ac &t niiala Stntiufl. S5NIsIApM0RSliNa, Deo. 13, 1805 TOWN AND C ?USTHY. Cloth I no. Persons in want of good mod substantial Clothing, would do well to wl at D. W. llarley Co' Cheap Cloth ing Store, uu Bridge Street, Jlifilintown. The bave a large and select stock of Clothing, and are culling them at very Moderate prices. Coi'BT Yard Fu.nck. Workmen are engaged in puttiu up the iron fence round the Court Yard. It ia a very neat and substantial affair, and when finished, -will add much to tho appearance ot our town. Job Work. As the season for talcs of personal property is about opening, we would invite farmers and others who ate about to make sale of their stock to give vs a call, and examiae our specimens and prices before goiug elsewhere. Our fa cilities for doing all kinds -of Job Work are to thorough as to give us great ad vantage iu. turning out fork. If any of ur friends have auy job-?jik ou Land we hope they will give us a call. USrWe publish as a matter cf interest the following list of names and tho re spective age of the jurors in tho case of Hardy's Heirs vs. James North. It will j t .1 . ii i . re... 1 oe seen mat an out tnrej are over unj yeurs, and tho combined age of the twelve jurors foots up a period of C'-ii years. .This jury was impaneled cS Tuesday at 10 A. M., and was discharged at6o'ccltk tn Saturday evening. Joseph Xauion CO Solomon Louden ;.. Co Jonas Panncbaker 64 James II. Rogers 55 Andrew Furgeson 56 AYilliain Neely . 58 John Weiiuer : 55 . W. McDonald 51 John Lnndis 35 John Ualentine 43 ltauiel ISastin : 51 Cornelius McCleilau 31 How to Detect the New Counter-j-str Fietv Cent Currency. The mot recent of the counterfeit fifty cent to;cs are so well executed that tbby arc likely lo deceive even the best ''experts." The followiug information be found use ful in aiding our readers to detsct them : The counterfeit is about an eighth cf an iuch shorter than tho genuine. The words "United States", in the counterfeit re not so clearly defined as in the gcuu ine. The sword held by the female in the viginette appears as a white streak iu the genuine. In the counterfeit it more heavily engraved. Under the word and" in the right upper corner there is a flourish in the counterfeit. The last detect is one of the simplest means of de tecting the bogus notes. Mcsical Instruments. Tl.cic is a feeling generally among persons about to purchase musical instruments, tuat were they i'i Philadelphia or New Turk, they could select from a number of instru ment a better Piano or Cabiuct Organ thau they can buy from an agent. -Mason k Uaiuliu, iu order lo meet this feeling, liavo established a number of larger ageueies, where they keep a large number cf organs of the various styles, so that persons can have the tame advauta-i gsin buyiug that they could iu the cities or at the Manufactory. The uudersigned (ins one of those larger ageueies, and keeps cunstsritly cn hacj a variety ot the various styles uf Cabinet Organs, from which persons wishing can make as good a selection as were they in Philadelphia or Pittsburgh, thereby saviog the freight from either of those places, as h!g prices are precisely the same as in Philadelphia or Pittsbbrg, or the Manufactory, Doston. A player is at the store room constant ly who will perform ou the instruments, and xbimt their various powers and real ities, show the different stops and their combinations, and explain their internal constructions. I also keep ou hand a fine selection of Pianos from the celebrated manufactories