0 7 U&XHjVn !.i:,!U;Vra L,.- STil II. II. MrlLSOV, !: i I 7, rat aoatTiTTTioi -TH H AJ B BBrOBCBIIBflT Of TB W.-J", EDITOR 1KD rrBlKOEB. MIFF LIM'OWK, r J UMAX A rWAV miMB$ 6, 1865.; Its :VH0LK NUMBER W 1c AdJ ... . 'SI " ' - X . . : - t , - r 1- s ;' ' " . -- TERM3 OF PUBLICATION. - Tbb JrsiaTa Pbstispl is published ery Wednesday morning, on Main street, by H. H. WILSON. ' The SCBFCRIPTIOS PiUOK of the pepsr will be TWO DULLARS per year in adrance, and 92. SO if not paid within the year. No paper 'discontinued until all ar rearage! are patd exoept at the option of the t Jtuator. Adtituio. The rates of ADVERTIS ING are (or one square, of xioht lit.es or le- one tima. 75 cente ; three, $1 60; and 50 ett- for each aubiksquent insertion. Admin tr. tor's, Etfcutor's and Auditor's Xoitf e, $ Vh1). profesioca! and bnfj Cards, not eicef J- ing 23 Hues, end including copy of paper. 00 per jc-tr. Mercbnn-.s airtrti-'tng (cbanfeablr qaarnrlyj $ ii pr year, includ . ing putier at ta!r Stores. oties lu reading eoiuui;:, teo cects per Une. Job Woa Tbe prices of. JOS WORK. - for thirty Iii!!, ore eight .et. ; one- ourtb, 2,00; ene-ba!f, fJ.CO; and iiiiinon- al numbers, half pri and for I.a.nst i 2,U0 per qIre. "JEREiUAIi LYOS,,, I- ttornc'ii-at-itattr, Hiffliniown Jjnia:a County. Pa.. ff?.ee t. a Msiy s aet souts of l-.-iJe sir E. 0. Mi.WAKT. H EY-AT-LAW, M'Jiiintoaa, Juniata Co., I'a., Offen nis rrofssiuni iwtici' t" the puh l:e. Ci:eciious aui a.l other bu1ns reeie promrt atteotina. Oifine nret door K'ortn of ljrti-ru's Stc-rr, aputair. "VTTiLUAM M. A1.L1SO!, ' Attorney at Lax Will n-.teni to all rstcs 9?n)Mi t i:e mi txc e.i -liiu rtreet, arainwwn, re. inn v t i cm Mir U'FfniTf'i?!! JVTJEIATA OWAIT, P. m fi'i".V., kte rrofe-.Ltitl -rir!i-cs to the kyi'r:i:y hte profe-.Ltitl -rir!i-cs to 'J r rotnr.t aun::T-u eiea tr the t rrjc';i n t-f aiaif sain.t the U-.nrerBmnt, f" ; ;n!n p" o:,-i?r tupii;. entr to t : CSc. Mia S.rctit, sue i-cr South f !-r..Jr't Hotel. Pep't. SO. !-5. J. A. JULMAn, ATTO II N E Y-AT-L A VT ..... , ' 1 :xrziyroh. jcmata ca.,rx. tit l:'a-n I ne ruoa former. i I t O i.e. rr-t-1 wak the vrorwicB J-iwt5 ou gwjd term! with hiuiMli, wd rrsnrtly atunlei ii... Oet.'l, 'ffi.- I" geDer.il tL.ni:. keeping on pretty good I t-ruis wi-.L those about biia. Ilewajuatur lAK.IVCRCA-lilo.orPailer-on,;.,. fr(M.,0(j ey, fine solUier, ud XJ 1 a., .res to iiif.r;n mi frien-.s uJ p-1 ? .. ... . " ... , rrcns &e bas reia.Te to tLe iiuusv on Jlri j;e Street opposite Todl & Jordan's Store. A:riiti-lf- red lo the iiuase 00 t ENDUS CKlEfJ AUCTIONEER The undersigned o.Tr his serice to the eu'ilic as Vendue Crt-er aud Auctioneer. He mi tiaj a rery rge eipeneoce, ni! f'-eis nr.5 Jent tLst heckugite Mtifac;iuu te s'J w'to may employ hiia. lie mwy he adiresscd t Mil'ntown, or four.d at hts home in Fer managh towne'nip. Orders nisy aiso te left a Mr. WiU's Hotel. Jan. '. 1SG4. WILLIAM GIVKN". ALEX. SPEDDY, A U St 2 9 H fi-B'l&w ! k k , i , :r' V V .a. pubuc of Juaiita eountr- hatiuir had a I Jarga experience la the b'jsii;es fcf endue 1 ryiaj. he fe.s eoufident that he cau reuuer gonerat saiiefaetioo. He can at ail tines be ' onsulied at his residence iaI.aUt.oa, Pa. ! -. Pk'iH'i -T t-i -T T V -ci u:--. : .-.i. . Ang. 10, 1S06. WTTJTATiV rr.ATWS ri-HE nnderaianed will mobmIi' attend to -a. the collection of claims agmnst either the ; Fiats or ationl oovriimi,t, ivnsions, Itaok ; J'ay, Bounty, x:ra Pay, and aii otfier eiaitas ! arming out or tue present or anj ;aer war, j eljated. JERKMIAH LYONS, ' Atoroy-t-Law. WlEinwa, Jurists CO., Pa. febl religions I Pensions ! j ALL PERSO.VS W HO HAVE BEEN Plt ABLB DURING THK PUEt?ST WAR ARE ENTITLE TO A P ENSlON." All per ons who intend applying for a Pension must all on the Examining Hurgeon to know weth wr their DiaahiHty xufficienl to entitle them te a I'eneven. ' All ilTsnhled Soldiers will call t&e nndereifrnecl who bas been appointed aasion bxamimns; Burgeon for Juniata an j ojoin.ng Louaues. ' ' . P. C. BCNDTO, M. D., Pattereen, Pa. Denlnrst, Blmdncwi ana Catarrh, a CREATED with the ntmoet succese. by Dr ry f Leyden, Horiand,) 0 519 pjSE treet Philadeipala. Testimonials from 'tbe most reliable sources A the Ci,,ani C"".ry can U seen at hts Office. The medical faculty are Javited to accompany their patients, as he as no secrets in his practice. ARTIFICIAL rES, inserted without pain. No char wade for examination. peb, 15. '65 -lr e ALL AND EXAMINE our Stock bt Read W.H.ri.i.:.