J V US AT THE of 8VL0UTF, FROW AND rARKER, I i TBI CBTSTAl T-AI.AC BUlLftlXQ, " MIFFLINTOWN, PA. ntai irxDERsrtiXE having pir X aiiascJ Uie stock if goods formerly b' longing to Sulouff & Stambaugh, and having added to it quite an assortment from the Phil adelphia market, lire now ready to siiplly the cttisecs of Mifflintown aud viciriiy with any thing and everything that it usually kept in a'cour.try store, and a pre many things that Lav never been kept before. We are deter mined to sell goods at a REDUCE'J miOF and make it an object for fbe people to buy from us. A large stock of DRY GOOD J, con sisting of Ladies Dresj Goods, such ai FRENCH MERINOS. EHEFHERD PLAIDS, (all wool, FANCY PLAIDS, (all wool) PLAIN WOOL DELAINES DRESS FLANNELS. PLAIN SACK FLANNELS, WHITE FLANNELS. BLUE TWILLED FLANNELS, REi) FLANNELS, MUSLINS. BREAKFAST SHAWLS, Ac, Ac. Cau be had at ,. FULOUFF. FROW 4 PARKER'S. MOURNINC DRESS COOOS: Klacfa Shawl. Veils, Colart, Glove, Ganutlt, Second Xonraiag Ualmoralt, Hoods, Ac, Ac. F.vrj (king desiritVie ia this line, aud 8 very Inrge tort, At SulouflT, Frow & Tmrkii't. VVUI.t. assortment of Oent'.bmaa's Goods, consisting of Cloth. Vassimcref, Satinetts. . OvcrjCcatingf, Veatinjs. "r be bad fCLOVFP, FROW 4 PARKER'S. tE hare one, room devoted entirely t V? (tta-a v'.T-iiV-g Goods and Ready i le Ciothi.ig. such as ('win, Pants, Vests. Orer Coats, Boots A Shoes, "Ifnti 3k ' Caps, Wbita Shir's l ur.Lel Eliirts. Undershirts, and Drawers. fcULOUFF, FROW 4 PARKER. FULL assortment of TRUNKS andTRAV J ELVIN't BAGS. Also, XOTIOXS, such aV T!oe, Gloves, Ruck Gloves snd Mits, (very best quality.) Kid Gloves for ladies acd gents, i,a:hcd Kid. at - M'LOUFP, FEOW & PARKER'S VI AUG E and wc;Lleclei stnck of GIJO. CKKU.'S, comprising lia.u, ShuulJcr, Ea n, JIf. l;nrk, Honr Spires, &c. &c..t . fcULOUFF, FROW t PARKER'S. have on hand a good quality of lUrd- V ware. comprising a full assortment nf CARP EXT Ell TOOLS, k VLACKSM ITU j TOOLS, sncb as Anvils. Bellows, Ac., .hoe- j maker Tools, Snws, Axes, Augurs. Iron. Steel, j Nails, Horse Shos and Horse Sum- Naii3 by i the keg r.nd pound. Ropes of a'l s:res frniu j in-lie dfwn to J inch by the round. Hupg ; sod Vag-n Sprins, Grind Stuncj, and Grind I tone Fict'ires. at i suLuurr. frow 4 parkers I l aVLAlfK Steele or vjueaswar, le'larwurs, sn:h ks Tubs, Burter how's. Bucke'. ' r'jros. rtket!. l!nr Bucket. 4-. at SUI.OUFF, FROW & PARKER'S. "TTcARWITS f CARPETST"! XLARfiE aDd god varietr of ALL WOOL, RAG and JTFMP CARPETS on hand snd for e cheap, at SL'LOUI'l, FHOW A I'AEKER'S . 3A L T ! SA LT! ' SA L T .k .' Superior quality, cithar by sinplo sack ci quautity. W will furnish Merchants with salt at Philadelphia prices, with the ad adlition of expenses of freight. 8ULOUPF FROW k PARKER. THE best quality of MXCKE&EL, HER. Rl'G and 5Z.4 P always on band. And, also, a good supply of Plaster aud Calcined Plaster, at - JjULOL'FF, FROW & PARKER'S. COxlL.! COAL!! A large quantity of Nut, Egg, Prepared, J BUcksmith and Limeburncr's Coal on band and fir-sale bv - SCLOUFF, FROW k PARKER. 