Juniata sentinel. (Mifflintown, Pa.) 1846-1873, November 29, 1865, Image 2

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    Juniata ftUhui.
i i sew i mi
swat. -V i area. .A. l-l TT -
Jl anion o lake, and a union of lands,
A union no potcer thall tever;
' Atunion of heart, and a union of hand,
And the American Union forever!
Wednesday Morning, Not. 29, 1865.
U. II. WILSON, Editor and Publisher
bas the Largest Circulation of any paper pub
lished in this County. It is therefore the
bat advertising medium. It is a Paper, truly
loyal, ably conducted, a first class Loealist,
and well worthy of the patronage of every
loyal cmten in toe County. - ( (
Death of lion. Prestos King.
Preston Kiog, in a fit of temporary
liberation of mind, jumped overboard
-from the Ilobolten ferry-boat on Monday,
and was drowned. His body has not
been recovered. King was born at Oil-
gensburg, New York, October, 14, 1806.
lie graduated at Union College, studied
. law and after several years 6crvrce in the
Legislature of his native State, was elect
ed to Congress in 1843. He remained a
member of the House until 1847, and
served two more terms, from 1849 to
1S53. He was then elected to the
United States Senate, serving as Chair
man of the Committee on Revolutionary
Pensions. lie was also a delegate to
the Baltimore Convention of 1SG4. He
.was recently appointed Collector of the
port of New York, holding that position
at the time of his death.
Under headings similar to the above,
the Copperhead organs of this and other
'States are discussing the difference be
tween the prices of clothing, etc., etc ,
four year ago and now, and after showing
. that every article consumed by the people
at present is much costlier than heretofore
the astute conductors of these organs in
sist that the responsibility of these bur
dens is due to the Republican party of
the country. If it were not for the pre
meditated malice of such statements, and
the deliberate purpose thereby to do the
Government and the country a grave
wrong, the ignorance of those who thus
strive to misplace the responsibility of the
crisis in finance and trade, would deserve
commisseration instead of contempt. On
the same "principle, every loyal man who
fought in the ranks of the Union armies
might be regarded as a murderer. Bat
the truth of history happily prevents the
people from falling into such errors.
. Whatever of misery the country has Buf
fered by the war to put down the slave
holders rebellion the orphanage and wid
owhood tho direct taxation and the hor
rors entailed by the increased cost of liv
ing all that communities have lost and
individuals suffered by the war, can and
will only be regarded as the result of
Democrats tampering with the authority
and powers of the government for the
benefit of the slave-holders. The Dem
ocratic party derived its existence from
the slave-masters. It was an organization
designed from the first to aid in the re
. bellion of the slave-masters. Its objects
from its origin were treasonable because
it started with the avowal that there was
a power in the State superior to the Na
tional Government. It progressed in
wrong, becoming common conveyors, as a
- political organization, of the property
which traitors stole from the Government
until at length, descending from one crime
' to another, it was the only ally to which
traitors could look with confidence for
support to destroy fteedom and bind those
who labor for honest livings in chains of
eternal slavery. TV hen the leaders of a
1 party like this claim that the miseries of
' a war which they originated and applaud
ed, are due to any other men but them-
. selves, the Jieigbth of treasonable as well
as political impudence baa truly been
t&ln the Tennessee Legislature, the
resolution remonstrating against the par-
. don of Jeff. Davis, and others, was amend
ed by adding the names of James Buchan
an and John C. Breckinridge to the iist
' declared infamous and worthy of death..
' on motion of Dr. Keith, who stated that
he had ' been a Democrat, and had been
deceived by them. Tho preamble and
resolutions were then adopted 15 to S.
Reconstruction Proposals
There is an evident disposition on the
part of the Democratic leaders and organs
to misrepresent the -President and mislead
the people in gaining it proper knowledge
of the proposed plan of reconstruction.
It has always been a favorite proceeding
with the or position leaders to misrepre
sent and ruin any Administration which
they could not manage or rule. These
men commenced with an effort to cajole
President Johnson. A programme was
arranged to capture the President, to mo
nopolize the patronage of his Administra
tion and to direct the policy of his rule
so that every traitor heretofore of promi
nence and influence in the Democratic
party, could escape scot free. It is need'
less to write now that these efforts have
all failed. The President practically re
pudiates the Democratic leaders, and the
people endorse that repudiation by reject
ing at the polls every candidate put up by
the Democratic party. Hence it is, con
vinced that they cannot rule, the Demo
cratic leaders have gone to work systemat
ically to ruin the Administration of Pres
ident Johnson by misrepresenting its pol
icy on the subject of reconstruction. To
counteract these efforts it is only necessary
fairly to show what that policy consists of
how the President proposes to achieve
reconstruction. The following is a fair
presentation of that policy, as proposed by
the President a the form of official pro
clamations, dispatches to and familiar con
versatioui with Southern as well as Nor
thern men :
First The recognition, in the new
.State Constitutions, of the abolition of
Second The declaration that the State
ordinance of secession and all the acts,
debts and obligations of the State under
the rebellion, are not repealed, but null
and void.
