d. vr. iiahlet & coa CHEAP CLOTHING STORE. This way for Bar gains!! HATIXtt PURCHASED FROM MAN'S baeh t Van Ornrer tbe large Clothing Establishment, situated on the corner of Bridge and Water streets. Mifflintown. Pens aylvania, we would respectfully inform tbe fublie that we have just received a large and well (dieted assortment of ready mads Cloth ing, aesignea for tb rail and Winter Trade for 1S63, Such as Over Coats, Dress Coats, Business Coats, Common Coats, pantaloons, Vents, Hats, Soots and Shoes ef ev;ry description, style and quality, for male or female. BOYS' READY MADE CLOTHING Also, Carpets, white Shirts, Fancy Over Bhirts, Cnder Shirts. Drawers, Hosiery, Cloves. Linen and Paper Colara, Cravats and Ties, Trunks, Um brellas, Travelling Bags &o. Also, the latest styles of Ladies Cloaks, Clr alars and Furs. Persons in want of anything In our line will save money by giving us a call beforo pur chasing elsewhere, as wa are determiasd to sell cheap for cash. teg- Don't forget tk corner, Bridge aid Water fctreets. D. W. HARLET It C. Oet. 4, '65. NEW JEWELHYJTORE. THE undersigned would respectfully inform tbe citisens Of Mi!2intov.n and vicinity, that he has opened a Jew-dSvsS Iry Establishment on Main Street, Miiiliti town, in Thompson's noted, third door from tha corner, Where La will keep constantly on hand and at greatly reduced prices. Gold and Silver Watches, Ani a gere-al variety of CLOCKS, FIN'GER RINGS, BREAST P1XS, EAR RINGS. GvLb PENS, and PENCILS, SILVER PLATED WARE, SPECTACLES, together with a com plete assortment of Fancy Good". BQkThe repairing of Clocks, Watches and Jewelry promptly attended to, on short notice and on very reasonable terms. All work war ranted to give satisfaction. The public are respectfully invited to give a call. THOMAS R. McCLELLAX. Aug. 0, 1805. October 2nd, '05. rpAKS NOTICE, LADLES MRS. SARAH FINK RESPECTFCLLT informs the Ladies of Mifflintown and vicinity that she ha; just received a large as sortment of Milinary Goods, and has constant ly on hand and for sale ready-made Bonnets of all descriptions, and also Hats and Caps. She has also secured the services of her Sis ter who is a competent Dress Maker and will ffiv satisfaction in that line of business. Let Ladies call and examine for themselves, at ber former residence on Cherry street. In quire for Mrs. Sarah (Stein) Fink. Sept- 27, 1866-3 mos. CHAIR MANUFACTORY. O'FICl OF TBB JrXIiTi CoCKTT AcKICl'LTCRI. Society, V Perrysville, Oct. 10, 1So3. J rTB do hereby certify that the Committee Manufactured Articles has awarded to Cbables W. Wkitzel the First Premium for see most substantial, neatest made, and best Inished sett of Chairs. G. W. JACOBS, Trettfr. Williim listen. Sec'y. junl3 HtXRT KlArER, JSo. 520ARCn Street, aboTe Tilth ' PHILADELPHIA. Manufacturer and Dealer In FINE JEWELUY, SOLID SILVERWARE, acd inpei lor Sliver Plated War S.pt, 26. 165, 8mos. H0FK1KS' ''OWN MAKE" OF HOOP SKIRTS, art gotten up expressly to meet the wants of riDHT CLASS TBAUK. They embrace a complete assortment of ail the Xvr and df.sisam.s S'yles, Siics and Length, for Ladies' Mieees' and Children, and are superior to all others made in point of Symmetry, Finish and durability ; being made of the finest tempered English Steel f-'prings with Linen finished Covering, and having all the nielalie fastenings immovably secured, by improved machinery. They re tain their Shape and Elacticity to the last, and are waebasted to give sntibi satis faction. Also, constantly in receipt of full lines ef good Eastern Made SKIRTS, at very low Prices. SKIRTS Made to Order, Altered and Repaired. WHOLESALE and RETAIL, at uamfactobt and calks Room, So. C2S ARCH Street, abov. 6tk PHILADELPHIA. fr. Tebms Cash, 0a Tsici Oilt f Aug. 16, '65. NOTICE! Ladles wishing to be supplied with neat and good shoes will find it to their advantage to call on If. D. WELLEU, at his shep on Main Street above Cherry, where they can be supplied with almost