of Steinway & Sons, New York, and Gachle & Co's., Baltimore, which I tell ii factory pi ices. , Persons ordering no Organ or Piano by Utter ars assured that as gaod an in strument will be sent as if they were here to selec it personal, the subscriber considering himself bound by honor and interrtt to selecs aud forward none other than the very lent of the style ordered. The Subscriber is anxious to put into the band of every one, whether they intend purchasing an instrument or not, a copy of the Cabinet Organ Circular, which contains a vast amount of interesting musical iuformatios, and will send free, post paid, a copy to any one desiring it. It. 31. GliEEXE Sole Assent for the Masoa t Hamlin CaVisit O.-gM, f:r Centra! Pesos? j TuANksoiVja Day Owing to the fact that court was in session last week, this day was not observed in ,very ap propriate manner. The printing offices were the only places of business that had closed doors. Court had a short recess during the day for the purposfa of allow ing persons in attendance an opportunity of attending Divine Service. Tho only place of worship during the day was at the M. E. Church, where it was under stood a sermon would be preached, after which a collection would be "taken up for the relief of the South or in other words, for the purpose of "giving aid and cow for." to a people whose hands are red with the blood of our starved and mur dered Soldiers. Public Sales. Bills have been print ed at this office for the following sales : Christopher Hardy, of Milford town ship, Ileal Estate, Wednesday, January 10th, 1SGG. Jeremiah Lyons, Assignee of Henry Urubaler, of Turbett township, Ileal Es UteTuo3day, January 9th, 1S6G. Christopher Fagely, Fayette township, Real Estate and Personal Property, Tues. day, December 28th, 1S65. Samuel Yeatcr, of Turbett township, Ileal Estate and Personal Property, on Weduesday, December 20th, 18G5. George .Miller, Walker township, Per sonal Property, ou Tuesday, December 2Gih, 1SG5. See new advertisemenU in to-day'i pa per for above sales. Covrt Proceedings. Acdos Snyder vs. Robert McCruro. Assumpsit. Ver dict for defcudant. Parker and Lyons for pl'ff, Doty for deft. W. II. Patterson et al vs. Jas. North. Action of ejectment. Verdict for dcfTt, Alexander and McKee for pl'ff, Doty and Parker for dofFt. Co"ia. vs. Samuel Chatbanis. Indict ment Larceny. Opiuion of tho Court below reversed by the Supreme Court, and the Court below directed to sentence Sentence Nine months in the county (jail, and pay a fine of one dollar and costs of prosecution. Com. vs. John Jenkins. Indidtment Larceny. True bill. Defendant plead guilty. Sentence Four months in the county jail, pay a fine of one dollar and cots of prosecution. Coni. vs. Ellen Kinder. Indictment Larceny. Continued. Com. vs. Alexander Leach. Iudict ment Larceny. Defendant plead not guilty. Verdict Guilty. Sentinoe One year and four months in the Eastern Penitentiary at solitary confinement at j hard lubor, pay a fine of one dollar and eosts. District Attorney and Lyons for Com., Doty for pl'ff. UIFFLIXTOWX AXD HARKE1S. PA. TTEHSOX FLOUR, MARKETINGS. Super, "j bbl. $7 r0 Butter, prime "ji lb 85 Kxtra, ............. 7 75 jliuitcr, n rate 30 t'uncv, 9 OU ILard, i'O Uc, Ji cwl. o (K) Tallow 12 Buckwheat 4 OU Corn Meii,... 1 73 GRAIN, White wbeit,... 2 10 Red Wheat i bu 1 W'J l'.ye W) Barley,... 13 Corn 70 Buckwheat, 1 00 Oam,' - M SEEDS, . Clover, bus 7 00 Timothy. 3 00 E(tg. doi 30 PURK. ilogs. cut 12 00 liain, lb . 