Juniata 5ntmcL 3 'cDJsnruTovpZi &a it union 0 lakes, and a union of lands, A union no power shall sever; A union of heart, ami a union of hands, And the,. American Union forever! MIFFLI5T0WK; Wednesday Morning. Nov. IS, It6. H. n. WILSON, Editor and Publisher. t&'THBJCXIATASEA-TiyEL-&l has the Largest Circulation of any paper pub lished in this County. ' It it therefore the tut advertising medium. It is a Paper, truly loyal, ably conducted, a firit class Localist, and well worthy of the patronage of every leyal citizen in the Connty. PROCLAMATION BY GOV. ClfcTlN. With feeliags. of the most profound gratitude to Almighty Gop, 1 invite the good people of the Commonwealth to neat in their places of worship, od Thurs day, the seventh of December nr, and raise their hearta and voices in praise and ffcnnVufivirtfr to Him. not cnlv for the nisnifold ordinary blessings which during the past year Hi has continued to heap upon usfor abundant end gathered harvests, for thriving industry, for general health, for domestic good order and government, but also most expressly and fervently for His unequalled goodness in having so "strenghtened and guided our people dur ing the last tour years that they have been enabled to cruah to earth the late wicked rebellion and to exterminate the system of human !avery which caused i. . As we wrestled in prayer wilh Him in the daik timo of our trouble when our brothers and sons were staking life and limb for ui on many a bloody field, or suffering by toTture and famine in the Hells of Aadcrsocville or the Libby so now when our supplications have been so marvellously and graciously answered, let us not withhold from Hi the homage of our thanksgiving. Let us say to all "Choose ye this day whom ye will serve, "but as for us and out house we will serve "the Lord." Come then ye people whom IIe hath so helped and led eoroe ye war-worn and mutilated men whom Us hath spared to return to your dear homes let us throng the gates of His temples- let us tnrow ourselves on the knees of our hearts with awful joy at the foot of His throne, and render aloud oufpraise and thanksgiving to Him because He hath made the Right to prevail because He hath given us the Victory because He hath cleansed our land from the stain of human slavery and because He hath graciously ahown forth in the eyes of all men the great truth that no government is so strong as a Bepublic, controlled, under His guidance by an educated, moral and religious peo ple. Given under my hand and the great seal of the State, at Harrisbnrg, this seventh day of November, in the year of our Lord one thousand, eight hun dred and sixty five, and of the Com monwealth the ninetieth. By the Governor. . ELI S LIFER, Secretary of the Commomcealth. THE LATE ELECTIONS. The latest returns of the various elsc ' tiona held on Tuesday. November 7th, in dicate overwhelming majorities for the Republican candidates in all the loya! States. In New York, Gen. Franeis C. Bar low's majority for Secretary of State will approximate pretty c'oseiy to 25,000, and the fit of the ticket will have thou sand or fifteen hundred more. -In New Jersey, Marcus L. Ward, the Republican candidate for Governor, is elected by a majority of betTeeu S000 and 3500. In 1801 the Copperhead ma jority in New Jersey was 7301. Glory enough for one day. : Massachusetts In the State Senate there will be 39 Republicans and 1 Dem ocrat. The House. of Representatives will be made np of about 220 Republi cans and 20 Democrats. Wisoonsin and Minnesota Tho former elected a Governor, Lucrus Faireheld and the latter Wm. R. Marshall, both Radi cal Republicans. - Both States have probably adopted amendments to their S!ste Constitutions extesdi the- rijt u$ti'l') ftre hhuii. ' ' W CONSTITUTIONAL AMENDMENT. It requires twenty -ceven States to ratify the amendment to the Constitution of the United States, abolishing Slavery. Twenty-three States have already voted and adopted it. - Four . more will be sufficient to decade the fete of Slavery. These will eertainly be obtained before many months, j Iowa, California, and Colorado will ratify the amendment so soon as their Legisla- j tures vote upon the subject. New Jersey baa returned to her allegiance and soon her name will be added to the list, and then, freedom is won to our whole coun try. This amendment will unquestiona ably be adopted.