every style at moder ate prices. Gentlemen having repairing they wish durably and neatly executed will be promptly attended te by giving him a call. Term: CASH. H. D. HELLER. Mifflintown, July 26th 65. " ItTIt'E TO HtWTEUS TVJOTICE 13 HEREBY GIVEN TO ALL Jl p ersons not to trespass on our proerty huQti ng Partridges and other gameae they will bs dealt with ao cording to law. C. Musser, Philip Rank, D. Diven, Samuel Auker, Jonas Kauffmao, David Auker, Daniel Auker, Jaeob Weaver, John Gingrien, Tfo .1 '05. -0w. Plaio Finer Job Work, At tlii Ofir. SHREINER'S BALSAMIC HOUGH" SYRUP lor Coughs, Coldt, Croup, Whooping Covgh, ' Atthma, Lronchitit, Spitting Blood, Pain and Weakness of the Breast, D'jji&tlty of Breathing, dee. This syrup is a purely Vegetable Compound It is pleasant to tare, and never does injury ; but owing to itstqurifyinff qualities, must do good under any circumstances. Its effect is truly wonderful soothing, calming acd allay ing the most violent Coughs ; i'uritying, Strenrtnening and Invigoratingthewholesys- tem ; calming a ad soothing the nerves; aiding and facilitating Expecoration, and healing the DISEASED LINOS, thus striking at tnsroot of DISEASE, and driving it from the system. CROUP. No child need die of Croup, if tils Syrup is properly used and used in time. Mothers hav ing croupy sbildren should watch tha first show of the Disease, sUid always keep this Remedy at hand. For Coughs after Measles, this Syrup is most excellent. Experience has proven that it is equalled by no other preparation. Price 60 cents per. Dottle. Prepared bv S. A. FOCTZ'S i BRO.. At their Wholesale Drug afcd Sledicine Depot, No. 11C, Franklin St. Baltimore, Md. Sold by all Druggists and Storekeepers throughout the United States. POUTZ'S CELEBRATED gaff attd &ttU f twite. These Pow den will strength en the Stomach and Intestines, cleanse them from offensive matter, and bring them to ahealthystate. ThpT am a art preventive of Lung Ferer, and a certain remedy for all Diseases incident to the Horse, sucn as uian sVrs, Tellow Water, Dis temper, Founder, H e a r e s, Slavering, Coughs, Fe vers, Loss of Appetite and Vital Ener- In poor, low-spirited animals, it has the most beneficial effect. Tbe use of them improves the wind, strength ens the Appetite, and gives to the Horse a fine, smooth and glossy skin thus improv ing the appearance, vigor and spirit of this aoble animal. FOB MILCH COWS. Toe property this Powder 1b In- iing uiQ quanuij 01 auk in tows, ! . Y. - j i. i i u It lUliVIUtUW HUM ftuuc Ulia BLl'JtliU place it in tbe hands of every person keeping Cow. By actual experiment it has proven that it will increase the quantity of Milk and Cream twenty per cent., and mtke the Butter firm and sweet. In fattening Cattle, it gives Unto an appetite, loosens their kiJs and Bakes them thrive much fester. HOOS. In all Diseases ef the Swine, such as Coughs, Ulcers in the Lungs, Liver, Ac. By putting from half a paper mm?. to a paper of these Powders in a bar- 1 r.r ;it t(, above Diseases can be cured or entirely pre vented. By using these Powders the Hog Cholera can be prevented. Prici 25 cti. per Paper, or 5 Paper for $1. PREPARED BT a A. FOUTZ & BRO., at thxtb WHOLESALE DRUG AND MEDICINE DEPOT, So. 116 franklin 8t, Baltimore. Kd. For Sale by Druggists and Storekeepers tbrosghent the United States. FOUrZS MIXTURE. 77ie Lett Linimeut for JUananu Beast now ib utr.. Is a safe and reliable Remedy for the cure of Rheumatism, Painfnl Nervous affections, Sprains, Burns, Swelling?, and all Diseases requiring an external application on Man. On Horses it will never f:iil to cure Poll Evil. Fistula, Old Running Sores, or Sweeney if properlv applied. ror Sprains, Bruises Scratches, Crocked Hoofs, Chafes Saddle Colar Gall, Cns or Wounds, it is an Infallible Remedy. Try it, and be convinced of its ef- bvacy. RHEUMATISM. Persons afflicted with this Disease, no mat ter of how long standing, can be promptly and effectually