If. It. WILSo. WLUME XIX, NO 32. $usinf Car&s. JEREMIAH LYONS, Mifflinfown, Jnnitita County. IV, Ofiica en Main street South of Bridge sir et, K. C. STEWART, ATTOH ft EY-AT-LAW, lfijlintoicn, Juniata Co., J'a., Offers hii professional services to tbe pub He. Collections and all other fcusinesa will receive prompt, attention. u:nce nrsl ow Worth of I'elforu's Store, (upstairs.) ILLIAM M. ALL130M, Attorney at Lav, go tar it gnbur. Till attend to all business entrusted to his are. OEc on Main Street, MitHintown, Pa. -J0I1N T. L.SAIDI. yiFKLIN'TOWJf, JUNIATA COIWTT, PA. OFFEHS bis professional services to tlie public. Prompt attention given to the prosecution of olainis against tbe Government, Elections and all oilier business entruHted to kit care- Office, Main Street, on door South of Snyder's Hotel. Sp:. 20, lbto. j. a. jtiuliket. A T T 0 It X E Y-A T-L A W, MIsrUXTOWX, JJS'IATA. CO.,Tk. tOCce Main Street, in tha room formerly ocenjiied bv fm, M. Allison, Esq )" COLLECTIONS, AS1 ALL OTHER Dl'3 incs connected with the yrjfesHioo promptly atten I;l to. Oct. 18, '00. Dl. 8. '. Ill X!:o.rralteron, Pa., wisiie to inform bis Tritftidt and pa u.r" 'bl hr has removt I to the Louse on A. '! Silent 'j'poei!e Tadi & Jor iau's t" tore. prlMf rira:t'4i. card. Dli. S. A. R.V.MPFFR. arwy rv.r jre.ii hfc. inglc!'! in Mi'HiTitovn. tTi- m hi prrvfe?iail s-rTt.n to the citirens o'j lhi place ad surrounding country. tr. K. :.1p H V'r 'y" ex crlnte in b..pital. general, and art iy i rectl.-e. foel( prepared t. r'lrt.t !.-:-.! Tea tUn-v M hn s.iay ! so ucf.trt una's a 4 to Be'. l muiu:il triitonce. U :'.l le f-iirl at WIT J rf..!rt at i k .rrs. except rjf:-lbtal tcgsgnd. Jnlv 2', !t3." CRIK w m ! A I v .M'tTrON'tER Tiie uo lerigiicil r.n"TS hi acrvt;es to I'iilil:c as Vendue t'rycr a:id Aict!ourr. th 1 Ilo I L livl a very Urce expe. ier:ce. an i fee's J confident that hscunive i!ati.-fict;on tc ail who may employ biu. He may ) S'Ursed at .V iftiiu'omn. or f jnnd at his home in Fr. manngh 1naohip. 4!jtlers Btay also be left at Mr. Will's Hotel. Jan. 23, 111. WILLI .VM GIV5!f . ALEX. G PEDDY AB8VI0&BBB. KPPHCT1TLLY offers his services to the I fuiuic of Juniata count v. Having had a I'.rc experience in bufiues of Vendue I '.'ryiiip, be fee's confiJeiil iht he can render iri.iL.i-i a-i f ifui-f !.-.n I!a -an ,1 nil rt.uJ t.u : eonsult'd at his rtaidrnce in Mifliiutawn, Po. Ang. It!, i?t'.5. MIIITA2Y CLAIMS. fILE undersigned will promptly attend lo JL the collection of claims ag:nnt either the tate or National Government, Pension. K'tck Pay, Bounty, Extra Pay, and all other claim!" arining out ef ths preacul r any other war, eollset-i. JEREMIAH LVONP. . Attorney-aM.aw. J Himintown, Janiata Co., l a. !it Pensions ! Pensions! A it rEP.SO.VS WHO HAVE I1EEX P1S J. ABLE DCiUN'tl T H K PIIESENT 'V A K A HE ENTITLE TO A PPNSIOS. All per sons who intend applying for a Pension niut cnll on the Exathitiing Surgeon to know weth er tlieir Disability is Hiillicient to entitle ihem to a Pension. All disabled Soldiers will cnll nn the undersigned who has been appo;nted Pension Examining Surgefih for Jur.iaia and adjoin. ng Counties. ' , P. C. BCXniO. M. 0.. Patterson, Pa. iee. P. l.-tf llenfncsSf Ulindness and tHtarrh, 1 TKEATKD with the ittmoM sncces. hr lr. .1. ISAACS. truli and Anrtist. (former ly of Leyden. Holland.) No. 519 PINE Street Phildrlpliia. Testimonials from the most rtliahle sources in the City and Country can seen at Ins tffice. The medical faculty are invited to accompany their patient, as ba has no secrets in his practice. ART1 FIC1AL KVE, inserted without pain, ho charge mad fxr examination. Feb, 15. 'fifi.-ly Aew Jlillinarr Establishment' ; rniiRrviiKRsiGNEii hereby informs JL the Ladies of Mitilintown and vicinity tha Hie Was just returned from tha City with a lre ass.i'rtmant of Millinary goods which she will dispose of at reasonable raiws, huch as HATS, B.XLTS, &t, ait.i repaire-i ro onior. also, new ones ready made kpt on hand and for sale cheap. Sleeve, Coat and other patterns kept on hand mid for sale. full a iee brfor, purchasing lsewlieie. Callai ti-e rctidetica of Nathan Keeley a c uoors East f the Preubvterian Church. '"'Mla y. g-Krr.siv. v'.