25 Sides & Shoulders 10 BEEF, Fore qr.'pl ct 12 00 Hind qr 14 00 POULTRY, Chickens, jJ pair 50 Ducks, 40 ,'Jeese 1 00 (Turkeys 2 09 COAL, ton iUt 2 23 l!unpi.-ian.. . . . SO Irevcnton stove V UO do Egg 9 00 DIUED : kut, Xrulcs. bu 3 00 JSuubury stove 9 OO Peaches, Ht 50 da Eee 9 00 Cherriea, 10 10 8 Chestnut 8 00 Pea, ' 5 DO Mixed . a 00 WOOD, Oak, 4 00 Hickory, 4 50 HAY, Timothy, - 10 30 Clover. 8 00 Retailed Articles. Coal Oil t gal 1 00 Salt, fJ isack 3 60 Currents BlacVbfrnes, EMirherrie. POTATOES, New Irish, "j bu 100 Sweet 3 00 VAKir.TlES, Apr '.e?, t bu 1 50 Onion?, - 1 00 White Bonns,... 2 50 Beeswax, 'id R 45 Soap. dry Candles -. 10 Plaster, ton 10 00 25 Nails 10 00 Woo', washed...- 50 JUNIATA SENTINEL P. hits, 5 I In advance $2 00 Corrected weekly by SuloufT, Frow & Parker. rillLAOELFIIIA MARKETS. PniLAcrLrniA, Dec. 11, 1SC5. FLOUR & MEAL. The rates are con fined to small lots for the supply of home consumers at 8723-8 bbl. for super fine ; 83 25(0)0 for extras ; S3 50(o)9 50 tor northwest extra iamily ; glO(ull Tor Pa. and Ohio do, do , and $11 50(13 for for fancy lots, according lo quality. Rye Flour has declined 50c j3 bbl. with small sales at $3 50. Corn Meal is quiet. GRAIN. We quote new red at $2 102 20 ; old do. at S2 la2 25, and white at 82 40(2 70 bush. Rye ranges from SI to 81 06. Corn is not so abundant. Sales of new yellow at 80 83c, and old at S7e. 2000 bushels Dela ware Oats sold at 49c. There is a fair amount of Cloversced couiiug forward, but the most of it is of poor quality, and this description is not wanted. We quote within the range of 87 25 25, the latter for prime. Prices of Timothy are nominal. Small sales of Flaxseed at 83 153 20, at which figures it is taken on I 'arrival by the crushers. GOLD. Gold close 1 at ?1 43. On the 7th, iaat., by the Eev. E. Yf. Kirby. at the residence of the bride's father, in Mifflintowa, Mr. THOMAS 0. PAKKEE and Hiss. M. CHARLOTTE MARTIN, daughter of Capt. Martin, all of Mifflintowa. The happy eouple have our aineere thanks ror weir liberality to the Printer. May ihty enjoy mug, uppy ana prosperous luti, n interrupted by the chilling winds of adver sity. . HEALTH AND BEAUTY CHAPMAN'S ILLUSTRATED GUIDE, A beautiful little work of 50 pages,' teaches you how to remove Tan, Freeklea, Pimples, Blotohcs, Eruptions, and all imparities of the I Skin how to produce a full growth of WSWW Eers now to produce a lux unani growin oi ilair on a Bald Head cure Calarra Baiify the Blood, Purify Breath to Curl ani Beau tify the Hair, Remove Superfluois Hair, cure Drunkenness, cure Nervous- Debility, 4c, &c how to Renew your Aje, and other useful and valuable information. A coreof this work will be nailed free of charge on application. ' Address THUS. F- CHAPMAN, Chemist an Pmfomer, 831 Broatwayew York. Nov. 15'65-3m. I C4RI TO TUB Mi'FtKIXG? DO YOU WISH TO BS CURED? If so, swallow two or three hogsheads of 'Buchu," "Tonic Bitters," "Sarsayarrilla," "Nervous Antidotes," &c., &c.,.&a, and after you are satisfied with the result. then try one box of OLD DOCTOR B'JCHAa S ENGLISH SPE CIFIC PILLS and be restored to health and vigor in less than thirty days. They are pure ly Tegetable, pleasant to take, prompt and salutary in their effects on tho broken-dowa and shattered constitution. Old and young can take them with advantage. DR. BU CHAN'S ENGLISH SPECIFIC PILLS cure in less thin thirty days, the worst cases of NERVOUSNESS, Impotincy, Premature De cay, Seminal Weakness. Insanity, and all Urinary. Sexual, and .lervous Affections, no