- v., ran Purchase ; El..;u".nd Fi ,f'Wtfr.Men'nd Bo,. r-w- KTJKT T?.S2LL. ' ttti ipottrn; - , - . , ,vi.-f . : ' . ii: BT BBIIT S. I-BBBCOTT. tonr or lster the storms shall beat ' Orer my slumber from . head to feet ffnonr or later the winds shall rare In the loj grass abore my (rare. T sfiatl not heed therh where lie, Kothitig their ound shall signify, Notlin; the headMone'e tm ef rain,'.; Nothing to me the J ark day's pain. ... Pnener or later tte gun ohall shine With tender warmth en that mound of mine ; ooner er later, in summer air. Clover and riolet bioasvin there. , I haU not feel, in that deep-laid rest. The heeted lipht fall OTer my breast, Nnr eren ante in tlvose hidden hours The wind-blown breath of the tossing ftowars Fooner r.latar the eainlee nowt - -. Sl.a'.l add their Jiush te my nuite repose; . Sooner or later shall taint and shift, - And heap my bed with theirdaziUng drift. Chill thrisgb the froisn pall shall seem,--Tti touch no colder can mats the dream That rck i not the swt and aacred dread, Shrouding the city of the dead. Poonr or later the bee shall come And nil the nooa wiih its polden hnnt; Fooner tr later on half-panaed wins; The blue -bird's wsrb'.e about me ring Tttig and chirrap and whille with glee, Hoiliinc his muio means to me: Kcee of these beautiful (hinjfs ehslll know llow soundly ineir isrer sleeps below. Pooner or ls'er. far out in the nijrht. The mar" shall over me winjr their flight ; Sooner or ls'er ray darkling dewi -; Catch the wiiita spaik in their sileut ooie. 5eer a ray esall part the gTonm That wrr tne riv.in i in the kin lly tomb ; J'eae shall be B-feet fir lip and brow, Soor or later oh why B?t now ? Our renietit lynt "StatioueJ at Mor tiu's Ford. Our Colonel had been uhot '? ,,ni!sf Serri,!f-' 8nd -T lieutf" aut . culonel hagoue li-iuje sick: thi eoiaajaQd deTo!veej upcn our ..y nalus Was Farewell. lie was s Tuidale to social tu Hinci iCtpHDruo. -. .uo was a aimi- bearled. ueneroun njsr. tiiooh trouoled run a tetcper that led Lim icta error at ' Major TwewenLadlUea ia coiraand j tut -a, few aeeka, wten lie otineiudea to jseud for Lis wite to come and ' stsy with i bim throtrch the summer. ' lie hid c-ita i t f.ittoKt Vn.l i.wnnif'k.irikii4 finsirtpra. and I thsre wds !it-Je.daugt that the Iadiaua would Qiale kuoilier attack. - , 7.:, , I w away. on a furaiug expedition wiil-d Mrs. Fiirewe'l anise i, but return ed on the following day, and wai in sea son to attend the party which the "Major giir oq the occasion..' The staff and liue i i.fHr.Tj. i.nt Lpi.t awntf an dutv. . were all r J J - - . preut, and joy aud merriment ruled ttie j j j "l,ur- Mrs. Farew.l! wai younger than bar husband a Landtiome, portly woman, beariair hermlf with peculiar er. es and I dignitv, without auy enort at assumed no show or needles : affection. She reserve, but treated her guesU with kind : nets and consideration, seeming ouly auz ' iuus that all should feel at bom. and en jt)? themjeivew.- " jn tnat f"a r-off region tbe laws of total abftinance were not .strictly adaereJ. tp ; and on tEe present occasion we fot obiy emptied many bottiss of wine, but sun dry bottles of old bourbon were included in the bill of fare. Towards midnight the ladies withdrew, but the officers were not quite ready to retire. Tbe Major was in tbe bigbest spirits; and song aud story, with flowing goblets, gave us occu pation. " By end by, I proposed a tjasf, "Mrs. Major Farewell," and it was drunk with cheers.