cured by the use of this Mixture There s nothing in the world so sure and il gocd to take away bad C0R5S and cure Fros Uites as this preparation. Try it and satisfy yourselves. Price 35 and 75 cents a Bottle. Prepared bv S. A. FOCTZ'S & BRO.. At their Wholesale Drug and Medicine De pot, Ao. lib, Frcnklm St., Baltimore Md For sale by Druggists and Store-keepers throughout the United States. The above Medicine can be had at manu facturer's Prices of B. F. Kepner, Mifflintown; Johnson Ealloway & Cowden, Philadelphia; J. J. Bender & Co., Pittsburg, Pa. ; Langh lin & Bush field, Wheeling, Va- Aug- 3, 18C5-ly, PENNSYLVANIA U0USE. At nnilroad Depot, Fatlermon, Pa S. R. NOSTINE, PROPRIETOR. THE above named having taken charge of this large and convenient hotel where he is prepared to entertain travelers, sojourners or regular boarders. Persons wishing to take the trains east or west will find this tbe most convenient stopping place as they will be waked up at any hour dsired- The locatio" is most favorable and the accommodationsre of the best kind. The stabling is excellent and hostlers attentive. The Table and Bar will alsobe well provided. EST He has, in connect ion with the notel. a good LIVERY STABLE. Hoise, Carriages, Buggies, &c., always to be had. Persons conveyed to any part of the country. e3iy sinci attention to Dusiness and a desire to please, he hopes to merit public pat ronage, and render the sojourn of his pewits '" hi hut Ji j both eomfortadle end rlrinn). ' ! PiV'Ti& June 8; tf i cwiw PRICES REDUCED. Large Sue, tlO OO, Medium. 98 60 ME BEST IS THE CHEAPEST. Tin Faivmal Cog Wheel Clothes Wriiger Was pronouneed superior to all others at tbe TVOHL1VS FAIR If LOS DOS. Ib ltuii; received the Bronte Medei, (high est premium) at the Great Fair of -THE AMERICAS INSTITUTE, la new York Citv, in 1803. It has also re ceived the FIRST PREMIUMS at the ing State Fairs: New York, IKG2 18G3; Vermont. 1863: Pennsylvania, 1803 1864; Michigan, 1804; Indiana' 18031804; Illinois, lb03 1804; Iowa, 18031804; Wisconsin, 1804: Conn; River Valley Fair, 1861 ; Chmrlaia Valley Fair, 1804; and at the prictpal County and Institute Fairs throughout the land. TESTIMONIALS- "My family would as soon live up the coek- ing-stove as this Clothes Waisusa. It can not be too highly recommended. Solon Robi- ton. 'After a constant nse of the Csiveusal Clotuss WaiNasB for more than four years in my family, I am authorized by the "powers that be, to give it the most unqualified praise, and to pronounce it an indispensable part of the machinery for housekeeping." He. Hen ry Ward Jieechrr. "This is the first Wringer I have found that would stand the service re.inired or it." J. P. Muffin; Lovrjoy't Hotel. "In the Laundry of my house there is a perpetual thanksgiving on Mondays for the invention of your excellent Wringer." Set. Ttoodort L. Cuyler. "Vie think the Maonine much more than pays for itself every yaer in the savings of garmeuts. We think it importans the Wring er should be fitted With COGS." O Jwid. "I heartily commend it t. to economists of time, money and contentment." Jtev. Doctor BeltoKs. "It saves labor, expediates work, makes the laundress good naturd, does not tear off but tons and is indispensable in a well regulated lemily." K. S. Stvrr$, Jr., D. V. "Every week has given it a strongerhold upon the affections of the inmates of the laun dry. Every member of the household is in adiriration of it." Xne York Observer. 