TBI C0BSTITCTIOB TBI OIUO B BBSOBCBMBBT MB tAWS. EDITOR AMD PrBLISDER. TOLUME XIX, NO 34. M1FFLLNT0WN, JIWIAT4 COUNTY, PEMX NOVEMBER 29, liU. , WHOLE NUMBER 970. TEE1I3 OP PUBLICATION. Tbi Jomata Sbbtubl ii published every Wednesday morning, on Maia street, by H. H. WILSON. Th. SUBSCRIPTION PRICEef the paper will be TWO DOLLARS per year in advance, and 91. 0 it not paid within the year. aa. No paper discontinued until all ar rearage are raid except at the option of the Bdilor. , APTHTiaiio. The rates of ADVERTIS ING are for one square, of aionr lines or less, one timj, 75 cente ; three, $1 60; and 60 eta. for each subsequent insertion. Administra tor' a. Executor's acd Auditor's Notices, $2,00. Professional and Business Cards, not exceed ing 26 lines, and including copy of paper, $3.00 per year. Merchants advertising; (changeable quarterly) $ 15 per year, includ ing paper at their Stores. Notice in reading column, ten cents per line. ' ' Jo Won. The prices cf JOB WORK, for thirty Bills, one eight sheet, $1,25; one fonrth, 2,00; one-half, (3,00; and addition al numbers, half prist and for Blanks, f2,00 per quire. JEREMIAH, LYON'S, GO Miffliutown, Juniata County. Pa., Office en Main street south or linage etr et. K. C. STEWART, ATTOBHEY-ATU'tV, Mifflintovn, Juniata Co., "a-, Offers his professional services tJThe pub He. Collections and all other business will reseiTe prompt attention. Office first door florin of Bedford's Store, (upstairs.) 1T7ILLIAM M. ALLISON, Attorney at Lav; AID Kill attend te all business eotrnstod !o his tre. Office on Main Street, lliihintonn. Pi. JOHN T. LSAIIM. giitorncii-Ht-iiiUyl MIFFLINTOYFN, JUNIATA COCNTV, PA. OFKKR3 his professional services to the public. Prompt atiention K'Ten 10 the erosecutiun of olairos against the Government, collection aad all other business eetrusted to eare- Office, Main Street, one door South f SnjJor'e Hotel. t pt. M, loCS. jT a. milLike.i, A T T O It X E Y-A T-L A W, jurLiyTOWX, JCXIATA CO., PA. ,OSce Main Street, in the room formerly occupied by Wm. M Allison, Est.)' COLLECTIONS, AND ALL OTHER BCS iness oounected with (he profession promptly attended to. Oct. 13, '05. It. i. C. Rl'.VDIO, or Pal terson, Pa., wishes to inform his friends end pa trons that be has rescved to Iks bouse on Bridge Street opposite Todd & Jordan's Store. AprilO-tf OIU AUCTIONEER Th undersigned offers his services to the fublie as Vendue Crrer and Anctiuneer. lie Iibs had a very large experience, and. feels confident that he om give satisfaction to all who may employ him. He may be addressed t tiifSintown, or found at bis home in Fer saanaghvownship. Orders may also be left at Mr. Will's IIoleL Jan. 25, 1864. WILLIAM GIVEN. ALEX. SPEDDY, A 8 8T I H S E RESPECTFULLY offers his services to the public of Juniata county. Having had a Urge experience in the business of Vendue Crying, he feels confident that he can render general satisfaction. He can at all times be onsnlted at his residence in Mlfflintown, Pa. Aag. 16, 1865. "- MILITARY CLAIMS. THE undersigned will promptly attend to the eoUeotioa of claims against either the State or National Government, Pensions, Back Pay, Bounty, Extra Pay, and all other claims rising oat of the present or any other war, ellected. JEREMIAH LTONS, Attorney -at-Law. Miffiintown, Juniata Co., Pa. febl Pensions! Pensions! ALL PERSO.VS WHO HAVE BEEN DIS ABLE DURING THE PRESENT WAR ARB ENTITLE TO A P ENSION. All per son who intend applying for a Pension must all on th Examining Surgeon to know weth er their Disability is sufficient to entitle them e Pension. All disabled Soldiers will call n the undersigned who has been appointed Pension Examining Surgeon for Juniata and 4oin,nr Counties. P. C. ECNDIO, M. D., Patterson, Pa. Dee. , l.-tf. ' Deafness, Blindness and Catarrh, nRBATED with the utmost success, by Dr. JL J. ISAACS, Oculist and Aurtist, (former ly of Leyden, Holland.) No. 619 PINE Street Philadelphia. Testimonials from the most reliable sources in the City and Country can be eeen at his Office. The medical faculty are invited to accompany their patients, as he has no secrets in his practice. ARTIFICIAL 1TES, inserted withonl pain. Ko charge ssad for examination. Feb, 16. 'SS.