OWHQW ,A . f ""V - "A , . If e- '7 ( ! II. II. UlfLSO, TOLUME XIX, NO 37. .., TERSI3 OF PUBLICATION- :, tea JrxiAT Siktixcl ii published every Wednesday morning, on Main street, by H H. WILSON. Th SUBrCRIFTION PKlCKof the paper will be TWO DOLLARS per year in adranoe, and $3.50 if not paid within the year. E No paper discontinued until al! ar rearages are paid except at the optien of the Editor. Advirtismo. The rates of ADVERTIS ING are for one square, of kioiit likes or less, one limj, 75 cents; three, $1 60; and 60 cts. for each subsequent insertion. Administra tor's, Executor's at-d Auditor's Notices, $l,00 Professional and Business Cards, not exceed ing 25 lines, and including copy of paper. $S.IK) per year. Merchants advertising (changeable quarterly) $ 15 per year, includ ing paper at their Stores. Notices in reading columns, ten cents per line. Jus Worn. The prices of JOB WORE, for thirty Bills, one eight sheet, $1.25; one fourth. $2.00; one-half, $3,00; and addition al numbers, half prici and for Blanks, $2,00 per quire. usintss Carbs. JEREMJAli LYONS, Mifflintown, Juniata County, Pa., Office a Main street South of Bridge str et. K. C. STEW RT, ATTOB N EY-AT-LAW MijfUntown, Juniata Co., I'a., Offers his professional sei-Tiees to the pub tie. Collections and ail oilier business will retcive prompt attention. Office first door North of Belfurd's Store, (upstairs.) VrriLLIAM U. ALL1S0 ' Attorney at Law, lotnru public. Will attend to all business entrusted to his eare. Office on Main Street, MitOintowa, Pa. J0I1NT.L.SAI1M. gJMrntj-at-Jfauj, mitflintowx, jiniata cocntt, ta. OFFERS bis professional services to the public. Prompt attention given to the vroaeculion of claims against the Government, olleetions and all other business entrusted to his care- Office. Main litre tt, one door South f Snyder's Hotel. Sept. 20. I3t5. j. . JIII.MKKX, ATTORXE Y-A T-L A W, MBFLIXTQWX, JCXIATA CO., FX. i 03ca Main Street, in the room formerly oi'ctipird by VYm. M. Allison. Esq.) OOLLiicnoNS, AND ALL OTHER BCS V in?-i ejanrJtel with the vrofeesion promptly attended to. Oct. 18, '63. X ti. I. C III' X OIO, of I'allereon, I. , wistiee to inform his friends and pa trons :Lt he has removed (o the bouse on I'.ri if- Street opposite Tadd & Jordan's Store. Apri!t)-tf TSTNDUE CRIEWJ AUCTIONEER Tue nndrri?rned offers his services to the nnblie a Vimlite Cryer and Auctioneer. He had a very large experience, and feels undent (ftat he can give satisfaction to all jrao may employ him. He may be addressed at Mitflintown. or found at his home in Fer managh township. Orders may also be left at Mr. Will a Mitel. Jan. 25, 1R64. WILLIAM GIVEN. ALEX. SPEDDY, KEJSi'ECTFL'LLV offers uis services to the public of Juaiata count v. Having had a 1 rge experience in the b'teiness of Vendue Crying, he fceis confident that, be can render general satisfaction. He can at all times be nnsulted at his residence in MlfSintown, Pa. Aug. 16, li3. MILITARY CLAIMS. THE undersigned will promptly attend to the collection of claims against either the State or Natittial Government, Pensions, Back Pay, Bounty, Extra Pay, and all other claims truing out of the present or any other war, collected. JEREMIAH trOSS; Attorney-at-Law. Mitflintown, Juniata Co., Pa. febl Pensions! Pensions! ALL PERSO.VS WHO HAVE BEEN DIS ABLE DOlUNa THE PRESENT WAR ARE ENTITLE TO A PENSION. All per sons who intend applying for a Pension must all cn the Examining Surgeon to know weth er their Disability is sufficient to entitle tbem te a Pension. All disabled Soldiers will call n the undersigned who has been appointed Pension Examining 3urgeou for Juniata and 4joiu.nl Counties. P. C. RCNDIO, M. D.. Patterson, Pa. Dee. 0. !8.-tf. Deafness, Blindness) and Catarrh, rilREATED with the utmost success, by Dr. -L J. ISAACS. Oculi-t and Aurtist. (former ly of Leyden, Holland,) No. 519 PINE Street Philadelphia. Testimonials from the most reliable sources in the City and Country can be seen at his Office. The medical faculty are invited to accompany their patients, as he has no secrets in his practice. ARTIFICIAL EVES, inserted without pain. No charge made for examination. , Feb. 15. 'G'i.