Juniata sentinel. (Mifflintown, Pa.) 1846-1873, December 13, 1865, Image 2

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    VftJgr'IWJM -J I -'-Jg
(be dumeati interpretationa of toe law,
are the measure of iU duty as a neutral ;
and I foe) tonod to declare my opinion,
before you and before the world, that that
justification cannot be sustained before the
tribunal of nations. At the tami time 1
do not advia to anv present attempt at
redress by acta of lcipslation. Fop the
future, friendship between the to coun
tries must rest on the basis &f mutual jus
tice. From the momo of the ei'tabl'whment
of our lree Co'jstitutio; the civiliied
world ha be-n convvJ,Secl by revolutions
iu the interests. Df democracy or of
monarchy; bat thronch all of those rev
olution 'a United States have wisely
anu raily iefued to become propagandi
ses of republicanism. It is the only gov
eminent suited to our condition : but we
Lave never soaght to impose it on others ;
and Wo have consistently followed the ad
rice of Vahiutrton to recommend it only
Vy the careful preservation and prudent
r t 1 T - .
uao oi me Diessiucr. A'unu an me
intervening period the policy of European
Towers and of the United States has, on
the whole, been harmonious. Twice, in
deed, rumors of the invasion of some
parts of America, iu the interest of mon
archy, have prevailec; iwice my predeces
sors have had occasion to announce the
iews of this nation in respect to such in
terference. On both occasions the re
monstrance of the United States was res
tated, from a deep conviction, on the
part of European governments, that the
ej stem ot non-mterlerence and mutual
abstineuce from propagandise! was the
true rule for the two hemispheres. Since
those times we have advanced in wealth
aud power ; but we retain the same par
pose to leave the natious of Europe to
choose their own dynasties and form their
own systems of government. This con
sistent moderation may justly demand a
corresponding moderation. We should
regard it as a great calamity to ourselves,
to the cause of good government, and to
ho peace of the world, should any Euro
pean Tower challenge the American peo
ple, as it were, to the defence of republi
canism agaiust forcigu interference. We
cannot foresee and are unwilling to con-
aider what opportunities might present
themselves, what combinations might of
fer to protect ourselves against designs
inimical to our form of government.
The Luited States desire to act iu the fu
ture as they have acted heretofore ; they
never will be driven from that com so but
by the aggrcsMOQ of European Tower ;
and ws rely on the wisdom and justice of
those Powers to respect the system of non
luterlereuce which bas so lung been sanc
tioned by time, and which, by its good re
sults, has approved itself to both conti
nents. Ths correspondence between the United
States and trance, in reference to ques
tions which have become subjects of dis
cussion between the two eoveraments
will, at a proper time, be laid before
When, on the organization of our gov
ernment, uuuer the Constitution, the Pres
ident of the United States delivered bis
inaugural address to the two Houses of
Congress, he said to them, and through
them to the country and to mankind, that
"the preservation of the sacred Cre of
liberty and te dcitiuy ot the repuolican
model of goverement are justly consider
ed as deeply, perhaps as finally staked on
the experiment intrusted to the Ameiicao
people." And the House of Representa
tives answered Washington by the voice
of Madison : "We adore the invisible
hand which has led the American pnp!e,
through so many difficulties, to cherish a
conscious responsibility for the destiny of
republican liberty. .More than seventy
eix years have glided away siueo these
words were spoken ; the United States
have passed through Eeverer trials than
were foreseen ; and now, at this new ep
och iu our existence as one nation, with
our Union purified by sorrows, and
strengthened by conflict estabUhed by the
tue of the peoplo. the greatness of the oc
casion invites us ouce more to repeat, with
solemnity, the pledget of cur fathers to
hold ourselves answerable before our fcl-low-uien
fur the success of the republi
can form of government. Experience
has proved its sufficiency in peace and in
war; it has vindicated its authority
through dangers and afllictons and sud
den and terrible emergencies which would
have crushed any system that had been
less firmly fixed in the hearts of the peo
ple. At the inauguration of Washing
ton the foreign relations of the country
were few, and its trade was repressed by
hostile regulations ; now all the civilized
nations of the globe welcome our com
jneree, and their governments profess to
wards us amity. Then our country felt
its way hesitatingly along au untried path,
with .States fo little bound together by
rapid roeaus of communication as to be
hardly known to ouc another, and with
historic traditions rxtending over very
few years; no T intercourse between the
States is swift and intimate the experi
ence of centuries has been crowned into
a few generations, and has created an in
tense, indestructible nationality. Then
iur jurisdiction did not reach beyond the
inconvenient boundaries of fbe territo
ry which had achieved independence ;
now, throneh cessions of landi, fit col
onized by Spain and France, the country
has acquired a more complex character,
and has for its natural limits the chain ot
Lakes, the Gnlf of Mexico aid on the
cast and west the two great oceans.