-ly CALL AND EXAMINE our Stock of Ready Made Clothing before yea Purchase Elsewhere, you will find on m . i . - r w.a n.. skuui Koea assortment lor n uw mvjw, .... .hLk -in h. .n .k... for ..ah ar ! Mtry jrsrtwe.. i i 3tU ffrfrj. BHE WORKS FOR A 1IVIKQ. BT AVA. "Sb wobk iob a UTiao," hew often we bear This calumny bieathed oa a name, That perhaps in the rank of tbe proudest might bear, A station of honor and fame. E'en the btici and sbof-bot will turn with a sneer, As though it could sully her fame ; And their eoarse greeting whispers oft fall on her ear . "Sua wobks," what need of a name. Though be "works for a living," I cannot see why i That should eost any blight on her name At least, those who labor should not pas her For surely their lot is tbe same. Then who shall regard tb opinions of those, Whose highest ambition or aim, It is to scoff at the humble, and near the repose Of SUOb as do work out a nam t O, is it not honor te fill here below The station that Ood has assigned, Then if labor's thy lot, to it cheerfully go It will never sullt the mind. A STORY FROM REAL LIFE- "What do you mean by such careless ne?'" exclaimed John Doring to his son Wiliia), a young Ind of twelve years. "Take that 1" he added, striking the boy a heavy LIow on ths side of the head ; "aud that, acd that I" repeating the blows as LftfSpoke, the last of which knocked the boy over a plow that was standing by his side. "Get up now aud go iuto the houe," continued the father, aud see if you can't keep out cf niisohief for a while, aad stop that crying, or I'll give you some thing to cry for." J, The boy started for the house, Strug, gling to suppress his sobs as he went. 'It is astonishing," said Doring, ad dressing a neighbor named Hun ford, who was near by in a barn, acd of course had scec end heard all that had passed, "how treablesome boys are. Just see those oats, now, that I've got to pick up for that boy's carelessness," aud he pointed to a meas ure of oats which William had accident ally overturned. ; "And it was for that triCe that jou as saulted your child and knocked him down ?'' ret lied Mr. Ilanford, id a sor rowful tone. Doring looked from the oats in surprise, and repeated : "Assaulted my child aud knocked him down ! Why, what do you mean, neighbor Han ford V "Just what I say. Did you not knock the child over the plow V "Why well no. He kind o' stum bled and fell over it," doggedly replied Doring. . "Do you go' against parental au thority ? Ilavu't I a right to puniah my own children V "Certainly you have," responded Mr. Hauford, "in a proper manner and a prop er spirit, but not otherwise. Do you thiuk that a father has a right to revenge himself upon Lis child V "Of course not ; but who's talking about revenge V "Well, friend Doring 'it me ask you another . question. For what purpose should a child be punished 1" ' "Why, to make it better, and to do it good, of course," quickly answered Do ring. "For any other V quietly asked Ilan ford. "Well, no, not that 1 can think of just now," replied Doring, thoughtfully. "And now, my dear friend," kindly continued Mr. Ilanford, "do you suppose your treatment of your son a few momecU ago did his any good, or has increased his respect and affection for you ? The boy, 1 venture to say, is utterly uncon scious of having done any wrong, and yet you suddenly assaulted him with anger and violence, and gave him a beating which no penitentiary convict caa bo sub jected to without having the outrage in quired into by a legislative committee. : But let me tell you a long story. Yod know my son Charles?" The one that is preaching in Charles ... town 7" Yes; yon have profcaWy lotiet that "I have noticed it," said Doring, "sad asked him how it happened, and he told me he got hurt when a boy." " Ys," responded Mr. IlaDford with emotion, "the dear boy would never b made to eay that it was by his father's bru tality. But listen," he continued, as te saw Doring was about to speak. . "When Charles was about the age of your sen illiam he was one of the most active and intelligent boys I had ever seen. I was fond of him, ana especially of hs physical beauty and progress. But unfoi tunately I was cursed with an irritabb and violent temper, and was in the hab't of punishing my children under the influ ence of passion and vengeance, instead of from the dictates of reason, duty and en lightened affection. One day Charles of fended me by some boyish and trifling misdemeanor, and I treated him almost exactly as you treated your eon a few min utes ago.: I struck him violently, and he iell upon a pile of stones at his side, and injured Lis left side so badly that the re null waa hm waa oripplod fur Jtfr," Skid Mr. Ilanford, in tones of deepest sorrow and remorse, and covering his face with his hands. A period of oppressive tiilence followed. which was at lart broken by Mr. Ilanford sayiDg: "When I found tbat my boy did not rise from the stones on which he had fall en, I seised him by the arm and rudely pulled him to his feet, and vraa about to strike him again, when something that I saw in his face,, in his look, arrested my arm, and I asked him. if he was hurt." "I am afraid that I am, pa," he mildly answered, clinging to my arm for support. "Where ?" I asked in great alarm, for notwithstanding my brutality, I fairly idolized the boy. . "Here," he replied, laying his hand upon his hip. . "In silence I took him in my arms and carried him to the. bed, from which he ous boy that I had so cruelly struck down on that pile of stones. , But after many months