-v-r '-f-w? VOLUME XIX, NO 30. : The long looked For Come at Last ! .. THE GENERATED . . "Horcncc Sewing Machine. This machine is the most prrrect instru ment to execute any kind of sewing now done fry machinery in the world. It is simple and perfect in its mechanical construction: The leed may be reTersd at S3y poi.xt desired without stepping, which is a great advantage in fastening the end of seams. It make FOIR I'IFFE1!T STITCHE.?, .oct; Knot, Dvuhle I.-wt, I)ouLlr Knot, rrn ei'tnb perlect and l!te cc both aides of the fabri-. rrators can select an stitch thfv want and ..rhsnre from one stitrh to another with- twt ir.pjiing the machine. Its tllrbes eaauot be excelled f.r firmness, rUcticity durability and beauty of finish. o difficulty experienced in sewing across thick seams. ' 5cr light and bevy fabrios with equal facil ity Jt will" BraU, Turk, n7J, Cord, htm, . fell, Mini. Va'Jitr, ami ae all kinds cf ttitcU "V required by fami!ie ami manufaerrrj. wabout ("tojij iiig the machine. Tie timet inexperienced find no ditr.euliy iu tifinp it. It is thoroughly practical and easily uudcr Hocd 2lLst; tprinpa tofti out etd,-r, aal will Wet a lifetime. t runs eaily, and is almost noiscVv. it is the most raj-ideewer in '.he wurM; iimI- .i-ij Jitt 4!ilrhes to ttth rr-ol'ttion. It uses the same size thread on belli sides of the fabric. It eile no drepses. e!i its tfcacVJncrs being on of tbe tabc. f.'vrvj frbine is trarr?f,t'd h f-r "-,rt tut' uf,iriiv:t zz l tc do ull thai is claiinul for it Miss Cabbie E. .'TAWE.nrcit is the aent this county. f!y calling at her rc?Menee Main ."""trcet, Mifflintown, one of these ma chines can be scon in opetatiou. 5cptcmberl2, 186-ly. prSNSVLVANI A UAiniOAD. ON AND L after Monday, Oct. IGih l-tj5, Tassenger 'i'jaint will leav Miin Staticn as follows : EASTWAttD. riiilaUliia Express.. 12.4:1, V. 51. l-Vst line 5.41, A. 51. Day Emcis 11.21, A. M.T f?i:sor.&.Erte5I:L 4.31, 1. 51. Mall Trald.... IV. Vb V. M. WESTWARD. 1 V,thp.&. Kric Mail.... 2 27. A. M.J tHaltimoi-e Kspress 4.5P, A. 51. I"!li.adclplia Eiprcss.. ).3S, A. 51. Fastriue 5..'s, F. 51. ".Mail Train 3.53. 1'. M-t!! 4 Emigrant Train..". 10.07. A 3I.; JAJItS fORTit, A?'t. ' ry:t? except Sunday. flaiiy except Mumlay. Jftop at Perrysville at, 11:28 (if fiaged) 11. CO ri:.r: Stop at Thomptontown at Jl.jr,, 4:10.- op at Terrysville at 3.19 (if fl?-d 5!;a4. t TuouipsoEtown ai 3.U-2 .i:00 :fie'l.) ' GCSUflG'S BRILLIA.NT, EASY SHINING. Leather Prcserln Composition of Neat's Foot Oil aud pure l..r Bl!ick. imriartine to BOOT aud SHOE LEATHER tbe softness and pliancy of Kit while with one fourth the lahor usually employed in the application of the ordinary . Blackings, it produces a JET BLACK EX) amf.L (iLOSS. cauallca oniy oy i aium 1 .aa1 tiAl Fold Retail by all GROCERS AND H0E rviJLERS. Orders received by American Agency, SS6 Broadway :Jew Vork, and whole' taled at the Manufacturer's Depot, .,,; 154 Read StrOt, K- CHAIR MANUFACTOKY. OmC OF THI JlIKTATA CctSTT 1 AORICCLTCSL CoCIETT, V rerrvSTillc. Oct. 16, 1863. j WE do hereby certify that the ComrcUlee en Manufactured Articles has awarded to harlbs yf. Wkitikl the First Premium for th most substantial, neatest made, and best f niehed sett of Chairs. O. W. JACOBS, TrcH'r. William II rscn. Stc'y.' janlS JOHxN T. LSAIIM. ttoriun-ai- 53 MIFFLINTOWN, JUNIATA COUNTr, IA. OFFERS bis professional nerviees to the public. Prompt attention given to the prosecution of claims against the Government, collecUons and all other business entrusted to his care- Office, Main Street, one door South Of Snyder'f Hotel. Sept. 20, 1865. . II. F. SAIUEK WITH PEIFER &. Iff ARKLEY, MANUFACTURERS AND WHOLESALE DEALERS BOOTS SHOES So. 31 North Third Street, Phlla M. O. PEirER, H. n. MARKLET, 10" reticular attention paid to or dm. "t& ALEX. SPEDDY, A'O-ST II B S fi-fiv T3 ESPECTFULLY offers his services to the AV public or Juniata county. Having had a Itirge experience in the bisiueis of Vendue Cryiog, be feels ccuGJeut that he can render gtiieral satractiun. . lie e-m ai u.11 times U I?.