- . Why in tbe world the i-Ma-jor shou'd bave taken offence I could not comprehend ; but be did so, and in1 tircated that I bad better not make too free with bis wife's name. ' j- .. ' Egad,", I replied,, without,, stopping to weigh my words, "if you have your handsome lady as sacred as that, ' Jon ought not to have brought ber out here." "Captain Willett," he, cried, rising to his feet, "if yon breathe the lady's name again, I'll kick you from my quarters!" I bad started up from my seat, when Lieutenant Walker, who was sitting by my side, pulled me back. . , "Zounds !" be utter d, . in harried whisper "don't say another word. The old Major's mad, and he's a bit jealous too. Can't yon see it V A a WuIItaw annirp it fla.TlArl TlnTtn TT1A thit Mr FnTw!l had been verv attentive tt K,t- '.h bvi 5.-.ifJ with m ftror " kla five times, and bad promenaded with me upon the-piana, ; . . ' ; Uut I could not hear such language as Major Faiewcll had addressed to me ; and, in spite of rtiy friend's renionstrauoe I retorted npoa him. V My blood was heatad with whisky, aodarai bio moi for the couiiuiyidiug officer at that time than I would have cared for i drummer-boy. ' "By ,'sir !" I replied, with an oath which I Deed not repeit here, "you would hart fine time kickiig roe oat? I'crhap3 you had better try itmowl": :r The Major sprang at me aotcugLt me by the collar. I thought at tie time that he meaut to strike J.but I was stbsequent ly eonrinced that he did ' not.: However, 1 struck him upon the cheek wife the flat of my-hatd. , - . ; f : ..-:' . 'With a bitting oath he drew a pistol from his pocket; but, before he ciuld use it, the Adjutant canght his arm, aid three or four of my friends hurried m irom , the room, and lad me to my quarters. " . On the following moruiiig 1 awoke Uh anything hut a pleasant feeling : aud. when I remembered what had transpired during the previous night, I felt wretched euougQ. i cursed' (jie wine cup aua, the whiskey Lottie from the bottom of uiy heart,' and inwardly resolved that I wjuld touch the stuff no more. Still I was for ced to take a stiff toddy to steady my nerves; aiid, after I had dressed myself, I sat down to a cup of coffee. I was thus engaged when our adjutant, Mr. Uowr, entered my quarters. I bade bim good, moruiiig, and asked if he would not - take some breakta.it with me. . , . 'Not now,"' said he, eliakiug bis head ; "I bave called upon business.' Ah,: Cap. tain ! this is a had affair ' l'oyou remem ber ibat you struck tho Major last night T' ies; I remember it very welt re member it too well." ' :! ' ': -'' 1 "Ue expects you will make au ap'olugy," pursued the Adjutant. . . . i. . - "Aud if I do not V "TLiin you must fight htm." ' "You vcr prsweut, Bower, daricg the entire tcenc V' ,r- . j - "Yc:: v -! . .: .; ' '" 'Then I wish you to tell me tbe truth, for I asu tree to coutena that my braiu was ou a bit tf a whirl hut light. - First, did l, lu my toast to .Mrs. Karrweil, tveblul the least occafiou for ill feeling "I could see noot. Captain : but you lemeuiber that he had been drinking. 'Eia?tly: and in that we were even And now, did he not, iu the. presence , of the whole company, threaten to kick me from his quarters V '- - - 'Yes." - - ' v',: ' ,: "And did he not lay Lis bands upon me bctore I struck bim ?" ' "I cannot be positive ; but I thiuk be did." 'Thn," taid I, drinking tbe last of my cuffee, "I shall make uo apology.",'i "You will remember, Captaiu,'' sug gested Bower, "that the Major is a dead shot, and that iu the bandling of the sword he bas no superior." ':; : . -;.' I cared nothing at all about that. I knew tbe temper of our officers, aud I knew that I should be held in light es teem if I allowed the Major to back me down. : " 1 ' ' '..s Once more Bower asked me if I would apologise. ., . ,. . 1 .told him empbaticaiiy-T- , . "Then,'' be added. ' I have instructions to deliver this note." He handed sie an unsealed missive,' which I found to be a challenge; and by it I was informed that '4' Adjutant lower was empowered to make all necessary ar rangements. . . After dwoer 1 at down alone to ar range my affairs. I wrote several letters which 1 scaled and inclosed in single envelope, to be sent off by my cierk, in case I should fall. My property I gave into alker 6 charge, with instructions bow to dispose of it. When matters had been thus atrangcil, it was well t toward evening; and, taking a light cane in my hand. I walked out for a breath of fresh air. 