Other nations were wasted by civil wars
for sges before they could establish for
themselves the necessary degree of unity ;
the latent conviction that our form of
gevernment is the best ever known to the
tforld, has enabled ns to emerge from the
rivil war within four years, with a com
plete vindication of the constitutional nu
ffcerity of the peperal government, and
with onr laral liberties afid Slate institu
tions unimpaired. The- throngs of emi
grant that crowd Ut our shores are wit
nesses of the confidence of all peoples in
our permao'iice. Here is the great land
of free Va'bor, where industry is blessed
Ua unexampled rewards, and the bread
of the workingman is sweetened by tbe
coukc.ousness that the cause of the coun
try "is his own cause, Lis own safety, his
1 - JJ Tl - - . . '
own dignity, xiere every ecu bujuj
the free use of his. facsltics and the
choice of activity as a natural right.
Here, under the combined influence of a
fruitful soil, genial climes and happy in
stitutrons. population has increased fif
teen fold within a century. Uere through
the easy developmsut of bound!e s re
sourcesi wealth has increased with two
told greater rapidity than aimlitn, bo
that we have become secure against the
fiuencil vicissitudes of other countries,
and; alike in business and in opinion, are
truly independent. Here more aad more
cars is given to provide education for ev
ery one born on our soil. Here religiou
released from political connection with
the civil government, refuses to subserve
the craft of statesmen, and becomes, in
its independence, the spiritual life of the
people. Here toletation is extended to
every opinion, in the quiet certainty that
truth needs only a fair field to secure
the victory. Here the human mind goes
forth uushactLeled in the pursuit of sci
ence, to collect stores of knowledge, and
acquire an ever increasing mastery over
the forces of nature. Here the national
domain, is offered and held in millions of
separate freeholds, so that our fellow-C'ti-zens,
beyond the occupants of any other
part of the earth, constitute in reality a
peoplo. Here exists the democratic form
of government; and that form of gov
ernment, by the cenfesaion of European
statesmen, "gives a power of which no
other form is Capablo, because it incorpo
rates every man with the State, and
arouses everything that" belongs to the
Where in past history, does a parallel
exist to the public happiness which is
within the reach of tbe people ot the
Uuitcd States ? Where, in any part oo
the globe, can institutions be found of
suited to their habits or so entitled to
lUeir love as their own free Constitution ?
Every one of them, then, in whatever
part of the land he has his home, must
wish its rjerpeinrty. What of tnem will
not now acknowledge, in the words of
Washington, that ,levery step by which
the people of the United States have ad
vanced to the character of an independ
ent nation, seems to have been distin
guished by some token of Providential
agency !" Who will not join with me in
the prayer that the invisible hand which
has led us through the clouds that gloom
ed around our .atn, will so guide s on
ward to a perfect restoration of fraternal
affection, that we of this day may be able
to transmit our great inheritance of .State
governments in atl their righ's of the
general government in its whole consti
tutional vigor, to onr posterity, and they
to theirs through countless generations.
Washington, December 4, '65.
Pennsylvania Congressmen,
Tho following srs tha birth years,
name?, native couuuj, wu wvupu .
the two Senators aud twenty four Repre
sentatives in the National Congress :
1793 Thaldnus Stevens, Vermont, lawyer.
ISO'S Thomas Williams, Pet-Ji'a, do
do Jas. K. Monrehead do contractor.
1809 George F. Miller, do jer.
1810 Adani J. Glossbrenner, Md. editor.
1813 John L. Dawson, Penu'a, lawyer.
1814 William D. Kelly, do - do
1815 Edgar Cowan do ' do
1816 John M. Broomal do do
'do Abraham A. Barker, Maine, merchant.