8. On receipt of price frcm any part of the country where we have no canvassers, we senu me n ringer tree or freight charges. A good canvasser minted in every township. Send for Illustrated Price Circular. E. C. BROWNim 34T Broadway, .V Y The long looked For Come at Last I THE CELEliUATEO Florence Sewin? Machine. This machine is the most perrcct instru ment to execute any kind of sewing now done by machinery in the world. It is simple and perfect in its mechanical construction. The eel mjr n..nioJ at anv nniitt dosim! without stopping, which is a great advantuir rn fastening the end of seams. It makes FOUR DIFFERENT STITCHES, Lock, Knot, DouttU Lock, Duubtr Knot, each stitch perfect and alike .on both sides of the fabric. Operators can select any stitch they want and change from one stitch to another with- rut stopping the machine. Its stitches cannot be eiceued for firmness, elacticity durability and beauty of finish. No difficulty experienced in sewing across thick seams. Sews light and heavy fubrioswith equal facil- y- It will Braid, Tack, Quill, Cord, hem. Fell, Jiind, Gather, and ao all kinds of Stitch ivy required by families and maoufaefnrers. The work will feed either to the right or left, without stopping the machine. The most inexperienced find nj difficulty in using it. It is thoroughly practical and easily under stood It has no ipring to get out of trdcr, and will lutt a lifetime. It runs easily, and is almost noiseless. It is the most rapid sewer in tbe world; mak ing Jive ititchet to each revolution. It uses the same sise thread on beth sides of the fabric. It oils no dresses, all its mackiners being on lop of the tabic. Every machine is trrrrenr to give entire eat uaelion, and to do all tha' is claimed for it. Miss Cabbie . tambacod is the agent for this county. By calling at her residence on Main 6'treet, Mifflintown, one of these ma chines can be seen in operation. September 12, 1805-ly. GREAT CHAXCE FOB AGENTS. What the People Want ! TUE STANDARD HISTORY OF THE WAR, Complete in one very laroe Volume OF OVER I (lOO r AGES. rTni3 work has ne rival as a candid, lucid, -L complete, authentic and reliable history of the "great conflict." It contains reading matter equal to three large royal octavo vol umes, splendidly illustrated with over loO fine portraits of Generals, battle scenes, maps and diagrams. Returned and disabled officers and soldiers, and energetic yonng men in want of profitable employment will find this a rare chance to nrake money. We have Agents clearing $250 per niontb. which we will prove to any doubt ing applicant ; for proof of the above send for circular and see onr terms. Address. JONES BROTHERS & CO., Philadelphia, Penn'a. II. F. SAIGJElt WITH PE1PER & iTIARKLEY, MANUFACTURERS f AMD WHOLESALE DEALERS BOOTS & SHOES No- 31 Nor tli Third Street, Pbila M. G. PEIPER, H. H. MARKLEV rarlxeular attention paid to order: A LARGE and well selected stock of GRO CERIES, comprising Ham, Shoulder, Ba- ewn, Mess Fork, Flour. Spices, &e.. ie. at A . TBS WOCU'S 6KUT KntSITT TO Scrofula, and Bcrofojoua Diseases. from Jhntry Idee, a vetl-inmc aterehani ef O font, Mu4c. I have oH Wire eiasntiiiee f your Karspa tll.Ui, bnt uever yet en bwttle whioh fiulwl of tite Attired envct and full sUfcsion thoae who talk a. As nisi our poopJe try it, tkey arve there Ins baoa ae ateiUciiM like It belore (u our otuoi unity." Wrap Won 9, Pimples, Blotches, Pustules, Ul cers, Borea, and all Diseases of the Skin. from Re. Robt. Stratton, Bristol, F.niln.l. " I only do my duty to you and thu public, whea i vld bit testimony to that you publish of the me dicinal virtues of your Pabsaparii.la. My djii-.'h-tar, agsti ten, had an afuictin? humor in her eurs, yes, and hair Jur years, which we were unable to are aatil we tried yoer SAHSArABlLLA. She hat seen weU tor soma months." from Mr: Jem K. Mice, n iwff friwiw find mueh eetnmtd Qui nf IMmnimHUe. Car J'"V - J u My MUf btr hna auifrrcil for a year pnet with a trafolou eruption, which wm very troublesome. XotUasr afforded aay relief unMl w trte-i your BAaaArAaiLLA.whick oa oompltely oarad her." From Charle r. Onft, Ken-, of tit vidctw known fiat, Mttrrxt f Co., mannUctwere oj enameUea 9art in Kiuhum, V. It. f had for seisml vrs a very vroubUdom aaaaor tn my hoe, which grew eonaUuity worm mil ildisaured my feAluros and became an into! nM niictii. I triod timort every thin? a m. eoaM ot both adviw sod median, but witlmut mar relif