-t. 11. fc your mission. BT BU.KH X. B. OATI3. If you cannot on tbe oeean Sail among the swiftest fleet, lociicjt on the highest billows, Laughing at the storms you meet; Tou can stand among the sailors, ' Anchored yet within the bay Tou can lend a hand to help them, As they launch their boats away. If you are teo weak to journey Up the mountain steep and high ; Tou can stand within the valley While the multitudes go by ; Tou can chant in happy measures, As they slowly pass along, Though they nay forget the singer ; They will not forget the song. iryva-taTanvagoMMdailteT, '-' Ever ready to command; If you cannot towards the needy IUach an ever open batd; Tuu can visit the affliotS'I, O'er the erring you can wecf , Ton can be a true disiple, Sitting at the Saviour's feet. If you cannot in the conflict Prove yourself a soldier true. If where fire and euioka are thickest, There's no work for you to do ; W hen the batl!e-N'd is silent. Ton can go with careful tread, Tou can bear a way the waunded, Tou can cover up tbe dead. Do not than atanl idly waiting For Kouie greater rerlr to do ! fortune is a laiy goddess; She will never come to you. Go aud toil in any vinnyard, lo not faur tt do or dart, If you went a fiVil of labor, Tou ran find it any where. - -- - - -- A KOMAN IiETkO. '' . la tuc war between iiOiue and Cartb. , CfII)Sul R,utus was taken cap tive, lie was kept a close prisoner lor two eurs, pining sickening in bis looeli- I ness. rhile in the uieantiine the war enn j tin ae I, snJ at Iwt a victcrv so decisive W5 pained y 'he Romans, that the pco- 1''c ' (-'artbajje were diseouraed, and re solr'j u ask terms of ra-e. Thev thought that So one would be so readily liil'nt!(l to at Ron;c as Re!u!u5, and thej tLerforc- t-eat him there with their en voys having Erst made him swear that he rutiM cctne bsek to his prison if there s'uoitM neiilicr be peace or an exchange of -ri.-uncre. . Thry little xutw how much more a troa hearted ItoSian cared for his city tb.-in for hiiue!i- fur bis word than for hie life. Worn and dejet'ed, tbe captive varrJor (came to the outside of the gatM of his own- city, nud ther8 paused, refusing to enter, "I am do longer a Iloman citizen,! ho sat J; "I am bat iMc barbarian's slave and the Senate may not give audience to stringers within the wall. His wife Marcin, ran out fo greet him, with his two sons, but he did not look up, and received tbeir caresses as on beneath their notice, as a mere slave, and he con tinued, in spite cf all entreaty, to remain outside the city, and would not even go to the little farm tie had loved to well. . The Roman Senate, as he would not come into them, came out to hold their meeting in tbe Campaigns. Tbe ambassadors spoke first, then Ka g'iia standing . up said, as one repent ing o task, '"Conscript fathers, being a slave to the Carthaginians, I come on the part of my masters to treat with you con cerning I'Mce, and an exchange, of pris oners." He then tamed to go aw&y with the ambassadors, as a stranger might not be prevent at thi deliberations of the Sen ate. - Jl if old friends pressed him to give his opinions as a senator who. had twice been consul ; but be refused to de grade that dignity by claiming it, slave as he was. But at tbe command of his Car thaginian masters; be remained, though not taking hia seat. Then he spke. lie told the senators to persevere in tbe war. He said that he hsd seen the distress of Carthage, and that a peace would be only to her advant age, net to that ot Home, and therefore, he strongly advised that the war should continue. Then, as to the exchange of prisoners, the Carthaginian generals, wbo were in the hands of the Romans, were iu full health and strength whilst he him self was loo murk broken down to be fit i jr ferviee scain.ana niueeti be LtiieTea - . th cotitctio th tmio WFFLLNTO WN, JUNIATA COUNTFrfm'Ar NOVEMBER 15, 1365. that bis enemy bad given him a slow pois on, and that be could not lire long. Thus ho insisted that do exchange of prisoners should be made. It was wonderful even to Romans, to bear a man thus nleadin atrainst himself. 