matter from what cause produced. Price, One Dollar per box. Sent, postpaid, by mail, on receipt of aa order. JAMES 9. UUlLfctl, No. 429 Broadway, New York, Genl. Agect P. 8. A box sent lo any address on receipt of price which is One Dollar pott free SnuA descriptive Circu lar sent on application. Nov. 1565- 8w. THIS WAY FOR BARGAINS ! NEW GOODS AT MICKEY & PEttttEL'5. The undersigned has just received a large stack of Dry Uoodt and Groceries at their store on Rail Road Street, in Patterson, which they are opening to the public, at tht following low prices . . , Pbists. ' Bkowm SbC atisqs. Best Quality at ..:...25lfe' Quality 40 S-cond -.24 j Sond .39 Third 20IBru DeLaisks. ff01 33 Plain (all wool)....70 ' Kiirnrort " I - Fancy and plain Flaxsels. fro-n.... 25to40 Scarlet.. 45to"0 White 4oto70 Plad 45to75 Shirting 45to7i All wool Socks-48to(Ja Boots k Shoes. Ladies- . . .,$2 to? 15 Misses $1 20to2 25 GlNflHAMS. Best Quality 3T Second......... ... ;.S3 Shiktiko ClfKCES. Best Quality 45 Second .40 Third 35 Mm i. os. Black and other Childrens ...4tllo8I 25 Oents Boots 53 50 7 50 Boys $1 25to2 2 Gbocebiks. !TTiirs....Sl 2lHil 40 Colors 50to$l 301 Skirts. Ba!fcoroL.S2 75to4 60,gUgftr hoise 70 tioip ait pr,cri, Sugars, brown.. 14tol8 Tickings 25, 3oto65 White J"3 Pasts STirr, Green Coffce....35to40 Jeans from 40to70 Ladies' Coata latest Satinet 70to$l 23!gtjl, Cassimeres...$l 25to3 jjr .$12 0Oto20 00 Breakfast Shawls Plaus. Ifrom $2toS All wdol..........45to80 Woolen Hoods75to2 50 Plad Cashmer...37to50 Hats and Caps al all Bleached Muslin pneea. Best Quality 50 Motions A full as Second 40 sortment of Lddies' & Third.. Fcurth .85. Gents' Gloves, Hos- 30!icry, &c. at all prices, Filth... 25,to suit purchasers. . Also, a full assortment of Queensware. Hardware, Tinware, Brooms, Brushes, Bask ets. Buckets. Tubs, Tobacco, Segars, &e., &c, usually kept in a country store. Purchasers will do well by calling and examening our stofk, before purchasing elsewhere, as ocr motto is to sell cheap for CASH or Country Produce. MICKEY PFNNELL, Nov. 29,'C5. ly. Patterson, Pa. ADMINISTRATORS' NOTICE. Notice is hereby given that letters of administra tion on the estate of SAMUEL OKESON, late of Beale township, deceased, have been grant ed to the undersigned, residing as aforesaid, by the Register of Juniata county. All persons knowing themsolres indebted to said es?te will make immediate payment, and those baTibg claims will present them duly authentica;?d for settlement. nov. 29-6w. N. OKESON', .iam'r. ADMINISTRATORS SoTICE". Notice is hereby given that letters of administra tion on the estate of JOEL YODEK, ia'e of Fermanagh township, deceased, have been granted to the undersigned, residing as afore said. All persons knowing themselves in debted to said estate will bake immediate payment, and those having ilainls will pre sent them duly, authenticated for settlement JONAS A. YODIR I . . , .NATHAN T0DE4 J -" nov. 29-Cw. ADMINISTRATORS' NOTICa. Notice is hereby given that letters of tdministra tion on the estate of HENRY STIE, late of Fermanagh township, deceased, have been granted to the undersigned, residing a afore said. All persons knowing theniselvtg in debted to said estate will make immediate payment, and those having claims will pre sent them duly authenticated for settlement, nov. 23-6w. CHARLES STINE, Adm'r. FLOUR & GRAIN, FLOUR and Grain, of all kinds, purohised at Market rates, or received on storage and shipped at the usual frieeht rates. Hav ing boats of our own, with eareful