he came forth, a pale, saddened little fellow, hobbling on a crutch I" Here Mr. Hauford broke down and wept like a child, and the tears also rolled down Doring's cheeks. When he resum ed, Mr. Hauford said : "This is a humiliating narrative, neigh bor Doring, and I would cot have related it to you had I not supposed that you needed the lesson which it contains. It is impossible for me to give you an ade quate notion of the suffering that I have undergone on account of my brutal rash ness to my boy. But fortunately it has been overruled to my good, and to that of my family also. Tbe remedy, though ter rible, was complete, and no other child of mine has ever been punished by ire ex cept wbeu I was in the full possession and exercise of my best faculties, and when my sense of duty has been chastened and softened by reason and affection. I de voted myself to poor Charley from the time he left his bed, and we came to un derstand one another as I think few fath ers and sons ever do. The poor boy. nev er blamed me for blighting so much hap piness for him, and I sometimes tried to think that his life has been made happier on the whole than it would have been had I not been taught my duty through his sacrifice. &till, neighbor Doring, I should be sorry to have you and your son Wil liam pass through a similar ordeal." "I trust that we shall not," emphati cally and gravely responded Doring. "I thank you for your story, friend Ilanford, 'and I shall try and profit by it." And he did profit by it, and we hope that every parent who is capable of stri king his child in anger or petulance, that reads this sketch from life, will profit by it 19 A Colonel of one of the Bengal regiments was recently complaining. at an evening party, that from - the ignorance and inattention of the officers, he was obliged to do the whole duty of the regi ment. Said he, "I am my own major, my own captain, my own lieutenant, my own ensign, my own sergeant, and" "Your own trumpeter," said a. lady pres ent. ,. . ;. . , MS" In anticipation of a visitation of cholera, the Secretary of War has ordered the suspension of sales of all Government hospitals, that they may be in readiness A SHARP ORDER. Bishop Wilmer, of Alabama, who . has disgraced the Episcopal Church by pro hibiting tie Episcopal Clerjry of his State from repeating the set form' of prayer "for the Jiesident of theUnited States, I and all others in civil authority," on the ground that he State is under military rule has been mos righteously taught that the Government it not to be tampered with, by Maj. Genl Thomas commanding the department. ' Gen. Thoma3 has order- "That said Richard Wilmer, Bishop of the Protestant Episcopal Church of the Diocese of Alabama, and' the Protestant Episcopal Clergy of said diocese be, and they are hereby suspended from their functions, and forbiden to preach or per form divine service, and that their places of worship be closed until such time as said Bishop and Clergy show a sinceie return to theii allegiance to the Govern ment of the United States, and give evi d oa loyal and patriotic spirit by offering to resume the use ' of tbe prayer for the President ot the United States and all in oivil authority, and by taking the amnesty oath prescribed by the Presi dent. The prohibition shall continue in each individual case until special applica tion is made through the millitary chan nels to these headquarters for : permission to preach and perfoim decine service, and until such application is approved at these or superior headquarters. District commanders are required to see that this order is carried into effect." Good for Gen. Thomas. There is not a loyal Episcopalian in any part of the United States thaV will not honor Gen. Thomas for this prohibition. The House of Bishops of the Episcopal Church in the United States who recently admitted Bishop'Vilmer into their" body, will please make a note of hi. -,. FIGHT YOUR WAY UP. . The many who have to take the world rough and tumble are prone to envy the few who roll through it untolted, in cush ioned vehicles oh patent spring. The toil er as he stumbles through its thorny thickets, and limps over its foot-blistering gravel is apt no curse the ill luck that placed him on such a hard road, and to sigh for a' teat in one of the splendid equipages that glide so smoothly over Fortune's mecadamized turnpise. Born with a pewter spoon in his mouth, he covets the silver one which was the b'rth gift of his do-nothing neighbor. The more fool he. Occupation is the "imme diate jewel" of life. It is true that riches are no bar to exertion. Quite the reverso, when their use are properly understood.