5, VUMBER t LI MBER ! ! Vfu'l assortment, such as Boards, Pickets, Laib, Shinglas, Doors and Sash, on hand and for Sale by SULOLFF, FROW 4 PARKER. : TLODR & GRAfNi IIUR sni Grain, of all kindspurel.ased at Market rates, "or reeeived on storage aad shipped at the usual frieght rales. Hav ing b'tats of our own, with careful captians and hands, we will ship freight of any kind to and from Philadelphia or any poiu l along the anal. RULOLTF, FROW & PARKER. BjBgr Persons ean be supplied with Coal, Plaster. Sltf Ac, at the lowest price, hv our ayant at ThompsonUiwu. KLIHP BENNKR. who is also authorised to purchase Grain and giva the highest markol Pritfes. Stair Mr. 4JL1NK is. U(, our auihor'ued agent at Periystiiie ia purcUaae Uiain and aU Ciml. Plaster and Suit for us. Uive us a all aud vuu oiuiuot fiul to be Stsf Hgt:tV jirio paid fur CoOuuy Pr' :ue. td taken iu exvhang lr goods. SULOI1FP, FROW, & PARKER. A Yalo&ule Farm AT Private Sale! TIIE undersigned offers at private sale, that well known farm, situated in Fayette 1 township, Juniata county. Pa., about 6 miles Irora Mifflintown and renu a. ranrouu, i mue from Oakland Mills aud 1 miles from McAlis tersville. The Ceder Spriiig road from Mif. fliutown to Siinbury. passes through tte fcrcm iees. The farm contains about - i70 ACRES, Of the first quality of Limestone Land. The improvements are a large Brick Hoiise, 85 by 4.r, with an excellent wU of limestone wirt ta door; a targe Frame llank BikfC, 80 by 45 feet, corn crib, wagon shed, carriage house, tool house, and work shop. All these buildings are nw and built in a substantial minner. The land is all cleared but 7 acres, which is unler good fenoe, and in a good state of cultivation, with running water through the premises. Tuer e is, also a first rate opened on the farm. Two apple orchards, tiled -with a choice selection of erafed fruit' ! For further particulars, enquire of Lucian ! Wilson; Eaq., at Oakland Mills, who ia an ! thori ed to Bell. i KOB'TRt McALISTER. I Oct. 24, ieGo-tf. MOTICE. .0. . T)ersons indubied to the late firm of Sulouff A. k Stambaugli, will please oall and make ! settlement with the undersigned, who will, J for a short time, give his personal attention to books and accounts of the late firm. He will be found at tho oflice of the lateplace of JACOB STAMBAUCH. ATT OR X E Y-A T-L A W, MISILLXTO n-.V, JJA'IATA CO., FX. (OiEce Main Street, in the room formerly eccnpied bv V.'ni. M. Allison, Esq ) COLLECTIONS, AND ALL OTHER BUS iness connected with tho profession promptly attended to. Oct.'l?, '65. REAL ESTATE ! j - T'HS ur,derriened. Assignee of HENRV LRl'ltAKEK of Reale township. Juniata eouuly. Pa., will sell at public sale at the res idence of Henry iirubaker, about one fourth j icilo from Johnstown, on ! Saturday, Xovtnber ISrA, 18G3, Tktfvtlottmf dr4Ci ibid proprr'y, to wit: i o. I. A tract of Land containing aoout Itwcuty-five acres having thereon erected TWO DWELLING HOUSES, Bunk Brn and o til or ant building, a Saw Mill witii good water power, and a Tannery ia gi-.d order. This property is situated in the middt of a good bark country. No. 2. A tract of Land containing twenlv- four a?res, about eight of which are cleared and the baiaEce well timbered, having there cn erect td .. -. A STOXZ bXELLiXG IIOISE, Aad Frace Stable. There is an ORCHARD of choice friat on the above tract. ' No. 3. A Lot containing at out 15 atfrcs. all of whicfi is cleared aui in aa extellent state of cultivation. . .. No. 4. A tract cf Mouni&in i.nd, contain ing 8u0 acres, mure or less, well eet with niiimit aud CIIESTXUT-OAK TIMBIIR. No. 5 A tract if Mountain Land, contain ing I'M acre?, more or lees, adjoiaing tract nuhiber4. The above, property is all situ-ttei jn Boale towuship. junia: county. Pa. - Ti.'RMH: Five per cent, of pp-'chaJt mr'n- ey Jo be paid wr.en the pmperiy :s struck town; half the balance on thj 1st div of April, J,iCfi, whon a Deed will bs delivered aud po&f