1817 Glenni W. Scofield, N. Y. lawysr.
1818 Charles Dcnnison, Penn'a, do
do Geo V. Lawrence, do farmer,
do Ulysses Mercur do lawyer,
do Philip Johnson, N. J. do
1819 M: Rus3el Thayer Virginia do
1821 Charles O'Neill, renna do
do Stephen F. Wilson, do do
do Ohas. R. Buckalew do do
182a M. Markley Boyer do do
Sydenham E. A neon do do
1825 Myer Strouae Germany do
18J7 Leonard Myers, Penn'a do
1828 Alex. II. Coffroth do do
do Snm'l J Randall do merchant.
1830 Charles V. Culver, Ohio, banker.
Mr. Dawson's seat is contested by Di.
Smith Fuller, and Mr. Coffroth'sby Gen.
Win. II. Koont.
Of the 26 Members, 20 arc lawyers,
and 6 are not 18 were born in the State,
and 8 without. Old Vermont leads the
list with wisdom and ago, and young Ohio
closscs it with vim and vigor. Our mem
ber, Col. Miller, is well towards the head,
and no doubt will set a proper examjle
and take good care of the boys.
Pennsylvania Steel Works.
An immense establishment is now in
progress which will be the most extensive
ever erected in America, and will be on
this continent what the celebrated works
at Sheffield, England are in Europe.
One thousand experience! workmen in
steel will be brought from England, while
fifteen hundred skilled mechanics will be
required for the full operation of the
works. This will be a great national ad
vantage, as a very large amount of gold
is annually sent to Europe for what will
now be manufactured here. Our great
State of Pennsylvania, and our Capital, is
selected for the important enterprise.
The officers of the Company have fixed
upon the Keller farm, 2 miles southeast
of Harrisburg, immediately on tbe lino
of the Railroad, and engineers are already
on the ground surveying the necesFary
lines for the area required for the creetiou
of the works. This will give a great im
petus to the growing p roiperity of liar-
A. union of lakes, and a union of lands,
A union iso power shall sever; '
A union of hearts, and a union of band,
A nd the American I nwH forever!
Wednesday Morning, Dec. 13, 1865.
U. II. WILSON, Editor and Publisher
has the Largest Circulation of any paper pub
lished in this County. It is therefore the
iest advertising medium. It is a Paper, truly
loyal, ably conducted, a nrst class vocalist,
and well worthy of the patronage of every
loyal citizen in the County.
President's Message.
We present to our readers this week all
the important portions of the President's
Message. Had it not been too long for
our columns, we should have published it
entire. We have not, however, omitted
anything that is of generel interest. It
is an able and comprehensive State paper,
and no doubt expresses the views and prin
ciples that will govern President Johnson
through his entire Administration.
Congress has assembled at Washington
and commenced its session on Monday, the
4th day of December. Hon. Schuyler
Coltax Was elected Speaker, and Hon. Ed
ward McPherson Clerk. None of the
members fiom the States lately in rebell
ion were permitted to take their seats.
lien. Thaddeus Stevens offered a resolu
tion which, we think, will settle the ques
tion of their admission, at least until he
sees proper to bring up the matter, which
we sincerely hope will not be daring the
present session. The following is the
resolution :
Resolved, By the Senate and Souse of
Representatives in Congress aisembled,
that a joint committee of fifteen shall be
appointed, nine of whom shall be mem
bers ot tbe House and six of the Senate,
who shall enquire into the condition of
tbe States which formed the so-called ton
federate States of America, and report
whether they or any of them are entitled
to be represented in either House of Con
ere3s, with leave to report at any time by
bil', or otherwise; and, until such report
shall have been made and finally acted
upon by Congress, no members shall be
received in either House from any of the
paid so-called Confederate States, and all
nsncrs relating to the Representatives of
i n i -r i n
said Mates, snail do reiurreu to tue com
mittee without debate.
The Copperhead papcr3 of course are
teeming with abuse of the Union mem
bers for refusing to admit their Southern
brethren. Their sympathy for the last
four years has been with them and it
would be quite unnatural if they refused
them "aid and comfort" now. If the
Copperheads could only devise some plan
whereby they might secure the admission
of their "reconstructed" friends, what a
reunion and communing of congenial spir
its there would be. What a record these
men who pronounced the war "four years
of failure," could exhibit to the men who
failed to die in the "last ditch." How
mutually they could boast of tbeir iofa
mous deeds, and rejoice over the treasuie
that was wasted, the blood that was shed
aud the murder that was committed, and
for which they are equally accountab'e.