Third The declaration that the obli
gations of the national debt must be
shared by the South, in common with all
the other States.
Fourth The ratification by the initial
State Legislatures of the amendment of
the Fedeial Constitution abolishing and
forever prohibiting slavery within the lim
its and jurisdiction of the United States
Fifth The concession of the civil
rights of citizens, in the courts, etc., to
the emancipated blacks..
There could be nothing more explicit
or determined than the terms here pro
posed, in every case where the rebel
have failed to comply with these terms,
nd where the elections held in lately re
volted States have shown a tendency to
oppose the policy of reconstructions de
clared by the President, tho results of
sncb elections have been pronounced -null
and void, thus practically adding disfran
chisement to the other penalties of trea
son. The Democratic leaders are array
ing themselves against this policy, and in
order that the real friends of the Govern
ment n?ay properly understand the Presi
dent, it is ou) J right that these facts should
be kept constantly" before their eyes.
Foreign News.
The general belief in England is that
the United States Government will not
press to a quarrel the controversy in re
gard to the Alabama claims.
A special Commission has been appoint
ed to try tbe Feoians recently arrested in
Ireland. It consists of twelve judges,
who are to hold the court in Dublin, with
power to adjourn to Cork if necessary to
facilitate operations.
It is reported in England that Mr.
Adums the American Minister at St.
James, is soon to resign and return to the
United States.
Mr. Gladstone the leader of the new
Government in the British House of Com
mons, in a recent speech in Glasgow, de
clared in favor of extending the franchise
to the people.
The Danish Ministry has resigned.
The preliminaries of a treaty of com
merce between England and Austria have
been concluded.
A new Greek Ministry has been form
ed under M. Dclegeris.
The Frankfort Senate has again refus
ed in decided terms to aeeede to the de
mands of Austria and Prussia. -(
The British Envoy in Brazil has noti
fied the Emperor that the English Gov
ernment desires the restoration of diplo
matic relations botween the two countries.
The Emperor replied in like terms.
It is reported in Florence that King
Victor Emanuel is about to abdicate the
Italian throne. The Pope finds a difficul
ty in making those terms with him per
sonally which he would be willing to grant
to a sovereign who had never raised a
hand against the Father of the Church.
The cholera has broken out in Leipsic,
Several cases of cholera have occurred
in Woolwich, England, none' of which
proted fatal.
rrtmthtKtu York Tribune.
All the Country's Woea Democratic
The Rebellion was ' Democratic. It
broke out in Democratic States. It was
confined to Demooratic States. It was
fostered by Northern Democrats. Demo
crats officered the Rebel army. .Demo
crats made up its rank and file. Demo
crats filled every office in the Confederate
Government, from the Presidency down
to the clerkship and the messengersbJp.
There wasn't i Republican with a shoulder-strap,
a musket, or a "place," in the
whole devilish, concern.. In the Demo
cratic City of Washington, . under the
Democratic Administration of Fuchanan,
the Rebellion was conspired anJ prepared.
A Deniocratio member of the Democratic
Administration stripped the North of arms
and smuggled them over to the South, and
sent the army where it would be unavail
able, or should easily, be captured. A
Democratic member of the same Demo
cratic Administration scattered the . navy
over the world so that it could not be used
On the Rebel seabord. A Pemocratic Sec
retary of the Treasury plundered his trust
to supply the Rebellion with money. ' A
Democratic President, entreated to do
something to save the Nation, refused, de
claring and arguing that the Government
could not Constitutionally defend itself,
and that it was unlawful to coerce Rebel? ,
and he sat sullonly down like the Demo
crat traitor that he was, and allowed the
Nation's arsenals to be plundered, and the
Nation's ships, navy-yards and fortresses
to be seized, and the Rebel armies to.be
organiaoa, wWi-o" itfUog a anger to pre
vent. Democrats throughout every Nor
thern and Western State applauded tbe
conduct of their Democratic President
adopted and defended his Democratic doc
trine, that the Government had no right
to apply force to suppress a Rebellion
and, from the word "Go," politically and
personally opposed every legislative, finan
cial, military and moral measure taken to
speedily and successfully prosecute the
war, and save tho Nation's life. Tbe
Country's past and present wars are Dem
ocratic all and every one of them, with
out solitary exception. This truth, as of
the Gospel, was thus uttered by a Western
orator :
"Let Democratic journals and orators
howl over the debt and taxes their war
has' brought. They but magnify their
own sins. Every tax is a Democratic gift.