i"!f:uti givte ; the reruainder on the 1st dny of April, IS-;", to be secured by Judg ment bun'!. Si'o to bommfr.ee a. 10 o'clock, A. M , of said day, whon nitojtdaf ce will be grven by - JKRKMIAII LYON'S, A Vm of IIKXR V liliCBAJtFsR. (rliAT CHAXCE . A A G E,N.T S . lVhat the Teorlc Wait ; TUB STANDARD HISTORY OF THE WAR. Complete in one vsar large Volume op over lOOO Pages. THIS work Las v rival as a candid, lucid, complete, authentic and reliable history of the "great conflict." It contains reading matter equal to threo large r'jyal octavo vol umes, splendidly illustrated with over 150 fine portraits of Generals, battle scenes, maps and diagrams. Returned and disabled officers and soldiers, and energetic young men in want of profitable employment will find this a rare chance to make money. We have Agents oicaring $2-30 per month, which we will prove to any doubt ing applicant ; for proof of the above seud for circular and see oar terms. Address, JONES BROTHERS & CO.. Philadelphia, Penn'a. October 2nd, 65. IAKE NOTICE, LADIES C2 MR3. 8 A,R A H FINK RESPECTFULLY informs the Tadies of Mifflintown and vicinity that she has just received a large as sortment of Milhiary Goods, and has constant ly on hand and for sale ready-made Bonnets of all descriptions, and also iiats and Caps. She has also necured the services of hec Sis ter who is a competent Dress Maker and will give sat ist'aciion in that line of business.. Let Ladies call and examine for themselves, at her former resilience on (,'herrv street, la- quire for Mrs. Sarah (Sleia) Fink. Sept-27, lt-b,-3 mos. st EMIT IIAPCK, NovaJ') AltCil Street, abW fiiih : - PHILADELPHIA. Manuf'ai-lnrrr autl Dealer in FINE J E W E L R Y , 7 solid silver Ware. aad tjuperlor Sliver Plated Ware Sep' I'ti, IWt,, :1uk,s. " t ! Cheap Fara AT PRIVATE SALE. 0 . . npHE UNDERSIGNED OFFERS HIS FARM X for sale, situated in Fermanagh Uwuship Juniata, county. Pa., adjoining lands of Ja cob Ilcffian, William tstroup aud others coa-tainicg All under good fence. Seventy five Acres of . . 1, .. .i , i . . Chestnut timber. Tht improvements ara a good TWO SI'OHY HOUSE, KITCHEN and MILK-HOUSE attached, a new falUa( sfteaui of water parsing through tie Kiteben and Milk-house.-. F B A tVl BARN, 24x35 feet. Sheep Stable, Corn Crib, We 1 II o use, 4c. Also, a good SAW MILL with one up and down Saw, Twe Circular saws. Whip saw'and Plaining Machine. This property will be sold cheap and n easy terms For further information addrets WILLIAM WHirSON, Mitiliiutown, Juniata otunly, Ta. VALUABLE FARM AT PUBLIC SALE THE UNDERSIGNED, AGENT 10R THE heirs of James Thompson, of Delaware townehip, Juniata county. Pa , deceased, by order cf the Orphans' Court of Juaiau coun ty, will expose to sale at public outory on the premises, in Delaware township, one mile be low Thompaontcwn, on the South tide of the River, and directly opposite "Thompson's Lock," on Thursday, November 9th 13G5, Tha FOLLOWING VALUABLE REAL BS- TATE PROPERTj TO WIT ; A tract of Land situited as above stated and containing about Having thereon erected a M ANSION STONE HOUSE, FRAME BANK BARN' TENANT fTf iT'SR n rA nrliAV nut KuITtlinfra aun vtiitn t..j- Kr..ii t. . -oil nr w.t.r n.sr the door of the Mansion House, and several springs of good water on the land. There are about loO ACRES CLEARED j And in good sMtte of cultivation and the bal- anre well timbered with White Oak, Chestnut, Locust and a large quantity of Chestnut Oat suHable for barking The Penna. Railroad runs through the