-ly gELLIFO OFF AT COST As the rocra now occupied by me as a Cloth ing Store, will be occupied for other purpo ses in the Spring. I now offer my entire stock of CLOTHING at cost prices, for OVERCOATS. DRESS COATS, PANTS, VESTS, UNDER CLOTHING, Ac, Give me a c.l. Pm. t . T- M. MICKY, NEVER COURT bUT ONE. I have finished it, the letter, That will tell him be is free, From this hour and forever. He is nothing more to me ! And my heart feels ligoter, gayer, Since the deed at last is done t will teach hits that when courting He should never court but one. Every body in the village Knows he' been a wooing me. And this morning he was riding With that saucy Annie Lee. They say be smil'd upon her. As he canter'd by her side, And I'll warrant you he promised To make bet soon his bride. But I've finished it, the letter, From this moment he is free lie may have her if he wants. If he loves her more than me. He may go it w.ll not kill me I would say the same, so there, If I knew it would for flirting, It is more than I can bear. It is twilight and the evening That he said he'd visit me But no doubt he's now with Anna, He may etay there too, for me? And as true as I'm a living. If he ever comes here more, I'll act as if we nevqr, Never, never met before. It is time he should be coming. And I womlct- if he will. If he docs I'll look so coldly What's that shadow on the hill ? I declare, out in the twilight. There ia somo one coming near Can it be ? yes, 'tis a figure Just as true as I am here ! Jibw I almost w;sh I'd written Not to bill that he was free; For perhaps, 'twas but a story - Tuat he rode with Anna Lee. There he's coming through the gate-way, I will meet him at the door. And I'll tell still I love him. If he'll court Miss Lee no more ! S0U.ND AS YOUNG TIMBER. Once on a tints out long ago a gootl hcarted niiio and lira lung tongued, style talking wile attended a sonal patty. Al most every three minutes bis wife would check her husband thus: "Now, William, don't talk so loud !" "Come, Wiiiium. don't lean back on th! chair that way !" "Now, William, don't get noisy over Jhere!" . - ' day; William, let the girls' alone and sit by tie !" At last forbearance ceased to be a vir tue, and the husband, who was really pitied by all in the room, arose and said "I beg pardon of the company ; but as my wife insists n beibg boss all the time it is right &he should have these !" Ann he deliberately took off his pants, bandt d them to her, and sat down in his boots and dtawcrs. The company was astonished ; the wo man burst into tears: the happy couple soon went home; but Deilter oi them wore pants. How the affair was settled we cannot tell, but the last time we taw William be had the pants on. We arc inclined to think she will cot boss in con p ny in a hurry. Ilulmet County Farmer. Deatci or A Patriot. Wm. Conway, a native of Camden, Me., died at the Na val Hospital, at New York, on Thursday last, in his 63rd year. In 1881 be was a sailor in our navy, having served over forty years as ad enlisted man In April, 1801, he was stationed at the Warrentou (Fensacola) aaval station, Florida, and was the man whom B. R. Benshaw, of the old navy, ordered to lower the Lnited States flag on the secession of the State. Mr. Conway, in reply to his order, an swered that he "Couldn't do it." The order was . repeated more positively. "Lieutenant," answered the old sailor, "I have served Under that flag for forty years, and won't do it." The rebel lieutenant did not insist. Shortly after Mr. Conway was sent North and remained during the war. He received from the citizens of San Francisco a gold medal commenda tory of his gallant action uti the occasion rcfered to, and this he ha'd 00 his person at the time of his death, together with letters from Secretary Welles and General Halleck. praising him for his devotion to the flag. t& An old lady in the country had an exquisite from tho cify to dine with her on a certain occasion. For desnrt there) was an enormous apple pie. "La, mad ame, how do you manage to handle such a pie f'he inquired. "Easy enough," was tne quiet reply ; "we make the crust in a wheelbarrow, wheel it tinder an ap ple tree, and then (bake the fruit down into It." THI COHSTITUTIOI TBI IIIOI MIFFLINTOWN, JUNIATA COUNTY, - KEW POINTS IN GRAOTlttPOBT. With reference to the report of Gen eral Grant, says the Lancaster Inquirer, which accompanied the Presidents, nes- sage, we prefer to set before our readers I that which is new in the Oeneral s narra-j tive rather than to publish the whole of it, j containing, as it dues, so much that is , well known. hen he took command ot j all the forces as General in-Chief, hi foutid the armies of the East and the West acting without coucert, and, "like t lalky team, no two ever pulling togeth j er." This gave the enemy great advant age of using the same force, at different seasons, against first one and then the other of our armies, or else of withdraw ing oue or the other to obtain rest. This be determined to stop by keeping both of the great armies of the enemy employed all the time, and then, as he says, to "ham mer continously" against, them with the greatest possible number of troops h could procure, until