 1S01 ; Michigan, 1804; lnuiaua I soli iboi ; Illinois, looS 1604; Iowa, lb&l lbG4; Wisconsin, ,1604 ; Conn; River Valley Pair, 1604 ; CLtiiifplain Valley IVair, 1604; aud at the pricipat County and iuautute Fairs tiwougboul the lau.d. TJSSTIMUMALS. "My family wuuiuaa soou uive up the cook ing-stove as this I.LuTiifc VtmitCfcK. 1 1 can not be loo highiy recommended. Aulwi iiobi- tun. "After a constant nse of lho Universal Cloth.:s Wrisgeh for more th:.n four years n mv tamilv, 1 am authorized by the "poneis that be." lo give it the most uuiti:ilihed prnis, and lo prououuee it an indispensable part of ihe machinery for housekeeping." Hct. Hen ry Ward Beecher. "Tins is the farst n rmger I have fonnd that ould staud the service required of it." -J. P. Ilwjyi.w, Lorejoy't llotd. 'In tue -Laundry of my house there is a perpetual thanksgiving ou Mondays for the invcuticn of your excellent V ringer." Rev. leoodore L. Luyler. We tlimk the Macnine much mora than pays for itself every yaer in the lavicgs of garmeuls. Ve think it importans the n ring er should be hited with COGS. O Judd. 'I heartily commend it t. to economists of time, money and contentment.'' Rev. Doctor Hellotcs. "It. saves labor, expediates work, makes the laundress good naturd, docs not tear off but tons and is indispensable in a well regulated family." R. S. Slorr, Jr I). D. 'Every week has given it a stroncerhold upon the affections of the inmates of the laun dry. Evtry member of ihe household is in admiration of it." A'tir I'ork Observer. B? tn receipt of price frcui any part of the country wiiere we have no canvassers, we send the Wringer free of freiehl chr.rees. A good canvasser wanted in every township. siuu lur illustrated I rice Circular R. C BROWNIKG. 3 IT UrwudiTay, -V t Tie long Looked For Come at Last THE CELEBRATED Florence Sewing Machine. This machine is the most perrect instru ment to execute any kind of sewing now done by machinery in the world. It is simple and perfect in its mechanical construction. The feed may be reversed at any poiM desired without slopping, which is a great advantage in fastening ibe end of seams. It makes POUR DIFFERENT STITCHES, I.ork, Knot, JJi'Ale Lock, fioublr Knot, each stitch perfect and alike on both sides of the fabric. Operators can select any stitch tbey want and change from one stitch to another with out stopping the machine. Its stitches cannot be excelled for firmness, elacticity durability aud beuu y of tiui-,h. So diticul'y experienced in sewing across thick seams. Sews light acd heavy fabrios with cijuu! facil ity. It will Braid. Tuck, Qui!!, CW, hem. re'.!. Bind, Gather, and ao all kir.ds of Stitch ir.g rtq lired by families and i:iuiifncnrers. The work will feed either to ::ie right or left, without s'opping the machine. TLe nio-rt inexperienced find no difficulty in Uoiiig it. It is thoroughly practical and easily under stood It has no .tprinys to get out of order, and will last a lifetime. It runs easily, and isslmost noisel"ss. tt is the most rapid sewir in the world; inoit- my Jive stitchei ;o each revolution. It uses the same size thread on beth sides of the fabric. It oils no dresses, all its niaekincrs being on fop of the table. Every machine is irarreKtcd h give entire tat Ufaclion, and lo do all hat is claimed for it. Miss Caubii E. Stakbaioh is the agent for this county. Dj calling at her residence on Main .Street. MilHinloan, one of these ma chines can be seen in operation. Scptemberl:!, lS65-ly. GREAT CHAXCJ3 FOR AGENTS. What the People THE Want ! STANDARD HISTORY OF THE WAR, Complete is o.ve very large Volume OF OVER 1000 I'AGES. TniS work has n rival as a candid, lucid, complete, authentic and reliable history of the "great conflict." It contains reading matter equal to three large royal octavo vol umes, splendidly illustrated with over 150 fine portraits of Generals, battle scenes, maps and diagrams. Returned and disabled officers and soldiers, and energetio young men in wantof profitable employment will find this a rare change to tnaks money. We have Agents clearing S2-0 per month, which we wilt prove to any doubt ing applicant ; for proof of the above send lor circular sn! see our terms. Address, JO.NEd BROTHERS & CO., ' PhMadelphia, Penn'a. II. F. S.VIGEK WITH PE1PER & JIARKLEY, MANUFACTURERS AND WHOLESALE DEALERS BOOTS & SHOES o. 31 A or tli Third Street, Phila M. G. PEIPER, li. H. MARKLEV, tT Particular attention paid to orders, -j ALARGE and well selected stojk. of GRO CERIES, comprising Ham, Shoulder, Ba con,Mess Pork, Flour. Spices, 4c &e. at StJLOUFF, FROW & TAKKER'S. Fisk's Patent Metalie Burial Ca. 7. TOR ordinary Interments, depositing la Vaults and transportation they have no rival. They are made of the most imperishable ma terials, and are enameled inside and out te prevent rust and the exterior has a FINK ROSEWOOD FINISH.' When properly eemeaU ed, the remains of the deceased, are free from irruption of water, or depredations of vermin. They may without offensive odor be kept as long as desired thus obviating the necessity of hasty burials. Their long and successful use apd the approbation given them render unneeessry any extended notice of their valu able advantages. SAXDOE AXD MARTIX, - Undertaker and Cabinet Ware Manalacturors, Keep constantly on band an assortment the above eases. Mifllintown Pa. Jan. 4th 1805.