-...".. WF THE THREE CALLERS. Morn calleth to a fair boy straying 'Mid (olden meadows, rich with clover dew; She Calls but eti'l he thinks of nought save playing And so she smiles and wares him an adieu While be, still merry with Lis flowery store, i Iceuis not that Morn, sweet Morn, reiuras no j . . . C0B '''h-but the bey to mtniiiomj glow- Ilceds not the time ; he feet but on sweet form, One young fair face, from bower of jessamine glowing, s And all his loving heart with bliss is warm, So Kocn, unnoticed, seeks the Western shors, And man forgets .that Kooo returns no more. Night lappetb gently at a casement gloaming With the thin fire light, flickering faint and low, , . Vj wuicl a grsy-Lair'd man is sd'.y dream ing . ., O'er 'tiiia.illl-rl9 allJUfu's ficasnrcs go ; Night calls him to her, and he loaves Lis door, Silent and dark and be returns no more ! CONVERSATION WITH fREillENT JOHN SON. Mepi'CKd, Mass., Oct 3, 1SC5. Mt.I'bAr ?!r: I 3s so much im pressed with our conversation of last Tues day, that I returned immediately to my roam and wrote down such of the points made as I could remember, and having Rendered thcui Llio vray hiic, am to day, moro than ever, conviuced that, if corrected by you and returned to me for either public or privr.to use, it n ill go far ib promote a good understanding be tween ycu and our leading men. It will also unite the public uiud in fa vor of your plan, to far at least as you would carry it out without modification. ' You are avtara tbat I do not associate much with men in political life, but rath er with those who, representing the ad vaueed moral sense of the country, ear nestly labor for the good of our people, without hope of, or even desirr for o'let or other immediate reward. .The latter class aesirc earnestly 40 understand your plans, and if possible,4 support your ad ministration. I itirii the publication of your process of reconstruction, with the reasons for your faith in it, will tommeud itsalf to their candid judgment, and, as I told you, inspire our whole Northtru people with confidence in your administfetion. The report is u:eag:e and unsatisfactory, but I think it conveys, for the most part, the spirit of our conversation. Therefore, although the whole tenor of your words led me to believe it was not tetbnded to be kept private, I have refrained from an swering the specific inquiries of anxious friends, whom 1 "met on my ray hoiie, lest I might, in soins fay, leave a wrong impression on their minda. Truly your friend, GiciwE L. Stearss. The Piesident of the United States. Washington, D. C, Cct. ?. I have just returned from an interview with President Johnson, in which he talked for an hour on the process of re. construction of Ilebel States. His man ner was as cordial, and his conversation as free, as in 1863, when I met biia daily in Nashville. His countenance is Healthy, even more so' tiian when I rst knew him. I remarked, that the people of the North wers anxious that tbe process of reconstruction should be thorough, nd they wished to support him in the arduous work, but their ideas Were confused by the conflicting reports constantly circula ted, and especially by the present position of the Democratic party. It is industri ously circulated in th? Democratic Clubs test le was going over to them, lie laughingly replied, "Major, have' you nev er known a man wlio for many years had differed from your views because you Were in advance of him, claim them as his owu when he canie up to your stand-point V I replied, I have often. Ho said, So have I, and wed on : the Democratic party finds its old position uutenable, and is coming to ours ; if it has come up to our position, I am glad of it. - You and I need no preparation for this Conversation ; we can talk freely on this subject, for the J thoughts ar ianifliar to us ;. wc , can be ! vfr!'"",lf Ivsblt nrl-.