Every dollar of debt is a Democratic leg
acy, .bivery uovernmeni stamp is a dem
ocratic sticking plaster. Every person in
the United States drinks in Democracy in
his tea, his coffee and whisky and in the
sugar wherewith he sweetens them. Each
ingredient pays its quota for the coat of
Democracy to the country. The smoker
inhales Democracy. The sick man is
physicked with Democracy. , The labor
ing man gives about one hour's labor ev
ery day to pay for Democracy. The cap
italist pays one-tenth of his income for
the cost of the Democratic party. Every
transfer of property is saddled with tbe
Democratic burden. Before he is begot
ten, the child is subject to the Democratic
tax. From the cradle to the grave he
never is.free from it. The funeral mourn
ing must first pay the penalty of Demo
cratic rule, and a portion of that which
he leaves behind must go into this Demo
cratic vortex. Generation after . genera
tion will carry this Democratic burden to
death. BiiJ 'or the Democratic party, our
people would hardly have known tbe na
ture of taxation. But for the Democratic
party, the hundreds of thousands of young
men whose bones ate strewn over the
South would now be productive laborers
and the support and comfort of families
now desolate. No one can attempt to deny
this indictment No one can pretend that
the Democratic party had any cause for
Rebellion. Yet it lias the effontry to cry
over the burdens of taxation. As the
father of the Democratic party, when ho
had etripped Job of family and possess
ions; charged it to his own sins, and sought
to draw him from his integrity, so his
Democratic sons now come forward with
equal effrontery and charge their doings
upon the loyal people, and byporitically
howl over their afflictions, and seek to se
duce them from their integrity, to elect
to power the party that has brought all
these woes upon the land." '
Ex-Governor Pollock, Director of
the United States Mint at Philadelphia,
informs the publio that small coins are
now plenty, and can be had in any quan
tities, without delay, , in exchange for
greenbacks. The denominations are one,
two and three cents. The coin will be
ssnt the purchasers, by express, at the ex
pense of tbe United States.
-The county seat of Snyder is to be
removed from Middlebnrg to Selinsgrove.
The contract for buildiag the new Court
House has teen awarded to Mr. Philip
Swineford, of Middieburg, '"CO.
B&.Tbe Republican majority io York
State is estimated at 27,000.
large Sale of Damaged Property.
We find the following in the Cincin
nati Commercial. , We presume the De
mocracy of this county will appreciate it:
The Executors of the Democratic par
ty, deceased, will offer at public vendue,
on and after this date the sales to con
tinue till the entire stock is closed out
the effects, political and personal, of the
following parties, to wit, namely :
1. "The Time-honored Demociacy,"
2. "The Bourbon Democracy'" ' I.
3. "The Haskins Democracy f
4. "The Democracy of New Jersey."
Sealed proposals will be received for
the Democracy of Kentucky.
The large assortment of "time-honored
principles" will be sold in lots to suit pur
chasers. It includes;
: On set . Resolutions that coercion is
inconstitutional. (Badly damaged.)
One let Resolutions that the rebellion
lan't be put down, vi et armis. (Played
)ut last spting.)
' One set Resolutions to compromise
with treason. (Worm-eaten.)
- One set llesolnttons that "ibis is an
ibolition war." (Useless to the heirs
and assigns )
One set Resolutions that ' the war is
failure. .'(Purchaser will be paid to take
it away.)
! One-half set Resolutions of thanks to
the army and navyL (Convenient to have
in the house.)
' There will also be disposed of, on terms
made known on the day of sale, tbe fol
lowing principles, good as new, having
been out litue used
One Resolution approving the policy
of Reconstruction. (Impaired by con
ditions.) '
One Resolution endorsing Andrew
Johnson as a patriot and statesman,
(Value subject to future events.)
One Resolution that the Democratic
party is and always has been in favor of
the Union, one and indivisable. (Not
suitable for a Southern market.)