-' There can be no more doubt of this, than of anything else in the future. When this is done, we need have no fears of Slavery being resu9ciatcd. It will be dead forever in this land of free dom. Even its sympathizing friends in the North will be Compelled to relinquish their predelictions for it. What, then, is the duty of evety true patriot in the land f Can n conscientious christian lend himself to defeat this great measure of justice and humanity ? Can any philanthropist who really desires the mitigation of the wrongs to the colored race, oppose the adoption of this constitu tional amendment? We can see no just motive for their hostility. It is Inexcu sable on any rational ground. It savors of selfishness, perfidy and injustice. It stands out like a crime in the absence of everything noble, generous and just. It will meet with its proper reward. An in telligent, christian and free people will condemn it; and the Great Author of our being will set at naught all their councils, and overthrow all their efforts. Truth will prevail, and justice and right triumph. ' a lite'uhostT" When Wendell Thilips announced the death of the Republican party, says the Xorth American, and said that a ghost only was stalking about the country claim ing that name, he no doubt deluded him self with the idea that the copperheads spoke the truth in declaring the mission of the party ended with the restoration of the Union and the abolition of slavery. Iu view of the late elections, however, it is probable that Mr. Philips will be in clined to think the ghost a rather cheer ful one. It is, in fact, alive and kicking, and it has kieked the Democratic party so soundly that we doubt very mnch the re covery of the victim. In this view, what an extraordinary spectacle is presented by Generals Slocum and Coach, who never were partisan Democrats, and yet were willing to run as Democratic nominees for high office, from no love of the party or its principles, but because of a wild no tion that it would become the great party of the future. They have by this time a vivid apprehension of the power of the ghost they undertook to dispose of, and we trust that their fate may serve to warn others against the etror into which they fell. The Republican party never posses sed a more vigorous body than it docs now. It never was more united, harmonious, or capab'e of commanding the field. Its last five yers of discijline have ionurcd it to hard contests, and taught it the less ons which lead to victory. As it carried the war to a complete accomplishment of its purpose, so It trill now improve the era of peace to-purge the country of the foul spirits of copperheadism, disloyalty, and toryism. The work before us is great, but it nerves us to exertion. GOLD I.f GREENB COl'KTV. Considerable excitement has lately been created in Greene County by the develop ment of gold deposit in the shaft sunk for the purpose of searching for oil. The discovery was made cm lands leased by the Amber Coal Company. This company is boring for oil on the farm belonging to the estate of David Keener, deceased, in Dunkard township, and at the depth of C75 feet struck a strata of very hard sub stance which proves to be from two and a half to three feet thick. . As soon as they drilled through this hard vein, the well was reamed to the bottom, and upon sand pumping, fragments of ore were brought to the surface resembling gold bearing quartz. A lump the size of a hulled hickory nut wa3 immediately forwarded Mr! Jame3 McGinky, at Philadelphia, President of the Company, who had it analyzed. It was found to contain gold over twenty carets fine. The value of $2.33 was returned to Mr. Long, as the product of the small lump of ore, besides several small quantities which were reserv ed as specimens. A committee was ap pointed to visit the well and collect all the necessary information and report thereon. This discovery has created much wild ex citement, and very wild speculations are rife respecting it: ' We presume a scien tific investigation will bo made prepara tory to the shafting for tho precious met al. It these ere facts, it is an important feauturs la tfcd tainst'il jridaicTj of CAN Stxn A PARTY SCUTITE. ' At the Presidential eleotion of 186D the Republican party carried every free State in the Union except New Jersey, seventeen in number. Not a single one of these seventeen populous, intelligent, prosperous, and wealthy States had con fined enough in the Democratio party to support its candidates. In ISC4 the Re publican party again carried the same States, with tho two new free Spates of Kansas and Navada added, and also the slavo States of Maryland, Missouri and West Yirg'nia, making twent-two States in all, only New .Jersey, Delaware and Kentucky, of the States cluimicg to be loyal, still adhering to the Democratic party. Since then we have carr'cd New Jersey, election a Republican Legisla ture aud Governor, thus sweeping every free State from, ocean td ocean. Of all i the loyal States in the republic Delaware aloue has now a Democratio Governor. We