-MG other. ihnii Till CONSTITUTION TH r8tOT - f LLNTOWN, JUNIATA COUroBNSU. NOVEMBER 1, 136-5. ommenccd with saytag that tht JJtatei art in the Union, which is wbolo and tv divisible. , : Individuals tried to carry thorn out, but did not succeed, as a aan nay try to cut his throat and be prevented by the by standcis ; and you cannot say he cut his throat because Ls tried to do it. : Individuals may eomniit treason, and be punished, and a large number of indi viduals may constitute a rebellion and be ptiuifnea a traitors, fcojio States tried 6"u' Btu we opposea it, nonestiy, oecause we bSieved it to be wrong ; and we have succeeded in putting down the Rebellion. The pover of those persons who made the attempt has been crushed, and now we want to rtonstruct the State Governments and have tie pow er to do it. Tha State institutes are prostrated, laid out on the gro'ial, end they must be taken up and adapted to the progress cf events ; this cannot be lone in a moment. We are making very ratwi progress, so rapid I sometimes reaiia rtrftdned by aa enlightened public judg- 11 appears nee a cream. .We must net be in too much of a hur ry, it is hotter to let them reconstruct themselves than to force them to it ; for if they go wroug, the power is in our hands and we can check them at any stage, to the end, and oblige them to cor rect their errors ; we must be patictt with them. I did not expect to keep out all who were excluded from the Amnesty, or even a large number of them, but I in tended they should sue for pardon, and so realize the enormity of the crime they had committed. You could not have broached tbe sub ject of equal suffrage, ct tke North, scvet years ago, and we must remember that the changes at tho South have been more rap id, and they have been obliged to accept more unpalatable truth than tha North baa f wa anna gin tlaaaa . tiaaa W rfigoa a part, for we cannot expect auch large af fairs will be comprehended and digested at once. We must giva them time to as derstand their new position. . I have nothiag to conceal in these mat ters, and have no desire or willingness tu take indirect courses tu obtain what we waut. Our Government is a grand and lofty structure ; iu searching for its foundation we find it rests on the broad basis of pop. ular rights. The elective franchise is sot a natural right, but a political light.. I am opposed to giving the States too much power, aud also to a great consolidation of poner in the Central Government. . If I interfered wiih the vote iu tbe Ilebel States, to dictate that the . negro shall vote, I might do the same thing for myovru purposes in Pennsylvania. Our only safety lies in allowing each State to control the right of voting by its own hws, and re have tbe power to control the Ilebel States if they go wrong. If they rebel, we hav tbe urmy, and can control them by it, and, if nesessary, by legislation also. If the General Govern ment controls tbe rirt to vote in the States, it may establish such rules as will restrict the vote to a small number, of persous, and thus create a central despot ism. M7 position here is different fVoa what it would be if I was in Tennessee. There I should try to introduce negro suffrage, gradually ; first those who had served in the army ; those who could read and write, aud perhaps a proper qualifica tion for others, say 8200 or 250. It would net do to let tho negroes have universal suffrage now; it woild breed a war of races. There was a lice in the Southern States when the slaves of large owners looked down upon non-slave corners be cause they did not own slaves ; the larger the number of slaves their masters owned the prouder they were, and this has pro duced hostility between the mast of tbe whites' aed tho negroes. The outrages arc mostly from' ncn-slaveholding whites against tha negro, and from the negro upon the con'-slaveholding whites. The negro' will vote with the late mas ter whom he dees not hate', rather tban with the non-slaveholdiog white whom he does hate. Universal suffrage would create another war, not against us, but a war of races''. . ; ' Another thing.