3 o f ' H Uuiikviis it in a gllTIUUS IwUUiU . and their chief priests came forward and mo n,Hj fa achieve- declared that, as his oath had been wrest-m,nt9 n eame into being eleven years ed from him by foree, be was not bound I ,g0 to maintain the cause of American by it to return to bis captivity. But Re- td mirersal liberty; to resist the n gulus was too noble to listen to this for a croachnents of slavery, which claimed moment. "Have you resolved to dishon-!m0re than 500,000 square miles of the or me?" he said "I am not ignorant that I public lands. It denounced the infamous death and the extremes! tortures art pre- declaratita of Judtre Tanev. that "the na- paring for me; bat what are thest to the Dame o: an iniamocs action, or the wounds of a guilty miud ? Slave as I am to Carthage, I have still the spirit of a Roman. I have sworn to return. It is my duty to go; let the gods take care of the rest." The senate, decided to follow tbe advice f Hegtilus, though they bitterly regret ted bis sacrifice. His wife wept and en treated in vain that they would detain him j they could merely repeat their per mission to him to remain ; but nothing could prevail with him to break his word, and he turned back to the chains and death he expected, as calmly as be bad been returning to bis home. Hook of Golden Dcerh. A TOUCHING TRIBUTE TO TLTE HEJIORY OF ABRAHAM LINCOLN- A correspondent of the Chicago Tri bmie, writing from Florence, Italy, says : "Among tbe first incidents which met my eyes as I entered Italy were one or two, which are perhaps not altogether un worthy of being read, and one of which in particular may have a peculiar inter est for American readers. I was walk ing through the narrow streets of the lit tle town of Lugano, when my eyes were attracted by a well known portrait sus pended in front of a small bookstore. The portrait was that of Abraham Lin coln; aud you will not wonder that the i'bt alone ot tbe laminar leaturcs ar rested one's foot-steps, as they hang there in that quaint, mediaeval, out-of-tbe-way pla3e, looking round upon . a scene so wholly foreign to that other wot Id, of which the late President of the United States was so vividly the personification. I went up by an irresistible impulse of respect to lo,k at it, aud I was glad I did so, for I fouua beneath it in writing, and in Italian, an inscription which show ed that the little portrait had in fact been attached to bis house by tbe owner like a sacreJ image, ax once a testimony of his own faith acid feelings, and an appeal to those of his fellow citizens. "This," said the inscription, "is a portrait of Abraham Lincoln, and so long as the sun shines on men, so so leng shall the tame of him who redeemed fout millions of slaves from captivity, of bim who, clut ching to his strong breast tbe facet of. the American Union, fell a vict:m to horrible assassination so long shall his name resouod great, venerated, and bless ed throughout tbe world." THE KUMBER OF LANGUAGES- Tas least learned are aware that there are many languages in the world, but the actual number is probably beyond the dreams of ordinary people. The geogra pher, Babi, enumerated eight hundred and sixty, that are ectitled to be consid ered as distinct languages, and five thou sand which may be regarded as dialects. Adelung, another modern writer on this subject, reckons up three ' thousand and sixty-four languages and dialects existing and which have existed. Even after we have allowed either of these as the number of languages, we must ' acknowledge tbe existence of almost infinite minor diversi ties,' for alrdost every providence has a tongrfe more or less peculiar, aud this we may well beiicre to be the case through out the w'oild at Kire' It is said there afii little islands, lyicg. close together in the bouth bca, the inhabitants of which do not understand each other. Of the eight hundred aud sixty dintinet sanguages enu merated by Babi, fifty-three belong to Eu rope, one hundred and fourteen to Africa, one Btiudrcd twenty-three Asia, four hun