cantians and hands, we will ship freight of any kind to and from Philadelphia or any noint alone tha canal. SULOTJFF, FROW k PARKER. ceries - Prime Rio Coffee, Prepared Coffee. Pulver- ueu Sugar, Crushed Sagar, N. O. Sugar, S. H. Sugar, N, O. Molasses, S. H. Molaasos, Lovering Syrup, Chocolate, Mustard, Rice, t.'arch, Jiuimegs, Cloves, Cassia, Ginger, Corn Starch, Fish, Salt, ci, &c, for sale cheap at tuaJifw Stori in Patterson. Jnl-tf JEM TODD EltlTOKS OF YOUTH. a gentleman who suffered for year from , .... .mi Genial Debility. Nftthtly Emiss- fL. and Seminal Weakness, the result of youthful indiscretion, and oame near ending his days in aopeiets misery, wii. m u of suffering man, send to all who need it, free of charge,) the receipt and directions ror making the simple remedy used in bis Sufferers wishing to proBt by the ad Tertiser's and experience, and possess a sure and valuable remedy, can do so by addressing him at once at his place of business. The Recipe and full information of vital impor tancewill be cheerfully sent by return mail. Address JOHN B, OGDEN, No. 60 Nassau Street. New York. . p. S. Nervous Sufferers of both sexes will find this information invaluable Nov. 15, '6o-3m. - LOVE AND MA.TIitIOIY T.,li and Gentlemen, if you wish to marT ry, address the undersigned, who will sed youwithout moneyand without price, valuable information that will enable you to marry knrl .nauuiiiv. irresneotive of aze, l-Wl, K..,it Thia infnrn.ation will Cost you nothing, and if you wish to marry, I wUl oheerfully assist you. All letters strictly con- fidenta;. Tha Uesirea miormaiion " turn mail, and no Questions asked, jid.lress BAKAll B, LAMDlftlfi " Greenpoint, Kings County, New York. Nov. 15, 'G5-3m. DO YOU WISH TO BE CURED J Put not poisoned chalice to your lips, Or Death will be the fate of him who sips : But take the herbs in freshness from the field And to the potent roots disease will yield. Old Dr. BUCHAN's English Specific Pill cure, in less than thirty days, the worst cases of Xenounttt, Impotency, Premature Decay, Seminal weakness. Insanity, and all Urinary, Sexual or Nervous Affections, no matter from What cause produted. Price One iollar per box: Sent postpaid, by mail, on receipt of an order. Address . James s.- butler, 429 Bioadway, New York. P. 8. Descriptive Circular sent free on ap plication. Address as above. Hot- 1, '-Sw. t. H. aOLLHAa. W. H. aOLLMA ROLLMiX BROTH KRS. DRUGTAJJD JEWELRX STORE IflAIiY STRGT TWO Doors North of Belford's Store. MIFFLINTOWA, PA. XXX WE WOULD RESPECTFULLY CALL the attention of the publia to ear Stock of DRUGS, . MEDICINES, PERFUMERY, FANCY SOAPS, and a large variety of notions ; as also te our STOCK OF WATCHES, WATCH CHAINS, DREAST-PINS, EAR AND FINGER RINGS, SPECTACLES &C. fSf WATCHES, CLOCKS and all kinds of Jewelry repaired at the shortest notice and on the MOST REASONABLE TERMS. Igr- ORDERS from PHYSICIANS prompt ly attended to. A. liberal disoount to Pby. sicians. . . Sept. 27, '65-tf ROLLMAN BROTHERS MIFFLLN1WN TLX SHOP. 1 HAYING purchased the Tin and Sheet Iron Store, located on Bridge Stieet, Mifliin town, I would respectfully inform the public that I intend, to keep constantly on hand a general assortment of COOK & PARLOR STOVES, 1 in and Japan ware, the largest and best in the county, and as to quality and workman ship.cannot be surpassed. SP0UT1XG, B00FIXG, Jo anil Sheeting work, will be promptly at tended to either ia town or country.,-Brass Copper and Enameled French Preserving Ket