- This Government is tbe freest and best on tha earth, and I feci sure is destined to last : - but to se cure thisi, wi miHt elevate and purify th ballot. I I'?r many years ccntcndcJ-' ftQ MTOBCIIIIKT OF TBI LAWS. e South that Slavery was , a political weakness, but others said it was political Strength; they thought we gained thrce- fths representation by it ; I contended j fiat we lost two-fifths." If we had no slaves, we should hare hid twelve Representatives more, accord ing to the then ratio of representation. Cmgress apportions representation by Sttes, not districts, and the State appor tion by districts. ; Many years ajo, I moved in the Lce- isiture that the apportionment of liep ressutativej to Congress, in Tenncsse, should be by qualified voters. The apportionment is now fixed until 1872, before that time we might change the basis of representation from popula tion to qualified voters, North as Tell as South, and in diie course oi time, the States, without regard to eolor, might extend the elective franchise to ail wLo posseted certain mental, mora! or such tier, salification!, aa . juiiiht. 4'- a ' v. l it- meat. Boston, Oct. IS, 1SG5. The above report was returned to lie by President Johnson with tbe followiDg itdorsement. , GeORCK L. STEARNS. I HAVE READ THE WITHIN COMMUNI CATION AND FIND IT SUBSTANTIATLf CORRECT. ' -' . . . . i HAVE MACE lOli'E VEUBAL ALTER ATIONS. Signed A. J. ANECDOTES OF AVARlDE- '.. JIv Lord Aardwich, the late Lord Chancellor, who is said to Vt vrorth 4,000,000, sets the saie value o'a half a crewn now, as he did when worth oo'y tSOO. That graai he was pUiu, ms Lu3 01 wansoron, wncn no was in the last stage of life, and very infirm, woald walk from the public room in Bath to his lodgings, on a cold dark night, to save a sirpeace !"a chair hire. IF the .1 tv I ' ( a Duke, who left at his death more than a millien and a half sterling, could have foreseen that all bis wealth and honours wsre to be inherited by a grandson of Lord Trevor's, vrfco had becj cae of his encaies, would he have always saved a sixpence? Sir Jafiss Lowthcr, aftir changing a piece of silver in St. George's coffee house, and paying for his dish of coffee, was helped into his chariot, (for he was lame and infirm,) and went fccfie; some time alter, be returned to the same coffee house on purpose to acquaint the woman who kept it, that she had given him a bad half-penny, and demanded another id exchange for it. Sir James had about $240,000 per annum, and was at a loss whom to appoint his heir. I knew one Sir Thomas Colby, who lived in Kensing ton, and was, I think, in the Victualling Office-f Tic tilled fiiasclf by rising in tho cuddle of the night, when he was iri a profuse sweat,-tho effect of medicine which he had taken for that purpose, and walking down stairs to look for the key of his cellar, which he had inadver tently left cn a table in his parlcr : he was apptchen3ive that his servants might I seiie the key and rob him of a bottle of port wine. This man died intestate, and lift more than 50,000,000 in the funds, which were shared among five or six day laborers, who were his nearest relations. jFRAYLN'G FOR. HUSBAXDS. The late Mr. Jobn Lloyd Stephens, at page 37 of his "Incidents of Travels in Central America," whilst describing e' religious ceremony which he witnessed at Gualan, in a ehapel extemporized for the occasion, iai" the following passage : "In some places people would rebel th e impu tation of Deing desirous to procure hus band or wife. Not so in Gualan. They frayed publicly for what they considered a blessing. Some of tho men were so much in earnest, that perspiration stood in large drops upon tBeir faces, and none thought that praying for. a husband need tinge the cheek of a modest maiden. I watched the countenance of a young In dian girl, beaming-with enthusiasm and hope, and while her eyes were resting up on the image, (Sani Lucia,) and her bps moved in prayer, I could not but imagine that her heart was full af some truant, and perhaps vp'iv'wthy Joyer." Building Jteict I r '' . AN UKLUCKT ?KDC& . - The Vienna correspondent of the Lon don Timet writes, that for some time it has been observed that the Archduke Ru dolf, the heir-apparent