dred and seventeen to America, one hun dred and seventeen to Oceanica which term distinguishes the vast number of is lands t trschting between Ilindostan and South America. . ' 8 The loveliest bird has bo ob&. tra ,woiB(Wlt o wa-wa.y--" WMT THE NATIONAL UNION PARTY HAS ACHIEVED. In one of his recent speeches in New York, Senator Wilson thus described tbe achievements of the Union nartv nines ita ' v. . L. . U,, had no rights a white man was bound to respect" In Kansas it repelled the bloody ruffians intent on enslavement ; in Congress it rebuked the Lecompton swin dle It chase for its standard-bearer the sainted Abraham Lincoln. Applause. It received the Government from the hands of the corrupt Democratic party, with its armies scattered and debauched, its navy crippled with three vessels and i few skeleton regiments of regulars to! isgiu upon, it raised two millions of men, lii hundred ships of war,, three thousand nilliona of money, to meet the most co- ksal rebellion the world ever saw. Its every individual was fired with love of liberty and a love of Union. Cheers. Fo Republican was ever found firing at lis fag or shooting down iu defenders. Of all the swsrms in rebel gray, moat of tliem were Democrats ; their leaders were members of the Democratic party, and the nen who clung to tbe party were the ones to demand a cessation of hostilities, and proclaim tbe war ia behalf of tbe Union t failure. All the 325,000 who now sleep ia untimely graves on fields red with their blood, are tbe victims of their treachery, the dishonesty, and the folly of Democrats, K) called. Well, tbe Republican party has saved tbe Union, defeated its enemies, and tfiey are now crawling up tbe steps of tbe White Ilouie for pardon. It has doni for America what Cromwell did for Eng land. Is this a record that it should be ashamed of t What has it done that it should die J What has the Democratic party done that it should live ? Cheers No, gentlemen, the Union party ban a bright snd glorious future. It has wrought more of good to the world, and in less time, too, than any organization that ever existed. Tou bava rcasou to be proud of it It will continue the work. It will protect all. men, of whatever race, in their lives, their labor, their homes and their persons. It will care for the widows and families of its fallen heroes. It will se cure the sacred fulfillment of that debt in curred for the safety of the country as a religious obligation." CURIOUS DISCOVERT. Glass rtaj even be turned in a lathe. Strange as it seems, this is literally true. No special tools even arc needed. Any amateur, who has operated on either of the metals may chuck a piece of glass cn his lathe, and turn it with tbe same tools, and in the eame way as he would a piece of steel, only taking care to keep tbe chips from bis eyes. This strange discovery was made, almost accidentally, in the ear 'y part of 18G0, by one of our most cele brated mechanical engineers, and might have been patented, but tbe inventor con tented himself with (imply putting it on record, and generously presented it to the nation, t The consequence was that no one thought or cared anything about it, and the idea has been suffered to be near ly barren, though capable of beicg turned to great account. Let any amateur me chanic make the espertment, aud he will be surprised at the ease with which this seemingly intractible material may be cut and faahionfcd according to bis will. Chamber? Journal, ' FUee Tbade. The English cannot claim the bad fame of inventing "Free Trade." The Americans are not the first people eursed with its selfishness. It is of Philistine origin, and ihe Israelites were jts mo ancient victims. See how it once impoverished and disaolcd the chosen peo ple. "Now there was no smith found throughout all the land of Israel : (for the Philistines said, Lest the Hebrews make 'hem swords or spears :) but all the Israelites went down to tbe Philistines, to sharpen every man bis share, and his coul ter, and bis axe, and bis mattcck. So it came to pass in tbe day of battle that there was neither"sword nor spear found in the hacd of any one of the people that were with Saul and Jonathan." 