there should be noth ing left to the enemy, but submission -i Here we have the whole secret of hf "stratesy." f A little way further on in the report ve learn that Geueral Grant, before starting across the Rapidan, iu his Richmond cam paign, made known his purpose to put the Army of the Potomac on the south side ot James river, if he could not beat Lee witbing going there. This revelation over-throws all the newspaper argumen tation that has been indulged in, on the theory that he never drtiyited- to go there at all, but was forced off his line. The nest thina that attracts attention is the following handsome tribute to Gen. Meade : 4I may here ctate that, commanding all the armies, as I did. I tried, as far as pos sible, to leave Gen. Meade in independent command of the Army of the Potomac. My instructions for that army were all j through him, and were general in their nature, leaving all the details and the exe cution to bitn. The campaigns that fol lowed proved him to be the right man in the risrMplace. His commanding always in the presence of an ntlioer superior to him n rank, has drawn from Uni much of that public attention that his zeal and ability entitle him to, and which he would other wise have reseived." Here, as;uin. is a disastrous defeat to the newspapers, and particularly to those which supposed that, because they kept General Meade's name out uf their col umns, the world would never know that he was the able and successf ul command er of the army of the Potomac. It is easy enoujrh. however to perceive which of the army commanders had the entire confidence of General Grant Thus he epeaks in the same hearty terms of Sheridan. He made Sheridan a visit before the camnaisn of the latter in the Shenandoah Valley, as he wished to ee the positions and surroundings himself. But he was so well satisfied with what Sheridan placed before him that he saw but two icords of obstructions were . ne cessary, snd those two were "go in !" General Grant savs he never deemed it necessary to visit Sheridan again befjre giving him orders.' Of Sherman's movement from Chatta nooga to Atlanta he says that it was "prompt, skilful and brilliant," and that the "history of his fhnk movements and battles daring that memorable campaign will ever b read with an interest unsur passed by acythinz in history-" We learn from this report also that "Shermas's . .1 t i It - marun to tne sea was cot a resuuoi Hood's flank movement from Atlanta, as was universally believed at the time, but that be had plinned it deliberately and laid the zeneral fenutures of it before General Gran', more than two months before he moved, and more than one month before Hood started on his fatal tramp to Tennessee. Wre learn too, that Grant had doubts about the movements, Id finally yield his consent. It now appears also that General Grant was veryanxious about the cautious pro ceedings of General Thomas previous to the battle of Nashville, but he now says that "the final defeat of Hood was so com plete as to vindicate the judgment of ttat distinguished officer," (General Thom as. He speaks warmly of Gen. SoSo fiefd. giving him the" credit of infliofrig a fatal blow to Hood before the battle of Nashville. In the course of the narrative we find two illustrations of the damage done by j indiscreet publications of army move ments. While speaking of the presta tions for the expedition against Fort Fish er, General Grant says, that through the "imprudence of the prass," the enemy was warped, and the sailing of the fleet had to ba postponed. Tho other case worked to our advantage, for General Grant says that he' learned all about the plans of the enemy through the speech that Jefferson Davis made at Macon, Georgia, in the fall of 1834, and which was fully reported in the Southern press. A Haumoxious Jury. 'Hare the jury agreed ?" asked the bailiff oft lock- ed-up set of twelve, whom he had left un der caie of his man, Denny Garry, and whom he met upon the stairs with a pail in his hand. "Oh, yis," replied Denny, "they have agrade to sind oat for another half gallon." ATII MfOftOSNMT OF TBI LAWS. iW A. . DECEMBER 20, 186-5. fl&tiajf SLIFER. SECRETARY OF THE . lUflmN WEALTH. The following from the pen of a or respoadeiit of the Chamberbburg Reposi tory, is a worthy tribute to a worthy niau, Hon.