wkmtever, until I took your S.tasAPAniLi. It Uanetiatrlr made my Hoe worse, as you told ut it might for a time; but in a few weks th nev akin began to form under h bUtoIieu, and Haoad until my laoa ia aa smooth as say body a aa4 1 am without ajiy armptoma of tl '.iaoiu-e tnnt 1 know ot 1 eejoy pariect hoaltli, nn4 witkout a doubt owt U to yoar SAKSArAKiLLA." arraipeke General Debility Purify tbs Blood. Trm Tlr. XM. Motrin, nmteton .It., Kn Tort Da. AT aa. I aeldom fail to minre ErupHum A Scrnfvivu Suroa bytli peraevm::giit.eoi yonr lAXSArARii.L, and nare luat now oureo an cotKcx ef UaMgnnnt CrynpeJa w aeeaeH etinala the Saks with It. r.o'aiteraaire we rABiiXA you hv soe- flHKi to the proltaaion M well to tlM people." JV-om J. if. Joknstrm, Ktq., Wakemm.Ohi. Fr twelve years, I hart the yellow EryninsUe en my right arm, durinj w!ueh tiina I tried all tJm aelebrahfl phyaiciana I could reseh, ami took hta trtda of dollars worth of mrilirmea. Tm ulners were so bad that the cards became viaiblc, aai the tectnra dceiJed that my arm rauat b ampulorwi. I sagaa takin youv 8Aks.PARU.L. Took two bot Hl asd aoine of your llus. Toother tliey bit nred me. I am now aa well and Bound aa auy bo4y. Mnf in a public plaee, my ia know t erery body la this emaiaatty, aad excites tbe wouder of ji-o hon. Btnrf Hmero, If. P. P., of Ketemett, C. P?., tndtng monitor of the Canadian fnrim I need toot SAasAPAaiM.A m my msN for nuaral Oehihtv, ail for purifmttt the W with very beunllcial reniilu, and feri eesiltleaee ttmin -i ""g it W tha aflueMd." Bt. Anthony's Fire, Boee, Bait EieTK Scald Head, Sore Eyas. from Harrf SiekUr; F.tq., the able editor of toe TurUhMnoek lem.rat, renmtyirmia. Our ouly thild, about three yeara ol aire, wae atkarkod bv pimples o hie forehead. 'Ih"V r.irksy spread until tlley formed a loaih.ome and Ttrulent aore, which covered ilia face, and aetnatly bliwhid hia eve lor aoroe days. A akllful phyMemu iippllud O'tmie oi silver and other ruiuediea, wiihoiu 'tr appareut eflert. For firteeu dsya wo (rtiardi d iih banda, lest with them he ehould tear open tlie Sua tenng and eorrui wound whire covered hia whole faee. llaviug tried every thing elue we bad au hope from, we l'ttn giving yoar SARSAPAlttl.L md applying the iodide of pouh lotion, ok din-ct. The sore begun to hcul v, hen we had elves the first bottK and va well when we had liuiKhed the at-oond. The child's eyelahes', wliiiii had rome out, irrew aeain, aud he it now ua healthy and fuu es auy othiT. The whole neighborhood preoiolod tbat the child must die." Syphilis ana Morourial Disease. From Ir. Hiram Slotit, of St. l.mui, Miosowrt. 1 lind your SaR-sai'akii.la a more cfleetnal rmnedy for tho seuoudary Byinptoma of StfphBf and lorayphilltie disease thai any otlier we purees. The proleasion are indehted to you for some el the best medicines we have." From A. J. Fiv.ch, AT. D., in eminent vhyoicicn of Lawrence. Man., H-ho io o pramintiM member of the Leijinluture of ilutiachuetu. "Da. Ayf.b. Bly d-ar Sir: I hnve foumt your Sarsaparilla an excellent remeily for igpkUio, Soth of the prtwiry and eecontlirfl type, and eaee taaj In some eaaes that were too obetinate to ykj&l Xui alU'rative ie reqaired." itv Mr. Chat. S. Tan Liev, of Xtie Bnmnriet, X.X, had dreailful ulcers on hiK ls, canned by the abuse of mercury, or merctirvJ dutuoe, wlush jrrew ujoro and more ajrravateil for yenra, in anite of every remedy or trvatnieut that eould be applied, until tin 1H-rsevering nseef Aykk'h Saksapakiixa relieve lira. IVw rases enn be found more inveterate and iHtreing than this, and it took aeveral dozea bottles to cure him Iieneorrhcea, Whites, Female Wealmeea, re p'ncrolly protlueed by hitemat Bcrofiiitmt 11 teration, auc are Very oftrn eurist by ttw literati? enVrt of thii Sarsai'Akii.i.a. Some eases require, however, in A of the S(Ksapak!M.A, the skUtul application of local remedies. from tho vJL ln vrn nnri icidclt-eetbratcd Dr. Jacob Murrill, of