have carried a majority of the Con gressional delegation in Cenbcky tad Tennessee. , The Democratio party staked every, thing upon slavery, oligarch and rebell ion, and has been beaten everywhere most wofuily. Last of all it tried to re cover some footing among the people by running soldier candidates; hut these have not savcp it. Tho party seems to be past redemption. Its mission is ended. Its career is finished. It is high time now that those who have wasted their ex ertions upon its cause so long should- re cognzo the utter futility of all their hopes, and bow to the inevitable decree of fate. For this reason we ask, can such a pirty as this has proven itself to b longer sur vive, to drag along a miserable existence in infamy as great as its maiignitj has been unpardonable? Can sedition, dis loyalty, and open sympathy with treason and rebellion pass into history as aii hon orable record for a eacat political ratty in tho United States? We think not; and the people should take good care to ittcst the fact on all occasions. The crimes of this party have been too vast for amnesty. The blood shed in rebellion cries aloud from every battle-field of tho republic against it. It has blackened even the very camo it bore, so that henceforth it will be a badge of reproach. Xorth Amer icans RETIRING FKOJI DVSINEIS. Most men who teel their hold upon trade growing weaker, or their faculties becoming imparled by age or infirmity, gracefully retire from business. Some have an ardent desire to die in the har ness, as Lord Palmcrston succeeded in ;doing; but however loth men maybe to acknowledge the fact, there is still too much truth in the warning "superfluous lags the veteran on the slagc," to warrant its being altogether disregarded. Such docs not seem to be the opinion of the Democratic party. It has outlive 1 its usefulness : exhausted its career; esplod- ed all its hopes ; unJ iue all the good it ever did ; murdered the bright aspirations of a whole generation of its own statesmeu; defiled the pages of its reeord with the most hideous crimes on the national cal ender, and still it desperately strives to prolong its rretched existence, lamci deaf, blind, consumptive, worn out, a viotim to every ailment, and superadding a malignant temper which pauses all com prehension. We might say with "the great bard, "The time has been that when the brains were out the man would die and there an end ; but now they rise again with forty mortal murders on their crowns." Slavery being dead, the brains of the Democratic party are gone, and yet the poor thing walks the earth like some perturbed spirit. Of a verity it it time the party thought seriously of retiring from business. If it insists ou trying to live, it caa only pro long a useless agitation, and keep its men of intellect and capacity from participa tion in the affairs of government. . Why should it still hang on to the skirts of su- pcranuated old fogies, in whom the pro gressives of this era have no faith ? Let the party retire j from active business. Its vocation is gone. . -A DEATH OF COIOlfGfj BOH.1 WlT.KESDARRE, Ia Nov. 10, '65. Col. A. II. -Bowman, of the United States Corps of Engineers, died at his residence, ia this town, this morning. The doceascd W3S well known in army circles, was formerly superintendent at West Point, had charge of the construc tion of Fort Suinptsr, and at tfte time of his death was president of the commis sion ot engineers tor remoduing me coast fortifications. . . . New York, Not. 10. A special To ronto despatch to the Ilrrld says that Fe nian bonds are selling in Montreal and Quebec, where tbe-detectives are watch ing the Irish. ; . Tb Leader aanonnets disrTtfr7 t flit 19 if-h the CstsiVsj hnit.'-;"v . f rom the I'hilaadpkii Inquirer. I THE EXECUTION OF WERZE. Washington, Nov. 10, 1S65. "Hanged by the neck until he to dead." And the sentence has been executed. The thirteen thousand dead of Andersonville have had, not revenge, but justice, pure, simple justice. The soldiers of the Union gathered on the house-tops rouud about the scene, typified the popular heart when they gave a loud, exultant shout as the drop fell. , Just before he was led out to die; ohe of the clerks presented him with an auto graph, book, and asked him to give his name. He did so, and wrote in a clear, plain band the following : "Old Capitol Prison. "Nov. 10, 18C5, "HENRY WERZE, "Captain and A. A. C. "C. S. A.," and remarked, "there is the last signature I shall ever make." He made ail the punctuation marks with as much eare as though it was to stand for all time ; some thing to be proud of. "At fifteen minute. past tea the prisoner was brought from his cell, and walked to the scaffold with a steady