- Eli Slifer, Secretary of the Commonwealth. No political trickery, or untuir means ever aided this man as he ascended step by step to his present po sition. A poor youug man, be started in life with little or no aieans, but with a better legacy than gold, a good name, aud an honest purpose, he has carved out a reputation for politcal integrity, hon esty, and personal worth, which political tricksters art vainly striving to tear from him : "There are few men of the thousands who meet him is his matter of fact offi cial transactions in the course of a year, who know Eli Slifer. the Secretary of the Commonwealth. Quiet unobtrusive and retiring to a fault, be labors in his respon sible department week after week and mouth after month, with a decree of in dustry, integrity and a singleness of pur pose which are rarely found in an official these days. In all respects a self-made man a trained mechanic, Without friends or fortune or any fortuitous Circumstances to give him advancement, he has won his way by his own merits without seeking distinction, until h ia one of the most capable and thorough officials ever con nected with our State government and it would be well if in our national affairs there weie more men of the clear, prati cal judgment and thorough familiarity with great questions aud with the people, which Mr. Slifer has ever displayed in bis various responsible public trusts. He entered public life about 184S as a member of tbe legislature from old Union and Juniata, and was re-elected tbe fol lowing year. In 1 8 I he was nominated forSeuator in the Union, Mill! in and Ju niata district, after a protracted and bit ter struggle in the conference between three other aspirauu ail agreeing in the end to uuito on him. aud he was domi nated in defiance of his earnest protect and elected without opposition. In both branches of the legislature he earned confidence aud distiuo'ion by bis unfalter ing fidelity to the interests of the State, and his enlightened aud thorough views as to our finances and sterling integrity of character, made his political friends sin gle hini out with great magnanimity for State Treasurer in 1855. He was elect ed, and more thau met the high expecta tions of the State by his management of the treasury, but the succeeding year the Democrats secured a majority ia the leg islature and he of course, bad to retire. In 18513, when the Republicans again carried tbe legislature, he was re-elected, and the legislature of 18G0 again confid ed the treasury to his keeping. In 18G1, when Gov. Curtio was inaugurated, he called Mr. Slifer to his cabinet as Secre tary of the Commonwealth, and he has filled the position until now with tbe same spotless fidelity to the State and to his chief which have ever characterized him in all publio positions. He is still in the prime of life; and if he bad ambition equal to his strength and merits, he might have many honors in store for biin in the future ; but he would rather manage his beautiful farm on the Susquehanna than seek political honors however certain the proepects of success. He has been a most invaluable auxiliary to Gov. Cut-tin during the harassing cares of his admin istration, and when it shall be ready to commit to history, there is no man who till deserve better of the peoj.le, or to whom Gov. Curtin would pay a more heart felt and grateful tribute, than to Eli Slifer. For tint teen years he has been in responsible official positions here, and he will retire the same upright, faith ful, christian man h? came, after having filled the highest measure of public trust in the State, excepting only the Executive chair, with eminent honor and success." A Singular Case. About fifty-five years ago, a voting gentleman and lady formed an association as young people of ten do, and it was supposed by the friends that it would terminate in matrimony. Hut for some reason best known to the parties, the association was dissolved, and they separated.- . The young man subse quently married and lost three wives, the last one within the last eight or nine months. The young lady married, and lived with her husband over fifty-three years, and raised numerous family. During the last year her husband died. The lady remained a widow about eleven triooths, when her former suitor made an advance to her he being about 75 yean old, and the lady 71 and they were mar ried. Tbe parties are living ia the vicin ity of Lynn P. 0 , Susquehanna county, Pa., and the gentleman gave his consent to the publication of this notice. Mon trose Repuldican. BflV A coroner's jury in Oneida coun ty. New York, recently rendered a ver dict that a certain deceased man man "came to his death by excessive drinking, producing apolexy iu the - minds of the t&" Why is the Secretary of the Navy like a crazy petroleum speculator ' Bo- cause he's Giddy-oti Well?. SUBTERRANEAN LAKE- The editor of the Reading Daily Timet, in a recent visit to the East Penn sylvania Railroad shops at that city, thus notices a subterranean lake or cistern that was discovered on the