'i Not far from tbe csimp was Morgan' Falls a wild, romantic spot, where tbe water of the river scrambled over a huge bed of broken rocks , and toward this Spot r bent mv steps. Just above the ; falls was a bridge of logs, from which could be obtained one of the grandest scenes that ever blessed the cy. of an artist. As I reached tbe summit tf an eminence near the falls, I saw a woman and a child standing upon th bridge.' I '- lost sight of them for a time ; but, as 1 was emerg ing from, the thioket, a sharp, . piercing cry 01 agouy broice upoa my . ear.: . x sprang to the .bridge, and there I taw the woman alone... ,. '-"rTfT be was -wringing her bands, t-iind shrieking like af craay esture.' ' I 'was not may seconds in comprehending the truth. Below the bridge, floating 01 the troubled waters, I saw tho child, its spreading garments buoying it up; .and I con. a near tne iioy thiub csmug '' "Mammat Mamma !''-' 1.J-; - "! ' There was not a moment to lose. ' The chill was kotne nearer to the fajhv near-' er and nearer to iu death I It waa a fear- 1 ful risk me; for tho chances were that 1 ' . 1 1 , .1 " . j I. : :' s ti 0 u ! u oe laaen over into tuo Diauf, boilins surge below the rocks. But. what w risk to ice thsr ? If I 5Is Is lib river, I should not stand in the way of Maior Farewell s bullet. . 1 bad betr -, ttr a thousand times give up my life thus than throw it away w tne oust. ; x ne woman aaw me, and appealed 'to me for help ) but my coat was off before she bad discovered me; tad in' a 'moment I was in the water, striking out with all my power: ; ' ' . ' '' :" : ' .' ' ; The child was kilf way from the bridge to the falls when I started ; but t swam tapidly, and caugiU it just at the point . . a a flel ' f where tne waters began to eatner tor tne plunge. ; It wai a girl not more than three or four yers old, with briht gold en ringlets, large blue eyes,1 and a face like a cherub. - Bhe clasped her little arsis about my neck, and called me papa. "O, papa! good papa ! don't let Kitty go into the wicked place down there I" - With all my might I held up tbe child, aud struck for the shore; ' but it was pot to he. : X bad beta drawn into the swift current, . and . no mortal could hate stood it i 3'he prospects of the mor row took. from me all fears of the present, and I Was more calm, us -oolieoted thaa Vgbi mhervbe hare been. At soon at I realised (bat X must go over - tba falls, I turned every thought to saving tie child ; for tjven in those few short oionieiitfl, the little darling ' had won tiruugly aud ddeply upon my love.-; , Nearer aud switi ;r l went, tne roar ot tie mad watars growing louderland loader uutii at leuglh the edge was reached. Cose to my Uosou I bore tho child, shield Lg it as, well , as I could ; and in a mo neot more tuy eyes were olosed : beneath the. boiling flood. ; l)own, down, around Lite a top, then away over a bed of .smooth recks ; aud uuttliy when I opened my eyes I Mtr the- sliote not far off, and quickly tiacuvered that ' I ' could stand upon my Let, with 'my head out of the water. ' I reached the shore just as three or (our soldiers came down the - mule patb ; aud they helped ' me t-i a bed of uuea, aud took tbe child from my arms. Was the child safe ? ' . .! They told me yes. 1 1 i.wked tn, sn 1 saw the cherub swiie ; and thea my 'oruia w hit led, as it bad in the flood, and I sank into the strong arms of one of my own uMn, quite dizzy and f'aiut. - TT boa I oaaie to myself, X was npin my own bed, an 1 , Walker aud my orderly "era by tty side. I started up and looked around, atd was not long in remember iu; wbat had happened. .My very first inquiry, was for-ihe child that I had saved. .:;--'--", j'- " "The nurse tocS; it