to the Austrian throne, has lost much of his fresh color tad healthy appearence ; but the cause of j tbe change In the child's health is only '. now known to the public. A few days ago, Dr. Losh sheer, a physician in whom the Emperor and Empress have great con fidence, was summoned from Prague ; and, alter having carefully examined the little patient, recommended temporary change of air, and a total change in ths system of education. The Archduke, who is not seven years of age, was not long ago taken out of the hands of his aja, cr governess, and entrusted to the care of General Count Gondrecourt, who lost no time in begitcicg to give the child such an edu cation "as would speedily make a man of him." The little boy was practically ffght Uvc languages at once ard the same time, by means of attendants of fire dif ferent nationalities; he was regularly drill ed, and every now and then he was awa kened in the night in order that He might learn to have his wits about b!m. Tbe results of as absurd system ef education tcre soon apparent, and the heir to the Austrian throne is now at Iffchl for the benefit, of his health. General Count Gondrecourt, who knows how to handle a brigade as well as any man in the service, haa get leave of absence ; and tha chantcs arc, that be will soon ccars to be ayo, or tutor, to the Emperor's only son. SHOCKINGLY HUMAN- , ' The author of a ftue article about Bird ia the last Atlantic is aa admirer of the hen hawk, of whieh he is able to say some things as fine and eloquent as hero-worshippers utter about their questionable h-Jmatt idols. Here is one of them "The calmness and dignity of this hawk when attacked by crows or the king-bird, are well worthy of him. ' He seldom deigns to Coticc his noisy and furious an. tagonist, but deliberately wheels about in that aerial upiral, and mounts and mounts, till hia persuor grows dizzy and return to earth again. It is quito original, thai this mode of getting rid of an unworthy opponent, rising to the heights where the braggart is dazed and bewildered, and looses bis reckoning ! I am uot sure but t is worthy of imitation " That is well said, and tCercby hangs a moral vWch is quite as. wel put by a re viewer in the Traveller: "'Tis a pity that so loftily disposed a gentleman should be so cruel, and a thief, and his flight heavenward should ha79 a hen-roost rob bery for its point of departure ! . Tbe fin est "rise" we ever saw a hen hawk make, the cruel depredator had a screeching chicken in possession. jt what a pic ture of tho conduct of man does this ac tion of tho hen-wawk afford, man often acting as if cruelty and robbery on his part were no hindrances to his reacbiu? heaven 1" TOO DIRTY TO WHIP. It Las been feared that Jeff Davis might escape punishment, on the princi ple that seems to prevail in some eases, that when wickedness reaches a certain magnitude it takes a place above recogni zable crime, and becomes a sublime vir" tue or a stupendous joke. Tbe issue in the instance of the fallen rebel chief will depend much upon whether the govern ment pledges itself beforehand as unwar ily as the schoolmaster did in the folloV ing story of President Lincoln about Dan iel Webster: . When quite young at school, Dasiel was, one day, guilty of a gross violation of the rules. He was detected in the act and called up by . tho teacher for punish ment This was the oldlfashioned "fer uling" of the hand. His hands happeu ed' to be very dirty. Knowing this, on his way to the teacher's desk, ha spit up on the palm of his right hand, wiping it off on the side of his rantaloons. "Give me your baud, sir," said the teacier, very Btearnly. Out went the right hand, partly cleansed. The teacher looked at it a momant, and said, "Daniel, if you will 'find another hand in this school-ioom as filthy as that, I will let you off this time." .Instantly from be hind his back came the left hand. . "Here it is," was the ready reply. l"That will do," said the teachar, for this time j you esua tak TOjifst&t, f;l"icf WHOLE NUMBER 960.