Tho resolution offered by Mr. Stevens and
thb decided stand that the Union mem
hers have taken relative to this matter
will meet with the unqualified endorse
ment of the people. We believe in keep
ing Rebels out of Congress. It is time
enough to admit them when that devilish
spirit of treason is fully eradicated.
t&.The Right Way, is the name of s
decidedly neat little weekly, published
gratuitously at Boston. The aitices con
tained therein arc apparently the offspring
of master minds, as they are well written
and to the.point. It cereainly has "the
right way" in the great issues of the day.
It is in favor of making Jeff Davis an ex
ample for his treason, by punishment and
thinks the gray-haired traitor Lee not a
whit oetter than Jeff. It joins heartily
in the support of the President, and de
nounces such men as Greeley and Beech-
cr in their "soft sodcring" to the robels
Any one desiring a copy free, will address
William W. Thayer, 221 Washington St,
ffsVUtad the new advertisement.
3Uv Qfatttlsmnts.
ILL be sold at Publie Sale, in the bor
ough of Perryaville, on -
A Valuable HOUSE and LOT, with a never
failing well of water, and a large cistern at
the door, situated en Main Street, near Kep
aer's Store. Persons wishiag to purchose can
view the property at any time.
fA-Sals to commence at 1 o'clock, F. M.,
of said day, when terms Will be made known
by V. r ni.Li.iio.
Dec. II, 'tio.-tt. -
ftBPHAjrS COURT SALE. By virtue of
V an order of tbe Orphan s Count, the fol
lowing valuable real estate will be exposed to
public sale on the premises, on OATUBDAYj
JANUARY 13th, 1866:
bout the one-third of a House and Lofc of
Ground situated in the borough of Perrysville,
Juniata county, Pa,, on the north side of Mar
ket street, adjoining lot or TT aisoa btuart s
heirs on tbe west, and running north to an al
ley, with appurtenances.
TERMS. Ten per cent, of tbe purchase
mney to be paid when tbe property is struck
down, one-third of the whole to be paid on tbe
Confirmation of th.esale, one-tbird on the first
or April next, anu me resiuue in one year
thereafter with interest from the 1st of Apri
next, to be secured by judgment bond.
Sale to commence at 1 o'clock, P. M., when
attendance will be given by
of David Alter, dee'd.
Sec- 13. iS65-tds.
an Order of the Orpl tans' Court the fol
lowing Taluable Real Estate will be exposed
to pnblio Sale on the premises on
A tract of land situated in Fermanagh
township, Juniata county, adjoining lands of
Wm. Kaufiman and Daniel Seiher, on the pub
lic road, between Wm. Kaufinian aud Abra
ham Stoner'a residences, containing TWO
ACRES more or less, 'having thereon erect
ed a good Log Hoose, Log Stable, Stone
Spring House, with well of never-failing water
at the door, u4 u Orchard of young fruit
TEEMSfea per cent of the pnrchas
money to be paid on the eoofirm&tinu of tbe
Sale by the Court, one-half the ballance on
the first day of April, 1866, when a deed
will be delivered and possession given, and
the remaining half on the First of April 1867.
with interest from first of April I860, to be
Secured by judgment Bond.
sale to commence at 1 o clock P. M., when
attendence will be given by
guardian of William Ort.
Dec. 1365.
THE undersigned offers at Private Sale, a
Lot of Ground, situated in McAlisters
ville, Juniata county, Pa., containing
More or less, having thereon created three
DWELLING HOUSES, with never failing
wells of water at the door, a LARGE BANK
BARN, Corn-Crib, Wagon Shed, and other
out-buildings. There is, also, choice fruit on
the premises, such as
Apples, Peaches, Cherries, &c
and a large variety of grapes. The land is
all cleared, nad under good feuce, mad ia in a
high state of cultivation.
This property is situated in, and adjoining
the towu of McAlUlersvills. Persons wiahiug
to purchase, can see tbe property and ascer
tain the terms by calling on
Residing on the premiseS
Dee. 13, 'G5.-41.