premises of the Company : "While going over the works we were particularly struck with a description of the well which supplies the water for the different shops, engines, &c. It appears in digging this well a very hard bed of rock had to be perforated. This was suc ceeded by softer stone, untit the bottom of the well fell out ! This revealed to the workmen a subterranean cistern or lake, the water of which was as pure as crystal and the supply inexhaustible. No bounds could be fouud to iu southern ter mination, and the conclusion arrived at is, that there exists a lake of some dimen sions, over wnicn tne worKsnops are erected." ' Beauty ih Women. A beutiful face and figure are the two things in a woman that first attract the attention of a man. The second is a fine taste, both in dress and habits, and the third is common sense. What a man most dislikes in a lady's is untidiness, sloveuly habits and affectation. There is a medium between prudery and relaxed behavior, which a man appreciates almost by instinct. Place a man of genial disposition, with a disengaged heart, in the society of a woman of beauty, sense and spirit not too much of the latter and the chances are of immediately falling desperately in love. The poor wretch caunot avoid it, and in his frantio efforts to escape be falls on his knees at her feet and avows the might and majesty of her beauty. All you have to do will be to treat the poor fellow as kindly as vou can. and make no effort to please hirm Let nature have her own wise way, and depend upon it, you will be fondly pressed to the warm bosom of some generous-hearted fellow. Am Elephant on the Rampage. An elephant, named Romeo, became un manageable at the Ridge avenue depot, in t hiiadelpuia, on Sunday night, during the temporary absence of the keeper. He smashed one wagon, partly demolish ed a car, and tore down about seven stalls, and then made his way up Ridge avenue; traveled on that road northward for a mile: tore down a feoce or two. and twisted off a small tree in a fielc-. Word was sent to the keeper, who sd eedilv arri ved, and, who soon subdued the elephant. The huge animal was taked to the mena gerie, at Tenth and Callowhill streets, be fore day-break, where he picked up a man, threw him against a partition, and then, with his trunk, broke down a part of tlie stable wall. The elephant weighed five and a quarter tons, add is now per fectly subdued. The amount ofdamasre done by the elephant will not exceed Tioorouo Old Age- An old lady residing in the lower part of this connty, 86 years of are. walked to I?M:linc a - , - n i few days ago, a distance of 1G miles. w . . ... .Most or our young ladies, now a-days, consider it quite a hardship to walk a mile, and on accomplishing that distance, are overcome with fatigue. The old lady referred to, in a conversation with a gen tleman from Lebanon, the other day, re marked that when she was young, she did all Jtinds of farm work; and she liked it alKwell enough except sawing wood. In those davs breath was not kciiipmpA nnt nf the body with tight lacing, and the minds oi tne gins were not engrossed with the important subjects of waterfalls, jockey hats, ribbons and feathers. They cu!ti vatcd their common sensa. and wem Tip'na to to their mothers. Lebanon Courier. James McCormick, supposed to have been the oldest man in the United States, died in Newburg, New York, on the 11th inst., at the advanced age of 114 years, 3 months, and 5 days. He was as remarkable for health and strength as for longevity, and hts life was an excellent temperance argument His invariant answer to the question what he though more tnan anytbing else caused him to live so long, was temperance, exeroisp plain food, regular meals, and regular noars ia going to bed and getting up. LlVtNO ASn Drrvo Tun man oncti disputing about the eolor of their nair, in a tavern wnere iirutcn was a truest. Thfl InAfca nf AHA marm rrrm a an1 o - - (1 J - the other jet black,, although the latter was mucn tne O asst. cruten was ap pealed to sav which man lift thnnirht would live the longest. 