Cincinnati. " I have found your 8ARs.PAKii.Lt an excellent alterative in diseases of frmnlc. Mnny eases of Irregularity, Iueorrhwa, Intt-rnal t'lwration, and loealdi-bilitv, arisinif from the serofulous Uinthefdfi. local di-bility, arising from the serofulous Uinthefdfi. have vield'1 to it, and there are fw th.it do not. nave yiel.iK( io it, anu mere are iw in.il oo not when'itseReet la properly aided by loe.il treatment.1 A lajty, unwilling to allow the publication of hor name, trrites t My daughter and myself have been cured of a Tery dcbilitatiuif Leiieorrltea of lonir staudiue;, by two bottles of your Sarsaparilla." Rheumatism, Oout, Liver Complaint, Dys pepsia, Heart Disease, Neuralgia, when caused by Scrofula in the system, art papUls nred by this Kit. Sarsaparilla. 'AYER'S CATHARTIC PILLS possess so many advantages over the other purgatives in the market, and their superior virtues are so universally known, that we need sot do more than to assure tk public their quality is maintained equal to the best it ever has been, and that they may 1 depended oa to do all that they have ever done. Prepared by J. C. ATER, M. P., 4 Ce., Lowell, Mass.. apd sold ley TVe have opened the large Room just oppo site our Store in Patterson wh.re we oBor for sale at low prices a general assortment of TABLES. CHAIRS. S0FA3, LOCXGES, BEDSTEADS, MATTRESSES, TRUNKS, CARPETS, STANDS, RACKS, AND Many other articles for .house furnishing HECm 4. STRAYER- iVewMillinary Establis!i:ttsat THE UNDERSIGN ED IIEREB7 INFORMS the Ladies of Mifflintown and vicinity tha he has just returned from the City with a large assortment of Millinary goods which he will dispose of at reasonable rates. Such s HATS, BONNETS, &C, ade and repaired to order, also, new ones ready made kept on hand and for sale ch cap) Sleeve, Coat and other patterns kept on band and for sale. Call and see before purchasing elsewhere. Call at the residence of Nathan Keeley a few doors East of the Presbyterian Church. TILLifc 31. KELET. Oct. 11. '65. SAL T ! SAL T ! I SAL T ! ! 1 A Superior quality, either by single sack 01 quantity. We will furnish Merchants with salt at Philadelphia prices, with the aai sddition of expenses of freight. H E AD QUARTERS 3 pH CS3 'if it . . . Mifflintown Chair Manufactory ! C1IIARLES W. WEITZEL would inform the J citizens of Juniata county, that he con tinues the Chair Manufactory at. the well known old stand in Water street, where he is at all times prepared to receive orders for Windsor Chairs-of every description, including Settees, Large Rooking Chairs, Sewing Rocking; Chairs, Childrens' Cbiirs, Counting House Stools, Cain Sent Chairs, Bar Room ArmChaB-s. and every iMnr nortiininir to his business, all of which ho i nrennred to sell cheaper than ever. He ia now nrenared to wholesale work at city pri ces. Prompt attention will be given to Repa iring All work done cheap and expeditiously. Sawed Poplar Plank and Scantling taken in excbai ge for furniture. JSgrFurnifttre Room on Main street; oppo site the Post Othce. CHARES WEITZEL 81 ptembcr3, 1362-tf. I 111 ill THE FALL AND WINTER ARRIVAL OF CHOICE GOODS AT THE STORE OF JOS. M. BEE-FORD- The undersigned would respectfully iuvitc the public to call and examine his stock before purchasing eluowhere. lie has bought his assortment at such prices that he cannot bo undersold bv any in tho country. Special at tention paid to purchasing goodsin thecilyper order at the shortest notice. Every effort will be made by him to give sat isfaction to those who may favor him with a call LADIES' DRESS. GOODS ! Hlack and Fancy Silks, Eerges Lawns, Morie Antique, Grenadine", Ducals, Tuts Chl;i, llri'.lianles, Ginliam Lawns, Bombaiineis. '1 wool d'Laint.i, Cashmerts, Poplins. Alpacas, Ac. A full assortment bf White I'res Goo'l-, Mus lins, Rrocha and other Shawls, Bonnrt.?, Bon net Satins, Ribbons. Flowers. &c. Also, Col lars, Undersieeves, Handkerchiefs in great va ey. DRICS. A largo quantity