step and un quailing eye. He was attended by the officers of the guard and two Catholic l'ricsts, Fathers Boyle and Wiget (the lat ter haviag been Mrs. Surratt's spiritual adviser.) On ascending the gallows, which he did without any assistance, he stepped to the centre and sat down in a -chair which was placed directly under the noose. Father Wiget took a position on the west side and Father Boyle ttpon the east eide, the culprit looking northward. His appearance occasioned a pressing forward among the spectators, all of whom felt a strong curiosity to see how this man, associated with atrocities sncli as history can scarcely parallel, would bear himself in the presence of death. But there was no manifestation of feeling. Silence pre vailed, unbroken save by a whispered re mark as to the appaarance and behavior of the prisoned. During the reading ef the order, enu merating the crimes which he was just on ! the point of expiating, he manifested no nueasiness. His Confessor, Father Boyle, desiring to prevent the awakening of any such passions as might be rekindled by the refetence to his past crimes and the reminiscences which they were calculated to bring before him, continued to povr in to his ear words of peace, and to inculcate the spirit of Christian resignation. Werze would shake his head, acd reply, "Oh, that doesn't trouble me at all." It W;w only oceisional'y that he appear ed to give attention to the reading of the order, and when he did so it rtas doubtless as the mention of some crime, still fresh in his mind, touched the spring of his memory. On such occasions be would fake a brief glance at the reader, and then withdrawing it again give his attention to the words of the priest. What his thoughts were during those brief intervals there tt' ss nothing in his expression to betray, but the spectator, in to whoso imagination iue story cf this man's brutalities had been indelibly burn ed, as with a branding iron, could vividly recall the crowded prison pen - with its scurvy-eaten, starving, vermin-infected victims; the yelling of the dogs through the wood and swamps, where poor escap ing fugitives had sought refuge from the unspeakable horrors of their confinement ; the sickening scenes of the hospital, where gangrened wounds at the life out of poor unfortunates with prolonged agonies ; and amocg ail these scenes'this man, stalking over the ground which his foot polluted, an irresponsible dospot, now stamping a helpless, balf-dying creature with his heel, now issuing his brutal commands to blow out tha brains of one or other of the " Yankees," as in his own choice language the poor prisoners were designated, execu ting, without protest, and with apparent pleasure, the work of his masters, the Devil and Jeff. Davis. Aiother thought was suggested, a tho't which will go into history as a warning, to be echoed down through all future ages. How secure felt this man Werso in the tcrrestial hail when he had been made su preme ruler. , A power that called itself a nation authorized his deeds : the barri- j ers between him and justice were frown ing earthworks and walls of bayonets. : . Never did.eriminal have stronger guar anties for the impunity of his crime. But the blood of his victims cried to Heaven for vengeance, and he sits here now listening while his appointed, execu-- tioner reads the recital of his crime. Ver ily, guilt shall not go nnpunirhed. After the reading cf the order was fin ished he stood up with remarkable calm ness, and a placid expression of counte nance. ...... Major Russell asked him if he had any thing to say before tha nror fc 11. Ua rs. Spiled rsry-uncoBsei-nedtj : I have nothing to say to the public, an 1 i0 1 j l. die cent. I have but once to die, and my i v. - ,i, .,-, J f Jjajor Kusiell then asSea h:m it ce forgave him for the part he took in the matter. 4 He answered "t do ; I know, as an officer, yea have to act according to orders." The reverend gentlemen continued their words of consolation as the noose was put around his neck by the hangman. He manifested the most stolid indiffer ence, and smiled as the black cap was drawn over his head, ond maintained the erect posture without (inching a moment, until the fatal signal was given, and the drop fell. The whole affair was vary brief, and passed off more prompt than any of the many previous executions here. The neck was not broken by the fail, and his body struggled for several min utes. After hanging thirty minutes it was cut down and carried upon a strutch er to the dead-room, whtre it still remains, having been placed in a neat pine coSn. Father Boyle abks for it to keep for tha benefit of his wife, who is cow en rout to this city. His request is