WILL be offered at public sale on the
premises, in Milford township, Juniata
county, Pa., on
A tract of land situated kbout two miles from
Patterson, in the above namad township,
bounded on the North by lands of Henry
Aughey i oh the North-West by A, Gus, Sr. ;
on the West by D.tvid Sulouff, Sr., and on the
south by George McDonald, containikg
200 .L.o:rO,
More or less, abont 100 acres of which are
leared, well fenced, and in a state of good
cultivation, the balance being well timbered,
having thereon erected a large
Bank Barn, Corn-Crib. Wagon Shed, and other
necessary out-buildings. A well of good wa
ter at the door. The farm is well watered.
There is a young PEACH ORCHARD, con
taining about 200 trees, and an Apple Orchard
of Grafted Fruit.
The property is convenient to stores', chur
ches, schools, and mechanics of all kinds.
B Sale to commence at I o'clock , P. M-,
of said day, when attendanoe will be given
and terms made known by
Wm. Given, .iaetumfer.
Pee. 13, '6S.-ts.
Assignee's Sale of Valuable
npHB following valuable Real Estate, will bo
JL sold on the premises, about one-half mile
from Jobnstowe, Juniata county, Pa., on
A tract of Land, containing 5 ACRE! and
126 perches, having thereon erected a
Good Dwelling Ilouse,
BANK BARN.iand other necessary out-buildings.
Also, A TANNERY, in good order,
witb all tb AMMMty bnUiingw amd Machin
ery, situated in tbe midst or a good bark
There will also be sold at same time and
place, two tracts of
well set with Chestnut and Chestnut Oak Tim
ber, situated about one mile from the Tannery
eontaining respectfully 100 and 300 hundred
TZRMS.- Ten per cent, of the purchase
moaey to be paid when the property is strick
en down ; half the balance on the first day of
April, 1869, when a deed will be delivered and
possession given, and the remainder on the
first day of February, ISC', to be secured7 by
fft7eale to commence at i o clocit, r.
when attendance will be given by
Afiinct of UEyRT BRVSlKEIt,
Pee 18, 5.-t. j
at 91. SO Per Annum-
For every Club of Forty Subscribers,
1 Vtutler fc Wilton best $55, Sewing Kaehine,1
With two extra eopies to the getter up of the
less than' forty subscribers, we will allow
$1.23 for each subscriber on the price of said
s'.etl engraving of PaksibsitT Libcolm, (full
length,) AftDBBW-JcHBSwH, Lieut. Giskeal
Ob axt or Shebm am on horseback, worth $3.00
each, with an extra copy to the getter up of
the clnb.
those splendid steel engravings of the Uni
form Series of
comprising Presidents Lincoln and Johnson,
Lieut. Gen'l Grant, Major General Sherman,
Sheridan, Thomas, M'cClellan, Fretlont, Ad
mirals Farragut and Porter, George and Mar
tha Washington, each, 19x24 inches, worth
These splendid portraits should adorn every
Tbe Statesman is the largest, cheapest and
best fsmily paper published, suited fur every
family. Try it once and you will never be
withott it. Send for copies and gc't up your
67 Nassva Stbeet, Ne w York.
Dec. 13, 6j.-6oi.
The undersigned will hereafter require Cah
for all FLOL'R, FEED, Sc.. when delivered,
and those who are in arrears will be required
to pay up immediately.
Dec. 6-8t. liilfor.l Mill.
As the rocm now occupied by me as a Cloth
ing Store, will be occupied for other purpo
ses in the Spring, I now offer my entire
stock of CLOTHING at cost prices, for
Dec. 6, '65. F. M. MICKEY,
Mechanics, Look Here
SEALED Proposals will be received by Wm.
Sterrett, J. V. Bealeand Joshua Stn-ncr.
Supervisors of Milford. Fra!e and Spruce Hill
townships, tp to SATURDAY. DECEMBER
16, 1?T55, for the re-building of the wire foot
way across Tuscarora C cek, near Robert
Robisons fording. For specification, applr
Dec. 6, '6..-2t. upervisora.
(Late Major in Quarter Mastet Department,)
Real Estate Broker & Conveyancer.
Iarnis in Pennsylvania, New Jersey, Mary
land, Delaware and Yrgiuia. Have
Agents in all of the above Siatei.