premises so that it is very accessible for the shopmen t of ROCK OAK BARK TEUMS: So much of the purchase money as may ae necessary to pay the expenses of sile. to be paid ou the confirmation nf the sale by the court, one third of the remainder to remain in the property,. tl! interest thereof to be paid to Wilhelmina Thompson, widow of said decedent, annually, on tlie first day of April for and during her natural life, and the principal at her death to be paid to the Heirs of said decedent, one third to be paid on tb first of April next, and the balance in a year thereafter with interest, to be secured by the recognizance of the purchaser, with sufficient securi'y. For further information address 'Vrilliam Thoir.p-nn, McA'.istcr3vUle, Juniata county. Pa. .. Sbie to commence at 1 o'clock .P. M., e said day, whenattcudaneo will be given By order of the Court, by Oct. ll,-ts. S. B. LOUDEN, Shrrif. A VALUADLE FARM At Private Sale! riAHE II -L of W HEIRS OF WILLIAM HART, L.1TB l alker township deo'd., otter ta se.l at Privato Salo a valuable tract of Land si -, uated in Walker township, Juuiata county. Pa. five miles from MiiBintown, four and a half miles from Perrysville, three miles from Mrs ico and the Pa. K- R. C. adjoining Unds of Jerome Thompson, Jonas Seiber's heirs, Stew art Ltikens aud otiicw containing , 2ot Acres more or iss, about 1V acres cleared f.nd in a good state of cultivation, and the balanc well set with choice Timber. There is Lime stone in abundance on me property; ara j splendid stream of Water running through the farm. The improvements are a LAftGE FRAME HOUSE With a Spring of excellent Water c onvenient, SA&&1 iDASm And all other necessary out-buildings. Aa old Orphard containing 60 Trees ; also a young OrcbnVd of I'.'O Trees of choice frnit on the premises. The property is convenient to Schools. Churches, Mills and Stores. For further particulars or a view of the sbov property, call on T. S. Hart residing on the premises. TIIE HEIRS. Sept. '27, 18G5-2 mo. UfTjU Lewisburg ChranieU pleas copy two months and send biil to this oflice. ISAACK. STAnrjJER," WATCH MAKER & JEWELER, M.vcrCTCBBs or SILVER WAKE NO IMPORTER OF WATCHES No. 14S N. Second St., Corner Quarry, PHILADELPHIA. Be has constantly on hand an assort ment of Gold and Silver itatent Lever Lcpine and Plain Watch es ; Fine Gold Chains, Seals and Keys, Breast Pins, Ear Rings, Finger Rings, Bracelets, Miuiatur Coses, Medallions. Lockets, Pencils, Thimbles, tnli,lM Kilir.rT.hlo Dr To. H.ll rA Mustard Spoons; Sngar Spoons, Cups, Nap - kin Bints, Fruit and butter Knives, Shields, Combs, Diamond Pointed Pens, etc., all of trAirft will fie tnlS low for Coth ! M. I. -TAB I AS J- CO'S best quafTty full jeweled Pctedt Lever Movements constantly on hand : -also otter1 Makers of superior quality. K. B. Old Gold ant Silver bought for Cuh ... Sept. !My. ;. KirlEfCfiil.'rg S( mil in, , ILL open its Winter Session, on Ocla- ber IGlh. 1H"5. Tuition. Rnnrri. I.irfht. Ftio! a-id Fiirhishd norlms per session of five iuuiu3t oi. i or iurirer pnriiouiars a'l'ireis 5. Z. SHARP, """""" ' TOMB STOA"E Stones, McAiistervilla and Mifiliatown. All work put np in the most tasteful and sob Btantial manner. Give bin, a call. Ht1 13T64lf. ; I EW STORE IN TUOMPSONTO WN. Jl'fiT opened in the New Flora Room under the Odd Fellows Hall, ia Thompsontown, Juniata county, Fa. a well seketed and ele gant assortment of Pry Goods, consisting in part of - I.diee' Dress Goods,; Sueh'as Delaine, Cballies, Lusters, Alpaccas, all