tles, Dippers, Braes, Coppery French Tinned. Enamelled Hollow Ware, Waffle Irons Coal Shovels, Fruit Cans, both common and Patent, and of various measures, always on hand and for Rale Persons in want of anything in the aboTe line are requested to give me a call before purchasing elsewhere, as 1 feels confident that I can suit them either as regaids the article ir the price. S3T Old copper. Bras ani Pewter benght and the highest price paid in cash or goods JACUU U. W1AC.K. Oct. 18, 1&5. ly. riENNSTLVANIA RAILROAD. ON AND IT after Monday, Nov. 20th 1865, Passenger Trains will leave Mifflin station as follows EASTWARD. Philadelphia Express.. 12.37, P. M. Fast Uae 6.31, A. M. Day Impress.- 11.18, A. M. Cincinnati Express . 4.31, P. M. Mail Train....! 10.20 P. M. WESTWARD. Pittsbg.&. Erie Mail.... 2.50, A. M. Baltimore Express 4.59, A. M. Philadelphia Express.. 5.30, A. M. Fast Line 6.21, P. M. Mail Train,.;....;....... 3.53, P. M. Emigrant Train. 19.07. A. M. JAMES NORTH, Ag't. MEDICAL CARD. BR. S. O. KJ2MPFER, (late army snr geon) having located in Patterson tend ers his professional services to the citizens o this place and surrounding country. Dr. K. having had eight years experience in hospital, general, and army practice, feels prepared to request a trial from those who may be so unfortunate as to need medical at tendance. He will be found at the brick building op posite the "Sshtisi Orrtcs," or at his resi dence in the borough of Patterson, at all hours, except when professionally engaged. July 22, 1865.-tf. TO TEACHERS. ELLSWORTH'S Copy Books ean be had at Weidman's Book Store, for $1.90 per doz en or 17 cents each. Anv teaeher nsinir over Five Dozen Cony Books in his School, previous to April, 18G6, willree eive a prise from H. M. Cudbr, tsach- Nov. :2,'6-4t- noes AT IHI or SULOUFF, FROW AND PARKER, IS TH CaTSTAL PAZACa BUILDISO, MIFFLINTO WN, PA. fjlHE UNDERSIGNED HAVING PDR J.' chased the stock of goods formerly be losging to Sulouff k Stambaugh, and having added to it quite an assortment from the Phil adelphia market, are now ready to snplly the citiiens of Mifflintowa aud vicinity with any thing and everything that ia usually kepi in a country store, anL great many things, that have never been kept bafore. We are . deter mined to sell goods at a REDUCED PRICE and make it an object for tba people to buy from us. A large stock of DRY UUODS, con slating of Ladies Dress Goods, such as FRENCil MERINOS, SHEPHERD PLAIDS, (all wool, FANCY PLAIDS, (all wool) PLAIN WOOL DELAINES DRESS FLANNELS, PLAIN SACK FLANNELS, WHITE FLANNELS, BLOj? TWILLED FLANNELS, RED TLAUXSLS, MUSLINS, BREAKFAST SHAWLS, 4c, 4. Can be had at . SULOUFF, FROW & PARKER'S. MOURNING DRESS GOODS; Black Shawls. ' Teils, Coanrs, Gloves, Gauntlets, Second Dfonrning Balmorals, Hoods, Ac, Ac. Everything desirable in this line, and a very large stock, At Sulouff, Frow A Parker's. A FULL assortment of Gentleman's Goods, consisting of Cloths, Cassimeres, Satinetts. Over Coatings, ... Vestinqs. Can it had at SCLOUFF, FROW & PARKER'S. WE have one room devoted entirely "to . Gents Furnishing Goods and Ready Made Clothiug, sue) as Coats, Pants, Tests, Over Coas, Boots & Shoes, Hats & Caps, White Shirts Flannel Shirt9, Undershirts, and . . Dtnwers; SULOUFF, FROW & PARKER. A FULL assortment of TRUNKS and TRAT ELVING BAGS. Also, XOTIOXS, such as Hose, Gloves, Buck Gloves and Mils, (very best quality,) Kid Gloves for ladies and gents, unfinished Kid. at SULOUFF, FROW & PARKER'S WE have on hand a good quality of Hard ware, comprising a full assortraont of CARPEXTER TOOLS, k BLACKSMITH TOOLS, such as Anvils, Bellows, &c, Shoe maker Tools, Saws, Axes, Augurs, Iron, Steel. Nails, Horse Shoes and Horse Shoe Nails by the keg and pound, Ropes of all sizes from 2 inches down to inch by the pound. Buggy and Wagon Sprins, Grind Stones, and Grind Stone Pictures, at " r SULOUFF, FROW 4 PARKER'S . . CARTETS ! CARPETS ! 