- But the discontented worker, who pines for wealth without being willing to labor for it, regards the idleness in vrhioh it would enable him to live as the acme of temporal happiness. He has no idea o' money as a great motive power, to be applied in enterprises that give healthful employment to mind and body. All that he desiresnis to live a feathe-bed life to loaf luxuriously. We have no sympathy with such sensuous longings. People who indulge in them never acquire wealth. They lack the energy to break their way to the worldly independence cf which they yearn and whine. : They don't know how much more glorious it is to tear affluence from opposing fate by main strength of will and infixibility of pur pose, than to receive it as a windfall. There is infinitely more satisfaction in conquering a fortune with brain and mu sic, than was ever experienced by "lucky heir" in obtaining the golden store that some thriftier hand had accumulated. ttf A good stoay is told of a promi. nent New York banker and politician. He is a somewhat passionate man and consideraDie proiane. Unce ne bad a confidential clerk at whom ie blazed away one morning at a fearful rate. The aan listened 1 quietly till Belmount got through, and then he said he would not stay and be sworn at though he was a poor man. ' Belmount inquired what he would remain for and let him say what he pleased. After studying the matter over a snort time the man said if ins salary was increased from $2,500 to $4,000 he would stand it ' "You shall have it, d n you," said Belmount, and the tradition goes that, ho not only gave the man the money, trot nerer' curead him ALUHP ON HIS SIDE-. . A man long noted for intemperate hab its, was induced by Kev. John Abbott, to sign the pledge "in his own way." which he did in these words : "I do pledge my self to drink no more intoxicating drinks for one year." Few believed he eould keep it, but near the end of the year he again appeared at a temperance meeting, without once having touched a drop. "Are you not going to sign again ?" asked Mr. Abbott; "Yes," he replied, "if I can do it my own way," and accordingly he wrote "I sign this pledgo for nine hun dred and ninety-nine years, and if I live till that time, I intend to take out a life lease !" A few days after ho called upon the tavern keeper, who welcomed him to his' old haunt, "O, landlord," said he, as if in pain, "I have such a lump on my side!". "That's because you've stopped drinking; you wont live long, if you keep on," said the landlord. "Will drink take the lump away ?" "Yes, and if you don't drink you'll soon have a. lump on tbe C'.hcr sido. Come let's drink togeth er," and he poured out two glasses of whisky. "I guess I wont drink," said the former inebriate, "especially if keep ing the p'edge will bring another lump, for it isn't so very hard to bear, after all,' and with this he drew out the lamp, a roll of greenbacks, from his side pocket. and walked off, leaving the landlord to his own sad reflections. m m mm t . . i Ingenious Clock. There is now in possession of, and manufactured - by Mr. Colliugs, silversmith, of Gloucester, En gland, a most ingenious piece of niachan- ism an eight day clock, with dead beat escapement maintaining power, chimes the quarters, plays sixteen times, plays three tunes in twelve hours, or will play at any time required. The hands go round as follows: One, once a minute one, once an hour; one, once a year. It shows the moon's age, the time of ris ing and scattering of tbe eun, tbe times of high and low water, half ebo and half flood; and by a beaatiful contrivance, there is a part which represents the Water which rises and falls, lifting the ships at high water tide as if it were in motion, and, as it recedes, leaving these little automation-ships dry on the sands. It shows twelve signs of the rodiao ; it strikes or not, as you may wish it ; it has tbe equation table, showing the difTetence of clock and sun every day in the year. Every portion of the olook is cf beauti ful workmanship. - Tbe Diad Come to Lifb. A singu lar case has just come to light in the Registers' Office of this county. A citi. sen of North Heidlebcrg township, who served during the war in Company B, 55th Penna. Volunteers, was reported dead and buried. His supposed widow drew his bounty money, and proceeded to a legal settlement of his estato. lis left a will, which was proved, and Letters Testamentary issued to the Executor. But, to the surprise of all parties, the dead man returned home about ten days ago, alive and well. Fortunately, matters had not gone so far as to render his reap pearance inconvenient to any one, so that nothing was necessary but to revoke tbe Letters Testamentary and withdraw the will. A similar case, it is believed, has never occurred in this county. Reading Gazette. A Gznious. An extraordinary genius has been discovered in Ireland, in the person of a lad sixteen years of age. The lad has constructed, entirely unaided, a piece of machinery in full motion, occu pying a ground space of six or eight feet square, and driven by a small water-wheel about