wolol Delaines, Sheperd Plaid Lawns, and a full assortment of Ladies White and Fancy 1 K 1U1I HBVl iHinu. VI ,1 Hill ' 6TPL ' E DRY GOOES. Distantly on hand and for sdle cheap for T . " R.H. WRIGlif. , Also, GENTLEMAN'S CLOTIIrGO EMPO RIUM in the sane building. An elegant as sortment of ready made Clothinng for Men rnd Boys, consisting in part of Fancy Frock Coats, Dress Coats, Pants, Vests. Drawers. Collars, Undcrshif.s, Handkerchiefs, Hats & Capi, Boots St Shops, And everything u si ally found in a first class Gentleman's Furniihinfi Store. Fancy Goods of all kinds. Ladies Gaiters and Balmoral Fine Shoes, for Misses and Chil dren, Carpets and Oil Cloth, 4c. Also, a good stock ot . .A 5 C'rocerlet, auceutrrare, Hardware an4 Cutlery, Drugs, Oils, Paints, and all such articles as are usually found in a country store. JlSL. 1 he highest pricts paid for country produce. JSP" Goods sold at email profits, for Cash. ... . . Call and examine .my Stock and see for yourself, as I am always ready to wait on cus tomers, just above the buuare at nzht Cheap Cash Store and Clothing Emporium, Thompsontown. Pa. r. GEOVK. PCTER NtW F. GROVE & CO. X DEALERS IS t GBAIN FL0UKr &C. Car., Howard & Mulberry 8ts. tSJ" Consignments of Grain, Flour, and : Country Produce respectfully solicited. Also, ' lrge general assortment or Groceries Jon hand. PHILADELPHIA PAPER HANGINGS 18C5 1365 llOU ELr &, III It li L', MANUFACTURERS OF WALL PAPERS, AND WINDOW CURTAIN PAPERS, Corner FOURTH and MARKET Str PHILADELPHIA. K. H.Afine stock of LINEN F&ADK lantly on batd. Feb. 15, xS65-8 STRAY 0 HOC f1AM TO THK RESIDENCE OF THE W subscriber residing in Fsyetto township, Juniata County, Pa. a boar pig about ct:e year'old. The owner is reqaested to come forward prove property pay charges and take it away otherwise in will be disposed or ac cording to law. JOHN SEIBEIl. Oct 11, '9 F.SIGN EE NOTICE Notice is a reby XI given that David Sellers and John Detrick Esq. of Delaware township, Juniata county. Pa. have appointed El'bu Rentier Esq. assignee for the purpose of settling their aceounls du ly luthealieated for settlement and thoso in debted are required to niak immediate pay ment. ELIHC BENNER, Anitnta Sept 27, 'C5. .. ASSINEE'S NOTICE. Henry Brubaker of Ueaie tewnsbip. Juniata eounty, Pa. Having made a voluntary assignment of aTI his property raal and personal for the bene fit of creditors. All persons having claims against said Henry Brubaker are requested to present them properly authenticacd for sett lement and all persons owing him are requos -ed to make payment immediately to th in dersigned assignee residing at Mifflintown, Juniata countv Pa.. -i " JEREMIAH LYONS. Atiift,.. Sept.. 27, '6.r. J. B. B.OM.MAS. W. II. noLLMA ROLLMaV BROTHER), DRUG Am JEWELRY STORE. MAliV ST It ET TWO Doors North of Belford's Store. MIFFLINTOWN, TA, WOULD RESPECTFULLY CALL is attention or tn publis ta ur Stock of DRUGS, MEDICINES, PERFUMERY,- , FANCY SOAPS, and a large variety of notion! ; as also to our STOCK OF WATCnES, CLOCKS WATCH CHAINS, DREAST-P1NS, EAR AND FIXGER RINGS, SPECTACLES &. S&- WATCHES, CLOCKS and all kinds of W . Vf V ! ""Pe'reJ at the ebartesKnotic and on the ' MOST REASONABLE TERMS. ORDERS from PHYRiri A NS ly attended to. A liberal discount to Phy. sicians. Sept. 27, '65-tf ROLLXtAN BROTHERS Znswm imt JJmlnary. A'-whrnta, Juniata County, Pa. i'pIiE WINTR SESSION Ot THIS INST1- ' -A- Tl'TI will nA-w.tnA.riAA n tit wiilcoxmonceon Werfntirf.y, S'ovemher lit, 1S5. The nudorsigaed having