1 Sam. xiil. 1, 20, 22. TFHT MEN FAIL Mrs. Stowe says that people of small in comes, if they deny tbe tastes to please the imarrinntiAn Mn fiitnr itiAir limnjta witft " ' . I maDT & Ahe iollowmg met- dent may be suggestive to many wbo l find their incomes inadequate to tbeir wants . . , A young merchant wbo had just failed in business, Laving spent in four years a legacy of ten thousand dollars, in addi tion to any profits realised, was met .by a thrifty young mechanic, who bad former ly been on terms of intimacy with bim. During tbe conversation which ensued, the merchant said to bim. "How is it, Harry, that you have been able to live and save money on the small sum you receive for your services, while I found it impossible to live in my business with a good round ten thousand dollars to back me I" , "Oh," said the mechanic, that is easily understood. I have lived with reference, mostly to the comforts and tastes of my self and family, while you lived mostly with reference to opinions and tastes of others. It costs more to please the eye than to keep the back warm and the stom ach full." A XOTEL LNYENTI05. Tbe Chemical Acirs states that M. I'elon bas invented a new beating appa ratus adapted to tbe warming of railway carriages, aud called a "beat generator. It consists of a cone of wood, which is covered with hemp, and which is made to revolve with great speed within a hollow cone of copper. . These are enclosed in a metallic vessel, through which air is pars ed, and becoming heated in the passage, then conveyed to tbe carraige. t The in ventor proposes to place a generator out aid? each carriage ; raottcn will be ' giveu to tbe wooden cono by one of the axles of tbe carriage ; and the heated air will be admitted to tbe vehicle by an arrange ment under the control of the passengers. The "he'at-generator" is, indeed, io actual use at Taris, and seems to be really effica cious. Tbe machine is turned by a force equal only to about tha twentieth of a horse power, but, after rotating for about eight or ten minutes, the air escaping from the apparatus was found to have at tained a temperature of 70 deg. C. THE OLDEST REPUBLIC ON EARTH- The American Quarterly Revicto .con tains a letter from 0. W. Irving, Esq., giving a sketch of hia visit to San Ma rino, a small republic in Italy, between the Apennines, the Po, and the Adriatic. The territory of this Stats is only forty miles in circumference, and its population about seven thousand. , The republic was founded more than fourteen hundred years Ago, on moral principles, industry, and equity, and has preserved its liberty and independence amid all ibe wars and dlscods which have raged around it. Bonaparte respected it, and sent an em bassy to express his sentiments of friend ship and fraternity. It is governed by a captain regent, chosen every six months by the representatives of tha people, (sixty-six in number,) who were chosen every six months by tbe people. The taxes are light, tbe fafm-bouscs are neat, the fields well cultivated, and on all sides are reen comfort and plenty, the happy effect of morality, simplicity, and frugally- . FAITH. . A few evenings ago, my little daughter who bad been spending tbe afUrnoou at a neighbor's started with me through the darkness for home, It was tha first time that she bad ever been out doora in the night, and everything seemed new and strange. "Papa, I see lota cf stars in heaven," said she. "Why, pspa, tee liow many bouses have got lights in the win dows." As soon as her curiosity, abated somewhat, she began to be troubled about the way home. "I can't see our honse, papa. I don't know the way; where are we going ?" she said anxiously. I replied, "I cau see the road, and if you keep hold of my band I will take care of you. Then she said :." Yes j you do know the way, don't you, papa f You will take care of your little girl, causa you love her, don't you, papa?" After this she only grasped my band a little tighter, and trudged cheerfully onward, wherever I lJtheway. ' v EDITOR AMD PUBLISflER. WHOLE NUMBER