- THE LARGEST MANUFACTORY IN THE WuiiLI. The extent of F. Krupp's steel manu factory, at Essen (well known to the lar gest in the world,) is 301 aorcs, and tho length of the railways for interior com munication about twelve and a half En glish miles, on which four locomotives and 150 wagons are in eonstant use. The buiMiDgs covet an area of 46 acre. Thera is a gas work, acd a bskery, and cooking establishments for the unmar-. ried men. In 1864, in tbe steelworks, exclusive of the collieries and blustfur cabes, which are situated iu Nassau aud Tayn, there were 0600 workmen. - In the same year there were in operation 350 smelting, heating, and puddling furnaces, 136steam engine3, from 4 to 1000 horae powcr, 31 steam-hammers, from 1 ton to 150 tons, 110 smiths, and 508 turning and other machines. The production of 1SC4 was 27,000 toes of east-steel,- in guns, axles, tyres,' springs, rails, boiler plates, rollers, Sc. In 5Iay, 1865, the establishment employed 8000 workmen. London Buildirt'j News RURAL CHURCHES WITHOUT TREES.. In a sTiort ride which we mads out of the city, says a contemporary, we passed two churches arsund which were fences but no trees. Both looked as though they had been built a dozen years. All around, the dwellings were coiy and well shaded, but the churches had gone along neglected, anl unless seme (liferent plan 3 pursued, they will go siadclcss and trcless till ths roofs drop off or the walls J ret down. Why can men be thoughtful about their own dwellings, and forget the temple of God in which they worship? 1 There is nothing that gives such aa air of rcjose and comfort to a "meeting-house a3 therow of shade trees in front izd on either side. Is there a trustee or other official member who worships in a church without the "trees," who will this fall be removed to action in this matter ? KEW HLNERAL A new mineral of lead has been dis covered, in Chili, containing 10 per ceat. of iodine. Iodine has lately become very valuable, on occount of its extensive use in photographery, and of the discove.ry by Dr. Hoffman of a new dye, laving th.'i :!':ment among its constituents. It is said that 'one eargo of the new ciineial w:!l represent a fortune. As a further iil'ia tratioa of tbe progress that mining ad venture is making in South America, a mine of bismuth ore has recently beea opened in Bolivia, about two-thirds cp the Actles the Iljampu 5Iountain. Vli muth alio has lately increased in value ; and 15,000 feet above the level of tfcs cecan, only slightly beneath the line cf perpetual snow, men are setting to work to obtain it. Scientific American. SPECUIO OF AN ANCIENT BOOK- . Ancieat writing was often in capfril letters, without any division in the worij or punctuation. A pnge was found fur-roio-wisc, and had somewhat the following appearance : . . 1 N T II E B E G I N N I N G W A S II O W E II T D X A D K O W E II T D W A S W I T II G O D A N D T II A S E II T I) O G S . W D R O W E 51 E W A S I N T II E B E G I N N I N I II T L L A D O G II T I VY G N G S W E R E 51 A D E B Y II I 51 A N S A W M I II T U O II T I W D T O T A N Y T II I N G 51 A D E T fl E D A 51 S A W T A Will you try to read this specimen, and find out where it is found ? CHEAP TRAVELING. Penny trains are now "an institution'' in London. They run early and late 33 tbe underground railroads. The work ing man descends into a spacious subter ranean depot, well lighted, in one part cf London, whither, by "buss," it would cos: him ten cents and an honr's ride. Iu this way tho meehanie, in his pretty cottage in the country, is really close' by hij work, and cce great evil in a large city checked in part. . jggy- Among' the school books used ia Franco is one entirely unknown in this country, consisting of fac timiles of let ters written by business men, eminent people, &c, intended to teach childrsn the art of reading writing, of which there is almost universal ignorance in Amesica. Every variety of hand is selected, begin ning "with, the best, and gradually pro ceeding with scrawls, which puzsles prin ters and "blind-letters" rata ia poa CffiCGI.