away," replied my orderly, "sud it was alive aud well." J "Whose child was it?" ' '. ; But neither kuew. , .The woman who had it in charge was a stranger, and aux iety on my account, had prevented their asking her many questions. '. . ; It was not eight o'clock and I had been in my quarters an hour. ' r'arese, leelin quite sore ; and my left arm was so lame I could not lift it. I took little warm wine, and ate a little suppet, and abont ten o'clotk I feltquite strong. , : In the' morning I felt sore and stiff, and was forced ti hang my arm in ii slin;. Walker. - when he came, ' snggesred that the duel be pot off ; but I would listen to no such proposition 1 j .'J At half past six we took our pistols, and started tor the scene of action, which was in a sealuded spot on the river, about half a mile below the falls. I felt some what fatigued when I reached the place, and was forced . to call ' upon my second for his whisker flask. In a little whiiti the Major and. the Adjutant 'made their appearance; an J I suggested to Walker that I would like Yb' have the affair over as soon as possible. I was growing'weak ana snaky, tbough 1 aid not tell him, Hi bail opened the pistol case, and was taking out the weapont wbea Mr. Bower approaebed us. , . ' "Gontlemen," said he, "Major Farewell wishes to tpeak before we proceed any farther.":!, p.j ... - , ' -' "I am ready to listen, I rep'ied : "only let it be as brief as possible.". . C rrsnt,ly the Major came torwawl me. "Caplain," bo said, with a preciptjble tremulousness in bis tone, "I have chal-' enged ton, and tbe arrangements 'are al ready made. ! I will stand where I am and you may fire at me V'.r I ' v :,' "You mean we will exebarige shots V said I. ' ',.,'..:.,, . - 0," he returned,' shaking bis head, "I ctnnot fire at you 1" "2at, sir, what means this 1" I cried in amazement. . , . . ,;"lJo you not know ?" h allied, seemingi equa-ij aniazea. -. .; . ... ...... '. I aasurred him that I did not. , -' "You eared a human life; Jast nigbt ?" "Yes : I saved ebertib." " ' 1 "Do you enow whose ehorub it was ?" : I told bim that! had not .the least iuoa. . . , . , . i ,-. r, Wftb a quick movement be advaceed. and canght my band. ' '' - "Captato Willett," be exclaimed, with strong emotion,'nhat child was mine ! You may have ,your 6hot but I would rather die a thousand deaths than lift my hand against tbe preserver of my preoious darling !"- I' tried to mako 'some reply; but I could cot speak oohercntiy. -1 had been g ro-via j ""stiisr ii r4sir, ssi ny irj was winding and the sound of rnsbirg biattoe waters run" in my ear. L Ah, the ordeal at the falls is im much for him," I heard Walker say as La caught me in bis arms. "Captain ! . Captain I . Forgive me 1 I was all to blame r' ' ' ' - So I heard the Major speak. I pressed bis hand and tried to smile. - t.."f I was sick for a long time j but t bad the best and tenderest of nursing. Mrs. Farewell was like' a mother -or a 1 )vin( sister to roe, and the bright eyed cherub was my company. As she wound her tiny arms around my neck, and press ed bar warm lips to my bearded cheek, she said that'' she ' loved me very much, and that I must be ker "other papa." - INCIDENTS OP THE CALIFORNIA EARTH UL'AKE. . . .. .,, " Tbe Sanfrancisco' corresponjent of tbe Chieaso IriLune thus describes some of the iuoidents of the earthquake in Cali- IVruia 1 vctobori .fc i .: ti r, '. ... v was standing at tne tront. or . tiie City Hall when the great shook came. My feet were on an iron " grating in ths sidewalk which lets light into the base ment, and my first impressinn was that the' grating was loos and that I was fatl- ; lug into tue cellar, d ust men 1 saw ev J ust then I ! erybody running and heard the low ; moaning grumble of tbe earthquake. I react e 1 the opposite si le of the street be fore the second and heaviest shock came., and. looking up, saw tho tail stone wails of the city ball swaying , and cracking, bard tbe great fite bell strike from tbe oseillation, and listened to the roar of fall ing