obtained possess- j 1 ef the above Institute invilns l he nitmn. ! jon i age iSf U' young iadies who wish to obtain a . loorougu educalion. " Best advantages given i"1 kr,iches. Particular cpportwiiiiu af- different departments. Address . . ... CARL F. KOLBE.Tronrleior. : , . . Acadetnia, Juniala County, Fa. September ZT, ItiSS t. ; LADIES' PASCXFURS ! ! . . ' - AT ""-'- -JOHN FAREIRAS' Fur Mannfadtorr, "a. 71S Arch Street, above 7th, Phila,' I nave now in store of my own Importa tion and Manafac ture, one of the lar gest and most beau tiful selections ef FANCY FURS. for CHILDREN'S WEAR in the City. Alse a fine assortment of Gents' Fur Gloves and Ccllora. I am enabled to dispose of my goods at very reasonable prices, and I would therefore solicit a ball from my jriends of Juniatv coun ty and vicinity. JB-g" Remember the Name, Number and Street. JOB FAB2S1HA, 718 Arch Street, above 7th, south side, PHILADELPHIA. I have do partner, nor connection itk any other store in Philadelphia. Oct. 4, '65-4m. . D. W. niRLEY K COS CHEAP CLOTHING STOKE. This way for Bar gains!! HAVING PURCHASED FROM MANS bach & Van Ormer the large Clothing Establishment, situated -on the corner of Bridge-and Water streets, Mifflintown.Fenn syl7aa;a, we would respectfully iuform the Public that we have just received a large and well selected assortment of ready made Cloth ing, designed for til? Fall aad Winter Trade for 1S65. Such as Over Coats. Dress Coats, Business Coats, Common Coats; Pantaloons, Vests, Hats, Boots and Shoes of every -description, style and quality, for male or female. BOYS READY MADE CLOTHING. Also. Carpel. Whii Shirts. Fancy Over Shirts, Under Shirts. Oravrera, Hosiery, Gloves. Linen and Paper Colari, Cravats and Ties, Trunks. Um brellas, Travelling Bags 4c. Also, the latest styles of Ladies Cloaks, Cir culars and Furs. Persons in want of anything in our line will save money by giving us a ca'.l .hefore pur chasing elsewhere, es we ars determined to sell cheap for cash. (Oj- Dun L furget the corner, .Briuge aad Water Streets. D. W. BARLEY 4 Co. Oct. 4, 'Go. NEW- . JEWELRY STORE TnE undersigned would -respectfully AS M- imuriu me ciiirciio u niiiumi.wii and vicinit y, that he has opened a Jew elry Establishment on Main Street, Miftiin town, in. Thompson' Hotel, third door from the corner, where be will keep constantly oa hand and at grea'Jy reduced prices, Gold and Silver Watches, And a general variety of CLOCKS, FINGER J. RINGS, BREAST PINS, EAR RINGS, GOLD PENS. anJ PENCILS, SILVER PLATED WARE. SPECTACLES, together with a com . , . . r v . .-..j. piete assoniueui oi fnucy uuwu?. r-The repairing of Clocks. Watches and Jeweln- promptly atlended to, on short notice " i ' i. ... . in t, and on very reasonable terms. All work war- ! ranted to give satisfaction, ine publio at respectfully invited to give a call. THOMAS B. McCLELLAN. Aug. 30, 1805. Insurance Company of ITew York cash Capital - Two Million Hollars. Asset 1st Jan'y . 1S65 3,?05,5O.-,4?. Liabilities, ... " 77,JOI,52 THE "IIME" is n old, well establish cd and reliable company. No premium note. ?io assessments. It insures all kinds of property or goods, for any length of time, paying promptly in case of loss by fire. Ap plications solicited and pr'.leie? issued by A. H. wElDMAN. ' s Agent at Mifflintown. Ta. t TO THE NERVOUS DEBIIITATK AND ,"Vj.. V , T. "'rm DESPONDENT OF BOTH SEXES. AclettIeJ? ,ni1 "nr fence-tbe bilance be.ni; great sufferer having Keen restored to health in a' few days, after mir.y years