One Resolution concerning State Sov
ereignty. (This is a valuable self-ad
justing article, capable ot expansion or
contraction at the pleasure of the owner.)
One Resolution against negro suffrage.
(To revert to the hoirs and assigns, pro
vided the negro is found hereafter to vote
their ticket.)
One Resolution to tax United States
Bonds. (Buncombe.) '
One Resolution that the soldiers are
bully boys. (Valuable for local 'purpo-
vesc-nly) . -" '
r The attention of persons about emi
grating to Mexico and other cheerful for
eign parts, is especially directed to a
miscellaneous lot of principles, which the
Executors are anthorized to warrant to fit
any form of Government, whether based
on the divine right of negro-driving and
miscegenation, or admitting a visible ad
mixture of negro blood to the ballot:
N. B. Sale positive, and without refer
erence to the meeting Of' Congress, as the
Execntors must make room tor a fresh
supply of principles, ordered for the use
and benefit of the heirs and assigns of
the Democratic : party,' deceased, from
their former market the reoonstructed
Pennsylvania Finances.
. . mil. :
A correspondent writing from Harris
burg to the .Chambersburg Repository,
evidently thoroughly posted in what he
writes, says: '-The financial condition of
Pennsylvania, as it will be presented in
the official reports at the close of the cur
rent fiecal year, will be better than ever
before. The debt was reduced some
?S00,000 during the last year, and a large
sum fs still available and applicable to its
liquidation. In addition to thin the State
has paid some 8890,000 of military claims,
8200,000 for transportation, $1800,000 of
direct tax, aod 8750,009 for militia called
out under an order of the President for
which the General Government is bound
by eve y co sileration of jus
tice and good faith. It is a mast remark
able record that Pennsylvania, with all
her generosity and immense expenditures
to sustain the Government and defend
herself, has less debt to day than before
the war. Her credit was never better.
Governor Cnrtin Going to Cnba.
Harrisbuko, Nov. 24, 1865. Go--
rnor Curbn has teen confine! t tl e
Executive Mansion since his return from
New-York, until to-day. Gov. Cnrtin is
in his second term, and now, after four
years of unparelled labor, for the first
time yields to the suggestions of his phy
sicians and his friends to relinquish his
official duties for a short time, while he
goes to Cuba for rest and recuperation.
He will be accompanied by Mrs. Cur-
tin, Surgeon-General Phillips and one" or
two intimate relatives. The party secur
ed passage on the steamer which leaves
for New York next week. The Governor
will return in time to prepare his annua i
message for ta coming session of tic
George F. ."Killer.
Congress will meet on Monday, the 4th
of December. J. very important ques
tion will be immediately brought up as to
the admission of the Representatives
elected from the States reoently in rebel,
lion.-. If we may judge from the speech
of Mr. Colfax, delivered in Washington
a few evenings ago, and which may be re
garded as reflecting tbe Republican senti
ment that will prevail in the Hou.e, those
Southern Representatives will have more
difficulty in getting into Congress than
they probably anticipate. . The Republi
can member require great firmness in
treating this matter By precipitation or
weakness an injury may be done from
which the Republie may not recover tor
many years. '
As regards the Representative from
this District, we have every confidence in
the firmness and practical good tease with
which he will perform his part in the
great work to be done at the coming ses
sion. ' We believe that our people can
rest assured that the vote of George F.
Miller will never be recorded in favor of
admitting into the councils of the nation
men who cannot take the prescribed oath
that they weie not active participants in
the late rebellion. The loyal people of
this District expect that his vote will be
among those that will teach the late in
surrectionists that when they especially
pick out - for their Representatives in
Congress men who were prominent rebels,
and elect them more on that account than
any other, that such Representatives can
not enter the balls of Congress. Tb
what our. people expect, and we know
that they will not be disappointed in Geo.