1 A LARGE and good variety of A LL WOOL, RAO arid HEMP CARPETS on hand and for sale cheap, at SULOUFF, FROW & PARKER'S FUMBEKt LUMBER 1 1 - A fill assortment, such as Boards, Pickets, Lath, Shingles, Doors and Sash, on hand nd for sale by SULOUFF, FROW & PARKER THE best quality of MKCKEREL, HER RIXO and SIAD always on hand. And, also, a good supply of Plaster and Calcined Plaster, at SULOUF, FROW & PARKER'S. COA1-! COAL,!! A large quantity of Nut, Egg, Prepared, Blacksmith and Limeburner's Coal on handend for sale by SULOUFF, FROW & PARKER. Persons ean be supplied with Coal, Plaster, Sih, 4e., at the lowest, price, by our agent at ompsontown, ELIIIU BENNER, who is also authorised to purchase Grain and give the highest market Prices. J6T Mr. CLINE is, also, our ant sorted agent at Perrysville to purchase Grain and sell Coal, Plaster and Salt for us. Give na a call and you cannot fail to be pleased. lfcS" Highest prices paid for Country Pro- I duce, and taken in exchange for goods. ctoberij 1853. NEW GOODS at MW PRICES AT MRS. F- HANNEMAN'S IN PATTERSON, o WHO has just returned from the City with a large assortment of Xillinery and Fancy Goods, Consisting in partof Bonnets and Bonnet Silks, Flowers, and Trimmings, EmbordeVieSj Lace Goods, Handkerchiefs.. Balmoral Skirts, Hoop Skirts, Gloves, Bead GimpS and Ornaments, Notions and small wares, forming the best assortment of FALL AND WINTER GOODS la the Connty. She solicits a call from the publio, being confident that she ean suit all. B0TICE. H Persons indebted to the late firm of Sulouff 4 Stambaugh, will please call and make settlement with the undersigned, who will, for a short time, give his personal attention to books and accounts of the late firm. He will be found at the office of the late place ef business, JACOB 8TAMBAUOU. A VALUABLE FARM At Private Sale ! . , . i .. T - - THE undersigned often his farm, at private sale, situated ia Fayette township, Juni ata connty. Pa., five miles from Mifflin town, two miles from MeAliitersville and tbree fourths of a mile from Oakland Mills, adjoin ing lands of Adam Wsidxan, Joha Hoffman and others, containing One hundred of which are cleared and in a good State of cultivation, being lately well limed, the balance well set with heavy timber. Ths improvements are a LARGE LOG HOUSE, Suitable for two famalies, a large Stone Bank Uarn, Wagon House, Carnage House, nana House, Stone Spring House and other out buildings ; two Apple Orchards one young; rehard in good bearing condition, with choice fruit; also, excellent water at the door, a spleudid stream running close by the building, through the farm ; there is a lime kiln on tha farm and a quarry of choice lime-stone con venient to the farm The property is conve nient to churches, schools, stores, mills, and shops of all kinds. Persons desiring to view the propertycan do so by calling on the un dersigned residing on the farm. For further particulars, address, S. H. KINZER, - Oakland Mills, Juniata County, Pa, VALUABLE FARM i T P.UBLIC SALE THE UNDERSIGNED WILL SELL OX the premises, in Spruce Hill township, Janiata county, at 1 