four feet in diamster. On a close inspection it was found that various wheels, cogs, cranks and spindles were entirely wood; and were performing simultaneous ly tt5 varied operations of pumping, churn ing, hammering on the anvil, perpendicu lar saw, diagonal and eircular saw, etc., but bo cleverly adapted to these respective uses that the whole was driven with the most perfect and easy motion by the water wheel already alluded to. The lad is the sou of a blaoksmith living in Knocksuth, county Wicklow, and has never been ten miles from home. S9It is said that there was never but one man who wasn't spoiled by being lion ied. He was it Jew, and hia name was pant!.' " ' '' ' " Jfarmfr3 grparfnunf. PREPARI FOR VLNTKl The farmer acdgardner now have hun dreds of subjects on their hands, and the days are short and fleeting, and as bid Time is passing with rapidity end power, every one must be diligent and complete with him, with all their might. Secur crops of every description, and see that there is no wast after they art in the celler, granary or barn, by animals, vermin, heating mould, &o. Set that po tatoes, bcets7carrots) turnips, apples pump kins and squashes aie secured from the frost. ' Cart out manure. This is a favorable season to apply it as a top dressing to grass lands. It should also be in readi ness for early crops. ' When the manure is removed from the barn yatd, put loam, tufts, lo., into the yard to absorb the li quid wannr, and- prevent waste ot th soKcl parti. 1 ": ' : ; ' It is a well established faet, that ma nure saved in a cellar is worth twice as mceh as that thrown out and exposed to the weather. Those who are so unfortu nate is to have no barn cellar, can save the liquid manure, and prevent much of the waste of other parts, by having a good supply of loam to threw on the floor, and remove it as it becomes satured with liquid manure. In this way a farmer may nearly double the value of bis ma nure. Keat cattle and horses, young and old, should be housed, if not fed. They should all be fed as the feed fails, that they may not decline in flesh, then it will ecst much less to winter them, and they will be more proltable, for labor, beef, milk or growth. Secure buildings against the searching winds and pelting storms of winter. A single nail may save the Iocs of a board, and even the destruction of a building, for roofs of buildings Lave been blown off by wind where oniy a single beard ws wanting, or a window wa open. Make ditches and drains to -prevent plonghd lands from being washed. Lands for early crops should be prepared by manuring and plowing, and elevating if necessary, that the water may run off, tnd the land become dry, early in the season. 1 Ploughing can often be done more con veniently in Fall than i.n Spring. Teams are strong at this season, and the weather is cool. Most lands that are in a rough state, are much- improved by Fall plough ing, and exposure to the frost ; and the exposure of land in ridges, dentroys many insects. Mr. B. F. Cutter, Felham, New Hampshire, shpwed us a very small patch of tomatoe ploughed in the Spring, on which there was a greater destruction of plants by worms, than on ten time the ex extant of land ploughed in the Fall. (Ye have destroyed witch grass in a great measure, by Fsll ploughing, placing it in ridges. If it be laid over flat and smooth ; the effect will be less , and if an early snow remains all winter, the destruction of grass roots will be less than in an opea winter. See that the fences around orchards are good, as cattle prune tress very injudi ciously, to say nothing of their having no regard to the proper season for this busi ness. Ex. BUCKWHEAT CAKE3- " The season for buckwheat cakes has ar rived. A writer in tho American Agri culturist recommends the follow ing -sueth-od for making cakes : "Tbe finest, tenderest cakes can be made b'y adding a little unbolted wheat (or Graham) flour to the buckwheat. Less than a quarter will do. Mix with cold sour milk, or fresh (not sweet) but termilk, which is best. The soda, (empty ings are dispensed with) when put in cold bUer, will not act satisfactorily. Bake at once. The heat starts the effer vescence, and as the paste rises it will bake thus preventing it from falling. Hence the culminating point of lightness is attained, The batter rises snowy and beautiful, and the pancake will swell to almost undue dimensions, absolutely the lightest and tenderest that can be baked, ith not a touch of acid. More salt, however, must be added than usual, to counteract the too fresh taste when soda alone is used. Thus the bother of empty ings is ail dispensed with. Pancakes in this way can be baked at sny time and on the. shortest notice, W fcep our flour mid, the Grahim with the bnchwhea, in; art T Tt, AUJr,. 4K Utf .": ratfers'oB, Pa for n should tber he a nee esV Iry fer them gun' at all.:. . -;'!V .-