Catalogues now ready for di.stribul:on by
sending a (tamp. te& Officers and Soldier's
Claims adjusted. JjQi Collection made in all
States. ft. K. CORSON.
Ill South, -lib Street-, Pliiladclpnia.
liux M 8, Philadelphia V. O. Ta
Dec. fi, 'OC.-Siii.
T pHE undersigned, having been appointed
X by the Orphans" Court of Juniata county.
Trustee, to sell the Real Estate of Peter Hil
bish, late of Elkhart county, Indiana, dee'd.,
situated in Monroe townIiin .Tunisia rmmiv
Pa., will offer at public sale, on the premises,
Thcbsday, December 2S, 'Go,
at 1 O'CLOCK, A. M., Tie following describ
ed Real Estate, bounded on the North by lands
of John Gingrich and Isaac HulJcman, ou the
West by Heirs of Wm. Sellers, and Joseph
iiioyer, on iue ooum oy nattier kauver, and
A. H. Landis, aud on tho East by Joseph
Niemond and Issaac Boltizer, containing
S,Zw3 Acres
Of valuable Lime Slone Land, one Hnndrcd
and Forty of which is cleared and in a state
of good cultivation the balance beinj timber-
land, whereon is erected a Large Two Story
Frame Mansion House and Tenant House,
with never failing water in the Houses and
yards. Large Bank Barn, Large Orchard of
cnoice rrun jrees, or an Kinds, t he Tim-
berland is of the best quality of Oak and
Chestnut, and within eight miles of the Juni
ata River.
One-half the Grain in the ground to be
soiu whu me piace.
Terms made known on d.ny of sale.
Bee. 6, 1805.-18. "
Valuable Property at Public Sale !
WILL be offered at public sale at the res
dence of tbe undersigned residiue in
T..I..H I V- I ... .
..uiicii. luwusnip, Tunisia county, ra., on
The Fulloiring Real Kiln !e and rersonal Prop.
trttf, to kUK tract of Land situated in tbe
above named township, adjoining lands of An-
urew ?mttn, rm. Turbett, Henry Rilzman
anu oiners, containing
More or less, about 111 acres cleared and
in a good state of Cultivation, having rethe
on erected a
Weather-boarded, New Bank Barn, Stone
Spring Honse, a Stone building suitable for
TOui-nouw, anu otner necessary out-buildings.
There is a never-failine snrinir of Wa
ter convenient to- tho house, and a pump of
mining m im unrn yard. FOLK
HORSES, Two Colts, Four Cows, One Devon
shire Bull, Five head of Young Cattle, Five
head of Fat Hogs, Nine Shoats, One large
Wagon, Onetwo-borse Wagon, One Spring
Wagon. One Buggy, ONE GRAIN DRILL,
One Wind Mill, One Cultivator, Harrows,
Plows, Wagon Bed, Hay Ladders, Cutting
Box, Two Sleighs, a general assortment of
Horse Gears, a large lot of Hay, Coc Stove,
One nine-plate Stove, One Cupboard, a large
lot of Apple ButUr, together with a geberal
assortment of household goods and fanning
Sale to commence at 10. o'clock, A. 31.,
when att-radancs r:!i fce givea aid tsrss
nads iasws V
P:s. 5-'. SA'iCLL l SATES.
TeeA inserted opon an entirely new style
of base, wnich is a combination of Gold an
English Rubber, (vulcanite. ) Also Americaa,
Rubber, (vulcanite,) which for. beauty, dura
bility, cleanliness, and the restoration of ta
natural contour of the face, cannot be tur
passed, Either of the above bases
Special attention will be mad to disease!
gums, and a cure warranted or no ctarge
made. Tetth filled to latt for life. .
DeT Triumph in Dentiatry t
by a new process, without the use of ether,
chloroform or nitrous oxide, and no dangor.
Having been in business for upwards of tea
years, five of which baa been spent in MitBin
town, and being in possession of. the lateit
improved imtrumtnti and Machinery, I warrant
entire satisfaction, or the money will be re
funded. Office on Bridge Street, opposite the
Court House Square.
Keeident Dtntut.