of misery, is willing to assist his suffering fellow-creatures by sending (free), on the receipt of a postpaid addressed envelope, a copy of the formula of cure employed. Direct to joir: m. dagnall. . Box 183 Post Offlte, Brooklin. N. T. A UD1T0RS NOTICE The nndersigncd having bsen appointed Auditor by be Orphans' Court of Junia'a county, Pa , to distribute theassests remain ing in the hands of John C. M'Ginnis admin istrator de bonit non, aim ttitamento annexo of Michael Frank, late of Juniata county, de ceased to and among the heirs and legatees of said Michael Frank deceased aud pass up on the claims of the attaoliing creditors of Georgw Frank' (one of the heirs and legatees of said Michael Frank) to this legacy in th hands of th administrators aforesaid hereby gives notice that he will attend for the .pur pose of his appointment at his office in the Borough of Mifflintown, Juniata county. Pa., on THURSDAY the 9th day of .November, at 10 o'clock of said day, where all persons in terested may attend if they see proper. t . JSRE7J.IAII LYONS, iluior. Oct. 11, fl-L New Millinary Establishment- THE UNDERSIGNED HEREBY INFORMS the Ladies of Mifflintown and "vicinity th she has just returned front tn City with ' -h large assortment of Millinary good which she will dispose of at reasonable rates, tiuch as HATS, B E T 9 ,&C C2 made and repaired to order, .also, new ones ready mad ket oa nana ana tor aaia eneap. Sleeva, Ccat and other patterns kept on hand and fcr sale. Call and see before purchasing elsewhere." - " Call at tr e rei:i!8 of Nathan Keoley a few doers F. ast of ti rrs'sytr;i3 Clurej. . - TILLiX M. KEELEY. Oct.. 11, '65. ''- -".'; " : - PUBLIC SALE .- ' "' " "---0 t -x .. T ; ! TITB UNDERSIGNED" INTENDING Ttv go West will sell at Public Sal at Li iwai-' daniw, ia ll.a boEoughjaf. Parry siiii - Saturday. October 8th, 'J. All bis houuchoM goods, Con;ig:uig of a pie te suit of Wainul - .. . ... ; PARLOR FVRXITPRR which are nearly new, also. Chairs. Tab!, Cupboards, Kitchen and Dining Rooa Fur niture, THREE STOVES, Book Case, Clock. Carpets, Badsteads , Waak Stands, Loakiag CU asses, and auany Mbar - j. tides too numerous to specify. Ala at ta -sam tima 250 GRAIN BAGS, Holding from Two to Thrae bushels each Also, Six Shares of Perrysvill B.RIDOE STOCK, which is now paying a good dividend. Al ' a quantity of seasoned Lumber, consisting f Boards. Scant Iin, Plastering Lath 3 aa 4 feet. Window Sash 9x10 and 10x12, Ac. Sale to commence at 12 o'clock M., when conditions will be mads known by U. D. TH0MA9. Oct. n,-t. PUBLIC SALE OF Valuable Real Estate. BY VIRTUE OF AN ORDER FROM TI13 Orphans ' Court of Juniata county, ah undersigned Administratrix of th estate of Richard Cunningham, late of Milford town ship, deceased, will expose to aal at publia outcry on the premises iu Milford township, twa miles west of Mifflintown, on FRIDAY, OCTOBER 27th, 1S6J The following Real Estate, to wit : A tract of Land situated aa above stated, and adjoining lands of David Cunningham. Barbara McDoa aid, Thomas Stewart and John Cunningham, containing about 116 Acres. About i'KI of which are tleared and under good cultivation, being limestone land, and the balance being timber land. The improvements consist of a Two Story 5)WELLI.fi HOUSE A good Bank Barn, Corn Crib and other eut buildings. Also a Tenant House. Thar ia also a well of Water at the door and thr never-failing Springs of Water on ike )ren ises. TERMS: So much of,'the purchase money as may be necessary to pay