'What nonsense!' said liruten : "how can I toll T tho-.i rh I should sav that th vminror noroin tin J j o i i " doubt, will be 'gray as long as he lives,' 11 .i i .... wane me eiaest man will be "black as long as he dies." X&- The New York Tribune on the 1st instant, divided among its stockhold ers" 850,000 as tho profits of four mouths business. As the entire original stock of the institution was only SIOO.OOO the div idend is somewhat remarkable. The pres ent capital of the Tribune Association in vested in tnachieury an-1 buildVoT is over 50O.Q09. EDITOIl ATI PCBLISIIER. WHOLE NUMBER 973. armtrs'gtiarfcitnt.. WORKSHOPS FOR FARMERS. . It is always perplexing and unpleasant, and not nnfrequently a cause of much ex pense, to be compelled to run to the car penter or blacksmith every time a hinge is to be replace J, a wheelbarrow injured or a strap broken. To obviate such con tingency, tho farmer should either be him self or have in his employ one who can repair such injuries, and he should also provide accommodations and tools which will enable him to do it. A workshop, with a good bench,- vice, and al! the vari ous tools required in the performance of the more simple details, should, be among the buildings of every homestead. A lit tle skill in the use of tools and this any person of moderate capacities can readily acquire will enable one to savo many dollars, annually, besides furnishing pleas urable and profitable employment for many an otherwise idle and perhaps painful hour. Here should be found white sash, paints, oils and brushes ; cements, pru ning and grafting tools, syringes for irri gating plants ; glass, nails, screws, putty, glazing tools, and ' indeed, every article that may be required in keeping the prem ises and aparatus of the fcrm in a stats of complete repair. Having once -become accustomed to these advantages and conveniences, the wonder will be how it were possible that they were not introduced long before. Germantoicn Teleijraph. : Temper is Treating Stock. The farmer's stock around him partakes more' or less of the quality of tbe owner or those who attend upon it. A man's influ ence is imparted to his beasts, particularly the horses, tbe working cattle, and the milch cows. A man of irascible temper gets up nervousness in a horse or a cow. The brute becomes afraid of him ; and if of a vicious nature, is apt to be hurtful, spitefully influenced, perhaps irrcciaiola biy spoiled whereas a mild-tempered, dis criminative niaa will gradually smooth down the asperites of a harsh disposition. We have kuown milch cows, wild as deer, brought to a placid tractabi'ity. The matt is a superior and his superior influence will be communicated. Wise . stock-men keep fools and irritants out of their stock yards. - ; IIow Mant Inches in a Bushel. The standard bushel of the United States contains 2150.4 cubic inches. The ''Im perial bushel" is about tiS cubic inches larger, being 2218.192 cubic inches. Any box or measure, tbe contents of which are erlual to 2150.4 cnbio inches, will hold a bushel of grain. In measuring fruit, vegetables, coal and other similar substances, one-fifth must be added. Ia other words, a peck measure five times ever, full makes one ousbel. The usual practice is to "heap the measure." Id order to get on the fifth peck measures must be heaped as long as what is to be measured will lie on. To Tretent Horses Kicking. Having a horse that would kick every thing to pieces in the stable, that he could reach, and having found a remedy for it, (after trying many things, such as fetter ing, whipping, hanging chains behind him for to kick against, &c.,) I send it to you. It is aim ply fastening a short trace-chain, about two feet long, fcy a strap, to each hind foot, and let him do his own . whip ping if he cannot tfand still without it, and he will hot need to have boards call ed to his stall every day. Country Gen tleman. ' Baked Corn Pudding. Scald three pints milk, into which stir smoothly two cups corn meal, and one cup chopped euet, or half cup butter. When cooled add a well-rounded cup of good - sugar, 2 beaten eggs, 2 teaspooofulls of cinnamon, one of salt, and a pint of milk, mixed with 3 tablespoon fu Is of flour. Add a cup of raisins, and bake 2 hours. Rats. Neighbor Jones says, that if we will go to a tin shop and get a lot of scrap tin, and crowd it into their holes, they will evacuate the premises at once. Whether they fear them as traps, or whether they scratch their sides, or wheth er they have a natural fear for it, he could not tell. lie only knows the fact. Ba7It is said that a small quantity of sassafras bark mixed with dried fruit will keep it free from worms for years. The remedy is easily obtained in many locali ties, and is well worthy an experiment, as it will not injure the fruit in any manner, ! :r 2 . it. . - it 11 aoes not prevent me nuisance. Wiping Dishes. Much time is wast ed by housekeepers in wiping . their dish es. If properly washed aud drained in a dry sink, with a cloth spread on the bot tom, they look better than when wiped, besides tbe eoonomy in saving time and labor. 9j&"Thcre are seventy thousand kernals of corn 10 & b'ua bel ; two hundred and fifty four thousand apple seeds in a bushol, and over fourteen thoufsnl seed in a ounce of tofcirco.