November 29, 1865-Iy.
the following valuable Real Estate will be el
posed to pnb'.io Bale on the premises, on
V tract of Land containing 112 ACRE3 and
29 perches, about 80 of which are cleared md
in a good state of cultivation, the balance
timberland, having thereon
Bank Earn, and ollur cut-building, with am
excellent Spring of Water at the door and a
good Orchard of choice Fruit; also a good
LiMMong Quarry.
A trnet if 107 ACRE? and 46 perches, abont
80 acres of which are cleared and in good or
der, the balance well timbered, having'there
on a GOOD STONE HOUSE. Rank Barn. &e .
with a Spring of running Water at the door:
also a good Orchard.
The above properties are situated about one
mile from Oakland Mills and are convenient
to schools, mills, stores am mechanics.
those wishing to by farms should take note
of this.
TERMS. So much as shall be necessary
to pay expenses of proceedings to be paid o.i
confirmatinn of sale by the Court : one-thir l
of the balance on April 1st, 18C6: one-third
on April 1st. 1S;7. and the remaining one
t'lird at 'he death of the Widow, the intertst
to be paid annually during her natural life.
Sale to conimc-.?e at 12 o'clock. M , of said
d3y, when attend mce will be eiven by
of t; Ihirs of Caleb Btntley, died.
Dec. C-ts.
irs:c stork.
sto Store, one door west of W. Lewi
;Book Stove, where he keeps constantly oo
Piano Manufacturing Company's PIANOS
LTiDEDNS ; Guitars. Violins, Fifes, FluUs ;
Guitar and Violin 5"u-iiij;s.
Music liouss Golden thnio, Golden Show
er, Golden Censor, Golden Trio, &c, Jtc.
SHEET MUSIC He is constantly receiv
ng from Philadelphia all the latest music,
which persons at a distance wishing, cau
order, aud have sent them by mail, at
Publisher's Price
Pianos and Orguns Warranted for five
Those wislu.12 to bur any ef the above ar
ticles are invited to call and examine mine
before purchasing elsewhere. My prices are
the same as in New York and Philadelphia. -
Circulars of Instruments sent promptly up
on application1 with any additionol informa
tion desired.
Hill Street. Huntingdon, Vi.
One door west of Lewis' Book Store.
V3 JLb B-Ja & J. M.3-4 S J A. 1U1I Ala M. XM V AKJ t
J. B. M. TUlL has just received a large and
fine assortment of UOUDS from Philadelphia,
which he is prepared to sell at the followii,
reduced prices :
prints. Linen oi
Best American 2-r 3 bushel Bags 1,01
Others from. ..20 to Motassts.
ciNMUASs. I Lovering Syrup ?
Lancaster. 35 Good " UotoU
Common from.. 25 to 31 Sugar House K
sniBTiso treces. Prime Baking
Mt Ve.noa Linen sra..
Warp V.. Whit :
Common.- 3o to 48 Brown 14, 18 A J
Appleton "A" 31 Best
Others 28, 31 &33 Kio - 1
From...25, 2S, 30 to 45 Cheese S
jlassbls. I Pure Pepper.
From 50 to 75 : Mackerel pr- lb 1
Twilled for Shirts...50l Also A large aa
PB lainr. sortment of Ladies',
From ......30 to 40 Misses' and Chil-
All Wool". 75dren's WOOLEN
sattisetts. (HOODS from "5 to $1
From... .00. I,00tol31jand upwards.
ladie s rras. Also A Urge as
Capes from...$6toSl2 sortmenl of Boots &
Latest Style Muffs J iShoes Men's "
from 3,50 to 4.00 from $3,00. 4.50,
Children's Muffs A 00, 6,25 to 6,00.
Capes.... C.OO to 7,00, Ladia'a Shoes from
baooibo. 1 1.60to,W
The following price will be paid for mar
keting in CAS H or GOODS to suit customers :
Butler. 40,Potatoes......90 to 1,00
Eggs ; 35, Rags ...5
.Highest price for Walnuts, Sheilbarks
and Chestnuts.
Patterson, Nov. 29,1865-ly.
Estate of Jacob Besom of Delaware
to-enship dee'd.
Notice is hereby given that letters of Testa
mentary on the estate of Jacob Besom late of
Dela-are toweship, deceased, have been
granted to the undersigned residing in Dela
ware township. All persons knowing them
selves indebted to said estate are requested to
make immediate payment and those hav
ing claims will please present then duly an
tiicnticated for eet?!ericat.