F. Miller. If we understated their tem
per, they also demand that no rebel State
that will not declare its ordnance of se
cessionnot merely repealed but abso
lutely null and void; that no late rebel
State that will cot positively repudiate
all its debts contracted in and for the re
bellion ; and, moreover, will not adopt
the amendment of the Constitution abol
ishing slavery forever, can be readmitted
to its old standing in the Union. These
arc points that were won from tho enemy
by the stern deeds of war, and upon them
depend the future peace and welfare of
the country; and for our Representatives
to surrender them now, would be a virtual
snrrender to, the rebellion. Svnlury
'Our Younu Folks." We have re
ceived the December 1 imlcr of this vala
aoie magazine. it is tne best as wen as
the most popular juvetiile magazine in the
English language. The publishers have
secured, at great expense, a list of con
tributors, comprising many of the best
writers in America. They have also, du
ring the past year, bc&towed especial at
tention upon tbe department of Illustra
tions, giving each month new and original
pictures, by the best and most experien
ced artists. This migazine reached in
the first half year of its existence a cir
culation of over Fifty Thousand Copies
"(Jur louog folks" needs only to be
j known to be almost universally read by
the boys and girls of America. Its cheap
ness brings it within the roach of every
households Terms Single subscriptions
S-,00 a year, single numbers 20 cents.
Clubs Three copies 85,00, five . copies
SS.00, ten copies 815,00. Address, Tick
nor Si Fields, 124 Tremont St., Boston.
---- - ...
Tnt Atlantic Monthly. Tbe De
cember number of this Magazine, as usu
al, is repleted with interesting reading
matter. We cheerfully recommend it as
a desirable companion for the coming long
winter evenings. The paper entitled
"Clemency and Common Sense," a curi
osity ot literature, with a moral, is in it
self worth tbe price of subscription.
Terms Single subscriptions 84,00 a year,
single numbers 35 cents. Clubs Two
copies 87,00, 5 copies 816,00. Address,
Ticknor & Fields, Publishers, 124 Tre
mont St., Boston.
hereby given that letters of administra
tion on the estate of SAMUEL OEESON, late
of Beale township, deceased, have been grant
ed to the undersigned, residing as aforesaid,
by the -Register of Juniata county. All
persons knowing themselves indebted to said
estate will make immediate payment, and
those bavibg claims will present 'them duly
authenticated for settlement. .
nor. 2!MSw. N. A., OKESON, Aim'r.
hereby given that letters of administra
tion on tbe estate of JOEL TODER, late of
Fermanagh township, deceased, have been
granted to the undersigned, residing as afore
Said. All persons knowing themselves in
debted to said estate will make immediate
payment, and those , having claims will pre
sent them di-.iy authentioated for settlement.
nov. 29-6w. . .
hereby given1 that letters of administra
tion on the estate of HENRY STINE, late of
Fermanagh township, deceased, bars been
granted to the undersigned, residing as afore
said. All persons knowing themselves in
debted to aaid estate will make immediate
payment, and those having claims will pre
sent them duly authenticated for settlement.
Sdr. ;p-3w. CHAm.ES StlSE, AZr.
Teeth inserted npon an entirely new style
of base, wbiehi is a combination of Gold and
English Rubber, vulcanite.) Also American
Rubber, (vulcanite,) which for beauty, dura
bility, cleanliness, and the restoration of the
natural contour of the fate; ea&aet be sur
passed, Either of the stove bases
Special attention will be made to diseased
gums, and a cure warranted or so charge
made. Teeth filled to last for I'ft.'
JftjJ" Triumph in Dentistry t - -
by a new process, without the use of ether,
chloroform or nitrous oxide, and no danger'
Having been in basiness for upwards of tea
years, five of which has been spent in Mifflin
town, and being in possession of the latest
improved Instruments and Machinery, I warrant
entire satisfaction, or the money will be re
funded. Office on Bridge Street, opposite the
Court House Square.
O. L. DKltR,
' " Rtsidtnt Dentist.
November 29, 1865-Iy.
J, B. M. TODD has just reeeived a large and
fine assortment of GOODS from Philadelphia,'
which he is prepared to sell at the follow leg
reaucea prices :
pbihts. i Linen .......55
Best American 25 3 bushel Bags 1,0')
Others from. ..20 to 241 molasses.
oisGnaxs. ;
Lancaster.. 35
Common from . '25 to 31
Mt Vernon Linen
Lovering Syrnp. . . .".
Good 25 to SO
Sugar Honse fill
Prime Baking 2
White -.23
Warp 50;
Common .....35 to 48 Brown.;..lJ, 18 1 20
brows sncETiiros. f - ' corraB.
Applet on "A" SSI Best ...35
Others 28. 81 ft 33; Rio 31
From...25, 28, 30 to 43;Cheese ...2"
Fromi 50 to 75
rure repper.... ...6J
Mackerel pr lb...l!
Also A large as
sortment of Ladies.