of Drugs, also on hand. Prescriptions lilled. lie has alo lait in a large stock of Wool, Cotton and llag Carpets, Oil Cloths, Mattings, ic, at the lowest prices. Country Produce taken in exchange for goods, for which the higheil market prices will be paid by J. 31. BELFOHD. HOW TO BAV B MONBV BOV ('ROM JAMES II. SIMONS, who has now on hund the largest stock of ready made SADDLES and HARNESS in theRPS county, Khich he is sellings! greatlv & reduced prices. lie is now manufacturing his gaddles and Harness with such perfect system thut he is enable! to sell a superior article of everything in his line, CHEAAER than any other establishment in tho county. He invites purchasers to call and examine his stock be fore purchasing elsewhere. James 11. Siuions. Saddles nr.d HarnfM are acknowledged to surpass in point of lit'Iitness elegance an 1 comfort, as well as real value and durability, all others manufactured in tho county. Remember li is ;hrp is on Hi'idgo street, in the rooms formerly occupied by D. W. A. Bclfnrd, as a Tailor Shop. Svft- All kinds of repairing neatly execut ed and nil work warreutok. Mifflintown, Oct. 11, liioofly. lVrnsviiie J.m1! V i f, THE umlersignel desires to inform the citi zens of Juniala County that he has taken charge of the works lately owned by Henry Willi in Pcrrysville, where he may be found ready to execute jobs in his line of business such as Tomb. Stones. Monuments. Marble Slabs, Table Tops, &c. Xc. He believes thut a long experienee and pructieal knowledgo will enable him to give entire satisfaction to all who may patronize him. Give him a call as he fells confident that for neatness cheap ness and despatch he cannot be excelled. C11AS. EMERSON. Apr. 25th i TAILORING SLiRLISUilNT. WM. WISE, Merchant Tailor, begs leave to inform his friends and the public generally that he has just opened out a large and fashion able assortment of FALL AND WINTER GOODS, which he is ready to make to order promptly and ou the most reasonable terms. Xb public generally will find it to their interest to call at his room above FASICK'8 TIN SIIOP, on Bridge street, Mifflintown, Pa., and inspect my Goods and workmanship before purchas ing elsewhere. I warrant all clothes to fit or no sale. SINGER'S SEWING MACHINE. B$3UAU persons desirous of purchasing any of Singer's Sowing Maciuxes will obtain ail necessary information on the subjoet and see them in operation a,t my establishment. If favored with their orders I will fit them up a better machine thirty per cent, cheaper than ever hitherto done in this county. No family should be without a machine. jan 1, 64-tf ISAAC K. ST A TJF F E B WATCH MAKER & JEWELER, MASnrACTDRERS OF SILvEK WARE SD M1P0RTER OP WWCflES No. 143 N. Second St., Corner Quarry, PHILADELPHIA. He has constantly on hand an assort ment of Gold and Silver Patent Lever Lepine and Plain Watches : Fine Gold Chains, Seals and Keys, Breast Pins, Ear Rings, Finger Rrhgs, Bracelets, Miniature Cases, McdalUons, Lockets, Pencils, Thimbles, Spectacles, Silver Table, Desert, Tea, Salt and Mustard Spoons ; Sugar Spoons, Cups, Nap kin Rings, Fruit and Butter Knives, Shields, Combs, Diamond Pointed Pens, etc , all of which will be told low for Cath ! M. I. TOBIAS $ CtyS best quality full jeweled Patent Level Movements constantly on hand ; also other Makers of superior quality. 5. B. OTi Gold and Silrer bovght for On'ft S$t. tV-ty. Fisk's Patent Mcialic Burial Cases. FOR ordinary Interments, depositing ia Vaults and transportation they have no rival. They are made of the most imperishable ma terials, and are enameled inside and ont trj prevent rust and the exterior has a FINB ROSEWOOD FINISH. Whea properly Cement ed, the remains of the deceased, are free from irruption of water, or depredations of vermin. They may without ofTensivo odor be kept as long as desired thus obviating the necessity of hasty burials. their long and successful use and the approbation guen them render unnecessry any extended notice of their valu able advantages. SANDOE AND MARTIN, rnrtcrtakorn and Cabinet Ware) 31 anufaciarors, Keep constantly ou hand an assortment the above cases. Mifflintown Pa. Jan. 4th 1855.