before the proper authorities for consideration. The physicians d'A not think his neck was in stantly broken by the fall, probably be cause he was so light. Yesterday General L. C. Baker visited him in his cell, and obtained from him a statement of his participation in the atro cities of Andersonviile, and his relations to the Rebel General Winder. He dis closed the whereabouts' of bis papers asd his correspondence with Wildir. Ke ex pressed a great hatred to the North, and sail the "Yankee Egle was nt. thing but a turkey buzzard." This confession will probablj be given I to the public. He mnintsiLS that be had a right to do ail he did, end says what was not right was not his fault. When between eight sud nine o'clock to-day Mr. Schade took leive of Captain Wcrse, the latter expressed his thanks for what ho had done for him, and regretted that it was not in his power to reward hir-i. Mr. Schade said he trussed he would die like a man, to which Werze replied, It is hardly necessary to tell me that, I i intend to die like a man." Mr. Schade says he was called upon by several persons Isst night, ss was also Faihsr Doyla, who Communicated infor mation, purporting to eotre from a mem ber of the Cabinet, to the effect that if they would acknowledge that Jeff. Davis was connected with the atrocitits at An dersonvil'e, his sentence would bo com muted. Although Mr. Schade did cot place full confidence in these reports, he considered it to be bis duty to relate them to the prisoner, at his last conference with hi:tf. Capt. Werze in reply said," Mr. Schade, you know I have always told you that I do not know anything sbout Jefferson Davis. He had no connection vHth mess to what was done at AndirioimiV and if I kne he had, I would not become a traitor against him or anybody else to save my life." NOTICE. The members of the Juni ata Horse Protection Company are request ed to meet at Thompson's Hotel, in Mif flintown, on Saturday; November 25th, at 2 o'clock, P. M. A full attendance ia re quested. . "Sl'ATK NUTU'E Lilate of Samuel SeihT a'ec'J. Notice is hereby givtn that letters of Tes tamentary on the estate of Samuel Seiber, late of SW.ker township, deceased, bare heen granted to the undersigned residing ia the came township. All personn knowing themselves indebted to enid eatate are request ed 'o make immediate pnytnen t and tbope bar ing claims will please present them duly au thenticated for settlement. SAMCKL SEIBER, Jr.l ABKAM SEIBER- xecuttrt. 15, '65. GL Nov. A VALUABLE FARM At Private Sale ! TflS nnderiigned offers his farm, at prirate sale, situated in Fayette township, Juni ata county, !'., fire miles from M i fli" n town, two miles from McAlirtersville and turre fourths of a mile from Oakland Mills, R.lj.-iii-in; Units of Adam Weidman, John Hoffman and others, eontaining Acres, One Iinndred of which are cleared am-in a ftnii Stale of cultiration, being lately well . lived, the balance well set with heavy tiaber. The rajprovements are a LAFSSELCG h'OlE, Suitable for two famalies, a Inrre Stone Bank P.arn, Wagon House, Carriage House. Wash House, Stone Spring Hlce and other out buildings s- two Appie Orchards ne young orchard in pood bearing condition, with choice fruit-; alsi, excellent water at the door, a splendid trem running c'ose by the building, through the farm ; there is a lime kiln on the farm and a quarry of choice lime stone eo Tcnient to the farm The property is conve nient to churches, schools, stores, mills, and shops of all kinds. Persons riesirinj to view the property can do o by calling on the un dersigued residing on the farm. Fat further particulars, address, " ?. TT. nyF?, . ' Onl.3B.l Mills' Ju.-jS'O' f.m 7. r" iVC ,HX(ti$(XOkttA$. TTf A Jb A.iJ) JlA L KIJlo. X l-BC'.ss eM tent:tnen. If yoa w:ea zo nar- ( T- a A' a t n .nMimsl Vn Will Hal J ; Totiiritiitat moneyand without price, valuable :format;.ra that U ennble you to marry wealth, or beauty. This information will cost yen nothing, and if yon with to marry, I will cheerfully assist yon. All letters strictly con fidents!. Th desired information sent by r tura mail, and ho questions asked. Address SARAH B. LAMBERT, Grcerspoint, Kings Coaaty, Sew York. Nov. 16, '65-8m. DO TOtT WISH TO BE Cl'REC T Tut not poisoned chalice to your lips,. Or Death will be the fate of him who sips : But take the herbs in frcshnees from the fiell And to the patent roots disease will yield Old th Sl'CUAVs EnglitK Spteifit Pills eure, in lcM than thirty days, the worst casea of .V7Touni;.