the expense of tale to be paid on the confirmation thereof; ne-third of the balance to remain in th premises, the interest to be paid to Catharin Cunningham, widow of said decedent, anna ally on the first day of April for and during bar natural life; and at her death, the priaci pa! to the heirs and legal representatives of kaid deceased, one third to be paid on th j first day of April next and th rsidu in oa ;year thereafter with in'.erent. :o t a secured by me recognizance of th purebaier wita s- curity. Any person desiring further informttioM can eall upon the undersigned on th pr em la ta or address hr at Patterson post Offioe. Sale to commence at 1 o'clock P. M., of sail day when attendance will be given by CATHARINE CUNNINGHAM, OeL 11, '65. E STATE NOTICE ' En aie of Andv-x Eovertez &t'd. Notice is hereby given that Lett era of Ad ministration on the Estate of Andrew Bower sox late of Walker township, dee'd. hara been I granted to the undersigned residing in ,Waik ; er township. All persons knowing themsel- r lownsuin. au persons tnowin? i . , , , r, r, j !V"? , " ' re''ue!,,. 5!? . 'i ' paJ,1,tn, Jo having I claims will please present them duly aulhea- ticatcd for settlement. JAC0I1 F. SMITH. Admu,ut!r. Oct. IU6t. OiPHAHS- COURT SALE. By virtue of h order of th Orphans' Coort of Jun'ata County, the undersigned, ad ministrator of the estate of Wm. Dunn, lata of Oakland Mills, deo'd.' will expos to sala at publio outcry on the premises, on THURSDAY, NOVEMBER lltu, 1M3, The fillctritif Real Estate Property , 1 teif p. A certain piece of Ian4 ship, adjoining lands of Lucian Wilson, G. D.-itfendeiver, M & Iloffmau and Adam Wid man, containing FIVE ACRES " UUVVII,UU No. 2. A lot of laad contiguous) to the above and contain ing .1)3 PERCHES, having thereon ereoted a DWELLING HOUSE and FRAME STABLE, also, is shop suitable for a shoemaker or tailor. TERMS .-One third of the purchas mon ey to be paid on confirmation of sale by la court and the remaining two-thirds to b paid on the first day of April, IPOti, wkc a dee will be made and possession given. Sale to commenoe at .10 o'clock, A. M., of said day when attendance will be given by ' SAMUEL DUNN. Admr. NOTICE TO COLLECTORS OF MILITIA TAX. Notice is hereby given to all Col lectors previous to l.SC-. that they are re oucsted toireet the Cqmxiss'uners of Joniata. Coonty, at their- office, in the Borough of Mifflintown, cn FRIDAY, NOVEMBER, lOtbi 1865, for tie purpose of receiving exonera tions of Militia Tax and settling up their Duplicates. All Collectors failing to comply with this notice will be proceeded against aa cording to law. By flrder of the Board. ' OetlfcMd. a, J. G3EER, C7r. ESTATE NOTICE -Ettate of Samuel Kurtz, dte'd. Notice is hereby given that letterof Ad ministrator of the estate of Samuel Hurts, late of Delaware township, deceased, hav been granted to the undersigned residing ia the . same township. All persons knowing; themselves indebted to said estate are request ed 0 make immediate n,vmnl snH thAuikav. i '" c'.a'm5 w'' P'esse present them duly ait- inaniicaten lor satuemeat. JOHN KCRIZ. . Oct. 4. 6t. Admmutratop VENDUE ' CRIEf . . AUCTIONEER The undersigned offers hi eerviees t th public aa Vendue Cryer and Aietior. H has bad a very' large experience, aad. feels confident that he can give B4tifi.ctiot all who may employ him. He may be addroste at Mifflintown, or found at bis bom in Far. aaaasi townsLiT). - Oridr hiit xia b Ufi at Mr. T11P Ectel. - Jaa. Z 1851. . . WIXLIAJJ GITiri