-1 LXVI HICHT. SAXCIK STRATSB. iTew Firm in Patterson. Gentlemen's Furnishing Emporium ! ! Just opened in the new Brick Building. Maim Street, Patterson by Levi Hecht and Sanuel Strayer, a large and elegant assortment ef Ready-Made Clothing, consisting in part at Overcoats, Frock Coats, Dress Coats, Pantaloon's, Vests, Drairers, Collars, Undershirts, Handkerchiefs, Hats and Caps, Boots & Shoes, And everything usually found in a first class Gentlemen's Furnishing Store. FANCY GOODS Also large and carefully selected assort ment of Fancy Goods, of all classes, kinds and qualities, all of which will be sold at the low est possible living prices, Laaiet' Galtors aud SAoet. Tbey also invitee the attention of the ladiea to his fine stock of GAIT0R3 AND SHOES, which he will sell at prices defying competi tion. CARPETS, OIL CLOTHS. . They lav on hand a beautiful assortment of Carpets, Oil Cloths, & , which are of a food quality, and well worth the inspection of the ttiyer. WATCUES AXD jEWELftT Cold end Silver Watches, Clocks, Ear rings. Plain and Fancy rings. Watch Key, ladies' and Oehts' Breast Pins. Gold Pcnsand Pencils, ke., which ai this time form ihe largest aud best assortment in the county. js3a.AU the above goods will be sold cheap er than any other store in the United Siaea; If you don't believe it, just give u a call and bo convinced of the truth of the assertiuu. HECHT ii STRAVER. Patterson. April 12, 18G5-tf. I EWTOni3 i, TIIOMPSONTO WlV. 0:0 JCST opened in the New 9 tore Room andar the Odd Fellows Hall, in Thompsoatown, Juniata county. Pa., a wll eic'ed and eU gant assortment of Dry Ootids, consisting in part of Ladies' Dress floods, Such'as Delaines, Challies. Lusters. A'pacrs. all wolol Delaiues, Sheperd Ptaid Lawns, and a full assortment of Ladies White and Fan. Goods, and a largs assortment of ST?i2D2t GOOES, Donstantly on hand and for sale cheap :r Cash, by. R. H. WRIGHT Also, GENTLEMAN'S CLOTIIrOG E MU RIUM in the same building. An elegsni sortment of ready made tlothinng for Mm rud Uoti, consisting in part of Fancy Froek Coats, Dress Coals, Pants, Vests, Drawers, Collars, Uudershirts, Handkerchiefs, Slats &. Crtps, Boots & Klior , And everything usuallv found in a Crst class Gentleman's Furnishing Store. Fancy Goods of all kinds. Ladies' : i ers and Balmoral Fine Shoe, for Misses and I'nil dren. Carpets and Oil Cloth, ke. Also, a owl stock or Crocerles, Queensware. Hardware an4 Cutlery, Drugs, Oils. Paints, and all such articles as are usually found in a country store. rPSU Ihe highest prices paid for country produce. Goods sold at small ptofits, for Cash. Call ami examine my Stock and o for yourself, as I am always ready to wait on cus turners, just above the Square at nrtgbl a Cheap Cash Store and Clothin g Emporium Thompson own. Pa. Pennsylvania Paint k Color Works. Liberty White Lead ! Liberty Ifhitc Lead ! TRT IT! TRY IT! Wash anted to eover more surface, for terns weight, than any other. Buy the bett it is ths cheapest ! Try It ! Try It I LfSerty Lead u whiter than any other. Liberty Lead Covers better than any other. Liberty Lead teears longer than any other Liberty Lead is more economical than any other. Liberty Lead is more free from impurities and is Warranted to do more and better jtork, at a given cost, than any other. Buy the BEST, it is the CHEAPEST. Manufactured and warranted by ZEIGL.ER & S.rlITU, Wholesale Drug, Paint & Glass Dealers XO. 1ST North Third Street, PniLADStrma. Nov. 8, 65.-im. I. K. STAFFFER, WATCHMAKER AND JEWELER, lo. 148 North SKL'K.NU Street, Corner Qnarry, PHILADELPHIA An assortment of Watches, Jewelry, Silver & Plated Ware, constantly on band. Suitable for J10HDAT "RESEATS ! Repairing of Watches and Jewelvr promptly attended te Dec. 6. 1864-1 yr. CITY HOTEL, Corner of Market and Rail rad Sureebe, opposite the Railroad Dep HARISBVRO,PA. BOIuTerms as moderate aa those ef any otfccr Hotel in the City WM 0 TH0MP80X ALARGE stock of Qneensware, Cedarware, sueh as Tubs, Butter Bowls, Bankets, Churns, Baskets. Horse Buckets, te-. at SCLOTFr, FROW 4 TAREMl'S. I