-l A FRESH AT.3.1VAL-OF NEW GOODS, ' AT TODD'S STORE, IS PATTERSON. . Just Reccittd and for Salt at low Price Fancy Prints, from 20, 23, 30, to 33 certs-, Fancy DeLaines from 31 35, to 83 cents. . Fancy Dress Goods from 65, 75, to 90 cents. Best yard wide Brown Muslins, 35 to 40 cts. " Bleached " SO, 37. 45 ets. Balmoral skirts from $2.75 to JS.Clo. Baggs from 75 cents to $1 Spool Cotton, 8 cenls. Skirt Brr.de 12 cents. Syrup Molasses 80 cents per gllloo. Extra Syrup from $1 to SI. 25 per Ual'sn. flood Brown inputs frm 13, 11, 13, to IS e White Sugar at 23 cents. Aiso, a large assortment of Qtieonsware, from $5-00 to tS., per set of 45 pieces. Boots from $4.0 t0 $7.00. Grained Rip Cavelry Boots, 23 inches in legs, at 7.00. . Also, a full assortment of Ladies' Gaiters. All of which I will exchange for Butter at 40 cents per pound, or eggs at 33 cts per or for CASH. Aug. 15, 1835- J. 15. M. TODD. LEVI nsoiiT. ire. 8 THAT SR.. New Firm in Pallcrscn. Gentlemen's Furnishing Emporium '. '. Ju?t opened in the new Brick Building. Maia Street, Patterson by Levi Hecht and S.tmuI .troyer. a lwsro sr.l elegant assortment of Ready-Made Clothing, eoa'iatin; in part of Overcoats, frock Ctwt, Drcst Coats, 1'antahnns, Vest, Drnvrcrr. Co:'iro, L'ndrrrh irt. Jfcndkrrrh iff. ILitt and Cnpt, Bontct- $hi:. And everything ustinlly found in a first clasa Gentlemen's Furni-hing "lore. FANCY GOODS Also a large and carf;i!ly selectH assort ment of Fancy Goods, of all o'.asses, kind and qualities, all of which will be sold at the lw est possible living prices. Laairt' Giitoro and Pho'i. Thev also invites the stfention of the ladies to his 6ne stock of GAITOl'.S AND SHOES, which he will sell st prices defyinj competi tion. CARPETS, OIL CLOTHS. They have on hand a beautiful assortment ef Carpets, Oil Cloths, ic , which arc of a g9d quality, and well worth the inspection of the buyer. "WATCBIES AI JEWELaf Gold end Silver Watrc. Cloeko, rr r;i7t, riain and Fvnj ringo. Watch Keys, Ladies' and Gents' Breast Pin", Gold Peas and Pencils. &c, whiuhat this tirse form the largest and best assortment in the ccuinty. JfiAlI the sbove goods will bo sold oheip er than any other store in the United States. If you don't believe it, just give us a e' and be convinced of the truth of the assertion, HECHT A STRAYER. Tattsrscn, April 12, lS-5-tf. PJEW GOODS! CJ 1AI.L and see the New Stock ( ! an l Winter Golds at HICKEY & PEXSELL'S. IN PATTERSON. Just received a new and complete atsortsteat of Ladies' Latest Stjlo Dress Goods, Plain nnil IVeouk Merino, Paid and Fancy French Heps, Black and Colored Alapaea, Black and Faucj Cashuisra. A large assortment of Mourning Goods, Balmoral Skirts, Brooch Square and Loss: Shawl. Striped and Barred Woolen Shaw! Our stock of Domestic Goods has been largely increased by the purchase of a complete lo5 of Choice Print?, Bleached and Uu-Iiicathsd Muslin, Tickings, Denims, Wool Shirtings, Kentucky Jeans, Twilled and Plain Flannel. Also a large assortment cf Cassimers anil Cassine.tts, ail of which we olTer to Purchas ers at town prices for Cash or Country pro duce. MICKEY k PENNELL. Patteison, Pa. P. P. Also, yoa will fiad a large stoec ef Groceries, Hardware, (jueensware, Boot and Shoes, Wall and vYiodoir Paper; Janl-tf MICKEY k PENNELL. t. K. STAt FFEK, WATCHMAKER AND JEWELER. No. H3 North SKCOND Street. Corner ef Quarry, PHILADELPHIA.. An assortment of Watches, Jewelry, Silver & Plated Wtre, constantly on hand, Suitable for JIOLIDAT 'ltEHF.XTS'. EraT Repairing of Watches aad Jewelry proD'ptly attended te Deo. B. 18C4-1 yr. TO JJII STOXES. . RE UBS X CAVENEV, Manufacturer ef Teak Stones, McAlisterville and MifHiatowa. All work put up in tbe most tasteful aad sab staatjal manner. Give him a ewfl.