Twiiled for Shirts ...CO
From... .....30 to 40; Misses' and Chil-
All Wool 73'dren's WOOL EN '-
- sTTisF.TT. HOODS from 75 to $1
From....'JO, 1,00 to 131 and upwards.
ladie's rrcs. I Ai..ki Alarjreas
Capes from. ..$5 to $12 sort men t of Boots k
Latest Style Muffs jShoe Men's "
from 3.5!) to 4,00 from $S.0O. 4.50, 5,-
Children's Muffs & ji)0. 5,25 to 6,00.
Capes....C,00 to T.OOiLadie's Shoes from
bagoiko. j J.SOtoS.SO
The following prices will be paid for mar
keting in CASH or GOODS to suit customers:
Butter 40 Potatoes..
Eggs S-VRags
..'JO to 1,00
-ia.Hihest price for Walnuts,' She'.lbarks
and Chestnuts. . . ,.'-.
Patterson, Nov. S9. 1 805-1 r.
!-" trued b inwt vwA - i
S'rk i'f Hrj Ooodi and Grocrrix . ..:
store on Rail Road Street, in Pater,on- wi1;e!l
ia-y nreu;. i.ug 10 tue ju )iic, m me followinf
low prices a - - ; ' i .
Best Quality at 28 "e Quality j-
Second. 25 i Seem I .3-(
Thirl ; 20,TuirJ "7
DeLaises. (Fourth 33
Tlain (all wool)....70 Fifth. -;.
Fipured " 70.Sixth . 11
Fancy and plain I Flae-sels.
from 2oto40 Scarlet ; 4."to7
Gisohams. ibi.te ?r
Best Quality .JS7 J.1" AL:'
Second 33jSh,rt,K 4-to.j.
Sn.KToCnECKS. All wool Socks-48to05
Best Quality 451. B Shoes-
Seeond 40! -V'i H
T. ,rjMisses...Sl 20to2 25
m'e";;o;: hi,drr -ti s
Black and other en, Booi,1 ?
Colors 00to$l 30 y'"--1 252 25
i Groceries.
r, , , , -yPs....$l 20tol 40
BalmoraU$2 Uo4 60 suga, house . 70
f.0?P J,?'"'??:3ugrs, brown..14tol8
Tickmgs...2j, 3oto6jj Whlte JR
Paets Stuff, j joreen Coffee. '."35to40
Jeans from 40 o,0j Ladi, Coa,s U(Mt
Satinet T0to$l I 2u lt., $12
C.hner...$t 2oto3 Breakfast Shawl,
Plads. from .....$2to3
All wool ...4uto80j Woolen Hoods75to2 60
Plad CasLmer...37to50, Hats and Caps at all
Bleached Musliw. prices.
Best Quality 6o( Notions A full 's-
Seoond. 40 sorlment of Ladies' &
Third........... 35 Gents' Gloves, Hos-
Fpurth SO iery, ftc. at all prices,
Fifth.......... .......... 26 to suit purchasers.
Also, a full assortment of Queens ware.
Hardware, Tinware, Brooms, Brushes, Bask
ets. Buckets, Tubs, Tobacco, Segars, &e., &e.,
usually kept in a country store. Purchaser
will do well by calling and examening our
stock, bif.ie purchasing elsewhere, as onr
motto is to sell cheap for CASH or Country
Not. 29, '65.-ly. , Patterson, Pn.
lie sale at East Waterford, Juniata coun
ty, on
Ttjesdat December 12, 1865.
A Steam SAW MILL with Twenty hnr
Power ngine, Two Boilers all in complete
running order. The gearing which is strap.
is in good order and the Belts new. The
baw is a mulay sis' and one-half long aid
twelve inches wide. There is also an extra.
Saw and Mulay.
The carriage of the Mill is FiftT-fir. r..i
long with complete Head Blocks. The way
plank is one-hundred feet long. There is al
so a tooDacit to run tne Carnage back, and
fearing to draw the timber on to the MilL
his Mill sawed 275,000 feet of White Oak.
xiumaer in aooui iwo monina.
TERMS: One-half cash, and th. b.l....
in four months with good seeurity. Sale to
commence at 1 o'clock when attcadenae will
be given by
ALSO on the same day near SAmnci Vm.Z.
ebaker's on Tuscarera Creek, Four miles
below Waterford, One-hundred White Oak
Logs, (squared.) from AO te 50 feet long.
Said logs are lying on the bank of the
Creek and will be said law. 8ala to cam.
mence at 10 e'clock when terms will be made'
known by - - . -
H.. 51. 4 X.
nov. 23-tK.