-Imrotency, Premature Deaay, Seminil wakneai, ln4n;tr, aad a'l Urinary, tionisl or "crvoue Affections, ho matter from what cause produced. Price One Dollar per box. fcent postpaid, by mail, on receipt of as order. AvliirMi JAMES 8. BUTLER, 4.0 Broadway, New Tork. r. S. Descriptive Circular ent free on ap plication. Address at at ore. Nov 15, '6S-8w. HEALTH A.l DE HTY. CHAPMAN'S ILLUSTRATED GUIDE. A beautiful little work of 60 pages, teaches you how to remove Tan, Freckles, Pimples. Blotches, Eruptions, and all imparities ef the Skin how to produce a full growth of Whia kers how to produce a luxuriant grawta of Hair on a Baid Heady cure Catarra. Purify the Blood, Purify Breath to Curl and Beau tify the Hair, Remove Superfluous Hair, cure Drunkenness, cure Nervous Debility. &o., &c- how to Renew jour Age, and other UMful and valuable infanaatlcn. A copy cf this work will be mailed free ef charge, on applioation. Address THOS. T- CHAPMAN. CRSXIST AK9 PlBTCHia, 831 Erstiway' Tew York. SlOV. 10 Cw.-C30. EOUORS OF YOUTH. A gentleman who suffered for years from Nervous and Genial Debility, Nightly Emiss ions, and Seminal Weakaess, the result of youthful indiscretion, and came near ending his days in hopelets misery, will, for the take of sucering man, send to all who need it. (free of chhrgc the te?e!jt and directions tor maiicg the eiin!e rema ly ujed in hie ca-e. Siifi'arer wituing to profit by the ed Tertiser's aid exvurisnce, and possess a tare and raluable remedy, ean do 'J by addreiaing him at once at hi place of bnaiucsx. The Recipe aad full i-fonuaiion cf Thai imp.-r-tanae will be cheerfully snt by return mail. Addre JOHN B. OGDEN, No. 60 Naigau Street. New Tork. P. S. Nervous Sutf..-rrj of both lexet will find ifcis information invaluable Not. 15, 'ti0-2ci. A CARD TO THE 81 rrtltlXO DOYOC Mill TO. BE CCP.ZD? If so. swallow two cr taree Leg-head cf "Bncha," 'Tons Ciiters, 'Satpmua, "Nervous Autidctes," Sc., 4e.. &c. and af:cr you ar catiiSed w.tli the result. Uen try on box f OLD DOCTOR KLCIIAVS iT.SGLISH Sl'f C1FIC PILLS and be rstored to bea::b .r, 1 vigor in less than thirty ds. They nrepi;r . ly vegetable, pleaaani to laka, prompt '. Uutory in their effects on tha bruktu-doi and shattered constitution. Old and young can take them with advantage. DP.. Ii! -CHAN'R ENGLISH SPEUFiC FILLS care in less th&a thirty days, the worst cases if NERVOUSNESS, Impot?ncy, Premature De cay, Seminal Weakness. Insanity, and ail" Urinary, Sexual, and A'errous Atfactiuns, no matter from what eajs produced. Price, One Dollar per box. Sent, postpaid, by mail, on receipt of an order. JAMES 3. BCTLEU, No. 429 Iroadwiy, New Tork, Genl. Ager. P. S. A box sent io an address on receipt of price which is 0r Duller pott frte t?gi.A descriptive Cirorf lar seat on application. Nov. 15. 'C5-8w. HIFFllXTOWxV TIN SHOP." - X HAVING purchased the Tin and Sheet Trn Store, located on Bridge Sticet, MitHin town, 1 would respectfully inform the public that I intend to Veep constantly on hand a general assortment cf COOK & PABLOR STOVES, Tin and Japan ware, the largest and best ia the county, and as to quality and workman ship cannot be surpassed. SPOUTING, ROOFING, Joh and Sheeting work, will be prnmpi'y at tended to either in town or country. I!rs Copper and Enameled French Tresorvini Kei tles. Dippers, Urats, Copper. French T;nr.e. Enamelled Ho'bw Ware, Waffle Iron- t'rel Shovels, Fruit Cans, boih emmonand relent, and of various measures, alwnys on band aui for sale Persons in want of anything in the shore I'ne are requested to give me a call before purchasing elsewhere, as I feels confident that lean snit them either as regaHs tha article r the price. SST Old enpper, Bra an-1 Pewter bnght and the highest price paid in eash cr Jacob u. tvixj-r. Oct. 13, ISCi ly. Pennsylvania Paint k Color Wovfo.- Libfrty White lend! Libfrty While Lrau! TRY IT! TRY IT! WASFASTtDto cover more surface, for tame leeit, fian any other. Buy the best it is M" chmpett ! Try It ! Tr-j It 1 Liberty Lead it tchiter than any other. Liberty Lead ecvrt better thsu any other: Liberty Lead treurt lenger than any other. Liberty Lead t- nir: eronomtcul than any other. Liberty Lead i more free fro.n impuritiet and ia ttarrameu i.i u. more ana ettter aork, at a given cost, than any other. Buy the BEST, it is the CHEAPEST. Mannfactured aael warranted by ZCIGLER &. SMITH, WhoTemfe Dntrj, Faint A Glaus Dealers. 0. 131 XartU Third Street, PmiiDtii-niA. Nov. 8. f.-.-4m. INSTATE NOTICE -i " Fttnte of An f rev Bwrsox iet'd. No'ice is hereby -riven that Letters ef ki minislrntkin on the Estate of Andrew' Bower sox late. of Walker township, dee'd, have beea granted to the undersigned residing in Walk er township. All persons knowing themsel ves indebted to said estate are requested to make immediate payment, and those having claims will please present them duly aaihea ticated for settlement. . JAC2? P ?VTTK .-" Ii ti - ' -