walls, plastering, glass, etc., all over town, and the 'screams of woman and children, with a feeliDg of sickness, and I may say fear, whicb. I never before ex perienced. "The City TJall building is badly dam aged. The ; front walls ih)W but few cracks, but at tie top the wall is so badly ai.ruug as to lt the rafters out in ecverai places. . The inner wails are tauiy crack ed aud shattered, and large cracks appear in the'rear wall, on tbe north east corner near the area. . The cszillation of the wall was o great as to cause the fire bell to strike once quite distinctly. Until the buildiug has been carefully examined by architects, it is perhaps not worth oar while to pass an opinion as to, its safety atd the extent of the repairs which may be necessary. -. . "The earthquake oocurring daring sot vice at ine various cnurcnea, u;ca were all ciowded, was the occasion of consid erable cscitemeDt among the conri-ga tions, the greater portion of the edifices beiag emptied immediately without acci dent, which, consicenni; the number cf females and children present, is a matter of i ticere congratulation. "The Bev. Mr. Crisis was preaching'to bis U9Ubi congregation ot seofhng idlers, ia Sacramento street, . near .Montgomery, when the shoek was feit. Dropping bis documents, he started on a foot race with his congregation,' in a most undignified manner,-' evidently under the impros.-iun that what be- had been' blowing about through So many years, bad come at last. We reg'ret to say that be name back, re covered bis papers, renewed bis attacks on the clergy, and sales of the documents, with redoubled energy,' to make up for lost time. . ;i ' ' 1 ' ' "Ou Bush street, a lady who was en gaged in washing an infant of very tend er age, ran screaming into the street, iihe stood on the sidewalk, for some time swiiisrin't something in her hand which at first, was taken for a dressed chicken by the bystanders,' bat : which besran to spcac ior useii in ianguage Which placed it at once in tbe cateaory of a different class "of animated nature. She was hold ing it by the foot, bead downwards, and had forgotten all about what she bad in her hand." ' AN ENGLISHMAN BAHBOOZLED. 1 Kendall, formerly of the N. 0. Pica- ywe, relate the following, which ooour red in bis presence at Baden in Ger- many. 'At this juncture we were joined by an English party,';when the subject brought under discussion was bathing. "I take a eold sponge bath every morn ing when at home," said Jonn BulL ;:. , "So do I," retorted tbe Yankee. - "Winter and summer," continued 'the Englishman. ! ' '" s ' c .."My system exactly," responded tbe Yankee- . . 0j-'.; . . - "Is your weather and water cold?" queried John Bull. -"Right chilly continued TJrotber Jonathan. ... ' ; . . r . ,- ''How cold 77" inquired John.- r 4lSo cold that the water all freezes as I pour it down my back, and rattles upoa the floor in the shape of hail '"- respond ed the Yankee, with the. same cunning twinkle of the eye. . "Were you . ia , the next room to me in America," he contin ued, "aad eould bear me as I am taking my sponge bath of a cold winter's morn ing, you would think' I was jour:ng dry beans down my back V ' The Englishman shrugged bis sbjul- -A GREAT FARMER'S IAJI18. . We bave . already made otic of discourse by Rev. L. M. Glover, D. D., Jacksonville, IU., on tbe death. f Mr.' Ja cob fatrawn, who was spoken or as "The Great American Farmer," who died "at Jacksonville,' 111., in August last. ' II s biographer his recorded many excellent characteristics of this "distinguished far mer," who has met with great success fa all his business operations, which is attri butable eLiefly to the- following maxims, which we oopy-ior tbe benefit-of those farmers who are. somewhat tardy in per forming tbe operations oi tbe farm : - "When you wake do not roll over, but roll out. it will give you time to ditch all your sloughs, break tbem up, barrow theui, and sow tbem with timothy aad red clover. -- One bushel of clover to two busk els of timothy is enough. - . ."Make