m. LAROR SAYDfGLABOi. MAKING. , Labor laving- implements were once thought to be destructive to tbe interests of the working man,' jost in proportion as they saved the drudgery of labor. This seems reasonable at first, but a little tho't will correot the error. . How then do the farm laborers, thrown out of work by the introduction of improved implements, ul timately find work t . Plainly by the in creased amount of tillage , which ' horse power, machinery and toois make possible in the country., Io a section where all the soil is under cultivation of some kind, i: will lead to mora thorough system of farming.. In the case of our own country, it lead? to the faster extension of civiliza tion westward, tha rapid subjugation of wild landa. and thm. baiiaa -alttvaUea of that already under tbe plow. For in stance, the Western grain grower, who now devotes 75 or 150 acres to corn and other grain erops, with the meager facili ties of thirty years ago, could not have managed one-fourth part that amount in a similar manner. This increase of agri culture, not only keeps good tbe original number of farm laborers, but creates a new demand for laborers in every other field cf industry. More ships and rail, roads are required for transportation, more manufacturing establishments, more me chanics to construct these, and men to manage tbem, more miners, machinist, eto. In fact, the whole body politic . thus re ceives vital refreshment from every Teally labor-saving invention. This L a forcible illustration of the fact that whatever fair ly advaacet tha interests of one class, be- ' eomes a benefit to all classes in the eom munity. American Agriculturist. SCRATCHES' LN HORSES A correspondent of tbe last New Eng. land Farmer thus refers to "bright rar- nis'u" as a cure for cuts, wounds, and es pecially scratches in borset : "When I worked at my trade in tha city, I had occasion to use. different kinds of paints and oils ; among them ia what ia called 'bright varnish.'. Frequently I wou'd cut myself, sometimes so severely that I have been laid np for weeks. I would try all kinds of salve, . but the wound would be a long time healing. One day I cut my band severely, and as I had nothing at hand to put on it, I thought I would try some of the bright varnish ; as it is a sticky substance, and I thought it might stick tho wound together ; accor dingly I bound up my band with it and kept on at work ; tbe varnish relieved the pain, I bad no soreness in the wound, and in one week it was entirely healed. My son was rswing through a board one day, and carelessly put his hand under the board. He bad his fore finger bone en tirely sawed off. I put tbe ends together, put on this varnish and bound it up. Tha result was, that after one week the ban dage was removed, and tbe finger had nearly grown together. My horse once had scratches so badly that it was difficult to get bim to move about. I rubbed 'Se parts affected with this varnish for two days, which caused a perfect cure. The varnish can be bought at the paint shops for six or eight cents per quart.'' ISTha Blairsville JV'cic Era says : A few days ago a Mr. William Stitt handed us a copy of the Blairsville Record, pub lished in 1831. Among the curious tbinga in it we notice the prices in the market rates, as compared with tbe prices ef to day : Flour, $4 ; Wheat, 75 cents ; Rye, 50 cents; Corn, 62 cents ; Oats, 25 cents ; Butter, 12 eents; Lard, 6 cents; Tal low, 10 cents ; Whisky, 25 cents pet gal loo ; Hams, 8 eents. Were such prices to prevail now, what would our farmers sayf . FaTTBXIHO TfIANB3QlVI(3 TURK.ET8. For each turky mix about a pint of In dian meal with one pivit of unbolted wheat flour, and pour boiling water on it, stir ring rapidly till it forms thin mush. Place th dish wbfire the fowls ban hava access to t'ae feed at any time. ..Let skimmed milk or water be given also. In two weeks they will be .fat and oily .ae batter. Thcj will fatten better f Lava their lib erty ia a spacious yard. ,J. " " ! . BSTbe cattle plague is still prevailing throughout Great Britain, and to a fright ful J.Wt in aome directions.