o'clock, P. M., on Wednesday, December 20, 1865, ,..TBB lOLLOWIXO EIAL ISTATB 10 WIT. A Tract at Land situated in said township and county, adjoining lands of Thomas 1. Milliken, Silas Sniita, aad others, containing TWO Rl.DRED ACRES, About 150 of which are cleared, in a (rood state of sultiration and under good fences, and the balance the best quality of limber land. The improvements are a . .. Good 1) wTrlling House, GOOD BABN, and all the necessary out buildings, an excellent ORCHARD or grafted fruit, a Spring of water with running pump. convenient to the door, and a stream ef running water passing through the premises. The above farm is one of the best in the eo'isty, convenient to schools, churches. mills and stores, and will be sold on reason able terms, j- - - .-.- : - J0H2I McKEAL. Nov. 22, '65-ts. A Valuable Farm AT Private Sale! '"PnE t-ndcrsigned offers at private sale, that X well known farm, situated in Fayette township, J'.' county,- Fa-, about 6 miles from Mimintown and reau S. railroad, 1 mil from Oakland Mills and 1J toites from McAlis tersville. The Ceder Spwng road from Mif. fimtown to Sunbury, passes through the premi ses. The farm contains about .70 ACRES, Of the first quality of Limestone Land. The improvements are a large Itrlck lloose, 35 by 4r, with an excellent well of limestone water at the door ; a large Frame ltank. Barn, 80 by 45 feet, corn crib, wagon shed, carriage house, tool house, and work shop. All these buildings are new and bum in a substantial manner. The land is all cleared blit 7 acres, which is under good fence, and in a gool state of cultivation, wilh running water through the prertircs. There is, also a first rate ' -. -: . opened on the farm. Two apple orchards. filled with a choice selection of grafed fruit For further particulars, enquire of Lucian Wileoni Esq.. at Oakland Mills, who is au thorised to sell. ROBERTvMcALISTEK. Oct. 24, lSoo-tf. - , , - LADIES' FANCY FURS! ! AT JOHN FAREIRAS Far Xaanfadtory, !fo. 718 Arth Sunt, above 7th, Phila, 'zie I nave now in store J of my own Importa- and Alanarac- -ture. one of the lar- 1F tiful selections of FANCY FURS, for CHILDREN'S WEAR in the City. Also a fine assortment of Gents' Far Gloves and Collors. I am enabled to iispc?! it my goods at very reasonable prices, and 1 would therefore solicit a ball from my jriends of Juniata coun ty and viefnity. gg Remember the Name, Number and Street. " JOHXT FABSIRA, 718 Arch Street, above 7th, south side,. PHILADELPHIA, (cja. I bave no partner, nor connection with any other store in I'hilsielphia. Oct. 4,JB5-4m. ESTATE NOTICE Estate of Jonas Seibcr dec'J. Notice is hereby given that letters ot Tes tamentary on the estate of Jonas Seiber. late of Walker township, deceased, have been granted to the undersigned residing in the same township. All persons' knowing; hem selves indebted to said estate are reqnest d to make immediate payiaeftt and those hav ng claims will please present them duly au thenticated for settlement. -j ' SAMUEL SEIBEP Jr; Pr,,uiM ABRAM SEIBER- BuaUan. Nov. 15, '65. 6t. . . - AGEHT3" WASTED I To canvass the new steel engravings of Woman's Mission, Lincoln Family, Early Days of Washington, Ac. Femgrapk Cartes de Vitiie or A Hum Pictstru, At greatly reduced Prices. Sja Special terms to disabled soldiers. JtSend for Catalogue with terms. JOHN DAINTY, Publisher. 15 S. Sixth Street, Philadelphia, Pa- ""7 For Ssle. AHORSE AND MARE, near Ceatre School House; Spruce Hill towashin, Juniata ounty. j, p. U. LOXO, ov. T..-4t, 7