your fence high, tight and strong, so that it will keep cattle and pigs out. If you have bruit, make your lota eecure, and keep your bogs from tbe cat tle, for if the corn is cleau they will . eat it better than if it is not. "Be sure to get your bands to bed by seveu o'clock ; they will rise early by the force of circumstances. - I : "Pay a hand, if he is a poor hand, all you promise bim ; if be is a good band, (ay him a little more; it will eacourage mm to ao etui better. "Always feed your hands as well as you do yourself, for the laboring men are tho bone and sinew of the world, and ought to be well treated. , . "I am satisfied that getting up early, industry, aud regular habits are the best medicines ever prescribed lor health. " "When it comes rainy, bad weather, so that you cannot work out of doors, cut aud tplit your wood. "Make your tracks when it rains bard, cleaning your stables, or fixing something whicb you would have to stop the plow for and fx in good weather, v . "Make your tracks, fixing your fauce or a gate that is oil the hingas, or weather boardiug your barn where tbe wind bas blown off the siding, or patching the roof, of your house r barn. ' '"- ' "Study your interests closely, and don't spend any time in electing Presidents, Senators, and other t-na'd officers, or talk of hard times when spending your time iu town: whittling on store boxes, etc. "Take your time aad make your calcu lations ; don't do things in hurry, but do them at tbe right time, and keep your mind as well as your body employed." '. ' A USE FOR USELESS IilLNGsT ". It is often tbe ease that' worn out srti oies lie about the premises for years with out being of any use whatever but whiou one dislikes to destroy. We occasionally see a good deal of ingenuity displayed in converting these to some Taluable pur pose. : ' , . ' ' ' ' ' Around gristmills may frequently be seen the worn out stones which bave been there for years. We saw a man take one of these and place it where he wanted to set a cedar post in a bad spot. He set the pot in tbe centre of the stone and it forms a permanent foundation, and ' renders tbe post less likely to be moved by frost. Split in twain they make good door steps. Steel hoops which are always under the foot, may be used for tying up grape vines ; jwua hare recommended their use for trailing vines, but nobody would like tho looks of them there. ' : . . , A wooden chair, minus I-s legs, nailed on to a block 'of wood, makes a capital milking stool. It can ba turaed down without being wet or soiled. - Old barrel hoops, which often get more kicks than blessings, make good trellis far tomatoes by nailing two of them to a stake a foot apart, on each side of the plant. ' Jraint ke" are excellent lor keeping soft soap in small quantities. ' : Good Hied barn door truces, screwed 00 to tbe end of a heavy gate, will save a good deal of lifting, and render it capable of being opened and shut by any child. We have seen a wooden truck answer good purpose. -; , . . Thus every farmer who reads this arti cle can add to its value by suggesting some use for some other useless things. Ohio Farmer. ' " ' 1 Baked ArPLB PrjDDi.vn. There is nothing more palatable and healthful than cooked apples when properly done and served. Tbe apple crop aot being very abundant tbU year, all who desire eanool indulge in the luxury. Tbe fallowing re ceipt for baked apple pudding we know to be excellent Two ouacet cf butter, quarter pound powdered white sugar, quarter pound boiled apples, the yolk of three egga, the whites of two eggs, the rind and juice of one lemon ; mix the whole well togeth er, and bake it in a puff paste one hour. r l , s 1 - 1 Coir Cae ro .. Bmaast. Mix at night, one quart of com meal with wa ter enoueh to make a tbin batter, adding a tablaspoonful of yeast, and salt to suit the taste, la tne morniDg stir in tw eggs and a small teaspeosful ot soda, and wuh a spoon beat it long and : hard r Butter a, tin pac, poac tfca ta;xture iaia and bake-Tame-vtataty aoout ummm